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English for Iraq Sixt Prep. galas) gatleall Ay puiSdl dill! f dapdgedill de>) [49] \ Choose one of the two words between the brackets. (Choose Five only) 1-1( got, made) my television stolen. 2-1 (mustn't / don’t have to) be back later than 8 o’clock tonight or my parents will be angry. 3- (Shall I/ Would you like ) open the window? 4-Thave studied hard for the test, so I( shouldn't / should) pass the exam. 5- A noise made him( look/looked ) outside. 6- We left two hours early We ( should \ shouldn't) mi the plane. 03 Vocabulary and Spelling: A/Complete the sentences with the suitable word from the box: (Choose Five only) (footprints, pay ,solid , empty , let , property , alerted, burglar ) 1- No one of the missing has been found, 2+ A........... can hide behind the trees and bushes. 3- The police were . . about a robbery .last night. 4- There is nothing in the beg. it is .......0. 5- You must a fine when you get a ticket. 6- You must People cross the street at pedestrian cross. re. ...can tell you what type of shoes a thief was wearing. 8. Make sure your doors are B/ Match the word and the phrase in List A with their meaning in List B : (choose Five only) LIST (A) LIST (B) I-put in a- dispose of 2-join b- without someone looking after it 3-unattended c- become a member of 4-throw away ¢- get information about a crime S-arrest e-install 6-investigate f put someone in a prison C/ Complete the following with correctly spelt words. (choose Five only) 1-18 yrs. ,18 years ; comp, ~ 2-company , co. ; frequent-~ 3-injured,hurt ;property 4-investigate.find out ; occurred ~ 5-speeding ticket; metal security camera ; conveyor Q4/write 100 to 120 words on “How to get a job “ English for Iraq Sixt Prep. galas) gatleall Ay puiSidl dill! J dap agent! de> [50] PR QLOPRLOPLOPLOPLOPLOPLLD OPEL OPE OPL ELD _UNIT THREE LESSON 1 | A- Match the jobs and duties in the list below : pos) Latah 3 Slat glh 5 Gita gl Jao gf - Jobs 448 51} Duties Sts! sh T-architect gs se | e- designs buildings asl pes 2- cameraman jis 524 | j- operates the camera for films or TV programs JALAN al yp 5H g2GDU Nl jos 3- engineer Wie ‘c- designs and builds machines , engines or roads BAR NSIS ae, ill gy peas 4- flight attendant Sus |h-Tooks after passengers ona plane Sli Gs Ge Ga lull eg 3- journalist A= i writes articles for newspapers and magazines gd; USN GS; 6- lawyer plas £ gives advice to people about the law Gs) Ge Gal Sai a 7- life guard Saudi 3 Sis | g- is responsible for the safely of swimmers — Casali 45a Ge Tyas 8- pilot bb a- flies a plane 5 pla Glas 9- plumber dus b- fixes and installs pipes for water ole) YI ues ches 10- surgeon cl= ce i- operates on people in hospital sitiwdl 43 UU Lala She 5 II- secretary 38S d- does general office work We 4s lel day T2 tour guide gaa aS p31] k- shows tourist around ea a lds a SOY Gail Gay C- Write definitions for the following jobs: RGN Hi oll og) Gh si Aga Sac) a Le GE (Aga) Gadd Gi il 1- A nurse ; is someone who looks after sick people and helps doctors | AWRY 205 y pase yall Cully ates IN eat es ie paall Dial panes gill Gach ya» ols jY) pene V5 Nal Ce spall asl) 2 Gaull) po 4- A salesperson : is someone who sells things in a shops» 38 tebe aie gill GaS.ill ys: Chaps Gb ye of 2- A fashion designer : is someone who designs clothes 3- A hotel manager : is someone who runs a hotel 5- ATV presenter : is someone who presents programs on TV i) le gal yl pub gi yaa p 6- A marketing manager : is someone who helps selling things (products) ok (eh) oN gah A leg GSI aR Gel 6 <8, 7-.A cartoonist : is someone who draws amusing pictures ad Flee ype pee gill ast) ga > ySlGs IS ply -7 Hansall 63 07732299864 inal ila English for Iraq Sixt Prep. galas) gatleall Ay puiSdl dill! J dap dgedll dep) [52] Oana ob pill (gle Jai (All wil Windia) Lind Le Jiisuall (be) sunny tomorrow . I (wear) my sunglasses .(first cond.) is sunny tomorrow , I'll wear my sunglasses . I'll wear my sunglasses if it is sunny tomorrow . She (arrive) early if she (take) a taxi, .(first cond.) She can arrive early if she takes a taxi. If anyone (need) help , I (be) here tomorrow. 434) Alaa) 6) (ple Ja (lat) Jatiows Gi If anyone needs help , I will be here tomorrow. zero , Osta a unless <5) 361 sll padi Yale Guts Lub LN if OSs unless pind o) OSy (i first Unless he (make ) a big effort , he (not get ) through the end of year exam . (pt) tg) inne i Unless he makes a big effort , he won't get through the end of year exam stoma. UNIT THREE LESSON 3 Cause a Eg. Result 49,50) Ag If Simple Past > | Would/ could/ might + inf. S + past verb + com (didn't) se Result 450) Hay If Cause sul! Qh Would/ could/ might + inf. 23> Simple Past » (Aa fie Ua) Aas 4) Aplly y GLa Ge sill Second conditional asdiat - If I (have) enough money , I (buy) a car (second cond.) If I had enough money , I would buy a car I would buy a car if I had enough money . - If she studied harder, she (pass) the exam. If she studied harder, she would pass the exam. - If I (be) you, I would read very well If Lwere you, | would read very well. - They could win the match if they (play) well. _- They could win the match if they played well. Hansall 63 07732299864 Sl) ale el English for Iraq Six Prep. galasll qual AypiSidl alll g dep aged! deni! [53] 4 hid Coins —_ 7 Cause aaa) Lg. Result 49,63) Ag. Past perfect (had+p.p.) * [ (Would/ could/ might) + have +p.p | Result 455i) ay If Cause sipsall Aap (Would/could/ might) + have +p.p Past perfect (had+p.p.) ASD AS) oe Saal pking 3), pall! gb Aya y Sisal ge Sanit! third conditional asiui - Dantas a! V8 y cecal) -If we (know) about the problem yesterday , we (solve) it. Third Conditional) -If we had known about the problem yesterday , we could have solved it. -If we had trained harder , we(win) the match .(correct ) -If we had trained harder , we might have won the match -If I (not have ) the operation, I would have died. (correct) -If Ihadn't had the operation , I would have died. Type Es) Tf Clause ssl das Result si Present simple Zero S+ verb(s}+com (don't Present simple/ Imperative conditional Hansall 63 07732299864 } ala English for Iraq Sixt Prep. galas) gatleall Ay puiSidl dill! J dap agent! de pil) [54] y rll Yous Que Bue ae PL If dee Lyla Geel ys Le: ap Lge Ta ( (Oa A Las Ang la gy 8) Jey. Ala Ge lat Jay oA AaLigd dell O« GS EW 1 | Ex. If you (leave) early , you wouldn't have missed the bus . Mat) Ale any aN) ally gts (ttt) shat) ela tea ac cea a Atay) a2 Ex: If anyone (need) help, I (be) here tonrérrow. Naa egal jai Veg ( al) A aS) cial qua iti Jad) Jas) 3 esses Sl alge JL Gob cpimall (gle sai aly Attell ode Gb Ex: If you go out in this rain,... AB. Page SI//A- Match the sentences halves and complete the sentences . Add a comma (,) where necessary: 8 sall ie Aelil) Lidal , aall Jasin pha doesh 1+ [can't get to sleep if I drink a lot of coffee. . &seill garpptSlh UGS oi) le Syumall aabtial Y=] 2-If [end my brother CDs , he always loses them Lila sal YI ba sits @ | CDs gal el 3) -2 3-If you work in marketing , your job is to enicourage people to_buy. eles pele Gl) amctane cleo, ip pull Slee pb Jeni Cus 191.3, 4-If you're good at language , you can be an interpreter. . Lis Si of OS, 4All Gi Lge GAS 11g 5-My parents get worried if Lcome home late, Ale C8) 38 pth ol) cg 15) GER yy ate ally -5 6-You need to improve your English if you want to study in Britain ADR yo ad all ay 9 cS 10) Ay SSN RS Gunes ll elias al 2G 7-Food goes bad unless you keep it in the fridge ARTE oa 4p tis alle seein el S8ll 7 AB. Page 52 B- Write these sentences using the correct form of the verbs in brackets : Aas GA das pass I Ja) Ls (Gah Be UES nell JS Lan a0 98 Gc) (2) ape US y peal! Guu 9) LE aga gl Lal hy first 1- If | (not pass ) the high school exam this year , I ( take ) it again next year. GL} 1539 - If I don’t pass the high school exam this year , I'll take it again next year . 2- Ifshe (not apply ) for a scholarship , of course she ( not get ) one. (Psi) Baas (Ne Jeena Gb a ges ual yt Ale) (le pat al a 13) - If she doesn’t apply for a scholarship , of course she won't get one 3 If anyone ( need ) advice about their application forms , 1( be ) here tomorrow to help, 45 55 - If anyone needs advice about their application forms , Ill be here tomorrow to help 4- If he ( log on ) to the British Council Site , he ( find ) quite a lot of useful information about courses in Britain . - If he logs on to the British Council Site , he'll find quite a lot of usefull information about courses in Britain . qb Haah pl Gye Saghall La gleall yo yl (QEgall AUgSs ate is) apes Lilly ll bail age ll ge Sa gl 07732299864 jal) gla English for Iraq Six Prep. galas’) gatleall Ay puiSidl dill! J dap dgedill de> [55] 5- If you ( want ) to do a degree in Britain , you ( have to ) do a one-year foundation . = Ifyou want to do a degree in Britain , you'll have to do a one-year foundation lel 5 SI gaat Gf (GUIAS Se anne) dle on gine Lily Oe alg te Igual el gl 6 -Unless he ( make ) a big effort this term , he ( not get through ) the end-of-year exams, 48 2535 - Unless he makes a big effort this term , he won't get through the end-of-year exams 7- If you are offered a place at Carnegie university , (you accept ) it ? = Ifyou are offered a place at Camegie university , will you accept it ? 4p Sia Jag JIS dade i lane (Shia) Gun ye 1- If Ido really well in the exams , I will pass them . & jp! Gi gu 3d ULSAN Ji tee Cool) tg} 2 If you want to work in the media , you should be fit for this job USD Da 52 GSS Gane DEY! 5 all gl sl 3- If I don’t get a place at bus, I'll take a taxi. 3s) 3 lee dita Gye yall Gi Gls le dees ol Gul gh 4- If you want to study languages , you can be translator . Les jie G85 GI Bae olalll dul pcos 5- If my father wins a car , I'll take my friend omholiday . $ j84 93 gine! 38) age hes ay galls GI 1- If I_had ( have ) lots of money , Lwould buy ( buy ) a race hours 2- Lwouldn’t have ( not have ) to spend so long on my homework if Lhad ( have ) a computer of my own. 3+ Where would you choose ( you choose ) to live if you could ( can ) live anywhere in the world ? 4- Lwould learn (learn ) to parachute if my friend said ( say ) she would do it with me 5-If Lwere ( be ) you , Lwouldn’t ask ( not ask ) his advice about anything 6- She would look ( look 0 much nicer if she wore ( wear ) contact lenses instead of glasses 7-He would be ( be ) more attractive if he shaved ( shave ) his bread off 8- Lwouldn’t marry (not marry ) him even if he was ( be ) the last man on the earth AB Page . 62 B- Make sentences in the Third Conditional by putting the verbs in the correct form : 5 Gaseall GSA ob ABW) aadny DIS Oe AY Lae ll Jag Gaal 1- If [had known ( know ) about her problems , I would have lent her some money . 2- If we had left ( leave ) a little earlier , we would not have missed the bus 3+ We would not have eaten ( not eat ) at that restaurant if we had known it was so expensive 4- [would have studied medicine if my parents had had ( have ) enough money to pay for the course 5- What would you have done if nobody had come ( come ) to rescue you? 6- We could have died ( die ) of thirst in the desert if Adam and Ali had not come for us in their truck 7- If Salwa hadn’t told me about the new time for the class , I would have been ( be ) really late Hansall 63 07732299864 jal) gla English for Iraq Sixt Prep. galas) gatleall Sy puiSidl dill! J dap dgeill de> [56] AB(P.70) t 1- What would you like to change if you could ( can ) change one thing about your appearance 2- If you go to bed now , you will probably feel ( probably feel ) better in the morning 3+ What would you buy first if you win ( won ) a million pounds ? 4- What would we have done if our car had broken down ( break down ) in the desert ? 5- [won't help Sharifa with her Math's if she doesn’t lend ( not lend ) me her camera 6. Ifyou found ( find ) a snake in your bed , what would you do ? IF | STUDIED, | WOULD PASS IF [HAD STUDIED, I WOULD HAVE PASSED 1ST CONDITIONAL 2ND CONDITIONAL aS lg, pineal gua AN) Liat) Qyaay UGK) ¢ BLE) GUS GB 12 Aaa I y¥! Saag!) AL ya LS ot SS A ig Ai) ML Ga yall Nha Gg 6 Glbaell ott ay pF ata ie is ssa ay Ugte Gia Ly Sad JS Gal Gly asad Ube Qld) lay Gt dis gla) Ha) ey - 1- agree dil 2 disagree 2- approvedix: disapprove 3- like oy dislike 4- obey a x disobey 5- trust 33 distrust 6- appear ves disappear 7- pleases displease 8- connect disconnect 9- encourage a= discourage Aantal 63 07732299864 Se) sl el English for Iraq Sixt Prep. galas) gatleall Sy puiSdl All! J dap dgedll de>il) [57] AM) ih gla) ih sila Sigua call pele Sipe Oe SI gull Jy gard asked ,He asked me J24(subject+ asked +object ) + GsSy gil! sill Jad Qi -1 é! Muna, She asked us Jay) Sha) uaa -2 Jay 30 Sials (If/ whether) Csite¥) saa) gua solic Jay jay Sged GIS) - 312) axaii(@l) when, where, why, what how: dis) Wh- algdiul sal fay digpadl gts) sy a lpia) rise Le (he, she, they, it )OUS Lege Je gill pai JeLill ast 3, (asked Lats a4 2495 Jada!) © ) ode! Jill Jeil O 4y Jada) Gua say you elit gis 13) — (asked Las Ji oag5 § JeUill ) odie! gil) Gail § JeUitl uate gay T Seti is 13) - Ae pall 05 coll Alaa) aj Ugad 4 ai ysl) ua ie pall aj cll Gath dasa ais Am, Is, Are | ~ Was, Were | Have , Has | Had Will , Can, May —> Would, could, might y | 2 Was , Were | Had been (23) 9 Jaa (3 Us) (Do, Does, Did) Jigal) A stad Sill QSL (2153) 7 all GB LAS) cele th Adal! pea th Jat Jay do dias (2551 3 BE US) tte ol Aaa pat 3 Jal Jay does: cia (203) 4 Sa) BUS) (had + pep ) abi tbe col pl) Jail) sais did iia Examples : I-He asked me. " What are they reading 2" = He asked me what they were reading . 2-1 asked him, " Where will she go ?" - Lasked him where she would go. 3- She asked " Why does he smoke? "" - She asked why he smoked . 4- Alii asked. " What did they study 2" - Ali asked what they had studied. — -He asked her if she was OK. 5- He asked her" Are you O! 6- She asked "Is it raining 2” - She asked whether it was raining . ~- Lasked him if he knew . - She asked whether had had fun . 7- Do you know ? I asked him .... 8- Did you have fun ? She asked 9- How was the training ? He asked me.. s+ - He asked me how the training had been Hansall 63 07732299864 inal ila English for Iraq Six Prep. galas) gatleall Ay puiSidl dill! J dap agent! de> [58] TIS ES 9 ga) Ge GWT sh you dasty PU pa ay WU) AES at Wy: US pele hme C1) Tene (ke him) ns (he) DIRS ee ee aca [Coad te) ams (ae) DUR You See eee ste Gast | Castea ws) ams (ye) Alas vou Meee ag | Coed) SBIR om Cheah) Pans (Qu atasiy getty cae Us) sled ny gg Ua ua any aaa gd you waned La] au Ba. fi asked 10- “How do you start your business ? Tasked them 3s - L asked them how they started their business. L1- What is your favou They asked me what my favourite rout was. 12,When did you lose your bag? ( Write the direct question as a reported question begin with I asked her—)glis -I asked her when she had lost her bag. 13- Can I borrow some money? She asked me (reported question) 13s -She asked me if she could borrow some money. ——_s Ex- How long was the training? (Reported question start with : He asked me....) He asked me how long the training had been . 1. How long have you been flying? (Reported question start with : He asked me....) - He asked me how long I had been flying. Hansall 63 07732299864 inal ila English for Iraq Sixt Prep. galas) gatleall Ay puiSidl dill! J dap dgedll de>) [59] 2. Do you still like the job? (Reported question start w He asked me if I still liked the job : He asked me...) 3- How did you feel on your first solo flight? (Reported question : He asked me...) He asked me how I had felt on my first solo flight 4- Have you ever had a scary experience when flying? (He asked me....) He asked me if I had ever had a scary experience when flying 5- What's your favourite route? (Reported question start with : He asked me...) He asked me what my favourite route was AB(P. 71-72 F- Write who asked you each question and report the question : hn ut Ay des Shpall Shy SIgee JS allay Gre ish 1- How often do you clean your teeth ? - The dentist asked me how often I cleaned my teeth . 2- Why haven’t you answered all the questions ? - My English teacher asked me why I hadn’t answer all the questions 3- Will you be free to play in the match on Saturday ? - the football coach asked me if I would be free to play in the match on Saturday 4- When are you going to get out of bed ? - My mother asked me when I was going to get out of bed . 5- Is the red jacket Ok for you ? - The shop assistant asked me if the red jacket was Ok for me . G.: Write the direct questions as reported questions : Agile Aluuls 5 dla Aaa) Qasi 1- Can I borrow some money ? - She asked me if she could borrow some money 2- Where did you lose your purse ? - Lasked her where she had lost her purse . 3- How long have you been waiting for Faisal 2 - He asked me how long I had been waiting for Faisal 4- Will you be able to come to my party ? - Lasked Layla if she would be able to come to my party Hansall 63 07732299864 inal ila English for Iraq Six Prep. galas i) gus Si putSid} Aid! p ded dgenil! Seyi} — [60] Toe Om CI ie I eI Fie RI eI ITIP PERE UNIT THREE LESSON 5 Regret : Gu! 4 pail! Lali ca pall) GS sell (ob gl (OY) id ls (if only , I wish ) psdiad- If only/1 wish) + subject + (had/ hadn't) + p.p (= i 3- You got a bad mark in your last science exam . & - If only [hadn't got a bad mark in my science exam 4 7 4- Your brother is very annoyed with you . a t - If only he hadn't been annoyed with me. J o 5- You didn’t lock the car and) a thief stole some I valuable things of yours from it. - If only I had locked the car 1- You drank a lot of coffee . Now you are in bed and you can't sleep . 2- You decided not to go to the park with your friend , now you regret it. - If only [had gone to the park with my friend _ péaol eo o jell und il path 3 You didn’t revise for your Geography exam and you got a bad mark , You feel sorry about this . 4- You bought some shoes last week . You've decided you don’t like them . - If only Lhadn’t bought any shoes last week. ((some — those /these ) I 07732299864 ual) sila pilawa iin! : slic} English for Iraq Sixt Prep. galas) gatleall Ay puiSdl dill! J dap agent! de >il [62] 5- You are at the park with your friends . You would like to take some photos but you have forgotten to bring y eu y ibn geno jal gb iS) Lain (lS i inal GM lh) SNH Lal oe ca ySs pat) ob Ala og a putt las 6) Cea LES gual) ny ais - Lwish I hadn't forgotten to bring_my camera . | yall) Gil pail al pill iat) POLL PL PL PLP PL PL PL PL RE UNIT THREE LESSON 9 A: Complete the sentences with the correct word from the box : + Oaletiswall ya Aapoucall Lal Jaa ode asi engineer Way pilot 2 ur camera . journalist ima secretary 2S uide ‘ae yall 1- Salwa works with the director of the company . She writes all his letters and answers the telephone She is his secretary. 2 4s1SN5 45 Sul) 0, Gail CULES Gs £9 US 8S AS y2I yan ge JasS is gle 1 2- Captain Yosouf has been a pilot for ten years now . At the moment , he flies planes from Europe to the Gulf. etl! i by 3h cys 6 lball ay ga eLBYt ohn G3 cal pias puke Sie _hale Cane ge ost 2. 3- Jameel nearly drowned at the beach yesterday . Luckily , the lifeguard saw him and rescued him oSMily SaaL Aatuadl Sie Seal Guest al pgs Jalal a is Saee hu UI lS -3 4-" Who designed that amazing building ?" My uncle . He's a famous architect , you know USE yet cal ype g tae Ail, pee $l lh AL 5- My sister is a tour guide . She takes tourists sightseeing in London every day eS cpail i Aza allan dy5 3 clyall S815 sal Sak je a RIS 6- Have you read the article about dhows in this magazine ? It's by aunt , who is a journalist yin oh gine Jb Gea (CatS) Lgl f Algal ola Gb Aye pth OS yall ge Mall lf Ua -6 Page 69// B/ Circle the correct answers. os pane Ce 4 1 If you dislike something, you Ifyou distrust someone, you: b) don't like it ) don't have confidence in them If you disconnect your TV, you: If you discourage someone, you: ©) can't see the picture anymore a) make them feel they can't do something 5 Ifyou disobey someone, you: 6 If something has disappeared, you: b) don’t do what they say c) can't see it Hansall 63 07732299864 Sl) sila el English for Iraq Sixt Prep. galas’) gatleall Ay puiSidl dill! J dap dgedll de>) [63] B Complete the sentences with the appropriate words. Ryle OLS Jaa! ast 1.1'm hungry, Let's have lunch in the college ----- UI. coh lai) Jl Leo gi Ut 2. You'll really enjoy studying there. All the ......are really friendly and helpful. Srolll ostey rss (Sis Lal ally iad Ca 3, Please fill in this form, Write your name here and all the other __ underneath. SSS SM cscs JS La chal CaS), 5 LGA YH ob (gh liad ya 4, What is your 2 Isit Mrs., Miss or Dr.? $3. ,3Sall 5) Ass 3) Samall ga Ue pa 5. | would like to go on a computer ----- to improve my skills. ites p5bY ignesS peal ghayh 6.| didn’t know what to do after leaving school, but one of my teachers gave me some very cotlae! Gyae ytall ant GST Gat yall JUST aay Jail Hla Gayot oS! al 7. They didn't know which class | should be in, so | did a test to find out what English was. AAS GU see RESY ILS) Ce pat tal ggSl Gt Gay Gee 8. | can't get that job because I don't have the right gltaeall Asi pcal dig gl alls cle Jyunall abil Y good my ghia de 9. I want to go to ------- and get a Science degree. shu! 4 Sit le Jeaaly Mail gl ay) 10. | am interested in the environment. | would like a, in ecology. Tl pe Bt MY ea Ul 1. Canteen “sis 2. staff 2S 3. details uel 4, title Hise 5. course 835 G.advice 4auai_ 7. level esau 8, qualifications <4} 9, university dua!) 10. career Ups 07732299864 pol. English for Iraq Six Prep. galas) gatleall Sy puiSdl All! J dap agent! de> [64] ‘The Advantages of Studying English in Britai It's well known that the best way to lear a language is by using and practicing that’s why I decided to go to Oxford University next summer to take a course of English , from which I can get several advantages Firstly , I can hear people speaking English all day in many different situations and places Secondly, I can watch TV and films in English and listen to B.B.C. radio to improve my listening and speaking skills. Thirdly, I'll read English newspapers , advertisements, notices and English books that can help me to improve my writing and reading skills. On the top of that, I can observe the British culture and way of life when I go out in the streets, restaurants, colleges and parks. Finally, I can possibly stay with British family. eB) Gy 8 I La lay plata Gale Ge 9S Rigas a abel Ay ph aad Oo) Gg peall Oe = gle spall le pea glial te Ay SASSY) ath Last jal Jabal Cannell 8 ay gies) Leela AL of gabttad LBB SLA y Gal yall Gleb a gall Spb Ay SY gy fae Gull aul Of gubial oY sl ON geet) LIS asi y cline lew je jell BBC 923 Ly al ects) lis 5 4 ASSL ADEN Gy jah Bel lly ANSI SI lee ja jay acksd ly 2 IGY! Sly aa all, UME YI, dy LAG! Gaal (st SUIS «petal e & yl pill oI ¢ pSI Leste tthe yl alll da: hg Mata Bay! of phil « alld gle 3h Wide es pl of ghia lay Ld! cle jill Aansall 63 07732299864 So) sila al English for Iraq Sixt Prep. galas) gatleall Sy puiSidl dill! J dap dgedill de>il [65] TPIT PL ALP AL OP LPM AD PAD PL PADD UNIT THREE LESSON 10 "FOCUS ON CAREERS-CONFERENCE- INTERPRETER " 2 Mab) dag 5 sett) bail Fetal paige, iby! Ose Ga ws GSA cA SASSY Gal) oe pa jS IS Sill, 2 penal) S ypene og shall > Pagal Noel sing GS ba gle 5 Lg) dele 58, Ae pall ce SA 8 IN Lai gg gute gall Go) Get cS)" 5 yeas plated Say YAN) aclalbawsyegle Gb pill ¢ gaze gall Ihe COM ed Lest: , JE ine cle MY" Se Ale Ls col La a ple Gane peal Ge OF." Lysis! 5 pdeall " Ba yes Shad Se Mey pall shgy Chava! Se iy oy SS LAY! 2 esa gd ane La tg) ADE TigalMay Cuan shall dans altel gd 5 yay 4 RAIS Aa) gS Seal 8 dy pall Gall) CaS GLE | Glial GLAS ually OSI 2 LSI 45 Gal Male Ge Ay pall Aad 3g yoSl Bg glo lan | Lua psall Gyo a pA ay , Aue yaa Oe BB 50 isl A Agena Me A IS pel all Lendl ag all 8 seit das Sad psheall days Len.) Asha sly ole J penal Algal OGL Ly lia Dll ans Le Lae g (ang ll Lada y id ay f Laskey DL Jad Si gall paw fle IES 5 ye FAL ASO Mss HS. Uae Gb Seg Lebbiey sla! lily isin y ly gah gf Santtall pei! allied Alia GIS 131 Lila gf SEN AGH allie Jans GIS Lan sie Sig Ala ead ye gle ain dye Jamas (gill Alia gill «(ABS ) Baas Laas 8 Gul Quem he ELIS, chal Ha, ltl CURE pats aS Gay aaly GURS po fl LI Gigli GI Lily ull any phe aa lye CD AD abil lS SY oe CSS glee 5, itll yo ea ys 250 , 398, 462 Ke LS I Cranial! 5 eB SE ON pgdlge spp phall Lap Lage lee ga call Cand gagll go! 8 yueus git, ld Yl ob dail | AIG alSt a pes BEY 6 gar A gas See Glen! zany, Sate Lal of Sil dike Ye (WSS GhbSY) all SY isl hd dale ol ON ee peal Se Sg pees SD ly a pad Sled oly LSS glans Gi OB yl) esd YG! Baal Bal ge LG paces Ou ysl en fal line GS) ISL 5 ype Cetny He pay ySi le Lyall Fal Gye pS COIS |p ge AISI AD NV es AT Me oe oS, Nall) Abel 5 yeas Ail (Aen Me all BSE) DB hey pall LAM Chandy Gy Sill ALE Glo Lye Chane A ICS Zell GI yal OSS Yd yall Leg. sl ode OS(s AY! 5B Saaly US$ Gels Ay HIV! Gal GI Lem aa go CLUS Bod) AGUS! ARM I 5 all 5 aus pa | Ley ps Sypees Sail) ale y | GSS) Gyecieall dacaly (Bgl Hal Lag le ae Go Jat Gad, yeas Ble Lye Alle Ge an ly Gl yall A ts iy cade gl Sake 5 Go agar Ay ISSN aL) BN yy all Qa Gye pn Gf qn CS TANy ag Xp gllne Aalll Go Ay pall 07732299864 Se) sila gl English for Iraq Six Prep. galasll geal AypiSidl dill p dep agent! aepil! [66] The place is the Hilton Hotel , Abu Dhabi and the annual Arab oil industry conference is about to break for lunch . Samira Al-Mahmoud , who has been interpreting from English to Arabic , removes her headphones ; Asked how she prepared for this conference . Samira says ," I knew the topic was oil " , so I read about the subject to get familiar with the technical terms . You can't use a general word like " the ground " for example , when you actually mean " the source rock " . In my work , it's'very important to listen to the news every day and read the newspapers . that way , you have good general knowledge and know what is going in the world . Some interpreters read three or four newspapers a day Samira was born in Britain but her parents are both from Iraq . Samira grew up speaking Arabic at home but English at school . After leaving school , she did a degree in Arabic at university of London ,:then a nine month postgraduate course in conference interpreting . There was a lot of competition to get onto the course . And the course was very difficult . In fact , only 50 percent of the students who were accepted passed their final diploma exams . Samira like most conference interpreters , works freelance . She only works when she wants to and for the organization that she wants to work for , she often works for the UN in New York , Geneva , the world bank and UNESCO in Paris She ears around £ 450 a day . The amount you get depends on who you are working for and how many of you are working. It's less stressful if there are two of us in the booth Then we'can take tums . I interpret one speech then a colleague does the next . This morning whenever the speaker said figures like $ 250 , 398 , 462 or 85.637 barrels of oil , my colleague wrote them down so I didn’t have to memorize them , Samira says that remaining calm under pressure is the most important quality in an interpreter . It's important to convey the sense , even if you can't think of particular word . Sometimes you will be feeling bad because you know the word . It's on the tip of your tongue but it just won't come to you You mustn’t waste time trying to remember it , if you do , you will miss the rest of the speech . Samira says it's also important to be able to think fast . She explained why, most interpreters only go into one language . Samira's active language is Arabic , but very occasionally , she goes into English . Recently she was translating from Arabic to Hansall 63 07732299864 Se) sila, Sai) : ahs) English for Iraq Sixt Prep. galas) gatleall Ay puiSidl dill! J dap dgeill de>) [67] English for an Iraqi speaker on TV . Speaking in Arabic , he said , Akl il-inab habba habba words which translate literally into English as Grapes are eaten one by one . But this literal translation would not have been clear to English listeners . Thinking quickly , she translated the phrase into English as one step at a time Eyen if you have lived all your life in Iraq and don’t come from an international family like Samira . It's possible to become an interpreter , Arabic is a language which is very much in demand , and if you can interpret from Arabic to English you will never be out of a job . The way to train as an interpreter is to first get a degree in English . Then do a postgraduate diploma in interpreting Q/ Find words or phrases in the text that similar meaning (aly U5 (AN) gail) ci Jal) ) Cals ap Word Meaning 1- yearly gsm annual sie 2- things you put over you earns to listen privately headphones &3¥! totum - a pay qed A) aa Li 3- the box-like room where interpreters work. booth as Fall po any Ags 4- ina difficult situation 40 4a 4 under pressure 42 G03 - 5- give an idea of the meaning 3.Sil) Jua) convey the sense (sisal) Jia 6- wanted and needed. sla in demand sts - 7- unemployed d= ce dhis out of ajob dest ce dats - Answer or complete the following sentences : Agtdl Gomlt JS gh wap 1-What does " working freelance " mean ? $M Seal) oad ping 13Le 1 = You work when you want to and for the organization that you want. yA ail ay fate: and Gh 2- Why should interpreters read newspaper ? S Chama) 5618 Cae shall gle apy Lal -2. - to have good general knowledge and know what is going on in the world . pllall i gone Haley Saale ME jae agial O 9S 3- Samira read about subject of oil in order to get familiar with the technical terms . = Maske Aa lle Hall laa nall (5 955 (8) Jail) & gta ga ig Bee CHG -3, 4- How is it if there are two interpreters working together in the same booth ? $ Acted Gut 8 Cutt Guan the ary CHS 4 07732299864 pol. English for Iraq Six Prep. galas) gatleall Ay puiSidl All! f dap agent! de> [68] - They can take turns . One interpreters one speech then his colleague does the next A ASI Ane 3 ps LOS pa taal LY! LS pei - 5- The most important quality of a good interpreter is to stay calm under pressure . «Ba Si Gale gh) gh ell pa seal Gob Lucals atl 5 6- A good interpreter follows the news and is well-informed on many topies ( true , false ). 2 (V) Gels Bay 5 SUSY) oth Gall gd tall pa all 6 7- Why shouldn’t an interpreter waste time thinking 2 aSiill Cg!) guiay YG pial! te Nid -7 - In order not to miss the rest of the speech . POS BL gues Y S- 8- The amount of money an interpreter gets depends on who you are working for and how many of you are working = Dany pSin Lindi aS 5 Ala) Jens dye ge satiny pp shall Ayes La Jae -8 9- Where was Samira born ? ne Cia y Cu} - She was born in Britain but her parents are both from Iraq Blond) go LAS Lass OSI Lal» ay 10- How does Samira work ? {i yyaus dad GS - She works freelance . Sikes JSS Jad 11- How many languages could Samira speak ? 5 ype Casa Aad gS - Samira could speak English and Arabic Ay wally QI) Gast 12- Where did Samira do a degree in Arabic 2? 4a 4a) (8 5g ile 5 yeu Chen oy! - University of London cules 13- What are the most important qualities in an interpreter ? Spm fall Gil jpee ail Ga Le - to stay calm under pressure - convey the sense - to be able to think fast . fe we oh inal! Jy bial Cini Lisle iy 14- What is the way to be an interpreter ? Lap fa 9S Go) Say iS - first to get a degree in English , then do a post graduate diploma in interpreting eg sll ppl Unaeyy IGN Al Salad le Jueat 15, Interpreters have to have a degree before they do an interpreting diploma. (True ) Aap ll ass le hey ol Ub (mde) dale cle Seems o! am sill le 16. It is very easy to get a place on an interpreting course. (False ) Hag fat 9 Sidi Gh Jguall a ait 17. Interpreters must have three active languages. ( False ) Has Glad Bal 9S ONL 18. Conference interpreters must translate each word lit 07732299864 English for Iraq Sixt Prep. galas) gatleall Ay puiSid) All! J dap dgedll de> [69] it Three 42) j9 Alia) QI\ B:Answer or complete (Five) of the following using the information from your textbook: I-How did Samira prepare for the conference ? 2-It is important to listen to the news and read newspaper to have 3+ Why was the course in conference interpreting very difficult ? 4-- Samira works -- like most conference interpreters. 5- When does work as interpreter become less stressful ? 6--The most important qualities in an interpreter are -~ Q2\Grammar and Functions: A\ Do as required: (choose Ten only) I-Define a lawyer.(use : give advice to people about the law) 2- If my father knew I drove so fast- (Complete the conditional sentence) 3- If Noor goes to the shop tomorrow. I (not have) to go. (correct the verb) 4- If they didn't have duty — free shops at the airport People ——----- (not be) very happy.(correct ) 5- Ifyou ~- (not renew) your passport last month, you wouldn't have been allowed to travel.(correct the verb) 6- L asked her “Where did you lose your purse?”, Write the direct question as a reported question) 7- How long have you been waiting for Faisal? (Write the direct question as a reported question begin with: He asked me) 8- Why did you leave so early ? (reported question begin with: John asked me...) 9-Unfortunately , they didn’t train every day . That's why they lost the match . (Regret starting with: if only or L wish .) 10- exceeded the speed limit . (Regret starting with: if only or I wish...) 11- You were late for school today and got into serious trouble (Show regret using if only) 12- You are at the park with your friends . You would like to take some photos but you have forgotten to bring your camera . (Express regret) B\ Choose one of the two words between the brackets. (Choose Five only) 1-If you ( hadn’t renewed / didn't renew ) your passport last month you wouldn't have been allowed to travel. 2- If [have any currency left over after the trip, I (_will keep / would keep ) it for my second trip. -I asked her where she( had_/ have ) lost her purse 4 wish I( hadn’t / had) driven through a red light 5-If I (went / had gone) to England , I would have enjoyed G-If only 1( had_/hadn’t) passed the exam 07732299864 } pla. English for Iraq Six Prep. galas) gatleall Sy puiSdl dill! J dap dgeill de>) [72] AB. Page. 77. D: Write an e-mail of 100 to 120 words telling a friend about a company you have recently set up with a friend or relative. The company could be producing( jewelry ; cosmetics ; perfume ; food ; or foot water. QM Clgtball gan) a AS A, ch gh Gate Ge Cte CGS AS yk gm Gate ol! aah iis! : i gf pled «shes Jeep il plains « Cd gee) Dear Hussain ; T'm sorry I haven't been in touch because I have been very busys I like to tell you that my brother Kareem and I set up our own company last April. It is called " The Golden Cosmetics ". I'm the manager and Kareem is in charge of the marketing. We invested a lot of money in business, so we are not yet making profits but sales are good. We are exporting a lot of cosmetics to Kuwait and Jordan. It is difficult to compete with the world products but our products are popular in the region and our prices are suitable for all. So the future looks very bright. A month ago, we went to Lebanon to show our new products there, We signed contracts with two famous stores in Beirut, Keep in touch and come to see our products. Lots of love Ahmad OMe pe UES GLEE) Lig aS Bl oy Had cf Gaal Nap pile AY Gy Jladd ile oS) al AN ite Li SB, Bagel Ce Sapa gh aS gy sodall Lb 7 Ag al) anil cil paainu Uganda! Cal ob Laci Ge HSM jae, Say Glageall Oy Cig) HE Seana al GM tal Ga JOT a 8 uth Jud) U pat CAN Can gS) ) Ci) plana VRE, gyn Aptte U feanly Ciba gb as hg oly Syed) lace ail 6 gaa Ge Coad cya Call a Nag: aly, Sa ot Ge sal PPL PL eRe LPL PREP LPL REPL PAE UNIT FOUR LESSON 3 Page.38, A- How to be best ! fait - Match the sentence halves : 4G) Japit pina by) 1- If you want to have a successful restaurant , you must employ a good chef ap lb Gb So Gay, rab bebe dll S gical 2- To make a good impression at a job interview , you should dress well and be punctual . OSS Oly lus GAL Gl Gang, dee Abie ate le Lelia phe! 3- If you want to have a successful party , you should make sure there is plenty of good food . yall pall go yall $g le Ge atgb ony, dealidlia dll gS yf cay) sl 4- If you want to be successful in business , you have to be ambitious. ota sek OSS Ol oy, deal laa GS Ul Sa) I Hansall 63 07732299864 Se) al English for Iraq Sixt Prep. galas) gatleall Sy puiSdl All! J dap dgenill de>) [76] Q3 Vocabulary and Spelling: A) Complete the sentences with a word from the list below. (secretary , set up, look forward to , course , application , signed , chef , qualities) to the school by 10 May if you want to start in July. 1-You must send your 2- She and her brother , Rashid , 3- They ~ 4- If you want to have a successful restaurant , you must employ a good = 5-To be a good —~ 6-1 - .-- the company last September important new contacts there and sold a lot of shirts to influential people , you need good computer skills. —----— hear from you 7-[ have done a one-year foundation -- in Business studies. 841 feel I have the personal --—~ -that you are looking for. B) Complete the sentences with a word from the list below. (punctual, assistant , instructor , ambitious, reputation , equipment , compete ) 1- If you want to be successful in business , you have to be 2- To make a good impression at a job interview , you should dress well and be .......... 3-, Salim works as Rashid's personal... 4- 1am very impressed with your, 5- It's difficult to. with the Chinese market, 6- Lused to be a sports. sess, ina secondary school. 7- There wasn't much........... in the gym C/ Match the word and the phrase in List A with their meaning in List B : (choose Five only) LISTA LIST B 1- Vacancy, a- fractured 2- Equivalent b- the same as or similar to 3-.a competitive salary c- this means that you really want to succeed 4- considerable d- the company has a space for a new employee 5- ambitious. e-a lot(of) 6- broken £, a good salary , compared with other employers. e-mail of 100 to 120 words about jay out whéseleverythi Q4/ Writeaa 07732299864 English for Iraq Six Prep. galas d) gual Si puiSid} Ail! p ded dgenill Seyi) [77] 'UNIT FIVE LESSON 1) Compound Nouns : 4h ph} shoes! Sh Alcea gM) 9) asal LUIS 9a Cpe Baaly, SAS gh Qu EalS Cpe 9ST a plea oot : AS yall pleut shes), tiie pine 93 Sayde Labs cy gS gh AS pall plea!) Gua Gil (AY aul yl ye cia sh Gib 2 Elsi EE JE Ae OysSS GI Sey AS al) tennis shoe Sha 8 89) Aas) Gays tei Saas il) Late). six-pack Sa Lhaly 89) Rte) Gays Upliy Ducat il) Lats -2] bedroom 58+ Abald 9) £18 is AV) Als) Gung pin sags ¥ (all Lats) -3] - Make compound nouns by matching the words in the two columns : Cpt geal A GLU Jane gi IIS Gu AS ya plan G58 Sith) jaa AGL, I- boarding card 2- travel agency hy pall Us 3- five-star hotel ass oud Gad 4- package deal AALS Aitine (Alea) 5- packed lunch (ghee) Gales pe 6- ski resort Gs ati T- car hire 8- self-catering apartment 9- sightseeing (05%) Aijaal) alles 305 10- sea front (Gate) saat) Agats AB page .89 A : Use the compound nouns on page 44 of the student's book to complete the sentence below : L.If we get a self-catering apartment in Spain , we can buy food at the market and make our own meals Ut Ll y ged Ny Ball Gye plaball g sii I Sey , Lill Ly be MBS dle Lhe 13) 1 2.Let's not go on a package deal to Italy . It would be more fun to choose our own hotels and tours when we get there Ae ues Lente: Lint WY gay WSL oN ae JS) gy Stas a) coll ALLS ditty Ga Y lies -2 3.1 can't find my boarding card . I won't be able to get on the plane if I don’t find it nspl l 1315 fLbll (fle he anal Gog yyShey 9S GI bgee Sill jaa Ay apt yl alata! gl -3 Hansall 63 07732299864 inal ila English for Iraq Six Prep. galas) gatleall Ay puiSidl dill! J dap agent! de>il [80] A.B. Page : 93 / Complete the responses, using just, already or yet and an appropriate verb. cuaclia Uad'y just, already or yet pladiuly GUlgy) Jest Would you like a cup of coffee? a ROS SER No, thanks. I've just had one. SULS als HUI, 185 ds 1. Does Samira know about the meeting? $ HLM Ge Gp Bae I'm sorry, I have already phoned her. OY aad a a ob GH, ad 2. Would you like to come to see the new film | $ Une apse all os iy 55 Ob Ce Da with us? Anill sGaaLh 361) OSI, alla |S Thanks for asking, but I have already seen it 3. Can I borrow that book after you? Flan HSI ad antl O) abet Sa Here you are. I have already finished it. Sails 2S! 38 UI , all od 4, Look at the noticeboard. There's an advert | Uis 9 Ge Gel dlls olde 4s 3) tt tit for English courses. ; 4 SAS! aa Lknow, I have already seen it » Gail Gaal GI, Gaye Ut 5. If you see Khalid, can you ask him about | Ja) Wi ge day ghia I tonight? , . . (At He can come. I have already phoned him. | ill dy Ciluail a8 UI je pall ging eRe Re RR RL ALDARA PALO RE UNIT FIVE LESSON 2 Have you ever stayed ina really unusual hotel ? $ galsic! yo Ua paid (8 plat) al gus Ja S. B page 45// - Choose the correct ending for each quiz question : ) Dijin JSD Mapa Algal) G8) /aMUal) Gis 45 dade 1-_ Have you ever stayed in a really unusual hotels? gabe! yt Lis Ga 8 LAY A Se Sa 1 2- Have you ever camped a beach ? $ ppb MS jill ell ue Ja,2 3- Have you ever flown in a helicopter ? © Sa Sel 2 Lye oh bl A gun de -3 4- Have you ever been sightseeing in an open-top bus? £43 p50 Alia 93 Aigaall plles 5 jloj all Gus da 4 5- Have you ever been cheated by ataxi driver? 3 za'Vt 5 jlae Giles J yo Gall Go pall oll gaue Ja -5 6- Have you ever lost your passport while on holiday ? 8 dle 48 US Ley ch palatial hye phat all Gus Ua -6 7- What's the best holiday destination you've ever been to ? Lep le ci S Ral Spal Lal vo LT 8-What's the strangest food you have ever eaten a broad ? $c dallss WAG bug! wL-8 07732299864 jal) gla English for Iraq Six Prep. galas d) gual Si putSid} Ail! p ded dgenil! Soll} [81] Lesson 37 Page 93 All Find the collocations for the following words in the text on page 46 of the Student's Book. AGN Ci) lal) gf CALS aS (Al) CLAS) ta I thoroughly enjoy UsLs icine 2 Tcan honestly say Goes lel sg) gust 3 lived up to my expectations Aig cau 4 to name afew (sa: 2358) Gad os Uae since 4ia/ for a 1 Upaladinal Sass ( for / since ) Ox Gill - Lp, ATI plac, Egan) all pla), leLall, 7 Since 6 o'clock , 7a.m., 4 p.m. ,Friday, 7th April , July, 2010 breakfast , lunch , dinner, Lai Chen oll 2) putiiaaty ( iis) Lolive Lia tht iad aie halial a 3 birthday , the war , the marriage , I was ten. , I was born. last (week / month /year ) yesterday. dts laird eh Aghios (1555 Lulld 9) Eth ph Ce utati Lastio o For (ea Us putty (54) Lelie minutes , hour s, days, weeks , months , years , ages , ago, a long time. A.B. Page 94 / B- Choose for or since to complete the phrases : Ex, since Friday _/ Ex: For ten years / i ce I was at nursery school / 2- Since last January . 3- Since yesterday . 4- For three weeks ./ 5- For a month anda half / 6- Since I was six 7- For ages / & Since I was bom / 9. ince the first of March 10- Since about 1996 . 11- For two hours . / 12- For a very long time Hansall 63 07732299864 inal ila English for Iraq Six Prep. galas d) guste Si putSid} Addl! p ded dgenil! So yll} [82] S for_s since Ex. They have lived in the same house (since , for ) along time. 458! ate there in July . ( not eat ) (re-write the sentence using present perfect We las simple and use since os od for 3 (The first time >the last time ,last, first, ago,) cts CALlS Gia 1 aug cay real) aps Jail Abi y Wag ua) dll Gas 2 for s!since — lellasi s(in, at) Sis yall Gy ja Gai 3 5g Aan pli & cae ll Alaa Jaga iy Alla ada (58 - We have not eaten there since July AB, Page 95 // D : Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence , putting the verb in brackets in the present perfect simple : AR gece Soa 5 cod cot SN ty La Jal) eae og) Aba than opines Ug G98 Cyn Aa Aaa ast (Hpi Adah Las), ia 5 SN JB (for) gad cas Si 5 gs od ( ago ) Heads ae - 1- We first met them in July . ( know ) - We have known them since July 2- He bought that motorbike a long time ago . (have ) - He has had that motorbike for a long time . 3- She last went to the dentist in September . ( not be ) - She has not been to the dentist since September 4- We last ate there in July . ( not eat ) - We have not eaten there since July 5- He got angry at lunch time . ( be) - He has been angry since lunch time . 6- The last time he wrote or phoned was six months ago . ( not be in touch ) - He has not been in touch for six months Hansall 63 07732299864 inal ila English for Iraq Six Prep. Gabae A) gealeall Aya A) Ga Gta Ageill eo pill [83] Present Perfect Continuous : ssl) all) ¢ jcaall G2} AV RL gf Lendl $a paaaly (cag gl dnp alll OLS eh pi) acaleall 4 SU BUS 9) Jal) Nha (gail bs) ( plied! cig ool) Ov! They have been talking on the phone since half an hour . (GY say) Mel ined Se Cattgh (ge 4 shanty agit They haven't been talking on the phone since half an hour Have they been talking on the phone since half an hour? She has been cooking for 2 hours. She hasn't been cooking for 2 hours. Has she been cooking for 2 hours ? La) psa Gf Loe cally ( oLtah AMY) (p48 Las) Lyi Gell ph: Abbadhe subject + (have/ has) +been + + com > coh Rs ue BLE 9) Lae Gye Sussild pacall abil g jlicaall Ga} paStinn - om contd nox, you sey Peet sey Peevey Peeve s ® ® = cr coe Ee Prey ae Pome eer oon pony | asuay snonunuo) yaj1ag JWasaig api be ANS cya Ji pth cng Legay juss, pciall all ¢ caadl gh desea alitl 6 Lael) Present Perfect Simple (S + have/has + P.P. + com) Uyale cupeid Adee) 98 ANN Gilg Jl Lisa g 1): y} ees already , just, yet , ever, never , so far Present Perfect Continuous (S + havefhas + been + + com ) Csi Oe 95 ge add 9S Lins. Abegt) Jad (oll fetid ode) Gig fall ta al 131 se Stative verbs (non-action verbs) au Jia) drop, go, be, know, see, finish, lose pag) Aa pater) (gle Ja Y Upatlns Sled ode - Stay chy Gad Lage all GU ass ott Dasa) phan) gle Jat Y Asay (Jad calls 131 Dynamic verbs (action verbs) is Jad} Learn , study, sleep, work, walk, play, wait, write, cook, paint | ots salety) Ay) abu) gle (Jai Ugailes lad! ode CALS NN 5 yatiaae G96 Sake Ladd (Gel) Gala, ally Sayeail) lal ¢ Laaally Jad (061 Said (ode! JladiLS)a I pant gle Ala Sled! sieaall pli g jlcaally 07732299864 jebowal) sila, 9 English for Iraq Six Prep. galas d) gus Si putSid} Addl! p dad dgenil! So yll} [84] Ex: We (play) football three times this week already (re-write the sentence using Present perfect simple or continuous) - We have played football three times this week already Gl! 2.9) aul! pl) ¢ Luaall Jas ve played football three times this week already Ex: I (lose) my passport (re-write the sentence using Present perfect simple or continuous) ~ Ihave lost my passport Sas) lil) ¢ jezaaly Jab A) ia) ole Jay Y daseey ad, ALagl dad lh Gadi Gi an ye Where have you been? Have you (play ) football?(re-write with Present perfect simple or continuous) pxinwall all) ¢ lataally Jah Aaj) paid) ole Jay ad, Adee) Gab ol) andi UB ay Y - Where have you been? Have you been playing football? F// Page 114 // Put the verb Into the correct tense, present perfect simple or present perfect continuous. pts a jl ) Lasees al glans Gasca) Cpa jl co8 adil ee Example: Where have you been? Have you been playing (you ,play) football? We have played (play) football three times this week already. 1 Look! Somebody has dropped (drop) their wallet on the pavement. 2 Souad looks tired. I don't think she has been sleeping (sleep) very well recently. 3, Have you ever slept (you ,ever , sleep) under the stars in the desert” ‘No, never.’ 4 Tariq is away on holiday.’ 'Oh, is he? Where has he gone (he, go)?" 5 I Have lost (lose) my passport. Have you seen (you , see) it anywhere? 6 I'm so sorry I'm late. How long have you been waiting (you , wait)? 7 ‘Layla is learning Japanese.’ ‘How long has she been studying (she , study) it?” 81 have been painting (paint) a picture of Amina all day but I haven't finished (not , finish) it yet Hansall 63 07732299864 inal ila English for Iraq Six Prep. galas d) gus Si putSid} Addl! p ded dgenil! So yll} [85] ( 2S How long « (How long ) alaSinty jacinuall g) Zapell alill ¢ lacaall Coa jy gue Cy i Ass ) Areal aLall & lated) (hej pain Coe Ade jt 3 ail Job Ge Sul (How long ) pking (gu 13) 14g) ( Present Perfect Continuous ) pial! alil) ¢ uaa 4439 ( Present Perfect Simple WY Adapt obs gs ating GI GSas Ga} ol Lunia Ula!) C.sSae Lis ( How long ) salle 5 Aap Ui isi = Cha 5D Cosy Sapetll (ASpLal) Aadcall (8) stall Gadi ea / Atay | been + J PP How long + (have/has)+ S +com ? Ex: You (know ) Ahmad ? (Present perfect simple or continuous and use how long) gw ) Abmad ? (Preset ps How long have you known Ahmad ? |—————~—Laguaplh pli g jlcaally Ja Val Laas Jail, Ex: How long / you / learn/ Japanese (Present perfect simple or continuous How long have you been learning Japanese ? inal) alil) ¢ jliaally Jas 13)_peius Jail) Ex.P.96 /-Use the present perfect continuous or Present Perfect Simple. = patawall lil) ¢ joa yaltll ¢ lanl) Qa j padi! 1- You have a friend who is learning Japanese . You ask : ( How long / learn / Japanese ?) - How long have you been learning Japanese ? 2- You meet a pilot . You ask : (How long eee ras es - How long have you been a pilot ? 3- You meet somebody who is a writer . You ask : ( How long / write?) (7 pcinwall alll & deal Gyo jp Gad Jal pane Gail! - How long have you been writing ? 4- You are going to meet a friend of your cousin . You ask : ( How long / know ? ) - How long have you known her ? 5- Your sister is busy cooking for a party. You ask : (How long / cook ? ) - How long have you been cooking ? Hansall 63 07732299864 inal ila English for Iraq Six Prep. galas) gusta Si putSid) Aid! f ded dgenil! Sepik} — [86] PRL LE FE PRL DPE PLE EPL PRY PLE EP RY PRE UNIT FIVE LESSON 4 = (OM) sad any al gh) ASA A ob Ny Vy OLS coll and of Gadd oly sll has gone padinn’ * My mother has (gone / been) to Mecca . She comes back next week abel) & gual) asi Ug) ASe 8 (ils) candy ally, (CSA) NS CB GAS 4) Laine Abin), ale yg nd b Gadd oly sill has been ptdiad * My friends have (been /gone) in Dubai two times. They aim to go three in the holiday. Aiea) Bia AY Ost as te Gd Gt ( Lad / Lpls)pibinel Ex. [have never ( been , gone ) to china yet, but I'd like one day. ¢.13 been J685 13).....)4)) cabs al Gadi 9S! ( gome padied o) Guay Y) Alagl obe b Ex; Al Badri family isn't here, I think, they haye ( gone , been ) in a holiday. Bs A (19S, | 0) gt) sito) y Ua aa gpa Aste Note the difference lo, Mrs Kors. Can! YS} speak to Mary, please? Fi 4 Ais é I i bs ail y/ “7 She isn't here. ‘She's gone to’ \ the shops. ‘Mas Kenns, 7’ + They have gone to the cinema. (This means that they () .7 haven't come back yet. They are still at the cinema.) + She has been to London. (This means that she has visited London; she’s not there now. She has come bacl English for Iraq Six Prep. galas d) gusta Si putSid} idl! p ded dgenil! Seyi} [87] A.B, Page 97// A. Write the past participle of these irregular verbs, S04) Gis wail) cis) Fat) Spat yh lad be = been leave = left buy = bought _| meet / met do = done see = seen find = found _| spend = spent go = gone / been {_(Past Simple and Present Perfect ) i! ¢ taal) 9 Sel) cabal) cus Git) | cla gh Sapuuall lil & acaall Lal ated Go) Lie Gulley ( olds) ALY 8 Las) A jal! Qa) Gd: AHadle tel Le QS AS ya Ne pain ping Lage Jupailly., Hasan Present Perfect Simple Past simple S + have/ has + P.P. + com S + past verb + com (did) PUG g jlizaally Ugale uuntd Lea Bb AN Gly ANN Lig 9 VO] Cee Lead 8 A Cy Ba) Gg 13 pron Deel pba Yale already , just, yet , ever, never , so far, since , for | yesterday, last, ago, this morning A. B. Page 99 B Complete the dialogue with the correct form of the present perfect or past simple. Sapual) acaball gh plill & plazaal) ya Aagancall tually 5 jslaall ast A; I'm really excited because I'm going to London in the Summer B: Have you bought ( you/buy ) your plane ticket yet ? A: Yes , I have ( have ). I bought ( buy ) it last week . B: Have you booked ( you / book ) a hotel yet ? A: No , I haven't . But my uncle and aunt in London have just written ( just / write ) to me inviting me to say with them B: Have you bought (you / buy ) any maps of London or guide books yet ? A: Yes, [have . 1 bought ( buy ) a map and two guide books last week Page 112// E)Present perfect or past simple? Tick the correct sentences and cross the six incorreet sentences. Then rewrite them correctly. I've just seen a really interesting programme about desert wildlife. G8} Gus dacs dball aap pll Let's take jameel to the new Chinese restaurant. He never went there. A Elka Gy led oY Leas 08) Ag) He has never been there. Hansall 63 07732299864 inal ila English for Iraq Six Prep. galas) gatleall Ay puiSidl All! of dap agent! de> [88] Fadia didn’t speak to me since her sister’s wedding. % Pag LS Layuall lal fl yep Ua ol ed since Gib) ule ¢y sind dealt oY - Fadia hasn't spoken to me since her sister's wedding, 2.Has Salwa’s family moved house yet? W Lyell alll ¢ Jel Gee Ua yet ll asa sl 3.L bought him a new mobile phone last week and he already lost it. % - I bought him a new mobile phone last week and he has already lost it. Coal! Al Use already pli ed (and 243) 4siill Alogi! Lil Jast week 2 5a.s) Guols 15Y! ALeall Lessa th 4.'m tired. I’ve just walked all the way back from the shops. 77 Tau pg ee Sas just Led Aaa Ulan 5.I’ve woken up really late this morning and I was late for school. % - I woke up early late this morning and I was late for school. cell tl oy ( clea! 1S: this morning 4! 6.He’s lost his glasses and he can’t find them anywhere. W apace Abell 7.Adam has come back from Beirut yesterday, % - Adam came back from Beirut yesterday. dbusall polall J sai ( 4a Ul! yesterday ) Ge pbll lea Aaa! 8.We’ve all been to the park last weekend, % - We all went to the park last weekend. pall paclall J gai ( patlell ¢ sus’! Ae last weekend ) 4 yl! Lei dleall 9.What time have they gone to bed last night? * - What time did they go to bed last night? Sayeed) paclall J a8 ( Ayal Ll fast night ) ls! log deg 10.You look nice. Have changed your hairstyle? W dane bell Hansall 63 07732299864 Sl) ale el English for Iraq Sixt Prep. galas) gatbeall Sy puiSid) dill! J dap dgedill de>) [89] PPLE LL LL LY FLL CL LY CLP UNIT FIVE LESSON 5 | (Past Simple and Past Perfect ) Ai) ata yl gle Su lal ej gb OLe g) Agile Shani ge Gast Javad) cla! sdcin (Past Simple) uel) nla 1 Aa Nyaials puch Y Slay Loaall gaclall Ga} ptdioas Bale y Affirmative | subject + past verb + com. Negative | subject + didn't + infinitive + com. Question | Did + subject + infinitivess+ + com ? ON Lis ally suas (S+past verb+com ) G+ O9Sy yal) palall Gaj Gi ade) Sactill A LAL Las J Sail ed ABtacal phy Apel ) Coy play pall) Ape coll all Jo 9a ating palall Aagae ple 9S oh Ags ph Ay lla Aah yl) JLabY) de gape apg BILAN Lady Bias GI any 1D SALE saad pally (Aaja He worked late last night . ed Ablaaly cabal ool) 4 905 ao old Jal) Lia He didn’t work late last night . dupe Abia! gl) ail) gauiy didn't Ginéad Ail ais Did he work late last night? al) easly JEU (ple Did seLecal) Jail! pail SI pull ai supe Abel ll vs) Jed) Bay ‘Ali went to Baghdad yesterday / Alididn't go to Baghdad yesterday / Did Ali eh le cay pb coaly Uaadil 9) Staal Ge Cisaty 5h) Gajll g85-: ( Past Perfect) stil) pcaball -2 1 GAY Ayala) Soy ¢ hs - Jane had never been to zoo . because alaiialy « ia cuss Ll qudagi Ly¥) daa Gs) Lass, Aah] We couldn’t get a room because we hadn’t booked. = gata gf as cl pit of asl sal pclall Ga) - When I saw my brother again , his hair had gone grey. (AD pale & Lanny ple) Sia) Gay Jul Jad * cel) Etat Qe pay Hassall eal y CoA A all ob QS (al) NST ee pthinay ali) all Gy Apcalal) 6 JAY! Shao ly 4G jlbe asl! Gita oa pny abil acalall ob ogi AiG 2G yall 8 gl - Lhad done my homework then I went to the cinema. (7) G83 a5 Gal sll jai) dL Lada (Legal nd nanyy canst) eal go ai) gh gv July Janta +! 07732299864 acl) ail SG) 2 se) English for Iraq Six Prep. galas) gatleall Ay puiSid) dill! J dap agent! de>il} [90] -l- Past simple + (because / after) + past perfect 1. After I (do ) my homework , I ( go ) to the cinema . ( Correct ) - After Lhad done my homework , I went to the cinema . 2. The light (go off) because we (not pay) the electricity bill.(Correct) Phe light went off because we had not paid the electricity bill . 2. Past perfect +( before / when) + past simple 1.The twins (live) in China before they (discover) each other .( Correct) - The twins had lived in China before they discovered each other . 2. When I ( see ) my brother again , his hair had gone grey . ( Correct ) - When I saw my brother again , his hair had gone grey . A.B. p.1I4 G)Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form- past simple or past perfect- to complete the sentences. AY coda 9) Lasaall cecal Coa} Gob Gl BY) cay Shad) de 1.Last week I (meet) an old friend from primary school and he (not change) 2.When I .......... (arrive) at Pete’s house, there .................. (be) no one there. He... (go) out. B.After We. .cscesugiterveseees (Speak) to the teacher, We ...........++ (leave) the classroom. 4,.When We ws... (arrive) at the airport, we ......( discover) that the travel agent ssssss(¢hange) our hotel. 5.The wedding (go) well because they (organize) everything very carefully 1. metyhadn't changed 2. arrived, was, hadgone 3. had spoken, left 4, arrived, discovered , had changed 5. went, had organized Hansall 63 07732299864 inal ila English for Iraq Six Prep. Gabae A) gealeall Ayal tt BA GQ dap gentle pill [91] S. B, Page 48 // - Match the sentence halve : Jaw) .ivai by) 1- We couldn't get a room. BS go deal! Ga Sai al 2. Teouldn’t board the plane. pAb fad Ot Oy Y-2 3.She was nervous on the plane . Bill Ga le 5 gia cus 3 ‘a- because I had already been there twice wt e Bie Uiee Gnd GLY a b- because I had lost my boarding card. - gt eal 5 pall gS Ally Cad behind . 4. The airline company gave me a new suitcase. Baga Aylin tind o) yh AS og ) [92] Po DP LOPE PL PRE LF DOP DPI UNIT FIVE LESSON 7 Relative Clauses : Shas! ) [93] EG Gylabaal) Bay * ile pul who se sf ded C1Ss pul which Jad le 4 which eulidad die pul whose put! OSs aul where sede 9) aus! = (Ged) ENA) aay elang (SEL aad JEN i) Ga 10) (who ) aadiad (1 - The girl lives next door is very beautiful. (whose, who, where) ~ The person won the prize was my brother Tariq. (whose, which , who) (evel) ELA amps (RE pol ) Ei) Gam 131 (whose ) prac (2 - The git! bike I borrowed yesterday is called Layla . (whose, who, which) - The child toy was missing eried a lot. (who, whose, where) «(4 EN AD sg (LS aaa) EL al ae I) (Which ) padiad (3 - Beirut, is full of cafes ,is very interesting . (who, which, where) -The restaurant serves the best food is in the city center. (which, whose, where) = (22h paal) Ell gs (CLS pul) ELLA! Ge 131 ( where ) pading (4 - The café I work sells the best ice-cream . (which, whose, where) - Babylon city, __ people like to go sightseeing , is a beautiful place . (who, whose, where) «Atal ue pLau ee ashing ( which) 5/341 * The book which you wanted has been missing for a week Yesterday was the coldest day which I ever have known. This is the dog which barks at me Hansall 63 07732299864 Sl) ale el English for Iraq Sixt Prep. galas) gatleall Sy puiSidl dill! f dap dgeill de>) [94] Flas ch Ogi Le LE ) Ashe) Alea Gi gre pall aut) Mae Lt ity, clans chersll bade by Jd * + ( os¥) Lag Ali has married last week . He is 54: Jas (silos) Gis (5 58) 40 aul dy dec Ob pra gall aatly years old 5), Aaa) (pb glad Gan, Utat) og, Abend) Alay ob Alea) Abend ci gucr gall aus) GIS 1H) 1 ‘The boy is my cousin . He won the prize . (Combine these sentences with a relative clauses ) The boy who won the prize is my cousin . -The book was missing . Ht has the information I wanted . The book which has the information I wanted was missing. SN, Abe ob hal Lay) Seay Mba ogy , Meg) ciecttin ob Aiea) Alea Ci gue gall aaah GIS 1) -2, aig - [always go to that garage for repairs . Ht was closed today . = That garage where I always go to for repairs was closed today — I spoke to a lady on the phone . She told me call back later . ( Combine these sentences with a relative clause ) - The lady , who I spoke to on the phone , told me to call back later. las age ape Cig ol OY Dy ( the ) ll GLa! A gn (a, am) pS Gh gat gee gall aaah Jub 53 id wd al) pb LS | Ade gl) Ala ga Aantal 63 07732299864 inal ila English for Iraq Sixt Prep. galas) gatleall Sy puiSidl All! J dap agent! de >il) [95] SLA ath, Aba ob aba ans y AL ogy, Abeall Qgs ob Asay) Adel cf pac gall aust ay 141-3, Ag) deal (Gaa aes ad) Glad 1- The star restaurant has a lovely garden . You can have a meal there on Summer evenings . (Combine these sentences with a relative clause ) - The star restaurant has a lovely garden where you can have a meal there on Summer evenings ) gece gall aaeith Guba Coe cuaal AY ally ( you) Aut) baat) Jot cada gis al able! Rial) dant Ls * . (lovely garden AB. Page 106// B- Combine these sentences with ( who , that , where ) defining relative clauses : 1- I spoke to a lady on the phone . She told me calll back later . - The lady who I spoke to on phone told me to call back later 2- They've knocked down the restaurant , we had a meal there last year . - They've knocked down the restaurant where we had a meal_last year . 3- L always go to that garage for repairs . It was closed today . - The garage where I always go to for repairs was closed today 4- His car has broken down . He bought it last month . - The car that he bought last month has broken down 5- The book was missing . It has the information I wanted . - The book that has the information I wanted was missing . C// Complete the sentences with who, which, where or whose and add commas: 1-Riverside Cinema , where the tickets only cost for students , usually has good foreign £6 films 2-Beirut, w full of good cafes and restaurants , is a really interest ing cl 3-My cousin Mike, who loves skiing , is going to buy a holiday home in the Swiss Alps 4-My sister, whose favourite food is pizza , is having her birthday party at an Italian restaurant 5-Fatima , whose photo was in the newspaper yesterday , is a very talented girl. Hansall 63 07732299864 inal ila English for Iraq Sixt Prep. galas) gatleall Ay puiSidl dill! J dap agent! de> [96] Page 107 / D Use the correct relative pronoun to make one sentence. Ex:- My Uncle Albert still rides a bike.( He is 86.) - My Uncle Albert, who is 86, still rides a bike. 1- The hotel has a swimming pool . ( It is very big ) - The hotel has a swimming pool which is very big. 2- Salwa wants to be an interpreter (she speaks three languages ) - Salwa , who speaks three languages , wants to be an interpreter 3- Bashi going to buy a car very soon . ( He passed his driying test last week ). - Bashir , who passed his driving test last week , is going to buy a car very soon 4- The Star Restaurant has a lovely garden, (you can have a meal there on summer's evenings) -The Star Restaurant has a lovely garden where you can have a meal on summer's evenings PPLIPL eR Poe LPL PE PLP RE FRE PRL POPE UNIT FIVE LESSON 9 A)Write the compound nouns for the following definitions, 4) Cis jill 45 ya plaul Gas) L.If you lose this, you can’t get on an airplane. ........0..... 5 ylall Sy auaiad Y aa Coal gl 2.You can have a winter holiday here. .... lie Ay gh Albee Set O) obi 3.A luxurious place to stay. SY ASS WIS 4.A place to stay where you cook your own food. ........,bsiip Salata gyled Cue 448 pil GIS 5.Hotels will often give you this if you’re going on a full-day excursion. ..... sell Slple plbay Gan Leste: o pll (be chiens Le Gall 6.This protects you when you are driving or flying. ol eal 5 ll aie ey Ibo T. boarding card 2, ski resort 3. five-star hotel 4. self-catering apartment 3, packed lunch 6. Seat belt git Aa yah ak ald toby jin th (git) Gas oI GLY aja B) Choose the best collocation. | When the plane takes off, you have to fasten/ attach your seat belt, GL! al jx ual /a ol ins 5 ll is Lane 2.To cross the river we had to sail / board a ferry Sue gale / jad ol le Gan gi sell yl 3.The ferry works/ operates throughout the year. Ht) DS Jas All 4.The holiday completely lived up to my es/ expectations Bag [Boal 288 83 fl 5. can honestly / absolutely say that it was the best holiday I ever had. DALI s pias Jail aS Ug LS / tay Ul 6.We considerably / thoroughly enjoyed all the entertainment. 44s) Jue JS: Wad / IS aici! gai 07732299864 jal) gla

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