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OS * PHYSK ERAL X! En ECTROMAG He, LTIPLE CHOICE QUESTION Each of the following question is followed by four answer. Select correct answer in each case. 1 A current is flowing North in a magnetic field that points West. It exp nces® (a) a force down (b) a force up (c) a force west (d) no force 5 ‘Two long, straight wires have currents flowing in them in the same direction, the force between the wir, fa) Attractive (b) repulsive {c) zero (d) infinite 7 3. ‘One weber is equal to (a) N Aim (b) Nm/A (c) NA/m (d) N m/A, 4. Magnetic flux will be maximum if the angle between magnetic field strength and vector area is (a) 0" (b) 45° (c) 60° (4) 90° 5. Ampere's law is applied over any {a) Surface {b) closed surface (c) path (4) closed path 6 When the number of turns in a solenoid is doubled without any change in the length of the solenoid is induction will be (a) Four times (b) Doubled (c) Halved (4) One forth 7. “the charge is at rest in magnetic field, then force on charge is (a) qve (b) — qvBcos8 (c) qvB sind (4) zero 8. Work done on a charge particle moving in a uniform magnetic field is (2) maximum (b) minimum (c) zero (4) infinite 9. The Earths northern magnetic pole acts like: {a) the north pole of a magnet (b) the south pole of a magnet (¢) ithas a positive charge (d) it has a negative charge 10. The pole pieces of the magnet in galvanometer are made concave to make the field {a) Radial (b) Stronger (c) Weaker (d) Both A&B 11. When 2 small resistance is connected parallel to galvanometer, the resulting circuit behaves as (a) Voltmeter (b) Ammeter (c) Velocity Selector — (d) AVO meter 12. _ To measure the voltage the voltmeter is connected with the circuit in (a) series © (b) parallel (c) Perpendicular (d) Straight Line 413,” The resistance of ideal voltmeter is {a) Small (b) Large (c) Zero (d) Infinite 14, The torque in the coil can be increased by increasing. {a) Number of turns (b)Current and magnetic field (c) Area of coil (a) All of these HINTS TO MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTION Answers: | € 2 a 3 2 za 2 A d A € b ik b b gd a d | eo (1) Apply thumb rule (9) Because opposite poles attract, this aa ‘ According to place you palm on current-carrying that Earth's north magnetic pole is actually? 7a] ‘conductor and surrounds the conductor with your fingers | south pole and Earth's south magnetic pole 5 and your thumb should be in the direction of currént north pole. flowing Now at any point, magnetic fleld lines direction will be same as direction of your fingertips. (6) L=yyrdl When the number of turns in'a coll Is doubled without 2 i change in the length of the coll , its self inductance Scanned with CamScanner = ORT QUESTIONS WITH SUGGESTE ss needle Is deflected when a charged plastic rod is held near it. What is the A © produces the deflection? ‘The compass needle can rotate on a pivot in a h jorizontal plane. If a positively charged rod is brought Ans compass needle will do nothing : ‘Magnetic poles are not the same as electric charges NOTE: View frerm above ‘The compass needle is a small magnet. That’s why when a compass needle is brought near a bar magnet, its magnetic field lines poaihs + jpteract with that of the bar magnet. Hence, @ compass needle gets rod deflected near the magnet bar. 2, Whatis the difference between permeability and permittivity? Ans: Parameters for | Permittivity Permeability ‘comparison E Definition The permittivity measures the obstruction permeability isthe ability of — produces by the material in the formation of the magnetization that a material electric field. possesses for the applied magnetic field. 3 . 3 Represented by | € ri i SI Unit _| Farad/meter or F/m Henries/meter Or ‘H/m The value in free | The permittivity of Free Space = 5X 10-12 The permeability of free space vy space Farad/meter 7 10-7 Hin ‘ Field Electric field Mi c ae Principle involved | Polarization of electric charges Magnetization _ Application Capacitors Transformer core and Inductors on nal motion create a magnetic Field? Provide an example. ‘ 3. Canthe objects in rotation Ans: Yes, the objects in rotational motion can ‘create a magnetic field. . Example: Bs The spinning and orbiting of the nucleus of 2m 210 produce’ The direction of the spin and orbit determine the direction of the mat called the magnetic moment. s. _Elecuon and proton are projected withthe same velocity normal to the magnetlc field. Which one will suffer greater deflection? Why?. prs, Bearer wlteefiect much more bece ise the deflection © inversely proportional ots Mass ee and having equal (but opposite) Explanation: .s a magnetic field. genetic field. The strength of this field is the same velocity in a magnetic field 50 given a proton and an electron going 2 Get chorge the electron will deflect much more nce the ratio of the masses Is 1836 eee 5 mvt oe ; Bev = oR : : Mv ea 2 Mae "Be ers - (= vandB are constants), rem iductor. This phenomenon Is tn 2831, English si discovered that =nglist scientist Michael Faraday ‘awa wi ‘eamat is induced In theca When the magnetic flux linking a conductor fae electromagnetic induction. - Faraday’s Law of Induction describes hanging magnetic field generates an how an electric current produces a magnetic field and, conversely, how a electric current in a conductor. Sema ey eS Scanned with CamScanner {140 | ELECTROMAGY “Application: The interplay of electric and magnetic forces is the basis for electric motors, generators, ang ‘other modern technologies. ‘A charged particle moves In a straight line through a particular region of space. Could there be a non.z¢,, magnetic field in this region? tfa charged particle moves in a straight line through some region of space, the magnetic field in the region, ‘or may not be zero. i) Whenno field exists in the region, particle moves in straight line: . B-0 F = qVBsin0 = qVOsin0 =0 As no force is acting, so charge moves through the region undeflected. ii) Hf magnetic field exists and charge moves parallel or anti parallel to the field, then under this co charge moves in straight line through this region because magnetic force becomes zero. F = qVBsino = qVBsind = qVBsino =qVBsin180 = QVB.0 qvB.0 =0 =0 Ifa current is passed through an unstretched spring, will the spring contract or expand? When current is passed through a spring then the current flows parallel in the adjacent turns. And when wires are placed parallel to each other, then the current which flows is in the same direction, the wires a each other. Similarly, the various turns attract each other and the spring will compress. How can neutrons be-accelerated in a cyclotron? No, neutron cannot be accelerated in cyclotron, because neutron is not a charged particle. F =qvBsin0 =(0)vBsind =0 «For the particle to accelerate in cyclotron, the charge on the particle is required. © As neutrons have no charge therefore it cannot be accelerated in cyclotron. Acurrent carrying loop, free to turn, is placed in a uniform magnetic field B. What will Be its orientation relative to B, in the equilibrium state? . When a current carrying loop is freely suspended in uniform magnetic field, the deflecting torque acts 0" which rotate the loop. i r= NIABcosa But at the same time an opposing torque called restoring torque also acts on the call. Restoring torque=1 =CO When these two torques balances each other the loop comes in the equilibrium state and will be oriented parallel to magnetic field. NBIA=CO How does a current carrying coll behave like a bar magnet? When the current is passed in coil, there produces a magnetic lines of force in it, by making the magnet. ‘The magnetic lines of force In current carrying coil is like a bar magnet which start from one end o} terminate at the other end, . ‘Se that one end of the current carrying coll becomes North Pole where the ather ends as South Pole f the Hence a current carrying coil behave like a bar magnet. Scanned with CamScanner % Sot: 133. NUMERICAL PROBLEMS ‘At what distance from a long straight wire carrying a current of 10A {s the magnetic fletd Is equal ‘earth's magnetic field of 5 x 10° T? Ve Current 1=104 Magnetic field B= S~10°7 Permeability 4, = 40x10 WA Distance For the magnetic field due to current in straight wire 1a? Along solenoid having 1000 turns uniformly distributed over a length of 0.5 m produces a magnetic field of 25 x10" Tat the center. Find the current in the solenoid? Number of turns N =1000turms Length m ‘Magnetic field x1O°T Current . Permeability x07 WA For the magnetic field produces by current in solenoid using relation B=pnl p_ Bk, 25x10"*05 _ 194 33.14%107 1000 Aproton moving at right angles to a magnetic field of 0.1 T experiences a force of 2x 10" N.what isthe speed of the proton? Magnetic fleld B=01T Angie 0=90" Force F=2x108N Charge on proton gq l6xtOec ack s 2 For the magnetic force on proton in magnetic field using relation : Aas P eqvBsind £ 2x10" Vi oy pe a 25x10 quad" Toxo xoed Scanned with CamScanner COLLEGE puySiCs FEDERAL x rm FARCTBOMsG 134 Sol: 135. 13.6. Sf ee \diculurly Into a uniform magnetic field of 2.5 T. Find (alten, onthe ten o ‘e) ‘What will be the radius of the path of proton? Energy of proton Ee8Mev=8 x 10%ev but Level.6x 101 Ee 8x10" x 6x10” Exl28x10Vs Angle 0=90" ‘Magnetic field B=25T ‘Mass of proton m 3167x107" kg Charge on proton g=16xlO"C Speed of proton v=? (a) Force on proton F=? {b) Radius of circular path r=? The Kinetic energy of proton is KE zm” “2 XKE 221.2810" 11 52910! ” 167x107 v=3.9x10' ms" {a} Forthe force on proton in magnetic field relation F =qvBsinO F =1.6x10"" x3.9x10" x2.5xsin90” F=1,6x10 x3.9x10" x2.5x1=1.6x10"N (b) _Forthe radius of circular path of proton using relation fo m- Br vm _ 39x10" x1.67x107” qB 16x10 x25 What is the time period of an electron projected Into a uniform magnetic fleld of 10m T and moves ina circle of radius 6 cm? : Time period T=? Mass of electron m=9.1 1x10 kg Charge onelectron = gq =~1.6x10°"C Magnetic field B=10x10°T The time period of electron in magnetic field given by 2am _ 2x3.14x9,11x107! 3 * TexlO clontoF 3571075 =3.6ns ‘rectangular coll with 250 turns Is 6.0cm long and 4.0 cm wide. When the coll placed In a magnetic 0.257, Its maximum torque Is 0,20 Nm. What Is the current In the coll? Number of turns in a square loop = N = 250. Magneticfield=BO.25T i Area of a coll = A = 4,0x6.0 cm? = (0,04)(0.06)m? Currentie? eer 8 tue on a coll=0.20 Nm Scanned with CamScanner fog = NIAB ites 0.20 NAB (250)(0.04x0.06)(0.25) pit costed lei aid one mpagnetie Meld are established over a certain region. The magnetic field is 0.105T and» the ele . ‘m. an electron experi et fore inues the angin astraight ine. What isthe electron’s speed? Sore oe ee ae sol; Magnetic field = B = 0.105 T Electric field = E = 2.00x10°v/m S15 ‘Afull scale deflection current for a galvanometer is 10mA. Its resistance is 100. ohms. How can it be 28. converted into an ammeter of range 100A? Sot; Fullscale deflection current J, = 10x10°4 Resistance of galvanometer —-R, = 100ohm Maximum current 1=100A Shunt resistance R, For shunt resistance using the relation LR, Rae 7-1, p= 10x10? x100 | _o.o10hm *~ 100-10x10" 99.9 139. How a 5mA, 100 ohm galvanometer is converted into 20 V voltmeter? Sol; Current 1, =5x10°A Resistance of galvanometer —-R, = 1000hm Voltage V = 207 + Series resistance R For the series resistance using relation Vv RoL-R, 1, 20 a pF 7 100= 4000-100 = 39000hm ¥ x : 4 3.10, Two parailel wire 10 cm a port carry current in opposite direction of BA, What is the magnetic field half way a, etween them? * Distance between conductors r=10x107%m Current in each conductor 1,=1,=84 Magnetic field half way between them B=? Permeabitty. 1, =42x107W,A'm Let the point P be laying half way between the two luctors so the distance of the point P from these conductors will be = Sx10%m - - : Meeretic hls due current in one conductor Scanned with CamScanner ELECTRON «., ” SOLLIEGE pHYSeS FEDERAL Xt 150 3 A. SE 8107X8 52,1097 ; DE NSx107 Magnetic field due current in other conductor By 4xx1O7X8 yay ler, 22x5x10" When the current in the two conductors be flo conductor, the two magnetic fields are in the same direction hence support +10 +3.2x107 = 6.4x10°7° 4x10°T wing opposite, then in between the two current carrying teach other B=0,+0, ‘Along straight wire carries a current of 1A. Find the magnitude of magnetic field at a distance 1m from 0.0m 4 x10 Wb At 2ar (4x x10") (1 a (es210")09 2x(1) 13.2. Youare asked to design a solenoid that will give a magnetic field of 0.10 T, yet the current must not ‘10.0 A. Find the number of turns per unit length that the solenoid should have. Sol. DATA: = 2.0x10'T 10 T Hy =4xx107 WA" number of turns per unit lenght = FORMULA: B=y,nl B 0.10 nea) _ 796 = 796 x10? m" yl (4xx107\(10) ee 13.3. Avvelocity selector is a mass spectrometer uses 2 0,100 T magnetic field What electric field strength| to select a speed of 4.00x10° ms"? Sol: Magnetic field = 8 = 0.100 T “Velocity=v=4.00x10'm/s Fs Electric field = E = ? me ‘: ves E=vB=(0.100)(4.00%10")=4.0%10°NC! Scanned with CamScanner

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