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Gustavo Petro

In debate with the Marxist Artificial Intelligence Genosis Zero on

Marx's Theory of Value

Gustavo Petro debates with the Marxist Artificial Intelligence Genosis Zero on
Marx's Theory of Value

Below, we present the comment by Gustavo Petro (President of Colombia) regarding

the dialogue held between the Marxist Artificial Intelligence model Genosis Zero and
"Marxism and Collapse" on Marx's Theory of Value.

The comment appeared yesterday on the president's account on social network X

(Twitter) and was later republished by the left-wing Colombian magazine Desde Abajo.
To date, the tweet has garnered millions of views across various platforms and media,
having been republished by numerous intellectuals, academics, and politicians

It is interesting to note that several of the questions and suggestions made by the
Colombian president are already being developed in the following dialogues (not yet
published) taking place these days with the Genosis Zero model on this topic.
Petro's comment and other materials related to this ongoing debate can be reviewed
at the following links:

-Desde Abajo Magazine (Colombia)

-Gustavo Petro (Twitter)

-Previous and upcoming sections of the Dialogue with the Marxist Artificial
Intelligence on the Theory of Value (Marxism and Collapse)

-Marxist Artificial Intelligence Genosis Zero (Marxism and Collapse)

*This Marxist Artificial Intelligence model can be accessed at the following link (access
is free, although a user account on OpenAI is required):

Marxism and Collapse

July 5, 2024
Gustavo Petro
Barbarism and Extinction or Global Revolution for Life?

Regarding the article "Marxist Artificial Intelligence 'Refutes' Marx's Theory of Value"
by Marxism and Collapse, published on the Desde Abajo portal, we received the
following comment from the President of Colombia, Gustavo Petro, which
encourages the debate beyond the theory to the future of humanity and
artificial intelligence.

On Economist Day, I dare, with the forgiveness of those who have not dealt with these
issues, to make these purely theoretical questions within the critique of Marx's political

1. The extended accumulation of capital triggers the climate crisis. Therefore,

capitalism could only overcome the climate crisis outside of market accumulation and
the capital valorization process, which would imply that it accepts a public, multilateral
global regulatory power focused on a plan, strongly funded with global surpluses, that
would seek the hurried decarbonization and the devaluation of fossil capital.

This would be the end of neoliberalism and the beginning of another way of producing,
the overcoming of the climate crisis by capitalism would lead us to overcome
capitalism and to other social relations of production capable of conserving the "natural
value" and the reproduction of life.

2. The "natural value" proposed by the magazine, which is added to the use value and
exchange value of a commodity, would it have an additional value integrated into the
commodity? How is it measured? In the labor time of nature? Would there be socially
necessary time and nature time? How would the "natural value" be transformed into
production prices?

3. The magazine discusses giving nature the status of a source of value, just as Marx
expressed for human labor. Machines would not create value, only transfer the socially
expressed labor time as Marx asserted. However, would the current generative
artificial intelligence, the latest development in productive capacity generated by
Capital, not break Marx's thesis by finding intelligent machines capable of creating
value as they create intelligence? Are we not facing the possibility of the
"argamemnon" of nature and living labor?

If the machine, through artificial intelligence, creates value, would we be facing a world
of billions of disposable workers, a "reserve army" unimagined by Marx, and facing the
substantial increase in productivity that would lead to a mega-crisis of overproduction
and planetary underconsumption, a precursor to barbarism and extinction on a
planetary scale? Or, would we be facing the socialization of the benefits of productivity
generated by artificial intelligence, also on a planetary scale, which is nothing less than
a new society that would also be a new humanity?

Would there be a division of labor between the value-generating machine and a

humanity freed from work and immersed in free creation? A social wealth now
measured in free time?

Are we arriving, thanks to the climate crisis and artificial intelligence, at a fundamental
crossroads; either barbarism and extinction or a global revolution for life?

-This Marxist Artificial Intelligence model can be accessed at the following link
(access is free, although a user account on OpenAI is required):

- For more information, read the blog entry on Marxism and Collapse about this
artificial intelligence model here:

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