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answered in 80-100 words TL One out of the two short answer type q) answered in 30-40 words, words * Three Types of questions are asked from the supplementary reader (Footprints without Feet). 1. One out of two questions to interpret, evaluate and analyse character, plot of situations occurring in the lessons to be stions of interpretative and evaluative nature based on lesson IIL. One out of the two short answer type questions based on factual aspects of the lessons to be answered in 25-30 to be A Triuttiph Of Surgery) Long Answer Type Questions: Q.1. Who was Mr, Herriot? And how did he help Mrs. Pumphrey? (2019) Ans. Mr. Herriot was a capable veterinary surgeon who treated Tricki. He was very compassionate doctor and a wise and sympathetic human being. He showed his capabilities almost immediately when he advised Mrs, Pumphrey. He is a tactful person and he tactfully answers the silly question of ‘Mrs. Pumphery. He simply tells about the progress in the health of Tricki.Mr Herriot teated Tricki, the pet of Mrs. Pumphrey. by keeping him under his observation, giving him no food but plenty of water for two days. Later he kept him ‘on a very strict diet and gave him plenty of exercise. —Q\XQ.2.Why is Mrs. Pumphrey worried about Tricki? ve (2020, 2017) Ans. Tricki is pampered and overfed by his rich mistress, Mrs. Pumphrey. Tricki had become very fat. Mrs. Pumphrey starts giving him extra meals to build up. Some malt, cod liver il and a bow! of Horlicks are given to him. Tricki’s only fault is greed. He never refuses to eat. He tackles a meal at any hour of the day. She does not give him plenty of exercise. ‘ricki became very fat, his eyes were bloodshot and rheuray. He stared straight ahead and his tongue loved from his jaws. So, Mrs. Pumphery is worried about Tricki Q.3. Who was Mrs. Pumphrey? Why did she make call to Mr. Herriot? (2017) ‘Ans. Mrs.Pumphrey was the rich mistress of Trick She had no family and her loneliness created indulgent behaviour towards her little dog Tricki. Tricky fell ill because he was given overeating. She thongbt that Tricky suffered from malnutrition. So she gave him some little extras between meals to build him up. She gave him some malt and cod-liver oil. She gave him a bow! of Horlicks at night. So he fellill and she made call to Mr. Harriot, 'Q.4.Why Mrs. Pumphrey thinks the dog's recovery as a triumph of surgery? (2015, 2022) Or "James Herriot was a vet’ of his,own kind." ‘Comment on the basis of your reading ofithe:story 'A Triumph of Surgery." _ (2014) ‘Ans. James Herriot was a vet of his own kind. When he took the dog under his care for treatment he merely restricted his diet and made him to do plenty of exercise The dog was transformed into’ little hard-muscled ‘animal, When Mrs, Pumphrey saw him she thought that Tricki hhad recovered as a result of the medical treatment he had received and medical surgery had been done under the care of Dr. Herriot, She didn't understand and realise that there ‘was no medical surgery done to cure the ailment of Tricki and she said, "This is a triumph of surgery.” Q.4. When Dr. Herriot informed Mrs. Pumphrey that Tricki was convalescing rapidly, what did she do and what changes were there in the eating habits of the narrator? Ans, The word ‘convalescing’ seemed to have done someting to Mrs. Pumphery, She started sending fresh eggs. sind bottles of wine to Dr. Herriot's house to make Tricki strong, The eating habits of the narrator got completely changed. He began to take two eggs in breakfast. He drank two glasses of wine before and several glasses during the meal. So, his day began well with extra eggs in the morning, improved with wine at mid-day and finished luxuriously with brandy round the fire at night. s Q.5. What kind of a person do you think the narrator, a veterinary surgeon is? Would you say he is tactful as well as full of common sense? ‘Ans. The narrator is a professional veterinary surgeon He is a tactful person and he tactfully answers the silly question of Mrs, Pumphery. He simply tells about the progress in the health of Tricki ‘When Tricki stopped eating and started vomiting, he diagnosed that it was the result of over feeding. He cured him by giving no food and plenty of water for two days and some exercise. This proves that the narrator is tactful as well as full of common sense. Short Answer Type Questions. (A) Interpretative Questions Q.1. What treatment did Mr. Herriot give to Tricki— the pet of Mrs. Pumphrey? (2016) «Ans. Mr, Herriot treated Tricki-The pet of Mrs Pumphrey, by keeping him under his observation, giving him no food but plenty of water for two days. Later he kept him ‘on a very strict diet and gave him plenty of exercise Q.2. Why is Tricki's treatment called 'A triumph of surgery’? ‘Ans. Tricki's treatment is called as’A triumph of surgery’ because Tricki's health is restored at the ‘surgery’ of Dr Herriot, He eures Tricki by proper diet and exercise but Mrs Pumphery thinks that Tricki has been recovered by surgery. Q.3, What was the only fault of Tricki? fault was his greed, He could never fond of food and could take a meal se food. He Was very f any hour of the day oF night Qa. Why did-Mrs. E i between meals to Tricks? NPMETY ve extra food Ans. Mrs, Pumphrey ers iphrey gave extra food betwee! 0 Tricki because he appe ence and re RAN he appeared to be weak, inactive and tired RAG eS Stetasless and so she thought dat trick (B) Factual Questions Q.1. Why was Mr appearance? utnitton. Herriot shocked at Tricki’s (2018) {Rs appearance because Mrs by giving him chocolates, cakes, wine ete. But she did not give him any exercise Trick had become overt and pass mY CEE \NYVQ.2. Why is Mrs. Pumphrey worried about Tricki? f 2012) vd AS Tricki became very fat his eves were Peter and theumty, He stared straight ahcad and his tongue loved om his jaws. So, Mrs, Pumtphery is worried about Tricki Q3. Why was it a temptation to keep Tric! permanent guest? Ans. It was a temptation to keep Tricki as a permanent guestas Mrs. punphery started to send fresh eges vo dozens ata time and bottles of wines for Tricki which were immensely enjoyed by Dr. Herriot and his sta asa Long Answer Type Questions Q.1. ‘Anil was an employer with a difference.” Comment on the basis of your reading ‘The Thief's Story”. : (2016) ‘Ans, Anil was altogether différent from such employers in many ways. He had a generous heart. He could even forgive those very easily who harmed him in any way: He did not hand the thief over to the police as he was very generous and forgiving in nature, He thought that the theif must be given a chance to reform himself and leave stealing: that’s why Anil overlooked his folly and gave him a chance, He didn’t asked anything from Hari Singh and did not reveal to him that he knew about the theft. Other employers might have handed the thief over to the police on such incidents. So, itcan be said that “Anil was an employer with a difference” Q.2. "Trust and compassion can reform. a person." Discus the statement on the basis of the story "The Thief's story'? (2014) OR Who was Anil? How did he help in the thief’s Feformation? (2020) ‘Ans, Anil was a simple, kind author who wrote for magazines and looked easy going. He treated Hari Singh nicely and gave him a job even though he had no expertise in his jo. He ignores the mistakes of Hari Singh and teaches him to read and write So, Hari Singh found it pleasant working for Anil ‘Anil's behaviour influenced Hari Singh in such a way thathe found it rather difficult to rob Anil and could not bring himself to lose Anil's trust. So, even when Hari Singh had the ‘opportunity to runaway with the money stolen, he decided to go back to Anil. Hence, it can be said Trust and compassion can reform a perso Q.3. How, according to Hari Singh, would the greedy man, the rich man, the poor man and others react when they had lost their goods? Ans. According to Hari Singh, different types of people show different reactions when they are robbed. He says that ‘a greedy man would show fear after losing his goods. A rich man would show anger at his loss. A poor man would show acceptance to whatever had happened. But a careless man like Anil would show only a touch of sadness after he had ‘been robbed. He would not be much bothered about the loss. His sadness would be for the loss of trust, not for the loss of money Short Answer Type Questions, (A) Interpretative Questions— Q.1. What does the thief say about the different reactions of people when they are robbed? (2017) ‘Ans. He says that the greedy man shows fear and the rich man shows anger and the poor man shows acceptance. Anil will show only a touch of sadness, not-for the loss of money, ‘but for the loss of trust. Q.2. Why was it difficult for Hari Singh to rob Anil? Ans. It was difficult for Hari Singh to rob Anil because ‘Anil was a careless man and it would be difficult to rob a ‘careless man as he didn't even notice that he had been robbed. Next, Anil trusted Hari Singh who did not want to lose his trust Q.3. Why does not Anil hand the thief over to the police? ‘Ans. Anil does not hand the thief over to the police because he was very generous and forgiving by nature. He thought that the must gave him.a chance to reform himself, and leave stealing by overlooking his folly. Q.4, At the end of the story, why did the smile on Hari Singh's face come by itself without any effort? ~ ‘Ans, The smile on Hari Singh's face came by itself because he must have felt erateful to Anil for giving another chance to serve him and stay with him, although he came to ‘know that Hari Singh had betrayed him by trying to escape with his money. B) Factual Questions— Q.1. Why did the thief come back to Anil? (2018) Ans, Anil taught Hari Singh how to read and write. He stole six hundred rupees and ran away. But he realised his, guilt and decided to learn how to write a whole sentence. He did not want to betray Anil’s trust. So he came back to Anil and changed his evil ways. Q.2. How does the thief think Anil will react to the theft? (2017) ‘Ans. The thief thinks that Anil trusts others completely. Ife finds his money robbed, he will show only a touch of sadness not for the loss of money: but for the loss of trust. Q.3. Who is the narrator of the story "The Thief's Story"? Why did he change his name ever month? % (2013, 2022) ‘Ans, The narrator of the story is Hari Singh, the thief = He changed his name every month so that he can escape ployer’ fiom the police and his Qs4. Why was Hari Si ried back to Anil's rod order to return the money undetected? Ans, Hari Singh was very nervous when he hurried back to Anil's room in order to return the money undetected because he thought that it was very difficult o return the stolen things. jingh try to become Q.5. Where and how did friendly to Anil? Ans, Durig a wrestling match, Hari Singh tried to become friendly with Anil by flattering him saying that he looked like a wrestler 3. The Midnight Visitor Long Answer Type Questions Whereas Ausable is Q.1. Max is a cunning spy intelligent. Elaborate with reference to ‘The. Midnight Visitor (2018) Ans, Max was a slender went, He had come to Know that that night Ausable was getting a secrete report That report was about the new missiles. So he,entered Ausable’s room to get that report by force. Then Ausable housht ofa plan to befool Max easily, He told him about the balcony under his window. When Max heard a knock at the door Ausable told hit that it was the police whom he had called for the extra protection of the papers. Max wanted him to send them off quickly tll he waited on the balcony Jn fact, Ausable had ordered a drink and it was the ‘waiter with the drink knocking at the doof, there was neighter the police nor the balcony: Q.2. Ausable invents the story of a balcony under the window. What happened afterwards? (2016) Ans. When Max the rival secret agent, seoretly entered Ausable’s room to obtain the secret report by force, Ausable concocted a story of the existence of a balcony under the window of his room, One could enter and escape through it. Suddenly there was knocking at the door. Ausable said that the police were searching Max, He asked Max to hide in the balcony. As Max jumped for the balcony, he fell down, Q.3. Why did Max scream shrilly when he dropped to the balcony? Was the balcony imaginary or real? Ans. There was no balcony below the window of Ausable's room. It was an imaginary balcony about which Ausable informed Max so that he could get rid of him and save the important documents about missiles from going into his hands. Ausable's room was on the sixth and top floor. So Max. screamed as he fell from there, He failed to see the balcony as it was dark outside and the balcony was imaginary. Q.4. Give an example to prove that Ausable had great presence of m Ans. When Max, the rival seeret agent, secretly entered Ausable's room to obtain the secret report by force, Ausable concocted a story of the existence of a balcony under the window of 1s room. One could enter and escape through it Suddenly there was a knock at tie door. Ausable said that the police were searching Max: Helasked Max to hide in the (AUK A an balcony As Max jumped for the balcony, he fell down. It proves that Ausable had great presence of mind (Q.5. We need intelligence more than physical strength in a difficult situation. How is it proved true in the story. "The Midnight Visitor’? Undoubtedly, intelligence is more important than physeial strongth which can be proved truc in the story. The Midnight Visitor.’ Ausable, an unimpressive and unassuming man, had totally disappointed Fowler because of his appearance. Ausable did not fit into the description of a secret agent because he was fat and looked sluggish, But Ausable's alertness and presence of mind was unmatched when they were caught in difficult situation, His intelligence proved to Fowler that appearance can be misleading and one can never "judge a person on the basis of his looks Short Answer Type Questions (A) Interpretative Questions Q.1. How did Ausable and Max react when they heard the knocking at the door? (2014) ‘Ans. Ausable knew that it was a waiter but Max thought that police were knocking at the door It makes Max frightened. Q.2. How is Ausable different from other secret agents? (2013) Ans, Ausable is different from other scoret agents as he’ was not so active and agile as a secret agent is supposed. to be, He was. very fat and his accent was not proper, that makes him slow and sluggish. Q.3. Who was Max? How did he enter the room. (2012, 2019) Ans. Max was a secret agent. He entered Ausable's room to have the military report that was being brought to him that night. Max entered the room with the passkey he possessed. Q.4. How can you say that Ausable had thought up his plan for getting rid of Max? ‘Ans. Ausable had thought up his plan for getting rid of Max. He had a great presence of mind and he plotted an imaginary balcony to get rid of Max, and his plans worked. (B) Factual Questions. Q.1, What was Ausable’s purpose to create the story of imaginary balcony? (2016) Ans. Ausable’s purpose to create the story of an imaginary balcony is to befool Max. At the knocking at the door, he said police was searching Max, and told Max to hide in the balcony. Max Jumped and fell down, Q.2. Who is Fowler and what is his first authentic thrill of the day? Ans, Fowler is a young and romantic writer, His first authentic thrill of the day is the sudden appearance of the other secret agent, Max with a small automatic pistol in his hand in Ausable's room ; Q.3. Who was Ausable and where did he live? Ans, Ausable was a secret agent, He lived in a small room on the sixth and top floor of a gloomy Freneh hotel, ne Pn 4. A Question of Trust Long Answer Type Questions Q.1. "Horace Danby was good and respectable, but not completely honest." J iH (2013) camels Horace Danby was good avd respectable as he living by fait means, He made Tooks an was sec enouah at hs busines ove to helpers le loved rare and expensive books and to fulfil his passion he robbed a safe every year and stole cough which tsi or nye months aid he secret tt those books nrough ar, agent, He had no feat in pursuing this task and Iso tig oF gia" PB hs tae ae Hence, itis justified that Horace Danby was good and respectable but not completely honest. o Toes .2. Horace Danby was a meticulous pla still he faltered. Where did he go wrong and why Ans. Horace Danby planned robbery at Shotover Grange neon and he studied about everything in the house for ven then he faltered. He went wrong in dealing with the Jady thief impersonating the lady of ‘ioier eno wrong because he had not seen the members of the house personally, He took the lady thief as the Jady of the house. He thought that he might avoid the trouble in the form of the Be ifhe treated her the right way, He was unable to threaten Q.3. Do you think Horace Danby was unfairly punished, or that he deserved what he got? ‘Ans. I don't think that Horace Danby was unfairly punished because he had robbed repeatedly. In’my opinion, Horace Danby deserved what he got. He was a thief and burgled many times in the past to make payment for the rare ‘and expensive books he liked. At Shotover Grange also, he had committed theft. He had broken the safe but couldn't take jewels because of the lady thief who was impersonating herself as the owner of the house: Short Answer Type Questions. (A) Interpretative Questions~ carefree and usual life for ten years. She had to do all household chores herself. She had to stage ee igre sa had to take some rooms in the attic because ‘money. Q.7. What message does the story ‘The Necklace’ = a _ convey to us? ‘Ans. The message the story "The Neckla: is that we should avoid making false show of richness. We should be content with what we should have. We should honestly confess the loss done by us, Matilda, the middle class lady character of this story is. She strived to present a false shi by the borrowed diamond necklace. She was not cont with her life. She didn't confess the loss of the necklace to heer friend, Due to this, her life was ruined Short Answer Type Questions (A) Interpretative Questions Q.L. What did Mr. and Mrs. Loisel do when the necklace was lost? (2013) ‘Ans. When the necklace was lost, Mr. and Mrs, Loise! dorrowed eighteen thousand franes from usurers, They also changed their lifestyle. To pay the debt they played their part ‘with fall dignity in a heroic manner, ‘ Q.2. What was the cause of Matilda's ruin? comment. Ans. Matilda's desire was her cause of niin, She used to five in a false world. She has irrational desire which ultimately came in the way of happiness that ruined Matilda Q.3. What tortured and angered Malilda? Ans, Matilda was married to a petty clerk. She felt that she was bom for all delicacies and luxuries. She suffered from the poverty of her apartment, the shabby walls and the wom chairs, All these things tortured and angered her. Q.4. How was Matilda able to. get the jewels to wear to the ball? "Ans. Matilda went to her friend's Mme Forestier's house She acquainted her with her story of distress. On hearing that Matilda had ng jewel to wear on the ball, she lent her a ‘superb necklace of diamonds, In this way she was able to gt the jewels to wear on the ball ‘ (B) Facrwal Questions Q.1. Who was the cause of Matilda’s ruin? (2016) Ans. Matilda’s cause of ruin was her desire. She always used to lve in a make-belief world. She has irrational desire, which ultimately came in the way of happiness and ruined 0.2. How did Matilda bring about her own ruin? 201. Ans. Excessive desire brings disaster. hatin ee ‘much ambitious. She borrowed a necklace and lost it. This \way she brought about her own ruin. bal nes did Matilda seem to be sad as the day of ‘Ans. Matilda was sad because she didn't have a jewel with which she could adom herself. She thought that she would heve a poor look without a jewel. Q.<. Was Madam Forestier responsible for Matilda's sufferis ‘Ans. No, Madam Foresteit was not responsible for ‘Maitilda’s sufferings. It was Matilda who has borrowed the nocklace from her and lost the necklace, Matilda even didn't said her that she had lost the necklace OK Long Answer Type Questions, 7 Ne Q.1. Do you think the lawyer was gullible ? How he have avoided being taken for a ride? trusted a stranger very casily. He disclosed the purpose of his visio him He realised on whatever the stranger had said, He did not talk to the people directly aid He dot ors btn an ora, Te shuld have viewed Lutkin’s photo in advance, He should haye ratkin’s home address and should have enquired. from his eighbours and other persons, He should not have told about ‘So. he could have avoided being taken for his return journey a ride. "0.2, How did the hack driver befool the lawyer? How did he make it convincing? "Aits. The lawyer was sent to New Mullion to serve summons on Laitkins. He came across a hack driver who av Latkins himself. When the lawyer asked the hack driver About Lutkins, he decided to dupe the gullible lawyer, He took the lawyer to many places and told him to remain behind hhim and let him enquire about Lutkins But they failed to find Lutkins as the hack driver was Lutkins himself, The lawyer ‘was immensely impressed by the amicable, affectionate and. helpful nature of the hack driver. but failed to perceive that he was tricked, 'Q.3. Draw a character sketch of the young lawyer. Ans. The young lawyer was a fresh law, graduate and had joined a reputed law firm as a junior clerk. He dishked his job. He was allotted the task of serving summons, He hated this unpleasant work. He was a simple man who was not acquainted with the ways of the world. He was credulous. He made hasty notions about ide and countryman. He was a Although he was a qualified lawyer, he was easily dese by a cunning country man, Lutkins. He was by his Chief also, From the above incidents it is said that the young lawyer was an innocent, simple, trusting and gullible person who can be tricked easily Short Answer Type Questions (A) Interpretative Questions— ‘Q.1. Why could the hack driver and the lawyer not find Lutkins? ‘Ans. The hack driver and the lawyer did not find Lutkins because the hack driver himself was Lutkins. The lawyer ‘was unable to identity him because he had not seen his photo ‘of met him before. The fun loving Lutkins duped kam by ‘mina. How cid Latkins ake money by pretending Q.2. How 1s make money by to help the young Iawyer? % _Ans. Lutkins was a hack driver and a shrewd i . He pretended to help the young ‘in search See caemenmemeereite second time, Lutkins and his i ly him ‘was a bright boy of seven. He was hurt when he Ipaieapiet Se oreea tna spout be Ss co-operative had and befooled him. sal Questions-5- .1. Why was the lawyer sent to New Mullion 2 laughed hilanously at isappointed? oR Why is the Lawyer sent to New Mullion? What does he first think about the place? 2022) Any The lavyet was sen 0 New Mullion (0 sone summons on Latins: He was disappoioted when he knew iat nc was befooed bythe hack diver who was Latkes snotty HOM Aid the hackaiver deseribe Lutkins’ Ans. The hack driver narrat hat Lutkins' me sa about nine fet tall nd four fet fat He sad at ae Wat gui aa at and could lk sharp’ She war a eal tose oa hegeal en hate his work? spdity and shadow comers of tiem seh ons a Sometimes, he was even beaten up. pin Who was Oliver Lutkins? Describe his

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