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84. Success in academic field depends on your ability to amass qualifications.

The more__________________________________________________________.
Part 2. You must use between TWO and FIVE WORDS, including the word given.
(5 pts)
86. I hope his story will help us to understand what happened. (SHED)
Hopefully when he tells us his story, it will_________________________________.
87. None of us was expecting to have a test this morning. (BLUE)
This morning's test_____________________________________ for every one of us.
88. It wasn't necessary for her to buy presents for everyone but she did.(BOUGHT)
She_______________________________________________________ for everyone.
89. My father hates it when people call him by his nickname. (STAND)
My father_______________________________________________ by his nickname.
90. They discouraged me from moving to the north. (PUT)
They________________________________________________________ the north.
1. Even though she works hard, she never seems to succeed.
2. He never suspected that the bicycle had been stolen.
At no time_________________________________________________________.
3. People think that bilingual children were disadvantaged in the past.
→ Bilingual children_________________________________________________.
4. When she got to the party, everyone was dancing and singing.
→ On_____________________________________________________________.
5. Chicken consumption increased slightly between 1985 and 1990.
→ There___________________________________________________________.
Part II. Use the word given in capital at the end of the original sentence to
complete the second sentence so that it means exactly the same as the printed one
before it. Do not change the given word. (5.0 points)
1. The authorities have improved the public transport system recently.
→ The authorities___________________________________________________.
2. I heard her use those words many times. (TIME)
→ Many's_________________________________________________________.

3. You'll have to work harder if you want to pass your exams.(SOCKS)
→ You'll have to____________________________________________________.
4. I hate it when my colleagues try to get involved in my own business.
→ I object to my colleagues'___________________________________________.
5. The terrible scream frightened me.(BLOOD)
→The terrible scream________________________________________________.
NAM ĐỊNH--HSG TỈNH 9 (2021-2022)
Question 1. The boring documentary made her feel asleep.
→The documentary________________________________________.
Question 2. "Put the knife in your right hand down." said the policeman to the man.
→ The policeman ordered_________________________________________.
Question 3. It wasn't obligatory to submit my assignment today.
→ I needn't_____________________________________________________.
Question 4. Without your help, I couldn't have finished that difficult task.
→If you________________________________________________________.
Question 5. As she grows older, she becomes increasingly cheerful.
→The older______________________________________________________.
II. Rewrite the following sentences with the given words in such a way that the
second sentence has the same meaning as the first one. Do not change the form of
the words in brackets. You must use NO MORE THAN FIVE WORDS for each
space. (1.0 point)
Question 1. The doctor really should operate on him immediately. (SURGERY)
→It's high time________________________________________________on him.
Question 2. I had expected the snake dish to be much worse than it actually was.
→The snake dish was actually nowhere __________________________________ I
had expected.
Question 3. Honestly, it was impossible not to laugh when Mrs. Harrison slipped in
the corridor. (FACE)
→Honestly,______________________________________________________ was
impossible when Mrs. Harrison slipped in the corridor.
Question 4. The head teacher is well known for his dedication. (REPUTED)
→The head teacher is_________________________________________________
Question 5. The guide pointed out to us the magnificent carvings above the windows.

→The guide________________________________________________________
the magnificent carvings above the windows.

III. Rewrite the following sentence with the given words in such a way that the
second sentence has the same meaning as the first one. Do not change the form of
the words in brackets. (1.0 point)
Question 1. We'd like to implement the idea immediately, but we should wait a while.
→We'd like to____________________________________________immediately,
but we should wait a while.
Question 2. People think that two drivers had been injured in the car accident.
→Two drivers_____________________________________________________ in
the car accident.
Question 3. He doesn't have money to go on holiday. He doesn't have time, either.
Question 4. It's a waste of time for you to discuss the problem with Jane.(POINT)
→ There is_______________________________________________________.
Question 5. Bob will do anything to get an A.(LENGTHS)
→Bob will_______________________________________________ in this class.
NAM ĐỊNH--HSG TỈNH 9 (2022-2023)
Question 1. Severe weather conditions have had a serious effect on traffic.
→ Traffic has_______________________________________________________.
Question 2. I'm having a lot of trouble now because I lost my passport last week.
If I_____________________________________________________________.
Question 3. We regret to inform you that your application has not been successful.
Much to_________________________________________________________.
Question 4. As television programs become more popular, they seem to get worse.
→The more________________________________________________________.
Question 5. It was only when he left home that he realized how much his family
meant to him.
→ Not until________________________________________________________.
II. Complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning as the first one,
using the word given. Do not change the given words in brackets. You must use NO
MORE THAN FIVE WORDS, including the given word.

Question 1. "It's not worth worrying about the past," She told him. (POINT)
→ She told him that______________________________ worrying about the past.
Question 2. I regret telling him our plan this summer. (TOLD)
→ I wish I ________________________________________________________ we
were planning to do this summer.
Question 3. This is the first time he has seen her in his life. (SET)
→He has__________________________________________________her before.
Question 4. My brother often forgets to lock the front door before he goes out.
→ My brother_______________________________________________________
the front door unlocked before he goes out.
Question 5. It's unusual for her to get angry with her students. (HARDLY)
→ She________________________________________ temper with her students.
III. Rewrite the following sentence with the given words in such a way that the
second sentence has the same meaning as the first one. Do not change the form of
the words in brackets. Question (0) is an example (1.0 pt)
Question 1. No messages have come for me, have they? (THERE)

Question 2. Yesterday Alice bought a magazine whose title is Sun Flowers. (OF)
Question 3. Though he is young, there are some ministers even younger than him.

Question 4. I haven't decided yet whether to move or not. (MIND)

Question 5. The arrival time of the plane has been changed to 3.30.
Finish each of the second sentences in such a way that they have the same
meaning as the original ones, using the words given. Do not change the words
76. You should not throw this opportunity away under any circumstances.

→ Under no_____________________________________________ opportunity
77. People have believed that inadequate funding contributed to the problem.
→ Inadequate funding has_____________________________________________ to
the problem.
78. The mother's behavior deserved praise rather than criticism. (BEEN)
→The mother should____________________________________________for her
behavior, rather than criticized.
79. They have quite a lot of money saved for their retirement. (NEST)
They______________________________________________ for their retirement.
80. His accident ruined any hopes of an international career. (PAID)
→ His accident___________________________________an international career.
THANH HÓA-- CHỌN HSG TỈNH 9 (2022-2023)
81. It's such a difficult question that I can't find the answer.
82. No sooner had the new editor been appointed to the post than he fell ill.
83. I feel that I don't fit with the people in the new office.
→I feel like________________________________________________________.
84. They didn't think there could be another explanation for the inscription. →There
85. I was too scared to tell him what I really thought.
→I lacked________________________________________________________.
Rewrite each of the following sentences using the given words so that it keeps the
same meaning. Do not change the form of the words given.
6. I forgot his birthday last week and do not know how to make it up to him.
→ I_______________________________________________________________.
7. They have discovered some interesting pieces of information. Some......
→ Some___________________________________________________________.

8. When they broke the news, Sally stayed perfectly calm and controlled.
9. We had a long discussion about the problem but we could not solve it. (LENGTH)
10. Jack didn't mention our previous conservation at all. (REFERENCE)
TP. HCM--CHỌN HSG 9 QUẬN GÒ VẤP(2022-2023)
Rewrite each sentence in such a way that it means almost the same as the one
printed before it. Use the word in brackets.
1.The harsh weather prevented us from going to work this morning. (made)
→ It was_________________________________________________________.
2. I admire his courage, but I think he is quite foolish. (consider)
3. I regret telling Dennis the secret. (away)
→I'd rather, _____________________________________________________.
4. It will be another four months before they take the final exam. (underway)
5. He gambled and had to borrow money from lots of his friends. (ran)
6. Oliver apologizes for taking her cell phone unintentionally. (mistake)
→ Oliver is sorry to_________________________________________________.
7. Armstrong should tell all the truth about what he knows. (whole)
→It's about_______________________________________________________.
8. I couldn't help laughing at his blundering effort. (myself)
→ I couldn't______________________________________________________.
9. He is very rich thanks to the money he inherited from his uncle. (came)
→Had it_________________________________________________________.
10. We have to settle this matter in a definitive manner. (all)

→This matter_____________________________________________________.
TPHCM--PTNK 2022-2023
You must use between THREE and EIGHT words, including the word given. Write
your answers in the spaces provided.
1. Can we really justify the idea that human lives matter more than nonhuman lives?
Is it possible for us to really justify the idea that human lives
_______________________________________________ than nonhuman lives?
2. The sheer magnitude of the project was bewildering. (SCALE)
I was _______________________________________________of the project.
3. Misfortune can turn even wealthy people into beggars on the street overnight.
Even wealthy people ____________________________________ on the street
overnight by misfortune.
4.We often refused to accept new ideas as we grew old. (IMMUNE)
We often ___________________________________________as we grew old.
5. We keep meeting accidentally, don't we? (RUNNING)
We are _____________________________________________other, aren't we?
6. Apart from their age, they are two absolutely different people. (COMMON)
The two of ___________________________________, apart from their age.
7. She may seem quiet and reserved but her music is bursting with strong emotions.
___________________________________her music is bursting with emotions.
8.Plastic is such an integral product for convenience in our daily lives that we simply
take it for granted.(PAUSE)
We seldom_______________________________________________________.
9. The artist often tells his students that freedom, not money, is the meaning of
success. (SO MUCH)
The artist often tells his students that success is not
_______________________________________ freedom.
10. Even though we tried to follow Peter and Bob as closely as we could, we soon got
separated. (LONG)

We tried to follow Peter and Bob as closely as we could but it
______________________________________us to get separated.
TPHCM-PTNK 2023-2024
You must write FROM THREE TO EIGHT WORDS, including the word given.
1.Attending the party on Friday night is not an option for me as the deadline for my
assignment is approaching. (CHOICE)
As the deadline for my assignment is drawing __________________________skip
the party on Friday night.
2.She felt greatly relieved when she received the news of her promotion.
Much to ______________________________________________her promotion.
3. John's aptitude for numbers enables him to solve complex mathematical problems
effortlessly and quickly, completing them within seconds. (HEAD)
John__________________________________________numbers, effortlessly solving
complex mathematical problems in seconds.
4. During the pandemic, it was difficult to find enough masks and ventilators.
Masks and ventilators ______________________________________occurred.
5. Anne Hathaway truly excelled in sences that called for raw emotion and full-
throttled singing, like the one in the Les Miserables. (ELEMENT)
Anne Hathaway_____________________________________in scenes that called for
raw emotion and full-throttled singing, like the one in the Les Miserables.
6. The attendees of the party tolerated the unruly behavior of some individuals,
despite feeling annoyed and uncomfortable. (UP)
The unruly behavior of some individuals at the party _____________________ the
attendees, despite their annoyance and discomfort.
7. As I stepped into the room, I was startled to discover that there was nothing left,no
trace of furniture or belongings to be found. (ABACK)
When I entered the room, I_______________________________________find it
completely empty, devoid of any furniture or belongings.
8. I did not hear much that could surprise me in any way. (FAR)
Much of ________________________________________________surprising.

9.A professional receptionist always gives a friendly smile whenever a guest enters
the hotel, as to make them feel welcomed. (IN)
A professional receptionist always______________________________to welcome
guests when they enter the hotel.
10. Khanh found it difficult to accept that her dream job was no longer available.
Khanh had difficulty___________________________________losing her dream job.
Complete the sentences, using the words in brackets without changing the original
meaning. Use between FOUR and TEN words. DO NOT change the words given.
(5 x 0.5 = 2.5 pts)
1. Golf is becoming increasingly popular in Britain. (increase)
The________________________________________________________ in Britain.
2. I find Robert’s taste in music very hard to tolerate. (put)
I find ___________________________________________ Robert’s taste in music.
3. "You should have crafted the whole report for the beginning." the team leader said to
The team leader criticized John
4. The result of the match was never in doubt. (cast)
At no ___________________________________________________ of the match.
1. For me, Stella McCartney is doing a lot more interesting work than other designers
today. (BY)
From my_____________________________________________designer working today.
2.When Martin returned to Canada, he finally accepted criticism and told his wife about
his debts. (MUSIC)
On __________________________________________and told his wife about his debts.
5.I'm sure you were shocked when he turned up unexpectedly after all these years.
It____________________________________________________after all these years.



You must use between THREE and SIX words, including the word given.
5.Since she met that boy, she's been thinking only about him. (WRAPPED)
Since she met that boy, she's________________________________________________.
You must use between TWO and FIVE WORDS, including the word given. (5 pts)
86. I hope his story will help us to understand what happened. (SHED)
Hopefully when he tells us his story, it will____________________________________.
87. None of us was expecting to have a test this morning. (BLUE)
This morning's test_________________________________________for every one of us.
88. It wasn't necessary for her to buy presents for everyone but she did.(BOUGHT)
She__________________________________________________________for everyone.
89. My father hates it when people call him by his nickname. (STAND)
My father_________________________________________________ by his nickname.
90. They discouraged me from moving to the north.(PUT)
They_________________________________________________________the north.
86. They always seem to get the same old celebrities to help them raise funds for charity.
It seems they_________________________________________________.
90. I can't describe people as well as you can.(BETTER)
You are______________________________________________________.
1. Everything was covered with gold paint except two very small holes. (EXCEPTION)
→ With the____________________________________________________________.

2. Do you ever think that geology is a very interesting field? (OCCUR)
→ Does____________________________________________________________.
3. Your contract says that you are to be here by nine every day. (UNDER)
→ Under____________________________________________________________.
4. Taxpayers had to pay the cost of the privatization plan. (FOOT)
→ Taxpayers____________________________________________________________.
5. Some people say that there's hardly any difference between love and hate. (LINE)
→ Some people__________________________________________________________.
Part 1. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means the same as the
original one. Write your answer in the spaces provided. (0.8 pts)
71. Redundancy has caused a lot of domestic problems.
Many a_____________________________________________redundancy.
72. If the weather is fine, we may go camping at the weekend.
Weather__________________________________________at the weekend.
73. It was not until five years had elapsed that the whole truth about the accident came
Not for____________________________________________________out.
74. I think you should have some consideration for those who don't have lives as
privileged as yours.
I think you should spare____________________________ aren't as privileged as yours.
75. James and Jane do not think in a similar way and understand each other well about
how to deal with the problem.
James and Jane__________________________________wavelength about the solution
to the problem.
76. Many creatures still survive and thrive in the harsh conditions of the deserts.
Harsh____________________________________________ still survive and thrive.
77. Nowadays I consider taking up a hobby to be far less important than I used to.
Nowadays I don't attach nearly_________________________________ I used to.

78. We aren't particularly interested in technology, so we chose not to attend the
Not_______________________________________________________, we chose not to
attend the exhibition.
Part 2. Rewrite each of the following sentences using the word given in bold so that it
has the same meaning as the original one. You MUST use between 2-5 words,
including the word given. (0.7 pts)
79. I know it was a waste of money - don't make me feel worse about it! SALT
I know it was a waste of money - there's no need to
___________________________________________ by reminding me!
80. When they started their trek, they had no idea how bad the weather would
Nobody realised______________________________ trek how bad the weather would
81. Guy made absolutely sure nothing would go wrong when he planned the expedition.
Guy__________________________________________when he planned the expedition.
82. As a pop singer, Kay has recently become involved in more diverse styles of music.
As a pop singer, recently Kay______________________________other styles of music.
83. She speaks Spanish very well. COMMAND
She___________________________________________________________ Spanish.
84. He is likely to be promoted. CARDS
His promotion_________________________________________.
85. The meeting will be an opportunity for everyone to express their feelings. VENT
The meeting will be an opportunity for everyone____________________________their
71. The jumper you knitted for her daughter no longer fits her. (grown)
My daughter____________________________________ the jumper you knitted for her.

72. Minh was very pleased to be selected for the team. (delight)
Much__________________________________________, he was selected for the team.
73. I am dying to visit Santorini. (bucket)
Santorini is_____________________________________________.
74. Diane finds that creating things stops her from thinking about her work. (mind)
Diane finds that creating things______________________________________ her work.
75. The project has been given funding for another year, but there is still difficulty.
The project has been given funding for another year, but it is not____________________
76. He hasn't announced anything, but my take on the situation is that the Prime
Minister's going to resign soon. (lines)
He hasn't announced anything, but______________________________________, I'd
say that the Prime Minister's going to resign soon.
77. Fans were anxious waiting for the final whistle. (breath)
Fans_________________________________________ waiting for the final whistle.
78. I promise that your money is safe with me. (word)
I give ________________________________________that your money is safe with me.
Questions 81 - 90: Complete the second sentence using the word given, so that it has
a similar meaning to the first sentence. DON'T CHANGE THE WORD GIVEN.
Write between THREE and SIX words. (20 ms)
81. He didn't know whether to wait or eat alone because his friends weren't in the
cafeteria. (MIND)
=> His friends weren't in the cafeteria, so he ____________________ whether to wait
or eat alone.
82. The local surgery is reported to have bought scanners to help doctors in their
diagnoses. (THAT)
=> It is ___________________ by the local surgery to help doctors in their diagnoses.

83. Peter is angry because Joanna did not accept his invitation. (TURNED)
=> If Joanna ___________________________ his invitation, Peter wouldn't be angry.
84. She doesn't know much about sports but she acts like an expert. (THOUGH)
=> She ___________________________ an expert on sports.
85. I sincerely promise you that I'm telling the truth. (BOTTOM)
=> I promise _________________________that I'm telling the truth.
86. Non-passengers are strictly forbidden from entering the departure lounge of the
airport. (NO)
=> On _______________________ to enter the departure lounge of the airport.
87. I'm sure they didn't show up here last night. (SHOWN)
=> They __________________________here last night.
89. Taking out a private pension scheme will benefit you. (INTEREST)
=> It is _______________________a private pension scheme.
90. It's a shame we can't get more people to support our campaign. (DRUM)
=> I wish _______________________________support for our campaign.
I. Complete each of the following sentences in such a way that it is closest in
meaning to the one printed before it, using the word given in CAPITALS. (10 pts)
1. Very few tickets are left, so book now. (HARDLY)
=> Book now, because _______________________________ left.
2. The headmaster was determined to stop all bullying at the school. (END)
=> The headmaster was determined to _______________ to all bullying at the school.
5. That child wants to be the centre of attention all the time. (SPOTLIGHT)
=> That child wants ______________________________________ all the time.
1. I do not have enough money to have the automatic lighting installed. (PUT)

=> Were________________________________________________________
2. When the war broke out, a lot of Ukrainians fled to neighbor countries to escape
misfortune. (NECK)
=> No sooner________________________________________________________
3. The management board decided to offer the strikers a pay rise to alleviate their anger.
=> With a ____________________________________________________________
4. It was wrong of the antifans to make negative influence on the journalists about the
=> The antifans should _________________________________________________
5. Kevin was so interested in the hockey match on TV that he invented an excuse for his
day off. (COOKED)
=> Such ____________________________________________________________
6. No one can believe that Laura earns money to support the whole family at such a
tender age. (BACON)
=> Hardly _____________________________________________________
7. The local authorities made the museum suitable for the public hall after the war.
=> It was ________________________________________________________
8. Nice art works from litter should be exhibited now. (LAUNCHED)
=> It's high ___________________________________________________
9. Our team could not have been favoured by the judges if we had been experienced
enough. (WIN)
=> Due to ______________________________________________________
10. Although quiet members seem to be patient, they do not always take criticism.
=> Patient ___________________________________________________________

I. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first one,
using the word given. DO NOT CHANGE THE WORD GIVEN. You must use
between THREE and SIX words, including the word given.
3. He is famous for his vast knowledge of primitive religions. (AUTHORITY)
=> He is ______________________________________primitive religions.
5. You have to be very patient to work as a primary school teacher. (DEAL)
=> Working as a primary school teacher calls_______________________
6. When it comes to punctuality, Fiona really takes after her mother. (CONCERNED)
=> As _________________________________Fiona really takes after her mother.
7.He denied the accusation unconvincingly, which made me think he was guilty.
=> His ________________________________ made me believe that he was guilty.
8. I didn't expect my friends to hold a party for me on my birthday. (SURPRISE)
=> I ______________________________________when my friends held a party on my
9. The board of directors tried very hard to rescue the business from bankruptcy.
=> The board of directors _____________rescue the business from bankruptcy.
10. I have been visiting this holiday resort for twenty years and I haven't seen it in
such a bad condition as this. (WORST)
=> The condition of the holiday resort is ______________________ in my 20 years of
staying here.
I. Revrite each of the sentences below in such a way that its meaning is similar to
that of the original one, using the word given in brackets. Do NOT change this
word in any way, You must use NO MORE THAN SIX words. (5 pts)
11. We suppose the new models are about ten thousand dollars. (VICINITY)
=> The new models are supposed __________________of ten thousand dollars.
12. There are several categories of people who don't have to pay the new tax.

=> Several categories of people are ________________________the new tax.
13. I forgot my friend's bithday last week and do not know how to make it up to her.
=> I do not know _____________________forgetting my friend's birthday last week.
14. Since his wife gave birth to twins, Steve has felt truly happy. (NINE)
=> Steve has ______________________since his wife gave birth to twins.
15. They are having problems because they did not take out medical insurance.
=> They are _____________________________medical insurance was not taken out.
I. Complete the sentence, using the word given in brackets. Do NOT change the
word given. You must use between THREE and EIGHT words, including the word
5.You can't possibly expect me to have breakfast ready by 5 a.m. (QUESTION)
=> It _______________________me to have breakfast ready by 5 a.m.
6. Taylor is not responsible enough to be in charge of the department. (RUN)
=> Taylor is too _______________________________the department.
7. You have to realize there's a problem that needs to be dealt with. (WAKE)
=> As for the problem at hand, you have________________________ coffee.
9. It rained again, which really annoyed Molly, you know. (ANNOYING)
That _________________________________________, you know.
10. Sharon, who was anxiously waiting, was vesy jealous when he heard that
Mitchell's performance came next. (GREEN)
=> Sharon, anxiously ______________________________came Mitchell's performance.
HÀ NỘI--CHỌN HSGTP 2021-2022
I. Finish the second sentence in such a way that is similar to the original one. (2.0
5. He hid the truth about the matter because he didn't want to lose his high position.

=> He swept ________________________________________________________
II. Rewrite the following sentences without changing their meaning using the words
in the brackets. Do not change the words given. (2.0 pts)
1. Kyle is far superior to his brother in terms of technical knowledge. (match)
=> __________________________________________________________
2. Finding the survivors is our number one priority. (utmost)
=> _________________________________________________________
3. The government is so powerful that it can control people's lives. (power)
=> _________________________________________________________
4. Bob often mistrusts people when he first meets them. (tendency)
=> _________________________________________________________
Part 2. Rewrite each of the following sentences using the word given in bold so that
it has the same meaning as the original one. (0.5 pt)
86. By leaving Mary alone, I'm sure she'll finish the project on time. (DEVICES)
=> If Mary __________________________, I'm sure she'll finish the project on time.
87. I can recommend you to the manager; I'm a friend of his. (WORD)
=> I can ____________________________________________; I'm a friend of his.
88. Zoe always makes spontaneous decisions concerning her travel plans. (ACTS)
=> Zoe always ___________________________ when making her travel plans.
89. She is well-known tor her vast knowledge of Renaissance painting. (AUTHORITY)
=> She ______________________________________ Renaissance painting.
90. His latest theory is in complete opposition to mainstream thinking. (FLIES)
=> His latest theory _______________________________ mainstream thinking.


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