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Brecht underlines the price she pays for her wealth with her "disfigurement," Yvette.

Kattrin is a
mute, but ironically she is one of the play's most emotionally eloquent characters.In the play's
penultimate scene, she is killed as she attempts to warn a town about animminent siege. She
bears out one of Brecht's favorite sayings: "silence sometimes makes themost noise."In the midst
of the long and bloody war, Mother Courage takes advantage in every way shecan to peddle her
goods and eke out a profit from the needs of those who want more and thedeprivations of those
who have too little.Mother Courage and the way she uses war for her benefit but she loses her
three children toit, the Sergeant sums it up in scene 1 when he says to Mother Courage "What the
war tonourish you, Have to feed it someting in return.
Mother Courage and Her Children
was written and first produced in the 1940s, atime when Europe, and the world at large, seemed
upside down. Brecht’s homeland,Germany, had seen tremendous social and pol

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