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Poblacion Hindang, Leyte


I. Introduction
Project Title : Single Fishing Boat and Fishing Implements
Project Site : Poblacion I, Hindang, Leyte
Project Proponents : Amelito, Dela Peña, Danilo Correa, Eleno Betcher and Rufino
Contact Person : Eleno Betcher
Total Project Cost : P 161, 690.00
Date of Implementation : November 2007
Counterpart : Licensing and registration, transportation costs, maintenance and other
fishing implements and equipments
Project Duration : 3 years
Nature of the Business :
Fishing is considered as a source of income for most of the Filipinos for their livelihood.
In fact, millions of the Filipino families lived in coastal areas and considered as one of the
Philippines less economic returns from fishing due to the absence of governmental support to
small fishermen’s. Also to the fact that big fishing boats engaged in illegal fishing activities. As a
result, more and more Filipino’s suffered poverty, malnutrition, unemployment, etc. Due to the
ever increasing of Philippine population nowadays, the government considered high population as
one of the factors that caused economic scarcity of the country. Moreover, most of our family
household’s receives low income from the return of their labour. Others opt to have other sources
of income and some were unemployed. Adding also to the soaring of commodity prices, which
causes Filipino families, can’t provide exact nutrition that deprives good health of their children,
education, and shelter.
Hindang as one of the Leyte’s fishing grounds, more fishermen were involved in any
kinds/alternatives in catching fish as means of family livelihood. Some of the NorWeLeDePAI-
RF’s are engaged with this kind of activities to compensate their everyday basic requirements;
food, health and education. In fulfilling with their living standard especially for their children’s
well being, more were renting boat and other fishing implements or depend on sharing by kilo fish
catched. RF’s were planning to have with their own fishing implements to increase their income in
fishing rather than to take a part of their catched for the rent of the fishing implements.

Project Objectives:
Generally, the “Single Fishing Boat and Fishing Implements” aims to increase the
income of the registered families (RF) to compensate the families’ meager income by giving the
opportunity for both spouses to own a living.
Specifically, it aimed to:
1. Have a sustainable source of income;
2. Increase the standard of living of the family;
3. Support income of spouse;
4. Help extend financial needs to the children’s’ well-being; and
5. Help preserve the natural resources.

II. Operating Plan

The group selected/chose among them as the management/proponent description for secure
implementation of the said business. Eleno Betcher as the chairman since he has the experience, skills,
talents and has seen the capacity to be a good leader and a companion. Also, he is a graduate of marine
engineering and the present P.I.O of “Bantay Dagat” in Hindang. The other proponents are a member
whose function is to initiate their individual fishing implements. Individual has the responsible in recording
the daily and monthly sales from fishing and other costs and expenses. Similarly, they were also fisherman
for a long time and some is a seasonal carpenter and masonry works. Each member is subject to conduct
recording for monthly and quarterly monitoring of the Project. A monthly monitoring will be done by the
project representative during the first year of operation and quarterly during the succeeding years.

Operational Plan
The single fishing boat and implements is a sole way of fishing wherein it utilizes the marine areas
not only in the town of Hindang but it also covered up to the southern part of Leyte, Island of Bohol,
Surigao and Camotes. The fishermen’s have the enough experience in travelling to other areas using other
technique in catching fish. This were includes catching tuna’s, barracuda, and other way of catching small
fish such as “undak”, “yabyab”, “bahan”, “panghalwan” and “mangono”. They usually used fishnets and
hooks in catching fishes but this can’t destruct the marine environment and estuaries since it is a legal
fishing. Also, the municipality of Hindang against illegal fishing and in fact, they conducted raid to those
illegal fishers from other areas that come to their boundaries. They can change from one way or technique
in every fishing season. The group will do their best to paid the individual amount even without the
deadline time for amortization. Delinquent payment is subject to 5% interest

Risk Assessment
Competition may only refer to those big fishing boats that are operating with sonar and radar,
which operates in the 15-km away from the seashore. This would not be a big problem to the proponents
since the LGU of Hindang was against the entry of these kinds of fishing implements. Also, they can
extend fishing not only in the town of Hindang but to other part of Leyte, Island of Bohol, Surigao and
Camotes. The fishermen’s have the enough experience in travelling to other areas using other technique in
catching fish. In terms of marketing of their catched fish, the primary destination was on the wet markets of
Hindang, Inopacan and to other municipalities. In some instances, most of the catched fishes were only sold
in the community in retail prices. Mostly, fishing implements such as nylon or fishing line, fishnets, bait,
and other fishing equipments can be brought only in the town with comparable prices offered with other

III. Technical and Operational Assessment

Materials and Suppliers:

Only P 161, 690.00 for the acquisition of fishing boats and implements while the other expense
will be shoulder to the group. These fishing implements are engine (Honda 6.5 and 9 H.P), fishing nets,
excel, propeller, cross-joint, exhaust, and petromax. Quality and affordable implements can be purchase in
Hilongos, Bato and even in the city of Ormoc and Maasin. The supplier guarantees quality equipments with
structure that would last a long time.

Fishing boat can be purchased (ready-made pump boat) to the Island of Himokilan amounting up
to P12, 000.00 and up (depending on the sizes ordered). Delivery of the pump boat when it is finished is
free. While the cost in the purchasing of fishing implements will be shoulder by the proponents.

Before the released of the loan, signing of the memorandum of agreement will be done to
formalize the contracts, terms and conditions and enable to follow the rules and regulation prescribe by the
SIMED committee as the presiding committee of NorWeLeDePAI sustainable projects. Regular monthly
monitoring will be done to sustain the success of the business operation. Monthly monitoring will be given
by the leader of the group and will be reported during the regular BOT meeting. The leader will keep a
record book for the financial recording and reporting. Furthermore, the officers of the group are responsible
in the monitoring of each individual member in the implementation and operation of the fishing implements
to its full potential.
Organizational Structure



SIMED Committee CBAT

Project Staff Group Leader

Collector Members

IV. Project Concept

The project proposal submitted was for the fishing boat and implements that would improve or
increase the living standards of the proponents. Hindang is considered as Leyte’s fishing grounds, more
fishermen were involved in any kinds/alternatives in catching fish as means of family livelihood. Some of
the NorWeLeDePAI-RF members are engaged with this kind of activities to compensate their everyday
basic requirements; food, health and education. In fulfilling with their living standard especially for their
children’s well being, more were renting boat and other fishing implements or depend on sharing by kilo
fish catched. RF’s were planning to have with their own fishing implements to increase their income in
fishing rather than to take a part of their catched for the rent of the fishing implements. Aside from fishing,
some of the alternatives seen by the proponents are to use their pump boat in vending fish to the islets
(Kuatro Islas) and sell it to the nearby towns in times of low fish catch.

V. Competitor Analysis
The only competitor found was the existence of big fishing boats using radar and sonar in catching
fishes. Luckily, the local government of Hindang was against the entry of this kind of fishing within 15-km
zone away from the seashore/area of Hindang. In some instances, other local fisherfolks can be
distinguishing also as a competitor when they are competing only in one area but this was not a serious
problem seen to some of the proponents because they can travel elsewhere just to catched fishes. The
fishermen’s have the enough experience in travelling to other areas using other technique in catching fish.
This were includes catching tuna’s, barracuda, and other way of catching small fish such as “undak”,
“yabyab”, “bahan”, “panghalwan” and “mangono”. Some of the fisherman’s in Hindang was only renting
boat and other implements with a corresponding sharing scheme imposed by the owner while some are
only a worker in a larger mechanized pump boat with larger engine and implements used.

VI. Financial Analysis

 Total start-up costs needed to begin operations:
Loan from NorWeLeDePAI
Single fishing boat P 58, 000.00
Fishing implements and equipments P 103, 690.00
Registration P 600.00
 Day-to-day operating costs
Gasoline - P 200.00
Maintenance -P 50.00
Monthly amortization - P 7, 051.48
 Business projected income
Minimum sales from fish catch - P500.00 @ P70.00 - P90.00/kilo
Maximum sales from fish catch – P900.00 @ P70.00 – P90.00/kilo
 Possible sources of financing/potential lenders
Loan from NorWeLeDePAI
Renting pump boats with 1:3 sharing scheme
 Projected profit/loss over first three years
Projected income:
Average sales per day -P 700.00
Average sales per month - P 21, 000.00
Average sales per year - P 252, 000.00
Estimated revenue for 3 years - P 756, 000.00
Projected loss:
Yearly amortization - P 84, 617.77 X 3 = P 253, 853.31
Gasoline - P 72, 000.00 X 3 = P 216, 000.00
Maintenance - P 18, 000.00 X 3 = P 54, 000.00
Registration -P 600.00 X 3 = P 1, 800.00
Total = P 525, 653.31
Projected Profit for three years:
Total Projected income - P 756, 000.00
Total Projected loss - P 525, 653.31
Total Projected Profit - P 230, 346.69

 Charges (mandatory savings) for the corporation

No. of Proponents - 4 RF’s
Term of payment - 3 years
Counterpart - Registration, other fishing implements, transportation
Proposed budget - P 161, 690.00
Service charge (2%/annum) - P 9, 701.40
Interest rate (12%/annum) - P 58, 208.40
S & I (4%/annum) - P 19, 402.80
PLF (1%/annum) - P 4, 850.70
Total Amortization - P 253, 853.30
Yearly Amortization - P 84, 617.77
Monthly Amortization - P 7, 051.48
Daily Amortization -P 235.05

VII. Matrix of Payments

Schedule of monthly amortization: Every end of the month
YEAR Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
2008 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7,
051.48 051.48 051.48 051.48 051.48 051.48 051.48 051.48 051.48 051.48 051.48 051.48
2009 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7,
051.48 051.48 051.48 051.48 051.48 051.48 051.48 051.48 051.48 051.48 051.48 051.48
2010 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7,
051.48 051.48 051.48 051.48 051.48 051.48 051.48 051.48 051.48 051.48 051.48 051.48

VIII. Financial Plan

 Financial Statements (monthly for at least 12 months)
Income forecasts - the daily net income will be sub-divided for the daily family consumption,
gasoline, maintenance, and loan repayments
Cash flow projections – purchases of daily gasoline consumption, other fishing implements/baits,
and maintenance will be taken from the daily and monthly sales while the
rest of the sales will be save for the amortization to be collected by the
project representative or to the over-all treasurer in a scheduled time. The
rest of the income will be set aside for the consumption, operating cost and
their own savings.
Break-even analysis – the proponents will return back the invested money from NorWeLeDePAI
for three-year terms with 12% interest rate and other charges. After three
years of full operation, the project proponents can now increase and
improve their standard of living, as they have no responsibility for the ROI.
Thus, giving their families a good nutrition, health, education and shelter.

Prepared by: Reviewed by:

Michael T. Sabejon Meldred C. Matol

CDS - NorWeLeDePAI Project Coordinator

Approved By: Approved for funding by:

Ma. Teresa Madjus Mulaca Baldezanso

BOT President Project Officer, WVDF

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