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Començarem amb les nadales al porxo al matí i al pati de petits a
We’ll start our carol singing at porch every la tarda. Les famílies del grup que els hi toqui cantar, podran
morning and at kindergarden playground in the quedar-se al porxo o al pati dels petits per poder veure l’actuació,
afternoon. The families of the singers may stay at per tant aquell dia podran acompanyar als seus/es fills/es.
the porch or at the kindergarden playground to
see the performance, so that day they can come Aquest és el calendari:
in with their children.
Dilluns 11 3r Deck the Halls
This is the calendar:
Dimarts 12 6è The 12 Days of Christmas
Monday 11th 3rd Deck the Halls
Dimecres 13 2n We Wish you a Merry Christmas
Tuesday 12th 6th The 12 Days of Christmas
Dijous 14 4t Santa is Coming to Town
Wednesday 13th 2nd We Wish you a Merry Christmas
Divendres 15 1r Chicka-boom Christmas
Thursday 14th 4th Santa is Coming to Town
Dilluns 18 5è Hip Hop Elves
Friday 15th 1st Chicka-boom Christmas
Us hi esperem! S’acosta Nadal!
Monday 18th 5th Hip Hop Elves
Raquel, Judit and Dolors
We hope to see you! Christmas is Mestres d’anglès

Raquel, Judit and Dolors

Teachers of English

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