Visual Basic Lesson 2 – Introduction to Visual basic

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Visual Basic Lesson 2 – Introduction to Visual Basic

Lesson 2.0: An Introduction to Visual Basic 6.0

Lesson Overview
This lesson provides an overview of the Visual Basic programming language, its historical
context, and its place in the evolution of programming languages. The lecture covers the
characteristics and features of Visual Basic, its advantages and disadvantages, why it was
popular and its practical applications in Windows-based software development.
Lesson Objectives
• To provide students with an understanding of the historical context of Visual Basic and
its place in the evolution of programming languages.
• To introduce students to the characteristics and features of Visual Basic, its advantages
and disadvantages, and key differences from other programming languages
• To familiarise students with popular software applications developed using Visual Basic
and programming language considered better than Visual Basic at the time
Lesson Outcomes
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
• Understand the historical context of Visual Basic and its place in the evolution of
programming languages.
• Identify the characteristics and features of Visual Basic, its disadvantages and critical
differences from other programming languages.
• Recognize popular software applications developed using Visual Basic and programming
languages considered better than Visual Basic at the time.

Lesson Outline
2.0 Introduction to Visual Basic 6.0
2.1 Historical Context of Visual Basic
2.2 Reasons why Visual Basic was popular
2.3 Visual Basic place in the evolution of programming languages
2.4 How did visual basics change the landscape of programming language?
2.5 Popular software applications that were developed using Visual Basic 6.0
2.6 Programming languages that were considered better than visual programming
back then.
2.7 Characteristics/features of Visual Basic
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Visual Basic Lesson 2 – Introduction to Visual Basic

2.8 Advantages of Visual Basic

2.9 Disadvantage of Visual Basic
2.10 Limitations of Visual Basic
2.11 Key difference between Visual Basic and other programming languages
2.12 Most common applications of Visual Basic today
2.13 Popular programming languages that are similar to Visual Basic
2.0 Introduction to Visual Basic 6.0
Visual Basic 6.0 is a third-generation programming language and integrated development
environment (IDE) developed by Microsoft in 1991. It is a popular choice for developing
desktop applications because it is relatively easy to learn and use, and it has a wide range of
features and tools
2.1 Historical Context of Visual Basic
Visual Basic 6.0 evolved from the earlier DOS version, BASIC, which stands for Beginners' All-
purpose Symbolic Instruction Code. Since then, Microsoft has released many versions of Visual
Basic, from Visual Basic 1.0 to the final version of Visual Basic 6.0.
Visual Basic 6.0 is a powerful programming language that enables GUI application development,
provides access to databases, and enables the creation of ActiveX controls. It has a Rapid
Application Development (RAD) environment, allowing developers to create applications
quickly. It is a fully object-oriented programming language implemented in the .NET
Framework. It was designed to cater for the development of the web and mobile applications.
2002 Microsoft released Visual Basic.NET (VB.NET) to replace Visual Basic 6.0. After that,
Microsoft declared Visual Basic 6.0 a legacy programming language in 2008. However, many
developers still favour Visual Basic 6.0 over its successor. NET.
Despite being a legacy programming language, Visual Basic 6.0 is still a powerful and user-
friendly language ideal for beginners and experienced programmers.
2.2 Reasons why Visual Basic was popular
• Easy to learn and use: Visual Basic was designed to be easy to learn and use; the syntax is
simple, and the GUI makes creating and developing applications accessible without writing
much code.

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Visual Basic Lesson 2 – Introduction to Visual Basic

• Wide range of features and tools: Visual Basic comes with a wide range of features and
tools that can be used to develop a wide range of applications. This includes support for
object-oriented programming, databases, and networking.
• Large and active community of developers: Visual Basic has a large and active community
of developers, which means that there is a wealth of resources available to help Visual Basic
developers, including books, tutorials, and online forums.
• Compatible with a wide range of hardware and software platforms: Visual Basic
applications can be deployed on a wide range of Windows operating systems, from Windows
95 to Windows 11. Visual Basic applications can also be deployed on ARM-based and
Raspberry Pi devices.
2.3 Visual Basic place in the evolution of programming languages
Visual Basic is a third-generation programming language. This means it is a procedural
programming language built on second-generation assembly languages. Visual Basic also
supports object-oriented programming, which is a fourth-generation programming paradigm.
Visual Basic played a significant role in the evolution of programming languages by making it
easier for people to develop GUI applications. Visual Basic also helped to popularise.
2.4 How visual basics change the landscape of programming language
Visual Basic played a significant role in the evolution of programming. The following are some
specific examples of how Visual Basic altered the landscape of programming languages:
• Visual Basic made GUI programming more accessible to people without programming
experience: It made it easier to develop GUI applications by providing a simple and intuitive syntax
and a GUI-based development environment.
• Visual Basic helped to popularise object-oriented programming: Visual Basic helped to
popularise object-oriented programming. Object-oriented programming is a programming
paradigm that allows programmers to create reusable and maintainable code. Visual Basic
supported object-oriented programming from the start, which made it easier for programmers
to develop object-oriented applications.
• Visual Basic made it easier for people to develop and deploy applications to a wide
range of users: Visual Basic comes with a wide range of features and tools that can be used
to create a wide range of applications that a range of users can use.

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Visual Basic Lesson 2 – Introduction to Visual Basic

2.5 Popular software applications that were developed using Visual Basic 6.0
Some of the most popular software applications that were developed using Visual Basic 6.0
• Microsoft Office: Many of the components of Microsoft Office, such as Word, Excel,
and PowerPoint, were initially developed using Visual Basic 6.0.
• Internet Explorer: Microsoft's web browser was also developed using Visual Basic 6.0.
• Windows Media Player: Windows Media Player, Microsoft's media player, was also
developed using Visual Basic 6.0.
• Adobe Photoshop: Adobe Photoshop, a popular image editing software, was also
developed using Visual Basic 6.0.
• AutoCAD: AutoCAD, a popular computer-aided design (CAD) software, was also
developed using Visual Basic 6.0.
• Quicken: Quicken, a popular personal finance software, was also developed using Visual
Basic 6.0.
• WinZip: WinZip, a popular file compression software, was also developed using Visual
Basic 6.0.
• Norton Antivirus: Norton Antivirus, a popular antivirus software, was also developed
using Visual Basic 6.0.
• McAfee Antivirus: McAfee Antivirus, another popular antivirus software, was also
developed using Visual Basic 6.0.
• AOL Instant Messenger: AOL Instant Messenger, a popular instant messaging
software, was also developed using Visual Basic 6.0.
• RealPlayer: RealPlayer, a famous media player, was also developed using Visual Basic
• WinRAR: WinRAR, another popular file compression software, was also developed
using Visual Basic 6.0.
• Business applications: Visual Basic 6.0 was widely used for developing business
applications, such as accounting software, inventory management systems, and customer
relationship management (CRM) software
• Games: Visual Basic 6.0 was also used to develop simple games like puzzles and cards.

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Visual Basic Lesson 2 – Introduction to Visual Basic

• Educational software: Visual Basic 6.0 was used to develop educational software, such
as language learning software and math games.
2.6 How Visual Basic 6.0 compares to other programming languages of its time
Visual Basic 6.0 was a popular programming language in its time, but it had some limitations
compared to other programming languages. The following are some of the ways that Visual
Basic 6.0 compared to other programming languages of its time:
• Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) support: Visual Basic 6.0 was not a fully
object-oriented programming language, which limited its capabilities compared to other
languages that supported OOP
• Performance: Visual Basic 6.0 was slower than other programming languages, such as
C++, which limited its use for high-performance applications.
• Syntax: Visual Basic 6.0 had a syntax that was considered less elegant than other
programming languages, such as Python
• Compatibility: Visual Basic 6.0 was not compatible with the .NET Framework, which
limited its use for developing modern applications
• Development environment: Visual Basic 6.0 had a development environment that was
considered less potent than other programming languages, such as C++
2.7 Programming languages that were considered better than Visual Basic back then.
In the late 1990s and early 2000s, when Visual Basic 6.0 was popular, several other
programming languages were considered better than Visual Basic. Some of these languages
• C++: C++ is a general-purpose programming language known for its speed and
efficiency. It is a popular language for developing system software, games, and other
high-performance applications.
• Java: Java is a general-purpose programming language known for its portability and
security. It is a popular language for developing web, mobile, and enterprise applications.
• Python: Python is a general-purpose programming language known for its simplicity and
readability. It is a popular language for developing web, data science, and machine
learning applications.
• C#: C# is a general-purpose programming language that Microsoft developed. It is a
popular language for developing Windows, web, and mobile applications.

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Visual Basic Lesson 2 – Introduction to Visual Basic

These languages were considered to be better than visual programming because they offered
some advantages, such as:
• More powerful and expressive: These languages are more powerful and expressive than
visual programming languages, meaning they can be used to develop a broader range of
• More flexible: These languages are more flexible than visual programming languages,
meaning they can be used to develop applications differently.
• More efficient: These languages are more efficient than visual programming languages,
meaning they can develop faster and more efficient applications.
2.8 Characteristics/features of Visual Basic
The following are some of the characteristics and features of Visual Basic 6.0:
• Graphical User Interface (GUI): Visual Basic provides a drag-and-drop feature that
allows developers to build a user interface that is easy to use, even for developers with
minimum experience. This feature enables the creation of GUI-based applications.
• Event-driven language: Visual Basic is an event-driven programming language that
responds to user actions, such as clicking a button or selecting a menu item
• Object-oriented programming (OOP) support: Visual Basic is a fully object-oriented
programming language implemented in the .NET Framework. This feature enables
developers to create applications using OOP concepts.
• Access to databases: Visual Basic provides access to local and remote databases,
enabling the creation of database applications
• Rapid Application Development (RAD) environment: Visual Basic 6.0 has a RAD
environment that allows developers to create applications quickly.
• Simple structure and syntax: Visual Basic 6.0 has a simple design and syntax that is
easy to learn and use
• Comprehensive interactive help system: Visual Basic 6.0 has a comprehensive
interactive help system that provides views of the management of the program structure
that are easy to understand.
• Rapid Application Development (RAD) environment: Visual Basic has a RAD
environment that allows developers to create applications quickly. This feature enables
the creation of applications in a short amount of time.

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Visual Basic Lesson 2 – Introduction to Visual Basic

• User-friendly: Visual Basic is designed to be easy to learn and use, even for beginners.
Its drag-and-drop GUI and simple syntax make it an ideal programming language for
• Component Integration Language: Visual Basic has a component integration language
that enables developers to create and use application components. This feature allows for
building reusable components that can be used in other applications.
• A wide range of controls and libraries: Visual Basic has a wide range of powers and
libraries that can be used to develop various applications. This includes rules for creating
forms, menus, buttons, and other user interface elements. Visual Basic also has libraries
for accessing databases, networking, and other system resources.
• A powerful debugging and testing environment: Visual Basic has a powerful
debugging and testing environment that helps programmers find and fix errors in their
2.9 Advantages of Visual Basic
• Easy to learn and use: Visual Basic has a simple and intuitive syntax, which makes it a
good choice for beginners. Visual Basic also has a graphical user interface (GUI), making
creating and designing forms and controls accessible.
• Simplicity: Visual Basic has a simple syntax and structure that is easy to learn and use,
even for beginners
• Rapid application development (RAD): Visual Basic is a RAD language that allows
programmers to develop applications quickly and easily. This is because Visual Basic has
several features that make it easy to create and design user interfaces, interact with
databases, and write code.
• Visual programming: Visual Basic is a language that allows programmers to create and
design applications using a graphical user interface. This makes it easier for programmers
to develop complex applications without writing much code.
• Flexibility: Visual Basic is a flexible language that can be used to develop a wide range
of applications, from simple utilities to complex business applications.
• Object-oriented programming (OOP) support: Visual Basic is a fully object-oriented
programming language implemented in the .NET Framework. This feature enables
developers to create applications using OOP concepts.

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Visual Basic Lesson 2 – Introduction to Visual Basic

• Access to databases: Visual Basic provides access to local and remote databases,
enabling the creation of database applications.
• Comprehensive interactive help system: Visual Basic has a comprehensive interactive
help system that provides views of the management of the program structure that are easy
to understand.
3.0 Disadvantage of Visual Basic
• Visual Basic is no longer actively developed by Microsoft. No new features or security
updates are being released for Visual Basic.
• Visual Basic is not as well-suited for developing web applications as other programming
languages, such as C# or ASP.NET. This is because Visual Basic is primarily designed
for developing desktop applications. While it is possible to create web applications using
Visual Basic, it is not as efficient or straightforward as using other programming
languages specifically designed for web development.
• Slower performance: Visual Basic applications can be slower than applications
developed using other programming languages, such as C++. Visual Basic is a managed
language that relies on the .NET Framework to manage memory and other resources, and
this limits its use for high-performance applications.
• Limited functionality: Visual Basic is relatively simplistic and, therefore, limited in
function compared to more advanced programming languages.
• Proprietary language: Visual Basic is a proprietary programming language written by
Microsoft, so programs written in Visual Basic cannot easily be transferred to other
operating systems.
• Memory requirements: Visual Basic requires much memory for initial installation and
to function efficiently after installation.
• Unprofessional nature: The unprofessional nature of Visual Basic and its tools can lead
to a mountain of terrible code and applications.
• Limited support: Visual Basic is no longer supported by Microsoft, meaning developers
may have difficulty finding licenses or resources for the language.
• Complexity: Visual Basic applications can become complex and challenging to
maintain, especially for large and complex applications. This is because Visual Basic is a
procedural language, which means that programs are written as a sequence of steps.

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Visual Basic Lesson 2 – Introduction to Visual Basic

• Vendor lock-in: Visual Basic applications are locked into the Windows platform. This
means they cannot be deployed on other operating systems like Linux or macOS.
3.1 Limitations of Visual Basic
Visual Basic 6.0 has several limitations that can affect its capabilities compared to other
programming languages. The following are some of the limitations of Visual Basic 6.0:
• Name length: There is a maximum number of characters for the name of every declared
programming element.
• Line length: Each line of code has a maximum size.
• Array dimensions: There is a maximum number of sizes you can declare for an array,
which limits how many indexes you can use to specify an array element.
• String length: You can store a maximum number of Unicode characters in a single string
• Memory consumption: Visual Basic 6.0 requires much memory for initial installation
and functions efficiently after installation.
• Array declaration: When the development of a program is in the declaration stage, there
is no means to initialise an array structure.
• Platform support: Visual Basic 6.0 is an exclusive product of Microsoft, so the
applications are guaranteed to work only on the Windows operating system
• Library requirement: Visual Basic 6.0 requires a library installed on the system to run.
• Lack of active development: Visual Basic 6.0 is no longer actively developed by
Microsoft. No new features or security updates are being released for Visual Basic 6.0.
• Not well-suited for web development: Visual Basic 6.0 is not as well-suited for
developing web applications as other programming languages, such as C# or ASP.NET.
• Performance: Visual Basic 6.0 applications can be slower than applications developed
using other programming languages, such as C++.
• Complexity: Visual Basic 6.0 applications can become complex and challenging to
maintain, especially for large and complex applications. This is because Visual Basic 6.0
is a procedural language, which means that programs are written as a sequence of steps.
• Vendor lock-in: Visual Basic 6.0 applications are locked into the Windows platform.
This means they cannot be deployed on other operating systems like Linux or macOS.

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Visual Basic Lesson 2 – Introduction to Visual Basic

• Lack of support for object-oriented programming: Visual Basic 6.0 does not fully
support object-oriented programming (OOP). This can make it challenging to develop
reusable and maintainable code.
• Lack of support for modern features: Visual Basic 6.0 does not support several
modern features, such as generics and LINQ. This can make developing applications that
take advantage of these features complex.
• Security vulnerabilities: Visual Basic 6.0 applications are more vulnerable to security
attacks than applications developed using more modern programming languages. This is
because Visual Basic 6.0 is not as well-supported and does not have the same security
features as more modern programming languages.
3.2 Critical differences between Visual Basic and other programming languages
Critical differences between Visual Basic and other programming languages include:
• Event-driven programming: Visual Basic is an event-driven programming language
that responds to user actions, such as clicking a button or selecting a menu item. Other
programming languages, such as C and C++, are not event-driven.
• Syntax: Visual Basic has a more straightforward syntax than other programming
languages, such as C# and C++.
• Object-oriented programming (OOP) support: Visual Basic has OOP support but is
not as robust as other programming languages, such as C# and Java.
• Platform support: Visual Basic is a proprietary programming language written by
Microsoft, so programs written in Visual Basic cannot easily be transferred to other
operating systems.
• Memory consumption: Visual Basic requires more memory for initial installation and
functions efficiently after installation compared to other programming languages.
• Development environment: Visual Basic has a development environment different from
other programming languages, such as C# and C++
• Visual Basic is a third-generation programming language, while other programming
languages, such as C++ and Java, are fourth-generation programming languages. This
means that Visual Basic is a procedural language, while other programming languages
are object-oriented languages.

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Visual Basic Lesson 2 – Introduction to Visual Basic

• Visual Basic is managed, while other programming languages, such as C++ and Java,
are unmanaged. This means the .NET Framework contains Visual Basic applications,
while other programming language applications are not.
• Visual Basic is a compiled language, while other programming languages, such as
Python and JavaScript, are interpreted languages. This means that Visual Basic
applications are compiled into machine code before they are executed, while other
programming language applications are interpreted at runtime.
• Visual Basic is strongly typed, while other programming languages, such as Python and
JavaScript, are weakly typed. Visual Basic variables must be declared with a specific data
type. In contrast, different programming language variables need not be displayed with a
particular data type.
• Visual Basic is a Windows-only language, while other programming languages, such as
Python and Java, are cross-platform languages. This means that Visual Basic applications
can only be deployed on Windows operating systems, while other programming language
applications can be deployed on multiple operating systems.
Note: These differences can affect Visual Basic capabilities, making it more or less desirable
for specific applications.
3.3 Most common applications of Visual Basic today
Visual Basic (VB) is a versatile programming language used today by companies worldwide.
Some of the most common applications of Visual Basic today include:
• Back-end programming: Visual Basic is a powerful tool for back-end programming,
often used to build internal systems.
• Web and system applications: Visual Basic is used to develop web and system
• Chatbots: Visual Basic is used to create chatbots.
• Microsoft Office apps: Visual Basic is used to program Microsoft Office apps, such as
Excel and PowerPoint.
• Portfolio management and investment scenarios: Visual Basic is used to create
various portfolio management and investment scenarios.

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Visual Basic Lesson 2 – Introduction to Visual Basic

• Organizing information: Visual Basic is used to produce lists of customers’ names or

any other content; create invoices, forms, and charts; analyse scientific data; and manage
data display for budgets and forecasting.
3.4 Popular programming languages similar to Visual Basic
Python is a general-purpose programming language known for its simplicity and readability. It is
a popular language for developing web, data science, and machine learning applications. Python
is also a good choice for teaching programming to beginners.
Similarities to Visual Basic:
• Both languages are relatively easy to learn and use.
• Both languages have a wide range of features and tools.
• Both languages support object-oriented programming.
• Both languages have a large and active community of developers.
Differences from Visual Basic
• Python is a dynamically typed language, while Visual Basic is a statically typed
• Python is an interpreted language, while Visual Basic is a compiled language.
• Python is a cross-platform language, while Visual Basic is a Windows-only language
C# is a general-purpose programming language that Microsoft develops. It is a popular language
for developing Windows, web, and mobile applications. C# is also a good choice for developing
database applications.
Similarities to Visual Basic:
• Both languages are object-oriented programming languages.
• The .NET Framework supports both languages.
• Both languages have a wide range of features and tools.
• Both languages have a large and active community of developers.
Differences from Visual Basic:
• C# is a statically typed language, while Visual Basic is a dynamically typed language.
• C# is a compiled language, while Visual Basic is a managed language.
• C# is a cross-platform language, while Visual Basic is a Windows-only language.
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Visual Basic Lesson 2 – Introduction to Visual Basic

Visual Basic .NET

Visual Basic .NET is a modern version that supports object-oriented programming and the .NET
Framework. Visual Basic .NET is a good choice for developing Windows, web, and mobile
Similarities to Visual Basic:
• Both languages are object-oriented programming languages.
• The .NET Framework supports both languages.
• Both languages have a wide range of features and tools.
• Both languages have a large and active community of developers.
Differences from Visual Basic:
• Visual Basic .NET is a statically typed language, while Visual Basic is a dynamically
typed language.
• Visual Basic .NET is a compiled language, while Visual Basic is a managed language.
• Visual Basic .NET is a cross-platform language, while Visual Basic is a Windows-only
Power Automate
Power Automate is a low-code/no-code platform from Microsoft that allows users to create
automated workflows without writing code. Power Automate is a good choice for developing
simple applications, such as automating tasks and sending emails.
Similarities to Visual Basic:
• Both platforms are easy to use and do not require any coding experience.
• Both platforms have a wide range of features and tools.
• Both platforms have a large and active community of users.
Differences from Visual Basic:
• Power Automate is a low-code/no-code platform, while Visual Basic is a programming
• Power Automate is primarily used for automating tasks, while Visual Basic can be used
to develop a wide range of applications.
• Power Automate is a cloud-based platform, while Visual Basic can be used to develop
desktop and web applications.

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Visual Basic Lesson 2 – Introduction to Visual Basic

AppSheet is another low-code/no-code platform allowing users to create mobile and web
applications without writing code. AppSheet is a good choice for developing simple applications,
such as data collection and employee management applications.
Similarities to Visual Basic:
• Both platforms are easy to use and do not require any coding experience.
• Both platforms have a wide range of features and tools.
• Both platforms have a large and active community of users.
Differences from Visual Basic:
• AppSheet is a low-code/no-code platform, while Visual Basic is a programming
• AppSheet is primarily used for developing mobile and web applications, while Visual
Basic can create a wide range of applications.
• AppSheet is a cloud-based platform, while Visual Basic can be used to develop desktop
and web applications.
Note: The above programming languages are similar to Visual Basic in several ways, including,
• They are all relatively easy to learn and use.
• They all have a graphical user interface (GUI), making creating and designing forms and
controls accessible.
• They all support object-oriented programming and have a wide range of features and
tools that can be used to develop a wide range of applications.
• They are similar to Visual Basic in syntax and structure

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2.6.1 Commonly used Visual programming languages.

The following are some common examples of visual programming languages:
• Scratch: Scratch is a visual programming language for children and beginners. It allows
users to create programs by dragging and dropping graphical blocks into place. Scratch
has been used to teach millions of children the basics of programming.
• Blockly: Blockly is a visual programming language that can be used to create various
applications, including games, simulations, and educational applications. Blockly is used
in several different products, including Google Docs, Google Slides, and
• App Inventor: App Inventor is a visual programming language that allows users to
create Android apps. App Inventor is used in schools and universities worldwide to teach
students how to develop mobile apps.
• Snap!: Snap! is a visual programming language based on Scratch. Snap! is designed to
be more powerful and flexible than Scratch and can be used to create a wider variety of
• Alice: Alice is a visual programming language that is designed to create 3D animations
and interactive stories. Alice is used in schools and universities around the world to teach
students how to create 3D animations.
• Flowgorithm: Flowgorithm is a visual programming language that is designed to create
flowcharts. Flowcharts are graphical representations of algorithms, and they can be used
to plan and design programs before they are written in code.
• Visual Basic: Visual Basic is a visual programming language that is developed by
Microsoft. Visual Basic can be used to create a variety of different applications, including
desktop applications, web applications, and mobile apps.
• LabVIEW: LabVIEW is a visual programming language that is developed by National
Instruments. LabVIEW is used to develop scientific and engineering applications.
• Unreal Engine Blueprints: Unreal Engine Blueprints is a visual scripting language that
is used to develop games in Unreal Engine. It allows developers to create complex game
logic without having to write any code.
• Unity Visual Scripting: Unity Visual Scripting is a visual scripting language used to
develop games in Unity. It allows developers to create complex game logic without
writing any code.

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• Godot Visual Script: Godot Visual Script is a visual scripting language used to develop
games in Godot. It allows developers to create complex game logic without writing any
2.6.2 What is the relevance of Visual Basic in today’s context?
Visual Basic is still a relevant programming language in today's context. Reasons why Visual Basic is still relevant today
• It is a mature and well-established language. Visual Basic has been around for over 30
years and has a large and active community of developers. This means that a wealth of
resources is available to help Visual Basic developers, including books, tutorials, and
online forums.
• It is easy to learn and use. Visual Basic has a simple and intuitive syntax, which makes
it a good choice for beginners. Visual Basic also has a graphical user interface (GUI) that
makes creating and designing forms and controls easy.
• It has a wide range of features and tools. Visual Basic comes with a wide range of
features and tools that can be used to develop a wide range of applications. This includes
support for object-oriented programming, databases, and networking.
• It is compatible with a wide range of hardware and software platforms. Visual Basic
applications can be deployed on various Windows operating systems, from Windows 95
to Windows 11. Visual Basic applications can also be deployed on other hardware
platforms like ARM-based and Raspberry Pi devices.
2.6.3 Conclusion
Visual programming is a good choice for developing educational applications, games,
simulations, and business applications. It is also a good choice for developing desktop
applications, especially legacy ones that must be maintained and updated and for beginners
learning to program However, it is important to note that Visual Basic is no longer actively developed
by Microsoft, so there are no new features or security updates being released. As a result, Visual Basic is
not the best choice for developing new applications, especially web applications and mobile apps.

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Visual Basic Lesson 2 – Introduction to Visual Basic

• Steven Holzner Visual Basic 6.0 Programming Black Book.
• Greg Perry Visual Basic 6.0 Programming for the Absolute Beginner, 6th Edition

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