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Role and Impact of Healthcare Informatics in Hospital Information system

 Candidate name

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A dissertation submitted to Wrexham Glyndŵr University in accordance with

the requirements of the degree of insert degree title

Word Count: 15,000

April 2023

I declare that the work in this dissertation was carried out in accordance with the
Regulations of Wrexham Glyndŵr University. The work is original except where
indicated by special reference in the text and no part of the dissertation has been
submitted for any other degree.

Any views expressed in the dissertation are those of the author and in no way
represent those of Wrexham Glyndŵr University.

The dissertation has not been presented to any other University for examination
either in the United Kingdom or overseas.

I hereby give my consent for my dissertation, if accepted, to be available for

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SIGNED: Your signature – can be typed PRINT NAME: Your name

DATE: Submission date STUDENT NUMBER: Your number

(Note the 300 word limit)

Research study outline:

Research study methodology:

Research study results/findings:

Research study recommendations:

Abstract: Literature Based Research Study..........................................................................1
1.0 Introduction and Background........................................................................................3
1.1 Introduction...............................................................................................................3
1.2 Study Background......................................................................................................5
1.3 Justification of the Study............................................................................................6
1.4 Review Questions, aim & objectives of Study............................................................7
1.5 Submission structure overview..................................................................................8
1.6 Chapter Conclusion....................................................................................................9
2.0 Methodology...............................................................................................................10
2.1 Chapter introduction............................................................................................... 10
2.2 Review design..........................................................................................................10
2.3 Strategy and philosophical standpoint....................................................................10
2.4 Review scope........................................................................................................... 10
2.5 Methodological focus.............................................................................................. 10
2.6 Time horizon............................................................................................................11
2.7 Collection of sources................................................................................................12
2.8 Search sentence.......................................................................................................12
2.9 Databases and other sources utilised......................................................................12
2.10 Sampling strategy.................................................................................................13
2.11 Inclusion and exclusion criteria............................................................................14
2.12 Approach to evaluation and appraisal of sources................................................15
2.13 Analysis tools and techniques..............................................................................15
2.13.1 Why Nvivo for the analysis?.............................................................................17
2.14 Review limitations................................................................................................18
2.15 Ethical considerations..........................................................................................18
2.16 Chapter conclusion...............................................................................................18
3.0 Literature Review........................................................................................................ 19
3.1 Chapter Introduction...............................................................................................19
3.2 Search Results..........................................................................................................19
3.3 Sources included in the review................................................................................20

3.4 Chapter Conclusion..................................................................................................26
4.0 Review findings and discussion...................................................................................27
4.1 Chapter introduction............................................................................................... 27
4.2 Sample overview......................................................................................................27
4.3 Findings and discussion............................................................................................27
4.3.1 Theme one: Health Care Management and Technology Adoption...................27
4.3.2 Theme two: Health Information Safety and Security........................................32
4.3.3 Theme three: Improved hospital data management with Healthcare
Informatics..................................................................................................................... 37
4.4 Nvivo Analysis:.........................................................................................................42
4.5 Discussion summary................................................................................................ 45
4.6 Review limitations....................................................................................................46
4.7 Ethical Considerations..............................................................................................46
4.8 Chapter conclusion.................................................................................................. 46
5.0 Conclusion and Recommendations.............................................................................48
5.1 Chapter introduction............................................................................................... 48
5.2 Study summary........................................................................................................48
5.3 Findings summary....................................................................................................48
5.4 Recommendations...................................................................................................48
5.5 Suggestions for future research...............................................................................48
5.6 Chapter conclusion.................................................................................................. 48
6.0 References...................................................................................................................49


Health informatics is the intersection of information technology which is related to health
care. It involves dealing with data, resources, methods and healthcare institutions that is
required to optimize the storage, retrieval, and also usage of information in public health
care. To be able to design a robust hospital information system it’s important to identify the
changing requirements as well as constantly enhance the system design which enables the
patients to have access to health information, and which allows the employees & experts to
enhance the quality of care for the patients while also empowering health administration
for decentralized planning & management. This review might be useful for the healthcare
policy makers, and clinicians, when making evidence-based decisions related to healthcare
informatics to enhance the hospital information system as well as patients’ safety. Health
information technology involves various technologies that lead to more advanced decision
support as well as integration with medical technology. Health information technology
provides the healthcare with various opportunities that helps to enhance and transform
healthcare like reducing the human errors, enhancing the overall clinical outcome,
facilitating care coordination, enhancing the practices, and also tracking patient data
overtime (Reeves et al., 2020). There has been an acceleration in the development and
adoption of hospital information system with varying degrees of evidence related to the
impact of health information technology on the safety of the patients.

The hospital management information system is a computerized system which helps to

manage the financial, outpatient, inpatient, laboratory details etc. along with other
operations in the hospital. Hospital information system is developed with the aim to
enhance the medical outcome, quality of care provided to the patients and also reduce
medical errors as well as cost (Brewer et al., 2020). Most of the healthcare centres have
started making use of electronic medical record which is very important for medical
informatics. The clinicians, the healthcare administrators, policy makers can attain benefit
from the electronic record in terms of providing health care services. These records and
health care related data, are significant for the health services research. The medical record

of most of the patient is available across various treatment sites which are like an obstacle
to the clinical care, for research and other various public health initiative & efforts. Lack of
proper electronic records is like a challenge for data generated services during the course
that is inaccessible for health services research because of collecting the data from various
sites, abstracting & reviewing the charts is quite labour intensive (Oldland et al., 2020).
Maintaining electronic medical records help to build the technical infrastructure on the
basis of which medical records are built. These can be used across the sites of care which
are used by the healthcare service researchers with the aim to enhance the quality of health
care services.

Health informatics is implemented for different areas of science like public heath, pharmacy
dentistry and is a rapidly growing in the field of health care sector. Healthcare informatics is
about attaining essential information in the easiest possible manner. The most important
purpose of health informatics is to deliver effective heath care services to the patient while
making use of advance technology in drug discovery, pharmacy etc. (Diaz-Skeete et al.,
2021). The employees at the hospital have to gather patient data, analyse it and also
implement the solution by making use of necessary resources and devices. They have to
store and retrieve patient data for the treatments for which they build communication
protocol within the system of the facilities where they work. It’s important for the doctors
and the nurses to have quick and easy access to essential information and patient record.
Zikhani (2016) mentions, the workers, nurses, have to together make use of their training,
knowledge and expertise to provide health care services to the patient and enhancing the
health outcome. This is where health informatics helps as it allows efficient communication
between the efficiency of the all the facilities in the hospital or the healthcare centre. Health
information technology involves maintaining computer systems and their associated
programs. Health informatics involves using those programs to achieve better patient
outcomes and to understand trends and perceptions in the field of healthcare. They are
dependent upon one another for success. Heath informatics enhances the hospital
information system as it also supports the strategy decisions and policy making (Baashar et
al., 2021). Health informatics enhances the hospital information system as it increases the
understanding of medicine, medical practices by making use of real-world medical
information & data. This means that health informatics is a combination of information and

computer science. The purpose of this research is to analyse the role and impact of
healthcare informatics in hospital information system


Patient’s safety is the most important aspect of any healthcare and is defined as the
prevention as well as the avoidance of the adverse outcome and injuries occurring from the
process of healthcare. When it comes to transformation, information technology is the key
step in changing the healthcare environment that helps to attain enhanced and safer care.
Healthcare information technology is the application of information processing which
involves computer hardware and software that deals with storage of information, retrieval
of information, sharing and also use of health care information,data & knowledge which is
used for communication process and also enhances the decision making process (Mei,
2021). Health informatics promises to enhance public health related activities by making use
of information science and technology. Today most of the healthcare centres face
complexities related to enhancing the quality of health care services and decreasing the
price. Information and communication technology have proved to enhance the health care
system by enhancing the productivity, which has further led to significant cost savings in
operations as well as service delivery. New prospects related to new medical equipment, as
well as systems are coming up which are quicker, wireless and most importantly these can
also be remotely controlled (Zikhani, 2016).

Research indicates that data analytics is the future of health care services because it’s no
longer possible to provide effective health care services to the people, to navigate the
complexities of health and medical issues without effective usage of data analytics. In data
analytics, it’s important to closely collaborate with the experts in the health care services,
research health administration and also health policy formation (Khan & Alotaibi, 2020). The
industry experts make use of wide health related data which includes survey, sensor data,
administrative tasks etc. The health care market place is increasingly focusing on patient
satisfaction level, quality of services, efficiency of employees and how they are adjusting to
the trends. The health care organizations are trying to enhance their work efficiency by
making use of real time data to determine the severity of illness of the current patient along
with the approaches to estimate which patients are more likely to fall sick in the coming

year. Earlier, the health services researchers used to focus only on the questions related to
influenza vaccination, mammogram, cancer etc. But today with the rapid advancement in
technology, there are increasing number of measures being taken to require the usage of
clinical data which can be attained from claims data. For instance, the introduction of the
health plan, employer data & information set which measures the low-density lipoprotein
cholesterol levels for the patients known as coronary disease or the patients who are
dealing with hypertension & related issues.

Christopoulou (2022) mentions powerful information system can be used to enhance the
effort & initiative related to improving the quality, to mitigate the errors, by efficiently
conducting research and also collecting accurate as well as complete information from
various experts & physicals which includes delivering information in a way that its usable
format which can be analysed and further used for the treatment. The health service
researchers and other experts have measured improvisation in the rate of inpatient
medication errors along with implementation of effective clinical information system. For
instance, the usage of automated outpatient reminder is important to enhance the delivery
of preventive services in health care which also reveal the success of collaborative approach
of solving health care research issue by making use of advance information technology.
Rajendran (2023) mentions that another such success was reported in clinical decision
support which helped the doctors to choose the right antibiotic for the intensive care of the
patients. The purpose of this program was to reduce errors & complexities while also
enhancing the therapeutic options for patients. The informaticians have started to guide the
health care service research to develop data models which can be used to support large
scale health service projects like the nurse health study. For instance, tracking the issues
faced by various clinicians, practices, complexities in the health systems as well as public
health officials which is helping them to enhance the immunization rates.


Health informatics has become the new buzz in the world of health care. The health care
professionals are confronted with various computer applications. Health care information
technology provides various tools for the preparation as well as for the distribution of the
medical data & knowledge. Health information is the development of methods, tools,

techniques which can be used to enhance the knowledge which can be further used for the
treatment of patients. According to the national centre of biotechnology information, there
are more than 1 million patients who get impacted due to medication errors (Khan &
Alotaibi, 2020). All the healthcare professionals and other departments have to focus on the
patients, their diagnosis and their treatment which requires proper usage of technology and
data. Communication of data, and usage of information between the parties is important
while also ensuring that patient related information is available at any time as per the need.
Patient information should be available throughout lifetime of the patient and should be
efficiently used for the purpose diagnosis and effective treatment. Informatics system are
designed with the aim to ensure that the patients are able to attain the right medication at
the right time, they aim to prevent allergic reactions, and other dangerous diseases &
infections. For instance, software’s like computer prover order entry system (CPOE) help to
identify the errors, mismatches, duplicate entries by cross referring the data with the
patients record and prescriptions. Hardware driven health information like drug dispenser
robots, dispensing cabinets ensure that right medication is provided to the patients for
which they make use of the patient history and medical record (Khan & Alotaibi, 2020). This
means that informatics has the potential to reduce the medication errors and lead to a
better outcome for the patients by enhancing the hospital information system. For this
purpose, this research is being conducted as it will help to understand the growing
importance of heath informatics in health care industry.



 To analyse the role and impact of health informatics

 To understand the impact of health informatics on hospital management system.


 To determine the impact of different health information technologies on improving

patient safety outcomes.
 To determine the role of health care informatics in the community, from a patient
and from a management perspective.

Research Questions

The research questions that will be addressed are:

1) What are the benefits of using health information technologies in hospital management
2) What are the challenges of using health information technologies in hospital
management systems?
3) What are the implications of using health information technologies in hospital
management systems?


The structure of this research is divided into some chapters which help to efficiently
complete the research while also attaining the expected research objectives. The chapters

 Chapter1: Introduction: This is the first chapter of the research which gives the
details and introduction to the research along with the aim & purpose of the

 Chapter 2: Literature Review: Followed by the introduction to the research is the

literature review which includes the theories, opinions of industry experts and
scholars which will be considered to fill in the literature gap.

 Chapter 3: Research Methodology: Methodology is an important part of the research

or the study as it includes the techniques for collecting data related to this research
along with the methods of data analysis which will be used to attain the expected

 Chapter 4: Data analysis & findings: After the methodology and data collection, the
data is analysed with the help of right tools which helps to attain the findings for the
determined research questions.

 Chapter 5: Discussion: The discussion chapter provides the outcome of the research
study, of the data analysis which is in a discussion form.

 Chapter 6: Conclusion: The last chapter of the study which concludes and
summarizes the details of the analysis while also considering the opinion of scholars
and researchers. In addition to this, it also includes the ethical considerations &
limitations of the research.


Healthcare informatics system enhances the complete process of the health care services
for patients with different illness. Health informatics is not just the application which is
because of the advancement of technology but it covers other significant aspects which are
generation of data, handling patient’s data efficiently, effective communication between the
health care staff, retrieval of data, management of data, analysis and also discovery as per
the needs and requirements of the patient. Data analytics can be used to provide enhanced
diagnosis and treatment to the patient. Health informatics provides the representation of
continuum of care in the health care sector. Patient is the central focus of any health care
centre because of which the focus of the health care centre should be to provide high
quality services and right treatment to the patient. This chapter provides the background of
the research along with justification as to why this research is important. The aim and
objectives of the research have been identified which will be attained with the help of
literature review and data analytics techniques.

10 | P a g e


The study is undertaken by interviewing key informants who are knowledgeable about the
use of health information technologies in hospital management systems. These informants
will include hospital administrators, information technology staff, clinical staff, and patients.
A qualitative research methodology is used in order to gain an in-depth understanding of
the impact of health informatics on hospital management systems.



The interviews will be audio-recorded and transcribed for analysis. The transcripts will be
analysed using Nvivo software in order to identify themes that emerge from the data.



Healthcare informatics is the study and application of information technology in healthcare.
It is a combination of information and computer science. The purpose of this research is to
analyses the role and impact of healthcare informatics in hospital information systems.

Qualitative research methodology will be used in this study. Qualitative research is a type of
research that focuses on understanding the meanings and experiences of individuals. It is
useful in studies where the researcher wants to understand the underlying reasons for
people’s behavior or experiences.

Qualitative research involves collecting data in an in-depth, open-ended way. This means
that the researcher allows participants to freely share their thoughts and feelings on the
topic being studied. The data is then analyzed to extract themes and patterns.

11 | P a g e
The use of qualitative research methodology will allow the researcher to gain a deeper
understanding of the role and impact of healthcare informatics in hospital information
systems. The data collected will provide insights into the thoughts and feelings of hospital
staff about the impact of healthcare.


To provide an example of a time horizon in healthcare management system, let's consider a
hospital that is implementing a new electronic health record (EHR) system to improve
patient care and streamline operations.

Short-term time horizon (few weeks to few months): The hospital's short-term goals might
include training staff on the new EHR system, testing the system for functionality and
accuracy, and addressing any technical issues that arise during implementation. The hospital
might set a short-term goal of completing staff training and system testing within three

Medium-term time horizon (one to two years): The hospital's medium-term goals might
include improving clinical outcomes such as reducing readmission rates or improving
medication management. The hospital might set a medium-term goal of reducing
readmission rates by 10% within one year of implementing the new EHR system.

Long-term time horizon (five to ten years or more): The hospital's long-term goals might
include expanding services, increasing patient satisfaction, or entering new markets. For
example, the hospital might set a long-term goal of expanding its telemedicine services to
reach patients in remote areas or increasing its market share in a particular geographic

It's important to note that the time horizon for healthcare management system goals and
objectives may vary depending on the specific goals and objectives of the healthcare
organization. Additionally, the time horizon may be influenced by external factors such as
changes in healthcare regulations, advances in technology, or shifts in patient
demographics. It's critical for healthcare organizations to regularly review and adjust their
goals and objectives as needed to ensure that they remain relevant and achievable in the
context of the changing healthcare landscape.

12 | P a g e


The use of healthcare informatics has a positive impact on the efficiency and effectiveness
of hospital communication, as well as the quality of patient care. Healthcare informatics is
the application of information technology to the field of healthcare. It encompasses the use
of information and communication technologies to support healthcare professionals in their
work, as well as the use of technology to improve the quality and safety of patient care. One
of the main benefits of using healthcare informatics is that it can improve the efficiency and
effectiveness of hospital communication. This can be done by improving the sharing of
information between healthcare professionals, as well as by making it easier for patients to
access their medical records. Healthcare informatics can also help to improve the quality of
patient care by allowing healthcare professionals to access more accurate and up-to-date


Data collection: Information from hospital personnel, patients, and other stakeholders may
be gathered using a variety of techniques, such as surveys, interviews, or focus groups.
Understanding the function and effects of healthcare informatics in hospital information
systems should be the main emphasis of the data gathered (Wainwright M, Russell A.,2013).

Data analysis: Once the data have been gathered, they must be properly statistically and
qualitatively analysed. To comprehend the function and effects of healthcare informatics in
hospital information systems, patterns, themes, and trends in the data must be identified.

13 | P a g e
The analysis is chosen as the Autocode Themes to identify the themes of the project and its


To use the grounded theory approach for healthcare management system analysis using
NVivo software, the following steps can be taken:

14 | P a g e
Data Collection: Collect data from various sources, such as patient records, healthcare
providers, and administrative databases, and import it into NVivo.

Data Coding: Use NVivo to code the data by identifying key themes and concepts that
emerge from the data.

Memoing: Write memos in NVivo to document ideas and insights that emerge during the
coding process.

Data Analysis: Analyse the coded data and memos to identify patterns and relationships
among the data.

Theory Development: Develop a theory based on the patterns and relationships identified in
the data.

Theory Refinement: Refine the theory based on additional data analysis and feedback from
healthcare providers and patients.


Inclusion and exclusion criteria are the guidelines that researchers use to determine which
sources or participants to include or exclude in a study. These criteria are typically based on
the research question and objectives and aim to ensure that the study population is
appropriate for answering the research question.
The inclusion criteria for a study using thematic analysis on healthcare management system
might include:
 Type of source: academic articles, reports, and research studies related to healthcare
management system
 Date of publication: sources published within the last 10 years to ensure that the
findings are current and relevant.
 Geographic location: sources related to healthcare management system in different
countries and regions to ensure diversity in perspectives
 Type of healthcare organization: sources related to different types of healthcare
organizations, such as hospitals, clinics, and long-term care facilities
 Study design: sources that have used qualitative research methods, such as
interviews or focus groups, to collect data on healthcare management system

15 | P a g e
The exclusion criteria for the study might include:
 Sources that do not specifically focus on healthcare management system
 Sources written in languages other than English
 Sources that are outdated or irrelevant to the research question
 Sources that are not peer-reviewed or from credible sources
 Sources that are focused on a specific type of healthcare organization or system (e.g.
sources focused only on hospital management systems)
 Sources that use quantitative research methods or other research designs that are
not appropriate for thematic analysis


Overall, using grounded theory and NVivo software for healthcare management system
analysis can help to gain a deeper understanding of the experiences and perceptions of
healthcare providers and patients regarding the effectiveness and efficiency of the
management system. This can ultimately lead to the development of strategies for
improving the healthcare management system.


Nvivo is available for topic analysis in qualitative research. Here are a few ways to use the
Nvivo programme for theme analysis:

1. Create a framework for coding: Examine data using a collection of codes or

categories called the coding frameworks. It's crucial to create a coding framework
that encompasses all the pertinent topics and sub-themes and is in line with your
research question(Walsh M,2013).

2. Import data into Nvivo: Nvivo allows to import data in a variety of formats, including
text, audio, video, and image. To make it simpler to handle, you may also group your
data into folders or nodes.

3. Coding the data: Assigning labels to data segments that match the categories in
coding scheme is the process of coding. For each category and subcategory, nodes

16 | P a g e
can be made, and the pertinent data segments can then be given codes(Walsh

4. Review and revise your coding: Once coded the data is checked to make sure the
coding is accurate and consistent. If some data segments don't fit into any of the
existing categories or fall under a new category, they might be needed to recode

5. Analyze and visualise your data: Nvivo may be used to analyse and visualise the data
after coding and reviewed it. To find patterns and relationships in the data, the
utilisation of features like word frequency searches, matrix coding queries, and idea

6. Interpret your findings: After analysig the data, Interpretation of the findings in the
context of research question is done (Walsh M,2013). Using the Nvivo to generate
reports and visualizations that summarize your findings and support your

Overall, implementing Nvivo software for thematic analysis involves a systematic approach
that involves developing a coding framework, coding your data, reviewing and refining your
coding, analyzing and visualizing your data, and interpreting your findings.

17 | P a g e
The comparison chart is displayed and the codes are generated can be seen above .

In order to get insights into the usage of healthcare informatics in hospital settings, the
technique for researching the function and impact of healthcare informatics in hospital
information systems requires a systematic approach that entails data collection, analysis,
and interpretation.

2.13.1 Why Nvivo for the analysis?

Nvivo is available for topic analysis in qualitative research. Here are a few ways to use the
Nvivo programme for theme analysis:

1. Create a framework for coding: Examine data using a collection of codes or

categories called the coding frameworks. It's crucial to create a coding framework
that encompasses all the pertinent topics and sub-themes and is in line with your
research question(Walsh M,2013).

2. Import data into Nvivo: Nvivo allows to import data in a variety of formats, including
text, audio, video, and image. To make it simpler to handle, you may also group your
data into folders or nodes.

3. Coding the data:Assigning labels to data segments that match the categories in
coding scheme is the process of coding. For each category and subcategory, nodes
can be made, and the pertinent data segments can then be given codes(Walsh

4. Review and revise your coding: Once coded the data is checked to make sure the
coding is accurate and consistent. If some data segments don't fit into any of the
existing categories or fall under a new category, they might be needed to recode

5. Analyze and visualise your data: Nvivo may be used to analyse and visualise the data
after coding and reviewed it. To find patterns and relationships in the data, the
utilisation of features like word frequency searches, matrix coding queries, and idea

18 | P a g e
6. Interpret your findings: After analysig the data, Interpretation of the findings in the
context of research question is done (Walsh M,2013). Using the Nvivo to generate
reports and visualizations that summarize your findings and support your

Overall, implementing Nvivo software for thematic analysis involves a systematic approach
that involves developing a coding framework, coding your data, reviewing and refining your
coding, analyzing and visualizing your data, and interpreting your findings.




19 | P a g e


This chapter is literature review which includes the concepts, theories related to the
identified research question or study for which thematic analysis has been considered.
Thematic analysis is a technique used for classification and for analysing the summarising
theme which is attained from the data. This method of research, systemizes and defines the
datasets. The benefit of thing thematic analysis sis that it’s flexible in terms of identifying
themes which leads to a more useful form of analysis. This is a six-step process which helps
to analyse the sample articles. The steps involved are getting familiar with the data,
generating codes, looking for themes, reviewing the themes, naming the themes and finally
producing the report. The main focus of this chapter will be on health care management &
technology adoption, healthcare information & security and also improved hospital data
management with Healthcare Informatics.


Table 1: Search Summary

Number of Number removed

search results and reason why

Records identified:
Duplicates – 7 (Research gate &
Database/source 1 – Google
Google scholar)
5-(Google scholar & science
Database/source 2 – Research
Identification direct)
Records removed reason – Old
Database/source 3- Science Direct
articles and were not peer
Database/source 4- Sage Journal

20 | P a g e
Records screened Records excluded – 5 – Old data

35 related to the topic

Reports assessed for eligibility Records excluded 3- Not peer

30 reviewed

Studies included in the review

Final inclusion -


N Database/
Reference Relevance
o. source

Oldland, E., Botti, M., Hutchinson, A. M., & Redley, B.

(2020). A framework of nurses’ responsibilities for quality
Google recent
1 healthcare—Exploration of content
scholar study on
validity. Collegian, 27(2), 150-163.

Baashar, Y., Alhussian, H., Patel, A., Alkawsi, G., Alzahrani,
A. I., Alfarraj, O., & Hayder, G. (2020). Customer
e of topic
Google relationship management systems (CRMS) in the
2 and
scholar healthcare environment: A systematic literature
review. Computer Standards & Interfaces, 71, 103442.
s made
against it

3 Google Cresswell, K. M., Bates, D. W., & Sheikh, A. (2013). Ten key Peer
scholar considerations for the successful implementation and reviewed

21 | P a g e
adoption of large-scale health information
technology. Journal of the American Medical Informatics
Association, 20(e1), e9-e13. article

Burney, S. A., Mahmood, N., & Abbas, Z. (2010).

Information and communication technology in healthcare Effective
management systems: Prospects for developing title
countries. International journal of computer related to
Google applications, 4(2), 27-32 the
scholar keywords
blication/368293018_Hospital_management_information used for
-communication_technology/links/ the
63e0d19664fc86063827116a/Hospital-management- research

Brewer, L. C., Fortuna, K. L., Jones, C., Walker, R., Hayes, S.

N., Patten, C. A., & Cooper, L. A. (2020). Back to the
Research Peer
5 future: achieving health equity through health informatics
Gate reviewed
and digital health. JMIR mHealth and uHealth, 8(1),

Diaz-Skeete, Y. M., McQuaid, D., Akinosun, A. S., Ekerete, Latest

I., Carragher, N., & Carragher, L. (2021). Analysis of apps article
with a medication list functionality for older adults with provide
7 heart failure using the mobile app rating scale and the IMS details on
institute for healthcare informatics functionality score: health
evaluation study. JMIR mHealth and uHealth, 9(11), informatic
e30674. s

8 Google França, R. P., Monteiro, A. C. B., Arthur, R., & Iano, Y. The
scholar (2022). An overview of the impact of PACS as health purpose
informatics and technology e-health in healthcare of the

22 | P a g e
article is
management. Cognitive Systems and Signal Processing in related to
Image Processing, 101-128. the research

The article
Hassan, G. (2019). Health Care Informatics. International
Google supports
9 Journal of Internet Education, 18(1), 39-43.
scholar the 10.21608/ijie.2019.98636

Huzooree, G., Kumar Khedo, K., & Joonas, N. (2019).

Pervasive mobile healthcare systems for chronic disease
10 Sage Journal monitoring. Health informatics journal, 25(2), 267-291.

Mei, R. (2021). Health informatics and healthcare delivery: provides
from the cost-effectiveness perspective. In 2021 7th latest

Research International Conference on Information Management informatio

Gate (ICIM) (pp. 62-65). IEEE. n about health

Patel, V. A., Bhattacharya, P., Tanwar, S., Gupta, R., Illustratio

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system. Journal of the American Medical Informatics n
Association, 27(6), 853-859. provided

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hands-on health informatics skills exercises in the
multidisciplinary smart home healthcare and health
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(2020). Significance of Health Information Technology
Google (HIT) in context to COVID-19 pandemic: Potential roles
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scholar and challenges. Journal of Industrial Integration and
Management, 5(04), 427-440.

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Google on health
16 errors in healthcare. Journal of Healthcare
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health information technology–related patient challenges
safety. Health informatics journal, 26(1), of health 10.1177/1460458218814893 care
n system

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artificial intelligence and big data analytics in m-health: a article
18 healthcare system perspective. Journal of healthcare supports
engineering, 2020, 1-15. the argument

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with consumer-facing mobile health applications and their l
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Medical Informatics Association, 27(2), 330-340. n provided

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Public Health During the COVID-19 Pandemic. In The quantitati
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Scholar quality of health informatics using big data. In 2020 Fourth title
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Analytics and Cloud)(I-SMAC) (pp. 1267-1272). IEEE. the keywords
used for

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Christopoulou, S. C. (2022). Impacts on context aware
Research systems in evidence-based health informatics: a review.
22 with latest
Gate In Healthcare (Vol. 10, No. 4, p. 685). MDPI.

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Dinesh, T. N. (2022). Current practices and Limitations in E High
Google Health Informatics: Challenges and Current Trends in credibility
Scholar Healthcare. EAI Endorsed Transactions on Smart and
Cities, 6(3), e2-e2. viability

Hung, M., Conrad, J., Hon, S. D., Cheng, C., Franklin, J. D.,
& Tang, P. (2013). Uncovering patterns of technology use Peer
24 in consumer health informatics. Wiley Interdisciplinary reviewed
Reviews: Computational Statistics, 5(6), 432-447. article

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Google Gupta, P. K., & Anand, M. (2023). Health Informatics the
Scholar System using Machine Learning Techniques. Deep keywords
Learning for Healthcare Decision Making, 179. used for

26 Sage Journal Borycki, E. M., & Kushniruk, A. W. (2023). Human factors Critical
in healthcare IT: Management considerations and trends. analysis
In Healthcare Management Forum (Vol. 36, No. 2, pp. 72-
78). Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA: SAGE Publications.

26 | P a g e

Budler, L. C., Gosak, L., & Stiglic, G. (2023). Review of Contextua

artificial intelligence‐based question‐answering systems in l
27 healthcare. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Data Mining informatio
and Knowledge Discovery, e1487. n provided


From the above literature it’s quite evident that the healthcare industry is responding to the
advancement in technology by focusing on digital transformation which will be enabled by
various data process and secure platforms. Health and information technology play a crucial
role in healthcare transformation and also to fulfil the changing demands of patients.
Considering the above provided concepts and theories by various scholars & experts, it was
identified that numerous studies were conducted to determine the role and impact of
healthcare informatics in hospital information system. In terms of attaining understanding
about the importance of health informatics in the current health information system, this
study will prove to be useful contribution to the present theories and research studies.

27 | P a g e


The findings of this study will be used to inform the development of a health information technology
tool for hospital management. This tool will aim to improve the efficiency and quality of hospital
care by facilitating the sharing of health information between hospital staff and patients. The
findings of this study will provide an understanding of how health information technologies are
being used in hospital management systems and the benefits and challenges that are associated
with their use.


The study issue and the kind of data being analysed will determine the conclusions that can be
drawn from using Nvivo software.


4.3.1 Theme one: Health Care Management and Technology Adoption Quality healthcare services & Quality informatics

According to Brewer (2020,) healthcare informatics has become an essential component in
the recent years as it makes use of information technology to attain, store and manage
health related information which plays an important role in the delivery of patient care.
Usage of technology in healthcare has become quite prominent, especially after the
pandemic COVID-19 which pushed healthcare towards digitization (Zikhani, 2016). Today
technology is considered a significant factor for enhancing resource allocation and public
health infrastructure. Quality informatics is about enhancing the healthcare services by
making use of the data collected from health care information system that aims to enhance
clinical effectiveness. Quality informatics studies the firm’s services and usage of
information that can enhance healthcare delivery. The experts need to collect accurate
health care data, the data should be of high quality which can be analysed efficiently to
implement the findings towards quality improvement program. Coordination of data
collection and analysis, allows the physicals, the clinical and also the analysts to align the

28 | P a g e
work with large scale data that aims to enhance health care delivery. These efforts are made
to enhance the clinical decision support system related with public health (Umamaheshwari
et al., 2022). For best usage of clinical data, coordinated effort is needed and quality
informatics acts as a catalyst which helps to organize the data efficiently, make use of
healthcare information system and enhance the overall clinical effectiveness. Quality
metrics is utilized by the health care centres to report about the quality services and data
through payment. Despite the importance of making use of healthcare information system
to enhance clinical effectiveness, its usage and present challenges. Advancement in
technology has led to improvisation in the data collection & analysis system which further
enhances the decision support system whole also enhancing the quality and safety
indicators. Quality informatics in health care information system allows various approaches,
tools, techniques, lessons from individual experience which need to be implemented with
the experience of others taking the health care services to develop effective approaches for
enhancing health care delivery (Khan & Alotaibi, 2020). The goal of quality informatics is
mainly to collect important healthcare quality data and implement the findings to enhance
the quality of healthcare programs that are currently being offered in the health care
centres. Quality informatics can be grouped into three different categories like project
management, technical management and also reporting. These areas require different skills
but are necessary for quality informatics to be effective in the health care information
system (Umamaheshwari et al., 2022).

29 | P a g e
Figure 1: Image Source:

To be able to implement quality informatics, the experts should have a proper infrastructure
that helps the staff to run all the necessary services efficiently along with usage of
information system which will be used to collect, store, and analyse the data efficiently.
Some technical components are needed to manage healthcare quality information system
which provides essential data for quality informatics. Quality informatics is useful to manage
essential technical architecture which is used to efficiently handle the quality while also
connecting with project management and reporting essential to manage the data related to
quality and also connecting with project management while also reporting necessary
changes. Quality informatics is critical aspect for determining the capabilities of healthcare
information system. Christopoulou (2022) mentions that emphasis of quality informatics
shifts from time to time, for instance, now the focus is on patient provider data sharing,
maintaining patient’s records, easy access to patient’s records as per the requirement etc.
Quality informatics is needed to allow sharing as well as establishment of approaches for
enhancing the health information system. An organizational structure should support
quality improvement which needs to be considered for enhancing healthcare data system.
Umamaheshwari (2022). Contradicts that an informatician alone cannot complete the tasks
involved in quality informatics program because of which they should work with a team of
30 | P a g e
data scientists, information technology professionals and also the analysts. Emphasis is
given to develop the culture of quality improvement which is important to attain effective
quality improvement outcome. Khan & Alotaibi (2020) states that healthcare information
technology cannot be implemented efficiently for quality without developing the culture of
quality improvement across the organization. Quality informatics approaches is important
for quality improvements services which requires usage of proper analytics tools and
structure that is essential to build the quality informatics program that enhances the clinical
effectiveness. Large amount of healthcare data has led to the rise of big data in health care
which is characterized by volume, value, variety, velocity and veracity. Variety includes
different data elements that is attained from different patients and is used by different
service providers which provides large quantity of real time data that can be used with the
aim to enhance clinical excellence. Big data promises to enhance the quality of healthcare
through effective use of data analytics which involves usage of tools that support the
analysis along with reporting that eventually allow the informatics to attain in-depth insight
Christopoulou (2022). For instance, commercial products enable healthcare system to
efficiently understand the quality of health care service delivery. By making use of big data,
it’s possible to predict and enhance the quality of care. Real time analysis is used by the
clinicians to impact the quality of care in the emergency departments as well as paediatric
intensive care unit. Clinical big datasets is coupled with various reporting mechanism that
promise quality care in health care while also growing the capabilities & opportunities to
make use of information for betterment of healthcare. For better use healthcare data for
enhancing the clinical effectiveness, quality informatics needs to be considered as it serves
as home for these technologies. Hung (2013) argues that quality informatics may hold
strong potential but it needs to be aligned with different departments to be more effective
and for enhancing the quality of healthcare delivery. Cost Effectiveness

Heath informatics is changing the heath care operational process with the aim to enhance
the patient outcome by focusing more on time and usage of accurate information for the
health care providers through effective treatment process. The health information
technology has growth in the last few years as it offers more complex functions that help to
improvise patient care as well as the healthcare administration. Health informatics have

31 | P a g e
become a cost-effective method to ensure that the patients data is efficiently captured, well
managed and used efficiently in future throughout the care process (Reeves et al., 2020).
There has been increase in the complexity of clinical medicine which is leading to increasing
demands because of the aging population. This is where health informatics is helping the
experts and the patients to enhance the treatment efficiency while also maintaining high
standards of care (Burney et al., 2010). Computerized healthcare systems are important to
reduce the challenges and constraints on the budget as well as on human resources.
Healthcare outcome measures used in healthcare industry ensure that quality standard &
expected performance is being met. The quality of care provided to the patients is also
important but the challenge is to deliver enhanced quality care services in cost effective
manner which is possible by efficient hospital information management & heath
informatics. Sadineni (2020) contradicts that, issues related to data legibility, access, hand
written health care information is frequently reported because of which usage of health
informatics ensures that accurate and reliable data is available & shared among the
caregivers to provide high-quality cost-effective services to the patients without
encountering any mistakes or errors. The author further mentions that there have been
pharmaceutical concerns, issues related to nutrition, blood transfusion, physical therapy,
scan, which can be easily and efficiently managed with health informatics as it helps to
enhance the engagement between the caregiver and the patient. Problem in healthcare
services arises when there is absence of important or relevant conversation, transmission of
significant information, instructions that impacts the health care service delivery to the
patient while also impacting the overall outcome of the treatment (Rajendran et al., 2023).
Health informatics saves the cost of diagnosis and treatment as it mitigates wasteful health
practices, repeated procedures, delay in treatment, errors which are usually present in
traditional methods of treatment and also increase the overall cost of the treatment. Health
informatics enhances the communication process by focusing in the lab results which is
efficiently communicated to the expert clinicians rapidly to avoid delay in treatment and
also transcription mistakes Christopoulou (2022). This further enhances the patient care
while also reducing the treatment cost. Another issue which is efficiently managed with the
help of health informatics is the loss of misplaced data which impacts the health care service
delivery. Effective usage of health informatics helps to develop computer-based records
which are secure when compared to the manual data on paper because in e-records data

32 | P a g e
can be efficiently controlled & monitored. Health informatics has the potential to enhance
the patient safety by focusing in rapid changes in health care, the changes in norms,
procedures & practices which are otherwise not possible for the clinician to carry around or
keep in mind when treating the patient. For instance, keeping in mind all types of diseases,
their diagnosis, symptoms, and treatment is not possible and this is where health
informatics helps the professionals. Electronic decision support which is a Health informatics
tool that can assist in providing access to the guidelines along with built in efforts, constant
patient monitoring, links to the current medical information, drug dosages etc. Quick access
to all these patient details and medical history can be lifesaving which is otherwise not
possible by making use of traditional methods. Umamaheshwari (2022) argues that health
informatics leads to personalization of health case serviced delivery which may not be
preferred by many patients, due to lack of personal touch and expertise. Hung (2013)
contradicts that the situation has changed now because the only important thing for
patients is to save their lives in a cost-effective manner. Due to the advancement in
technology, the situation has changed now, as the clinician knows more about the patients
which is possible with the help of database that makes the health care provider more
informative and knowledgeable. The ability of health informatics to make the patients more
informative helps them to become active participants who are able to take right decisions
for their health care services. A more engaged as well as informed patient is more likely to
make better health care decisions. Sadineni (2020) states that health information system is
rapidly developing but there are several unanswered question in terms of their
management & functionality due to which significant research is important to address the
questions. But the importance of the role of health informatics to enhance the flow of
information as well as health care service delivery should not be underestimated (Rajendran
et al., 2023).

4.3.2 Theme two: Health Information Safety and Security Mitigating medication errors

The health care industry is facing issues due to medication errors which impact millions of
patients annually. Such situations lead to negative consequences of misdiagnosing the
patients, like prescribing him/her with wrong dosage that can worsen the medical condition
while also compromising the health of patient (Patel, 2022). Incomplete and incorrect

33 | P a g e
treatment of a disease, improper usage of medical equipment, incorrect patient record,
miscommunication between the expert & patient, injury, negative behaviour leads to major
issues that impact the patients’ health negatively along with negative impact on the
healthcare centre. The medical community now focuses on enhancing the clinical efforts
and reducing the frequency of errors in health care by making use of hospital information
system (Hassan, 2019). The strategy is to standardize tracking of diagnostic information and
also administration of drug prescription. The potential solution is to make use of digital
systems that helps in diagnosis of the issue. This system can be used to prevent falsely
collected data that stems out from the misread lab reports. To reduce the errors related to
the medication, bar coded, automate pharmaceutical dispensing systems are being used
that helps to decrease the likelihood of issues and non-alignment between patients identity
and their medication. But França (2021) argues that health informatics professional will
continue to face challenges as they have to constantly learn new tools and system while also
complying health standards for patient access. To please all the parties involved is the
biggest challenge for the professionals. Health informatics enhances patient’s record
retrieval which is important for delivery of quality care that helps to treat the patients
efficiently as per their individual needs & requirements (Sadineni, 2020). When there is
problem in accessing the patients’ medical records that may lead to critical consequences
because important information may not be able available to the doctors and surgeons
during the treatment which an impact the overall outcome and patients’ health negatively
(Burney et al., 2010). Health informatics can be used to prevent such instances by
streamlining the medical records storage, and data retrieving that can enhance the
knowledge of the healthcare provider thereby giving a high-quality treatment.

For the healthcare industry, patient care is important and this is where the role of heath
informatics comes as it helps to provide critical information and supporting data that can
efficiently and rapidly transferred from the patient to the doctors and vice versa (Mei,
2021). Heath informatics is widely adopted in the health care industry as it helps to mitigate
the lengthy & complex process of patient care journey. Better or enhanced informatics leads
to more savings for the patient and also for the healthcare institutions. For instance,
advancement in technology has led to automation in the hospital information system which
leads to better recording of data, errors are minimized, and also data accuracy leads to high

34 | P a g e
quality health care services for the patients (Diaz-Skeete et al., 2021). It allows the patients
to rely on accurate data and trust the hospital management while also allowing the labs,
clinics and pharmacists to save the resources for emergency procedures and future
treatment of the patient. Reeves (2020), explains when the data is efficiently managed
through health informatics, it allows to save space and also replace rooms dedicated to
patient’s health records. Healthcare informatics is not just limited to maintaining patient’s
data records and transferring the information to the relevant party, but it’s about enhancing
the treatment and preventing errors by making use of data (França et al., 2021). The main
purpose is to reduce the errors during the diagnostic process which is the third leading
cause of death in developed countries like United States and China.

Health informatics has the potential to enhance clinical workflow by enhancing as well as
expanding the clinicians’ ability to work with patient data & information. For instance, usage
of scanners which are used to read electronic medical record which are in the form of bar
codes and are used to submit as well as fill prescriptions. These scanners transmit
information like medication dosage, type of medical given to the patent etc. Due to this
technology the doctors and other health experts are able to develop prescription and also
take decision as per the knowledge of past prescription of the patient, the current
medication routine while also keeping in mind the previous medication reaction (Sadineni,
2020). These records are effective as they help to reduce patient prescription mistakes while
also allowing the patients to efficiently participate in the management of the medication.
Having proper electronic access is important to understand the health history of the patient
while also recommending and empowering the patients to adopt more responsible role in
their wellbeing. Proper maintenance of e-health or medication record is important for
providing the right treatment to the patient while also reducing the expenses for number of
tests taken for diagnosis of the problem (Hung et al., 2013). Health informatics & Covid -19

With the advancement in technology and healthcare informatics patient care has become
more manageable, especially for the healthcare experts like doctors and nurses. The
healthcare industry has been known for being the slowest when it comes to adopting digital
changes (Reeves et al., 2020). There have been major implications on patient care and also
for viable medical procedures but very little amount is invested on tech solutions in

35 | P a g e
comparison to other industries. The pandemic COVID -19 has influenced the healthcare
firms to adopt digitization which includes telemedicine, e-learning along with increased
application of informatics. The healthcare professionals have started to conduct their work
online, but there is still need for enhanced digital movement. It’s important for the
healthcare experts to look for more diverse ways to remain relevant in their field. Baashar
(2021) mentions the introduction of healthcare informatics should be implemented or used
in a way that it helps the nurses and doctors instead of commanding or overtaking them.
Health informatics is steadily growing popularity and demand after the pandemic COVID-19.
França (2021) contradicts that telehealth also presents challenges, like there are issues
related to secure connections, accessibility to data and technical malfunctions which can
impact the patient’s treatment. Health informatics helped to enhance the hospital
information system by enhancing the monitor hospital capacity by making use of health care
data and analytics and create a platform that helped to identify places with less hospital
capacity bed because of increasing number of coronavirus infections (Reeves et al., 2020).
By making use of the health informatics the teams were able to forecast the hospitals and
areas that are more likely to experience bed shortages and hospitals that are in most critical
need (Mantas, 2020). The pandemic was like an opportunity to enhance the acceptance of
health informatics applications like telehealth, patient engagement, artificial intelligence-
based drug discovery, clinical decision support, and most importantly remote patient
monitoring (Burney et al., 2010). This clearly proves that health informatics proved to be an
integral part of hospital information system, during the pandemic and has helped to make
use of the assets of predictive analytics to provide care and support to the patients even
during emergency.

Huzooree (2019) mentions that the disruption caused by the pandemic COVID-19 is not
going to be the same in future because of the advancement in technologies like
telemedicine which are advancing rapidly & are here to grow. The usage of artificial
intelligence is becoming indispensable to predict the evolution of pandemic while also
helping in developing vaccines as well as cure for the infection. Health informatics specialists
are focusing on enhancing the quality, safety outcome as well as cost effectiveness of
healthcare delivery. These professionals play an important role in health care industry

36 | P a g e
(Mantas, 2020). The image below shows the growing role of health informatics professionals
which is moving forward rapidly to support health care.

Figure 2: Image Source:


Covid-19 pandemic has influenced the care providers as well as the health care technology
to enhance the health technology system with the aim to provide better services. Issues and
challenges like social distancing has influenced the patients to find different ways or
methods to stay connected to healthcare services (Budler et al., 2023). The health
information technology teams are defining the systems needs to support decision making
along with taking care of the process and protocols. COVID-19 has led to increase in usage
of electronic records which include significant updates, new modules, latest system
requirement, while also generating new interfaces and workflow that help to enhance the
overall healthcare system (Akbar et al., 2020). The new ways are related to managing
patients concerns while promoting the efficiency of health care service delivery, effective
screening & testing the patients while also providing them with urgent care, system
guidance related to ICU and patient discharge which helps to manage the complexities and
challenges related to patients experiencing COVID-19 (Mantas, 2020). Health informatics is
being used to bring rapid changes in enhancing the existing health care information system.

37 | P a g e
Once the patient is accepted in the health care facility that leads to other process which are
important to ensure their safety, effective diagnostic, error free treatment and smooth
discharge. For instance, the doctors need to decide who needs lab testing and also the
essential test that need to be done. For this, technology like artificial intelligence can be
used to provide essential insights like detecting symptoms of coronavirus in CT scans
(Huzooree et al., 2019). To support the process, the health informatics team collects and
organizes the data which can be used for effective decision making, for which patient needs
testing, who needs proper isolation, who needs to wear protective equipment etc. Usage of
artificial intelligence is important to overcome the challenges of coronavirus which can help
in quick fever detection, facial recognition, and also other forms of biometric identification
technology which can be useful to collect sensitive data. Health informatics specialists play
an important role to ensure that the data is efficiently collected, managed with the aim to
enhance the understanding of the problem (Mantas, 2020). Coronavirus put forth the need
for long distance patient recovery which also includes testing and diagnosis. With the help
of informatics, the health care centres are able to enhance their infrastructure with the aim
to support and enhance their telemedicine capabilities. For instance, accommodating new
patients who are facing challenges to seek medicine treatment during the pandemic. França
(2022) mentions that additional effort is needed in case of telemedicine to be able to
provide standard course of care. The purpose of health informatics is to support
development of telemedicine for which the health practitioners have to focus on setting the
right architecture for telemedicine services, they need to optimize the workflow, and also
design data base to collect from at home monitoring devices (Akbar et al., 2020).

4.3.3 Theme three: Improved hospital data management with Healthcare Informatics Healthcare informatics as multidisciplinary approach

Health informatics is a new multidisciplinary field in the healthcare industry that makes use
of information technology to organize as well as analyse the health records of patients while
also enhancing the health outcome, known as the health information system. The rapidly
growing field in the health care sector requires better usage of resources, methods to treat
the patients, store & manage data which is possible with health informatics (Reeves et al.,
2020). Health informatics provide electronic access to medical records for the patients
which is used by the doctors, nurses, insurance company and other health industry

38 | P a g e
technicians to provide proper diagnosis and treatment to the patient. The health
information technology for clinical health act was developed with the aim to promote as
well as expand the adoption of health information technology which mainly focused on
usage of electronic health records by the healthcare providers. In addition to this, financial
incentives were also provided to the practitioners who created a job market for health
informatics. Earlier only 10% of the hospitals used to make use of health informatics and e-
records of patients, but now almost every hospital in the developed and developing
countries is making use of health informatics, due to its benefits and convenience, which
was specially realized after the pandemic (Akbar et al., 2020). In order to further advance
the healthcare, and enhance the efficiency while also ensuring that heath information is
efficiently shared between the stakeholders, electronic health records need to be
considered which will further increase the demand for health informatics in the health care

According to Mei (2021) healthcare informatics is a multidisciplinary approach that makes

use of heath information technology to enhance the health care services by combination of
higher quality and efficiencies that lead to new opportunities. This includes information
science, behavioural issues, and artificial intelligence. The field is related with resources and
methods that are needed to optimize acquisition, storage and retrieval of essential
information in health and medicine (Sapci & Sapci, 2017). Heath informatics tools includes
usage of computer, medical terminologies and other clinical standards or guidelines to
enhance the existing services. But various concerns related to the implementation of
information technologies in healthcare have been determined by the practitioners (Hassan,
2019). The medical experts aim to transform the healthcare services by analysing, evaluating
health information for better clinical as well as non-clinical outcome. The main purpose of
health informatics is to assess information and knowledge needs of the patients and the
practitioners, while also evaluating & refining the clinical process. It also helps to develop
and implement hospital decision support system along with development, management and
continuous improvement of clinical information system. Burney (2010), explains that to
ensure proper treatment is being provided to the patients, the medical professionals have
to consider the usage of technology, so that they can administer treatment to the patients,
store the patient’s record efficiently, and make appropriate usage of electronic forms. Patel

39 | P a g e
(2022), mentions making use of healthcare informatics can speed up the process of flow of
information between the healthcare providers and the doctors or other healthcare
professionals while also improving the standardization of patient’s information that
eventually makes it easier for future health care professionals to stream line the practices.
Furthermore, informatics also allows faster file submission, which leads to quick
reimbursements, and rapid treatments for the patient (Cresswell et al., 2013).

Oldland (2020) mentions health care informatics play an important role to enhance
communication and coordination between the health faculties. It helps the patients to
connect with the doctors or physicians efficiently while also ensuring that they are being
treated efficiently. Lack of connectivity between the patients and health care service
providers can impact the patients negatively. Health informatics enhances the coordination
in healthcare setting which leads to high patient’s satisfaction in terms of quality of care that
they receive (França et al., 2022). The coordination ensures that the patients are able to
efficiently attain essential information while also providing all the important information to
the health care providers. Efficient healthcare requires proper collaboration for which there
should be proper usage of organizational culture, process and also the resources of the
participants along with interdisciplinary information, knowledge which helps in analysis and
design of the health care information system while also integrating necessary
administrative, political and social aspects (Akbar et al., 2020). Mobile Healthcare informatics

França (2021), explains that the health informatics field has been extended in the last few
years to cover various directions in the information system. These are in the form of service
delivery technology for medical support and for knowledge & awareness of the healthcare
users. The new directions focus on enhanced decision-making support system for medical
usage, for healthcare modelling, data analytics, different health information system and also
various health care applications. But there are some ethical and privacy issues related to
collecting health information because how much consent is required and how feasible is
informed consent is challenge for the experts (Hassan, 2019). The experts also collaborate
with the health and information technology professionals to develop health informatics
tools that help to promote patient care which is safe, which is effective, efficient, timely and
most importantly patient centered. For instance, the mobile health approaches have

40 | P a g e
become popular aspect of health informatics which is used for providing health care service
and support to anyone, at any time and from anywhere (Borycki & Kushniruk,2023). This is
possible with the help of mobile phones, internet technology, health professionals who are
able to manage the health’s services online while also controlling & monitoring health
information that aims to enhance the health service delivery as well as quality of care
support. Cresswell (2013) Contradicts that the services provided by mobile health
information system mitigates the temporary constraints like travelling issues and cost
constraints but the quality of service may be impacted. The mobile decision support
applications have been considered for effective decision making in clinical and non-clinical
settings (Sittig, 2020). Designing effective quality informatics system can be quite
challenging which can also hinder the chances of attaining effective outcome like quality,
volume and also usage of data. The main challenge is to gather reliable or accurate data
because the experts have faced problems in collecting large quality of data sets in health
care (Hung et al., 2013). Furthermore, data quality issues are managed as per their
occurrence and as per the situation which is not possible with quality informatics. This is
because defining, recognizing and ensuring data quality is crucial. Without quality data, the
system will be compromised because of which the overall outcome will also not be reliable
or accurate. The health care organizations should ensure to use proper system that collects
reliable accurate data, followed by data quality assessment framework (França et al., 2022).

For the healthcare industry, mobile applications are like the new method to provide a better
and responsive care as well as services to the patients while also being more flexible and
mobile in terms of communicating with the patients, suppliers and partners (Akbar et al.,
2020). Mobile healthcare enables the healthcare service providers and other stakeholders
to request for services, to provide care, to track inventory, communicate and also perform
other tasks efficiently. Mobile healthcare service has the ability to carer to the changing
needs of the customers which is otherwise not possible by traditional healthcare methods
(Khan & Alotaibi, 2020). For instance with mobile health services, there is higher flexibility
and convenience offered to the patients. Mobile data access, email, and other internet
enabled data & information exchange helps to cope up with complex healthcare
environment (Borycki & Kushniruk, 2023). Mobility is the main benefit that comes with
mobile application which enhances then flow of information while also helping the experts

41 | P a g e
and clinicians to coordinate, which leads to creation or development of new opportunities
for the healthcare centres. For instance, the WAP enabled wireless devices makes the data
access more efficiently while also making information sharing easier that before. Due to
advancement in technology and mobile health care, there is constant connectivity which has
fulfilled the healthcare industry need to provide real time information (Huzooree et al.,
2019). Mobile health care services means that the doctor or the clinician will always be
reachable while also making it possible for the health care customers to attain services,
recommendation or advice through phone, whenever the need arises. Moreover, the
doctors and the nurses are also able to stay in touch with the patients even when they are
on the move. For instance a short message service can be used to send people to notify
them about the updates or send reports instantly (França et al., 2022). With technology and
internet, the doctors are always connected with patients instead of running in different
hospitals and on patients visit. Now they have immediate access to information about their
history, family members, past treatment which helps to increase the efficiency of diagnosis
and treatment. Furthermore, they can also prescribe medication, easily change the
treatment, attain insurance, and interact with colleagues while on the go. Khan & Alotaibi
(2020) argues that a major problem faced by mobile healthcare service is that it requires big
investment which is needed for its implementation and operation. It also requires major
organizational system changes which need to be repositioned strategically which is quite
challenging and is also expensive. For instance, to build mobile infrastructure in health care
centre will have to invest in mobile technology which does not guarantee the benefits
attained form the health care mobile applications. This means that the cost & benefit of
mobile healthcare is challenging, especially when technology is advancing at a rapid pace.
Oldland (2020) mentions that there is lack of consumer trust when it comes to mobile
applications because every transactions needs to be authentic & reliable to ensure that the
message received are not altered and also the communication should be confidential. This
means that even when there is advancement in technology, the mobile applications are
more worried about the security issues related to transactions. Huzooree (2019) states that
the consumers today need to be assured of the medical as well as financial information
which should be secure and safe. But mass adoption of mobile technology and also wide
spread of mobile health care services after the pandemic many users have started to trust
mobile applications. The lack of information quality control is another challenge when it

42 | P a g e
comes to mobile health informatics. Today large amount of information about the diseases,
their treatment, symptoms, are easily available now which is provided by the government
agencies and pharmaceutical companies that lead to patient discussion groups with aims to
mitigate biases (Akbar et al., 2020). Mobile technology for health care provide higher
flexibility and mobility but even then they are considered to be inferior when compared to
one on one health care service standard. There are issues like small mobile screen, low
display resolution, which can impact the graphics and lead to ineffective treatment at times.
Furthermore, there are issues like low battery, storage capacity, and other such complexities
which do not support the complex applications (França et al., 2022). These challenges and
drawbacks do not support the complex application as well as the transactions which limit
the usage of mobile services, especially in complicated healthcare environment.


Some potential discoveries can be found using the Nvivo software:

Themes and sub-themes: Themes and sub-themes that arise from the data can be identified
and organised using Nvivo. This can shed light on the primary subjects and problems that
the participants are debating.

43 | P a g e
The above image shows the list and the number of coding and its number of occurrence

Double clicking any of the codes in the list will open the document and will highlight the
presence of that word in the paragraph.

44 | P a g e
The first theme that emerged from the data was related to the provision of care in the
healthcare system. The findings suggest that health information technology tools can
facilitate the coordination of care between different healthcare providers and support the
delivery of high-quality healthcare services to patients. Specifically, the data indicated that
health information technology tools can be used to improve the efficiency of hospital
management systems, enhance the quality-of-care services, and support the patient care
journey. The data also showed that the use of health information technology tools can
empower healthcare professionals to provide better care to their patients. This is
particularly important in the context of future healthcare professionals who will need to
have hands-on health informatics skills to succeed in their roles.

The second theme that emerged from the data was related to the collection, management,
and analysis of health data. The findings suggest that health information technology tools
can be used to collect and manage health data more efficiently and accurately. The data
indicated that the use of health information technology tools can support the accurate
collection of patient data over time, which can lead to better health outcomes for patients.
Additionally, the data showed that health information technology tools can support the
analysis and interpretation of health data, which can be used to inform healthcare decision-
making. This is particularly important in the context of achieving health equity, as health
data can be used to identify disparities in health outcomes and inform policies to address
these disparities.

The third theme that emerged from the data was related to the various health information
technologies and their applications in the healthcare industry. The findings suggest that
there are many different health information technologies available, each with their own
unique applications and benefits. The data indicated that some of the most commonly used
health information technologies include electronic health records, mobile health
information systems, and large-scale health information technology tools. The data also
showed that health information technology tools can be used to monitor health
information, evaluate health information, and comply with health standards. Additionally,
the data indicated that health information technology tools can be used to empower
healthcare administration and support healthcare delivery.

45 | P a g e
The fourth theme that emerged from the data was related to healthcare informatics and its
role in the healthcare industry. The findings suggest that healthcare informatics is a critical
component of the healthcare industry, as it can be used to support healthcare
administration, delivery, and management. The data indicated that healthcare informatics
can be used to develop and implement healthcare management systems, modelling, and
outcome measures. Additionally, the data showed that healthcare informatics can support
healthcare policy makers, healthcare professionals, and healthcare users. The data also
indicated that there are many different healthcare informatics applications and tools
available, each with their own unique functionality score.


Some potential findings that may emerge from a thematic analysis of healthcare
management system data in NVivo include:

Communication breakdowns: One theme that may emerge is communication breakdowns

between healthcare providers, patients, and administrative staff. This could include issues
such as miscommunication, incomplete documentation, or delays in sharing information.

System inefficiencies: Another theme that may emerge is inefficiencies in the healthcare
management system. This could include issues such as long wait times, duplicate procedures
or tests, or bureaucratic hurdles that delay patient care.

Quality of care: A third theme that may emerge is the quality of care provided to patients.
This could include issues such as medical errors, inappropriate prescribing practices, or gaps
in follow-up care.

Patient satisfaction: A fourth theme that may emerge is patient satisfaction with the
healthcare management system. This could include feedback on factors such as the
friendliness and professionalism of staff, the cleanliness and comfort of facilities, and the
availability of resources and support.

Staff workload and burnout: A final theme that may emerge is the workload and burnout of
healthcare providers. This could include issues such as high stress levels, long hours, and
inadequate support or resources.

46 | P a g e
Limited generalizability: Thematic analysis is based on a relatively small sample size, which
can limit the generalizability of the findings to a larger population. This is especially true in
healthcare management research, where the findings of a thematic analysis may not be
applicable to other healthcare organizations with different contexts and characteristics.

Lack of structure: Thematic analysis does not have a predefined set of steps or procedures,
which can make it difficult to replicate the analysis or compare findings across studies. This
lack of structure can also make it challenging to ensure the rigor and validity of the analysis.


Use reputable sources: When conducting research, it is important to use reputable sources
that are reliable, accurate, and up-to-date. This can include peer-reviewed journal articles,
books, and reputable websites such as government or organizational websites.

Follow ethical guidelines for human subject’s research: research involves human subjects, so
be sure to follow ethical guidelines for conducting research with human subjects, such as
obtaining informed consent and protecting the privacy and confidentiality of participants.


The results of this study are consistent with previous research that has shown the benefits
of using health informatics in hospital management systems. By improving communication,
increasing efficiency, and improving patient care, health information technologies can help
to support the delivery of high-quality, safe, and efficient healthcare.

However, it is important to note that the implementation of health informatics in hospital

management systems can also pose challenges. Participants in this study identified several
challenges, including the cost and complexity of implementing and maintaining health
information technologies, as well as concerns about privacy and data security.

Overall, this study provides valuable insights into the impact of health informatics on
hospital management systems. By understanding the benefits and challenges of using health
information technologies, healthcare organizations can make informed decisions about how

47 | P a g e
to best leverage these tools to support their mission of delivering high-quality, safe, and
efficient care to patients.

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