Dimension Analysis

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Dimension Analysis

Physical Quantity – There are two types of fundamental Quantity

(i) Fundamental Quantity
(ii) Derivative Quantity Numerical value
Representation of Quantity- nu
Fundamental Quantity- Which quantities are independent on other quantities called fundamental
quantity And it’s unit is called fundamental unit.
There are seven fundamental quantities
Sr. No. Fundamental Quan. Unit Dimension Formula
1. Length Meter [L]
2. Mass Kilogram [M]
3. Time Sec ond [T]
4. Temperature Kelvin(k) [K] or [𝜃]
5. Electric current Ampere(A) [A]
6. Intensity of Light Candela (cd) [cd]
7. Quantity of matter Mole (mol) [Mol] or [𝜇]

Derivative Quantity – Which quantity derived by fundamental quantity is called derivative quantity.
Ex. Velocity, acceleration, force, momentum etc.
Supplementary unit - angle – Radian
Solid Angle - Steradian (St)
Dimensions – The power of fundamental quantity to represent any quantity is called Dimension.
Ex. – Speed = distance/time=m/sec = 𝑚1 𝑠𝑒𝑐 −1
Hence dimension of speed are 1 in length & - 1 in time
Ex. -Density = Mass/volume
Dimensional Formula- The symbol of alphabetic in capital of fundamental quantity is called
dimensional formula.
Note – (i) Dimensional formula is always represent in [ ]
(ii) Dimensional formula always represent in [𝑀𝐿𝑇]
Some important dimensional formula-
Quantity Dimensional Formula
Distance(Displacement) [L]
Area [𝐿2 ]
Volume [𝐿3 ]
Speed(velocity) [L𝑇 −1 ]
Acceleration [L𝑇 −2 ]
Force [ML𝑇 2 ]
Energy (Work, heat) [M𝐿2 𝑇 −2 ]
Pressure (Elasticity) [M𝐿−1 𝑇 −2 ]
Note- Dimensional formula mass per unit length = [M𝐿−1 ]
Application of dimensional analysis –
1. To check the correction of a given physical relation.
2. To derive a relation between different physical quantity.
3. To convert a physical quantity from one system of unit to other.
Limitation of Dimensional Analysis-
1. This method doesn’t give any information of constant.
2. it fail when a physical quantity depends on mote than three physical quantity.
3. it fail to derive the relationship which involve Trigonometric, Logarithmic or exponential functions.
Dimension Analysis
1. Write two physical quantity having unit but not Dimensional formula?
2. Write quantities which are unit less & dimension less?
3. Write dimensional formula of these quantities:
(a) Torque (b) force cons. (c) Plank Cons. (d) Coff. Or viscosity
(e) Boltzmann’s cons. (f) Gas cons. (g) Coff. Of thermal Conductivity
4. If x times of velocity is power then find dimensional formula of x?
5. If dimensional formula of A is [𝑀𝐿−1 𝑇 −2 ] and Eq. −𝐴 + 𝐵 = 𝐶 then find dimension formula of B
& C?
6. V=A+b+c/(d+t) where v is velocity, t is time then find dimensional formula of a,b,c,d?
7. If the Eq. of photoelectric effect 2 𝑚𝑣 2 = ℎ𝑣 − 𝑤 then find dimensional formula of ‘w’?
8. 𝐸 = 𝑏 − 𝑥 2 / at where E is energy. T is time and x is displacement then find dimensional
formula of (𝑎 × 𝑏)?
9. Van derwalls gas Eq. - (𝑃 + 𝑣2 ) (𝑣 − 𝑏) = 𝑅𝑇 where P = Pressure, V= volume, then find
dimensional formula of a & b ?
10. If wave displacement Eq. – Y= A sin (𝑤𝑡 − 𝑘𝑥) where 𝑥 and y are displacement and A is
amplitude W is angular frequency, t= time then find dimensional formula w/k=?
11. 10𝑘𝑥 where x is displacement then find the dimensional formula of ‘k’?
12. If displacement Eq. of any moving particle 𝑆 = 2 𝑔𝑡 3 then check it’s correctness? If it is wrong
then correct it.
13. If the period (T) of any oscillatory pendulum depends on length of pendulum, mass (m) and
gravitational acc. Then find Formula of time period?
14. The velocity of transverse wave (v), depends of tension (T) of string and per unit mass of
String(m) then find formula of velocity?
15. A small spherical ball of radius ‘r’ falls with velocity v through a liquid having coeff. Of viscosity
𝜂 find the viscus drag on the ball assuming it depends on 𝜂, r, v take 𝑘 = 6𝜋
16. The air bubble formed by explosion inside water perform oscillation with time period t which
is directly proportional to 𝑝𝑎 𝑑 𝑏 𝐸 𝑐 where 𝑝= pressure, d= density and E is energy due to
explosion find the value of a,b & c?
17. It is the surface tension of 72 dyne./cm convert in to SI system?
18. If velocity, force and time are taken to be fundamental quantities then find dimensional
formula of mass?
19. Convert 1N=……………..dyne?
20. If velocity, force are taken to be fundamental quantities then find dimensional formula of mass?
21. If velocity, force, time take fundamental quantities then find dimensional formula of Energy?

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