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IN THE COURT OF PRINCIPAL JUDGE,FAMILY COURT-II KAMRUP AT GUWAHATI Crl) Case No. 369/2021 Piku Dey . Petitioner -Versus- Anup Dey + Respondent The humble Written Statement on behalf of the above named Respondent. MOST RESPECTFULLY SHEWETH 1. That, the present petition is not maintainable as per provision of law. 2. That, the present petition is not maintainable in the present facts and circumstances of the case and as such liable to be dismissed in limine. 3. That the Respondent has received a copy of the petition filed under Section 125 of the Code of Criminal Procedure,1973. The Respondent had the privilege of going through the contents thereof. That, the Respondent denies all the statements as stated therein except those what has been specifically admitted herein. 407 hat, with regard to the statements made in Paragr: DemumosWendi2i the nespeacennte st not want to give any comment, 5. That, with regard to the statement made in Paragraph no. 3, the Respondent begs to state that the statements Made therein are absolutely false and misleading. The Respondent does Not have shop in his name and he runs a shop which belongs to his father. 4. That, with regard to the statements made in Paragraph no. 4 and 5, the Respondent begs to state that The Respondent's mother never opposed the marriage with the petitioner but instead was very supportive and it is true that the Petitioner was working but it is absolutely false that the Respondent or his family had an objection to it nor asked her to leave the job after marriage. 5. That, with regard to the statements made in Paragraph no. 6 and 7, the Respondent begs to state that the statements petitioner made there in is absolutely false, fabricated, concocted and hence denied. The Petitioner was never asked to do any household works as there was already a servant to do household chores and the Respondent's mother nerver asked the Petitioner for any jeweleries or Valua| bles, The respong le ls out her daily need without a que: al |Ways asked the petitioner a0 'S and al. SO pr stion, Provided everything she demanded & 7 "That, wit ’ With regard to the statement made in paragraph no. 8 a nd 9 statements ma the Respondent begs to state that te mistead Made therein are totally false, fabricated, 'Ng and hence denied. The Respondent never asked the Paetiti Petitioner to stop contacts with her family members OF jo any an one else nor the petitioner was asked t0 d nstead household or other works during her pregnancy i asked her to rest well. 7. That, with regards to the statement made in paragraph no. 10,11,12 and 13, the Respondent begs to state that the allegations labelled therein are totally false and misleading and hence denied. The Respondent never asked the Petitioner to not consume protein nor the question of eating non veg as protein ever arose. The Respondent always wanted to have a girl child and when the girl child namely “Patishree” was born the respondent celebrated it as she was his only and first child and tried his best to fulfill all the needs of the petitioner and the new baby with utmost love and care and at times stayed with them without going to shop and thinking of the business. some verb anything happened on Jun evel alee T asked the Respondents to go a allowing the penn Celebrate rakhi so the question of ae Petitioner to go to her maternal home does nor ; pains any argument or anything happened in the september,2015. The respondents about the pers i ane are onal savings of the petitioner nor enquired about it. to her mate 9. That, with regard to the statements made in paragraph no. 16 and 17, the Respondent does not want to give any comment. 12. That, with regard to the statements made in the Respondent begs to state paragraph no. 18,19 and 20, in the matter of that the petitioner was interfering 0. 4 and when the respondent no. 4 tioner started to shout at him saying s to listen to him and had Respondent ni not to interfere, the Peti she is elder than him and he need al arguments and nothing else e,2020, the allegations made are completely false and baseless. asked her happened nor 13 : + That: 7 IN re 9) °: 21, the Resp i Statements mag maa 6 as to ade in Paragraph y tl ttioner : state that the the allegations totally fy) SNE Was physically assaulted is and Misleading instead the 14. That, wi t, with regard to the statement made in paragraph No. 22 and 23 the Respondent does not want to give any comment. 15: That, with regard to the statements made in Paragraph no. 24, the Respondent begs to state that he is running a small accessories shop which belongs to his father and has no other source of income and is running the family with whatever small amount he is earning and the Respondent is already paying an amount of Rs 5000/- as monthly maintenance to the Petitioner vide Misc Case no. 123/2021 which is pending in the court of JMFC-4, Kamrup (M), Guwahati. 16. That, with regard to the statements made in Paragraph no. 25 to 41, the Respondent does not want to give any comment. ly ie That, i ” tone aaene allegations levelled by the spondent are absol fabricated, motivated and stoutly denied by the mos The petitioner is not entitled to claim any maintenance ee the purview of section 125 of Cr.PC. That the petition is devoid of any merit and as such liable to be dismissed in limine. Under the above premises it is therefore prayed that Your Honour would be pleased to dismiss this instant case and / or pass such other order/ orders as Your Honour may deem fit and proper. And for the act of kindness the humble opposite party as in duty bound shall ever pray. VERIFICATION aged about 42 years,, R/o Moriani Kenedy Park, Ware P.S- Moriani, District- I, Anup Dey, S/o Sri Karnal Ranjan Dey, dno. 1,P.0% Jorhat, Assam, do hereby verify that the statements made in Paragraphs are the matter of records and those made in paragraphs Ve if +. are true to the best of my knowledge and information derived and the rest are my humble submission before this Hon’ble Court, And I sign this verification on this 17" day of Februrary’ 2024 at Guwahati. Jue 2 + SIGNATURE \ » Any ip SV. Ro a OW ag istrict. AFFIDAVIT aa IDAVIT Sani Ke, abou ut 42 years., S/o Sri Kamal Ranjan Jor Nedy Pp; ee ata 'Y Park, Ward no, 1, P.O & P.S- Moriani: Mow ssam do he it Sie reby solemnly affirm and declare 1 ~ That 1 Tam tt &™ fully conve ‘he respondent in the instant Petition and I rsant i i Case and as rel t with the facts and circumstances of the 1am competent to swear this affidavit. 2. ‘That, , the statements made in this affidavit and those Made in Paragraphs are the matter of records and those made in paragraphs are true to the best of my knowledge and information derived and the res' are my humble submission before this Hon'ble Court. OATH 1 swear that th ‘is my declaration is true, that it conceals nothing and that no part of it Is false, $0 help me God. And 1 sign this affidavit on this of.....-+ : vase 2024 at Guwahati. day

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