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6CS3-01: Digital Image Processing

Image Restoration

Presented by: Ms. Yashika Saini

Assistant Professor
Department of Computer Science Engineering
AIET, Jaipur
Image Restoration
• The main objective of restoration is to improve
the quality of a digital image which has been
degraded due to various phenomena like:
• Transmission.
• Improper focusing of camera during image
• Noise.
Image Restoration Process

• Restoration attempts to recover an image that has

been degraded by using a prior knowledge of the
degradation phenomenon.
• Thus, restoration techniques are oriented toward
modeling the degradation & applying the inverse
process in order to recover the original image.
• The purpose of image restoration is to restore a
degraded/distorted image to its original image and
A Model of the Image
Degradation/Restoration Process
A Model of the Image
Degradation/Restoration Process
• The degradation is modeled as a degradation function that,
together with an additive noise term, operates on an input
image f (x, y) to produce a degraded image g(x, y).
• Given, g(x, y) have some knowledge about the degradation
function H & also about the additive noise term.
• The objective of restoration is to obtain an estimate of
the original image.
• This estimated image should be closer to the original input
A Model of the Image
Degradation/Restoration Process
• In spatial domain, the expression for degraded
image is given by:

• Where the symbol indicates spatial

• In Frequency domain, the expression for
degraded image is given by:
Noise Model
• The principal sources of noise in digital images arise
during image acquisition and/or transmission.
• The performance of imaging sensors is affected by a
variety of factors, such as environmental conditions
during image acquisition & by the quality of the
sensing elements.
• Images are corrupted during transmission principally
due to interference in the channel used for
Noise Model
1. Spatial and Frequency Properties of Noise.
• With the exception of spatially periodic noise,
noise is independent of spatial coordinates, and it
is uncorrelated with respect to the image itself.
• We can describe that spatial noise is concerned
with the statistical behavior of the gray-level
Some Important Noise
• Noise is characterized by their PDF. Each PDF has unique
• Noise is additive to image intensity at a pixel location.
• Following are some important PDF:
1. Gaussian noise
2.Rayleigh noise
3.Erlang or gamma noise
4. Exponential noise
5. Uniform noise
6. Impulse (salt-and-pepper) noise
2. Important Noise Probability Density Functions.
a) Gaussian noise:
The PDF of a Gaussian noise is given by

Where z is the intensity of the pixel.

is the mean of intensity.
σ is its standard deviation.
is variance of z.
b) Rayleigh noise:
The PDF of a Rayleigh noise is given by
c) Erlang or gamma noise:
The PDF of a Gamma noise is given by

The mean and variance of this density are given by

d) Exponential noise:
The PDF of a Exponential noise is given by

The mean and variance of this density function are

e) Uniform noise:
The PDF of a Uniform noise is given by

The mean and variance of this density function are

f) Impulse (salt-and-pepper) noise
The PDF of a Impulse noise is given by

• If b>a, intensity b will appear as a light dot in the image.

• If b<a, intensity b will appear as a dark dot in the image.
• If Pa & Pb either or is zero, the impulse noise is called
• If Pa is aprox. Equal to Pb than this noise is also called as salt
& pepper granules.
Periodic Noise
• Periodic noise, in an image arises from electrical or
electromechanical interference caused during the
image acquisition.
• This is the only type of spatially dependent noise.
Restoration in the presence of Noise –
Spatial Domain
• When the only degradation present in an image is noise
than equation will be:

A. Mean Filter- Different types of mean filters are:

1. Arithmetic mean filter
2. Geometric mean filter
3. Harmonic mean filter
4. Contra harmonic mean filter.
1. Arithmetic mean filter:
• This is the simplest of the mean filters.
• Let Sxy represent the set of coordinates in a rectangular
sub image window(neighborhood) of size m×n, centered
at point (x, y).
• The arithmetic mean filter computes the average value of
the corrupted image g(x,y) in the area defined by Sxy.

• This operation can be implemented using a spatial filter

of size m×n in which all coefficients have value1/mn.
• A mean filter smoothes local variations in an image, and
noise is reduced as a result of blurring.
2. Geometric mean filter:
An image restored using a geometric mean filter
is given by the expression

• A geometric mean filter gives better smoothing

than arithmetic mean filter, but here fine details of
image can not be retained.
3. Harmonic mean filter:
The harmonic mean filtering operation is given
by the expression

• The harmonic mean filter works well for salt

noise, but fails for pepper noise.
• It does well also with other types of noise like
Gaussian noise.
4. Contra harmonic mean filter:
The contra harmonic mean filter yields a restored image based
on the expression

• where Q is called the order of the filter.

• This filter is well suited for reducing or eliminating the
effects of salt-and-pepper noise.
• For positive values of Q, the filter eliminates pepper
• For negative values of Q, it eliminates salt noise.
• The contra harmonic filter reduces to the arithmetic mean
filter if Q = 0, and to the harmonic mean filter if Q = -1.
B. Order-Statistic Filters
• Order-statistic filters are spatial filters whose
response is based on ordering (ranking) the values of
the pixels contained in the image area encompassed
by the filter.
• The ranking result determines the response of the
There are different types of Order-Statistic Filters:
1. Median filter
2. Max and min filters
3. Midpoint filter
4. Alpha-trimmed mean filter.
1. Median filter:
• The best-known order-statistic filter is the
median filter.
• Replaces the value of a pixel by the median of
the intensity levels in the neighborhood of that

• The median represents the 50th percentile filter

(because we choose median value)
• Advantage: It is used to reduce the impulse noise.
2. Max and Min filters
Max Filters:
• The 100th percentile results in the called max
filter, given by

• Advantage: This filter is useful for finding the

brightest points in an image and also reduce
pepper noise.
• Min filters
• The 0th percentile filter is the min filter:

• Advantage: This filter is useful for finding the

darkest points in an image. Also, it reduces salt
3. Midpoint filter
• The midpoint filter simply computes the midpoint
between the maximum and minimum values in
the area encompassed by the filter:

• Advantages: To reduce Gaussian or uniform

4. Alpha-trimmed mean filter:
• We eliminate the d/2 lowest and the d/2 highest
intensity values of g(s,t) in the neighborhood Sxy.
• Let gr(s,t) represent the remaining (mn-d) pixels.
• A filter formed by averaging these remaining pixels is
called an alpha trimmed mean filter:

• where the value of d can range from 0 to mn-1.

• When d=0, Act as arithmetic mean filter.
• If d= mn-1, Filter becomes a median filter.
• Application: Used to remove salt-and-pepper and
Gaussian noise.
Adaptive Filters
• Two adaptive filters whose behavior changes based
on statistical characteristics of the image inside the
filter region defined by the m×n rectangular window

1. Adaptive local noise reduction filter.

2. Adaptive median filter.
1. Adaptive local noise reduction filter:
• We Perform operation on local area that is
Neighborhood Sxy.
• Random Variables are identified by the statistical
• The most popular statistical measures are mean
and variance.
• The mean gives a measure of average intensity in
the region over which the mean is computed, and
• The variance gives a measure of average contrast
in that region.
• Our filter is to operate on a local region, Sxy.
• The response of these filter at any point (x, y)
depend on four quantities:

• Response of Adaptive local noise reduction filter is

given by :
2. Adaptive median filter
• The median filter works well if the spatial density
of the impulse noise is less i.e. Pa & Pb less than
0.2. This disadvantage can be overcome by
Adaptive median filter.
• Adaptive median filtering can handle impulse
noise of larger values.
• An additional benefit of the adaptive median filter
is that it preserve details of the image while
smoothing non-impulse noise.
• This algorithm is used for three main purposes:
1. To remove salt-and-pepper noise.
2. To provide smoothing.
3. To reduce distortion, such as excessive thinning
or thickening of object boundaries.
Estimating the Degradation Function

• There are three principal ways to estimate the

degradation function for use in image restoration:
(1) Observation,
(2) Experimentation, and
(3) Mathematical modeling.
Estimation by Image Observation
• The degradation function (H) can be estimated by
visually looking into a small section of the image.
• A degraded image without any knowledge about the
degradation function H.
• Based on the assumption that the image was degraded
by a linear, position-invariant process, one way to
estimate H is to gather information from the image
• If the image is blurred, we can look at a small
rectangular section of the image containing
sample structures, like part of an object and the
• In order to reduce the effect of noise, we would
look for an area in which the signal content is
strong e.g., an area of high contrast.
Estimation by Experimentation
• Assumption: If equipment similar to the
equipment used to acquire the degraded image is
available, it is possible in principle to obtain an
accurate estimate of the degradation.
• Images similar to the degraded image can be
acquired with various system settings.
• Then obtain the impulse response of the
degradation by imaging an impulse (small dot of
light) using the same system settings.
• An impulse is simulated by a bright dot of light,
as bright as possible to reduce the effect of noise
to negligible values.
• The Fourier transform of an impulse is a constant.
Estimation by Mathematical modeling
Inverse Filtering
• It is process of restoring an image degraded by a
degradation function H.
• The simplest approach to restoration is direct, inverse
• Inverse filtering provides an estimate F(u,v) of the
transform of the original image, simply by dividing the
transform of the degraded image G(U,V) by the
degradation function.
Inverse Filtering
Assignment Questions
Q1. Discuss the model of image degradation and
restoration process?
Q2. Discuss the different Noise Model.
Q3. Explain Inverse filtering in details?
Q4. What is homomorphic filtering and also describe
the wiener filtering process.
Q5. What noise filter? Explain the various types of
noise filters.

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