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This is an onlineexam program ,I need to create a User Documentation for this program .

1. Introduction

The purpose of this document is to provide with a guide on how to use the online
exam program. This document will outline how to use the program, as well as provide
tips on how to get the most out of the program.
2. How to Use the Online Exam Program

To use the online exam program, will need to first login to the system. Once have
logged in, will be taken to the main page of the program. The main page of the
program consists of three sections:
1. The first section is the 'Exams' section. This section contains a list of all the exams
that have access to.
2. The second section is the 'My Exams' section. This section contains a list of all the
exams that have currently scheduled.
3. The third section is the 'Tools' section. This section contains a variety of tools that
can use to help with exams.
To view the details of an exam, can either click on the exam name in the 'Exams'
section, or can click on the 'View Details' link in the 'My Exams' section.
When view the details of an exam, will see a page that contains information about the
exam. This page contains the following information:
1. The name and description of the exam.
2. The date and time of the exam.
3. The location of the exam.
4. The duration of the exam.
5. The number of questions in the exam.
6. The type of questions in the exam.
7. The weight of the questions in the exam.
To view the questions in an exam, can click on the 'Preview Questions' link. When
preview the questions, will see a page that contains a list of the questions in the exam.
question is shown with its title and the number of marks that it is worth.
can also filter the questions by topic. To do this, click on the 'Filter Questions' link.
When filter the questions, will see a page that contains a list of the questions in the
exam. Each question is shown with its title and the number of marks that it is worth.
The questions are divided into the following topics:
- Algebra
- Calculus
- Geometry
- Trigonometry
- Probability and Statistics
- Mathematical Reasoning

The software helps users to generate exams or questionnaires. It enables them to

prepare for the exams and to send surveys to their clients.The application is built
using Vue and Node, with a backend built using Spring Boot. The database is
MySQL. Here,will need to have Node, Vue, Java, Spring Boot, Maven, and MySQL
installed and set up before can run the application locally.Clone the repository
git clone
Install the required dependencies
cd spring-boot-vue-mysql npm install
Start the application
npm start

Here should first make sure have node, vue, Java, Spring boot, Maven and Mysql
server in environment. If not, please set up environment first before start the
 Node
 vue
 Java
 Spring boot
 Maven
 Mysql server

In this document, we will show how to install and configure the Spring Boot, Maven,
and MySQL Server development environment on Ubuntu 16.04.
To complete this, will need the following:
Ubuntu 16.04 server
Root privileges
Step 1 - Install Java
In order to build Java applications with Spring Boot, will first need to install Java. can
install Java by running the following command:
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install oracle-java8-installer
Once Java is installed, can verify the installation by running the following command:
java -version
The output should look something like this:
java version "1.8.0_131" Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_131-b11)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25. 131-b11, mixed mode)

4.User Interface:
Users will be able to log in and take exams.
Exams will be randomly generated, and will be based on a set of questions provided
by the instructor.
The program will keep track of the user's progress, and will provide a score at the end
of the exam.

The system consists of three parts:

1. Administrator Interface
2. Student Interface
3. Exam Database
The administrator interface is used to create, modify and delete exams, students and
grades. The student interface is used to take exams, view grades and print certificates.
The exam database stores all the exam data.

The administrator interface is used to create, modify and delete exams, students and
grades. The administrator can create new exams, add questions to exams, change the
order of questions within exams, and delete exams. The administrator can also create
new students, add student details such as name and date of birth, and assign grades to
students. The administrator can also delete students.
The student interface is used to take exams, view grades and print certificates. When
the student logs in, they will be able to see a list of all the exams that they are
registered for. For each exam, the student will be able to see the questions, the time
limit, the marks awarded for each question, and the total marks for the exam. The
student can also print a certificate of completion for each exam.
The exam database stores all the exam data. The database contains a table of exams,
with columns for the exam ID, the question ID, the marks awarded for each question,
and the total marks for the exam.

5. Architecture
Model View Controller (MVC) is a software architecture pattern that helps to develop
online exam web applications. The MVC pattern divides an application into three
the model, the view, and the controller.
The model represents the application's data. The view displays the data to the user and
allows the user to interact with it. The controller mediates between the model and the
The MVC pattern helps you to:
- Organize your code into logical units
- Easily test your code
- Easily modify your code
- Easily add new features to your application
The MVC pattern is used in many different web frameworks, including Ruby on
Rails, Laravel, and Express.
MVC (Model-View-Controller) is a design pattern which divides an application into
three parts: the model, the view, and the controller.
The model represents the data and business logic of the application. The view
represents the user interface and displays the data from the model. The controller
manages the interactions between the model and the view.
MVC is popular because it helps to organize an application in a logical way and
makes it easy to develop and test.

In online exam MVC-based application, there are three core components:

The model represents the data in the system. The view is the user interface that
renders the model data for the user. The controller accepts input from the user and
updates the model based on that input.
In a web application, the view is typically a web page, and the controller is a Java. In
a desktop application, the view might be a window or web, and the controller might
be a JavaBean.
The advantage of the MVC pattern is that it separates the presentation of data from
the logic that manipulates the data. This makes it easier to modify the user interface
without affecting the underlying data, and it makes it easier to modify the data
structure without affecting the user interface.
Online exam program works will vary depending on the specific technologies and
frameworks used. However, in general, an online exam program will likely use a
combination of a web application framework (like Spring Boot or Ruby on Rails) and
a backend database (MySQL ) to allow users to take online exams.
When a user completes an online exam, their answers will be stored in the backend
database. The web application can then access this data to generate reports and track
student progress.
6. Access Application
An online exam program works by allowing students to take exams remotely, through
a web browser. The exams are typically programmed in Java, and run on a Spring
Boot server. The exams are stored in a MySQL database, and the grading is done
automatically.Exams can be taken by students of any age, and there is no limit to the
number of students who can take exams at the same time. The exams can be
administered in any language, and can be graded automatically in any language.
The exam program can be used for any type of exam, including multiple choice,
true/false, short answer, and essay questions. The exams can be used for any type of
course, including high school, college, and graduate school courses.
1. Users access the online exam program through a web browser.
2. The program is implemented using Vue.js, Java, Spring Boot, and MySQL.
3. The exam content is stored in a MySQL database.
4. Java and Spring Boot are used to develop the backend logic for the program.
5. Vue.js is used to create the user interface.
6. MySQL is used to store the exam content.

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