Worksheet Unit 2

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Unit 2: Worksheet Subject: English Grade 8

Unit 2: E- communication

New Vocabulary
No Word Meaning
1 Gadget (n) Useful device
2 Satellite (adj.,n) Orbiting body
3 Interactive (adj.) Allowing exchange
4 Take part (v) Participate
5 Access(v) (n) Permission to go
6 Cattle (n) Cows
7 Excuse (n) (v) Explanation
8 Remote (adj.) Isolated/ distant
12 Communicator (n) A person who conveys information to others
13 Recommend (n) Suggest/ advise
14 Ship sb. Off (v) Be sent somewhere without desire
15 Protest (v) (n) Complain about
16 Furious (adj.) Very angry
17 Injured (adj.) Physically hurt
18 Intention (n) Goal
19 Fist (n) Closed hand
20 Documentary (n) Factual film
21 Regret (v) (n) Be sorry for
22 Bandit (n) A robber who robs travellers
23 Piranhas (n) Fish with sharp teeth
24 Blurt out (v) To say something suddenly without thinking
25 Package (n) (v) Parcel/ to wrap

Unit 2: Worksheet Subject: English Grade 8


1- Object
2- Will+ be
3- 3rd form of the main verb
4- By the agent or other compliment

Unit 2: Worksheet Subject: English Grade 8

They are words that join together other words or groups of words
- To express the purpose or reason
- To explain why an action is done

For + reason

To refer to the
reason for something

Unit 2: Worksheet Subject: English Grade 8

How To Use I wish/ If Only

Unit 2: Worksheet Subject: English Grade 8

Test yourself
I- Vocabulary
A) Complete the following sentences with suitable words from brackets

(bandits- regret- satellite- gadget- cattle- furious- blurted out-

intention- injured- remote- package- fist- documentary)

1- Ann hit the sandbag with her -----------------.

2- This broadcast comes live via ----------------from New York.
3- He ----------------- the truth, that he committed the crime.
4- It took them six weeks to film the -------------------------.
5- He was to -------------------that decision for the rest of his life.
6- I was ---------------when he crashed my car.
7- She was ------------------- badly in the accident.
8- They ----------------- their goods in attractive wrappers.
9- Groups of -------------------were grazing on the rich grass.
10- She announced her -------------------to stand for Parliament.
11- The company trademarked their new ---------------------.
12- The ----------------desert area is accessible only by helicopter.
B) Choose the correct answer:
1- People made a/an -----------------about the rise in prices.
a) regret b) protest c) evidence
2- What would you -----------------for removing ink stains?
a) recommend b) mention c) excuse
3- The software enables you to ------------------ the internet in seconds.
a) mention b) develop c) access
4- They were robbed by --------------------armed with pistols.
a) bandits b) piranhas c) communicator

Unit 2: Worksheet Subject: English Grade 8

5- When she was eight, her father -------------------to Baltimore to live

with her aunt.
a) Blurted her out b) shipped her off c) took part
6- He has announced his ------------------ to retire.
a) intention b) pidgin c) protest
7- The bomb was disguised as a/ an---------------------.
a) advantage b) foreign c) package
8- The school believes in ------------------ teaching method.
a) bilingual b) official c) interactive
9- They refused to -----------------in the discussion.
a) regret b) take part c) fluent
10- Ignorance of the law is no -----------------of breaking it.
a) protest b) access c) excuse

II- Grammar
A) Choose the correct answer
1- Japanese ---------------------by everybody in the world.
a) Will speak b) will be spoken c) will be spoke
2- I went to bed early -------------------- I wouldn’t be tired in the morning.
a) In order to b) for c) so that
3- They took the taxi --------------------waste time.
a) So as not to b) in order to c) for
4- Oxford University Press ----------------- this book next month.
a) Will be published b) will be publish c) will publish
5- I stayed late at work and missed the last bus. I wish I---------------------- at
work late.
a) Had stayed b) didn’t stay c) hadn’t stayed

Unit 2: Worksheet Subject: English Grade 8

6- Solar panels -------------------into building materials to power your house.

a) Will build b) will be built c) won’t build
7- Do exercise regularly ------------------have excellent health and well-
a) So that b) not to c) in order to
8- She was absent. If only she --------------------- the conference.
a) Had attended b) attended c) will attend
9- I should have ----------------- more research.
a) do b) did c) done
10- I went to work the next day ---------------I was still feeling ill.
a) So that b) although c) whereas
11- Make sure your bags are tagged ------------you can identify them later.
a) So that b) in order to c) so as not to
12- --------------all exams -----------------on line?
a) Will/ take b) will/ taken c) will/ be taken
13- Some people do not eat before exercises ------------------feel nauseated.
a) In order to b) so that c) so as not to
14- --------------------the difficulty, they managed to solve the math
a) Although b) so that c) in spite of

B) Rewrite the following sentences as directed

1-Students should study hard to succeed. (Use: ‘so that’)


2- The authorities will build a new bridge to reduce traffic jams. (Passive)

Ans.: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

Unit 2: Worksheet Subject: English Grade 8

3- I made a lot of troubles in class. (Use: wish)

Ans.: -------------------------------------------------------------------------

4- I had to take a cab. I didn’t want to be late for my appointment. (Join

using: so that)

Ans.: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

5- I was very impatient. (Use: should)

Ans.: -------------------------------------------------------------------------

6- Why will he hold the meeting? (passive)

Ans.: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

7- I wasn’t able to explain the rule. (Use: if only)

Ans.: -------------------------------------------------------------------------

8- We all worked hard but a lot of things went wrong. (Use: in spite of)

Ans.: -----------------------------------------------------------------------

9- When will you publish the article? (passive)


10- I took your advice. Now I regret. ( Use: wish)

Ans.: ------------------------------------------------------------------------

11- Kate didn’t do well in the exam. She worked very hard. (Join using:

Ans.: -----------------------------------------------------------------------

Unit 2: Worksheet Subject: English Grade 8

12- You will never forget this lesson. (Change the focus)

Ans.: ----------------------------------------------------------------------

13- I bought a lovely suit. I want to wear it at the graduation ball. (Join
using: so as to)

Ans.: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

14- I will prepare the dinner before you come. (Passive)

Ans.: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

III- Language function

Read the dialogues and choose the most appropriate options to
complete the dialogues:
(1) Besty: this weather is killing me. I can’t breathe.
Belly: ----------------------------------------------
Besty: Yes, I do but it’s boiling today.
Billy: You’re right. Shall we go to the pool?

A) It’s much higher than the average.

B) But I thought you liked hot weather.
C) You don’t want to swim today, do you?

Unit 2: Worksheet Subject: English Grade 8

(2) Molly: -------------------------------------------------------

Ricky: I’m not sure. Why do you think he is?
Molly: He doesn’t even say a word unless he is asked a
Ricky: It’s probably because he doesn’t have any friends yet.

A) Don’t you think the new student is a little strange?

B) The teacher warned the new student to come to class on time.
C) Is your brother doing better at school this year?

(3) David: Shall we watch the football match tonight in a cafe?

Victoria: -----------------------------------------------------
David: Shame on you. The national team is playing against
Victoria: You know I don’t like football very much.

A) Why not? You could come to my place. Don’t forget to bring some
B) I didn’t know there was going to be a match tonight.
C) Cafes are very crowded when there is a big match on TV.

Unit 2: Worksheet Subject: English Grade 8

IV: Comprehension

Unit 2: Worksheet Subject: English Grade 8

A) Match the equivalent words:

1- A while careful ( )
2- Emit secure ( )
3- Cautious some time ( )
4- Safe exhaustion ( )
5- Tiredness release ( )
B) Answer the questions about the text:
1- Why do phone companies say mobile phone use is safe?

Ans.: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

2- Which symptoms may wireless cause in human beings?

Ans.: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

3- Which possible hazard may excess use of mobiles cause?

Ans.: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

V: Writing
Write 12 sentence essay “ Mobile phone is a mixed blessing”

Good Luck
Ms. Noha Ahmed


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