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Which of the following animals is used for race ? A. carmel B. Catle C.Donkey D.

An example of an insect pest is (a)Millipede (b) Aphid (c) Earthworm (d) snail
A free gift of nature is …………………… (a) Water (b) Atmosphere (c) Sea (d) land
A mechanical method of controlling weed is (a) Herbicide (b) burning (c) Hoeing (d)

Ade is a member of young farmer club, the club presidents took them to the school plantation to
weed. Ade decided to use his hand to pick up the bettles feeding on the leaves, this method of
pest control is (a) Biological (b) chemical (c) Physical (d) cultural.

A capital used up during production is called …………………….. (a) fixed capital (b) Money
(c) Working capital (d) short term capital

The reward of land is (a) Interest (b) Rent (c) Profit (d) wages
A factor of production which harness and organize all other factor of production is (a)
Labour (b) Entrepreneur (c) Capital (d) Man
Grass hopper, an insect pest that majorly feeds on leaves is called ………… (a) leaf eater
(b) consumer (c) defoliator (d) leaf hooper
One of the following is not a cultural way of controlling weed. (a) flooding (b) hoeing (c)
mulching (d) burning
An insect pest whose mouth parts consist of mandibles, maxillae, labium and labrum are
called A. Piercing and sucking insect pests B. Biting and chewing insect pests C. Boring
insect pests D. Vertebrate pest
Weevils, Stem borers, Beetles, Cotton boll worm are all examples of
……………………... type of insect pest A. Piercing and sucking insect pests B. Biting and
chewing insect pests C. Boring insect pests D. Vertebrate pest

Based on location, insect pests can be divided into ……………. Groups A. 5 B. 4 C. 3 D.


Weevils mainly attacks A. Fruit of plants B leaves of plants C. Stored grains D. tuber

A non-mammal pest that feed on leaves of plants especially seedlings and vegetables
thereby, reducing their photosynthetic ability is known as A. Mammals B. Birds and Bat
C. Nematodes D. Snail

Which of the following crop pest transmit virus disease A. aphids B. Locust C. Weevil D. stem
One of the most prominent damage done by weevil on crops is to ………… A. chew up crop B.
bore holes into crops C. suck sap from young plant D. cause cassava mosaic

The following are destructive effects of pest EXCEPT A. Pests reduce the quality of crops B.
Infected seeds usually have low germination capacity C. Infected seeds, crops, and
vegetables have low market value D. pest cause drastic increase in yield of crop

…………………. refers to all economic activities which result in the creation of goods
and services. A. factors of production B. Production C. Manufacturing D.

One of the following is NOT a factor of production A. Land B. Labour C. Capital D. Housing

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