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A1ibecal is SDme DAe who belieyes n berebA

Libecalisn whichipoliEicaland1dealoglya
philoso phy Libecals have awide accau oF
iewpOints but aeae callySPcct Eceedornt
and a eaualiEy
A demo Crat isSomeoae ha Sp@ortsS
demo ccatic Pact aod doesnt r eFecenLe ia
ideaque IEdemacca bic has ConseNaty
vie w pointS A democeat eauld have Same
iew points

Fathe. napoO Led a mardh to deliver a

Petebioa to he tsar housaod OF wockecs

tookpac in_peate Fulprotest Thi isalso
CalledL bloedySunday and i Keu Causes
OF 1405 evo Lutioa

3 The APil Theses wee a

seips OF Ten
directives issued bolshevik Leade
Vla dimir leain ueoo hi Apri 1a1f returo
to pebro aande

The basic priaci ples ideag aad value

T U s s i a a Revolub
ooAOst F he wocld
Follo Fiant F o r right No na tEec
h o w PoweE the
enea is .
5 T put tnd ba Cautocracy OF Ructia oE ICAR
ao Sta blis ned Stage oc kinq
Jnityin Yyssia H


Co-pafle telu a.anqed Ehe ecoaOmi-


pept co ptl haned U s e oF

pcivate proper Lo a l proprEg-

g0veeA AAeata

9.3 Ang e c the Fo nwina a 50- 6


hreeevents blooo Suaday ace

The news provoked UAATe-e
vnpr e cedented distur baneg BarouanOut
Russsa STikebook place l over
Lont Theu n e r s i t i e g oF Rus sia
Llosed_whea SE deat
walk ouS
Cam p\ajnBna abouk \acko

2 peaseoat LwOna en also baok

Roles takin.a Ove Sonae OF hus baadiu.
FarA wock o woea Foughb_ditectly in
the ar i o Small_nvm bhe
Frostinoc oF tea ditguised as eo and.
tDusoadc more Seryed as AurSec ke
Social Condi tions OF
wone n durioa
ocld war aFEeted_the cole e
played in LOrma evolutioo

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