aliphatic hydrocarbons (1)

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HAPTER :O8 =: _CHppteR : O08 PIKANES ] « C-C single bond PREPARATION L) SABATIER’? SENDERN'S REACTION Reactant : Alkene (vegetable oil Process +_Hychi enation (Addition O Hs I Reagent: _H. cli sk ie NE [200% - 300°C i © Pt room Lemperature ¢ Po | 70m temperature _ ( a gu / fat) , Pnooluct : Alkane (vegetable ghee oe Reaction: H H. Zu ‘ Hy / Pt WCC HH c=c Scanned with CamScanner ~~ H.C =CH—CHs 4 H Ne 2 “Roo Tae HC, — CHa - CH 300%. a : -— Cia a Ne HyC— OS CHT CH, + He Sissy NoC—CH ~CH CH, 2 -Butene HOW = Bufane. fio! igni. ficance : ON Convert vegetable oil into vegetable ae e Limitation: we cart prepare methane by Chis process. iL) REDUCTION OF ALKYL HALIWE Reactant + Haloabkane (A—*) Puocess: Addit#en hydnogene (Recluction) age %n [aqueous Vhologen atid — Ca ste ionize H emt Pnoduct: “Alkane: . —— —teackion: ° —_ —"H,C- CH, ~ CH, —Br + Zn + H+ Bx emp ANGE + HyC—Cle-Cl _— n- propyl buomide ts 1 - Bromo pxopane pxopane ua: Scanned with CamScanner ee Q: What happens when , a) SoBuly£ bnomiicle neact with Rn Jagueous acto, ~ Haé—CH= Cs ths 7 Hy¢—CH—CH,-Bn + Zn + Hex => Zney,.” Cus, = HoC— CH CHa $60 - Butyl bnomide ch, (Bromo -2- meth yl propane Tso- Butane 4) fs0- propyl chloride undergo yeduclon, ye CH=CH + an HEU > ye = GHC, a7 + ce 4 | Iso - Propel chloride 450-Propy he Propane 104) DECARBOXYLATION OF sar o= —____MONOCARBOXYLIC ACD — HyC— COOH ++ No” ——> tsC-CoONE y HP NOREEN icant ilipheinehreet preter p sb peinns ye 4 Scanned with CamScanner Reactant * P-CooH Process : Decartboxylation re Reagent: Naot” + Ca0 (Sodla lime) . To veduce yeactyil Of Naow since Tete a strong base. Puoouct : Alkane HsC¥COONO + Nod eo Gi 4 mCOs Sodlium acetate ‘Mehana Sodlium ethanoate Q: Sodium propanoate undlerg © Cecawboacy lation : H3C— CH, — CBGNa’ —__, Cou” HC —CH2—COONa" + NaOH —~> CH— CHa + Na.cO3 Sodium ptopanoate Ethane Significance ; ' -© % reduce | no. 4, ¢-alems in _Heactant . 0 What happens, when, CH3—CH— CH, —CHs t 2n_+ H* 46x ——y CMy~CH~CH, + CH + 208, Bt 7 Scanned with CamScanner peer enenernensemepreencesnenenennen ttn, b) Sodtum butancate undergo cecanbory lation : H. Sodium butanoate propane c) prepose pentane by decarboxylation. HAC =CH,-CH,—CH,—Cth—COONG_ + NOOH sooltumhexanoate _| GD Hage: Grids Otte s CHa the + Na2l03 H Pentane Qi worte —_yeactions _In_which. 1) @axbon aloms yeoluced im _xeactant by seacking with Soda Line? CH,-Cl,— COONd + NaOH ae, che +NasCo,_ RS ce ee ae. Be sodium proparioate Eshane = (3 Carbon) (2 ctbon) fobresclanngnnsiemesolivohal nidsioenc lagi phere SUS ania Thus Cecaxbo xy talon salt mono conboulic actol oduces puoduct a Scanned with CamScanner roving ‘one less casibon than (pr meactant- @:_ Convert veges bie Ot Into vegetable ghee Also weit pintistiog 4. weaction ? table cif can be converted fnto table ghee by the__psocess % hydro genBlion : Reaction: Ae x 7. TI Yo veneteee, otl veqlable ghee By és _puccess we can not prepare methane sine where % 10 _alkéne having — one __caxbon only . TP G: Page ane hexane by weduclion # hey Me 1-Chloro_hexan€ =CHa- CHe-CHe -Cl + ne Ht+ ce Hye — Cis -Che gets CH, CH, CHa CH, 7 ZnCl , H n-Hexane Scanned with CamScanner i iv) KOLBE’S ELECTROLYSIS (alt Fiaernbaa te oct ———____ ‘DiRECT REACTION CHS COONS 4DH,O —> Cih—cil Hi+ dn sodlium acetate : et iy (Smetrical) MECHANISM: )iontzabiont Ho as et a Fe 2 20 == = 20H” + 2H" At anode ; (+ve oxtdation {free radieod 2CH3COO “srsimec? 200. + CHa — foals fee_|__——— fobs radical baits — $. - Scanned with CamScanner _ Ft cathode +: (-ve) (Reduction) OW" 4 26 = ~ Gleckrolyle = 2No* + 29H” ——» _2Na0H Hg ¥ 2AM D. v) CLEMENSONS WOLF Kignners ReDucTion) ¢ 'S RED ONG 4 CH, = Cen, + 404) Hc -C-CHy + 4.0 + Plopanone 2 : Dimethyl kelone propene acetone T@ Prepone alkane by nedlue ton 4 2-Hexanone “© Alkane aan be af by _2-Hexanone by wolf kishney and Clemenson's _yeduction. e Xe Antgurn Paesig Le) fin _ presence % “ Haloacid’ is Us as weogent ° kelonte, Jptadp fs converte ol inte methylene. Reaction: 9 HW hexane CHC = CH, =CHs CH CH, + ACH 2 Cig en cH ch 2.-Hex anone_ t + HO i Scanned with CamScanner WOLF KISHNER'S REQUCTIONS + 40H) Se CH3-C—H_ + #20 on ___tl— ethanol t ethane ne cnn ncn CH3-C—H | e Alcleh idles e ine. KOH - cat “200° oF ° Aldehyde quoup ds, cme hb. met e Reaction. Scanned with CamScanner - Hx halo and HOX gayactal halogen Oxidlalion © Substitution ___» Nibration 2 Hologenation wx os “Replace ment 4 hyclnogen = halogen fs known Qs hudeg enotion: i Reactivity OF HALOGEN (X2) oS 2 FC, > Bn, y D7 5e tL madevales’= S kinge size Nore EN Uvveversible) H- Foods FREE RADICAL = i a) : - ti) Unstable t)_phowt Leved. vy) Larrauaagnette. - 1) forme by inmmpiptie—alearage —____—— 4 Scanned with CamScanner peg er Nn antl _ounlighs chanisim 2. « Initiation Molecule Ee free radical produce aaa + free waclécal —> New free radii! Or atid eal olecule,. SS | Depencls on “amount of nologer. “DimecT_REACTIONT: —___— ‘a ——+ CH ch + HCL + Ch Cy +S Methyhchloride : tiga sc Catt HE { He tiytene corte ltchleromeliog) _ lee > Ch —— CHCls + Hel = Pfc witht HCE filets raconman) eo a Scanned with CamScanner Cle et = eee ALKENES Unsatwrated HC’s wlth General a Cha, Cte called Altenes aie G Why they ane Called oetcfins? | when they eact with halogen, yeu fo7m ullk V Urnus alice wth ollfl Tayor” axe kroun as Belitins. | U Smallest _member : Scanned with CamScanner gindehioie ___Ethene a ' H3C—CH.— Bx + koH = a ach tiny “ene ———— » Removal — —p- ee CH, — CH, —OH Hes, HC= Ch, +20 gael one Primacy Alcohol + CH —CH,-0H A Has no=cH, + 120 bgt ——___—— Secon. Alcohol : #opanol : - oH . Ter leohok: 7 cH. a eon 2 ig=__ + 120 . cs a or Re Oe eagle Neydprapen ——~ Ne lee Scanned with CamScanner jg) AO H2SO ee 1 ~~) Rog (Best: - ie » which ollo wi eaily undergo olehydation | a) PAY 1° (Most cfficwlt ) GA 2° hi) TA 3° a) CH,0H (can never uncle aehydration be atleast a.’ Caxbons ane eqyuined oad 4 2) behabopenation af victnal ide SEER TTP a | Tanilon ups = Sirvlooe goroups at eat et Sore Nolen 5 1! Gerntrol. a | Han Che | ——_Hye= on 4 cl vicinal Gremina Scanned with CamScanner Pci a np een acs ERE TOT EE ae DOT IN. K a d has e- availble Ad “asa mycleophile_ (nix ee “geck le ( E* aa Scanned with CamScanner lyavonoanitens ~~ eee Se LG a Grund cowie bord 7 | is fot eet . A Scanned with CamScanner HARKONIKON'S re Rue F* “aay — et when uns ynomébitcal neagenk 2100 d- with unsyramébitcal alkenes “me alive pane. Of, the. *eogent willl” i? Hat’ Cootbon ULaving th ok “ ot eH, = CH Cs + HCL CH CH Oy Piopene Ck ‘chloro propane ~ 4) HYDRATION (7) Addition of water C CH CH, + y—on teu, CH,—CH- Cts = CH— OH — Mechanism: $$ 50H —— Chs— Chy-0- ~~ CH=CH, + ty$0y 005 Gp, =Ch, - —_tH ~ HE O= By * 1.0 aaa ee 480, * Coll, 30, * BO 7 [Aan 3, - 4 }— SA ht Lo, SERS er Scanned with CamScanner ro CtyjrcH= CH * Lo cHy—cu—ciy pT Pepe pte —— DROXYLATION ——~ i “HC CHs +2H,O0 + “KMnDy —> “CHa~CHa - + M0 +04 r ~ tfdiute dn du lo! aikalie Einylene Glycol Pa “(Ba Baeyer's (,2~ éthanecliol) veagent) 0 Test ~/or unsaturation _ fh hot kMAD, ds used _pghe 2 -acial. as t laed. 3 ss pedi double.” bona. - : se to locate double. cond. 2 —— oxorite_ ee re __2ronile_ Scanned with CamScanner NHC= CH éthene +1 OF 0, a 4 (M0tH) Good Buate ty Polythene: thené* 5 ncH, = CH, Ch, —CH, oe a a —— Scanned with CamScanner — |pypenvonnr ON (ALCOHO\); 1:80, ar! 4 HCH, -0OH > = Ch CM 10-106 BCS Cte + 40 (Primary) se Rthene . : ; | cH, CH— oH yo H3C— CH + thy at toe — CHs Ca, (Second, ees ae lary) - Pyopene - E oH oo ) + hoe 3 ~ Many > sondeny > Primer a 2 2s |S fe choot. py itt. Scanned with CamScanner DEHRLOGENFTION OF Vicwa | OIHALIOE = / CHaoH CH, ~ CH, + %9 ES cHrecn, + znby,, Tt er By KOLBE’S ELECT. ROLYSIS: H.C — COON” 4 ay,o Llectrolygs Ls + 2.CO, + 2Nadt CH, —C06 No* Hae 4 the Sodium Succinate | HC — CooNot 4c C0" anal 1 - _ y Nat —C00 H.C — CDO Na He Succinate fn - Scanned with CamScanner = + de —_y H> at | S 5 + Se / rp 7 | $0 QNot 4 QOH» 2NadH 4 Scanned with CamScanner | (addin h water ADDITION | OF Sutpnuric Acio » preene a) CH, =CHz HiS0y + CHs-CH,. et pl EthyP alconpl TT cu-ch= cH, Mem, a Mee CHa — CH EH, OH ADDITION OF HALOGEN: Br cély Hl ae Che CH=CH, + 8% ee Br $ Thies Che CH, per —Br —> we Scanned with CamScanner iat tf Ca bord drat it fs added fn unsa, vs coteu_dlischanges My : [ROOITION OF HCH tine ACID (HOX ) = - Cl, +H-OH —» Hel 4 “Hock ~ J eet HC = Cte + HOct —s ho ~| | | a —__Sherenyasin : ——_(halory dato’) <> Hf -cH-ch, an ae ———— On a en Marconteo alt: Scanned with CamScanner Fo Sp7> as a ozone | -T Oxmpnmon: Dato — Ms ~_| bydroxélation = (Baeyer’s test) ; | 11- Kold Ak. kMno, ‘I = = = Sotd | uC = CH. tkMO0, + o~2, cu,—ctt,| mn pustple t 1 ow oH (eereess ) Gtycot JET Moo, + 3d L ° purine this reaction purple colour discharges . e Test for unsatwtation 4 o> Br. Test > Baeyer's Test . [L_ | OZONOLYSIS + | H.C = CH, +03 —> Hae £ Ce ] —ad Scanned with CamScanner (Gu s)s ol + Titty) miedo Natta taralisin MUSTARD GAS: ~ ieee a aH, CH, Sachs —rr os ee | Neg stn : oe ee ae +S (pp) Scanned with CamScanner 1,1,2.2 Tetra bromide Scanned with CamScanner |___——s6 Hylan on neeCh + HOH py? C= Wi lt — rere : pesca — Puc masts 1 op CCl f 7 Bs ned rt ty ILE yaad eee Sees | |ea IF —— tat »C= CH as tyC-t,— one Germinal | ~ daolide | a Acetatdenyde Vinyl Alcohol and pcerolctehyt? 7 are Tautomeri isomers. ~~ W B) — rT : eT, ra No ac —~-C SC—CH, + NHyOH + Aqno, —s ppt pt 3 NOs —* ppt. ~~ REACTINITY: I Alkane < Alkyne < Alkenes HOCH, HC=CH He-CH; : (Bond length #) (Bond tengihu)) (Bond Lengths) | ©-© GO © it - & are less exposed. - | Scanned with CamScanner ALK YNES — fycrocartons which contain tapie Bond and having. general Jprmula. CrHyr2 CH, NCC Ethyne Acclyfene C3Hy He —CECH propylene -_ PREPRRATION 2) DEH YOROMALOGENATION OF WICINAL DIFIALIDE — a WCC =H + KOH ten on and x \ x oe ~Uhaboethane KOH > HCA CH : €thyne Coy. THON OF EHALOGENA ti) os SHE ALO ALKANES Scanned with CamScanner ON Nee 4 A PH CSCH + any yl nn it 4 Ethyne —‘“ Se a val oocmile Ethyne TY POLYMERIZATION (9 __ ——_—_—— HC SCH +(WCSCH ——> mC=CH-CHCH Vinybacetyfene = 4,C=CH—-C= OH + HC=CH ——>» H,c=cH—cac— cl Divinyfacetylen@ _~ =CH—C2CH + Hel —s CH, = CH=CH Wenkrifors Mays opranie (Sydhen © Scanned with CamScanner rr a r ———— BUICINES.. CQ) ar of, bonds w bond stzength rae] = o Aeiley [Tendency to Lose hyaogen - tiny terminal jas ove otic a) HBC 2 a ey RotacH + NaNl, <—ZR-CENG + NH yt eel Kd) 2Na — Nac SCNQ +H Heme + pidecltumacetalicle Nn ERO GS Hw 3 = + 2Ag —— SCAQ + Ha r ~ eee pistlve race taliole a Scanned with CamScanner LT MUMc=Cc 4) wczcH + 2 oO CS Ct Dico racetalide Ep REGENERATION 7 RECOVERY ll NalC=cNna + H2SOy —— HC=CH + NG, SO yee Cy FH5, HES CH HM Scanned with CamScanner

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