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Discipline and Clarity.

Hello, this is a worksheet from the video If you have not fully
seen the video, please watch it before continuing.

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What this worksheet is about

Below are a few exercises that will make you think about your life. It takes time to complete the
exercises, depending on your level of discipline simply writing for longer than 5 minutes is
stressful. That is perfectly okay though, working through the exercises may take you an hour.
You can also do the exercises over the span of a few days.

In the video, you’ve learned that having clarity and a purpose in life is extremely important for
discipline. Otherwise you will have no reason to push through the hard choices. In this task,
you'll start imagining your ideal future in writing.
Writing will help you understand your thoughts better. Write down anything that comes to your
mind and your ideas should become clearer.
Let your thoughts flow freely onto the page without worrying about perfect sentences or
grammar. Don't criticize yourself; just focus on being creative.

Imagining Your Ideal Future

There will be a few questions to get you thinking about your future. After answering these
questions, you will write for 15 minutes about your ideal future.
Take some time to daydream or fantasize. Imagine your future in a dreamy way, using your
inner imagination. This type of thinking helps you express your feelings and desires.
Think about what you want for your future, maybe three to five years from now.
1. What’s the one thing?
If you could choose only one thing that you could improve, what would it be?
Think and write for at least three minutes.

– write your answer here –

2. What interests you?

What would you like to learn more about, in the next six months? Two years? Five years?
Think and write for at least three minutes.

– write your answer here –

3. Habits
What habits would you like to improve?
● At school/work?
● With friends and family?
● For your health?
● Making money?
Think and write for at least three minutes.

– write your answer here –

4. Hobbies
What hobbies would you like to have? What things do you think are fun and meaningful? If you
don’t have a plan on what to do, you might just end up scrolling on social media all day. If you
spend 4 hours a day wasting time, that adds up to 1400 hours a year. That's like working 35
weeks at a full-time job, almost as much time as people spend working in a year.
If your time is valued at $20 per hour, you're essentially throwing away $28,000 every year.
Over 50 years, that amounts to $1.4 million. So think twice next time you open up TikTok.
Describe your leisure life as you want it to be productive and meaningful, instead of
doomscrolling all the time and getting nothing done.

Think and write for at least three minutes.

– write your answer here –

5. Relationships
Friends and associates are an important part of a meaningful, productive life. Take a moment to
consider your social network. Think about what friends you want and who you rather want to get
rid of.
Think and write for at least three minutes.

– write your answer here –

6. Family life
Do you want a family? A calm and happy family life makes you feel like you belong, supports
your dreams, and gives everyone a shared purpose. Think about your home and family.
Describe what your perfect family would be like. You can write about your parents, siblings or
your partner. How could you improve your relationship with your parents or siblings?

Think and write for at least three minutes.

– write your answer here –

7. Career
Much of what people find engaging in life is related to their careers. A good career provides
security, status, interest, and the possibility of contributing to the community. Take a moment to
consider your school or work careers, or both. Where do you want to be in six months? Two
years? Five years? Why? What are you trying to accomplish?
Think and write for at least three minutes.

– write your answer here –

8. Qualities
Think about the people you look up to. Who are they? What qualities do they have that you'd
like to have too? Identifying these qualities can help you figure out who you want to become.
Think and write for at least three minutes.

– write your answer here –

9. Your Vision
Now you have written briefly about your future, and have had some time to consider more
specific issues. This step gives you the chance to integrate all the things that you have just
thought and wrote about.
Close your eyes. Daydream and imagine your ideal future:
● Who do you want to become?
● What do you want to accomplish?
● Where do you see yourself in the future?
● Why are these things important to you?
● How will you reach your goals?
● When will you start working towards them?
Write about the perfect future you've imagined for 15 minutes. Keep writing continuously without
stopping. Be bold in your aspirations. Envision a life that you would find honorable, exciting and
Keep in mind, you're only writing for yourself. Select goals that resonate with you for your own
private reasons, not because others deem them important. Avoid living someone else's life.
Share your deepest thoughts and feelings about all your personal goals.

– write your answer here –

10. Your Anti-Vision

Now that you’ve written about the future you want, it’s time to write about what you don’t want.
This will help with reducing the uncertainty in your life. Spend some time now, thinking about
what your life would be like if you failed to define or pursue your goals. What would happen if
you kept scrolling, didn’t start working out, didn’t start to eat clean and healthy. Where would
you be in 5-10 years and what would your life look like?

Again, dream while you write and don’t stop. Write at least until 15 minutes are over. Let
yourself form a clear image of the future you don’t want, the future that you hate.

– write your answer here –

Next steps
Well done. You should have a better idea of who you are, what you want to do and what you
don’t want in life. The next step is to actually start. Starting the right way, with the right
expectations is really important. You need to start small. I touched on escapism in the video
and it’s important to understand that when you take on a load too heavy for you, you will
crumble under it. What I mean by that are the decisions that are simply too stressful for now.
You need to progressively overload how hard you can be with yourself, like lifting weights in the
gym. You don’t bench 225 lbs the first time you go to the gym. So please, lower your ego and
don’t think that you can do more than you actually can, otherwise you might never progress. It’s
important to make small but consistent efforts.

To start, I have made a guide with 4 videos that will show you exactly what to do and they will
show you how to implement the stuff you have learned here in your day-to-day life. Of course,
completely for free.

Here are the 4 videos:

Thank you for reading until here and taking action. If you have done everything so far I would
love to talk to you personally, since you seem to be someone who actually takes action and is
worth helping!

You can find me on here:

I hope this helped.

Extra Material:
Here’s some more material, as promised in the video, about purpose and meaning in life:

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