POETRY English

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Two typ s of questions are asked from poe! 1. Stanza based questions One extract enc, comprehension of the set text P Two out of thr short answer ty answered in 30-40 words each, fact from a poem followed by some questions to test the Jocal and global Pe questions on interpretation of themes and ideas contained in the poems to be 1. Dust of Show) Stanza Based Questions qa) The way a crow a Shook down on me The dust of snow From a hemlock tree. (a) What is the dust of snow? (b) What is a hemlock tree? (ce) What does ‘the dust of snow' stand for? (d)_ Who shook the dust of snow down? Ans. (a) The dust of snow is the powdery form of snow which is a simble of joy and hope. (b) A hemlock tree is a poisonous tree with small white flowers (c) "The dust of snow’ stands for hope and joy in the midst of sorrow (@)__A crow shook the dust of snow down, on the poet. 2) Has given my heart A change of mood And saved some part Of a day I had rued (a) Who is the poet of the poem? (b) | What has given a change of mood and to whom? (c) Who does ‘I? refer to? Ans.(a) The poet of the poem is Robert Frost. (b) Dust of snow from a helmlock tree has given the poet a change of mood. (c) I refers to the poet, Robert Frost. @B) Has given my heart A change of mood ‘And saved some part Of a day I had rued. (a) What gives ‘a change of mood! to the poet? (b) How does the poet feel at the end of the poem? Fall of dust of snow from the hemlock tree on the poet gives a change of mood to the poet. (b) At the end of the poem, the poet feels that his whole mood has undergone a change. Short Answer Type Questions Q.1. What message has Robert Frost given in hi poem — ‘Dust of Snow’? *(2016,-2019) Ans. (a) Ans, The message that Robert Frost has given in his ‘pom — ‘Dust of Snow’ is that sometime certain simple action leaves greater impressions on human mind. It does change the mood or course of action or life of a human being. In the oem the simple falling of dust of snow saves poet's time Q.2. What do the ‘crow’ and ‘hemlock’ represent in the poem ‘Dust of Snow’? Ans, In the poem ‘Dust of Snow’. the crow represents the dark, depressive and sorrowful sides of nature. The hemilock represents the poisonous side of the nature. The mood of the poet in this poem is both depressive and poi: ; Q.3. What side of nature do crow and hemlock represent? ‘Ans. _ The crow represents the dark, depressive and sorrowful sides of nature and the hemlock represents the poisonouis or bitter side of nature, Both of them represent some ominous events, Q.4. What is the central idea of the poem ‘Dust of Snow"? ‘Ans. The central idea of the poem is that sometimes certain simple actions leave greater impressions on human mind. It does change the mood or life of a person: as in the poem simple fall of dust of snow saves poet's time. Q.5. What is the mood of the poet in this poem? How is it reflected? ‘Ans. In this poem, the poet is in pessimistic mood. It is reflected when he says that the fall of dust of snow on him gives his heart a change of mood and saves some part of his life to be ruined, Q.6. What do you think has changed the mood of the poet? ‘Ans. The way the erow on the hemlock tree shook its) body leading to the fall of dust of snow on the poet. He also shook his mood. Consequently, the dust of pessimistic thoughts fell down and thus the pect saves some. part of life from being ruined. (Q.7. What part of the poet's day was saved? In what was it being held? ‘Ans. Some part of the poet's day was saved. It was being wasted by the poet by remaining idle as he was in a pessimistic mood. Stanza Based Questions (1) Some say the world will end in fire Some say in ice. From what I've tasted of desire T hold with those who favour fire (2022/2017, 2015; 2012) (a) Name the poem and the poet. (b) How, according to the poet, would the world end? (©) Which words bring out the contrasting ideas in the poem? What do they stand for? Ans. (a) Name of the poom is'Fire and Ie! and the name of the poet is Robert Frost (b) According to the poet the world would end in Ra ‘OR What does Robert Frost want to say in the poem, ire and tee"? Ans. The message of the poem ‘Fire and Ice! is humans shouldn't have unending desires and they shouldn't collect hatred like ice. Unending desires and continuous hatred cause destruction and the world would perish, Q.6. In which sense ice is referred to in the poem "Fire and Iee'? What can it do? ‘Ans. In the poem ‘ice’ is referred to as an agent of destruction. It represents coldness and rigidity. By coldness to the feelings of others and by being rigid to others, it can cause destruction and the end of the world fire. (©) The words ‘fi 2 out the and ‘ice’ bri contrasting ideas, 'Fire’ stands for greed, desire, cruelty. lust, and conflict whereas ‘ice’ stands for insensitivity, coldness, indifference and hatred, (2) But had to perish twice, I think I know enough of hate To say that for destruction ice Ts also great And would suffice. (a) What does ‘it’ stand for in the first line? (b) What is also great for destruction? (c) What would suffice? (d) What does the poet equate ‘ice’ with? Ans. (a) ‘It’ in the first line stands for the world, (b) Ice is also great for destruction, (c) — Tee (hatred) would also suffice to perish the world (@) The poet equates ‘ce’ with insensitivity, hatred and indifference. Short Answer Type Questions Q.1. What is the central idea of the poem "Fire and Tce"? Ans. The central idea of the poem ‘Fire and Ice’ is the existence of unending desires and hatred for others in human beings. Desire is like fire and hatred is like ice. Q.2. What according to the poet, do 'fire' and ‘ice! represent ? Do. you agree with him ? Why? Ans. According to the poet, fire! represents desire and ‘ice’ represents hatred, Yes, I agree with him. Desires are like fire which spread rapidly and can cause damage. Hatred is like ice that makes one cold emotionally to the persons. Q.3. Some say the world will end in fire some say in ice, What do ‘fire’ and ‘ice’ stand for? Ans. Here ‘fire’ stands for greed, avarice, lust, conflict and fury, and ‘ice! stands for coldness, insensitivity, indifference and hatred Q4. How will the world end, accordingtothe poet? Ans. According to the poct, the world will end by fire ie’ stands for desire, greed, avarice, lust etc, He says fire (desire) will exist till the end of the world. Q.5. What is the message of the poem, 'Fire and Ice"? Stanza Based Questions, (a) (a) (b) (c) ‘Ans. (a) (b) (c) (2) (a), (b) (c) Ans. (a) (b) () (3) (a) (b) Ans. (a) (b), (a) But he’s locked. in a concrete cell, His strength behind bars, stalking the length of his cage, Ignoring visitors. Who is locked in a concrete cell? Name the poet and the poem. Explain ‘ignoring visitors’. Tiger of the zo0 is locked in a concrete cell Leslie Norris is the poet and the poem is ‘A Tiger in the zoo, The visitors who come to the 200 to see the tiger and other animals are termed as ignoring visitors’ the tiger looks towards the cage and ignores the visitors, He should be lurking in shadow. Sliding through long grass Near the water hole Where plump deer pass. Who does ‘he’ refer to ? Why does ‘he’ expect the deer to come there? Why is ‘he’ lurking in shadow? ‘He’ refers to the tiger The tiger expects the deer to come there because he is near the water pond where the deer most likely come to drink water ‘The tiger is lurking in shadow to catch his prey ‘without being noticed and without making even a slight of noise. He should be snarling around houses At the jungle's edge, Baring his white fangs, his claws, Terrorising the village! Where does ‘he’ snarl around? What effect does tigers snarling around houses' have on the whole village? He snarls around houses at the junale's edge ‘Tigers snarling around houses have terrorising effect on the whole village But he's locked in a concrete cell, His strength behind bars, Stalking the length of his cage, Ignoring visitors. ii. — a) Who is the poet of this poem? (b) How does the’ react to the vi (©) How is ‘he’ in the cage? Ans. (a) Leslie Norris is th Leslie Norns is the poet of this poem () He reacts to the visitors by ig aad te (©) "Hei locked in the ade up of concr c cells, and he has to lis @ ae behind the bars, last voice at night, The patrolling ears, And stones with his brilliant eyes At the br Bake (@) What do vu mean by ‘rian tar! here? are there the patrolling ears? Ans, (a) Here'brilliant stars' means the stars which shine brilliantly inthe sky during the ni (b) There are patrolling cars there ene some animals escape the 200, and patrolling, ears can control the situation Short Answer Type Question: Q.1. What is the suitable place for a tiger, according to the poet? And why? 18)) Ans. According to the poet forest is suitable place for a. ‘ger because they can live there in natural ways. Freedom should be given to them, They want to enjoy their life in the lap of forest. Q.2. Where is the tiger imprisoned? Describe his situation from the poem—'A Tiger in the Zoo’. [(2O16) Ans. The tiger is imprisoned in a concrete cell behind the bars in the zoo, He can take only the few steps inside his cage. He hears the voice of the patrolling cars and ignores, the presence ofthe visitors who came near its eage to look at it Q.3. What is the natural habitat of a tiger? Why is the tiger locked in a cell of the 200? i ‘Ans. Jungle is the natural habitat ofa tiger. Being a wild animal the tiger is locked in a cell of the zoo. Q.4, What is the tiger doing? Why is he ignoring the visitors? ‘Ans. The tiger is moving inside his confined cage, He is ignoring visitors because he does not like to live in the cage He would rather be in his natural habitat, the forest. ‘Q5. On pads of velvet quiet, In his quiet rage. ‘Who is referred to here? Why does he express his anger quietly? ‘Ans. A tiger in the 200 is referred to here. He expresses his anger quietly because he is confined in a cage, restricted ‘and quite helpless and he is unable to do anything about it; so he expresses hhis anger quietly. 0.6, How does the habitat? ‘Ans, Tiger behaves naturally in his natural habitat, Neac ‘ pond where plump deer pass, he lurks in shadow and slides through long grass. He snarls around houses at the jungle's edge. Heterrorises the villagers by his white fangs and claws. Q.7. What message does the poet convey by the poem 'A Tiger in the z00'? ‘Ans, By the poem 'A Tiger in the Zoo’, the post conveys the message of freedom for animals, To curtail their freedom er behave in his natural means to their oppression, That's why the Hger in the 200 is in quiet rage and ignores the visitors. Q.8. Why does the tiger stalk in the cage? What does it reflect? ‘Ans. ‘The tiger stalks in the cage because he scems to be restless, helpless, frustrated and uncasy, It reflects that is restive for his natural habitat with full freedom, Q.9. Why is the zoo tiger staring at the stars? ‘Ans. The 200 tiger is staring at the stars because in this ‘way he reminisces about his own freedom once in the vast forest, the freedom that he lacks but longs for. How To Will Stanza Based Questions. (1) ‘Though to distinguish beasts of prey A novice might nonplus, ‘The crocodile you always may Tell from the Hyena thus: Hyenas come with merry smiles: But it they weep they're crocodiles, (a) Explain the line ‘A novice might nonplus’ in your own words. (b) How will you distinguish a erocodile from a hyena? (©) What is the origin of the tears’ in English language? "A novice might nonplus!:means a man who 18 new to the job of distinguishing beasts of prey is at once puzzled to do so. (b) Hyena laughs while crocodile weeps as he swallows his victims, In thisway we distinguish a crocodile from a hyena, (©) When a crocodile swallows his victims, he swoops showing false syrapathy with the vietim From here the English idiom ‘crocodile tears’ originated. Q) The true chameleor A lizard sort of thing, He hasn't any ears at all, ‘And not a single wing. (a) What is the title of the poem? (b) Who is the poet of the poem? (c) How can we identity a chameleon? jom ‘Crocodile Ans. (a) small, Ans, (a) The title of the poem is 'How to Tell Wild Animals! (b) The name of the poet of the poem is Carolyn Walls (©) Achameleon is a small creature and is similar to lizard, By these things, we can identity a ‘chameleon Short Answer Type Questions. ).1. What iS the theme of the poem 'How to Tell ‘Wild Animals’. ‘Ans. Humour creation is the theme of the pa’sage. Humorous ways at the cost of one's life have been suagested, by the poet. It is a humorous idea. Q.2. Which beasts of prey does the pct mention in the poem? Why are they called beasts of prey? ‘Anis. Beasts of prey the poet mentions in the poem are De: the Asian . hyena, the crocodile and the c of prey’ because they kill ot! leon, They are called beasts ers for their food, 0.3. What does the poet say about the t chameleon in the poem. "How to Teil Wild Animals ‘Ans. The poct says that the true chameleon is as small in size as a lizard, He hasn't any ears at all and not a single wing, Ifthere is not anything on the tree, a chameleon will be seen there: Q.4. How, according to the poet, can a Bengal Tiger discerned? Ang, Ifa wild beast with black stripes on a yellow ground suddenly meets you during your travel, then you'll eam that he is the Bengal Tiger because he eats you and you only notice it QS. How the Asian tion? Ans. _ We cam identify the Asian lion by going to the junales in the east and finding a large and tawny beast king: Then, while dying we know that he is an Asian lion. F Q.6. How, according to the poet, can you identify a bear? ‘Ans. Ifa creature meets us while walking around our yard and he hugs us very very hard, then we will be sure that if is a bear Ife show any doubt, he will give us one more caress, 'S. The Ball Poem: Stanza Based Questions (1) No use to say 'O there are other balls'. An ultimate shaking grief fines the boy As he stands rigid, trembling, staring down All his young days into the harbour where His ball went. (a) Where has the boy lost his ball ? How does he feel after losing the ball? (b) What does staring into the harbour bring into his mind? Ans. (a) The boy has lost his ball down the street and into the harbour. After losing the ball he feels sad and stands rigid (b) Staring into the harbour brings into his mind the memories of his lost ball (2) He senses first responsibility In a world of possessions. People will take Balls, balls will be lost always, little boy. And no one buys a ball back. (a) What does the boy become aware of 2? What does ‘in the world of possessions’ means? (b) What is the general tendency of the boys? Ans. (a) The boy becomes aware of his first responsibility. ‘The expression in the world of possessions’ means there are people in the world who feel pride in their possessions, + (b) The general tendency of the boys is that they bu; balls and the balls are generally lost, but 9 one buys the ball which has been lost (3) Balls, balls will be lost always, little boy, ‘And no one buys a ball back. Mosy is external, He i; learning, well behind his desperate eyes, ‘The epistemology of loss, how to stand up Kno y And most know many days, how to stand up. (2012) What is the title of the poem? Who is the oet of the poem? (b) What lesson ean the boy learn from the loss of the ball? ae Ans. (a) Thetitle of the pocmis "The Ball Poem’, The name f the poet is John Berryman . (b) ‘The lle boy can lear from the loss ofthe ball is to know and realise the means of losing something (4) L would not de on him, A dime, ano ‘worthless now. He senses first responsibility In a world of possessions. (a) Name the poem and the Poet. (b) What does the boy sense? (c) What kind of a world it is’ Ans. (a) The name of the pocm is 'The Ball Poem’, The name of the poet is “John Berryman (b)_ The boy senses his first responsipility in this world. (c) The world is described as a materialislic play Short Answer Type Question: Q.1. What does John Berryman say the boy is learning from the loss of the ball? (2017), ‘Ans. The body learns behind his desperate eye from he loss of the:ball, He leams how to stand up to the lose of things in life. Loss is inevitable in the world of possessions So the poet says so. Q.2. What does the poet say the boy is learning from the loss of the ball? ‘Gon, J ‘Ans. The poet says that from the loss of the ball the boy leams that loss of extemal things occurs repeatedly in li He also learns the art of bearing the loss to live his life peacefilly, Q.3. What is the central idea of the poem 'The Ball Poem'? (2008; 2012; 2019) Ans. The central idea of the poem is that we should realize that loss is an integral event, We should realize our responsibility and we should also feel the importance of possessions, Q.4. What is the condition of the boy after losing the ball? Ans, After losing, the ball the boy is in deep grief. He stands rigid and trembles with fear, He stares down into the harbour where his ball has fallen Q.5. What is the significance of the line 'O there are other balls'? Ans. The line ‘O there are other balls’ signifies that the loss is not much material as it ean be replaced by another ball; but the new ball won't have the same emotional value as the old one. Q.6. Why is the boy so sad to lose the ball while the ball is not at all expensive? Ans. Although the ball is not at all expensive, yet the boy is so sad to lose the ball due to its emotional vale. The ball is associated with the memories of the young boy with ‘which he played for Tong time, No new Ball ean take its place (@) 2020) Q7.,'Mo thoughts. Ans. Money is valuable for extemal thin value for emotions. The boy in the pocm can tay from money. But he cannot buy: the menor days that are associated with the new ball Q.8. ‘An ultimate shaking grief fixes the hoy’. How is this line loaded with meaning? Ans. Loss ofan external thing which is dear to us shakes us emotionally and physically. In this poem, after the loss of the ball the boy emotionally fixes himself with the deep grief 6vAmanda) Stanza Based Question (1) Tam an orphan, roaming the street, I pattern soft dust with my hushed, bare feet. The silence is golden, the freedom is sweet. (a) Hs is Amanda doing ? What does she yearn for? (b) Is Amanda an orphan? Why does she say so? (a) Amanda is blowing dust making different patterns, with her quiet and bare feet. She yeams for golden silence and sweet freedom, (>) Amanda is not an orphan. She says so because an orphan can do what she likes, and there is no restrain on her activities (2) Stop that sulking at once, Amanda! ‘You'e always so moody, Amanda! Anyone would think that | nagged at you, Amanda! (a) Who is the speaker ? How is Amanda sulking and moody? (b) Explain the expression 'I nagged at you', (a) The speaker of the stanza is the parent of Amanda. Amanda is always disappointed and her mood changes suddenly, Therefore, she is sulking and ‘moody. (b) ‘I nagged at you’ means that the parent of Amanda is afraid that other people would think that she harassed her doing something or another thing. (3) Don’t bite your nails, Amanda! Don’t hunch your shoulders, Amanda! Stop that slouching and sit up straight, Amanda! (a) Who is Amanda and what is she biting? (b) How is Amanda sitting? (c) Name the poem and the poet. Ans. (2) Amanda is a teenager who is biting her nail (b) Amanda is not sitting straight and she is sitting hunehing her shoulders. (c) The name of the poem is ‘Amanda’ and the name of the poet is Robin Klein. Short Answer Type Questions Q.1. What does the poem ‘Amanda’ tells you about Amanda? Reveal its implied but has no) iew ball es of his young Ans Ans OR What does the poem tell you about ‘Amanda’? WK 0 ‘Ans, Amanda represents the child who is controlled instructed not to do one thing or another thing, Ifshe were a mermaid she would drift in te ga with extreme happi . Why does Amanda wish fo be an orphan? Q.2. Why does Amand: aS Ans. Amanda wishes to be an orphan because in that condition she would be free to roam where she likes. She loves freedom but at present there are several restictions on her Q.3: What is the central idea of the poem ‘Amanda’? Ans. The central idea of the poem ‘Amanda’ is the nagging of parents at their children and its impac> on them ‘Amanda's mother nagged at her. Its impact was thet Amanda sulks and becomes moody : Q.4, "Will you please look at me when I'm talking to you'. What is the significance of this line ‘Ans, This line has great si instructions of parents can make children negligent towards them. Amanda's mother's undue nagging makes her negligent to her mother. Mother has to requést her daughrer to pay attention Q.5. How is the mermaid described in the poem ‘Amanda’? ‘Ans, The mermaid is described as-an organism who enjoys complete freedom. ‘The mermaid lives in the emerald sea that is peaceful, She is the only inhabitant o° that sea She moves about the sea blissfully Q.6. How does Amanda behave in the poem througout? ‘Ans, Amanda behaves sulkily and remains moody in the poem throughout, She is sulky that's why she doesnt look ather mother when she nags at her. She is moody. that's whs she wants to be an orphan or a mermaid or Rapunzel. Q.7. What picture of Amanda do you form in your mind? (2020) Ans. After reading the poem we form the victure of Amanda as a carefree teenager. Amanda is a school soine girl who wants freedom and lost in dreams. Sh> is being scolded by her mother for doing things which she is not supposed to do. (Te Animals) ‘Stanza Based Questions —__ (1) Not one kneels to another, nor to his kind that lived thousands of years ago, Not one is respectable or unhappy over the whole earth, They bring me tokens of myself, they evince them plainly in their possession. 2017) (a) Who are ‘they’ here? (b) Mention two characteristics of animals. (c) Name the poem and the poet. Ans. (a) The word ‘they’ refers to animals. (6) All animals are equal and they don’t kncel to their Ancestors. Noone of them 18 respectable or un- apy. (€) The name of the poem is SAnimals” and the namo of the poet is “Walt Whitman’ « (@) They do not sweat and whine about their condition, They do not lie awake in the dark and weep for their sins, i They do not make me sick discussing their duty to God, Not one is dissatisfied, not one is demented with the mania of owning things, Not one kneels to another, nor to his kind that, (a) The poet says that animals are better than humans. Give two ideas to prove it, (b) Whose company does the poet prefer to? (c) What is the name of the poem and the poet? Ans, (a) The two ideas which proves the poet's statement that animals are better than humans are, the first that animals do not show mania of owning things and the second is that they do not ever complain abouttheir pitiable condition, (b) The poet prefers the company of animals, (©) The name of the poem is “Animals” and the name of the poet is Walt Whitman. (@) They bring me tokens of myself they evince. ‘Them painly in their possession 1 wonder where they get those tokens, Did I pass that way huge times a go and negligently drop them? (a) Name the poem and the poet, (b) What are the ‘tokens! that the poet says he may have dropped long ago and which the animals have kept for him? Name of the poem is ‘Animals’, ‘Name of the poet is Walt Whitman (©) The ‘tokens! are the qualities of man that man has left to observe, Animals have kept those qualities for the poet. They would remind the poet that he + had forgot observation of those qualities (4) They do not sweat and whine about their condi They do not lie awake in the dark and weep for their sins, They do not make me sick discussing, their duty to God, No one is dissatisfied, not one is demented with the mania of owning things. (a) What do the animals not do for their sins? (b) What do men do for their sins? Ans. (a) The animals do not repent and weep for their sins (b) Men sitin the dark, repent and weep for their sins Short Answer Type Questions Q.1 Why does the poet Whitman want ‘to live with animals’? "Ans, Whitman wants to live with animals hey are simple, placid and self-contained. Modem man has lost his human virtues, These virtues are possessed by animals Q.2. Mention three things that humans do and animals don’t. Ans. (a) ‘Ans. Three things that humans do and animals don’t have are; humans are materialistic, mania of owning things i.e,, materialistic and discrimination of being distringuished or ‘common whereas animals don’t have these things. Q.3. Why does Walt Whitman say- 'T turn and five with animals"? OR What virtues does Walt Whitman feel in ik I could imals? Ans. The poet Walt Whitman feels more at home with animals than human beings because animals are complete in all respects whereas human beings are dissatisfied with themselves, Animals are serene and calm and they do not murmur, Q.4. What qualities of animals attract the poet to them? Ans, The qualities of animals that attract the poet to them are their serene and calm nature. They don't upset easily and are self contained and satisfied. Q.5.. What is the theme of the poem 'Animals'? Ans. The theme of the poem ‘Animals’ is the removal of human weaknesses by drawing lessons from the life of animals. They remain mostly calm, self contained, sinless, indiscriminately and unaffected with the madness of owning things, ‘Stanza Based Questions (1) The trees inside are moving out into the forest, the forest that was empty all these days where no bird could sit no insect no sun bury its feet in shadow the forest that was empty "i all these nights will be full of trees by morning. (a) Where are the trees before they move into the forest? (b) Describe a forest without trees. (c) Give the name of the poem and the poet. Ans, (a) The trees are in houses for decoration before they move into the forest. (©) The forest was empty because the trees have been shifted inside the houses. The birds couldn't get ‘any place to sit and the insects couldn't hide anywhere, There were no shadows to hide the sun rays which are the fect of the sun, (©) Name of the pocm is “The Trees” and the name of tho poet is Adrienne Rich, (2). The leaves strain towards the glass Small twigs stiff with exert Long cramped boughs shufiling under the roof Like newly discharged patients half dazed, moving tothe cine doors (a) Name the poem and the poet. () What are the eat the branches the roof? Ans. (a) Name of the poem is ‘The Trees ms Nong of he a Aare ek rt ome agen ce (b) (3) The trees inside are’ moving out into the forest. he forest that was empty all these days Where no bird could sit No insect hide. No sun Buty it Feet in shadow he forest that was em ese ni Will be fall of tes by mornings (a) What happens when there are no trees «oy Reming outside? in what way was the forest empty? Ans, (a) When no trees are growing outside, no insect can THEE een ge (b)_ The trees were moving out and this way the forest \was empty 4) All night the roots work To disengage themselves from the cracks On the veranda floor. (a) Where are the roots? (b) What are the roots doing? (©) Where have the cracks appeared? Ans. (a) The roots are entangled in the cracks of the veranda floor ‘The roots are trying to disengage themselves from the cracks of the veranda floor so that they may move out into the forest (c). The cracks have appeared on the veranda floor. Short Answer Type Questions Q.1. What happens to the house when the trees move out of it? ‘Ans. The trees ar¢ planted in houses for interior decoration. They shuffle under the roof and the glass breaks. When they moves out of the house. The odour of leaves reaches in the rooms of the house. @.2. What happens when the trees stumble forward into the night? ‘Ans. When the trees stumble forward into the night lass breaks and tres fee! suffocated under the roof of th house ‘0.3. Where are the trees in the poem? What do their roots do all night? ‘Ans. In the poem, the trees are in the house. Their roots try to free themselves from the cracks of the veranda floor all the night. 0.4, What trees!? ‘Ans. The central idea of the poem is the eonflict between, man and nature, To decorate the interior of his house, man has emptied the forests and brought the tres inside his house The trevs feel suffocated in the house, Ultimately he realises, and left them move out of the forests when he realises the loss: (b) the central idea of the poem "The Q.5. Which actions of the parts of the trees reflect that they want to liberate themselves from the prison of the house? nglish-10 @ (82) ‘Ans, The roots try to disengage themselves from the cracks of the veranda floor ‘The leaves strain towards the lass, The cramped branches shuffle under the roof, They break the glass to eome out, These actions reflect that they ‘want to liberate themselves from the prison of the house Q.6. Why was the forest empty? How were the birds, the insects and the sun affected by the absence of the trees? ‘Ans, The forest was empty because the trees have been shifted inside the houses, The birds couldnt get any place to sit and the inscets couldn't hide anywhere, There were no shadows to hide the sun rays which are the feet of the sun. ‘Stanza Based Questions, (1) It sits looking foyer harbour and city ‘on silent haunches and then moves on. {a) Who is ‘it’ in above lines? (b) Why does it sit on haunches? (©) Name the poet and the poem. ‘Ans. (a) In the above line ‘it’ represents ‘fos’. (b) It sits on haunches to remain silent and to move rapidly (@) Carl Sandburg isthe poet and “Fos is the poem @ ‘The fog comes On little cat feet. It sits looking over harbour and city ‘on silent haunches ‘and then moves on. (a) Give the name of the poem ag (b) How does the fog come? Does it really resemble a cat? Give resons. ‘Ans. (a) Name of the poem is 'Fog’ and name of the post is Carl Sandburg (b) Fog comes like a cat, It resembles like a cat. A cat comes silently, looks here and there, then moves away. Similarly fog comes; @) ‘The fog comes ie on little cat feet. It sits looking ‘over harbour and city cn silent haunches and then moves on. (a) "Name the poem from which this stanza has been taker _(b) Who is the poet of this poem? (6) What does the poet think the fog is like? (d) How does the fog come. ‘Ans. (a), This stanza has been taken from the poem Fes (b). Carl Sandburng is the poet of the poem (o) The poet thinks the fog is like a litle cat (@)__ The fog comes like a cat silently sits on its haunches looking on harbour and city, Then it moves on. pe Question Q.L. How does the poet compare the fog with the cat in the poem *Fog"? (2018) Ans. The poet compares the fog with the eat Both for and a cat come silently’ on their haunches, and sit ool over the place and then move away silently Q.2. How does the poet compare the fog with the “Pog”? (017) Te poet compares the fog with the eat, Both the come sifently on their haunches, and sit looking over the piace and then moves on silently Q.3. How does Carl Sandburng present fog in the poem 'Fog"? (2013) Ans Carl Sandburg presents fog like a cat approaching, slowly an silently without any hue and cry Q.4. How does the poet make the fog like a living being? Ans. The poet personifies the fog like a living being, eat, The Fog comes like. little cat and sits on silent haunches, Then it moves on, These three stages belong to the cat Q.5, What is the message of the poem 'Fog'? Ans, Fog comes silently on its haumches, spreads over harbour and city and then moves away silently. Similarly, ‘humans can also learn to pursue their goals silently and thus have nearness with nature. ! (1) Belinda lived in a litile white house, With a fitile black kitten and a little grey mouse, Anda little yellow dog and a little red wagon, And a realio, trulio, little pet dragon. (a) Where did Belinda live? (b) Who are the characters in the stanza? (©) Name the poem and the poet? 2) Ans. (a) Belinda lived in a little white house with her four pet animals, (b) There are five characters in the poem Belinda, a Kitten, a litle grey mouse. a little yellow dog and a Title pet Gragon, (©) Name of the poem is “The Tale of Custard the Dragon’ and its poet is Ogden Nash (2) Now the name of the little black kitten was Ink, And the little grey mouse, she called him Blink, ‘And the little yellow dog was sharp as Mustard, Bu’ the dragon was a coward, and she called him Custard, (a) Give the name of the poem and the poet. (b) What was the name of the black kitten? (c) How sharp was the yellow dog? Ans, (a) The name of the pocm is “The Tale of Custard the Dragon” and the name of the poct is Ogden Nash. (b) The name of the black kitten was Ink, (c) The yellow dog was as sharp as mustard (3) Belinda paled, and she cried Help! Help! But Mustard fled with a terrified yelp, of the household, Je mouse Blink strategically mousehold, (a) Who are mustard and Ink? What did they do? (b) Name the poem and the poet. (a) Mustard is the ite yellow dog and Ink isthe little black kitten. Mustard fled away’ with terrified ery and Ink ran down to the bottom of the house ie of the poem is ‘The Tale of Custard the on’ and ils poet is Ogden Nash (4) But up jumped custard, snoring like an engine, Clashed his towel like irons in a dungeon. With a clatter and a clank and a jangling squirum, He went at the pirate like a robin at a worm. (a) How did Custard jump up? Describe the sound produced by Custard’s tail (b) Who did Custard attack ? Why is Custard compared to @ robin? ‘Ans. (a) Custard jumped up snoring like an engine. Clatter, clank and jangling sounds are produced by Custard's tail (b) Custard attacheded the pirate. Custard is compared to robin because when it sees a worm it falls upon it at once, Short Answer Type Questions Q.1. “Belinda tickled him, she tickled unmerciful ” Why? (ory, Ans. Belinda lived with custard and the other three animals, Belinda presented false brave boasting. She tickled him unmereifully so that she might tease him. Q.2, What do you learn about Custard the Dragon from the poem ‘The Tale of Custard the Dragon’? /Abs: The iegan faslboo ceed CURE veer his timid nature. He had big sharp teeth, spikes on top, scales underneath. mouth like a fireplace, nose like a chimney and daggers on his tocs. He proves himself the bravest: in his fighting against the pirate Q.3. Describe the true nature of dragons in the Poem 'The Tale of Custard the Dragon’. Ans. The dragon has been named Custard because of, his timid nature. He had big sharp teeth, spikes on top, scales undemeath, mouth like a fireplace, nose like a chimney and daggers on his toes Q.4, With whom did Belinda live in a little white house? Why did she call the dragon Custard? ‘Ans. Belinda lived ina little whitehouse together with a black kitten, a grey mouse, a yellow dog, a red wagon, a realio, trulio and pet dragon. She called the dragon custard because hie was coward. QS. Why is the dragon considered as a 'coward'? ‘Ans. The dragon is considered as a ‘coward’ because he always cries for a nice safe cage, Because of his timidity he is called as ‘Custard! Q.6. Custard appeared to be a coward but proved to be the bravest. Substantiate. Ans: Custard always cries for a nice safe cage, which ‘made him appear as a coward. But when pirate came Mustard, Ans b) pe: Ink, Blink and Belinda all beam costar hth with his tal and gobbled nea) Se and gobbled him Q.7. What is the them " cast he Des ts heme OF the poem "The Tale of ‘Ans. The theme of th; pee of this poem is to expose and mock fir wear fends For this Humorous aaies, acts and situations are given in the poem f Q.8. What is a ballad? Ho al nv is the ballad "The Tale of Custard the Dragon! ferent from other ballads? scons A bala 18 @matrative in shythmic verse which depicts a romantic, sostve tale of courage and heroism. 1 has stress on humour. Here, only two stanzas describe courage, This fact frets i from oe ballads .9. What is the message af the : of Custard the Dragon’? ks Poem ae Tae Ans. The message of the poom " f T a poom ‘The Tale of Ci th Dagon! ant lA nd rena fen indeed, Never believe fair weather friends. The io bethe bivestand thebestfiend ent Stanza Based Questior (1) Read the following extract and answer the questions that follow— “But T can get a hair-dye ‘And set such colour there, Brown, or black or carrot, ‘That young men in despair May love me for myself along And not my yellow hair.” (a) What is the actual colour of foung woman’s hair? (b) What colour does she want? (©) Why does she want to do so? ‘Ans, (a) The actual colour of young woman's hair is yellow. (b) She wants brown, black or carrot colour. (©) She wants to get a hair-dye such as brown, black or carrot colour. 'T heard an old religious man But yesternight declare ‘That he had found a text to prove That only God, my dear, Could love you for yourself alone ‘And not your yellow hair.” (a) Give the title of the poem and name of the poet. (b) What does the poet want to say here? (c) Who is ‘I’ in the stanza? (2) WK OA) ‘Ans. (a) The title of the poem is “For Anne Gregory” and the name of the poet is WB. Yeats (b) The poet wants to say that only god can love someone only for someone's inner qualities. Every man fascinates ‘with extemal appearance (©) “refers to an old religious man in the stanza OR (a) Name the poem and the poet (b) Whom do '1' and 'you' stand for in this poem? - (c) What could an old religious man prove? ‘Ans. (a) Name of the poem is ‘For Anne Gregory’ and the poet is William Butler Yeats. (b) I’ Stand fora young man and 'you’ stand for a young wornan, (©) _ Anold religious man could provethat God loves cone for one's actions and qualities. ‘Short Answer Type Questions. ‘Q.1. What is the colour of the young woman's hair? ‘What does she say she can change it to ? Why would she want to do so? ‘Ans, The colour ofthe young, woman's hair is yellow or honey colour. She says that she can change it into brown oF black or carrot, She would want to do so because the young rman in despair may love het for herself alone. @.2. What is the theme of the poem ‘For Anne Gregory’? : "Ans, The theme of the poem 'For Anne Gregory’ is the declaration of the idea that a person should be loved for his! her mental and moral qualities and not by physical beauty. Gregory wants the youngman to love her for her alone. 'Q.3. What does the poet inform Anne Gregory about an old religious man? ‘Ans, The poet informs Anne Gregory that yestemnight he heard an old religious man declared that he had found a toxt to prove that only God could love her for herself alone, Q44. Is Gregory satisfied to have beautiful golden hair? If not, why? ‘Ans. Gregory is not satisfied to haye beautiful golden hair, that's why she thinks to change colour of her hair to brown, blackor carrot. She wants tobe loved for the qualities and by the interior and not for the outer beauty

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