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College of Health Sciences Education

3rd Floor, DPT Building

Matina Campus, Davao City
Telefax:(082) Phone No.: (082)305-0640/300-0647 Local 117

Name: ______________________________ Date performed: ___________

Year and Course: _____________________ Date submitted: ____________
Subject Title: _________________________ Code number: _____________
Name of Professor: ___________________ Score: ____________________


Classification and Identification of Hydrocarbons


At the end of the activity, the students can:

1. To understand the basic concept of hydrocarbons and their classifications.
2. To identify different types of hydrocarbons using physical and chemical methods.
3. To evaluate the accuracy and precision of various methods for the identification of


6 Test tube, 1 rack, and 1 holder, 10 dropper

Acetic Acid, Bromine, Potassium permanganate (KMnO4), Acetone, Hexane, Hexene,

Learning Activity:


Characteristic reactions differentiating saturated aliphatic hydrocarbons from

unsaturated aliphatic hydrocarbons.

A. Bromine test.
1. Add dropwise 1% acetic acid solution of bromine to about 0.5 ml of sample
dissolved in acetic acid or other organic solvent.
2. Mix carefully the contents of the test tube.
3. The pink color of bromine quickly disappears when multiple bonds are

B. Potassium permanganate test

1. Add dropwise 0.1% acetone solution of KMnO4 to about 1 mL of sample.
2. Mix the solution carefully after addition of each drop and wait for
disappearance of KMnO4 pink color.
3. The quantity of decolorized solution and the speed of its decolorizing depend
on the amount of multiple bonds in the molecule of the sample.
College of Health Sciences Education
3rd Floor, DPT Building
Matina Campus, Davao City
Telefax:(082) Phone No.: (082)305-0640/300-0647 Local 117

Data Presentation:

Paste a photograph of your result.

A. Bromine Test B. Potassium permanganate Test

Observations: (Write your observations here.)

A. Bromine Test B. Potassium permanganate Test
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1. Write the chemical equation involve in the experiment A and B.

A. Bromine Test

B. Potassium permanganate test

2. Give the IUPAC and Common Name of the following structure

a. ___________________________ b. _________________________
___________________________ _________________________
College of Health Sciences Education
3rd Floor, DPT Building
Matina Campus, Davao City
Telefax:(082) Phone No.: (082)305-0640/300-0647 Local 117

c. ___________________________ d. _________________________
___________________________ _________________________

d. ___________________________ e. _________________________
___________________________ _________________________

3. Draw the line, condensed or Lewis’s structure of the following hydrocarbons

a. 4-ethyl-2,3-dimethylheptane b. cyclobutene

c. 1,3-diethylcyclopentane d. 2,7,8-trimethyldecane

e. 5-ethyl-2,4,6-trimethyloctane f. 2-hexene
College of Health Sciences Education
3rd Floor, DPT Building
Matina Campus, Davao City
Telefax:(082) Phone No.: (082)305-0640/300-0647 Local 117


College of Health Sciences Education
3rd Floor, DPT Building
Matina Campus, Davao City
Telefax:(082) Phone No.: (082)305-0640/300-0647 Local 117

Name: ______________________________ Date performed: ___________

Year and Course: _____________________ Date submitted: ____________
Subject Title: _________________________ Code number: _____________
Name of Professor: ___________________ Score: ____________________


Classification and Identification of Alcohols and Phenols


At the end of the activity, the students can:

1. To understand the basic concept of hydroxyl group and their classifications.
2. To identify different types of hydroxyl group using physical and chemical methods.
3. To evaluate the accuracy and precision of various methods for the identification of
hydroxyl group.


3 Test tube, 1 rack, 1 brush, and 1 holder, 10 dropper, 10 mL graduated cylinder,

heating stove, water bath, thermometer
Salicylic acid, conc. H2SO4, methanol, ethanol, Lugol’s solution, 5% NaOH, 2% FeCl3,
phenol, 1M H2SO4

Learning Activity:


Characteristic reactions of alcohols.

A. The esterification test – detection of methanol.

1. Add a pinch of salicylic acid and about 1 ml of concentrated H2SO4 to 1 ml of
2. After mixing, heat the sample in the boiling water bath.
3. After a few minutes, specific resinous aroma of methyl salicylate will appear.

B. The iodoformic test – detection of ethanol.

1. To 0.5 ml of ethanol solution add about 1 ml of iodine in potassium iodide solution
(Lugol’s solution).
2. Then add dropwise (2-4 drops) of 5 % NaOH water solution, till yellow color of iodine
will dissapear.
3. After mixing and heating the tube content to 60o C, specific aroma and yellow
crystals of iodoform will appear.

C. Reaction of phenol with ferric chloride

1. Add 1 drop of 2% FeCl3 solution to 1% phenol water solution (3 ml).
2. A violet color of this mixture will form.
3. The color disappears after addition of some drops of 1 M sulfuric acid.
College of Health Sciences Education
3rd Floor, DPT Building
Matina Campus, Davao City
Telefax:(082) Phone No.: (082)305-0640/300-0647 Local 117

Data Presentation:

Paste a photograph of your result.

A. The Esterification Test B. The Iodoformic Test

C. Reaction of Phenol With Ferric Chloride

Observations: (Write your observations here.)

A. The Esterification Test B. The Iodoformic Test
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C. Reaction of Phenol with Ferric Chloride

College of Health Sciences Education
3rd Floor, DPT Building
Matina Campus, Davao City
Telefax:(082) Phone No.: (082)305-0640/300-0647 Local 117


1. Write the chemical equation involve in the experiment A and B.

A. The Esterification Test

B. The Iodoformic Test

C. Reaction of Phenol with Ferric Chloride

2. Give the IUPAC and Common Name of the following structure

a. ___________________________ b. _________________________
___________________________ _________________________

c. ___________________________ d. _________________________
_________________________ _________________________
College of Health Sciences Education
3rd Floor, DPT Building
Matina Campus, Davao City
Telefax:(082) Phone No.: (082)305-0640/300-0647 Local 117

d. ___________________________ e. _________________________
___________________________ _________________________

3. Draw the line, condensed or Lewis’s structure of the following hydrocarbons

a. 1-ethylcyclobutanol b. 2-chlorohex-3-yn-1-ol

c. 2-methyl-2-pentanol d. tert-butyl alcohol

e. m-cresol f. 2-Nitrophenol
College of Health Sciences Education
3rd Floor, DPT Building
Matina Campus, Davao City
Telefax:(082) Phone No.: (082)305-0640/300-0647 Local 117

4. Draw the Lewis structure of the different classification of Alcohol.

a. 1o Alcohol

b. 2o Alcohol

c. 3o Alcohol


College of Health Sciences Education
3rd Floor, DPT Building
Matina Campus, Davao City
Telefax:(082) Phone No.: (082)305-0640/300-0647 Local 117

Name: ______________________________ Date performed: ___________

Year and Course: _____________________ Date submitted: ____________
Subject Title: _________________________ Code number: _____________
Name of Professor: ___________________ Score: ____________________


Classification of Carboxylic Acids and Esters


At the end of the activity, the students can:

1. To understand the basic concept of amides, amines and their classifications.
2. To identify different types of amides, and amines using physical and chemical
3. To evaluate the accuracy and precision of various methods for the identification of
amide and amine.


Blue litmus paper, Sodium bicarbonate (or) sodium hydrogen carbonate, Ethyl alcohol
Concentrated sulphuric acid, Resorcinol, Acid anhydride, given organic compound,
Test tubes, Test tube holders, Beaker, Glass rod, & Stirrer

Learning Activity:


a. Litmus Test:
1. Add a drop of given organic compound on blue litmus paper.
2. Observe the colour change in blue litmus paper.
3. If the colour of blue litmus changes to red the presence of carboxylic acid.

Note: Blue litmus solution is also used in the place of blue litmus paper.

b. Sodium Bicarbonate Test:

1. Prepare a saturated solution of sodium bicarbonate by dissolving sodium
bicarbonate in 1ml of water.
2. Add the given organic compound to the saturated solution of sodium
bicarbonate solution.
3. Shake the solution well.
4. If there is an evolution of brisk effervescence, then it indicates the presence of
carboxylic acid.

Note: Use acid free alcohol for the test.

c. Ester Test:
1. Mix the given compound with ethyl alcohol and concentrated sulphuric acid.
2. Heat the mixture in a dry test tube in a water bath.
3. Pour the reaction mixture into a beaker carefully containing water.
4. Neutralise the excess sulphuric acid.
College of Health Sciences Education
3rd Floor, DPT Building
Matina Campus, Davao City
Telefax:(082) Phone No.: (082)305-0640/300-0647 Local 117

5. If a sweet-smelling substance is sensed then it indicates the presence of acid.

d. Fluorescein Test:
1. Take the given organic compound to be tested in a test tube.
2. Mix with 100mg of resorcinol and 0.5ml of concentrated sulfuric acid.
3. Heat the test tube gently on a Bunsen burner.
4. Pour the mixture into a beaker containing dilute sodium hydroxide solution.
5. Appearance of green color fluorescent solution indicates the presence of
carboxylic acid group.

Note: The resultant solution should be alkaline

Data Presentation:

Paste a photograph of your result.

A. Litmus Test B. Sodium Bicarbonate Test

C. Ester Test D. Fluorescein Test:

Observations: (Write your observations here.)

A. Litmus Test B. Sodium Bicarbonate Test
________________________________ __________________________
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College of Health Sciences Education
3rd Floor, DPT Building
Matina Campus, Davao City
Telefax:(082) Phone No.: (082)305-0640/300-0647 Local 117

C. Ester Test D. Fluorescein Test:

________________________________ __________________________
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1. Write the chemical equation involve in the experiment A and B.

A. Litmus Test

B. Sodium Bicarbonate Test

C. Ester Test

D. Fluorescein Test



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