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Worksheet History

Chapter 1 Nationalism in Europe


1. For the middle class of Europe, identify the important features of Liberalism

(a) adoption of conservatism.

(b) Government by consent

(c) Individual freedom and equality before law

(d) Representative government.


i) a, b and d ii) b,c and d

iii) b and d iv) b and c

2. Identify the statement which is not true regarding the Act of Union 1707?

(a) It was an agreement between England and Scotland.

(b) It was an agreement between England and Ireland.

(c) It resulted in the formation of the ‘United Kingdom of Great Britain’.

(d) It gave England control over Scotland.

3.Identify the correct option

(I) They favoured monarchial forms.

(ii) They were the supporters of aristocracy

(iii) They wanted to impose censorship on media

(iv) They stressed the importance of tradition and institutions and customs.

Who were they?

a) Liberals c) Conservatives
b) Radicals d) Democrats

4. He was the chief Minister and the Chief Architect of Germany He was_____.

a) Giuseppe Mazzini b) Giuseppe Garibaldi

c) Otto Von Bismarck d) Cavour

5. Which of the following state lead the unification Germany?

(a) Bavaria (b) Prussia

(c) Rhineland (d) Hanover

6. Who among the following was proclaimed the first King of United Italy?

(a) Nicholas II (b) King George II

(c) Wilhelm IV (d) thy Victor Emmanuel II

7. Which among the following was not a part of the Balkan region?

a) Romania b) Greece c) Austria d) Serbia

8. ‘He was an Italian leader who was neither a revolutionary nor a democrat’ who was he______?

a) Giuseppe Mazzini b) Giuseppe Garibaldi c) Cavour d) Victor Emmanuel II

9. Which among the following was not the reason for economic hardships in Europe?

a) Overpopulation b) Unemployment c) Lack of education d) Stiff competition

10. In this painting, the French soldiers are recognized by their ______uniform.

a) Blue, black, red b) Black, blue, white

c) Black, red, white d) Blue, white, red

11. A state where people live in a common territory, develop a sense of identity and share a common
history is

a) Democratic state b) Nation state c) Ethnic state d) Utopian state

12. A large number of people were hostile to the Napoleonic code because

(a) It was not suitable for all.

(b) It destroyed the special privileges of the rulers.

(c) Administrative changes did not go hand-in-hand with political freedom.

(d) He was not popular in country

13. Which one of the following statements is not true about Giuseppe Mazzini?
(a) He wanted the united Italian Republic.

(b) He founded an underground society called ‘Young Italy’.

(c) He wanted Italy to be a monarchy.

(d) He was exiled for attempting a revolution in Liguria.

14. Arrange in chronological order.

i) Treaty of Vienna ii) Unification of Italy

iii) Treaty of Constantinople iv) Unification of Germany

a) I, ii, iii, iv b) ii, iii, iv, I c) iii, ii, iv, i d) I, iv, ii, iii

15. Read the clues in Column A and Identify me. Write my name in Column B.

A : I am B: My Name
i)The king of Piedmont and Sardinia. I helped in the unification of Italy
ii)A French emperor. I introduced a code in 1804
iii)The Austrian Chancellor considers Mazzini as the most dangerous enemy to our
social order.
iv)The founder of a Secret Society, ‘Young Italy’ I inspired the youth to work towards
16.Which of the following event is described in the following image?

a) Giuseppe Mazzini Unifying Italy b) The massacre at Chios

c) Signing of Treaty of Vienna d) The Frankfurt Parliament in church of St Paul

17. Assertion: Culture played an important role in creating the idea of the nation.
Reason: Weavers in Silesia had led a revolt against contractors who supplied raw material and gave them
orders for finished textiles but drastically reduced their payments

a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct Explanation of A

b) Both A and R are true and R is not the correct Explanation of A.
c)A is True but R is False.
d) A is False but R is True.
18. Assertion: Like Germany, Italy too had a long history of political fragmentation.

Reason: During the middle of the nineteenth century, Italy was divided into seven States.

19. Assertion (A): From the very beginning, the French revolutionaries introduced various measures and
practices like the idea of la patria and le citoyen.

Reason (R): This was done to create a sense of collective identity amongst the French people.

20. Source Based Questons: The Grimm Brothers: Folktales and Nation-building

Grimms Fairy Tales is a familiar name. The brothers Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm were bom in the German
city of Hanau in 1785 and 1788 respectively. While both of them studied law, they soon developed an
interest in collecting old folktales. They spent six years travelling from village to village, talking to people
and writing down fairy tales, which were handed down through the generations. These were popular
both among children and adults. In 1812, they published their first collection of tales subsequently, both
the brothers became active in liberal politics, especially the movement for freedom of the press. In the
meantime they also published a 33-volume dictionary of the German language.

The Grimm brothers also saw French domination as a threat to German culture, and believed that the
folktales they had collected were expressions of a pure and authentic German spirit. They considered
their projects of collecting folktales and developing the German language as part of the wider effort to
oppose French domination and create a German national identity.

i)Why did the Grim brothers began collecting old folktales? 1

ii) In which language Grim they published dictionary? 1

iii) What is the meaning of the term Romanticism? 2


1. “The initial enthusiasm of the people of France soon turned to hostility after Napoleon’s
takeover of France.” Justify the statement by giving three arguments.
2. Discuss the importance of language and popular traditions in the creation of national identity.
3. Count Cavour played an important role to unify Italy. What characteristics of Cavour were
responsible for this act?
4. Examine the main features of the process of German unification under the leadership of Otto
Von Bismarck.
5. “ The Balkan issue was one of the major factors responsible for the First World War: Explain
6. “Napoleon had destroyed democracy, but in the administrative field he had incorporated
revolutionary principles” which positive attitudes of Napoleon make him a ‘Hero’?
7. How Ireland was incorporated into United Kingdom in 1801?
8. Explain the ideas of Liberal Nationalists in the economic sphere.
9. Make a Timeline of the important events.

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