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By Dr. Cato Holler

In the early 1900s, David P. Abbott per- said it was often referred to as the “Japanese
fected one of the most popular and bewilder- Ball.”
ing of all magic effects, the floating ball. He Well, let’s move forward to 1890. In Hoff-
shared his secrets with such magical lumi- man’s book More Magic, he describes an
naries as Okito and Thurston, who then pop- updated version of the ball, which not only
ularized the trick on big stages descends upon command, but
around the world. also has the capability of ascend-
Prior to this, however, came ing the cord, seemingly in defi-
the popularity of an earlier effect ance of gravity. These early
known as the “obedient ball.” I’m magical spheres were generally
sure that many of you are familiar black in color and available in
with the obedient ball. In its sim- several sizes in the late 1800s and
plest form, it’s a wooden sphere early 1900s. Around the same
threaded on a string and is made time, this improved version of the
to stop or go upon command as it obedient ball hit the market, a
slides down the string. The effect German tin toy company began
has been around forever and was even per- manufacturing Tom the Climbing Monkey,
formed by none other than Robert Houdin. which operated on the same principle as the
It was included in many of the nineteenth- ball. The company later produced a tin hot
century magic sets. air balloon with a similar mechanism.
Angelo Lewis, better known as Professor A more recent version of the obedient ball
Hoffman, described the ball in 1876 in his was made of solid walnut and marketed by
well-known book Modern Magic. Hoffman Bill Adams, as part of his Centurion Line of
attributed it to being Japanese in origin and exquisite magic in the 1980s. It was called
36 The Linking Ring
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the Orb of Omar, or the Incredi-ball. These, magnets, and in some cases controlled by
like their predecessors, are now becoming hidden air jets. These pneumatic devices
quite collectible and somewhat hard to find. were described by Sharpe in Conjurer’s Hy-
Over the years, numerous versions of the draulic and Pneumatic Secrets.
ball that use different methods have ap- In 1943, Jack “Mystic” Smith released a
peared, including some requiring threads 3.5-inch cubical form of the obedient ball.
and back-stage assistance. At least one Known as the Ascending Block, it appeared
model involved a thread and reel. As a in the Sterling Magic catalogue at the time.
magic collector, I have acquired more than Its internal mechanism was identical to that
a dozen different related items over the of the second-generation obedient ball, and
years. the string ran diagonally through opposite
The June 1911 issue of Stanyon’s Magic corners. Its popularity apparently was lim-
featured “The Rising and Falling Tube of the ited. On week eighteen of The Magic Col-
Native Indian Conjurers.” Contributed by lector’s Corner, Judge Gary Brown
Satja Ranjan Roy of India, it featured a short demonstrated his newly acquired ascending
bamboo tube which behaved much like an block that had been beautifully restored by
obedient ball, but operated by a different Paul Lembo. I am personally aware of only
technique. The 1912 Vol.11 No.5 issue of one other original extant today, although
The Sphinx magazine featured an article on others may be hiding out there somewhere.
a similar “Obedient Tube.” The device reap- Some of you undoubtedly own a little de-
peared in a Sphinx article from the 1944 Vol. vice known as Cubio. This is essentially like
42 No.12 issue. Although simple in construc- the original obedient ball, except a small
tion, it is an amusing device. It can easily be wooden or metal cube is used in place of the
made with a cardboard tube, some string, and sphere. Unlike Smith’s Ascending Block,
a couple of paperclips. This makes a great the string ran from one side of the block to
craft project for young magicians. the opposite side, not corner to corner. Also,
Some obedient balls would rise and fall the Cubio would only descend, not rise. One
along a rod, instead of a cord. These utilized improvement has been made in that the
hidden threads to do the lifting. Others modern Cubios contain a secret locking
would roll forward and backward along a mechanism, allowing one to pass the unit
plank (Golliwog ball) or wedge-shaped in- out to spectators who are then unable to per-
clines. Others were controlled by threads, form the trick.


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So, now let’s look at some methods be- sion was applied to the cords. There is actu-
hind these interesting devices. The secret to ally a formula in physics that describes the
the original obedient ball is quite simple. It action of these internal pulleys. It can be
depends on the fact that the hole through the found in Dunninger’s Complete Encyclope-
sphere is not straight but has a curve in the dia of Magic. In the same book, Dunninger
middle. As long as the string is kept slack, described two other obedient balls that are
the ball slides freely along its length, but ten- simpler and use invisible threads.
sion on the cord produces friction at the One of the latest versions to hit the market
hole’s curvature, allowing it to stop at will. is GraviBall, by Russian FISM winner
A close-up version was designed where the Artem Shchukim. It consists of a golf-ball-
ball could be handed out for inspection. The size device with internal wheels similar to
hole through this ball had a straight bore but the obedient ball. The two halves of the
was tapered from one end to the other. After sphere are held together by magnets rather
the ball was examined, the magician could than the traditional pins or tiny nails. It is
insert the cord, which had secretly been threaded with a nearly invisible thread and
threaded through a tapered wooden plug that can be operated as more of a ball, which ap-
contained the deviated hole in its center – es- pears to be floating or rising and descending
sentially restoring the ball to its original con- on its own.
figuration. Lloyd Chambers later used this I find it interesting that these ingenious,
plug concept in an obedient ball he initially historic devices are still being used today to
made for Thayer Magic before selling them entertain, bewilder, and amuse audiences of
through his own company. the twenty-first century.
Then, there was a gimmick on the market
consisting of a thin curved metal tube that
when pre-strung on the cord, like the plug,
could be secretly inserted through the center Dr. Cato Holler has served as both Vice
of an orange, producing an obedient fruit, no President and President of I.B.M. Ring 392
less. These were pretty cool effects, but still (Blowing Rock, North Carolina), the
didn’t allow the ball to go UP the cord. William Spooner Ring, and is also a member
The updated version allowed two-way of the Academy of Magical Arts and the
travel for the ball. The center of the sphere Magic Collectors Association. He first pre-
contained a rod or axle on which were two sented an earlier version of this paper for
different sized spools with separate strings Bob Sanders’ Magic Valley Magic Weekend
attached. The ball would rise and fall as ten- in October 2022.

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38 The Linking Ring

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