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Standardized Assembly Process Planning based on the Toyota Production System

Uwe Bracht and Oliver Meyer Henning Oeltjenbruns

Technische Universität Clausthal Mercedes-Benz do Brasil
Institut für Maschinelle Anlagentechnik und Betriebsfestigkeit Sao Paulo, Brasil
Clausthal-Zellerfeld, Germany E-mail:

Toyota Production System, Process Planning, Standardization, Production System
Continuous Improvement, Workers Involvement, Visualization
ABSTRACT Total Just Jidoka Total
Quality In (Auto- Quality
Based on the principles of the renown Toyota Production System, a Control Time no- Control
new planning approach has been applied to a product development mation)
project at Mercedes-Benz do Brasil, Sao Paulo. The key elements
are Master Process Sheets, which document assembly operations Flexible Production
as agreed standard operations and hence assure continuously
Cost Reduction via Elimination of Waste
high, repeatable quality. Master Process Sheets visualize the as-
sembly operations using explosion drawings and provide a much Standard Methods & Processes / Kaizen
higher degree of understanding and information accessibility to
production workers compared to earlier main-frame based process Picture 1: Toyota Production System Elements (Shingo 1992)
planning systems.
INTRODUCTION OF MODERN PLANNING TOOLS • Vehicle of highest quality possible
AT MERCEDES-BENZ DO BRASIL S.A. • At the lowest costs possible
Along with the development process of a new vehicle project • With shortest delivery times
at Mercedes-Benz do Brasil, modern process planning tools Derived from these corporate objectives, the direct goals of
have been introduced. Within an international project team applying the TPS-Philosophy are: (Taylor 1997)
of interdisciplinary functions, an important goal is the early
1. Cost reduction through Elimination of all kinds of waste
acknowledgement of Design for Assembly (DFA) criteria in
within the production processes
order to support the Concurrent Engineering philosophy.
2. Installation of processes, which allow for the production
The applied systems specifically allow for consistent process
of consistently high product quality
planning, bill of material verification for completeness and
graphical representation of assembly processes via explosion 3. Creation of work environments, which can easily adjust
drawings, which provide valuable support during all project to process, product and customer changes and still re-
phases starting from development phase to prototyping and spect the individual needs of the employees.
finally supporting team members on the Assembly shop In order to accomplish this seemingly conflict of goals, it
floor. becomes important to agree on standards, which guarantee
Key element are the Master Process Sheets, which are based work safety and simplicity of assembly processes.
initially on the so called Standard Operation Sheets out of STANDARDIZATION OF WORK PROCESSES
the Toyota Production System philosophy. Currently at
At Toyota, standardization along with Kaizen, the continu-
DaimlerChryslerAG this planning tool has been successfully
ous improvement process, provide the basis for the Toyota
applied at Daimler´s foreign assembly plants in Tuscaloosa,
Production System and its’ various elements. According to
Alabama (M-Class) and in Juiz de Fora, Brazil (A-Class).
standardization, every individual operation along the se-
TOYOTA PRODUCTION SYSTEM ELEMENTS quence of processes in automobile manufacturing is de-
The philosophy of manufacturing products with 100% qual- scribed in detail. The operation steps during the assembly of
ity (Zero Defects Quality) in parallel with minimal in- a vehicle are defined at Toyota with a clear focus on im-
process-storage is based on the five main elements of the provements of human movements. After documenting a
Toyota Production System (TPS), which represent in total an sequence of next-to-perfect operation steps on special opera-
interdependent system. tion sheets being openly displayed throughout the plant,
work will be performed standardized in the same sequence
The main pillars of the TPS are Just-in-Time, Jidoka (also
and with minimal waste in terms of unnecessary movements.
known as Autonomation), and Total Quality Control (TQC)
Also work safety and prevention of equipment damage due
which in turn are based on the foundations of Flexible Pro-
to incorrect operation are improved. Standardized work
duction and Cost Minimization through Reduction of
operations are the basis for continuous improvement and
prerequisite for consistently high quality and traceability of
The maintenance of the TPS is performed through Standard assembly problems. In order to be able to standardize work
Methods and Processes and Continuous Improvement, also operations, some requirements regarding processes, ma-
known as Kaizen supported by Training on the Job. chines and quality have to be fulfilled:
Toyota’s Corporate Objectives can be summarized in sup-
plying society with the following:
Process: The work process has to consist of a series of re- STANDARDIZED ASSEMBLY PROCESS PLANNING
peatable steps. Human movements have to be describable in Standardized Assembly Process Planning consists of an
terms of movements of limbs, eyes, etc. interdependent system of individual tools, which allows for a
Machinery / Equipment has to allow for operation with parallel operation of Macro-Planning (sequence of work
minimal downtimes – machine shut-down and assembly line steps, assignment of operations to line stations, line layout)
stops are counterproductive to standardization, since they and Micro-Planning (detailed planning of operation steps
prevent repeatability of operations. including parts and tool lists, explosion drawing, quality
Quality has to be consistently and repeatable in order to requirements, and assembly times).
avoid tolerances, which lead to assembly problems on the The Macro-Planning uses Flow-Chart and Assembly Line
shop floor. Layout to describe the sequence of required work operations
At Toyota, standardization is required for the definition of and assembly line equipment. Master Process Sheets (MPS)
guidelines regarding three major elements while describing are defined in parallel to allow for detailed analysis in a
manual work operations: Takt Time, Work Sequence and sense of Micro-Planning. During the development phase of
Standard-in-Process Stock. product and production process, Macro and Micro-Planning
are performed simultaneously. Depending on their qualifica-
Takt time describes the amount of time available for assem-
tion level, the production workers may be asked to re-write
bly per station and is calculated from annual production net-
MPS’s into Standard Methods & Procedure Sheets (SMP)
time and planned production volume. Cycle time represents
for additional training and assembly information.
the sum of all work operations assigned to a single station.
The objective is the fill up most of the takt time with cycle Macro-Planning with Flow-Chart and Assembly Layout
time – the remainder is known as ´Taktausgleich´ – mostly The Flow Chart helps to divide the complex task of assem-
resulting from insufficient standardization leaving room for bling a complete vehicle into simple and exclusive assembly
interpretation and from non-optimal model-mix production operations – each being assigned initially an estimated time
programs. ´Taktausgleich´ is considered waste in the form of requirement based on previous experience. Total assembly
the waiting time and should be subject to elimination. time per vehicle, projected annual production volume and
A standardized work sequence assures that no operations are available annual net work time allows for the calculation of
forgotten, machines are operated correctly without damage takt time and required number of line stations. The objective
and parts are manufactured / assembled with consistently is to optimally assign operations to stations along the assem-
high quality. A standardized work sequence is also prerequi- bly line – always considering a meaningful sequence of
site for constant cycle-times and low costs for steps.
´Taktausgleich´. Based on the sequence of work operations as depicted in the
Standard-in-Process-Stock describes the minimal needed Flow-Chart, the Assembly Line Layout can be detailed using
amount of parts between assembly processes allowing the a scaled drawing of the future layout including building
machine operator to simultaneously supervise several ma- restrictions, station borders, and conveyors. Machinery can
chines in parallel. (Toyota 1985) be placed according to assigned work in stations.

Macro - Planning Micro - Planning
• Rough Planning of Assembly Process • Detail Planning of Assembly Processes
(Line Layout, Stations, Equipment) (Tools, Parts, Time Studies, Work Steps, Explosion Drawings)
• Line Balancing (Cycle-Time <= Takt-Time)
Master Process Sheets (MPS)
A D Operations (Work Steps)
Flow-Chart Line Layout Explosion - 10 _______________
20 _______________
30 _______________
B C 40 _______________
Time Total
MPS Description of Tools Description of Parts
Database for OP 10 ____________
for OP 30 ____________
A _______________
B _______________
C _______________
• Sequence of Work Processes
• Line, Station, LH/ RH Standard Times Table
Au pdate
rel TIA

• Assembly Time → Manpower

→ D-CA


Update Prototyping
• Part Name Product Data Auxiliary Development
• Part Number • Part Name
Mgmt. System • Part Number
• Product Structure Production /
• Catia - Geometries • Product Structure • Additional Data Planning
(Bill of Material, BOM)

Picture 2: The elements of Standardized Assembly Process Planning

S ta t. MPS Seq. O p e ra tio n O p e ra c ã o C om m ent Q ty M TG
Num ber (M a s te r P ro c e s s S h e e t) (P o rtu g u e s e ) A [m in ]
S T A T IO N 8 : D A S H B O A R D Q TY M A

T 8L 1 B ra c k e t S te e rin g C o lu m n S u p o rte c o lu n a d ire ç a o 1 1 1 .0 0

T 8L 3 290 00 0 2 P e d a l B o x ( B r a k e /C lu tc h ) S u p o rte 1 1 0 .7 9
P e d a is
B ra c k e t check
R e fo rc a d o r
B ra k e B o o s te r ( 7 to n s ) V a lv u lo d e A ire
A ir V a lv e (9 to n s )
T 8L 3 B ra k e B o o s te r R e fo rç a d o r 1 1 1 .5 0
T 8L 3 820 00 0 4 W ip e r S y s te m M e c h a n ic s L im p a d o r P B 1 1 0 .9 2
& M o to r M e c h a n is m o & M o to r

T 8L 3 834 00 0 5 H V (A C ) V e n t/H e a t/A ir V e n tila ç a o 1 1 0 .6 2

T8 3 680 02 0 6 D a s h b o a rd ( M o d u l) P a in e l (m ó d u lo ) S 2 2 .1 7

T 8L 3 834 05 0 7 C lim a te C o n tro l H e a d C o n tro le A r in to D a s h b o a rd C e n te r S ta c k 1 1 0 .3 7

T 8L 8 S te e rin g C o lu m n C o lu n a d e d ire ç ã o m a y b e in te g ra te d to c o c k p it 1 1 2 .0 0
T 8L 9 S te e rin g C o lu m n C o v e r C o b e rt. d a c o lu n a d ire ç . 4 1 2 .0 0
T G (v a lu e -a d d e d o n ly ) 1 0 .5 8
T E (T o ta l T im e ) 1 3 .0 1

T9 3 671 20 0 1 S p a c e r fo r W in d s h ie ld E s p a c a d o re s 2 1 0 .4 1
T9 2 W S R u b b e r S e a l A s s e m b ly B o ra c h a d a p a ra b ris a o n p re p a ra tio n ta b le 1 1 1 .0 0

T9 3 671 10 0 3 W in d s h ie ld P r e p a ra tio n P re p a ra ç ã o d o s V id ro s H a n d lin g , C le a n in g & G la s s P rim e r 1 1 3 .2 7

A p p lic a tio n
T9 3 678 00 0 4 R e a r W in d o w P re p a r a tio n P re p a ra ç ã o d o V id ro H a n d lin g , C le a n in g & G la s s P rim e r 1 1 0 .9 5
tra s e iro A p p lic a tio n
T9 5 W in d s h ie ld & R e a r & C ity A p lic a ç ã o c o la R o b o t: R e q u ire s re g u la r M a in te n a n c e 1 / 3 .0 0
M a n u a l B a c k -U p : N e e d s re g u la r
W in d o w G lu e A p p lic a tio n
tra in in g

T9 3 671 05 0 6 W in d s h ie ld In s ta lla tio n P á ra -b ris a (In s ta la ç ã o ) w / A s s is t D e v ic e /c o n n e c t a n te n a 1 2 1 .4 5

T9 3 678 05 0 7 R e a r W in d o w In s ta lla tio n V id ro T ra s e iro C h e c k A c c e s s o v e r D o o rs in F ix tu re s 1 2 0 .8 0

T9R 3 673 00 0 8 C ity W in d o w (o p tio n ) C ty W in d : P U -G lu e & D u a l L o c k 1 1 2 .1 1

A p p lic e e : D o u b le s id e d T a p e
A p p lic e e ( s ta n d a r d )
T9 3 880 00 0 9 W ip e r C o v e r (M id d le ) C o b e rtu ra L im p a d o r o v e r w ip e r c o n n . & w a te r v e n ts 1 1 1 .6 5
T 9 L /R 10 A ir D e f le c to r O u te r a lo n g W in d s h ie ld 2 1 1 .0 0
T9 3 820 05 0 11 W ip e r A rm s & B la d e s L im p a d o re s b o lt a n d N o z z le C o n n e c tio n 2 1 0 .8 8
T G (v a lu e -a d d e d o n ly ) 1 6 .5 2
T E (T o ta l T im e ) 2 0 .3 2

Picture 3: Extract from a Flow Chart

Picture 4: Extract from the Standard Times Table

Micro-Planning with Master Process Sheets (MPS) dardization and Visualization, work operations are depicted
Parallel to the rough assignment of work operations in the by explosion drawings providing information on assembly
Flow Chart, detailed description of operation steps is defined location, direction and required tools or assist devices. Based
using Master Process Sheets. Parallel work is possible, be- on the graphical product information on CATIA worksta-
cause each MPS describes an independent work operation. tions as provided by development, Process Planning Engi-
Following the Toyota Production System elements Stan- neers define fixing concepts, norm parts and tools.
Each work operation again is subdivided into several stan- construction group and allows for differentiation of vehicle
dardized steps. Using the Standard Times Table, early de- type.
termination of assembly time and thus manpower require- (5) Symbol: Listing of abbreviations of standardized work
ments can be attained (see picture 4). operations according to the Standard Times Table.
The main driver for the standardization of work operations is (6) Operation Steps: Precise description of operation steps
their ability to be described by sub-tasks; each sub-task again assuring tasks to be easily understood and performed by
standardized and documented in the Standard Times Table. team members as basis for repeatable quality work.
In general, only value-added tasks are described on the
(7 & 8) Work Time: Individual planned times based on
MPS’s - exceptions are non-value-added tasks, assuring
Standard Times Table and total time per work operation.
work safety or process reliability. Check notes are assigned
to MPS work steps regarding critical or safety relevant tasks, (9) Parts Listing: Assembly parts, part numbers, quantity
informing the assembly worker that special supervision or and reference to balloon-code in explosion drawing.
quality control is required. (10) Tools Listing: Required tools to assure specific usage
Master Process Sheets are subject to constant changes and and allow for removal of all unnecessary tools from the line.
require update. Changes are based on product modifications, (11) Approval Area: Prior to official submittal to the shop
suggestions for improvement by production, and usage of floor, representatives from development, quality, process
new tools. Prior to official submittal, a new or modified MPS planning & production approve the MPS for correct content.
requires verification and approval by Development, Quality (12) Change Area: For quality and warranty reasons, secure
and Production. Picture 5 shows an example for a Master tracking of each MPS change history is required. Each modi-
Process Sheet and below its´ main components are listed: fied MPS shows updated release No., reason for change and
(1) Explosion Drawing: Visualization of assembly process, responsible process engineer.
parts, positioning direction, torque information
Line Balancing by Flow Chart & Master Process Sheets
(2) Operation Name: Denomination of Master Process
During the preparation of Master Process Sheets for all work
Sheets as referenced in Flow Chart.
operations, the Flow Chart serves as an overall guide, show-
(3) Control Items: Reminder on safety or quality related ing which MPS have been already completed and assigned to
critical processes. assembly stations. The previously estimated times are con-
(4) Operation No.: Each Master Process Sheet receives an stantly replaced by detailed values as calculated in the MPS.
identification number, which references production shop,

2 4

5 6 7



3 11

Picture 6: Example of an Master Process Sheet

As noted earlier, work operations are listed in the Flow Chart amount of detailed assembly operations. Following the Toy-
according to meaningful sequence of parts assembly and ota Production System principles of Standardization and
equal assignment of work content. With constant progress of Visualization, this planning procedure provides a much
process planning, the cycle time in each station will be be- clearer understanding of assembly processes and content of
come more stable – in order to achieve equal values for cycle parts compared to. earlier planning tools based on main-
time in each station, some Master Process Sheets may have frame applications developed in the 70´ and 80´, which did
to be re-assigned to neighboring stations. Line Balancing is lack the possibility of graphical information. Assembly op-
known as equally distributing work along the assembly line erations back then were only described as code – therefore
while keeping a minimal gap between cycle and takt time. understanding and acceptance throughout the production
Flow Chart and Master Process Sheets support the process environment was considerably low.
planer in simultaneously planning the future vehicle assem- Specifically for the international vehicle project at Mer-
bly from the macroscopic and microscopic perspective cedes-Benz do Brasil S.A. with its’ focus on worldwide
Standard-Methods and Procedures Sheets production locations, using Master Process Sheets will fa-
The Standard Methods and Procedure (SMP) Sheet is an- cilitate the planning information transfer and allow for easier
other tool, which could be described as a worker´s transla- training and shorter production ramp-up.
tion of a Master Process Sheet. Depending on the skill level Additional future activities involve the integration of Stan-
of production team members, they may be asked to manually dardized Assembly Process Planning tools into a Computer
re-write the MPS content by hand in order to fully under- Aided Process Planning System (CAPP), in order to allow
stand and memorize the assembly processes. This process for higher integration of process data and additional use
leads to in-depth analysis and evaluation of the MPS con- throughout the planning and production environment.
tents and helps to further reduce non-value added waste from
the assembly processes. It also delegates more responsibility BIOGRAPHIES
to the shop floor team members taking advantage of their Dipl.-Wirt.-Ing. Master of Science Henning Oeltjenbruns has
specific assembly know-how. Specifically during a new worked on the ‘M-Class-Project’ from 1995 till 1997 as a
vehicle production ramp-up, this exercise proves very valu- Facilities and Assembly Process Engineer. During his stay in
able in continuously improving processes hence reducing Alabama, he learned first hand about the principles of the
work time and labor. Toyota Production System and used the Master Process
In comparison with the Master Process Sheets, SMP-Sheets Sheet System as a tool for daily process planning work.
do provide an even higher information content regarding Since 1997, Mr. Oeltjenbruns is responsible for Assembly
safety and assembly hints. While MPS are generated inde- Process Planning of a new vehicle project at Mercedes-Benz
pendently from the assembly line layout (assigned to stations do Brazil in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Currently he is working on
only via Flow Chart), the SMP-Sheets are related to specific his Ph.D. doing research on influencial factors of success-
assembly stations showing the workers movements in top- fully implemented production systems.
view. Due to the high skill level of production workers at
Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Uwe Bracht is chairman of the ‘Institut
Mercedes-Benz do Brasil, S.A., it was determined unneces-
für Maschinelle Anlagentechnik und Betriebsfestigkeit’ at
sary to generate SMP’s. Along the assembly lines only DIN
the Technical University of Clausthal, Germany. His re-
A3 copies of Master Process Sheets will be displayed.
search involves new approaches in the Design of Production
Systems Environment at Mercedes-Benz do Brasil S.A.
Facilities and Material Flow Logistics. Previously, Dr.
The Master Process Sheet System (MPSS) has been initially
Bracht has held for eleven years leadership positions within
set up in an Microsoft Access Database allowing access for
the Technical Planning Department at the DaimlerChrysler
several users from process planning within the project team.
plant in Bremen.
Information regarding assembly parts is transferred on a
regular basis from the Metaphase Product Data Management Dipl.-Ing. Oliver Meyer, a former student from the Univer-
System. All additional tools like Flow-Chart, Standard Times sity of Clausthal-Zellerfeld, wrote at Mercedes-Benz do
Table and Layout have been generated on standard Micro- Brazil in 1998 his thesis on Standardization in Process Plan-
soft Office products. ning. Mr. Meyer is currently employed by Volkswagen AG,
In the future, the MPSS will be run from a professional Wolfsburg, Germany.
server environment allowing other process planning depart- REFERENCES
ments to access the system. This will gradually shift process
Taylor, A. 1997. “How Toyota defies Gravity.” Fortune,
planning information and responsibility to the line functions
(Dec.): 1-5.
at Mercedes-Benz do Brasil S.A.
CONCLUSIONS Toyota Motor Manufacturing Corporation. 1985. An Intro-
The introduction of Standardized Assembly Process Plan- duction to the Toyota Production System. Company Bro-
ning as described above, provides to all phases of a new chure, Windsor, Canada.
vehicle project a clearer understanding of involved parts and Shingo, S. 1992. Das Erfolgsgeheimnis der Toyota Produk-
assembly operations supporting the main objective of Con- tion. Verlag Moderne Industrie, München.
current Engineering in providing early manufacturing feed-
back during the development phase.
The simultaneous application of Flow-Chart and Master
Process Sheets help to organize and structure the vast

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