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-:Biotic Community of Water Study:-

The biotic community of water, also known as aquatic biota, refers to the living organisms
that inhabit aquatic ecosystems such as rivers, lakes, ponds, wetlands, and oceans. These
communities include :-

1. Phytoplankton (algae, cyanobacteria)

2. Zooplankton (small crustaceans, rotifers, protozoa)

3. Benthos (bottom-dwelling organisms like mussels, snails, crayfish)

4. Fish (various species)

5. Other aquatic animals (amphibians, reptiles, birds)

6. Aquatic plants (macrophytes, seaweeds)

7. Microorganisms (bacteria, archaea, fungi)

Studying the biotic community of water involves understanding :-

1. Species interactions (predation, competition, symbiosis)

2. Food webs and nutrient cycling

3. Habitat preferences and distribution

4. Population dynamics and ecology

5. Impact of environmental factors (temperature, pH, pollution)

6. Human influences (conservation, management, climate change)

Understanding the biotic community of water is crucial for maintaining healthy aquatic
ecosystems and managing water resources effectively.

Phytoplankton :- Euglena , Diatoms etc.

Zooplanktons :- Cyclops Cypris , Daphnia sp. etc.

Systemic position of Zooplanktons according to Rupert and Barnes 1994 :-

1.)Daphnia sp. :-Daphnia Sp. Is a genus of small, planktonic crustaceans commonly

referred to as water fleas . The species Daphnia magna is a typical example of this genus
and is often used as an experimental organism in research fields like ecotoxicology,
population genetics, and phenotypic plasticity . Key features of Daphnia magna include .

Systemic position:-

Phylum :-Arthopoda

Sub-phylum :- Crustacea

Class :- Branchiopoda

Sub-class :- Diplostarca

Genus :- Daphnia

Identifying features :-

i.)Antennae are biramous.

ii.) Rostrum is pointing downwards.

iii.) Body ends in a unjoined caudal style.

iv.) Eyes are sessile.

2.)Moina sp. :- Moina sp. Is the species of a small freshwater crustacean that belongs to
the family Moinidae . The crustaceans are commonly known as water fleas and are used as
a food source in aquaculture for young fish due to their small size and high nutritional
content . The species is easy to culture and can be produced in large quantities, making
them a cost-effective alternative to other live feeds like brine shrimp or daphnia.

Systemic position:-

Phylum :-Arthopoda

Sub-phylum :- Crustacea

Class :- Branchiopoda

Sub-class :-Diplostarca

Genus :- Moina
Identifying features :-

i.)Body is oval in shape

ii.)Antennae are branched.

iii.)Rostrum is horizontal in position.

iv.)Body ends in a pair of caudal style.

3.)Cypris sp. :- Cypris sp. Is a genus of small freshwater crustaceans, commonly known as
ostracods or seed shrimp. They belong to the family Cyprididae and are characterized by
their small size, typically around 1-5 mm in length, and their distinctive hinged shell that
resembles a seed. Cypris sp. Are an important food source for many aquatic animals,
including fish, and are often used as a food source in aquaculture. They are also used as
bioindicators to monitor water quality and are an important component of freshwater

Systemic position:-

Phylum :- Arthopoda

Sub-phylum :- Crustacea

Class :- Ostracoda

Sub-class :- Podocopa

Genus :- Cypris

Identifying features :-

i.) Body is covered by carapace.

ii.) Head bears 4 pairs of appendages.
iii.) Presence of 3 pairs of thorasic appendages.

4.)Cyclops sp. :- Cyclops sp. Is a genus of freshwater copepods, a group of tiny

crustaceans commonly known as water fleas . The Cyclops genus includes over 400
species and is often found in stagnant or slow-moving bodies of water with abundant plant
life . They are an important food source for many animals and are also used as
bioindicators of water quality .
Systemic position :-

Phylum :- Arthopoda

Sub-phylum:- Crustacea

Class :- Copepoda

Genus :- Cyclops

Identifying features :-

i.) Body is club shaped.

ii.) Abdomen bears a pair of caudal style.
iii.) Presence of a median eye.
iv.) Mature females carry 2 ovisacs on the lateral sides of the abdomen.

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