Fun facts about Porn

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Fun Facts About Porn

Author/Researcher: Hehehehaw
Editor: dpw

Summary: The aim of this document is to provide a compilation of sources to

showcase the dangers of porn and masturbation, why they are unhealthy and should
be absent from society.
Document is purely for educational purposes, if there is any false information
provided here, please report it to us.

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Mental Health

Mental Illness
Porn use has link to mental illness

Depression & Mood

Longitudinal study found pornography use has negative effect on depression and life

Porn use results in higher rates of depression

Porn is associated with increased lower self-esteem

Greater masturbation frequency is associated with less happiness

Depressive symptoms are linked with greater desire for masturbation
Depression is significantly associated with masturbation among women, higher
masturbation frequency results in higher depression

Depressive symptoms are associated with higher rates of masturbation among women

Watching porn leads to lower life satisfaction

A significant relationship also exists among teens between frequent pornography use
and feelings of loneliness, including major depression.

High rates of impersonal sex are related to separation from parents during childhood,
relationship instability, STDs, tobacco smoking, substance abuse, and dissatisfaction
with life in general

One older study found that "introversion and depression show significant correlations
with autoerotic stimulation and arousal, but not with heterosexual activity."

"After adjusting for demographics, porn users reported greater depressive symptoms,
poorer quality of life, more mental & physical-health diminished days, and lower health

Having an orgasm from purely penile stimulation of the vagina as opposed to orgasms
from masturbation is associated with greater satisfaction (with sex life, mental health,
relationships with both partners and friends, and life in general)

The earlier you begin using pornography, the more likely you are to form a drug

Adolescents exposed to high levels of porn have lower levels of sexual self-esteem.

Longitudinal study found that " For both men and women, excessive pornography use
at 3 months was associated with increased depression at 6 months. "

Defence Mechanisms
Greater use of immature psychological defence mechanisms is associated with lesser
vaginal orgasm consistency, with any orgasm from clitoral masturbation during PVI, and
with greater frequency of masturbation orgasm

Immature defences are independently predicted by masturbation for both sexes

Higher masturbation frequency is associated with immature defence mechanisms

(which are linked to psychopathology), as opposed to penile vaginal activity which is
associated with less immature defence mechanisms

“According to APA’s own criteria, contradictions of APA’s reasoning are shown and scientific
and logical reasons are presented that show masturbation and homosexuality should be
considered as abnormal behaviours. We reviewed “statistical”, “well-being”, “dysfunction”,
“anatomo-physiological” and “social norm” criteria for healthy sexual behaviours and
showed that, according to the real healthy criteria, masturbation and homosexuality are not
normal behaviours.”

"PPU (Problematic Porn Use) is positively predicted by vicarious sadism (enjoying

others' suffering)"

There is an association between penile-vaginal intercourse and indices of better

physiological and psychological function.
Other sexual behaviours (masturbation, partner masturbation, oral sex, anal sex, or any
other sex that excludes penile-vaginal intercourse) are either unrelated or occasionally
negatively related to indices of physiological and psychological function.
Vaginal orgasm is related to better psychological health than clitoral orgasm

Insecure attachment styles are associated with lesser vaginal orgasm consistency, and
are directly related to greater frequency of other sexual behaviours such as masturbation
Watching pornography is significantly associated with higher grey matter in amygdala
(this is an indicator of and leads to behavioural disorders)
And is also significantly associated with worse connectivity between the left amygdala
seed and bilateral dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (basically: brain works less good :<)

Pornography use leads to less white matter in the brain and other changes for the

Pornography viewers have lower levels of grey matter in the brain

Although some antipsychotic medications might cause sexual dysfunction and low desire (for
some, at least in part through prolactin-ergic mechanisms), there is also evidence that
untreated schizophrenics have low desire for sex with a partner, and other studies also
indicate that schizophrenics have low rates of partnered sexual activity but elevated
rates of masturbation

Penile-vaginal intercourse (PVI) but not other sexual behaviour is associated with better
psychological and physiological function.
Persons who report PVI (but no other sexual activities) have better stress responses
than persons reporting other or no sexual behaviours.

Childhood sexual contact is associated with hyper-sexuality (high levels of

masturbation, thoughts about sex, varieties of sexual practices, partner turnover)

Everyone knows this but some people are sick enough to deny it: pornography addiction is
a real scientifically-documented psychological phenomenon.

Addiction to pornography functions similarly as chemical dependency on cocaine

"Moreover, we reviewed available neuroscientific literature on Internet pornography addiction
and connect the results to the addiction model. The review leads to the conclusion that
Internet pornography addiction fits into the addiction framework and shares similar basic
mechanisms with substance addiction."

A longitudinal study following Internet users has found that accessing pornography online
is predictive of compulsive computer use after 1 year.
Pornography use is a behavioural addiction (in case you somehow didn't know already

Watching porn is an escalating behaviour

Benefits of Abstinence
"Clinical reports suggest that terminating Internet pornography use is sometimes
sufficient to reverse negative effects"

Abstaining from masturbation has a measurably positive impact on testosterone levels

Abstinence from masturbation has a statistically significant positive effect on

testosterone, with a 50% increase in only a week, then stability

After 3 weeks, when comparing results before and after abstinence (from masturbation),
higher testosterone concentrations are observed following the period of abstinence.
This data demonstrates that abstinence does produce elevated levels of testosterone in

In a 2007 animal study, researchers found that androgen receptors in the brain (which help
your body make use of testosterone) were lower with frequent masturbation (thus would
be higher with less masturbation)

Effect on Semen
Semen volume, sperm concentration, and total sperm count increase significantly with
abstinence length

After abstinence from masturbation the sperm volume and concentration increases
gradually with the length of abstinence from masturbation, being approximately 2 times
higher after 10 days of abstinence than after 1 day of abstinence. The total sperm count
increased about 4 fold from 1 day of abstinence to 10 days of abstinence. The WBC
(white blood cell) count showed a small increase with longer abstinence periods. The pH
remained essentially the same

This study finds the same as the above (except the last sentence), with the addition of:
Condom use appears to impair some benefits of penile-vaginal intercourse

Duration of abstinence has a statistically significant positive influence on sperm

concentration and semen volume (better sperm)
Abstinence had no statistically significant influence on pH, viability, total and grade A
motility, or morphology (no bad effect)
The percentage of DNA fragmentation remained unchanged relative to abstinence. (sperm
doesn't have worse fertilisation)

Lengthy sexual abstinence was found to increase semen volume and concentration
and total sperm count, whereas motility (unconscious muscle contractions) and normal
morphology decreased significantly

There is a significant difference in sperm concentration with respect to how many

ejaculations a person has during a 7-day period before the abstinence period. Sperm motility
and morphology are not affected by ejaculatory frequency.

Effects on Social Life

Porn use results in a decrease in academic performance

Controlling for covariates, U.S. army soldiers in 2018 who watched porn were between
1.72–3.56 more likely to report any lifetime perpetration of IPV (Intimate Partner

Problematic pornography use is associated with Intimate Partner Violence

Watching porn more than doubles the rate of divorce

Porn has been shown to increase marital infidelity by 300 percent, according to a 2004
study in Social Science Quarterly.
“Adults who had watched an X-rated movie in the past year were more likely to be
divorced, more likely to have had an extramarital affair, and less likely to report being
happy with their marriage or happy overall.
For men, pornography use reduced the positive relationship between frequency of sex
and happiness.
The negative relationship between pornography use and marital well-being has, if
anything, grown stronger over time, during a period in which pornography has become
both more explicit and more easily available."

"Numerous studies have examined the connection between pornography viewing and marital
quality, with findings most often revealing a negative association.
In general, married persons who more frequently viewed pornography in 2006 reported
significantly lower levels of marital quality in 2012, net of controls for earlier marital
quality and relevant correlates.
Pornography's effect was not simply a proxy for dissatisfaction with sex life or marital
decision-making in 2006.
[...] frequency of pornography use in 2006 was the second strongest predictor of marital
quality in 2012."

Studies report that people who use porn feel less love for their spouse/partner and are
more dissatisfied with their spouse/partner than people who do not use porn.

The study of more than 50,000 participants who had taken part in 50 previous porn
studies, found men who watch porn in an intimate relationship are more likely to be less
satisfied with their sex life and their partner.

68% of divorce cases involve one party meeting a new paramour over the internet while
56% involve one party having an “obsessive interest” in pornographic websites.

"Binary logistic regression analyses showed that married Americans who viewed
pornography at all in 2006 were more than twice as likely as those who did not view
pornography to experience a separation by 2012, even after controlling for 2006 marital
happiness and sexual satisfaction as well as relevant sociodemographic correlates."

"Americans who viewed pornography at all in 2006 were nearly twice as likely as those
who never viewed pornography to report experiencing a romantic breakup by 2012, even
after controlling for relevant factors such as 2006 relationship status and other
sociodemographic correlates."
"We found that the probability of divorce roughly doubled for married Americans who
began pornography use between survey waves"

"Results from our analyses revealed significant and positive associations between
pornography use and loneliness for all three models."

Penile-Vaginal intercourse (PVI) frequency is directly associated with all life & sexual
life satisfaction measures, whereas masturbation frequency is independently inversely
associated with almost all life & sexual life satisfaction measures, and non PVI sex
frequencies independently inversely associated with many satisfaction measures

People who watch porn regularly are less likely to get married than those who do not

People who view porn regularly are less likely to get married than those who do not and
this is because users see porn as a substitute for marital sexual gratification.

The frequency of penile-vaginal intercourse correlates positively with PRQC

dimensions: Satisfaction, Intimacy, Trust, Passion, Love and Global Relationship Quality
Masturbation frequency is inversely associated with love

Frequency of pornography use was more strongly associated with feeling out of
control when relationship and sexual satisfaction were lower
Couple dissatisfaction puts the individual at risk of reporting out-of-control
pornography use

Behaviours & Views

A systematic review of 17 studies found that Internet pornography and general
pornography, are significantly linked with greater unsafe sex practices and number of
sexual partners

Frequent pornography use is associated with many problematic behaviours.

Frequent users of pornography are more likely to live in a large city, consume alcohol
more often, have greater sexual desire, and more often sell sex than other boys of the
same age.

The longer you watch porn, the more likely you are to watch minor intercourse
More frequent exposure to sexually explicit material is associated with greater sexual
uncertainty and more positive attitudes toward uncommitted sexual exploration (i.e.,
sexual relations with casual partners/friends or with sexual partners in one-night

Elevated rates of impersonal sex are associated with a range of negative health
indicators in the general population, including hypersexuality & paraphilic sexual
interests (exhibitionism, voyeurism, masochism/sadism, homosexuality)

According to one 2016 study, 46.9% of respondents reported that, over time, they began
watching pornography that had previously disinterested or even disgusted them.

According to a 2016 survey of children aged 11-16, over half of the boys (53%) and over a
third of the girls (39%) believed that porn was a realistic depiction of sex

Porn strongly influences how people view sex

In fact 44% of boys aged 11–16 who consumed porn report that it gave them ideas about
the type of sex they wanted to try.

Repeatedly watching an erotic stimulus makes it not only as less sexually arousing each
time, but also as less appetitive and absorbing

Review of 20 papers found that "[...] sexually explicit material is associated with sexual
behaviour, sexual norms and attitudes, gender attitudes, self-esteem, sexual
satisfaction, uncertainty and preoccupancy."
The studies also reported "developmental effects on adolescents' behavioural, cognitive
and emotional well-being."

Masturbation is predicted by childhood sexualisation and absence of sexual partner

Liberal sexual values further increased the current probability of masturbation.

When looking at porn, men ejaculate more & faster for new women as opposed to the same
women more times
Sexual Aggression
In both males and females watching porn is significantly associated with more verbal
and physical sexual aggression in US and internationally, as revealed by meta analysis
of 22 studies

22 studies from 7 different countries were analysed:

Porn consumption was associated with sexual aggression in the United States and
internationally, among males and females, and in cross-sectional and longitudinal studies

Porn has significant impact on adolescents in regards to sexual attitudes, beliefs,

behaviours, and sexual aggression as well as destroying self-concept, body image,
social development

Porn use increases rates of body dissatisfaction, self-objectification, sexist beliefs,

sexual violence, and diminished views on women's competence and mortality

The more people watch porn, the more likely they are to believe that violence against
women is acceptable, research suggests. The study also noted an increase in overall
aggression that came with pornography use.

The more you watch porn, the more likely you are to identify as LGBT, almost 35% of people
who watch porn several times a day are LGBT

Porn can make you bisexual according to xhamster

Those who watched multiple times a day were more than twice as likely to identify as
bisexual than those who watched only once a week

Gay and bisexual men watch porn 3 times more than heterosexual men (U.S., May 1st

Homosexuals are significantly more likely to engage in masturbation

Gay men on average watch 3 hours of porn every week compared to only 70 minutes for
heterosexual men
Homosexuals watch almost 3 times more pornography on average

Association between porn use and sexual behaviours is statistically significant

Sexual/gender minority (i.e. gay, trans) women first view porn at a significantly younger
age than heterosexual women
Sexual/gender minority males have highest frequency of consuming porn out of all

Gay men consume 2–3 times more SEM (Sexualy Explicit Media) (Porn) than
heterosexual men

Porn, over time, has the ability to alter sexual tastes so that the users believe the
acquired tastes are natural. Thus, porn essentially rewires the brain with frequent use,
according to a study published in the Journal of Adolescent Health in 2000.

Watching porn can cause more mental health issues in both men and women, these
include anxiety, depression, insecurity, and body image issues (like gender dysphoria),
to name a few.

Porn is taking over society

Porn is ruining our society and perverting younger and younger kids
22% of porn viewers under 18 are less than 10 years old

Porn use is rising in adolescents

In 2008, 14.4% of boys were exposed to porn before the age of 13

In 2011, 48.7% of boys were exposed to porn before age of 13

In 2017, 69% of males ages 15-29 said that they were exposed to porn when they were
13 or younger
In same study median age of seeing porn was 13 for men and 16 for women
Porn is regularly watched by 45% of 14 years olds

Scary study on universities showed about 20% of males have porn addiction;year=2021;volume=4;issue

2/3 of HR professionals have found porn in employees' work computer

In 2012, estimates of the total number of pornographic websites stood at nearly 25

million comprising about 12% of all the websites.

Why are we not taught about how dangerous and harmful porn is? Because the porn
industry brings more money than NFL, NBA, and MLB combined.
015-2020/ and

Porn has taken over our society so much that today, porn sites receive more website
traffic in the U.S. than Twitter, Instagram, Netflix, Pinterest, and LinkedIn combined (24
May, 2021)

Physical Health

Sexual Dysfunction
Watching porn is significantly linked with erectile dysfunction and inversely related to
sexual function

Porn is directly linked to erectile dysfunction in men

Porn is directly linked to sexual dysfunction in women, as well as men

Masturbation is associated with sexual function problems and promiscuity among women
Prostate Cancer
Masturbation is Related to Psychopathology and Prostate Dysfunction

Scientists have debunked media lies about the study that supposedly found
masturbation reducing the risk of prostate cancer by 20% (it didn't)

A review of several studies found that in general, men who developed prostate cancer
had lower rates of penile-vaginal intercourse at age ≥50 years than age-matched
controls, and a greater frequency of masturbation

Those with the first ejaculation at earlier age (≤12 years), those with the first intercourse
at younger age (≤15 years), and those with the habit of masturbation are more likely to
have prostate cancer

Studies the media use as evidence for masturbation having 20% decreases in risk of
prostate cancer do not show that at all. They show that frequent ejaculation can
decrease risk of prostate cancer, but this does not apply for masturbation as shown by
the large body of research which examines differences between sex and masturbation
and their effect on prostate cancer

Masturbation, as well as frequent sexual activity in youth such as 20s and 30s is
associated with higher risk of prostate cancer, while in men 50+ it may have a neutral or
positive effect

Penile-vaginal intercourse frequency is associated with longitudinal predictors of better
cardiovascular health, but not other sexual behaviour such as masturbation

Persons who only masturbated have more systolic BP (blood pressure) reactivity than
those who had Penile Vaginal Intercourse but not the other behaviours.
Masturbation is correlated with worse blood pressure

When comparing exercise value (oxygen uptake, and blood pressure and heart rate
stimulation) of men engaged in: masturbation, masturbation by a partner, and two
intercourse positions (man on top and woman on top);
Penile-Vaginal intercourse produced greater duration of heart rate elevation and
substantially greater oxygen uptake at orgasm than the other activities

Alexithymia is inversely associated with frequency of vaginal intercourse among

women, opposite of masturbation

One old study found that successful nonhormonal treatment of erectile dysfunction led
to an increase in FSI (frequency of Penile-Vaginal intercourse), a concomitant decrease in
masturbation frequency, and a decrease in psychiatric symptoms


^ Results of a poll on reasons why people joined no fap


The parent company of Pornhub has a history of sex trafficking monetization

Exposure to pornography may increase the risk of a teen pregnancy.

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