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Dear Respondent

We are the students of Dhaka University doing a survey for the research of our course. It will
take few minutes of your time. Your response would be of great help in accomplishing the study.
However, this information is only for academic purpose and will not be disclosed elsewhere. We
heartily thank you for your cooperation.

For the following questions PLEASE TICK (✔) in the boxes, which you answer according
to the degree of your agreement.

1. Gender: ▭ Male ▭ Female

2. Age Group: ▭ 20- 25 ▭ 26-30 ▭ 31-35 ▭ 36-40 ▭ 41+

3. Do you think career exploration is important?

▭ Yes
▭ No
▭ Confused

4. Have you ever conducted at least one job shadowing or informational interview experience
with a professional in a field that you are considering for your future?
▭ Yes
▭ No

5. Have you ever obtained information on specific jobs or companies?

▭ Never ▭ Somewhat ▭ A Moderate Amount ▭ A Substantial Amount ▭ A Great Deal

6. Can you identify at least one person on campus (e.g., faculty member, advisor, career coach,
resident director, mentor, etc.) with whom you had an ongoing conversation about
your career path?
▭ Yes
▭ No

7. Have you participated in or scheduled a career coaching appointment through the Career
Center to lay out a career development plan?
▭ Yes
▭ No

8. How satisfied are you with your current work life balance?
▭ Very dissatisfied ▭ Dissatisfied ▭ Neutral ▭ Satisfied ▭ Very satisfied

9. Do you think your first job is a part of career exploration?

▭ Agree ▭ Strongly Agree ▭ Disagree ▭ Strongly Disagree.

10. Do you ever consider doing an internship to learn about a work field and get experience?
▭ Yes
▭ No

11. What is the most important factor during career exploration?

▭ Practical Knowledge
▭ Theoretical Knowledge

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