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Text Book ‘ Firs? FLIGHT (PROSE) i First Fiicnt (Prose) Q. 12 and Q. 13-Two extracts of approximately 80 words each from different prose lessons included in the {extbook. The extracts will be literary and factual in nature. Each extract will be of S marks: 4 marks in each passage will be used for testing local and global comprehension and ‘one mark will be for vocabulary questions. Q. 14-One of the two questions extrapolative in nature based on any one of the prose lessons from the textbook to be answered in about 70-80 words One out of two questions on Drama Text (local and global comprehension questions) (30-40 Words). Qs =| FIRST FLIGHT (POETRY) Q.16- One extract from a poem followed by two oF three questions to test the local and global comprehension of the set text. Q. 17-Two out of three short answer type questions on interpretation of themes and ideas contained in the poems to be answered in 30-40 words cach. Comprehension Questions, Qy Read the extracts or passages given below and answer the questions that follows- 1. With satisfied expression he regarded the field of ripe ‘com with its flowers, draped in a curtain of rain, But suddenly. a strong wind began to blow and along with the rain very large hailstones began to fall. These truly did resemble new silver coins. The boys exposing themselves to the rain, ran ot to collect the frozen pearls. “It’s really getting bad now,” exclaimed the man, “I hope it passes Quickly.” It did not pass Quickly. For an hour the hail rained on the house, the garden, the hillside, the cornfield, ‘on the whole valley, The field was white, as if covered with salt. poz {a) Why did Lencho look satisfied? 4b) What all at once? (c) What did Lencho hope for? (@) What were Lencho’s feelings when the hait stopped? ~ (c) Which word in the passage means ‘to look like”? (a) Lencho looked satisfied because the field of ripe com with its flowers, draped in curtain of rain. (b) Suddenely the rain changed into hailstones and destroyed his field completely. (c) Lencho hoped for rain for his field (d) Lencho had sad feclings when the hail stopped. (c) seem 2, Lencho showed not the slightest surprise on secing the money; such was his confidence— but he became angry when he counted the money. God could not have made a mistake, nor could he have denied Lencho what he had re- quested. Immediately, Lencho went up to the window to ask for paperand ink. On the public writing-table, he started to write, ‘with:much wrinkling of his brow, caused by the effort he had to make to express his ideas. When he finished, he went to the window to buy a stamp which he licked and then affixed to the envelope with a blow of his first. 2oaZ (2) What was Lencho's reaction on receiving a letter for hhim with money in it? (b) What made Lencho angry? (©) Why did he go to the window? (@) Find a word in the passage which means ‘at once” (@) Lencho showed not the slightest surprise on secing the money but he became angry because he got only sev- centy pesos. (b) Lencho hoped that he would get one hundred pesos but he found only seventy pesos. It made him angry. (©) He went to the window to ask for paper and ink so that he might wrigte an another letter to God. (d) Immediately. 3. But in the hearts of all who lived in that solitary house in the middle of the valley, there was a single hope: help from God. "Don't be so upset, even though this scems like a total say: no one dies of hunger" ope the ngudh the ight Lencho thought only of his one Hope Ee felP of God, whose eyes, as he had been instructed, see everything, even what is deep in one's conscience, Lencho was an ox of a man, working like fi still he knew how to write, - caw ees (a) (b) (c) Where was their house situated? What was their faith? What was Lencho's problem? (2) Lencho was an ox of m: ‘one more pr a ian, but he knew one more thing. (©) Write the noun form of instruct ARS Wwers (a) ‘Their house was situated in the middle of the valley. (b) Their faith was that God will help them as no one dies of hunger. (©) Lae oan was that his crops seemed to be (a) The one more thing he knew was how to write. (©) ‘Instruction’ is the noun form of ‘instruct. 4. Lencho showed not the slightest surprise on sceing the money; such was his confidence but he became angry when he counted the money. God could not have made a mistake, nor could he have denied Lencho what he had requested. Immediately. Lencho went up to the window to ask for paper and ink. On the pubic writing-table, he started to write, ‘with much wrinkling of his brow, caused by the effort he had to make to express his ideas, When he finished, he went to the window to buy a stamp which he licked and then affixed to the envelope with a blow of his fist. The moment the letter fell into the mailbox the postmaster went to open it. It said: ‘God : of the money that I asked for, only seventy pesos reached me, Send me the rest, since [need it very much, But don't send it to me through the mail because the post office ‘employees are a bunch of crooks. Lencho." ora How did Lencho react on finding a letter for him with (@) money in it? () What made Lencho angry? (c) Do you think the employees of the post office were cheating Lencho? (d) Comment on the faith of Lencho in God (c) Bring out the meaning of the word ‘slight’ by making 2 sentence from it. (2) Lencho showed not a slightest surprise on finding Tetter for him with money in it (6) Lencho was angry as he received less money as jred by him. (©) rem opiaion, employees ofthe post office were not cheating Lencho. i (4) Lencho had complete faith in God 5 {¢) His slight hesitation indicates that he is not interest inthis work. 5, In the north-east huge mountains of clouds could be seen approaching, The air was fresh and sweet. The man ‘went out for no other reason than to have the pleasure of feeling the rain on his body and when he returned he exclaimed, "These aren't raindrops falling from the sky, they are new coins, The big drops are ten cent pioces and the little ‘ones are fives, With a satisfied expression he regard field of ripe com with its flowers, draped in a curtain of rain. But suddenly a strong wind began to blow and along with the ran vers lagge hailstones began to fall (a) What did the man see in the north-cast? (b) How did he express his pleasure? (c) When did his pleasure turn into worry? (d)_ Which words are used to describe the rain drops falling from the sky? (e) Find the word from the passage which means coming nearer (to) (a): Inthenorth east, the man saw huge mountains of clouds approaching (b) He expressed his pleasure by going out and feeling the rainon his body. (©) His pleasure turned into worry when very large hailstones began to fall. (@) Words like ten cent pieces and five cont pieces are used to describe the rain drops falling from the sky (©) "Approaching" is the word which means ‘coming nearer (0)! 6. One of the employees, who was a postman and also helped at the post office, went to his boss laughing heartily and showed him the letter to God, Never in his career as a ‘postman had he known that address. The postmaster- a fat, amiable fellow- also broke out laughing, but almost immediately he turned serious and tapping the letter on his desk, commented, ‘What faith! I wish I had the faith of the rman who wrote this letter’. ‘Why did the a, (@) (b) In this passage, who is referred as ‘boss’? (©) What are the feelings the postmaster shows when he leams about the letter to God? (4) - ‘What faith! who said these words and why? (@) Find out the word which means ‘friendly’? (a) The postman: as eee atte in the mailbox which was written to God. (0) _Inthis passage ‘boss’ refers to the postmaster (©) When the postmaster learns about the letter to God. he laughed and then became serious. (4) The postmaster said the given words because the letter was written to God for help. (6) ‘Amiable' is the word which means ‘friendly Long Answer Type Questions _____ iO. . Draw a character sketch of Lencho. ins, Lencho is a poor farmer. He worked on his field Be: like an ox. He grew com in his field, Harvest was good but it needed only a downpour. but rain tumed into storm and hailstones. itdestroyed his crops totally. Lencho became very sad. there was no one to help him, But he had full faith in God. He believed that God would not let anyone die of hunger. He would certainly help him. He decided to write a letter to God to ask for one hundred pesos. He called his helpers a bunch of crooks, Lencho was a farmer and was a family man. He worked hike an apimal in his fields, but he knew writing, He judged the situation rightly and well, He had unflinching faith in God. His faith on God was so much that he was not surprised even, a bit when he received seventy pesos. He misjudged the post office employees who helped him and called them crooks and dishonest Q.2. What happened to Lencho’s field? What did he do then? Boaz ‘Ans. _ Lencho went out to have the pleasure of fecling, the rain 01 his body, The hailstones destroyed his crop com= pletely, Lencho was filled with sadness, He said that that year they would have no corn and they would go to hunger that year, Lencho had complete faith in God. He thought that God’ should help him, He wrote a letter to God and asked for 1 hundred pesos int order to sow his field again and to live Until the crop came, Q.3. Do yout feel sympathy with Lencho? Deseribe his simplicity and innocence from the story ‘A Letter to God’. pore OR Do vou feel sympathy with Lencho? Describe his sympathy with Lencho? Describe his simplicity and innocence from the story ‘A Letter to God’. 02 ‘Ans, Yes I feel sympathy with Lencho because of his simplicity and innocence When his crops were completely destroyed by the hailstorms he wrote @ letter to God demanding 100 pesos in ‘order to sow his field again and to live until the crop came-If hedid not belp him at that moment, his family would go unary. Such request was made to God in his first letter. When he received only 70 pesos he wrote another letter to God requesting’ to send the remaining amount but not through post office as in his opinion post office employees were erocks who withdrew the amount sent by God to him Seen (lziters) describe his simplicity and innocence, Why does Lencho write a letter to God ? What ‘does he experience? (2012s2019)) "Ans, Lencho writes a letter to God to send him one hundred pesos as his corps were completely destroyed by the hailstorms and nobody in the village could help him. He and his family would die of hunger as there was not cnough food to eat for the whole of the year. He had firm faith in God and his only hope was God who could help hime He received seventy pesos and hee thought that the rest of the the amount was stolen by the post office staff. “Therefore he requested God to send the rest amount but not by mail as the post office employeesareerooks and dishanost Q5. "Lencho had deep faith in God but doubt on man," Comment. "Ans Lencho's erops were totally destroyed by the hailstorm, and there was nobody who could help him. He had only one hope-the help of God and hhe has complete faith on God so he wrote a letter to God demanding one hundred pesos, When he recsived the envelope containing seventy pesos, he dida't show any sign of surprise, which indicates his confidence, So, it can be said that Lencho had deep faith in God. ‘But when he opened the énvelope and counted the money, he found only seventy pesos, thirty pesos short than the requested amount. He inferred that those thirty pesos were stolen by the post office employees, He doubted the integrity of the employees of the post office. Q.6. Why does Lencho compare locust? ‘Ans. Lencho compares the hails and the locust because both of them eause destruction to the crops. The hailstorm has totaly destroyed the erops and they have nothing to eat for the whole year. In despair, Lencho said that attack by a plague of locusts would be better as it would not have caused that much of loss. It would kave left more com than by the hails The hails had let nothing and for that year they would not have any comp, Hence, the hails and locusts are compared by Lencho. Q.7. What did Lencho write in his first letter to God? Why did he write another letter to God? ‘Ans. In his first letter to God Lencho requested God to provide one hundred pesos to hiim as his erops were totally destroyed by the hailstorm and in order to sow his field again aad to until the crop come he needs that amount, otherwise his family would go hunery that year ‘Lencho wrote another letter to God as the amount he received was 30 pesos less than the amount requested by him. He again requested God to send him rest of the amount but not send it through the mail because the post office employees were crooks Short Answer Type Questions Q.1. What did Lencho hope for? ‘Ans, Lencho hoped for a downpour or atleast a shower as the ripe com was full of flowers and for a good harvest Water was needed. If there would be no water, erops would have destroyed. Q.2. Why did Lencho say that the raindrops were like ‘new coins'? ‘Ans. Lencho said that the raindrops were like ‘new coins! ‘as these were fresh and round like coins, and would ensure a good harvest. Moreover. by selling the erops he, could get new coins of ten cent like big raindrops and five cents like ae 3, How did the rain change? What Lencho's field? . Leppert ‘Ans, The rain changed suddenly with a strong, wind: started to blow and along with it yery lage hailstorm stated. Lencho's field was covered with white hailstones and the oe ‘was completely destroyed 4. Who oF what did Lencl ith in? Ercan hho haive faith in ? What ‘Ans, Lencho had complete faith in God. He believed the hails and the Lone me i live until the crops Q.5. What made Lenche ae ee 1 As anche rid requested for hundred pesos to Go ute received only seventy pesos. He thet contr have nade minke orden oot oot oifice employees were a bunch offieg ens mee of crooks who had cheated Q.6. What did th writen €9 Gad had be ins. When the postmaster had seer Ans ster had seen the leter, he asked for money from his e {fom his employees and friends, to maintain the in God. He himself gave part of his salary, He eg send ona litte more than half and alte le postmaster_do when a let en shown to him? ke Comprehension Questions + Read the extract giv. Ww sents da uct given below and answer the it was only when T began to lear that from was an illusion, hen I aiscoveal aa youse na that my freedom had already been taken from me, that | began to hunger for it. At first, as a student. I wanted free- dom only for myself, the transitory freedom of being able to stay out at night, read what I pleased and go whore I'choose Later, as a young man in Johannesburg, 1 yeamed for the basic and honorable freedoms of achioving my poteatial, of cerning my keep, of marrying and having a family-the free- dom not be obstructed in a lawl life (@) What did the narrator discaver as a youngman? (6) Who is the narrator in the passage? (c) What did he veam for? (@) What is lawful freedom? () Find the word in the passage which means the same as “prevented”. (a) He discovered as a youngman that his freedom had al- ready been taken from him. (b) Nelson Mandela is the narrator in the passage. (©) Lavefll isthe basic and honourable freedom thatis provided ‘everyone without any racial and other discrimination. (4) obstructed 2. I knew that the oppressor must be liberated just as surely as the oppressed. A man who takes away another man's freedom is a prisoner of hatred; he is locked behind the bars of prejudice and narrow-mindedness, 1 am not truly. free if | am taking away someone clse’s freedom, just as surely as I am not free when may freedom is taken from me. The oppressed and the oppressor alike are robbed of their bumanity. (a) Who is the writer of the above passage? (b) Who is ‘the oppressor” in the passage? (©) In what way are the oppressed and the oppressor robbed of their humanity? (@)_Find a word in the passage which means ‘freed (@) lr of the above passage (b) Aman who takes away another man’s freedom is “the oppressor” in the passage. (©) The oppressor and the oppressed are robbed alike of their humanity. A person is not free if he is taking away someone else's freedom just as surely the person is not froe when bis freedom 1s taken from him (@)_ ‘Liberated’ is the word in the passage which means ‘freed’ 3, No one is born hating another person because of the colour of his skin or his background or his religion. People ‘must leam to hate and if they ean lean to hate, they ean be taught to love, for love comes more naturally to the fnuman Iieart than its opposite. Even in the grimmest time in prison, ‘when my comrades and T were pushed to our limits, T would see glimmer of humanity in one of the guards, perhaps just for a second, but it was enough to reassure me and keep me ‘going. Man's goodness i a flame that can be hidden but never extinguished (@) _Doyouthinkitis ournatural instinct tohate other person con the basis of his colour or religion? (b) Do you believe that people can be taught to love? (c) What is natural to us-love or hate others? (@) Who is the writer of the above passage? (©) Which word in the passage means ‘companion’? (a) I don't think that to hate other person on the basis of his colour or religion is our natural instinct. (©) believe that people can be taught to love (©) Tolove others is natural to us. (@)__Nelson Mandela is the writer of the above passage (e) ‘Comrades’ means ‘companions’ 4. Inlife, every manhas twin obligations oblizations to his family, to his parents, to his wife and children. and he has an obligation to his people, his community, his country. In a civil and human society, each man is able to fulfil those obligations according to his own inclinations and abilities. But ina country like South Africa, it was almost impossible for a ‘man of my birth and colour to fulfil both of those obligations Tn South Africa, a man of colour who attempted to live as & human being was punished and isolated (a) What are the two obligations a man has to fulfil? (b) For whom twas not possible to flfilboth the obligations ‘of South Africa? ; (c) What one can do in a humane and civil society? (d): Which word in the passage means similar to ‘tendencies”? (a) Two obligations a man has to fulfil are—one towards ation, Twas not possible for a black coloured man in South ‘Africa to fulfil both the obligations, (©) Im humane and civil society one can fulfil both ‘obligations according to one's incfinations and abi (a) _Inclinations 5. Today, al of us do, by our presence here... confer elory and hope to newborn liberty. Out ofthe experince of soy segordinary human disaster that lasted too long, must De Bae society of which all humanity will be proud. We, who Were cutlawe not so Tong ago have today been given the rare privilege to be host to the nations of the world on our own so. (b) (a) What doall of us ‘do today? (b) What willall humanity be proud of? (c) What is the rare privilege? (0) Who said the word, ‘Its our rare privilege’ (c) phigh ‘word in the above passage meals as ‘a special right’ (a) Allo us confer glory and hope to newborn liberty. 8) Allfsumanity will be proud of a society which was bom ‘out of such a long human disaster. (6) The rare privilege is to host to the nations ofthe world ‘on the land of South Africa (@) _ Nelson Mandela said the word tis our rare privilege (c) Privilege. 6. Thal day had come about through the unimaginable sacrifices of thousands of my people, people whose suffering, ‘and courage can never be counted or repaid. I felt that day. gs Thave on so many other days, that I was simply the sum Spall those African patriots who had gone before me. That Tong and noble line ended and now began again with me. I svas pained that | was not able to thank them and that they were not able'to see what their saris had ‘wrought (a) Why did Mandela say that he was pained? (b)_ How had,the day of South African freedom come about? (©) ‘Twas simply sum of all those patriots." who said these words and why’ (@) Which words in the passage means ‘to experience something unpleasant’? (a) Mandela said that he was pained because he was unable to thank the patriots, (b) The day of South African freedom has come about through the unimaginable sacrifices of thousands of the black. ()__ Nelson Mandela sai the above words as he possessed the qualities of those patriots. @ i Suffering. 7: It was this desire for the freedom of my people to live their lives with dignity and self respect that animated my life, that transformed a fri young man into a bold one, that ‘avea law abiding attorney to become a criminal, that turned TUK em loving husband ina oan withouta home, tet forced aE erean lie like a monk, L amino more vruacas Of self sacrificing than the next man (@) What did animate the life of Mandela? (Who isa more virtous or self Aen cin than the next man? 2 (©) What was Mandela transformed in (3) Which word in the passage means ‘behaving in 8 Very good and moral way"? ey ie sia pon frcanmo6 te Dla dignity animated the life of Mandela (6) Mandela is no more virtuous and se the next man. (©) Mandela was transformed into criminal, @ person swithout home and a monk. (@ Vartwous 2 Long Answer Type Questions G.1, Why do you think that Nelson Mandela gradually understood the meaning of real freedom freedom for all? Hote In childhood, Mandela's concept of freedom was tom mania, to roast mealies, 10 ride te. lahis boyhood tus concept of freedom was to eet education, 0.29 anywhere, ts cone nght In his youthfulness, to achieve potential to cama livelihood, to marry, to have a family wore taken as, eam alin his maturity, to ive life with dignity and se Hepect became Mandela's concept of freedom. So, 1 think, Trp ulcon Mandela gradually understood the meaning of real freedom ie. freedom for all What does Nelson Mandela say about courage, serifives and strength of the leaders of freedom struggle? ‘Shs, Mandela thinks courage is not the absence of fear, but itis coming over the fear. According to Nelson Mandela, the brave man is not the one who does not have fear but one (iho wins over it. He leat the meaning of courage from the leaders of freedom struggle. He had seen men and women who risk their lives and sacrificed their lives for freedom. He ‘had seen men stood up to attacks and torture but did not break They showed a strength and resilience beyond tion aed How did Mandela's ange his life ? oR How did Mandela's hunger for freedom’ chan: his life? 7 “Ans. Tt was the desire for the freedom of his people to live their lives with dignity and self respect that animated Mandela's life. it changed a fearful young man into a bold ‘man; that drove a law abiding attomey to become a criminal ‘That changed a family loving man into a man without home which forced a life loving, man to live like a monk | Qa. What is the policy of apartheid? What was its impact on the black? : ‘Ans, The policy of apartheid is the system of racial if sacrificing than ‘hunger for freedom’ 012), nination and of their own land I rac fat he Saks sees rl i ica as ro oo AP ra lig, mn [Ets an ender al : ? stn ° bar. Frat aa ‘on the basis of gender in the South Africa and she eich pone eases OO Snot aa ‘Type Questions, sou At 7OU SAY how 10 May is an antumn day’ in Ans. 10 May is an ‘a this day the leaves of sla 'domination by the wh wainst the blacks uuthumn day’ in South Africa as on y very fell down from South Afri and freed the country from the continued boadage over 300 2.2. What do the mili 2 their attitude changed and whys "1" 40? How has Ans. The military generals salute Mr Mandela and pledge their loyalty to democracy and the newly elected government, Earlier, they arrested Mr, Mandela but now salute him as he has become the president of South Africa. \Q.3. Why were (wo national anthems sung? Ans. Two national anthems were sung because these showed two visions of the white and of the black. The white wanted to show respect to their national anthem and the black to their one. ‘Qed. What does courage mean to Mandela? Ans. To Mandela courage does not mean the absence of fear but to overcome it, The courageous man is one who does not become afraid but one who conquers that fear. QS, What ‘twin obligations’ does Mandela mention? ‘Ans. The ‘twin obligations’ Mandela mentions are; the obligations to his family, to his parents, to his wife and children, ‘and the obligations to his people, to his community, to his country Comprehension Questions 1. The young seagull was alone on his ledge, His two brothers and his sister had als the day before He had been afraid to fly with them, Somehow when fe had taken a little. run forward to the brink of the ledge an attempted to flap his wings he become afraid. The great expanse of sea down beneath, and it was such a les down. He felt certain than his wines hhim, $0 he bent his head and ran away back to the little hole under the ledge where he slept a 4s ee —i—— What was it that made seagull afraid of making his first flight? (b) Why was the séagull alone on his ledge? (6) Why did he come back to his hole? (@) Find the word in the passage which means "edge" (a) The great expanse of sea had made seagull afraid of smakang his frst fight (©) The seagull was alone on his ledge as his brothers and sisters had already flown away. (©) He felt certain that is wings would never stipport him, 0 he came back to his hole. (@ Brink 2. He dropped his legs to stand on the green sca. His legs sank into it He screamed with fright and attempted to rise again, lapping his wings. But he was tired and weak with hunger and he could not rise, exhausted by the strange exercise His feet sank into the green sea, and then his belly touched it and he sank no farther He was floating on it, and around him his family was Screaming, praising him and their beaks were offering him scraps of dog fish, He had made his first flight. ‘the young seagull rise’above the sea Who had made his first flight? How did the family congratulate him having made his first flight? Pick oul the word from the passage which means small pieces’ (a) The young seagull couldnt rise above the sea water because he was tired and weak with hunger. () The young seagull had made his first flight. (©) Thefamily congratulated him having madehis first flight by offering him scraps of dog fish. (@) Scraps 3. That was twenty four hours ago. Sinee then nobody had come near him. The day before, all day long, had watched his parents flying about with his brothers and sister, perfecting them in the art of flight, teaching them how to skim the waves ‘and how to dive for fish, He had, in fact seen his elder brother catch his first herring and devour it, standing on @ rock, while his parents circled around raising a proud cackle. —ii—— (a) What did the young seagull’s parents teach his brothers ‘and sisters? (0) soon Faising a proud cackle!. Who were raising a proud eackle and why? (©) For how long the young seagull ben alone on his ledge? (@) Find the word inthe passage which means a softfinned | sea fish.’ J : ‘The seagulls his brothers and 2 sister how to ham the waves and how to ive for fish. Be- (b) “The young seagull’ parents were ra to motivate their young ones. (©) The young seagiill had be thvenfy four hours (@) "Herring! is tho word whieh means 'a soft finned sea fish’ Long Answer Type Questions Q.1. Why do you think that young seagull's maiden fight was the result of his strong desire for food? eon) Ans. The seagull felt thathis wings would never support him to fly. Even when younger sister whose wings were shorter than his wings, ran to the brink, flapped her wings and flow away, he could not gather up courage to take that plunge The seagull was desperately hungry. and this hunger compelled him to fly He dived to set food from his mother. He fell into the space below the ledge. His family encouraged. him to fly fearlessly. Then he forgot that he had not been able to fly, and he got victory over his fear of flying, Q.2, What lessons do you get from the story "His Flight’? ‘Ans. We get many lessons from the story ‘His First Flight’, First one is to believe in yourself, Second, never fail to muster up or gather courage, Third, don't be frightened and fourth is to act upon the adviee of your family “Fe young seagl lols all the above characteristics ‘and was unable to fly. But later om he follows the advice and, gather courage and ultimately flied successfully. Q.3. How did the young seagull’s family motivate hhim for his first flight when he flapped his wings.once? Ans. When the young scagull flapped his wings once. his family motivated him forhis first fight. His mother swooped passed him making a'Toud noise. He answered with another scream. Then his father flew over him screaming. He saw his two brothers and sister flying around him curveting and banking. soaring and diving Short Answer Type Questions Q.1. How can you say that the young seagull was courageous too? ‘Ans, When the young seagull dived at the fish food and fell outwards and downwards into the space, he mustered up his courage and flapped his wings. As a result he soared upwards. He was no longer afraid and he floated on the sea water. Thus it can be said that the young seagull was courageous too. Q.2. What do you know about young seagull's family? ‘Ans. The young seagull has a small and co-operative family consisting of mother, father, two brothers anda sister. His mother is very caring and cooperative. She brings fish food for him, She helps him in taking his first flight. Other members of the family also help the young scagull in his first flight nga proudcackle alone on his ledge for Comprehension Questions, 7, Tnsire the clouds, everything was suddenly black, It ’ wi ‘vas impossible to seo anything outside the aeroplane. The old aeroplane jumped and twisted inthe ar looked atthe compas. couldn't believe my eyes the compass Was tum found and round. It was dead, It would not work, The other instruments were suddenly dead too. [ried te radi "Pang Conteol? Pars Control? Can you hear me”? “Thore was not answer The radio Was dead too. (ors) (a) Why was it impossible to see things outside the aeroplane? (6) What happened to the aeroplane? (c) Whom did the narrator call to? (d Whit ‘word in the passage means, “be forced out of shape (a) There were black clouds all around the black aeroplane soit was impossible to see things outside the aeroplane, (6) Inthe stormy cloucs the aeroplane jumped and twisted inthe air (©) The narrator called to Paris contorl to get some instructions, (@ dwisted 2, "Follow me." he was saying. "Follow me." ‘He knows that Lam lost,’ thought, He's trying to help He turned his acroplane slowly to the north, in front of my Dakota, So that it would be easier for me to follow him, 1 ‘was very happy to go behind the strange acroplane like an ‘obedient child, After halfan hour the strange black aeroplane ‘was still there in front of me in the clouds. Now there was only enough fuel inthe old Dakata’s last tank to fly for five or ten minutes more. I was starting to feel frightened again. But, then he started fo go down and I followed through the storm. ; me. (a) Who do you think was trying to help the narrator? (b) Why did the narrator go behind the strange aeroplane? {c) Why did he mm his aeroplane to the north? (@) What made the narrator fee! frightened again? (e) Find the word in the passage which means the same as ‘astray. Awe = (a) Some stranger was trying to help the narrator, and that ‘stranger was his inner self. (b) The narrator went behind the strange aeroplane as he thought that the stranger was helping him, (e) He tumed his aeroplane to the north so that he might easily follow the strange acroplane. (@) Narrator felt ightened again as his fuel would last only for five to ten minutes. (©) bos. 3, She looked at me very strangely and then laughed ‘Another aeroplane? Up there in the storm? No other aeroplanes were flying tonight, Yours was the only one Lcould, see on the radar,” So who helped me to arrive there safely ‘without a compass or a radio, and without any more fuel in } ply of theve Who was gePl athe woman nhs control conte? is ‘about the another aeroplane and Which aeroplane The word in the uses radio w; asta take nthe assage which means a system 2\88t0 find the poston ofamocag oot (c) The strange black : 1 eigatrange black aeroplane was without lihts Long Answer Type Questions .1. The pilot is lost in storiay dona he reach safely? 'y clouds. How does Ans. The pilot of the old Dako no light on ts wings. The pilot ofthat plane signaled, Des pilot to follow him. The plane tured tone the moro the Dakota's pilot followed. After an hour the Daketes plat o Jet with fue for just about Five minutes, Then he became Alter sometime the black strang come out of clouds. The pilot of the Dakota aeroplane saw ie se of the runway but the aeroplane he had followed Q.2. Why did the woman in the control room look at the narrator strangely? Ans. The nartator asked the woman in the control rom where he was and who was the other pilot who saved him, and he wanted to thank the pilot of that black aeroplane. The ‘oman in the control room surprised and look at the narrator strangely as no other aeroplane was flying that night and his was the only plane she could see on the radar. In the sky there were only huge storm clouds Tike black mountains. Q.3. Justify the title of the story. "The Black Aeroplane’. ‘Ans, The title of the story ‘The Black Aeroplane’ is apt and suggestive. The tittle is the centre of the whole of the action in the story. The ttle creates curiosity about the story The title keeps the readers in suspense. The title suggests about the important role of the black aeroplane in the story. Thus, the title is justified 5 i ‘Q.4. Who helped the narrator in the safe landing and how? B ‘Ans, A black strange aeroplane which has no lights on its wings helped the narrator in safe landing. Its pilot lifted his hand and waved, ‘The narrator eould see it flying next him through the storm, He followed it. Finally, it started going down and the narrator pilot followed it. He was out of the clouds and saw the runway of safely. the airport where he landed -6a Q.5. Compare and contrast the flights of the young seagull andthe narrator pilot ‘Ans. Initially, the young seagull was afiaid of his first flight whereas the narrator pilot was enjoying his flight of ld Dakota aeroplane over France back to Enaland. Both of them faced hardships in their fights, The seagull was hungry and faved death wiien he fell downward and outward. The narrator pilot assed through the stormy clouds. Finally, both of them successfully completed thoir fights. 4. From the Diary of Aine Frank Comprehension Questions 1. Writing, ina diary is a really strange experience for somone like me. Not only because I've never written anything before. but also because it seems to me thet later on, neither [nor anyone else will be interested in the musings of a thirtcen year old school girl. Oh well, it docsn't matter. | feel like writing, and I have an even ereater need to get all kinds of things off my chest "Paper has more patience than people. I thought of this saying on one of these days when | was feeling 2 little depressed and was sitting at home with my chin in my hands bored and listless. wondering whether to stay in or go out. (2015)/: (a) What makes writing in a diary a strange experience for the writer? (©) Why docs the writer want to keep a diary? (c) When did the writer think of the saying ‘Paper has more patience than people? What does this saying mean? (@ Which word in the passage means ‘low in spirit? =A (@) Writingin a diary is a strange experience for the weiter because no one like to peep into diary after sometime. (b) The writer wants to keep a diary as she wants to throw all things of her chest into the paper. (©) One day when the writer was in depression said that paper has more patience than people. It means that ‘one can write everything of one's life on paper, $0 it hhas more patience than people. : (@) Depressed 2, Let me put in more clearly, since no one will believe that thirteen year old sir! is completely alone in tie world ‘And I'm not. [ have loving parents and a sixteen year old sister, and there are about thirty people I can call friends. 1 have a family. loving, aunis and a good home, No, on the surface I'seem to have everything, except my one trac friend, All think about when I'm with friends ishaving a good time, (2) On what will no-one believe? *(b) How can you say that Anne is not alone in this world” (©) Tseem to have everything, Who said these words and why’? shied (4) Which word in the passage means "without sny other le! i a ee +3 Zt os (@) No one will believe that a 13 year old girl, Anne is ‘completely alone in this world (0) Anne isnot alone in this world as she has loving parents, a sixteen year old sister, loving aunts and thirty people to call friends and a good home. (©) Anne said these words because she hadn't even one true friend, (@) Alone. 3. [finished my poem, and it was beautiful. twas about @ mother duck and a father swan with three baby ducklings, Iho were bitten to death by the father because they quacked foo much. Luckily, Mr. Keesing, took the joke the right way. He read the poem to the class, adding his own comments, and to several other classes as well, Since then I've been allowed to talk and haven't been assigned any extra jomework. On the contrary, Mr. Kecsing's always maki Jokes these days Nee ee (2) About what was the pocm writien by Anno? (b) How did Mr. Keesing take this joke of Anne? (©) What was the impact of the versified essav/ poem on Mr. Keesing? (4) Which word in the passage means ‘the sound of a duck’ wets (2) _ Thepoem was wniten about a mother duck and a father swan with three baby ducklings who were bitten to death by the father because they quacked too much, (b) Mr. Keesing took this joke of Anne in the right way’ (©) Theimpact of the versified essay/ poem on Mr. Keesing was that he not only allowed Anne to talk but also didn’t assign her extra work. Quack, 4, Writing in a diary is a really strange experience for someone like me, Not only because I have never written anything before, but also because it seems to me that later on neither I nor anyone else will be interested in the musings of a thirteen-year-old school girl. Oh well, it doesn’t matter. I feel like writing, and I have an even greater need to get all kinds of things off my chest. “Paper has more patience than people’. I thought of this saying on one of those days when I was feeling a little depressed and was sitting at home with my chin in my hands, bored and listless, wondering whether to stay in or go out, @ (a) What makes viriting in a diary a strange experience for the writer? ) does the writer want to keep a diary? (©) When did the writer think of the saying ‘paper has more patience than people’? What does this saying mean? (d) Which word in the passage means ‘Low in spirit”? Writing in a diary was a strange experience for Anne es Frank, as she never had a diary before. She believed » in reading, ths thoughts of a thirteen-year-old girl (©) Anne wants to keep a diary because she does not have “real” friend, She thinks that paper has more paticnes than people (6) The centre core of our existence is bliss, positivity and joy but itis surrounded by a cloud of negative thoughts (@) depressed Long Answer Type Questions G.1. Do you think paper has more patience than people? If yes, why? Comment on the basis of your reading ‘From the Diary of Anne Frank’. ‘Ans. Yes I think paper has more patience than people From the Diary of Anne Frank” we know that Anne thought that paper has more patience than people because every information the paper remains safe till one lets anyone else ty read it. One can confide in the paper, and the paper doesn’, betray as the people do. The paper is a true friend. One ean ‘getall kinds of things off one’s chest. Anne called this paper | as ‘friend’. : | Q.2. Why was Mr. Keesing annoyed with Anne? | What did he ask her to do? Or How did Anne outwit Mr. Keesing? Ans. Anne's teacher Mr. Kessing was annoyed with her because of her incessant chatting. He gave her various assignments om the topic ‘Chatterbox’ to punish her for being so talkative. She wrote those assignments using her intelligence. She wrote the third assignment entitled ‘Quack, Quack, said Mistress Chatterbox’ in verse. She made sure that the joke in her essay aimed at Mr Keesing, It was about ‘a mother duck, a father swan and three baby ducklings who were bitten to death by the father because they quacked too much. Luckily. Mr. Keesing took the joke right way. Since then, Anne had been allowed to talk and she had not been assigned any extra homework. Q.3. Draw a character-sketch of Anne Frank. (2015) Ans, Anne Frank is a thirteen year old, intelligent and ‘humorous girl but she is talkative. Her incessant chatting annoys her Maths teacher. She has loving parents, aunis, many friends to play with but not even a single true friend ‘Therefore, she starts writing diary. She writes clearly: She wrote three essays which no girl of her age can dare to write. The third essay was a verse aimed at het Maths teachier Mr Keesing. Since then, she had been allowed to talk and no extra homework has been assigned to her. She loved her ‘grandmother very much and very often thought of her Hence, it can be said that Anne Frank is a loving, intelligent and humorous girl, Q.4. What was the story of the versified essayl poem? Ans. The versified essay/ poem was about a mother duck and a father swan with three baby ducklings who were bitten to death by the father swan because they quacked t00 ‘much. Anne’s teacher Mr, Keesing tried to play a joke on ‘Anne comparing her to baby that the joke was on him by comparing him with the father swan, q ducklings but she made sure } | Q. diary. Ans. The diary has a biographi iis anaubente ecordofthe rac lings of ese esis of wars, of the intimate examination oe Nazi occupation, of the hellish life of te people are concentration camps and many more Ame any igs ical productions. ions ie want to Keep a diar ants to keep a diary becaus jes t0 confide sn. And unfortanate, sing to ch 0, a di epi ang all Kinds of things ofther ches? Vl help le Mr. Keesing allow Anne to talk f the versified essay/poem, he the importance of Anne Frank's al films, television and thext Short Answer Type Questio Qu. Why does Ann Anne w: no close and truc fri ____Ans. Anne's versified essay made Mr. Ke hor to talkin the class, In this essay. father ewarepet to ducklings to death because they quacked too much. Mr. ee vant 0 be the falher swan ofthe essay a noes lid Anne justify her being a chatterbox ‘Ans. Anne justified it by saying that talking i trait. Metro she inherited ei her ieortes aectiatet as much 3 she talked, She would do ler best t keep it 2Q.4. What tells you that Anne loved her grandmother? ee Ans. Anne's birthday passed with little celebration when Grandmother fell ill in 1941 and had an operation. On Anne's birthday in 1942, Grandma's candle was also lit along with the rest, These tell us that Anne loved her grandmother Q.5. Why did Anne think she could confide more in her diary than in people? Ans. Anne thought that she could confide more in her diary than in people because she believed in the saying paper has more patience than people” Moreover, she had not ven a single te fiend to confide in, Comprehension Questions: 1. The first period was the study period. Maddie tried to. prepare her lessons, but she could not put her mind on her work. She hada very sick feeling inthe bottom ofher stomach True, she had not enjoyed listening to Pegey ask Wanda hove ‘many dresses she had in her closet, but she had said nothing She had stood by silently, and that was just as bad as what, Pegey had done. Worse. She was a coward. At least Pegay hadnt considered they were being mean but she, Maddie had thought they were doing wrong. (a) Why could Maddie not put her mind on her work? (b) Who asked Wanda about her dresses? : (©) Who was coward? : (@ Write the noun form of ‘consider (a) Maddie had a sick feeling in the bottom ‘of her stomach, so she could not put her mind on her work (b) Peggy asked Wanda about her dresses. (©) Peegy was a coward. {@) ‘Consideration’ 2, Wanda didn't have any friends, She came to school ‘nd went home alone. She always wore a faded blue that didn't hang right. It was clean, but it looked as though it had never been ironed properly, She didn't have any friends, but a lot of girls talked to her. Sometimes, they surrounded her in the school yard as she stood watching the litle girls play hopscotch on the hard ground, — i —— (a) Why did Wanda come to school alone and go home alone? (b) Which game did the little girls play? (©) _ ‘She didn't have any friends...” Who didn't have any friends? (@ Which word in the passage means 'a place where children go to be educated? (@) Wanda came to school alone and went home alone because she didn't have any friend (b) The little girls played ‘hopscotch’ game. (c) Wanda didn't have any friend, (@) School 3.""As for the girls,’ she said, “although just one or two sketches were submitted by most, onc gitl- and Room thirteen should be proud of her this one girl actually drew one hundred designs all different and all beautiful. In opinion of the judges, anyone of the drawings is worthy of winning the prize. 1am very happy to say that Wanda Petronski is the winner of the iris’ medal, Unfortunately, Wanda has been absent from ‘school for some days and is not here to receive the applause that is due to her. Let us hope she will be back tomorrow. ‘Now class. you may life around the room quietly and look at her exquisite drawings.” (a) “As for the girls", she said, Who is ‘she’ here? {b) Why should Room Thirteen be proud of this onc gir!” (c) Who was declared as the winner of the girls’ medal”, (@) What was the opinion of the judges? (©) Which wordin the passage means. “extremely beautiful and well made?” (a) Here, she refers to Miss Mason, the class teacher of Wanda. (b) Rooin Thirteen should be proud of this one gic! who submitted one hundred designis of the dresses. (©) Wanda Petronski was declared as the winner of the gitls' Medal. (@) The opinion of the judges was that any one of the rawing of Wanda Petronski was worthy of winning, the prize ke (e) ‘Exquisite! j Long Answer Type Questions, Q.1. Given the character sketch of Wanda ay 7 Petros ibed in the lesson 0) i. oy (017) "He a character sketeh of Wanda Petronst Polish who si ge fined She isn poor and vere un of her, Wanda likes allots \thouuhthey havetoneter Shegaeshkende et She wins the gis medal in drawing conten nek hera brilliant artist In this way-wve can say tee Simple inteligent, amiatble and eal eel Q.2. Why did Wanda say she had a hi resses? How was she treated by other gist ns fr ind Si ha sia ne dees, he iii tte Sense to answera fun lk a fun, When Pesce ake What they were like. Wanda said that all pees silk cesses snd are of different colours : iS hor Soeteen fin of Wa Wauees Bame: She asked the same questions time and sen When Wanda left the school courtyard and had gone away, ‘hey couldn't help bursting into shnicks and peals sf! laughter Q.3. In what way was Wanda different free te other children? _Ans. Wanda was different from the other children in the following ways: (i) Wanda was a Polish mmmigrant in America and her fainily was not a rich family So she had no friends. (Gv Her name ‘Wanda Petronski' seemed finny to the American girls, (in) Wada sat in the comer of the class room where rough boys who didnit make good marks sat Gy) She was very quiet and rarely said anything at all and nobedy had heard her’ laugh. (v) She came from the: Boggins Heights and her feet were ustally caked with dry niud. She came to the school alone and went home alone, (vi) She always wore-a faded blue dress that didn't hang right and unironed Q.4. What does Maddie think about teasing Wanda? ‘Ans. About teasing Wanda, Maddie feels embarrassed and thinks that Peggy shoulda’t ask questions to Wanda in the mocking, polite voice. Waida is a poor girl so she should not say ‘hat she has a hundred dresses, She should show more serse. Maddie would never have paid any attention 10 Wanda 1 Peggy had not invented the dress game, Q.S. What lessons do you draw from the story "The Hundred Dresses— I'? Ans. We dravw the following lessons from the story "The Ired Dresses-1. UTE Gae 8 steuleibe een ood natured like if eee tO Aisi sicbe saraa eto el ‘¢ th 4 erie SN be mate beholder of injustice like die ; ska de MR ‘we should sympathise and honour the talent as Ans. Wanda Potronski ig American school! Shi has quiet gitl. Other girls make to them proves h ndred lS. Penay had invented was done by Mise Petrouski Short Answer ‘Type Questions sy Qs Whee Hd Wade TRE Tshroom an why? ‘Ans. Wanda satin the seat next to the last seat inthe {ast row in the classroom sshere rou boys who didnt wre attention in the class sat i Jatesat there because she came all the way from Boggins Cid Ne feet vero usually caked with dry mud het and why do Peggy and Maddie notice Wanda's absence? "> a s Peagy and Maddie notice Wanda's absence on Thednesday, the third day of her absence. The reason is that they seanted to have some fun with her but she did't ten up so they got late forthe school Q.3: Did Wanda have a hundred dresses? Why do you think she said she did? Ans. Wanda didnt have a hundred dresses. She had ‘nly one faced blue dress 1 think she said $0 to make her position among the students. Moreover, she herself had designed a hundred esses, n, the élass teacher oF Wanda o. The Hun Comprehension Questions 1. Miss Mason stood there a momignt and the silence in the room grew tense and expectant, The teacher adjusted her glasses slowly and deliberately. Her manner indicated that what was eoming— ths letter from Wanda’s father- was ‘a matter of great importance, Everybody listened closely as Miss Masoon read the brief note (a) Who is Miss Mason’, (b) Why did the atmosphere become tense and expectant? (e) , What did the manner of Miss Mason indicate?” (@) "Which word in the passage means ‘with attention’? (a) Miss Mason was the class teacher in room No. igs ite., Wanda Petronski's class. (b) The atmosphere became tense and expectant because ‘Miss Mason was about to read out a letter of Wanda's father. (c) Miss Mason's manner indicated that what she was going to read was not so pleasant. @) Closely 2, She turned around dnd stole a glance at Peeey but Peggy did not look up. She seemed to be studying hard. Well, whether Peggy felt badly or not, she, Maddie had to do ‘something, She had to find Wanda Petronski. May be she had not yel moved away. May be Peggy would climb the Heights withkher, and they would tell Wanda she had won the contest, that they thought she was smart and the hundred dresses were tif, =i (a) Who scemed to be studying hard? 8 ‘What would Peggy and Maddie tell Wanda? ‘She tumed around ‘Which word in the passage er around and wy? age means ‘competition”? Peggy scemed to be stud; he studying hard Peggy and Maddie would tell Wanda that she had won the contest, that she w Re coptestthat she was smart and the hundred dresses (©) Maddie tumed ar (@ Contes ‘ee ind to steal a glance at Peggy. nea ae where the Petronskis live," said Maddie, poming aie wits Wie of pass se ed - long the pathway like thin kittens. The house

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