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2.What does the professor imply about the traditional model of Earth's layers?
It is based on complex structures that may not really exist.
It is an oversimplification of Earth's actual structure.
It has been supported by recent laboratory experiments.
It is being misinterpreted by many researchers
对应原文:Then, according to the traditional model, beneath that is the mantle, and finally, at the
center of the Earth is the core. Now, not to totally dismiss the three-layer model, but researchers
who study seismic waves generated by earthquakes, who study how fast these seismic waves
travel through Earth, they've pointed out certain complexities, like differences within the mantle as
it gets deeper. 根据传统的模型,下面是地幔,最后,在地球的中心是地核。现在,并不是

5.What does the professor imply about a very dense mineral detected deep in Earth's mantle?
It has the same structure as a crystal created in the laboratory.
Its molecular structure frequently changes.
It is probably harder than a diamond.
It will be extracted from deep mines someday.
对 应 原 文 : And this map revealed a mineral with a particularly dense crystalline structure.
Remember, the crystal that was created with the DAC and the laboratory? Okay, so once they
identified the mineral and figured out how deep it is, that is, how much pressure it's under, what
could they calculate? The temperature, right?(这张图显示了一种晶体结构特别致密的矿物。
还记得用 DAC 和实验室制造的晶体吗?)这道题问教授在提到地幔深处发现的一种密度很
两者之间的关系。对于原来选的 b 选项,对应段落 professor 并未提及
6.What does the professor say geologists were able to determine in 2007?
The range of temperatures present on Earth's crust
The speed at which seismic waves travel in Earth's mantle
The distance between Earth's surface and core
The temperature of Earth's core-mantle boundary
原文: what could they calculate? The temperature, right? Which worked out
to around 3,600 degrees Celsius. 他们可以算出什么?温度 对应 d 选项 对于 a 选项强调的是地

生词:layered beneath seismic waves folks squeezed boundary

分层 在下方 地震波 民间的 挤压的 分界线

4.What was one challenge that the designer of the Florence cathedral dome faced?
The dome's supporting structure could not be visible.(不能有可见的支撑结构)
The dome had to be built within five years.(穹顶的建造要在五年之内)
There were very few workers skilled enough to assist in the building of the dome. (只有几个经
The material for building the dome was very difficult to(建造穹顶的材料很难获得)
对应原文 Okay, fast forward to 1418, and we're back in Florence where another competition is
brewing. The challenge this time was to build a large dome to sit atop the city's great
cathedral. This new dome was intended to be both wider and higher than the domes of
other European cathedrals. Moreover, it was to be different in that it's designed not allow
for any visible external supports. From an engineering standpoint this meant that dome
had to be self-supporting. Brunelleschi returned to Florence for the challenge.到 1418 年回到佛罗
任何可见的外部支撑。从工程学的角度来看,这意味着穹顶必须自己支撑? B 回到佛罗伦
萨的挑战。对应原文说的是不能有任何可见的外部支撑。对应 1 选项 234 均未在原文中提

3.What can be inferred about the woman when she mentions that the choir meets at 6:30 P.M.?
She wishes that the choir would meet at an earlier time.她希望合唱团可以见面的更早一些
She is puzzled by the man's claim about when rehearsal rooms are available.她因为男人的话而
She is concerned about a conflict with another reservation at the same time.她因为和另外一个同
She is doubtful that she will be able to continue meeting with the choir.他因为她可以继续和合
原文:Cause the choir meets here at 6:30 p.m
Right. University groups can reserve rooms outside our normal hours like after 5:00 and on
weekends. And students enrolled in some performing arts classes can, too. Are you taking a
performing arts class right now?因为合唱团晚上六点半在这里集合,大学团体可以预订的正
常时间以外的房间,如 5:00 后和周末。参加一些表演艺术课程的学生也可以

What does the woman imply when she says this?

A. She has completed most of the research that was required for her project.
B. She has not done much research yet and so does not mind changing the focusof her project.
C. She is disappointed that the professor is unfamiliar with her research topic.
D. She believes public schools in the northeastern states were only slightlychanged due to
育学做了多少研究。学生回答道她已经完成了一些研究,但现在她真的对于 Navajo 文化很
对应了选项 B。
A 选 项 : 女 生 对 于 教 授 提 问 的 回 答 是 “ Right. l've done[Meaning “not too much”]some
research”,女生的态度表明了她并没有完成大部分项目;C 选项:女生并没有表现出不满;
D 选项:与重听片段无关。
What does the professor emphasize about the metabolicrate of ectotherms?
a.lt is regulated by taking short, quick breaths.
b. lt varies throughout the day.
c. it is much slower than the metabolic rate of endotherms.
d. lt increases to help the animals survive a sudden drop intemperature.
Sure they do. lt's just that metabolism in ectotherms is so much lower. l mean, themetabolic rate of
an endotherm say a mouse-is at least six or seven times that of an ectotherm of asimilar size, like a
frog or a lizard. An ectotherm doesn't generate nearly as much heat internally, so itsbody
temperature will tend to equalize with the temperature of its surroundings. And that's
wherebehavior comes in.
选项分析:原文提出变温动物的新陈代谢会更慢些,与选项 C 一致,故选项 C 正确。
What does the woman imply about moving students to another dormitory?

She does not think it is necessary.

She will need to get permission from the housing office.

Students will have to wait until the dormitory is available.

Students should contact the housing office for permission.
可以让他们搬到那里去躲开装修。选项 B 正确,老师需要先问宿管部门,再给学生答复。
选项 A 说她觉得没必要把学生迁去另一个楼,错误,老师是觉得需要帮学生躲开装修带来
的不便的;选项 C 说学生要等着那栋宿舍楼空出来,但原文中说这个楼现在就是没人用的 ,
错误,不选;选项 D 说学生要联系宿管部门征求许可,但老师是说她自己联系,联系完了
通知学生,错误。选择 B。
NPO 17 L2
Dimmer 调光器
Referring 提到
Abnormally 不正常地
solar maxima 太阳最大值
referring to 参考
natural events 自然事件
According to the professor, why can the Dalton Minimum be considered unusual? 为什么教授觉
得 d 不是通常事件的发生???
It occurred in the middle of a solar maximum. 在太阳最大值时发生
It affected only North America and Europe. 影响到了北美和欧洲
It coincided with a large number of sunspots. 因为很多的太阳黑子
It lasted longer than most solar minima. 比太阳最小值要长
对应原文: The Dalton Minimum was an unusually long solar minimum, a period of low solar
magnetic activity. And what do l mean by that? Well, low solar activity means a few things. The
Sun is less active. 道尔顿最小值要比太阳最小值长这是不正常的 这是低太阳磁活动周期 这
值要长就是不合理的选项。对应 d 选项 考试的时候正反逻辑没有及时的理清楚
其余选项 a 选项在原文中没有对于欧洲北美洲的明确说明影响
According to the professor, what was the primary cause of climate change in 1816?按照教授的观
点 造成 1816 年的气候变化的主要原因是什么?
Particles in Earth's atmosphere that blocked some of the Sun's heat 地球上的灰尘阻挡了太阳
The high number of sunspots during a solar minimum 太阳最小值的高数量太阳黑子
The unusual length of the Dalton Minimum 道尔顿最小值的不正常
A reduction in global volcanic activity 全球火山活动的减少
对应原文:After all, it was one of the biggest volcanic; eruptions in 10.000 years, and it threw up
millions of tons of dust and other particles into the stratosphere, where it blocked some of the
Sun's heat.
毕竟,它是最大的火山之一;在 10000 年的喷发中,它将数百万吨的灰尘和其他颗粒抛入
平流层,阻挡了太阳的一些热量。 对应 a 选项

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