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If you already have an existing set of data that you want to use, you won’t need to manually re-encode all of them
into Oojeema. In this article, we would walk you through how to import different maintenance or master data.

1. Go to Settings, then Customer
2. Click on the import icon. and a window will show up that tells
you the steps to import your Customer list.
3. Assuming this is your first time to import your list, you would
need to download the template. You can do this by clicking on the
“template” link.




The Expense module in Oojeema allows you to record the cost of your operations that allows your company to
generate the revenues needed.

Select a Vendor
1. Begin by selecting Expense from the sidebar.
2. Click on the add icon to show the Expense transaction form.

3. Select a Vendor from the drop down field.

Add an Expense Item

4. Select an Expense Account

5. Enter the description for this particular expense.
6. The credit account is automatically set to Accounts Payable – Non-Trade, but you can change it to an
appropriate credit account.
7. Enter the Price for this expense.
8. Select a tax option.

Withholding Tax
If you’re a withholding agent, select the rate you are withholding and make sure that the appropriate ATC is


Getting Started with Importing Expenses

Before importing expenses, make sure you have already maintained your expense and credit accounts in your
chart of accounts.

The following fields are the required fields to successfully import your file:
Voucher No./Document Set – In the context of an expense transaction, one expense transaction is considered 1
voucher or a document set. If you have more than one expenses in the transaction, the document set groups lets
the system know that the expenses belong to the same transaction
Transaction date – This should be in the YYYY-MM-DD format. (please refer to your spreadsheet program
documentation on how to format this)
Due Date – This is the due date of the transaction
Vendor – The vendor name (NOT CODE), that is maintained in your vendor maintenance data.
Expense Account – This is the General Ledger account in your chart of accounts where you want to book the
expense to.
Credit Account – Select which Accounts Payable account where you want to credit the expense to.
Price – Price of the expense item.
Tax Code – The following are the acceptable code for importing sales invoices. Each line item may have its own
tax code.
IGOTCP – Importation of Goods Other Than Capital Goods
VATG12 – Domestic Purchase of Goods Other Than Capital Goods
VATG12E1M – Purchase of Capital Goods Exceeding 1M
VATG12NE1M – Purchase of Capital Goods Not Exceeding 1M
VATGNQITAX – Purchase Not Qualified for Input Tax
VATS12 – Domestic Purchase of Services
VATS12NR – Services Rendered by Non-Residents
VATZRP – Services Rendered by Non-Residents
None – for transactions with no tax or leave the field/cell blank if there is no tax for the transaction

The following are optional fields

Document No. – This is an alpha-numeric field that you can enter in reference to your purchase.
Notes – Add additional alpha-numeric notes to describe this purchase
Description – Enter the description of the item. If you enter a different description than the one maintained in
your item maintenance, the system will pick up the one you entered. Otherwise, if you leave this blank, the
system will NOT default to the maintained description of the item.
Withholding Tax Code – If you are a withholding agent and needs to withhold tax for your purchases, enter the
Alphanumeric Tax Code (ATC) here. For the list of ATC, refer to the Withholding Tax maintenance by going
to Settings – Withholding Tax

Steps in Importing Expense Transactions

1. From the Dashboard, click on the side bar and select Expense
2. Click on the import icon
3. Download the import template
4. Fill-up the import template following the guide in the section above.
5. Attach the template by click on the browse button to look for the filled up template.
Once you have issued your petty cash fund to your custodian. You can start recording petty cash expenses

Steps in Recording a Petty Cash Expense

1. This is similar to recording expenses. Simply select the appropriate vendor for the expense.
2. Then follow the procedure in issuing payments per invoice
3. But instead of using a cash in bank account for your payment account, select your petty cash fund
account to reduce the petty cash fund.


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