English Portfolio (1)

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As I reflect on the past quarter, I find myself immersed in a myriad of lessons

and experiences that have shaped my understanding of literature in profound
ways. While each lesson has contributed to my growth, one particular topic
resonates deeply within me - the various approaches to literary criticism.

Exploring the Formalist approach, I learned to appreciate literature as an

independent entity, detached from external influences. This approach
encouraged me to delve into the structure, form, and language of texts,
allowing me to uncover layers of meaning hidden within the words on the

The Moralist approach, on the other hand, illuminated the ethical and moral dimensions
of literature. It challenged me to examine the values and messages conveyed by authors,
prompting critical reflections on the societal implications of their work.

Through the Historical approach, I embarked on a journey through time, exploring how
literature reflects and responds to the historical context in which it was produced. This
approach deepened my understanding of the interconnectedness between literature
and history, revealing the ways in which literature serves as a mirror of its era.

The Marxist approach introduced me to the socio-economic critique of literature,

highlighting the power dynamics and class struggles embedded within texts. This
perspective enriched my analysis by encouraging me to interrogate the underlying
power structures and inequalities portrayed in literature.

Engaging with the feminist approach, I gained insight into the representation of gender
roles and identities in literature. This approach empowered me to deconstruct
patriarchal norms and stereotypes, fostering a more inclusive and equitable
understanding of literary texts.

Lastly, the reader response approach emphasized the role of the reader in interpreting
and constructing meaning from literature. It reminded me that every reader brings their
own experiences, perspectives, and biases to the text, shaping their interpretation in
unique ways.

As I reflect on these approaches, I am reminded of the richness and complexity of

literature. Each lens offers a distinct perspective, inviting me to explore texts from
diverse angles and appreciate the multifaceted nature of literary expression. Moving
forward, I am eager to continue my journey of literary exploration, armed with the
insights gained from these invaluable lessons.

Content Score

I. If and The Road Not Taken

II. Formalist Appproach
III. Moralist Approach
IV. Historical Approach
V. Feminist Approach
VI. Marxist Approach
VII. Reader’s Response
VIII. Les Miserables (any approach)
IX. Essay with Thesis Statement

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