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Sr Azure DevOps engineer with over 10.5 years’ experience in Cloud (Azure), DevOps, Configuration management,
Infrastructure automation, Continuous Integration and Delivery (CI/CD). Experience in dealing with Unix/Linux and
Windows server administration.
 Hands-on Experience Administrating Microsoft Azure Services like Azure App Services, Azure SQL Database,
Azure AD, Azure Blob storage, Azure Functions, Virtual machines, Azure Fabric controller, Azure Data Factory,
Azure web applications, Azure Service Bus, and Notification hub.
 Experience in designing Azure Resource Manager (ARM) Template to deploy multiple resources as well as in
designing custom build steps using Power Shell and Developed PowerShell scripts and ARM templates to
automate the provisioning and deployment process.
 Expertise in using Packer tool to generate Virtual Machines (VM) from the base OS Image and experience in using
Azure Shared Image Gallery to store VM Images and Share the Images automatically across multiple
 Seasoned in Configuring Azure Automation Desired State Configuration (DSC) configuration management to
assign permissions through Role-Based Access Control (RBAC), assign nodes to proper automation accounts and
DSC configurations, to get alerted on any changes made to nodes and their configuration.
 Expertise in Designing and implementing Continuous Integration (CI) throughout many environments utilizing
Azure DevOps tools to provide an agile development process that is automated and repeatable, allowing teams to
safely deploy code several times per day while ensuring Azure Kubernetes Services (AKS) are supported.
 Well versed in using Azure Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Provisioning VMs, Virtual Networks, Deploying Web
Apps, Microsoft SQL Server, using ARM Templates, and Azure DevOps CI/CD pipelines.
 Expertise in configuring the Monitoring and Alerting tools according to the requirement like Prometheus and
Grafana, setting up alerts, and deploying multiple dashboards for individual applications in Kubernetes.
 Experience in Configuring VNET Peering using Terraform Modules and configuring NSGs for two tiers and three-
tier applications were set up to filter network traffic, to facilitate connectivity between resources across various
Virtual Networks.
 Hands-on experience in developing complex models in Deep Learning for Computer Vision using Tensor Flow on
cloud infrastructure.
 Experience in building Docker images using GitLab-ci build automation runner
 Experience in Setting up the build and deployment automation for Terraform scripts using Jenkins.
 Expertise in Architecting and Implementing Azure cloud services such as Azurestorage, IIS, Azure Active
Directory (AD), Azure Resource Manager (ARM), Azure Storage, Azure, BlobStorage, Azure VMs, SQL Database,
Azure Functions, Azure Service Fabric, Azure Monitor, and AzureService Bus.
 Managed and administered Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) to ensure secure and efficient user authentication
and access control across the organization's cloud resources.
 Involved in various AWS networking and content delivery systems like Route 53, Direct Connect, VPC peering
and management tools like CloudWatch, Athena and CloudTrail.
 Setting up Blue/Green Deployment Strategies for AppService, AKS/EKS Cluster Services.
 Expertise in Azure Development worked on Azure web application, App services, Azure storage, Azure SQL
Database, Azure Virtual Machines, Azure AD, search, Azure DNS, Azure VPN Gateway, and Notification hub.
 Implementing CI-CD pipelines with Jenkins, Azure DevOps and Containerizing the application and deploying it on
to AKS Cluster using Helm Charts deployment.
 Maintaining servers by managing packages using Ansible playbook.
 Managing users and groups using Active Directory, UNAB for controlling user access.
 Expertise in Deploying Microservice Containers into Kubernetes using HELM Charts and Setting up Istio Service
Mesh in K8’s.
 Implemented a CI/CD pipeline using Azure DevOps pipelines, GitHub Actions and Jenkins in both cloud with GIT,
Docker, Maven along with Jenkins’s plugins.
 Experience in writing Infrastructure as a code (IaC) in Terraform, Azure resource management, AWS Cloud
formation. Created reusable Terraform modules in both Azure and AWS cloud environments.
 Hands-on in using OpenShift for container orchestration with Kubernetes, container storage, automation, to
enhance container platform multi-tenancy.
 Experience in configuring and maintaining Linux applications with network protocols such as SSH, DNS, DHCP,
 Experience in Certificate Management for Servers, created and managed OpenSSL certificates for secured Server-
Client communication, maintaining confidentiality, message, and bilateral Authentication.
 Professional in deploying and configuring Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana (ELK) and AWS Kinesis for log analytics
and skilled in monitoring servers using Nagios, Splunk, AWS CloudWatch, Azure Monitor and ELK.
 Experience in Monitoring server performance with tools like Nagios, Splunk, Dynatrace, Datadog, New Relic and
resolved network related issues with manual commands and built Splunk Cluster environment with High
Availability resources.
 Implementation of JIRA to track all issues pertaining to SDLC and Integration of JIRA with GIT repository to track
all code changes.
 Proficiency in the principles and best practices of Software Configuration Management (SCM) in Agile, Scrum, and
Waterfall methodologies.

BSc Computer Science, Mahatma Gandhi University, Kerala, India -2011
Master’s in information systems, Indiana University, USA -2013

Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) - Active
Certified Azure Administrator (AZ - 104) - Active
HashiCorp Certified: Terraform Associate (003) - Active
AWS Certified Developer - Associate - Active

Title Tools Used
Cloud Platforms Microsoft Azure, AWS, GCP
AWS Services EC2, VPC, IAM, EBS, S3, ELB, Auto Scaling, Elastic Cache, API Gateway, Route 53,
CloudWatch, SQS, SNS, SWF, AWS Database Migration Service, AWS Application
Migration Service, AWS Glue
Azure Services App Services, Key vault, Function app, Blob storage, Azure Active Directory (Azure
AD), Service Bus, Azure Container Registry (ACR) and Azure Kubernetes service
(AKS), Azure SQL, Azure Cosmos DB, Azure RM templates, Azure Data factory,
Azure Databricks, Azure Data Lake
Infrastructure as Code (IAC) Terraform, AWS CloudFormation, Azure Resource Manager (ARM) Templates
Source Code Management SVN, Git, GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket, Azure Repos and AWSCodeCommit
CI/CD Jenkins, Azure Devops Pipelines, GitHub Actions, GitOps, Argo CD, GitLab Pipelines
Build Tools Maven, Ant, Gradle, MS Build
Artifactory JFrog, Nexus, Azure Artifacts
DevSecOps Tools SAST: SonarQube, Veracode, Fortify
DAST: Burp Suite, OWASP ZAP, Acunetix Netsparker
Container Orchestration Docker, Kubernetes, Open-Shift, Helm, EKS, AKS
Configuration Management Ansible, Chef, Puppet
Web Servers Nginx, Tomcat, Microsoft Internet Information Service (IIS).
Application Servers JBoss, Oracle WebLogic Server, IBM WebSphere Application Server.
Logging Cloud Watch, Cloud Trail, Azure App Insights, Azure Monitor
Monitoring Tools Nagios, Splunk, Grafana, Prometheus, ELK, New relic, Datadog, Dynatrace
Databases Amazon RDS, Amazon DynamoDB, Amazon Aurora, Amazon Redshift, Azure
Cosmos DB, Azure My SQL DB, Azure PostgreSQL, Cassandra
Scripting Languages Python, Shell scripting, Groovy, Bash, YAML
Operating Systems Microsoft Windows, Linux, UNIX
Tracking Tools Jira, ServiceNow & Remedy
Programming Languages C, C++, Java, Golang, Ruby
Verizon (FedRAMP Project) Dallas, TX Aug 2023 to till now
Sr Cloud Devops Engineer
 Implemented Azure services such as Azure Active Directory (AD), Azure storage, Azure cloud services, IS, Azure
Resource Manager (ARM), Azure Blob Storage, Azure VM, SQL Database, Azure Functions, Azure Service Fabric,
Azure Service Bus.
 Created Azure Kubernetes service to deploy a managed Kubernetes cluster in Azure and created an AKS cluster in
the Azure portal, with the Azure CLI, also used template driven deployment options such as Resource Manager
templates and terraform.
 Built end-to-end CI/CD pipelines on Azure using Azure DevOps to automate build, testing and deployment processes
for a high-traffic web application. Leveraged Azure Repos for source control, Azure Pipelines for workflow
automation, and Azure Artifacts for package management.
 Built various Azure services like Compute (Web Roles, Worker Roles), Caching, Azure SQL, NoSQL, Storage, and
Network services, Active Directory (AD), API Management, Scheduling, Azure Auto Scaling, and PowerShell
 Implemented Gitflow workflow to manage software development and releases using distinct branches for features,
hotfixes, and releases.
 Participated in agile Scrum teams focused on 2-week sprints, daily standups, retrospectives, and sprint planning.
 Designed and configured Azure Virtual Networks (V-Nets), Subnets, Azure Network Security Groups, DNS Settings,
Security policies and Routing. Released pipelines use Azure AD Application Registration service principal in the
Azure DevOps service connections for authentication to Azure.
 Implemented a PowerShell script in Terraform modules to automatically add launched Windows servers into Active
Directory. Enabled seamless AD integration for Windows infrastructure as code.
 Deployed Azure IaaS virtual machines (VMs) and Cloud services (PaaS role instances) into secure VNets and subnets.
And Implemented Terraform modules for deployment of various applications across multiple cloud providers and
managing infrastructure. Have Provisioned the highly available EC2 Instances using Terraform and cloud formation
and wrote new plugins to support new functionality in Terraform.
 Performed data profiling, cleansing, standardization, and enrichment on diverse datasets in preparation for analysis
using Pyspark and Databricks Notebooks.
 Incorporated SAML based SSO authentication in Azure DevOps and enforced 2FA policies to strengthen security
around source code.
 Performed backlog grooming and sprint planning sessions to determine scope and tasks for upcoming sprints.
 Designed and implemented continuous integration and delivery pipelines on Azure using Azure Pipelines to enable
automated testing, builds, and deployments. Leveraged task-based build workflows and release pipelines for
efficient software delivery.
 Integrated OWASP ZAP in Azure DevOps pipelines to perform static and dynamic application security testing as part
of the CI/CD process. Analyzed and remediated findings pre-production.
 Developed Azure Resource Manager (ARM) templates to provision and configure Azure resources like VMs,
networking, storage, and app services.
 Created Dockerfiles to containerize applications and added container build and publish tasks in CI pipelines.
 Developed end-to-end API testing suite with Postman and integrated into CI pipeline using Newman CLI collection
 Strategized Docker for setting Azure Container Registry with Docker and Docker-compose and actively involved in
deployments on Docker using Kubernetes. Involved in on boarding and integration implementation of various micro
services and web services repos on the SAST tool Checkmarx.
 Created Jenkins pipelines to drive all microservices builds out to the Docker registry and then deployed to
Kubernetes, created Pods, and managed using Kubernetes, also Developed microservice on boarding tools
leveraging Python and Jenkins allowing for easy creation and maintenance of build jobs and Kubernetes deploy and
 Developed APIs and App Services exposing analytics data with Azure Functions and Azure API Management for
seamless consumption.
 Leveraged Azure Traffic Manager for Blue/Green deployments and flexible traffic routing across endpoints.
 Implemented and maintained CI/CD harness for automation tests using Microsoft Test Management and Team
Foundation Server as back end. Established infrastructure and service monitoring using Prometheus and Grafana.
 Collaborated with other DevOps engineers to maintain a deployment and management strategy - Assisting with
creating and maintaining an automation and monitoring framework - Developing automation using Shell scripting,
Linux- Creating and implementing application monitoring and logging strategies using tools like New Relic,
 Designed and developed scalable data pipelines orchestrating data movement between Azure Data Lake Storage,
Azure SQL Database, Azure CosmosDB, and other sources using Azure Data Factory. Created SSIS packages for data
 Created YAML templates for declaring application configuration, Kubernetes manifests, and Azure DevOps pipelines
enabling infrastructure-as-code.
 Performed code review and using the SonarQube to validate the violation and created nightly builds with integration
to code quality tools such as SonarQube, Veracode and created quality gates in SonarQube dashboard and enforced
in the pipelines to fail the builds when conditions not met.
 Handled complete Set up of CD environment with focus on UrbanCodeDeploy and designed and implemented
automation deployment using Urbancode and Cruise to promote major releases, monthly releases, and patches from
Development -> Integration/QA -> Staging/UAT -> Production.
 Collected custom application metrics and monitored using Prometheus and Grafana dashboards with thresholds and
 Setup continuous delivery workflows to deploy applications on Azure App Service and Azure Kubernetes Service
using Azure Pipelines release management capabilities. Used Azure Monitor to track deployments and App Insights
for performance monitoring.

Cisco Systems San Jose, CA Sep 2022 to July 2023

Sr Azure Devops Engineer
 Led agile development teams in delivering complex enterprise applications using Scrum and Kanban
frameworks. Planned sprints, facilitated daily standups, reviews, retrospectives and tracked velocity.
 Migrated on-premises Jenkins CI/CD pipelines to Azure Pipelines for increased scalability, availability and
security. Integrated pipelines with Azure artifacts and repositories for end-to-end automation from build to
 Designed and configured Azure Virtual Networks (VNets), subnets, Azure network settings, DHCP address blocks,
DNS settings, and Security policies & configured BGP routes to enable ExpressRoute and site to site VPN
connections between on-premises data centers & Azure cloud.
 Led implementation of Azure Active Directory for single sign-on and Authentication for Web Applications. Also
configured Azure Role-based Access Control (RBAC) to segregate duties within our team and grant only the
amount of access to users that they need to perform their jobs based on Roles defined.
 Created and deployed VMs on the Microsoft cloud service Azure, created and managed the virtual networks to
connect all the servers and designed ARM templates/Terraform for Azure platform.
 Configured three types of blobs, block blobs, page blobs, and append blobs in Azure for storing a large amount of
unstructured object data such as text or binary data, that can be accessed via HTTP or HTTPS and enabling data
redundancy and Lifecycle Rules and Events.
 Championed shift-left approach on projects by brining testing into sprints and advocating developers write unit
tests. Improved code coverage by 35%.
 Integrated code quality and security tools like SonarQube and Whitesource into CI pipelines to enhance quality.
 Worked on Managing the Private Cloud Environment using Ansible and Enhanced the automation to assist,
repeat and consist of configuration management using Ansible based YAML scripts.
 Automated infrastructure provisioning and application deployments end-to-end using Terraform, Ansible, and
Azure Pipelines. Used Azure Key Vault to securely store and access secrets.
 Designed reusable declarative pipelines using YAML for configuring build tools like Maven, Gradle, MSBuild.
 Created inventory in Ansible for automating CD & developed Ansible playbooks and Roles using YAML scripting.
 Used ELK stacking to monitor the logs for detailed analysis, worked on dashboarding using Elastic, Logstash &
Kibana (ELK), & setup real time logging & analytics for CD pipelines & applications.
 Created customized Azure dashboard visualizing DevOps metrics like build status, release frequency, deployment
history, and code coverage for real-time pipeline monitoring.
 Automated build workflow for .NET Core web application using YAML pipelines in Azure DevOps with tasks for
linting, compiling, unit testing, packaging and artifacts.
 Worked on Kubernetes cluster creation and creation of Deployments, services, RBAC and Ingress.
 Worked on using a GIT branching strategy that included developing branches, feature branches, staging
branches, and master. Pull requests and code reviews were performed.
 Azure Automation through Runbooks Creation, Migration of existing .PS1 scripts, Authorizing, Configuring,
 Built end-to-end big data pipelines to process streaming data at scale using Azure Databricks for Spark
processing integrated with Azure Data Factory for scheduling and orchestration.
 Migration of on-premises data (Oracle/ SQL Server/ MongoDB) to Azure SQL/CosmosDB using Azure Data
 Experience in Azure infrastructure management (Azure Web Roles, Worker Roles, SQL Azure, Azure Storage,
Azure AD Licenses) using Terraform and managed Azure Infrastructure through Blueprints and Landing Zone.
 Experienced in utilizing Azure Stack (Compute, Web &Mobile, Blobs, ADF, Resource Groups, Azure Data Lake,
Azure Data Factory, Azure SQL, App Services, and CosmosDB) and services for configuring and deploying Azure
Automation Scripts for multiple applications.
 Incorporated Checkmarx SAST in the build pipeline to identify vulnerabilities early in the development lifecycle.
Customized scans and configured them to break builds on findings
 Integrated Power BI visualizations into applications using embedded analytics and Power BI REST APIs to
provide interactive reporting and dashboards.
 Integrated Docker container orchestration framework using Kubernetes by creating pods, and deployments.
 Extensively used Azure PaaS solutions and hosted Isolated App service environment integrated with PaaS Azure
SQL and Virtual network to host different type of applications like Web app, API App, Function App etc.
 Create CI/CD pipelines for the deployment of services and tools to the Kubernetes cluster hosted on Bare metal.
 Deployment of CNF on Kubernetes clusters using Helm charts and TCA tool.
 Created user stories, managed product backlog, and planned iterative sprints using Jira and Azure DevOps to
enable agile development.
 Scanned infrastructure-as-code templates using Checkov and Terraform CLI prior to deployment to identify
security misconfigurations.
 Wrote BASH scripts to increase efficiency of daily tasks including system administration, log parsing, file
manipulation, and deployment automation on Linux servers.
 Implemented Cloud security controls in SecOps including but not limited to Encryption, Tagging, Container
Security, Golden AMI policy, IDS/IPS, NSG management, Service Endpoints, DDoS Etc.,
 Developed and maintained Continuous Integration (CI) using tools in Azure DevOps (VSTS) spanning multiple
environments, enabling teams to safely deploy code in Azure Kubernetes Services (AKS) using YAML scripts and
HELM charts.
 Wrote Bash scripts to monitor server health metrics and send email alerts when thresholds crossed. Performed
bash debugging with set -x and conditional breakpoints.
 Created App Insights resource and SDK integration to monitor application performance and user journeys.

Noa Technologies San Francisco, CA July 2021 to Aug 2022

Azure Devops Engineer (Client: GoogleBike Program)

 Optimized build and release processes by implementing parallel job execution, caching, and deployment slot
swaps to reduce deployment downtime by 60%. Enabled zero-downtime deployments through blue-green
deployment strategies.
 Used GIT as SCM in branching, tagging, and maintaining the versions across the environments and used for
recovering files, saving changes for later (Stash), creating tags, viewing logs etc.
 Developed and maintained continuous integration and deployment systems using ANT, Maven, Gradle, JUnit,
Selenium, SonarQube, Jfrog, and Nexus.
 Worked on Kubernetes to manage containerized applications using its nodes, ConfigMaps, selector services and
deployed application containers as Pods.
 Managed Clusters using Kubernetes and worked on creating many pods, replication controllers, services,
deployments, labels, health checks.
 Proficient in utilizing the Terratest framework to automate testing and validation for Terraform infrastructure
deployments, ensuring correctness and stability, thereby enhancing reliability and efficiency.
 Experienced in effectively managing Terraform state files to maintain infrastructure-as-code consistency,
ensuring proper tracking, version control, and collaboration across teams, contributing to streamlined and
efficient deployment workflows.
 Leveraged self-hosted Azure Pipelines agents with Docker containers to standardize build environments and
dependencies across pipelines for consistency.
 Built Azure Functions with Triggers to react to data changes in Azure storage services like Blob Storage, Queues,
and Event Hub. Used Durable Functions for complex orchestrations.
 Implemented SAFe practices including PI Planning, Iteration Planning and Inspect & Adapt workshops in a multi-
team program environment resulting in improved alignment.
 Created automated CI/CD pipelines for build, testing, quality checks, and production deployments.
 Used Spinnaker pipelines and Kubernetes deploy manifests to automate deployments and promote builds across
dev, test and production.
 Stored, analyzed and visualized application logs using Elasticsearch Logstash Kibana (ELK) stack.
 Managed code changes, branches, and releases using Git workflows. Knowledge of Git commands, pull requests,
rebasing, and integrating with CI/CD.
 Wrote Python scripts to ingest and process data from APIs and files, generate dynamic reports, and manipulate
 Leveraged IDE extensions, modules, and PowerShell Gallery to enhance productivity when writing scripts and
 Managed release branches cut from develop, underwent integration testing, and got merged into master and
develop post-release.
 Leveraged Azure Container Scanning to scan Docker images for OS vulnerabilities as part of pipeline. Failed
unsafe images before deployment.
 Executed automated dependency scanning using Snyk and NPM Audit as part of pipeline to detect vulnerable
libraries and outdated packages before release.
 Setup dynamic application security testing (DAST) using OWASP ZAP, Arachni and Netsparker in pipelines to
detect risks in running applications.
 Performed static analysis security testing (SAST) in CI pipelines using Checkmarx, Fortify, and Veracode to
identify code-level vulnerabilities.
 Used Azure Key Vault to securely store secrets and credentials needed for security tools integrated with Azure
 Developed scripts in Bash and Python to automate system administration tasks on Linux servers, leading to 50%
time savings. Used print debugging and logging techniques to ensure robust script execution. (Freelance marketplace) Santa Clara, CA Jan 2020 to Jun 2021

Site Reliability Engineer (Azure Cloud)
 Architected and automated deployment pipelines across multiple environments including dev, test, staging, and
production for a cloud native application on Azure App Service using Infrastructure-as-Code techniques.
 Experience in monitoring Jobs as well as performance tuning job abend.
 Generate & Analyze performance reports using Splunk, Kibana, Graphite/Grafana, Dynatrace that monitors and
captures key pain-points in operation of the website and backend processing by analyzing application
performance like JVM, Thread Utilization, application load and scheduler jobs that helped to identify and solve
site abnormalities.
 Strong experience in design, development load test script and maintenance of infrastructure for cloud-based
web applications.
 Creating and executing load test scripts and analyzing test results for client and application side metrics and
providing recommendation to dev team and improving latency issues.
 Implemented continuous integration workflows to enable automated builds, tests, and static analysis on every
code commit to the master branch. Setup continuous delivery to allow passing builds to be automatically
deployed to Azure.
 Drive standardization in pager duty alerts by reducing noise and faster MTTR and MTTA responses promised.
Enabling enhanced monitoring, dashboarding and engineering the teams for customer success.
 Involved in Disaster Recovery activity and identified the RTO (interruption of service and restoration of service)
and RPO (Acceptable loss of data between the last recovery point and the interruption of service)
 Resiliency tests are performed on production environments, before go-live to ensure application meets SLA,
SLO, SLI needs.
 Implemented Cloud security controls in SecOps including but not limited to Encryption, Tagging, Container
Security, Golden AMI policy, IDS/IPS, NSG management, Service Endpoints, DDoS Etc.,
 Implemented a CI/CD pipeline using Azure DevOps (VSTS/TFS) in both cloud and on-premises with GIT, MS
Build, Docker, Maven along with Jenkins pipeline builds & YAML/JSON.
 Developed and maintained Continuous Integration (CI) using tools in Azure DevOps (VSTS) spanning multiple
environments, enabling teams to safely deploy code in Azure Kubernetes Services (AKS) using YAML scripts and
HELM charts.
 Worked on creating, configuring, and managing AKS clusters in Azure, including managing node pools,
configuring networking, and setting up load balancing.
 Managing the Azure Kubernetes Services (AKS) policies, providing access to different Azure resources and
developing and improving the workflows that govern access.
 Integrated Azure Key Vault into CI/CD pipelines to securely inject secrets like connection strings, API keys into
release pipelines for security best practices.
 Developed standardized ETL processes using Azure Data Factory templates and self-hosted IRs for reusability
across multiple pipelines.
 Developed Spark jobs and notebooks in Python, Scala and R for data preparation, exploring and modeling large
datasets in Azure Databricks.
 Created visual sprint boards and leveraged tools like JIRA to manage stories, defects, tasks, and project progress.
 Created unit test cases using Jest and React Testing Library to validate React components with over 85%
 Implemented Canary deployments using Istio features like traffic shifting, mirroring and ACLs for controlled
 Developed custom Nagios plugins to monitor infrastructure and application health metrics not covered by out-
of-the-box options.
 Developed Bash scripts for automation of Linux administration tasks like system monitoring, log file parsing,
backup and recovery.
 Deployed hotfixes from master to production for urgent bug fixes and merged changes back into develop and
 Monitoring and troubleshooting Kubernetes clusters using Prometheus and Grafana.
 Used integration with Azure Security Center to centrally track vulnerabilities and misconfigurations identified
by security scanning tools.
 Automated policy compliance checks in pipeline using Azure Policy for governance enforcement. Failed builds
not adhering to security best practices.
 Centralized security logging by forwarding tool logs to Azure Sentinel and created custom alerts and
 Created PowerShell scripts to manage Active Directory and Exchange on Windows Server. Debugged scripts
efficiently using breakpoints and Write-Debug messages. Enabled automation of recurring IT tasks.
 Worked Grafana to monitor and visualize system metrics, application performance, and other data sources.
 Experienced with developing Ansible Playbooks, Modules and Kubernetes Nodes, Pods, Config Maps, Selectors,
Services etc.,
 Deployed and configured Azure Backups for Virtual Mactehines and files & folders backups on Windows and
Linux operating systems using Recovery Services Vault in Azure Resource Manager.
 Configured Azure Encryption for Azure Storage and Virtual Machines, Azure Key Vault services to protect and
secure the data for cloud applications.

COMCAST Philadelphia, PA July 2017 to Dec 2019

DevOps Engineer
 Planned and migrated legacy CI/CD solutions like Jenkins and TeamCity to Azure DevOps Pipelines using best
practices around organizing pipelines, security, source control integration, and scaling.
 Worked closely with Product Owners to groom product backlogs and ensure alignment on sprint deliverables.
 Developed the build jobs in Jenkins to poll the SCM to check for changes of source code and performing the
 Contributed to continuous process improvement by analyzing metrics, reviewing project health, and providing
 Hands on experience with Spinnaker for Continuous Deployment with Kubernetes. And used OpenShift for
container orchestration with Kubernetes, Container Storage, automation, to enhance container platform multi-
 Deployed and configured Git repositories with branching, forks, tagging, and notifications. Implemented periodic
customer releases through GIT pushes to shared, private and public servers.
 Conducted daily standups, sprint reviews and retrospectives to inspect progress and continuously improve team
 Executed load and performance tests using k6 and JMeter and analyzed results pre and post release.
 Wrote advanced PowerShell functions and scripts to automate SQL Server administration including deployments,
configuration, and database migrations.
 Created feature branches from develop for any new functionality, which get merged back into develop once code
is peer reviewed and approved.
 Implemented SonarQube and integrated with Azure Repos to track technical debt, code quality, and security
hotspots for every commit and pull request.
 Incorporated end-to-end traceability by publishing scan results to Azure DevOps dashboards providing
development teams visibility into security issues.
 Developed PowerShell script for Terraform to validate Active Directory credentials and prerequisites before
executing AD join for Windows servers. Improved reliability of automated domain join.

HTC Global Svc Troy, Michigan Apr 2015 to June 2017

Linux Administrator
 Installed, Configurator and Managed RedHat Enterprise Linux 5.x
 Involved in Installing, configuring, and maintaining application Servers like WebSphere and Web servers like
Web Logic, Apache, HTTP and Tomcat on UNIX and Linux.
 Managed users, groups, and permissions, configured LDAP, given SUDO Access in test and development servers,
and allowed password less logins for authorized users on servers.
 Installed and upgraded packages on Red Hat Linux servers through YUM and RPM tools.
 Responsible for Oracle database security and patching, Oracle database capacity analysis and planning.
 Installing Red Hat Linux, using kick-start and applying security policies for hardening the server based on the
company policies.
 Hands-on experience in server builds migrations such as OS migrations, Application migrations, and Storage
 Involved in developing dynamic web-based user interfaces using HTML and JavaScript.
 Installing and configuring SSH (Secure Shell) encryption to access securely on Ubuntu and Red hat Linux.

Home Depot Atlanta, GA July 2013 to Mar 2015

Linux Administrator
 Installed, upgraded, and configured Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4/5/6.
 Configuration and administration of DNS, LDAP, NFS, NIS and NIS+ on Red Hat Linux.
 Hands on experience working with production servers at multiple data centers.
 Automated server building using Kick starting RHEL 6 and Jumpstarting Sun Solaris 10.
 Troubleshooting production servers and configuring standalone production server for testing.
 Performed Kernel tuning with the systole and installed packages with yum and rpm.
 Configuration and Administration of Apache Web Server and SSL.
 Backup management using CRONTAB, running the backup based on client requirements.
 Password-less setup and agent forwarding done for SSH login using ssh-keygen tool.
 Established and maintained network users, user environment, directories, and security.

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