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BATOON, Mc Anthony N.



All Human Have Rights: Human Rights

We are all created by God’s will. We are all created equally. All humans deserve respect, but give

respect for those who deserve it. I and my pair accept LGBTQ in the community, but do other people accept

LGBTQ Community? I and my pair accept equality, but do all people want equality? Nowadays, people now

have a different type of sexual orientation which is not described or told by the Bible or God himself,

respectively. But it doesn’t mean that these different sexual orientations don’t need respect, dignity and

especially, rights. They may be different in gender, they may be different in race, but on top of that, we are all

human after all. As stated in the website, this is entitled as The State of LGBTQ Human

Rights Worldwide by Amnesty International USA, “our core belief that all people, regardless of their sexual

orientation or gender identity, should be able to exercise their full human rights”.

All people equality, especially for those people who are in the lowest part of the community. Because

they are poor, they can’t fight back in the discrimination of other people. But now LGBTQ is discriminated too,

just because they are different. Most of the people that are part of the LGBTQ are often to be discriminated

and their parents were ashamed of them. People don’t give this right, the right to use comfort rooms.

Why? Because they view a part of a LGBTQ as a different individual. For an example, a gay entered a

Ladies’ Comfort Room, of course the ladies would freak out because the gay got a guy part. And when a gay

enter a Gentlemen’s Comfort Room, he will take bashes and embarrassment, because he got a personality of

a girl but uses a gents comfort room. This follows as said in the recent news in ABS-CBN and other news

casting companies, which the LGBT questions equality among men and women.

That’s why politicians argue about having a Comfort Room for LGBTQ, which is terribly correct. If they

have this comfort room, they won’t take discrimination and embarrassment. We can achieve more stable and

equal community if we have the same view. This will be a huge change.

A little percentage of the LGBTQ Community involves crime. Boy and Girls has greater percentage of

committing crime which clearly indicates LGBT’s are more disciplined and hates crime. In some studies, it is

stated that if there is 10 detainees, 10% is the chance that there is a LGBT.


But there is crime that they usually do, these “Pssst, 150” stuff. They usually do that, especially gays.

And also lesbians do want something with girls.

They won’t do that if you wouldn’t want it in the first place. If you want it, then they will do it. It is based

on your actions. It can be treated a crime but you will be a huge part of it. They won’t do that all the time.

In any community, there is a part of a LGBTQ Community. Statistics have proven it. In a generation, if

there are 50 people, 10 are part of the LGBT. The world is changing; the population is growing day by day, the

LGBT, boys, and girls. And in the recent issues, most LGBTs are experiencing bashes, bullying, and some sort

of torture, in some scenarios, people show anger towards them and murders them. These actions of people

cause depression to them, and in the worst case they commit suicide. Where is the equality? All humans have

the right to live; they’re not some things that you can do anything to them. They also have feelings and

emotions, ambitions and dreams.

Some people say they don’t deserve it, because they are against the holy words, because they violate

some of the laws in the community and in the world.

But, where is the justice if you have the right to live even though LGBT, boys and girls are humans in all

aspects. If we seek equality, then learn to accept all living things and treat them how you treat others.

In general, we should avoid criticism and stop making fuss about LGBT. We all have rights, to fight, to

speak, to live. Human Rights are applied to everybody, any race, any sexual orientation. We are created

equally and everybody has a unique characteristics. We must know equality first and apply I to everyone, no

matter what the difference is. In that way can achieve progress, peace and stability of every community.

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