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Arguments For Arguments Against


1. Marital infidelity. 1. Marriage is a lifetime commitment, sacred.

2. You cannot correct a mistake with another mistake. 2. Everyone deserves a second chance,forgiveness
3. There is no point in living a married life you are 3. Divorce will make marriage lose its meaning.
not happy with. 4. Divorce will undermine/weaken the family.
4. Divorce will break up a family but might lead to 5. Divorce is against the teachings of the
to the formation of a better one. Christian faith.
5. It will give one the chance to correct mistakes 6. Starting all over anew doesn’t have to be
committed in the previous marriage. with another partner.
6. Children are already affected by the couples 7. It will have devastating effect the children.
constant quarelling. 8. It is often associated with heart wrenching
7. A solution to failed marriages, esp. domestic emotions, unspeakable sadness, depression,
violence, drug addiction, alcohol, gambling, etc. anxiety, and much more.
8. You only have one life to live, so why waste it by 9. It is tragic. It often leaves partners embittered
staying with someone you no longer love. and disillusioned. It robs the children of the
9. Unhappiness can lead to depression and even love and security of a healthy family and
suicide. In can affect your personality, ability to denies them a good role model for their own
work, ability to relate to other people. future marriages
10. Children who witness aggression and abuse grow 10. The only winners in divorce are lawyers. You
up to behave in the same way. lose a lot of money, it is expensive.


1. Learning experience. 1. It can lead to STD’s, unwanted pregnancy, and

2. To test sexual compatibility even abortion.
3. Everybody is doing it. 2. Have a feeling of guilt and ostracism.
4. Individual freedom 3. Undermining of traditional morality and
5. Obsolescence of the old traditions. family values.
6. Promiscuity fallacy. 4. Encouragement of promiscuity.
7. Guilt and ostracism fallacy. 5. Compatibility and experience fallacy.


1. Unfulfilled sexual needs. 1. It goes against tradition and the Christian faith.
2. It is alright as long as nobody is hurt, as long as It is immoral.
it is consensual. 2. It can lead to STD’s, even AIDS.
3. What you do not know cannot hurt you. 3. It damages the trust and bond between
husband and wife.
4. Spouse and children will be deeply affected
socially, emotionally, and psychologically.


1. Helps the economy by controlling population. 1. It is against moral beliefs of the Catholics
2. Prevents unwanted pregnancy, STD’s, AIDS. 2. It enourages promiscuity.
3. Promotes responsible parenting. 3. It is unnatural.

1. It gives infertile couple a chance to have 1. It is a commodification of women’s

a child. reproductive rights.
2. It gives infertile couple happiness and fulfillment 2. It involves potential exploitation of (poorer).
of parenthood the surrogate.
3. Principle of personal (individual) freedom and 3. It violates the fundamental rights of mothers
choice. (surrogate) to associate with their children.
4. It gives homosexuals a chance to have a child. 4. It is costly and medically invasive.
5. It destroys the sanctity of marriage because
surrogacy involves a third party (surrogate)


1. Anti-marriage sentiments, an alternative to 1. Those in cohabiting relationship are more

traditional marriage believing it to be likely to be unfaithful to their partners.
“repressive”,” irrelevant”, and saying “we’re not 2. Lack of commitment.
trapped by marriage”. Easy to come and go. 3. Harmful effect upon children.
2. Avoiding the costly and devastating effect of divorce 4. Against God’s divine intention in marriage.
or legal separation. 5. Immoral because it involves premarital
3. Fear or disbelief in long-term relationship. sexual relations.
4. Testing compatibility. 6. It goes against tradition and Christian values.
5. Practical and economical.
6. Companionship
7. We’re going to get married anyway.

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