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6, JUNE 2016

A Novel 4-D Artificial-Neural-Network-Based

Hybrid Large-Signal Model of GaAs pHEMTs
Yunshen Long, Zheng Zhong, Member, IEEE, and Yong-Xin Guo, Senior Member, IEEE

Abstract— A novel hybrid large-signal model of GaAs parameters, which are very ambiguous to extract. Alternatively
pseudomorphic HEMTs (pHEMTs) is proposed for monolithic a table-based model can be employed to represent the
microwave integrated circuit design. This new model is nonlinear I–V and Q–V relationships. It requires no detailed
based upon accurate electromagnetic (EM) description and
creative multi-path artificial neural network (ANN) optimization. nonlinear function expressions, which significantly lightens the
To precisely describe the EM effect in the high-frequency range, load of extracting parameters [5]. However, it must be pointed
the extrinsic part of this model includes both lumped and out that table-based models still have some limitations. As the
distributed components. In order to re-grid the discrete data, data within the box are discrete, some table-based models are
the bias-dependent intrinsic elements are determined by ANNs inaccurate for the high-order distortion simulation when input
rather than traditional interpolations. The dispersion effect is
represented by nonlinear sources with the multi-path-dependent signal magnitudes are small. This limitation originates from
integration technique, which is described by processed multi-bias the algorithm of interpolation and extrapolation when discrete
S-parameters. This proposed approach can be applicable to data are presented. Moreover, sometimes the convergence
different bias conditions, which is also verified by different types cannot be guaranteed in a large power environment where high
of GaAs pHEMTs with good agreement. In addition, a class-AB nonlinearity is presented [7], [8]. In addition, the computation
Ka-band power amplifier and a Ka-band switch using a 0.15-µm
GaAs pHEMT process were designed based on the novel hybrid speed in table-based models is very slow, as look-up tables
model for further practical verification. cover rather broad working ranges. Some researchers consider
physical-based models to be a good candidate to characterize
Index Terms— Artificial neural network (ANN)
three-dimensional nonlinear function, hybrid large-signal the devices. In common, physical-based models are very
model, inconsistency between RF and dc current, integration accurate, especially compared to table-based or empirical
path independence. models when the condition is beyond measurement range [10].
Nevertheless, detailed fabrication knowledge is usually not
available to the model builder and its compatibility to popular
CAD software still needs to be further improved. In order

I N RECENT years, GaAs pseudomorphic

HEMTs (pHEMTs) are widely used in advanced nonlinear
microwave circuits. As it is well known, computer-aided
to better characterize the active devices, artificial neural
networks (ANNs) are increasingly recognized as a useful tool,
especially when the device-under-test (DUT) is of complex
design (CAD) can assist to predict the behavior of circuits nonlinearity and its internal working principle is not well
and especially where accurate large-signal models play an known to the model builder [11]–[14], [28], [32], [33].
important role in active large-signal circuit designs, such as However, it is still difficult for some existing ANN-based
power amplifiers and mixers. small-signal models relying on traditional measurements to be
Much work has been undertaken to characterize the devices directly upgraded to large-signal models, as the consistency
based on a broad range of compact models. In general, between the small-signal model and the large-signal model
empirical-function-based models primarily dominate in the is not guaranteed [12], [32], [33]. Note that some good
research and industry fields [1]–[4], [31]. However, empirical ANN-based models [28] require nonlinear vector network
models heavily rely on the detailed expression of the analyzer (NVNA), which may not be available to most
nonlinear functions. These functions are associated with many companies or research laboratories.
The dispersion effect can usually compromise the accuracy
Manuscript received January 14, 2015; revised May 13, 2015, of the large-signal model. The non-conservative data extracted
September 19, 2015, and February 5, 2016; accepted April 14, 2016. Date
of publication April 28, 2016; date of current version June 2, 2016. This inside the intrinsic part violate the condition for integration.
work was supported in part by the Singapore Ministry of Education Academic Hence, many researchers employ pulse measurements to
Research Fund Tier 2 under Grant MOE 2014-T2-2-15, in part by the Jiangsu characterize the thermal and trapping effects [23]–[25].
Province Funding for Enterprise-Academic-Research Innovation Platform
under Grant BY2012229, in part by the National Natural Science Foundation However, inconsistent S-parameter performance between the
of China under Grant 61401296, and in part by the Natural Science Foundation small-signal model and the large-signal model on different
for Youths of Jiangsu Province, China, under Grant BK20130375. bias conditions still remains a problem for flexible active
The authors are with the Department of Electrical and Computer
Engineering, National University of Singapore, Singapore 117583, and circuit designs. The generated nonlinear model’s small-signal
also with the National University of Singapore Suzhou Research Institute, responses under different bias conditions rather than one
Suzhou 215123, China (e-mail: specific bias point are crucial to circuit designers, which can
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available
online at also be used to check the flexibility and practicability of
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TMTT.2016.2555948 the model.
0018-9480 © 2016 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See for more information.

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have been designed based on the proposed modeling method

for further verification. The conclusion will be given
in Section V.


Generally, the large-signal model of a GaAs pHEMT is
gradually built up based on its small-signal model under
multiple biases. Thus, the accuracy of the small-signal
model largely determines the success of the corresponding
large-signal model. The small-signal model is composed of the
extrinsic part and the intrinsic part. In general, the extrinsic
part cannot be separately and independently extracted. The
values of the extrinsic part are determined as a whole through
a special bias condition [16]. However, when the size of
devices becomes larger and the working frequency becomes
higher, the traditional extrinsic lumped components need to
be modified [6], [22], [26], [27]. In this paper, to describe
electromagnetic (EM) effects at high frequencies, the extrinsic
part of the presented model will be composed of lumped and
distributed components. The distributed part of the extrinsic
Fig. 1. Equivalent representation of this proposed hybrid modeling method. parts is rebuilt in EM simulation software exactly with their
own physical dimensions [22]. Hence, the parasitic effect and
material losses caused by the extrinsic region can be strictly
In this paper, a new ANN-based large-signal model is calculated by full-wave EM simulation. The EM simulated
presented. One advantage of the proposed model is that it only results of the distributed extrinsic parts are saved as multi-port
requires traditional measurement setups including static dc scattering matrices to represent the distributed effects. The
measurement and bias-dependent S-parameters measurements. rest of the lumped extrinsic components are extracted through
The process of the model is conducted in a linear environment. global optimization after de-embedding the inserted distributed
The proposed multi-path-dependent integration technique not components. The initial values are based on the “cold-FET”
only accurately describes the dispersion effect at microwave method [16]. As the values of intrinsic components are
frequencies ensuring the consistency between the small-signal usually bias dependent, the intrinsic part of the small-signal
model and the large-signal model in all operation regions, but model is extracted based on global optimization targeting
also guarantees the consistency between dc and RF currents to fit S-parameters under different biases conditions. The
of the generated model. The dispersion effects is mainly small-signal equivalent model is presented in Fig. 1(b), where
due to thermal and trapping effects, which happen in the intrinsic part of the model is indicated inside the
S-parameters on a switch-on condition. Therefore, rather dashed box.
than pulse measurements, multi-bias S-parameters covering As mentioned above, the components of the extrinsic part
all working ranges are well processed in this study to do not depend on the external voltage. Thus, due to the
characterize the trapping and thermal effect. The large-signal existence of voltage drop across the resistors in the extrinsic
model is consistently generated from the extracted small-signal part, the dependent voltages of the intrinsic elements must
models under all measured bias points, which is flexible and be recalculated. Consequently, the intrinsic voltages can be
practical for active circuit designs. As shown in Fig. 1(a), modified from the extrinsic voltages as follows [29]:
this proposed ANN-based hybrid model includes a distributed
extrinsic passive part and an intrinsic active part. The Vgs = VGS − Igs (Rg + Rs ) − Ids Rs (1)
extrinsic part includes all the field-effect transistor (FET)’s Vds = VDS − Ids (Rd + Rs ) − Igs Rs (2)
metallic structures, while the intrinsic part is located under
the metallic fingers as an active semiconductor channel. where Vgs and Vds are the recalculated intrinsic voltages
This passive/active hybrid modeling method can precisely and VGS and VGD are the extrinsic voltages. Usually,
describe the coupling effect caused by metallic structures the devices are measured based on equidistant external
such as stripes and grounded via-holes, especially in the voltages for convenience, which means that the intrinsic
high-frequency domain. The data for model formulation voltages Vgs and Vds are no longer equidistant because
requires dc measurements and bias-dependent S-parameter of (1) and (2). Nevertheless, it is not easy to generate nonlinear
measurements. The detailed model building procedure will current and charge sources based on non-equidistant data.
be presented in Section II. In Section III, different types At the same time, it is difficult to predict the values of
of GaAs pHEMTs are investigated to verify the proposed extrinsic resistors before measurement. Therefore, it is very
method. Moreover, in Section IV, a Ka-band power amplifier troublesome to set up suitable measurement grid individually
and switch monolithic microwave integrated circuits (MMICs) beforehand to obtain equidistant intrinsic voltages.

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Fig. 2. Three-layer ANN for redistributing values of intrinsic components.

Traditionally, equidistant data can be generated by

interpolation. However, the main limitation of interpolation is Fig. 3. Dots represent the original Cgs with respect to intrinsic voltages.
that it may sometimes produce discontinuities. Moreover, the The surface represents the uniformly redistributed data by ANN.
commonly used cubic interpolation technique will even not
produce a valid result if the points are outside of the convex
hull. To overcome this limitation, ANNs will be employed to
uniformly redistribute the values of intrinsic part with respect
to the intrinsic voltages.
ANNs are constructed by simple cells operating in
parallel with different weights. These cells are stimulated
like biological nervous systems. Commonly, the collections
between these cells determine the function of the neural
networks. Generally speaking, the ANN can be regarded as
a very powerful continuous function, which can approximate
any nonlinear function after the collections, or weights, are
well adjusted. The weights along the cells, or neurons, can
be determined by suitable training algorithm and input–output Fig. 4. Dots represent the original G m with respect to intrinsic voltages.
data. One of the advantages is that ANNs are very smooth The surface represents the uniformly redistributed data by ANN.
as they have theoretically infinite order of derivatives.
A three-layer neural network is shown in Fig. 2 to demonstrate
the working principal of the ANN. The first layer is for input Cgs and G m are shown in Figs. 3 and 4, which demonstrates
variables. In this proposed pHEMTs modeling case, the input the consistency between redistributed data and original data.
can be different sets of intrinsic voltages. The second layer Based on the uniformly redistributed elements of the
contains a number of neurons with different weights waiting intrinsic part, the large-signal model can be constructed by
for training from measurement data. different sorts of nonlinear sources. Within the presented
The hyperbolic tangent (tansig) function is selected as model, Igs and Igd represent conduction currents. The charges
a transfer function to produce the nonlinearity within the are described by Q gs and Q gd . The non-quasi-static effect
network. As shown in (3), it is mathematically equivalent is described by Rgs and Rgd , which are located in series
to the tanh function, but has a fast running speed in the with charge sources [17]–[20]. The differential parameters in
implementation within MATLAB, the small-signal model can be accordingly integrated based
on (4)–(8) without considering the dispersion effect [15], [30].
2 The topology of the generated dispersionless large-signal
tansig(x) = − 1. (3)
1 + e−2x model is shown in Fig. 1,
The third layer is the output for post-processing, which Igs (Vgs , Vds ) = Igs (Vgs0 , Vds0 )
will produce sincere values of the intrinsic elements. It is  Vgs
worth noting that all the measurement data are preprocessed + G gs (v, Vds0 ) · dv (4)
with minimum and maximum mapping to the range from Vgs0

−1 to 1, which can accelerate the learning procedures of Vgs
proposed neural networks. During the training course, the Igd (Vgs , Vds ) = Igd (Vgs0 , Vds0 ) + G gd (v, Vds0 ) · dv
weights are being adjusted. Different sets of the raw intrinsic  Vds
voltages are put into the first layer of ANNs and the − G gd (Vgs , v) · dv (5)
related raw intrinsic element values are put into the last Vds0
layer of ANNs. After training is finished, targeted equidistant
voltages are put into the well-trained ANNs to uniformly Q gs (Vgs , Vds ) = Cgs (v, Vds0 ) · dv
redistribute the intrinsic elements. Finally, these intrinsic  Vds
elements are reversely mapped from −1 to 1 through the same + Cds (Vgs , v) · dv (6)
algorithm reversely adopted in preprocessing. The recalculated Vds0

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caused by naive integration in the process of traditional

multi-bias S-parameters measurements data [8], [30] when
the dispersion effect is not considered. Based on (8), the
value of the current source at bias point (Vds2 , Vgs2 ) follows
the integration path as AB D E from (Vds0 , Vgs0 ). Similarly,
the value at bias point (Vds3 , Vgs3 ) follows the integration
path as ABC. It can be found that only the information of
gds is strictly conserved at (Vds2 , Vgs2 ) and (Vds3 , Vgs3 ). The
information of gm on (Vds2 , Vgs2 ) and (Vds3 , Vgs3 ) is provided
by integration executed along AB, which is highly relying on
Fig. 5. Traditional method for integration can compromise the accuracy of the assumption on that the device is not dispersive. However,
the model under the bias at (Vds2 , Vgs2 ) and (Vds3 , Vgs3 ) due to the loss of this is not true for most power devices, as the violation
partial-derivative information about gm .
of conservation can be easily observed when the traditional
integration is enforced.
 Vgs To deal with this issue, a suitable integration path can
Q gd (Vgs , Vds ) = Cgd (v, Vds0 ) · dv be treated as a good solution to the problem. However, the
Vgs0 model in [21] with only one specific integration path cannot
 Vds effectively support the large-signal simulation covering all
− (Cds (Vgs , v) + Cgd (Vgs , v)) · dv (7) working bias ranges. To make the solution more flexible and
 Vgs practical in broad working conditions, variable integration
IRF (Vgs , Vds ) = IRF (Vgs0 , Vds0 ) + gm (v, Vds0 ) · dv paths are introduced to fulfill the accuracy requirement.

Vgs0 In Fig. 5, it can be found that only the bias point (Vds1 , Vgs1 )
conserves both partial-derivative information, as both
+ gds (Vgs , v) · dv. (8)
Vds0 directions are crossing point B when integration is executed.
Therefore, a three-dimensional nonlinear function can
However, due to self-heating and trapping effects of GaAs properly handle the dispersion effect where the newly added
pHEMT devices, the existence of the dispersion effect can dimension is used to properly describe the voltage-dependent
compromise the consistency between the small-signal model integration path. The average port voltages are chosen as
and the large-signal model, which can lead to degenerated variable integration paths in this paper. The following is the
performance of the large-signal model. One of the problems partial derivatives described by multi-path integration:
caused by the dispersion effect in the large-signal model is ∂ IRF (Vgs , Vds , Vgs0 )
the violation of integration path independence among intrinsic gm = (9)
∂ Vgs
elements, which means that the intrinsic elements, especially ∂ IRF (Vgs , Vds , Vgs0 )
gm and gds , do not satisfy the conservation condition. The gds = (10)
∂ Vds
accuracy of the model will be compromised when improper
integration is enforced [5]. where Vgs0 is chosen as the average voltage to indicate
In this paper, to mathematically handle the dispersion effect, the different integration paths. In this way, the accuracy
the detailed mechanism of non-conservative data is worthy of of gm and gds can be ensured in different application
investigation. It is common to see an accurate small-signal environments, which can be verified by broadband
model, but the transformation to the large-signal model is S-parameters. It is needed to point out that the small-signal
vulnerable to naive integration. If traditional integration is response is very crucial to the practical success of the
improperly enforced, it is found that the accuracy of the large-signal model, which is sometimes ignored. In general,
model will be badly compromised in one direction (it depends the design of active circuits is associated with a selection
on the details of the choices about the direction and the of suitable bias condition and good matching with passive
path for integration), where the information of the partial circuits. A good small-signal performance of a power
derivatives along this direction will be lost. Nevertheless, it is amplifier is the foundation for large-signal applications. Thus,
interesting that the accuracy along the other specific integration an accurate and practical large-signal model should perform
path can be guaranteed without considering the conservation well under both small- and large-signal excitations.
condition by executing loop integration. For example, if the In addition, another problem caused by the dispersion effect
integration is executed as indicated in (8), the information of is the inconsistency between the measured RF and static
partial derivative gm will be compromised if the position is currents. The RF current is obtained by the integration from
away from Vds0 . The high accuracy of gm can be ensured the differential parameters in the small-signal model. The
in the whole region only when the partial differential data is static current is directly obtained from the dc measurement.
strictly conservative. On the other hand, the information of An accurate dc model is important for active circuit designs
gds is automatically reserved in the whole region regardless in bias adjustment. In this paper, to eliminate the discrepancy
that the data is conservative or not if the integration is between RF and static current, the average voltage is novelly
executed as indicated by (8). To further demonstrate this used to describe both RF and dc currents. As indicated by
phenomenon, Fig. 5 is shown to illustrate the inaccuracy (9) and (10), one of the average voltages has been chosen

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to indicate integration paths to describe the dispersion effect

at RF frequencies. The other average voltage Vds0 can be
included to consistently characterize the dc current. To not
only guarantee the consistency between dc and RF currents,
but also reserve the information of partial derivatives, the
following are the conditions that Ids must satisfy:
∂ Ids (Vgs , Vds , Vgs0 , Vds0 )
gm (Vgs, Vds , Vgs0 , Vds0 ) = (11)
∂ Vgs
∂ Ids (Vgs , Vds , Vgs0 , Vds0 )
gds (Vgs, Vds , Vgs0 , Vds0 ) = (12)
∂ Vds
Ids (Vgs , Vds , Vgs0 = Vgs , Vds0 = Vds ) = Ids_DC
Ids (Vgs, Vds , Vgs0 , Vds0 ) = Ids_DC (Vgs0 , Vds0 )
+ gm (v, Vds0 ) · dv
+ gds (Vgs , v) · dv. (14)
Fig. 6. Necessary steps of the model construction.
Ids_DC is the measured dc performance. The difference
between (9) and (11) is the introduction of Vds0 , which
plays an important role in characterizing the dc performance. In large-signal simulations, the harmonic-balance simulation
Equations (11) and (12) only contain the perturbation mainly relies on numerical computations, whose linear part
information, which guarantees the accuracy of the partial is calculated in the frequency domain and the nonlinear part
derivatives without considering the constant part in (8). At the is calculated in the time domain. Numbers of iterations are
same time, (13) can provide the detailed information about executed to minimize the error function of the sum of the
the constant term in the primitive function. To obtain Ids , current at all nodes based on Kirchoff’s current law (KCL).
it is required to integrate the differential parameters at When convergence is achieved, which means that the error
each bias point. The integration path is exactly indicated function is driven to a target small value, the resulting voltages
by the specific bias point. During multi-bias S-parameter approximate a steady-state solution. However, sometimes
measurements, constant or average bias points are equal to the convergence cannot be guaranteed. One reason for the
“switch-on bias” points. Each average bias point (Vgs0 , Vds0 ) is divergence is the unsuitable topology of the large-signal
associated with a traditional two-dimensional current source, model. In [7] and [8], too many different orders of differential
which is indicated by (13). Besides, to combine (8) and (13), equations are involved, which makes the computation
we can have (14), where two additional dimensions vulnerable to divergence when high nonlinearity is presented.
Vgs0 and Vds0 are introduced to handle non-conservative On the other hand, the equivalent circuit model in Fig. 1 can
partial-derivative information and eliminate the inconsistency semi-physically represent the devices, which is more robust
between dc and RF currents. Thus, this newly introduced for convergence in numerical computation. Another cause of
four-dimensional nonlinear current sources can be understood divergence is the unreasonable values obtained through an
as a two-dimensional traditional current source mapped improper extrapolation algorithm. Considering that ANNs are
into another two-dimensional average voltage bias condition very smooth and capable of approximating any nonlinear
function. functions, it is reasonable to use the ANN to represent
In this way, consistency is achieved among the small-signal the nonlinear multi-path-integration function. In addition, the
model, the large-signal model, and dc performance. When ANN-based model can provide more robust convergence
the FET is switched on, the channel current will cause in dc, transient, and harmonic-balance simulations compared
thermal effects. In various bias conditions, different channel to the table-based model [9]. The training data originates
currents will cause different thermal effects while the from the current generated along each specific bias point
trapping effects will also exist in this switch-on condition indicated by (8) and (13). Fig. 7 describes the topology of
measurement. Therefore, the thermal and trapping phenomena the represented neural network. Compared with Fig. 2, it is
are captured and described through switch-on S-parameters. clear that two additional dimensions Vgs0 and Vds0 have been
Thus, it is meaningful to extract dispersion effects by integrated by the ANN in this proposed model to ensure the
processing multi-bias S-parameter modeling, which is usually accuracy of the small-signal performance.
ignored by the traditional methods [8], [30]. In [7], [8] Compared with traditional static current expression, it is
is compared with the work of [7] to demonstrate that the worth noting that the parameters Vgs0 and Vds0 are introduced
ignorance of dispersion effect will cause the inaccuracy. to address the dispersion effect. As mentioned above,
Fig. 6 is presented as the necessary steps of the model rather than performing traditional pulse measurements, these
construction. two parameters are directly employed through the processing

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Fig. 7. Three-layer ANN representing the integration-path-dependent

nonlinear RF current source. Fig. 9. Comparison of measured and simulated static I–V characteristics of
a 4 × 150 μm GaAs device. The simulations are generated from ANN after
training. The dots are measured results.

Fig. 8. (a) On-wafer measurement probe station setup and micrographs of:
(b) 4 × 75 μm, (c) 4 × 150 μm, and (d) 8 × 100 μm GaAs pHEMTs devices.

of multi-bias S-parameters. As directly originated from the

small-signal models, the generated large-signal model is very Fig. 10. Comparison of measured and simulated static I–V characteristics of
practical for active circuit designs. The presented model can a 8 × 100 μm GaAs device. The simulation results are generated from ANN
after training. The dots are measured results.
be easily implemented in the Advanced System Design (ADS),
compatible to various sorts of simulations, such as dc, ac, and
harmonic-balance simulations.
The intrinsic part is obtained after de-embedding all the
extrinsic components under different working biases. The
intrinsic elements are then uniformly redistributed by ANNs.
The path-dependent integration at each bias point is then
To verify the accuracy of the presented ANN-based hybrid executed to generate the nonlinear sources represented by
large-signal modeling approach, several types of on-wafer the ANN in the large-signal model. In the process of ANN
GaAs pHEMTs (4 × 75 μm, 4 × 150 μm, 8 × 100 μm) are building, 60% data are used for training and the rest is for
investigated on the Cascade Summit 9000 probe station with validation. There are three layers in the ANN network and
an Agilent 8510C vector network analyzer. The measurement ten neurons in the hidden layer. The Levenberg–Marquardt
setup is presented in Fig. 8(a) and the micrographs of the backpropagation algorithm in MATLAB is selected for
4 × 75 μm, 4 × 150 μm, 8 × 100 μm GaAs pHEMTs are optimization.
shown in Fig. 8(b)–(d), respectively. A variety of precise Figs. 9 and 10 show the dc performance of the 4 × 150 μm
measurements, which include the I–V curve, S-parameters, and the 8 × 100 μm GaAs pHEMTs. The static
Gain/power-added efficiency (PAE), Pin/Pout, third-order I–V characteristics are described by the well-trained
intermodulation distortion (IMD3) testing, etc., have been ANN with the introduction of average voltages. It can be seen
performed and compared with their corresponding modeled clearly in this figure that every measured I–V characteristic
performances to reveal the accuracy of this proposed model. point is precisely represented by the proposed hybrid
First of all, the on-wafer voltage-current measurement is large-signal model and its overall agreement is very good.
performed to get the static I–V characteristics. S-parameters It is well known that the accuracy of the small-signal
are then measured under different bias conditions. The responses from the nonlinear model under different bias
frequency range is from 2 to 40 GHz, which can be applicable conditions is the basis of the success of the large-signal model.
to Ka-band circuit designs afterwards. The performances of the small-signal responses under different
To build the hybrid large-signal model of GaAs pHEMTs, bias conditions of GaAs pHEMTs are shown in Figs. 11–14.
the components of their extrinsic part are extracted first. After To further exhibit the advantage of this proposed model, the
de-embedding the distributed components, the remainder of commercial large-signal model EE-HEMT model [28] is used
the lumped components is extracted through optimizations, to model the same 8 × 100 μm GaAs pHEMT for comparison
where initial values are obtained from the “cold-FET” [16]. in Figs. 12–14. To show the flexibility of the presented model,

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Fig. 11. Simulated (solid line) 4 × 150 μm GaAs pHEMT ANN model and Fig. 14. Simulated (solid line) 8 × 100 μm GaAs pHEMT ANN model and
measured S-parameter (circles) under bias Vgs = −0.5 V and Vds = 5 V. measured S-parameter (circles) under bias Vgs = −2 V and Vds = 3 V. The
dash line is simulated by the EE-HEMT model for comparison.

Fig. 15. Comparison of simulated (solid line) and measured (circles)

Fig. 12. Simulated (solid line) 8 × 100 μm GaAs pHEMT ANN model and gain/PAE performances of 8 × 100 μm GaAs pHEMT. The working frequency
measured S-parameter (circles) under bias Vgs = −0.5 V and Vds = 5 V. is 10 GHz.
The dashed line is simulated by the EE-HEMT model for comparison.

Fig. 16. Comparison of simulated (solid line) and measured (circles)

gain/PAE performances of 4 × 75 μm GaAs pHEMT. The working frequency
is 35 GHz.
Fig. 13. Simulated (solid line) 8 × 100 μm GaAs pHEMT ANN model and
measured S-parameter (circles) under bias V gs = −1 V and V ds = 3 V. The
dashed line is simulated by the EE-HEMT model for comparison.
as mentioned before, such inconsistent S-parameter modeling
performance of the traditional large-signal model makes it
Figs. 12 and 13 show the model’s performance in the unsuitable for the related applications under different operation
saturation while Fig. 14 demonstrates its performance in the regions.
cutoff region. It is clear that the proposed model consistently Figs. 15 and 16 show the gain and PAE versus the input
keeps its accuracy under different operation conditions while power of different transistors (8 × 100 μm, 4 × 75 μm)
the EE-HEMT model can only provide accurate S-parameter at 10 and 35 GHz in a 50- environment. Furthermore,
modeling in the saturation region. The modeling performance a consistent agreement between measurement and modeled
degenerates in linear and pinch-off regions. Therefore, responses at several harmonics can be found in Fig. 17,

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Fig. 17. Simulated (solid line) result from 8 × 100 μm GaAs pHEMT ANN Fig. 19. Simulated (red solid line) result from 8 × 100 μm GaAs pHEMT
model and measured (circles) output power up to third order. The working ANN model and measured (blue circles) result of the lower side of IMD3.
frequency is 10 GHz. The center frequency is 5 GHz. The space frequency is 1 MHz.

Fig. 20. Micrograph of a fabricated Ka-band MMIC power amplifier with

8 × 100 μm and 4 × 75 μm GaAs pHEMTs.

proposed ANN-based models, two kinds of GaAs pHEMTs

(4 × 75 μm and 8 × 100 μm) were adopted in this MMIC
design. Fig. 20 shows the actual layout photograph of the
Fig. 18. Contours of normalized measured (circles) and simulated (solid line) fabricated MMIC chip with a size of 2.8 mm × 0.9 mm.
delivered power from 4 × 75 μm GaAs pHEMT. The working frequency
is 10 GHz. The input power is 10 dBm. The maximum power delivered The left side is input and right side is output, respectively.
is 22 dBm. Contours are in 1-dB step. A three-stage topology has been adopted in this power
amplifier. The first two stages perform as the drive amplifier
stages and the last stage acts as the power amplifier stage.
where 10 GHz is chosen as the sample operating frequency At the input port, RF power is first amplified through
for testing. It is easy to estimate that the third-order intercept a 4 × 75 μm and an 8 × 100 μm GaAs pHEMT devices. Due
point (IP3) of this 8 × 100 μm device is around 12 dBm from to the large drain current capability, four 4 × 75 μm GaAs
the accurate simulated and measured results in Fig. 17. The pHEMTs are adopted parallel in the third stage to meet
comparisons from Figs. 15–17 prove that both the stability and the output power requirement. Finally, the output power is
the nonlinear modeling performances of the proposed model combined at the output port of this MMIC PA. This PA is
are very satisfactory. In Fig. 18, the measured and modeled designed to operate in class-AB mode with a 28-dBm output
contours of load–pull testing are compared to validate its power and a small-signal gain of 18 dB (±1 dB flatness) from
accurate large-signal modeling performance. The source is 32 to 37 GHz. Its detailed performances are presented and
fixed to 50  and the maximum delivered power is 22 dBm discussed in the following sections.
with input power as 10 dBm at 10 GHz. As IMD3 is more Fig. 21 is its measured and simulated gain versus frequency,
and more important in modern nonlinearity characterization, where a good agreement can be found. Fig. 22 shows the
Fig. 19 shows the simulated and measured IMD3 lower side input return loss of this power amplifier while Fig. 23 is
performance when the center frequency is 5 GHz and space its output power against input power at 35 GHz. All these
frequency is 1 MHz. performances show a good consistency between the measured
and simulated results generated by the proposed ANN-based
To further verify this presented approach, a Ka-band Furthermore, using the same 0.15-μm GaAs pHEMT
power amplifier MMIC using 0.15-μm GaAs pHEMT technology, a Ka-band single-pole double-throw (SPDT)
technology has been designed. With the help of the switch has been designed to validate the flexibility of the

Authorized licensed use limited to: University of Electronic Science and Tech of China. Downloaded on May 29,2023 at 13:42:38 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

Fig. 21. Simulated (solid line) and measured (circles) gain of the power
amplifier versus frequency.

Fig. 25. Simulated (solid line) and measured (circles) performances of

the Ka-band switch. Dashed line is simulated by the EE-HEMT model for

EE-HEMT model and proposed model. It is clear that the

proposed model can provide a much better simulation result
compared with the commercial one.

In this paper, an ANN-based hybrid large-signal modeling
method for GaAs pHEMTs has been presented. The
extrinsic part of the presented model has been extracted
Fig. 22. Simulated (solid line) and measured (circles) return loss of the
power amplifier. based on both lumped and distributed components, which
are more consistent to handle the EM effects in high
frequency. The values of bias-dependent intrinsic elements
have been uniformly redistributed by the ANN rather than
traditional interpolations, which is more effective considering
its smoothness and the powerful capability of nonlinear
approximation. The dispersion effect has been considered
by a multi-path integration technique implemented by a
four-dimensional ANN. The thermal and trapping effects
have been directly described by multi-bias S-parameters.
In this approach, the generated large-signal model is accurately
consistent with small-signal models. At the same time, the
discrepancy between RF and static currents has also been
Fig. 23. Simulated (solid line) and measured (circles) gain against input
eliminated by introducing average voltages, which considers
power at 35 GHz of the power amplifier. the dispersion effect as a whole. Different experiments results
such as dc, S-parameters, and different harmonics of output
power have been compared with simulated performance from
the proposed large-signal model and it is shown that the
accuracy is satisfactory. Different sizes of GaAs pHEMTs
have been investigated for verification. Finally, a Ka-band
power amplifier and a Ka-band switch have been designed with
the proposed model for further nonlinear verification, which
shows good agreement. Besides its accuracy, this novel hybrid
large-signal model can also be easily implemented in CAD
software and could be very useful GaAs pHEMT technology
Fig. 24. Micrograph of a fabricated Ka-band MMIC SPDT with 4 ∗ 75 μm based nonlinear microwave circuit design in the future.
GaAs pHEMTs.
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Yong-Xin Guo (SM’05) received the B.Eng. and Dr. Guo is the General Chair of the 2017 International Applied
M. Eng. degrees in electronic engineering from Computational Electromagnetics Society (ACES) Symposium,
the Nanjing University of Science and Technology, August 1–4, 2017, Suzhou, China. He was the General Chair of the
Nanjing, China, in 1992 and 1995, respectively, 2015 IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society (IEEE MTT-S)
and the Ph.D. degree in electronic engineering from International Microwave Workshop Series on Advanced Materials and
the City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Processes for RF and THz Applications (IMWS-AMP 2015), Suzhou,
in 2001. China, and the IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Workshop Series
From September 2001 to January 2009, 2013 (IMWS2013) on “RF and Wireless Technologies for biomedical and
he was with the Institute for Infocomm Healthcare Applications” in Singapore. He served as a Technical Program
Research, Singapore, as a Research Scientist. Committee (TPC) Co-Chair for the IEEE International Symposium on Radio
In February 2009, he joined the Department Frequency Integration Technology (RFIT2009). He has been a TPC Member
of Electrical and Computer Engineering, National University of and Session Chair for numerous conferences and workshops. He serves
Singapore (NUS), as an Assistant Professor and, in January 2013, as Associate Editor for IEEE A NTENNAS AND W IRELESS P ROPAGATION
became a tenured Associate Professor. He is currently the Director of the L ETTERS , IET Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation, and Electronics
Center for Microwave and Radio Frequency, Department of Electrical and Letters. He was a recipient of the 2009 Young Investigator Award, National
Computer Engineering, NUS. He is concurrently a Senior Investigator with University of Singapore, the 2013 Raj Mittra Travel Grant Senior Researcher
the National University of Singapore Suzhou Research Institute (NUSRI), Award, and the Best Poster Award of the 2014 International Conference
Suzhou, China, and the Director of the Center of Advanced Microelectronic on Wearable & Implantable Body Sensor Networks (BSN 2014), Zurich,
Devices, NUSRI. He has authored or coauthored 176 international journal Switzerland. He was a corecipient of the Design Contest Award of the 20th
papers and 187 international conference papers. Thus far, his publications International Symposium on Low Power Electronics and design (ISLPED),
have been cited more than 2086 times and his H-index is 28 (source: Rome, Italy, 2015. His Ph.D. students have been the recipients of Best
Scopus). He holds sevcen granted/filed U.S. or Chinese patents. He has Student Paper Awards of the 2015 IEEE MTT-S IMWS-Bio, Taipei,
graduated seven Ph.D. students at NUS. His current research interests include Taiwan, 2013 IEEE iWEM, Hong Kong, 2011 National Microwave and
monolithic microwave integrated circuit (MMIC) modeling and design, Millimeter-Wave Conference, Qingdao, China, and the 2010 IEEE ICMMT,
RF energy harvesting and wireless power for biomedical applications and Chengdu, China.
Internet of Things (IoT), microstrip antennas for wireless communications,
implantable/wearable antennas, on-chip antennas, and antennas in package.

Authorized licensed use limited to: University of Electronic Science and Tech of China. Downloaded on May 29,2023 at 13:42:38 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

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