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My Name is


I am ……………………. Years old

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Name: ………………………………………………………
School: ……………………………………………………..

1. Find the number for the picture.

5 9 2

6 3 2 4 4

8 10 1

flower girl

star stone

moon basket

stool cat
table tin

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2. Name these pictures correctly.

……………. ………….. ……...........

……………. ………….. ……….......

……………. ………….. ……….......

……………. ………….. ………........

……………. ………….. ………...........

……………. ………….. ……….........

…………… ……………. ………......

……………. ……………. ………......

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6. Complete the sentences.
This is a ………………………………………….

This is a ………………………………………….

This is a ………………………………………….

This is a ………………………………………….

This is a ………………………………………….

This is a ………………………………………….

This is a ………………………………………….

This is a ………………………………………….
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4. Read and shade.

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5. Read and draw.

bag __________________ stool _________________

door _________________ broom _______________

candle _______________ umbrella ____________

tree __________________ ball _________________

house __________________ eye _________________

hut __________________ fish_________________

drum __________________ key _________________

apple _______________ ladder _______________

ant __________________ man _________________

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6. Make sentences using: I can see a __________

__________________ __________________

__________________ __________________

__________________ __________________

__________________ __________________

__________________ __________________

__________________ __________________

__________________ __________________

__________________ __________________

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7. Write the correct preposition.





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8. Match to the correct preposition.






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9. Read and draw.

in ___________________

over ___________________

near ___________________

under ___________________

on ____________________

10. Fill in the correct missing words.

A _______________ and a ________________

A _______________ and a ________________

A ____________ and a _____________

A _______________ and a ________________

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A _______________ and a ________________

A _______________ and a ________________

A _______________ and a ________________

A _______________ and a ________________

A _____________ and a _____________

A _______________ and a ________________

A _______________ and a ________________

A _______________ and a ________________

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1. Copy and learn letters.
a b c D e f g

h i j K l m n

o p q R s t u

v w x Y z

2. Write the next letter.

a b _________

a b c _________

a b c d _________

a b c d e _________

a b c d e f _________

a b c d e f g _________

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3. Match capital to small letters.
A j
B h
C i
D a
E b
F c
G d
H e
I f
J g
4. Change capital words to small.
ONION onion
LEAF ________________________
KITE ________________________
BAG ________________________
LEG ________________________
MOON ________________________
AXE ________________________

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5. Copy and learn capital and small letters.
Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg

Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn

Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu

Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz

6. Change a small letter to a capital letter.

m M
n ___________
0 ___________
p ___________
q ___________
t ___________
y ___________
w ___________

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1. Draw the garden tools.

hoe __________________ rake _________________

panga ________________ spade _______________

slasher ________________ knife ________________

axe __________________
2. Draw these dangerous objects.

fire ________________ needle ______________

nail ________________ stone ________________

razor blade ________________

safety pin __________________

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3. Draw the clothes we wear.
shirt dress

short vest

trouser tie


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4. Enjoy drawing a cow.

5. Draw the things in class.

table _________________ chair ________________

pencils _________________ chalk ________________

1- tin _________________ ruler ________________

Fill in the missing letters
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A d E f h
l m O q s t
v w Y z

2- Name these pictures

(spoon, stool, table, bag, basket,

book, cup)
3- Read and draw
It is a tree. She is a girl.

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This is a ball. It is a book.

It is a flower.

4- Fill in the missing letters

apple flower
__pp__ __ __low__r

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pen __ __sh
p __ n
ball book
b__ ll b__ __k

__ __y

5- Read and shade

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red yellow

green black
6- Fill in the missing letters.
a, b, ____ d ___ f ___ h ___
____ k ___ m ___ ___
7- Circle the same words.
book bell book

dog dog goat

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bottle pot pot

girl boy boy

dress bottle dress

8- Read and shade

yellow banana red ball

blue dress pink bag

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4.Name these pictures.

(book moon egg sun cup

hat tin box)

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5.Match the same

Read these letters
c d l m f
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9- Read and draw.
Bag stool drum

Pen bench Fish

Axe leaf tree

Book pencil Table

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10- Complete the sentences

This is a ________________

This is a __________________

This is a _______________

This is a ________________

This is a _______________
(sun chair moon flower basket)

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11- Find the picture number.

girl_____ apple _____ pot _____

cat____ table _____ knife____

Circle the odd man out

f g v w
g w

a b c e
b e

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Tell these pictures.

12- Listen and write (syllables).

____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____
13- Colour the correct path.

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14- Join and form words
t______ r______
ha ca
d______ t______
n______ n_____
pa ma
m______ t______
n ______
15- Copy the same
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16- Read these words
had fan at mad fad an

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1. Name the shapes

______________ _____________

______________ _____________

______________ _____________

2. Write the numbers.

3. Write the middle number.

0 _______ 2 3 _______ 5

6 _______ 7 9 _______ 11

1 _______ 3

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4. Write the number after.
0 __________ 1 __________

2 __________ 3 __________

4 __________ 5 __________

5. Write the number before

_________ 1 _________ 2

_________ 3 _________ 4

_________ 5 _________ 6

6. Add the numbers correctly.

1 + 2 = __________ 0 + 0 = __________

4 + 1 = __________ 2 + 2 = __________

3 + 1 = __________ 1 + 1 = __________

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7. Add the pictures correctly.
+ = __________________

+ = _______________

+ = ________________

+ = ________________

8. Count and write.

= ________ = ________

= _______

= ________ = ________

9. Read and write the number.

six ________
seven _______
eight _______
nine _______
ten _______
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10. Write the number word.
0 ______________ 1 ______________
2 _____________ 3 ______________
4 _____________ 5 _____________
11. Write a number for the word.
zero ___________ five ___________
three ___________ six ___________
four ___________

17- Copy and write numbers

0 1 2 3 4 5

6 7 8 9 10 11

12 13 14 15

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18- Draw the beads for the numbers
9 =






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19- Count and circle.

7 2 1

3 5 0

2 1 7

5 6 9

1 3 7

6 7 1

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20- Add objects
+ =
+ =

+ =
+ =

+ =
21- Read and match





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22- Write the next number
0, ____ 6, _____ 9, ____

8, _____ 2, ____ 3, _____

10, ____
23- Count and write

= = =

= = =

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24- Circle the odd man out

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25- Shade small objects

26- Match equal sets

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27- Tick correctly
0– zero one

2– three two

4- four six

1– one zero

5- four five

7- seven eight

8- eight nine

10 - two te

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Enjoy writing.

Enjoy writing.

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Enjoy writing.

I can write.

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I can write.

I can write

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I love writing

I love writing

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I love writing

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1. Draw a picture for the sound.

s _________________ a _________________

t _________________ p _________________

i _________________ n _________________

h _________________ c _________________

k _________________ r _________________

e _________________ m _________________

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2. Read and draw.
sun tin

__________________ __________________

apple leg

__________________ __________________

pot mat

__________________ __________________

cup bag

__________________ __________________

jug hat

__________________ __________________
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3. Match a sound to its word.
g pot

c tin

k sun

e egg

r kite

s cat

a gun

t rake

p egg

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4. Tick a word for the given sound.
s sun ball
a leg apple
t tin pot
g gun tree
d chair doll
m mat girl
e jug egg
h hat ten

6. Name the pictures.

_________________ _________________

_________________ _________________

_________________ _________________

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28- Read and draw (our transport)

aeroplane bicycle boat

train lorry bus

29- Fill in the missing letter

ax____ hoe panga
h___e p___nga

spade rake
sp___de r___ke
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30- Match and draw things in the

Chair ___________

Bench ___________

Bag ____________

Ruler ____________

Tin ___________

book ___________

pencil __________

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31- Name these important people.

__________ ________

__________ ________

__________ ___________
cook, cleaner, policeman,
teacher, farmer, nurse
32- Shade a cat and a cow.

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33- Match to their belonging

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34- Match the same words (people
at home).
Sister baby
father mother
brother sister
mother father
baby brother
35- Find the picture number and

church_______ house _______ hospital ______

school ______ market ______ garden ______
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36- oral
1- who flies an aeroplane?
2- Who keeps law and order?
3- Who heads a school?
4- Where do you live?
5- What is the colour of your uniform?
6- What is the first day of the week?
7- Who is your head teacher?

37- Name these pictures (things at


(tin, mat, spoon, kettle, cup, chair)

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38- Circle the same words
broom broom bed
tin table table
kettle kite kettle
church chair chair
spoon sit spoon
39- Copy the same (important


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40- Shade

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41- Tick the same words.
priest pen priest
duck doctor doctor
Imam Imam man
teen teacher teacher
nurse net nurse
police station policeman policeman
gatekeeper gate man gatekeeper

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42- Match and draw







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43- Read and match






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44- Oral
1. Who is your teacher?
2. On which day do you go to church?
3. Who treats you when you are sick?
4. In which class are you?
5. Who brings you at school?
6. Who cooks food at home?
7. What is the colour of a leaf?
45- Shade a train and an aeroplane

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46- Read and draw

mother sister brother

baby father

47- Name the pictures

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48- Read and circle correctly



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49- Tick the correct word

school shool
hurch church
hospital holpital
mosque squemo
ketrma market
toilet lettoil
50- Shade a nurse

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