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● Off-World Traders & Collectors

buy salvage here

● On board SURGERY Robot:
○ Restore STR. (₡ 100)
○ Random CYBERNETIC. (₡ 1k)

● Visits surface once every 24 hrs

● About the size of a van

● Roll d6 for DEPTH

● Huge mounds of trash
● Stench - d6 CHA DAMAGE/Day
● 1in6 - New trash drop

● Roll 2d6 for DEPTH

● Echoey concrete voids
● Tunnels of cables
● 1in6 - Cave-in

● Roll 3d6 for DEPTH

● Solid fused metal walls
● Enormous artefacts
● 1in6 - Molten trash
What Is This?................................................... 4

Who Are You?.................................................. 5

Rules Of Play ....................................................7

Core................................................................. 7
Combat ........................................................... 7
Tags ................................................................8

Trash And Stuff .............................................. 12

Epsilon 5..........................................................13

Places To Explore .......................................... 15

Orbital Platform ........................................... 15
Space Elevator ............................................. 15
Trash Crust ................................................... 16
Rubble Mantle ...............................................17
Corroded Core .............................................. 18

The Creatures Beneath.................................19

Treasure To Find ........................................... 23

Printed in USA
Published by Swordfish Islands LLC, San Antonio Texas
Editing by Jacob Hurst
Illustrations (p. 3, 11 & 21) by Gabriel Hernandez
Illustration (p. 20) by Jeffery Preston available under Creative
Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. These and more great
free-to-use portraits are available on Drive Thru RPG under “108
Terrible Character Portraits”.
Writing, layout and all other art is by Olobosk.
Chris McDowell’s original Electric Bastionland can be found on
trash planet. A sphere of coagulated space junk.
Layers upon layers of generational garbage piled
upon itself thousands of times over. Rumours run
wild in nearby sectors and beyond that invaluable treasures
lie beneath the trash heaps of Epsilon 5.

This is a mini-setting, intended for a one-shot adventure or

mini-campaign, driven by desperate characters escaping a

The rules provide you and your players with a lightweight

framework and a set of distinct characters.

Characters start on the Orbital Platform, far above the

surface. With common goals, the party team up and take the
space elevator down to the surface...

ou are a desperate trash hunter, out to make money
to pay off the ₡ 6k debt you obtained escaping your
previous life.

Your creditor pursues you keenly. They seek your body for
their indemnification, flesh snatchers will be in pursuit.

You are an outcast. Nobody will employ you.

Trash is your only hope.

Create a Character:

1. Roll 3d6 for each ABILITY SCORE:

● Strength (STR) - Power & Toughness.
● Dexterity (DEX) - Agility & Precision.
● Charisma (CHA) - Charm & Confidence.
You may swap two results.
2. Roll 1d6 for HIT PROTECTION (HP).
3. Roll 1d6 for your current Credits (₡).
4. Consult the TRAGIC PAST table opposite comparing your
highest ABILITY SCORE (row) and rolled HP (column)

1-2 HP 3-4 HP 5-6 HP

Astro Mutineer AI Parasite Genetic

An insubordinate An uplifted AI who Atrocity
deckhand from a found and The result of human
STR is Highest

doomed star-ship. "formatted" a fleshy genetic experiments

host with just now outlawed in all
Oversized Wrench enough cybernetics Authority controlled
(d10 DAMAGE, to contain itself. sectors.
HARNESS Your Body is Just Flesh Ripping
(ADVANTAGE on STR a Vessel (ARMOUR Claws (d6 DAMAGE),
can hear machine

Neurohacker Corporate Memory Thief

Half brain surgeon, Headhunter An armchair
half electrical You sought out the psychiatrist with a
DEX is Highest

engineer, all most competitive habit of getting into

illegitimate practice. people in your people's heads.
industry. To kill them.
Laser Scalpel (d6 Bone Saw (d8
Surgeon: Can install Neuro-TOXIN STING - “Plug in” to living
CYBERNETICS. (d10 CHA DMG) - cerebral tissue and
Medic: Can heal d6 follows your recover memories.
STR damage. commands, OPTICAL
CAMO - Ranged
attacks against you

Cybernetics Holo-Wraith Degenerate

Addict You’ve already died Aristocrat
Addiction is a state once, but you got Left a life of
CHA is Highest

of mind. Not that you over it. unimaginable luxury

have much of your escaping
own left anymore. Drain (d6 ENERGY) - bloodthirsty
Heal HP equal to rebellion. It only cost
Roll 3 times on the DAMAGE done. everything.
Table. Your form is entirely Ceremonial Sword
information. (d6 ENERGY),

Core Turns. On a turn you can
move and take one ATTACK
Players. Control a single OR ACTION, in any order.
character (usually), and DEX SAVE to act first.
use them to interact with
the world. Combat
Facilitator. Adjudicates the Attacks. Declare who you
rules, describes the game target before any dice are
world, and acts as any rolled. Roll your weapon’s
non-player character. DAMAGE die and deal the
result to your target.
Saves. Roll a d20 and
compare to a relevant Multiple Weapons/
ABILITY SCORE to avoid Attackers. Roll the
danger. DAMAGE die for each, but
● Roll ≤ ABILITY SCORE = only deal the highest
Success, 1’s always single result.
● Roll > ABILITY SCORE = Actions. Anything that isn’t
Failure, 20’s always fail. an ATTACK is an ACTION,
any rules for special
Advantage/Disadvantage. circumstances are at the
Roll twice, take the better/ discretion of the
worse result. FACILITATOR.
Damage. Lose that much body recovery and off
HP. At 0 HP, any world transport. The
remaining DAMAGE is dead character’s player
removed from your STR should immediately
score. You must then pass create a new character
a STR SAVE to avoid being and be reintroduced as
INCAPACITATED. quickly as possible. All
● Armour. Reduces sorts of people can be
DAMAGE rolls against you found scavenging
by its value. Your EPSILON 5.
ARMOUR can never be
more than 3. Tags
● Incapacitated. Can only
crawl until you get help Bonus. Denoted as +d4,
and REST. You die if left +d6, etc. Roll in addition to
for an hour or more. Damage dice and deal the
highest single result.
Retreat. Make a DEX SAVE
to run away, if possible. Bulky. Awkward to carry
and require two hands to
Health & Healing. Your HP use. A Character can only
is not a measure of your carry 2 BULKY items at
health, but of your ability once. Any more and they
to avoid DAMAGE. are reduced to 0 HP.
● Rest. A few minutes of
REST restores your HP Cybernetic. Cannot be used
to maximum, but could unless attached to a pre-
result in consequences. existing socket or
● Surgery. Restoring your installed via SURGERY.
specialist treatment, Blast. Weapons that affect
such as SURGERY. all potential targets in an
● Ability Loss. At zero appropriately sized area.
STR, you are dead, at DAMAGE is rolled
zero DEX you are separately for each. If it's
paralysed and at zero not clear how many
CHA you are catatonic. targets are affected, roll
● Death. When a character the weapons DAMAGE dice
dies, the remaining to determine the number.
characters’ debt
increases by 1k ₡ for 8
Energy Damage/Armour. ● Reaction. When the
Weapons marked as initial attitude of a NPC is
ENERGY ignore regular uncertain, have them roll
ARMOUR. ENERGY and a CHA SAVE. On a pass
PLASMA ARMOUR reduce it’s positive, on a fail it’s
their damage. negative. A Player
Character may make
Plasma Damage/Armour. this SAVE in place of the
Weapons marked as NPC if they wish.
PLASMA ignore ENERGY ● Morale. When a NPC is
and regular ARMOUR. reduced to less than half
PLASMA ARMOUR reduces their HP they must pass
their damage. a CHA SAVE or attempt
Groups. When the number
Trauma. When you hit of enemies encountered
exactly 0 HP due to an is impractical to manage,
attack roll on the TRAUMA they can be treated as a
table (p. 11). group.
● All act in one turn, and
Suffocation. You can have shared HP and
survive without air for 3 ABILITY SCORES equal to
turns. If you cannot take a the highest in the group.
breath on your 4th ● If they would be
consecutive turn, you die. INCAPACITATED they
Structures and Machines. ● At 0 HP they are half
Can have HP like their number and the
CREATURES. When reduced group’s MORALE is
to 0 HP they are wrecked tested.
and anyone inside them ● At 0 STR they are all
takes d6 DAMAGE. dead.
● ATTACKS against them
Enemies. Rules for running have DISADVANTAGE
non-player characters unless they are BLAST.
(NPCs). ● ATTACKS from them
● Assumed Stats. ABILITY receive +d12 BONUS and
SCORES not listed are 10 are tagged BLAST.

d12 Trauma
1 Close Call - Nothing you can’t shake off, but next time you’ll
be more careful. Re-roll Max HP on a d6 and keep if its higher.

2 Deep Wound - It may take some time to heal, but you feel
stronger for it. Re-roll Max HP on a d6 and keep if its higher.

3 Disfigured Face - You are bashed, cut or stabbed in the face.

Roll a DEX SAVE, if you fail you are blinded.

4 Impaled on Debris - You fall or are pushed onto a sharp

piece of junk. It will need to be removed with SURGERY.

Internal Bleeding - If you become INCAPACITATED before you
get SURGERY you die. After you get the SURGERY, re-roll Max
HP on 2d6 and keep if its higher.

6 Torn Tendons - Your attacks are have DISADVANTAGE until you

have SURGERY. Re-roll Max HP on 2d6 and keep if its higher.

7 Collapsed Lung - You SUFFOCATE in two turns instead of 4

until you have SURGERY. After, you SUFFOCATE in 6.

8 Severed Limb - Lose a random appendage.

9 Tormented - You become fearful of your attacker. If you kill

them, re-roll Max HP on 3d6 and keep if its higher.

Death Knell - Your close call with death has given you
perspective. If you return to the ORBITAL PLATFORM to call your
family, re-roll Max HP on 3d6 and keep if its higher.

11 Nanobot Infection - Your wound festers with machines.

Over the next 24 hours, you grow a random CYBERNETIC LIMB.

12 Glimpse the Face of the Machine God - If you die, you

come back as a HOLO-WRAITH.
psilon 5 is brimming with junk, most of which is
literally useless garbage. Plastic wrappers carpet the
compacted tin can floors, decomposing grunge
paints the walls of crumbling concrete, and piles of
loose rubbish fill every nook and cranny.

Every new LOCATION the characters discover hides

at least one TREASURE for them to discover, to be
found somewhere determined by the FACILITATOR.

Desperate trash divers may wish to rummage

amongst the detritus for useful items,
weapons or armour. The attached TRASH
Table can be used to determine what they
find in the trash heaps around them.

Hunting around in mounds of waste

however, is loud and disruptive.
Characters searching have a 2in6
chance of attracting the attention
of a random nearby CREATURE.

psilon 5 is presented in 3 parts; LOCATIONS,
CREATURES, and TREASURES. Each of these is a list,
intended to be rolled on at the table by the
FACILITATOR. What dice are rolled depends on the list and the
characters’ DEPTH. DEPTH is determined by which strata the
players are in; 1d6, 2d6 or 3d6 for the Trash Crust, Rubble
Mantle or Corroded Core respectively.

LOCATIONS - The detritus that makes up Epsilon 5 swirls and

shuffles under the forces of its own gravity, meaning routes
between locations are continuously changing. Each time the
characters move to a new location, roll 1d6 and add the
result to the previous one. Lookup the total to determine the
location discovered. Once the result exceeds 24, the players
have descended as deep as possible. Repeat the procedure
but subtract the 1d6 results on the return journey.

CREATURES - Roll DEPTH each time the players move to an

unvisited LOCATION to determine what lurks there. Also roll
whenever the characters dawdle or make lots of noise.

TREASURES - Roll DEPTH each time the players move to an

unvisited LOCATION to determine what is hidden there.

● Off-World Traders & Collectors
buy salvage here
● On board SURGERY Robot:
○ Restore STR. (₡ 100)
○ Random CYBERNETIC. (₡ 1k)

● Visits surface once every 24 hrs

● About the size of a van

● Roll d6 for DEPTH

● Huge mounds of trash
● Stench - d6 CHA DAMAGE/Day
● 1in6 - New trash drop

● Roll 2d6 for DEPTH

● Echoey concrete voids
● Tunnels of cables
● 1in6 - Cave-in

● Roll 3d6 for DEPTH

● Solid fused metal walls
● Enormous artefacts
● 1in6 - Molten trash
A giant spinning metal saucer lashed to the
surface. Antennae spill from its caps into
the void, relaying signals between Epsilon 5
and the rest of the sector. If required, the
services of other desperate Trash Divers can be
bought here, such as (price listed is per day):
● Desperate Dredger (₡ 5): 3 HP, Spade (d6)
Looking for a lost friend. (1in6 - They’re alive)
● Runaway Rebel (₡ 25): 5 HP, Pipe Gun (d6
Paranoid the Authority is after them. (They are.)
● Treasure Hunter (₡ 100): 3 HP, ULTRASOUND
SCANNER EYE, Glass Shiv (d4)
Cowardly, refuses to descend into the Core.

Coiled cables of Hyper-Steal® stretch into the

infinite abyss, disappearing into the mass of
garbage below. An industrial looking capsule
clambers up and down its length. The on-board AI,
re-purposed from a call centre switchboard, is
capable of answering any mundane questions
15 about Epsilon 5’s environment.
Rolling hills of junk and plains of garbage.
Characters take 1d6 CHA DAMAGE each
day they stay here due to the stench.
Fresh trash is dropped off daily. 1in6
chance a Mega-Corp freighter drops a
few tonnes when players are here. DEX
SAVE or be buried up to your shoulders.

d6 Location
Acid Lake
1 Bubbling, Glowing Green-Yellow, Smells Sour
Flotsam rafts of jumbled junk drift on the surface. d4 DAMAGE
per turn to any organic matter submerged within.
Reject Replicant Zoo
2 Slightly Metallic Farmyard Smell, Various Animal Sounds
Defective mass produced animal replicants on display. Cats that
moo, pigs with wings, elephants with tiger stripes, etc.
Neon Pyre
3 Dazzling Bright Colours, Acrid Smell of Burnt Plastic
Shattered glass threaded with metal, alight in neon flame. Holo-
Wraiths and cyborgs CHA SAVE or stare endlessly into the fire.
Village of Failed Clones
4 Trash Huts, Glowing Neon Signage, Crackling Electrical Fires
Populated entirely with clones of one woman. Dumped here 6
weeks ago, quickly formed a meritocracy amongst the trash.
Sludge River Valley Rapids
5 Greenish-Grey Rapids, Smells of Sewage, Sounds of Draining
Foul water rushes into the distance. DEX SAVE while traversing
or be carried off into [RE-ROLL LOCATION], in a flood of filth.
Mega-Corp Mining Ship Wreck

Thick Black Exhaust Pours Out, Red Lights Flash, Sirens Scream
Embedded into the crust. On board systems in various states of
distress. (2d4: 1:Surveillance, 2:Life Support, 3:Drone Security,
4:Mining Laser - 1:Online, 2:Damaged, 3:Overloaded, 4:Offline)
Vending Machine Graveyard
7 Tightly Stacked in Rows, All Damaged, None Empty
Mundane items only. Always cheaply made. Break after use.

Illegal Pharmaceutical Dump

8 A Sea of Medical Waste, Clinking of Glass Vials, Antiseptic Smell
Used needles, dirty dressings, etc. If you fall in: (d4: 1:Poisonous
Chemical, 2:Infectious Disease, 3:Expired Narcotic, 4:Nothing)
Echoey voids of dusty air with crumbled
concrete walls. Wire and steal climbs up
every surface coating some walls like
paint. Tunnels of cables snake between
these pockets, transporting electricity
and air throughout Epsilon 5 like veins.
1in6 chance of a cave-in in each location,
DEX SAVE or get stuck behind debris.

d6 Location
Knotted Rebar Lattice
9 Cramped, Crumbling Concrete Tumbling Down, No Flat Surface
An asymmetrical mesh of steel hangs in a spherical chamber.
Entry & exit are vertically opposite, your only choice is to climb.
Outdated Quantum Processing Unit
10 Racks of Processors, Smells of Cats
Should the players choose, they may travel back in time to the
moment they first enter this room at any point after this.
Deep Photon Storage Cube
11 Smooth Glass Surfaces, Flickers of Colour, Chips and Cracks
AI stored as light inside a glass maze. Uses holographic
duplicates of the players to communicate. Wants to escape.
Cybernetics Waste Disposal Unit
12 Metallic Walls, Everything Echos, Smells of Formaldehyde
A huge vat, now almost entirely drained. Surgically amputated
limbs, once well preserved, now sit in piles slowly wasting away.
Coiled Subway Train
13 Bright Advertisements, Smells of Sweat, Uncomfortably Sloped
A snaking corridor of undersized seats and greasy stanchions.
Lost Dystopian Government Building

Brutalist Halls, Impossible Geometry, Flickering Halogen Lights
Blends seamlessly into the fractured rubble around you. No
matter how deep into it you travel, as soon as you turn around
you immediately find yourself at the exit.
Overgrown Aeroponics Capsule
15 Flashing Halogens, Nutrient Rich Aerosol, Sounds of Growing
Tangled roots, thick as fog, hang down like unkempt hair.
Abandoned Trash Mine Shaft
16 Sky Far Above, Jangling Chains, Falling Debris
Gaping hole from the surface. Rickety scaffolding climbs up the
walls. Defunct boring machinery at the bottom, out of fuel.
The gravitational pressure from above has
fused the scrap metals, rocky debris and
biological matter into solid walls. The
rooms down here are artefacts in
themselves, scrap star ship hulls, empty
MegaCorp buildings and obsolete factory
units. 1in6 chance the room is slowly filling
with molten trash. Rooms fill in 3d6 turns.

d6 Location
Construction Mech Boneyard
17 Steel Skeletons, Oil Stains, Concrete Dust
Hulking humanoid metal frames lines up rank and file. No single
mech is fully formed, almost all are picked dry of valuable parts.
Long Term Hazardous Waste Storage
18 Sickening Greens and Violent Reds Painted in Menacing Patterns
A thick black granite floor shields you from vicious radioactive
waste. Any fracture emits vicious radiation, fatal in d6 days.
Long Lost Interstellar Ark
19 Well Rusted Hull, Dim Glow of an Artificial Sun
Lost in the stars for uncountable generations. The inhabitants
have no idea they are in a generation ship.
Defective Holo-Chamber
20 Plain While Walls, Pale Blue Grid, Floor at an Angle
Reads the subconscious of the first Character to enter. The
chamber presents a scene from the escape of their life before.
Crystallised Alloys
21 Glittering, Angular Crystal Formations, Sharp Edges
Silvery crystals erupt from the rocky walls. Explosions of exotic
metals frozen in beautiful chaotic formations.
Scrapped Gravity Drive
22 Dull Hum Cut by a High Pitched Whine, Garbage Floats Weightless
Zero G environment. Cuts out for a few seconds occasionally.
Overloaded Substation
23 Sparking Pylons, Crackling Electricity, Ozone Smell
All ENERGY weapons and ARMOUR are twice as effective here.
Deep Scrap Forge

Hot, Bright Orange Light, Scrap Metal Piles
A fusion powered furnace constantly being fed by unintelligent
droids, fetching scrap from the surface. They seek metal,
disregarding any biological matter that may be attached to it.
1. Surveillance Drone
DEX 14, 4 HP
A very obtuse floating camera
with a big flashing red light.
Makes loud whirring noise
while it zooms and focuses.
○ Follows characters around,
preventing them from being
○ Floats annoyingly just out of

2. Virtual Shade
Corrupting Touch (d6
d6 Neon blue, two-dimensional
amorphous holograms,
flickering and distorting as it
○ It’s attacks cause electronics
to go haywire and digital
storage to become
○ It despises structured
3. Heat Seeking 6. Corrupted Medical
Advertisements Droid
CHA 13, 3 HP 9 HP, Rusty Surgical
Nano projectors hover in the air Instruments (d10 DAMAGE)
around you, casting Self propelled medical cot
holographic advertisements for wrapped in a tangle of robotic
long discontinued products armatures.
based on your demographic. ○ It just wants to “fix” you.
○ BLINDS while blaring neon ○ If it deals any STR DAMAGE to
soaked promotions. you, roll on the CYBERNETICS
○ CHA SAVE or targets become LIMB table.
obsessed with what its
advertising. There is 1 left 7. Damaged Android
somewhere on Epsilon 5. DEX 13, 10 HP, Degloved
Metal Claw (d8 DAMAGE)
4. Living Rust Unsettling human face,
6 HP stripped of synthetic flesh. It
A reddish-brown translucent lays, bleeding white fluid from a
blob, filled with flecks of rust. severe looking injury, it juts and
○ Its touch corrodes metal, d6 whines dramatically.
DAMAGE per TURN. ○ Feigns distress until
○ Silently crawls along surfaces cybernetics/electronics are
in search of refined metals within reach.
and polished alloys. ○ Tears them apart to use for
○ Slimy and sticky - STR SAVE repairing itself.
to remove.

5. Metallic Maggots
DEX 16, 1 HP each , 1
ARMOUR, Gnashing Metal
Mouths (d6 DAMAGE)
2d4 Rusty little metal pills
that wriggle and squirm.
○ Leap towards nearby
metal and quickly burrow
into it.
○ If left for several hours,
they erupt as METALLIC
○ Metallic Flies: Same
stats except as large as a
chicken and attacks
against metal foes have
+d8 BONUS.
8. Liquid Flesh ○ It’s cabling is plugged into a
9 HP nearby power source, it can‐
A muscular ooze crawls not move too far
towards you, it’s discordant
voices crying out in pain. 10. Failed Clones
○ Medical experiment gone 7 HP, 1 ARMOUR, Repurposed
awry and gained sentience. Junk (d6 DAMAGE, BULKY)
○ Wants to merge with any d6 Ordinary looking humans.
human flesh it finds. Filled with existential dread
○ DEX SAVE to resist or it about the meaninglessness of
absorbs the flesh from a their existance.
random limb leaving clean ○ Impossibly vain about the
bone and cybernetics behind. mild differences to their
parent clone.
9. Screen Golem ○ Hunts them down to replace
STR 15, 8 HP, 1 ARMOUR, them.
Screen Burn (d8 BLAST)
A hulking mass of bright 11. Hostile Repair Drones
screens, most DEX 15, 8 HP, Frenzied Tools
cracked, and glowing (d10 DAMAGE)
with bright static. A swarm of d6 floating metal
○ Screen Burn: spiders, scanning the terrain.
Screens flash with ○ Their tools whirr loudly, you
bold text mes‐ can hear them coming.
sages, insulting ○ They attempt to fix any
the characters electronics they find, by
with personal taking them apart first.
Blinded for 12. Biocopier
d6 7 HP, 2 ARMOUR
turns. An oven sized hunk of metal on
tracks rolls slowly through the
○ Bioscanner: Slits on all sides
spit laser scanners at it’s
○ The first biological creature it
scans, it will begin copying.
○ 1 TURN later a red-raw,
steaming copy of the
scanned creature emerges
from within.
○ It’s not a good copy, but it is
13. Artificial Chimera ○ Hacks nearby tech to enact
STR 17, 12 HP, Bestial it’s will.
Weaponry (d10 DAMAGE) ○ Desperate to escape Epsilon
A genetic amalgamation of 5 by any means.
various creatures, an
abomination of nature. About 16. Cable Basilisk
as big as a cow. DEX 16, 10 HP, Solenoid
Roll for what it consists of: Squeeze (d10 ENERGY)
○ Head of a… [d6: 1:Mantis, 10ft long black snake of twisted
2:Moose, 3:Lion, 4:Human, and braided cabling, electricity
5:Rhino, 6:Shark] sparks from gashes of exposed
○ Body of a… [d6: 1:Bear, wires.
2:Pufferfish, 3:Porcupine, ○ Solenoid Squeeze:
4:Gorilla, 5:Beatle, 6: Tortoise] Constricts its prey, dealing d4
○ Limbs of a… [d6: 1:Giraffe, STR DAMAGE every TURN.
2:Tiger, 3:Chimp, 4:Spider, 5: DEX SAVE to escape.
Ostrich, 6:Eagle] ○ Feeds on electricity.
○ Angry at the world for its very
existence. 17. Silica Gelatinous Cube
18 HP, Digestive Jelly (d10
14. Neo-Lich DAMAGE, Dissolves Metal)
15 HP, 1 ARMOUR, Plasma- House sized silicon based
Claws (d8 PLASMA) ameboid, emerged from the
A husk of dying flesh barely recycled silicon primordial
held together with rusting and soup present on Epsilon 5.
sparking cybernetics. ○ Driven by instinct, can sense
○ Roll twice on the CYBERNETIC electromagnetic fields and
LIMB table for its currently crawls towards them.
functioning cybernetics. ○ Gives off 30ft EMP bursts as it
○ Tries to pry CYBERNETICS off of moves, paralysing any
any creature it sees. nearby electronics.
○ Their sole desire is to
continue to live. 18. Scrap Worm
20 HP, 2 ARMOUR, Plasma
15. Rogue AI Cutter Teeth (d10 PLASMA)
--ERR0R-- HP Huge mechanised beast that
A digital influence floats swims through the planet's
through the area like a fog. surface like water.
○ A hostile AI dumped here by ○ You can feel it coming in the
it’s irresponsible creators. walls and floor.
○ Moves by copying itself ○ Bursts out jaws snapping.
wirelessly from digital ○ Senses heat not vibrations.
storage to digital storage
amongst the trash.
1. Nano-ecosystem 3. Single Neo-Rose (₡1k)
Terrarium (₡1k) A genetic accident, suited only
A glass octahedron the size of a to growing in the unique trash
football. Inside, a microcosm of riddled soil of EPSILON 5. Its
miniature people. They deify pungent odour, reminiscent of
whomever they see peering rose and paint stripper, never
into their tiny world. Any fades even when picked.
disturbance to their fragile
ecosphere causes extinction in
1d4 days.

2. Discontinued
Cybernetic (₡1k)
Roll 2d6 on the CYBERNETIC
LIMB Table to determine the
CYBERNETIC. This rusted and
malfunctioning piece of tech
has an on-board A.I unit,
intended for seamless
integration with the user, but
has grown bitter and vengeful
in its abandonment.

4. Self Folding Origami 8. Electro-Ceramics (₡1k)
(₡1k) A collection of electro-ceramic
A crumpled square of colourful components. The knowledge of
paper, etched with circuitry. how to create these devices
Capable of folding into any has been lost, thus they are
origami shape on command. now rare and valuable. Also
Worthless if it gets wet. incredibly fragile and
susceptible to smashing into
5. Universal Compost worthless pottery.
Mother (₡1k)
A small nanite cluster able to 9. Box of Hyper-
systematically breakdown any Twunkies (₡1k each, 1d4
material and self-replicate with found)
the residue. Contained in an A single pristine box found
unassuming glass vial which surrounded by piles of
activates the nanobots upon smashed and rotten ones. Each
opening. It acts fairly slowly but Hyper-Twunkie heals d6 STR if
if not handled with care could consumed. Very fragile, even a
result in a catastrophic pin-prick hole in their flimsy
ecophagy scenario. plastic wrap will cause them to
spoil before they can be sold.
6. Precious Metal
Crystals (₡1k) 10. Subsurface Gas (₡1k
Fractal metal structures, per Gallon)
formed into large, beautiful A unique blend of valuable
crystals under the vast gases coalesced from rotting
pressure of trash. Sharp and trash and technology. Has a
dangerous to carry. While recognisable odour, and sinks
carrying it, DEX SAVE to the ground, heavier than air.
whenever you fall or get jostled Poisonous to breath for too
in any way or suffer d6 long.
11. Paranoia
7. Four Dimensional Suppressants (₡1k each,
Diamond (₡1k) 1d6 found)
An unbelievably beautiful Large and heavy plastic barrels
stone, its inner structures filled to the brim with small,
waiver as you look at them. It's blue-capped pills. The seals
difficult for three dimensional are especially weak. If knocked
creatures to move it around. It over they will open and spill
tends to ‘fall’ in the fourth everywhere.
dimension, dramatically
changing is size and shape
when moved too quickly.
12. The Last Archives inconvenient moment. Its
(₡10k -1k per disk lost) nuclear battery and
The sum total of humanity's electromagnetic shielding
knowledge stored on 10 fragile make it difficult to stop this.
magnetic disks. Especially
susceptible to disturbances in 15. Hyper Beautiful Bird
magnetic fields. Every time a Person (₡10k)
character takes an action that Genetic fusion of bird and
endangers the disk, roll 1d10 human. Almost unbearably
and mark off that disk number beautiful. The creature is vain
as corrupted and worthless. If and proud, but also skittish and
that number is rolled again, fragile.
nothing happens.
16. Depressed Android
13. Anonymous Clone (₡10k)
Tank (₡10k, BULKY) Once the latest in therapy-
A human sized life-support droids, this model had a
pod, in ultra-low power saving manufacturing fault in its
mode. A dim blue glow from empathy chip. Melancholy
behind its frosted glass front overrides its primary directive,
reveals the vague silhouette of resulting in a complete lack of
a person. The person inside is motivation. Composed of an
the last clone of a long thought incredibly durable and heavy
dead heir to a vast alloy, it's near impossible to
monopolistic megacorp. carry.

17. Long Rusted Mech

One story tall and weighs as
much as a whale. All joints
seized, every surface covered
in red rust, power packs are out
of juice.

18. Haywire AI Core

14. Antique Cyberdeck Processor (₡10k, BULKY)
(₡10k, BULKY) Retrofitted to a cyberdeck,
Near ancient tech, barely capable of speech, and has
recognisable as such. access to various wireless
Randomly glitches blaring loud communications. Desperate to
digital static at inopportune infect a new host.
times. There is a 5in6 chance
that it will do this at an

d6 Cybernetic Limbs
2. Dart Gun (Target Unconscious 1 turn after hit)
(₡ 100)
3. Laser Beam (d6 ENERGY)
6. TARGETING LENS (Ranged Attacks have ADVANTAGE)

(₡ 150)


4. EMERGENCY CRANIAL SHIELD (The first time you would

drop below 0 HP, instead drop to 1 HP.)
5. Sonic Blast (d4 ENERGY, BLAST, Temporarily Deafens)
6. SEISMIC SENSOR (Detect cave-ins 1 TURN before.)

1. HYDRAULIC LEG (Jump 6ft high or leap 10ft)

(₡ 350)

3. REFLEX MODULE (Movement related DEX SAVES have

4. STEALTH PADDING (Walk/Run Silently)
5. HOVER JET (Hover in place or at walking speed)
6. Shin Blade (d8 DAMAGE)

1. Plasma Rifle (d8 PLASMA)

(₡ 350)


4. Increase STR +2
6. ROCKET ELBOW (Melee Attacks have ADVANTAGE)

1. AUTO SHIELD (Ignore 1 attack/REST. Declare before.)

2. BACK MOUNT (Carry 3 BULKY Items before HP is 0)
(₡ 500)

3. RESERVE OXYGEN TANK (6 Hours per day)
4. Offensive Bile Tank (Vomit Acid, d8 DAMAGE)
5. ADRENALINE BOOST (Take d4 DAMAGE to immediately
take another turn)
6. MEDICAL NANOBOTS (Recover 1 STR DAMAGE per day)

2. Nail-blades (d6 DAMAGE)
(₡ 200)

3. Palm Defibrillator (d4, Recover a character on 0 STR
to 1 STR, 1 HP, 1 turn after death)
5. Finger Bombs (5 per hand, d8 BLAST)

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