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SeisSpace™ and Landmark Depth Imaging

Version 5000.11.0.0
Release Notes 6/30/20

Introduction .................................................................................................................................................. 2
What’s in the 5000.11.0.0 Release? ............................................................................................................. 3
Operating System Requirements .................................................................................................................. 9
Installation .................................................................................................................................................. 11
Configuring the System ............................................................................................................................... 16
Running SeisSpace ...................................................................................................................................... 18
International Trade Compliance ................................................................................................................. 23
Contacting Landmark Customer Support ................................................................................................... 25

Release 5000.11.0.0 1 of 28 June 2020

SeisSpace™ Software Release Notes


We are delighted to announce the new SeisSpace 5000.11.0.0 release; this version will be the
foundation for our new technology development and our evolution to the cloud.

Our team is working to deliver the first scalable cloud-deployed seismic processing engine via iEnergy as
part of our strategy to continue leading in the age of digital transformation by providing an open
platform for collaboration, and seamless integration with the industry’s first cloud-native seismic
processing engine. Based on our strategy, we are expecting to accelerate the pace of innovation by
working closely with iEnergy partners, customers and universities.

For SeisSpace 5000.11.0.0 we have completed significant upgrades to the infrastructure. This release
meets Open Earth Community standards and includes an upgrade of the operating system to the RHEL
derivative platform CentOS 7.6. The Java compiler and runtime has been updated to Oracle Java 1.8.
The native compiler has been updated to Intel 2019 and Intel 2019 MPI is now the default MPI
installation. A script is available to optionally launch SeisSpace using MPICH2, MPICH3 or Intel 2019 MPI.

This release is packaged with an installer that enables you to efficiently perform both clean and upgrade
installations. In addition, it contains numerous bug fixes, a few customer customer-requested
enhancements and Magma 5.5.1.

We would like to get your feedback on this release, and ask you to contact the SeisSpace Product
Owner, Adrian Sanchez (, with any questions, comments or concerns
about this release.


Seismic Processing & Imaging Team

Release 5000.11.0.0 2 of 28 June 2020

SeisSpace™ Software Release Notes

What’s in the 5000.11.0.0 Release?

 Trace Display (TFS-2318) – Fixed a problem where picking over 10,000 traces to kill caused the
trace display to crash and the kill table to be corrupted. Fixed a related problem when opening a
table with over 10,000 traces in ProTab.

 Time to Depth Conversion (TFS-2389) – Fixed a problem where mute headers TLIVE_S, TFULL_S,
TLIVE_E, and TFULL_E were not being domain converted.

 2D Land Geometry Spreadsheet (TFS-2346) – Fixed a problem where binning certain UKOOA-
imported SPS files would cause a crash during the first stage: “Assigning 2D geometry based
upon station match in source and patterns”.

 2D Land Geometry Spreadsheet (TFS-2690) – Fixed a problem where the SPS file would be
hidden during the import process, when using the MB2 mouse button to scroll through the file
rather than using the arrow button.

 2D / 3D Land Geometry Spreadsheet (TFS-3572) – Fixed a problem where the UKOOA-imported

SPS file would be hidden during the import process, when using the MB2 mouse button to scroll
through the file rather than using the arrow button.

 3D Land Geometry Spreadsheet (TFS-2689) – Fixed a problem where the SPS file would be
hidden during the import process, when using the MB2 mouse button to scroll through the file
rather than using the arrow button.

 3D Land Geometry Spreadsheet (TFS-2687) – Fixed a problem where, when Matching pattern
number in the SIN and PAT spreadsheets was selected for the Assign Midpoints method
parameter, the true Pattern numbers in the PAT Ordered Parameter File were changed and
incorrect 3D geometry was created.

 3D Land Geometry Spreadsheet (TFS-3093) – Fixed a problem where the Linux Window Manager
would intermittently hang when selecting the Receivers spreadsheet launcher.

 Geomspread (TFS-2919) – Fixed a problem where a Kill Traces Table that contained over 10,000
values could not be opened using Geomspread.

 Seismic Compare (TFS-2297) – Fixed a problem where CDP_X and CDP_Y were not reported
properly when the datasets had significant processing differences, for example using an initial
stack and a migrated stack. This occurred when the views of the datasets were on top of each

 Seismic Compare (TFS-2434) – Fixed a problem where several text input boxes would allow
illegal characters, such as multiple decimal characters, and would throw an exception.

 Condense Volumes to Frames (TFS-2226) – Changed the behavior of the tool so that the TRACE
axis label in the output data context is set to SEQNO, instead of the axis label of the input data

Release 5000.11.0.0 3 of 28 June 2020

SeisSpace™ Software Release Notes

context FRAME axis, as before. This allows for correct viewing of the output JavaSeis dataset in
Seismic Compare.

 Spiking/Predictive Decon (TFS-2503) – Fixed a problem where running a hybrid flow failed when
setting the Output traces or filters mode to Filter Operator Output.

 FWI Match Filter (TFS-2474) – Fixed a problem where computing an individual gather failed with
a fatal error in the initialization phase, when attempting to read from the socket.

 SeisSpace Bandpass Filter (TFS-2262) – Fixed a problem where the output was missing data
when using the Time/Space Variant option.

 Ground Roll Removal (TFS-2483) – Fixed a case where Ground Roll Removal failed when the
input dataset from Inline Sort used the following sort:
PRIMARY sort header = REC_SLOC
SECONDARY sort header = S_LINE
TERTIARY sort header = SOU_SLOC

 Inline Merge Sort (TFS-2305) – Fixed a problem where building replica flows of a template flow
containing Inline Merge Sort would throw an “OutOfMemory” exception when Enable Intelligent
Parameterization was checked in the Flow Editor tab of the Navigator Preferences.

 Inline Merge Sort (TFS-2222) – Added a parameter section called DataContext Parameters which
allows the user to manually set the following ProMAX style global variables, just like the tool
Data Context Editor:
ProMAX primary sort type
ProMAX primary sort header
ProMAX secondary header

These global variables are not manually set by default, but can be by selecting Yes for the
parameter Set ProMAX related Data Context Parameters.

 Inline Merge Sort (TFS-2377) – Added a Trace Header selection filter for sort header parameters
in the DataContext Parameters section. If there is a valid header catalog available to the tool,
only the trace headers in the catalog are available for selection. The filter is used when the
following parameters are clicked for Trace Header selection:
ProMAX primary sort header
ProMAX secondary sort header

 Interactive Spectral Analysis (TFS-2558) – Fixed a problem where the frequency scale did not
start at zero after zooming the display multiple times i.e. to a very fine resolution ~ 0.2% of
original display.

 Interactive Spectral Analysis (TFS-2559) – Fixed a problem where the 2D frequency spectrum
could not be scrolled to zero after zooming the display multiple times.

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SeisSpace™ Software Release Notes

 Partial Image Straight Stack (TFS-2497) – Added error handling for a valid input dataset that is
missing any of the CDP headers CDP, CDP_X or CDP_Y. If a CDP header is missing, the option to
Use the original CDP coordinates from the input data is set to No and is disabled.

 Partial Image Straight Stack (TFS-2403) – Fixed a problem where seismic data was missing on
some of the output traces after passing the JavaSeis input dataset through Capsule Reset

 Ensemble Stack (TFS-2401) – Changed the behavior of the tool so that when the JavaSeis Data
Input parameter Parallel distribution axis is set to the Frame axis of the input JavaSeis dataset, a
warning message is displayed informing the user that this may cause severe runtime
performance degradation. In this case, the preferred Parallel distribution axis parameter should
be set to the Volume axis of the input JavaSeis dataset.

 3D Stack (TFS-2402) – Fixed a problem when the input dataset from Distributed Structure
Oriented Semblance contained less than 7 frames.

 JavaSeis Data Input (TFS-2256) – Fixed a performance issue where selecting a JavaSeis table
could lock the Navigator up and take a very long time to bring up the list of tables.

 JavaSeis Horizon Output (TFS-2391) – Fixed a problem where the tool failed when writing out a
JavaSeis horizon.

 JavaSeis Framework Create (TFS-2357) – Fixed a problem where running the tool on a ProMAX
dataset to create a JavaSeis framework for that dataset produced an incorrect framework.

 3D Tutorial Flow 2 (TFS-2987) – Fixed a problem that caused Flow 2 (Velocity to JavaSeis for
KDMIG) to fail in the 3D Tutorial (tutor3d – KMIG – JavaSeis).

Flow Replication
 Chaining Replica Flows (TFS-1979) – Fixed a problem where chaining replica flows across
subprojects would only submit the first two flows.

 Chaining Replica Flows (TFS-2908) – Fixed a problem where not all flows were built as templates
when chaining replica flows across subprojects.

 Replica Jobs Table (TFS-2756) – Fixed a problem where rechecking Share this project in the
Replica Jobs Table would throw an exception.

Navigator Configuration
 Job Viewer (TFS-1990) – Added option to disable the Job Pause feature for
all users except the Navigator Admin user. By default, all users have access to the Job
Pause/Resume buttons.
# Indicates whether the "Pause Job" and "Resume Job" buttons are
enabled for administrator users only or not.
# Default value is false.

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SeisSpace™ Software Release Notes

# com.lgc.prodesk.jobviewer.onlyAdminCanPauseResumeJobs=false

 Job Viewer (TFS-2170) – Added option to disable the ability for one user to
see and affect other users’ jobs, except for the Admin user. By default, all users have the ability
to see and affect other users’ jobs.

# Indicates whether the "Show all users" menu option is visible or not
# com.lgc.prodesk.jobviewer.allUsersVisible=true

 Preferences (TFS-2029) – Added the checkbox Delete any associated sortmaps when Emptying
JavaSeis datasets to the Navigator tab of Preferences. If checked, then all sortmaps associated
with a JavaSeis dataset selected for emptying are deleted. If NOT checked, then all sortmaps
associated with a JavaSeis dataset selected for emptying are preserved.

 Dataset and Table Properties (TFS-2358) – Added an option to the Flow Editor Preferences to
specify if the Dataset or Table Properties dialog should remain open when the Parameter dialog
is closed.

New Flow Editor Preferences option:

Should dataset/table properties dialog remain open?

If selected (default), the dialogs remain open if the Parameter dialog is closed.
If unselected, the dialogs will close if the Parameter dialog is closed.

 Datasets Tab (TFS-2162) – Fixed a problem where the path description for the currently active
subproject Datasets tab was not updating when navigating from subproject to subproject.

 Job Submit Window (TFS-2174) – Fixed a problem where the “localhost” was displayed when
archive jobs were being submitted to a Queue, and the option
com.lgc.prodesk.jobviewer.showQueuesOnly=true was set.

 Job Submit Window (TFS-2192) – Fixed a problem where the “localhost” was displayed when
selected jobs were being submitted to a Queue, and the option
com.lgc.prodesk.jobviewer.showQueuesOnly=true was set.

 ProMAX Flow Submission (TFS-3736) – Fixed a problem where the ProMAX flow submission
would hang in the Local Submitted phase.

 DBTools (TFS-3424) – Fixed the problem in the beta release where DBTools could not be run
from the Navigator.

 The build platform and compilers have been updated for this release. The newer OS version
allows Landmark and customer-developed plugins to take advantage of the latest hardware and
operating system advances.

 Build platform updates

o Build system is CentOS 7.6

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SeisSpace™ Software Release Notes

o Intel compilers versions are

o Intel MPI library versions are 2019.5.281

o GNU compiler versions are 4.8.5

o Java version is Oracle Java 1.8.0_152-b16

o Recommended compute node platform is RHEL derivative CentOS 7.6+

Intel MPI Library 2019 Update 5

 There are three versions of MPI distributed with the 5000.11.0.0 release: MPICH2, MPICH3 and
IMPI (Intel MPI).

o MPICH2: Release 1.3.2p1

o MPICH3: Release 3.0.4

o IMPI: Intel Compiler 2019 Update 5.281

 A system-wide default version of MPI is set in the file $PROWESS_HOME/etc/mpiver. Upon

installation, the default is set to IMPI, specified in the mpiver file as impi. The system
administrator may change the system-wide default by modifying this file.

 An individual user can choose which version of MPI to use before running the SeisSpace client,
by executing the script:
$PROWESS_HOME/port/bin/SetMPI –[lh] [mpiver]
print current MPI version
print this help
if specified, set to specified MPI version, where
mpiver = default, mpich2, mpich3 or impi

If mpiver is not specified or is an invalid specification, the user is presented with a menu from
which to choose the MPI version.

Once a user has executed SetMPI, that setting will persist for that user for all subsequent
Navigator sessions. The user can choose to reset to the default MPI version by typing:
SetMPI default

Note that if the user has not executed the SetMPI script, the system-wide default MPI version
specified in the mpiver file will be used.

 Some sites may not want to give the user the opportunity to set the MPI version. This can be
implemented by adding a property to etc/ called ‘onlyAdminCanSetMPI’, in
which case any setting of MPI is ignored and the system-wide default defined in the mpiver file

Release 5000.11.0.0 7 of 28 June 2020

SeisSpace™ Software Release Notes

is used. Alternatively, the permission on the SetMPI script can be changed so that it cannot be
executed by anyone.

 Environment variables added:



o Added new Autotuning functionality description and environment variables to

Environment Variables for Autotuning.

o Added new Tuning Environment Variables:


o Added new Hydra Environment Variables:


o Added arguments for I_MPI_PLATFORM in Other Environment Variables.

o Added options to Global Options: –tune, –hosts-group

Release 5000.11.0.0 8 of 28 June 2020

SeisSpace™ Software Release Notes

Operating System Requirements

This release of SeisSpace is developed on CentOS 7.6 systems. The runtime environment required to run
SeisSpace is CentOS 7.6 version or higher, with some testing done on RHEL 7 and Oracle Linux 7 systems.

The SeisSpace configuration scripts will require sudo. To enable sudo for the user you intend to use
when installing the software, you will have to first become the root user, then edit the /etc/sudoers file.
Locate the section below and add a line similar to line 99 except substitute your Linux user ID instead of

This will allow the user with a login id of ‘ssadmin’ to be able to perform any command via sudo. To
manage permissions at a more granular level, please refer to the Linux documentation.
88 ## Next comes the main part: which users can run what software on
89 ## which machines (the sudoers file can be shared between multiple
90 ## systems).
91 ## Syntax:
92 ##
94 ##
95 ## The COMMANDS section may have other options added to it.
96 ##
97 ## Allow root to run any commands anywhere
98 root ALL=(ALL) ALL
99 ssadmin ALL=(ALL) ALL

Required Packages
Depending on the packages that are already installed with the base operating system, a number of
additional packages may be required.

The SeisSpace configuration script check_packages ($PROWESS_HOME/etc/check_packages) uses yum

to check the system and identify any additional packages that are required. This script first reports any
missing packages, then downloads and installs the missing packages, if desired.

If SeisSpace tool development is also planned using this installation, then the check for all required
development RPMS should also be run using a single command line argument to the check_packages
script as follows:
$PROWESS_HOME/etc/check_packages d

Note: The ant RPM is also required for SeisSpace development, and is no longer supplied with the
SeisSpace installation. It is currently not queried for in the check_packages script, and therefore needs
to be installed manually using a properly configured yum repository as follows:
yum –y install ant

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SeisSpace™ Software Release Notes

To see if yum is properly configured and that your system is up to date, run the command:
sudo yum update

If yum is not already properly configured on your system, then there are many resources available on
the internet providing information on properly configuring yum.

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SeisSpace™ Software Release Notes


Use the following procedure to install the SeisSpace application onto your file system:

1. The installation media must be downloaded from the Landmark Software Manager at

2. In a terminal window, change directories to where the release file ProMAX_SeisSpace-

5000_11_0_0_lx64.tgz was downloaded.

> cd <download directory>

3. Untar the tgz file ProMAX_SeisSpace-5000_11_0_0_lx64.tgz

> tar –xvf ProMAX_SeisSpace-5000_11_0_0_lx64.tgz

4. Execute the extracted release installation file ProMAX_SeisSpace-5000_11_0_0_lx64.bin

> ./ ProMAX_SeisSpace-5000_11_0_0_lx64.bin

After a few moments the Introduction screen displays:

5. Click Next to proceed.

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SeisSpace™ Software Release Notes

The License Agreement screen displays:

6. Select “I accept the terms of the License Agreement” and click Next.

The Choose Install Folder screen displays:

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SeisSpace™ Software Release Notes

7. Enter (or select using the browser) the full path to your installation directory. This path is used
to determine where to install the application. Click Next.

The Pre-Installation Summary screen displays:

8. If the summary looks correct, click Install.

The Installing ProMax_SeisSpace screen displays:

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SeisSpace™ Software Release Notes

The progress of the installation is displayed:

When complete, the Install Complete screen displays:

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SeisSpace™ Software Release Notes

9. After the installation is complete, click Done.

After the install is complete, you should have a directory structure similar to the following if you
accepted the defaults (assuming your user name is ‘ssuser’):

Please proceed to the Configuring the System section to complete the installation.

Release 5000.11.0.0 15 of 28 June 2020

SeisSpace™ Software Release Notes

Configuring the System

To complete the configuration of SeisSpace, run the configuration script below as an installation admin
user with sudo permissions (not root). If you have installed in the default location, the command would
be like below (assuming your user name is ‘ssuser’):
cd /home/ssuser/ProMAX_SeisSpace/SeisSpace/etc

The script first checks to see that all the required packages have been installed. If packages are missing,
then yum is used to download and install the packages.
[username@machinename etc]$ ./configure
Checking for required dependencies...
xorg-x11-fonts-ISO8859-1-75dpi * missing
xorg-x11-fonts-ISO8859-1-100dpi * missing
nc.x86_64 * missing
libXpm.x86_64 * missing
openmotif.x86_64 * missing
openmotif22.x86_64 * missing
redhat-lsb.x86_64 * missing
rpcbind.x86_64 * missing
xterm.x86_64 * missing
libgfortran.x86_64 * missing
compat-expat1.x86_64 * missing
tcl.x86_64 * missing
gnuplot.x86_64 * missing

The following required packages are missing: xorg-x11-fonts-ISO8859-1-

75dpi xorg-x11-fonts-ISO8859-1-100dpi nc.x86_64 libXpm.x86_64
openmotif.x86_64 openmotif22.x86_64 redhat-lsb.x86_64 rpcbind.x86_64
xterm.x86_64 libgfortran.x86_64 compat-expat1.x86_64 tcl.x86_64

Run yum to install missing dependencies? [y|n]

If you answer yes, yum finds all the packages and any additional required dependent packages, and
installs them on your system.

The script confirms the directory where SeisSpace is installed. If the SeisSpace installation directory is
correct, press Enter to continue.

The script confirms the directory where ProMAX is installed. If the ProMAX installation directory is
correct, press Enter to continue.

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SeisSpace™ Software Release Notes

The script configures the system to use an existing sitemanager, or configures a new sitemanager service
on this system. The sitemanager is a service used by SeisSpace to submit and monitor the progress of

If an existing sitemanager is already set up, then you need to provide the hostname and port of the
existing sitemanager. If a new sitemanager is being configured, then a new service named ‘sitemanager’
is created and added for this system.

When configuring a new sitemanager, the system also queries for a directory that can be used to store
the sitemanager configuration information. The default location is /etc/seisspace/logs.

If this is a new installation, the configure script also asks for the location of a directory to store a Data
Home. The Data Home is where the flows, logs, and other data are stored. You can configure additional
Data Homes later. This is described more exhaustively in the online SeisSpace System Administrators

The script asks whether this installation is using an existing license server. If a license server is already
set up, then provide the information about how to connect to that license server. If no license server has
been set up, then the script creates a service to start licensing, and updates your license file. If you are
configuring a new license server, then this step requires that you already have your license file from
Landmark. If you do not already have a license file, then please go to the Contacting Customer Landmark
Support section and get a license file before proceeding.

The script requests the path to your license file. The license file is updated based on your system’s
installation directory, and then is copied into the /etc/seisspace directory.

The script asks if it is OK to disable huge page compaction.

The script asks if it is OK to update the /etc/services file to support PD.

The script inserts new desktop application launcher menu items under Applications->Landmark, which
can be used to start the Navigator.

It is recommended to restart the system after the configuration is completed.

The script can be rerun to update the configuration, if needed.

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SeisSpace™ Software Release Notes

Running SeisSpace

To start the SeisSpace Navigator, select the Landmark menu and then the SeisSpace Navigator item.

The Navigator should open with a view similar to the one below. On the left panel, the currently
configured data homes will be displayed. The center panel is currently blank but will used to display
flows and the right panel displays the processes list.

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SeisSpace™ Software Release Notes

At this point you should be able to build flows and run jobs on the local machine. To configure the
system to run jobs on a cluster, and additional configuration options, please refer to the SeisSpace
System Administration documentation which is available from the Help > Contents and Index menu in
the SeisSpace Navigator. When the Help document appears, select SeisSpace System Administration.

SeisSpace License Requirements

If you are already running SeisSpace 5000.8.4.x or newer, then no updates to the license file are
required. If you are running an older version of the software, please contact support for assistance in
upgrading to the latest licensing.

 Landmark’s Application Manager (LAM) must be installed on the license server for client
machines to check out licenses. LAM is available for download from Landmark iEnergy support
website by clicking on the Landmark Software Manager box.
 For more information on installing the latest version of LAM, refer to the Landmark’s Application
Manager User’s Guide, which can be downloaded from LSM. Within the Available Downloads
page on LSM, select the latest version of LAM 5000.0.5.0, and click on the icon for LAM Release
Notes and save the document.

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SeisSpace™ Software Release Notes

Hardware Requirements and Recommendations

SeisSpace is supported on 64-bit Linux using Intel and AMD processors with the exception of specialized
hardware such as ARM and Intel Itanium.

CPU’s and GPU’s

Landmark tests with both Intel and AMD processors and does not do any kind of vendor-specific
optimization that would favor either CPU. Landmark uses advanced instruction sets such as AVX when
appropriate, but only a few algorithms can take advantage of this optimization and all the modern CPU’s
support this instruction set.

At this time no algorithms have been ported to support GPU’s. Landmark has done prototypes and will
continue to do research and monitor the progress of the latest generation GPU’s.

Landmark is starting to see systems with very large numbers of cores. It is a difficult computer science
problem to keep all of those CPU’s busy, all the time, even with modern geophysical algorithms.
Landmark is continuing to improve the threading and infrastructure to get all the performance possible
out of these high core count machines.

Memory Recommendations
The amount of memory needed for compute nodes is highly dependent on the type and size of data
being processed and the algorithms being applied. Simple trace by trace processing algorithms require
less memory than complex 3D algorithms or depth imaging. Below are some general guidelines but
before making purchasing decisions, Landmark recommends testing the target configuration with the
data and algorithms.

 A traditional rule of thumb has been to configure compute nodes with at least 2 GB of RAM per
core with a 32 GB minimum. This configuration has worked well for systems with fewer than 32
cores that are primarily focused on time processing.

 For depth imaging or other complex 3D algorithms, Landmark recommends increasing the
minimum memory to at least 64 GB of RAM.

 When provisioning hardware for our internal development, Landmark purchases as much RAM
as is economical before the price starts increasing dramatically. During our last purchase, the
cost went up dramatically after 128 GB so Landmark went with 128 GB of RAM per node.

 With more and more processing happening in remote data centers in AWS or Azure, it is much
easier to provision exact hardware for the purpose, including required memory/disk/graphics.

For systems with a large number of cores, Landmark recommends testing the configuration to make
sure that SeisSpace can utilize all of the hardware effectively. Landmark is continuing to improve the
threading and parallelization of the infrastructure and algorithms, but utilizing all the cores in a large
system is challenging.

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SeisSpace™ Software Release Notes

For login nodes or machines where the Navigator runs, keep the following items in mind:

 The Navigator is generally configured to use approximately 2 GB of RAM per invocation, but this
may have to be increased depending on the size and amount of data using the LGC_JAVA_XMX
environment variable in your SeisSpace startup script.

 Tools such as Seismic Compare and the 3D viewer will use additional memory on the Navigator
node. The amount of memory that is required by these visualization tools is highly dependent
on the data being visualized and the number of copies opened.

 In some cases, multiple users may be working on the same machine at the same time, so this
should be taken into consideration when computing memory needed.

 Many users also do parameter testing on the local machine before submitting jobs to the
cluster. These jobs will take at least another 4 GB of RAM.

 For login nodes, Landmark recommends at least 64 GB of RAM if being utilized by a single user.

 For systems shared by multiple users, then more RAM is recommended.

 It is best to limit login nodes to a small number of concurrent users at a time, and configure
them with at least 64 GB of RAM. When possible, configure them with at least 4 GB per core of

Configuring Swap
The section below is based on the CentOS recommendation for calculating how much space to allocate
for swap.

Swap space in Linux is used when the amount of physical memory (RAM) is full. If the system needs
more memory resources and the RAM is full, inactive pages in memory are moved to the swap space.
While swap space can help machines with a small amount of RAM, it should not be considered a
replacement for more RAM. Swap space is located on hard drives, which have a slower access time than
physical memory.

Swap space can be a dedicated swap partition (recommended), a swap file, or a combination of swap
partitions and swap files.

Swap should equal 2x physical RAM for up to 2 GB of physical RAM, and then an additional 1x physical
RAM for any amount above 2 GB, but never less than 32 MB.

So, if:

M = Amount of RAM in GB, and S = Amount of swap in GB, then

If M < 2
S = M *2

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SeisSpace™ Software Release Notes

Using this formula, a system with 2 GB of physical RAM would have 4 GB of swap, while one with 3 GB of
physical RAM would have 5 GB of swap. Creating a large swap space partition can be especially helpful if
you plan to upgrade your RAM at a later time.

For systems with a very large amount of RAM (more than 32 GB) you can likely get away with a smaller
swap partition (around 1x, or less, of physical RAM).

Note: It is recommended that all systems have enough RAM to perform required operations so that
SWAP space is never used, as SWAP space usage can temporarily disable a system.

File Systems
SeisSpace utilizes two different types of files. There are a number of small files such as flows and logs
that are stored in the project folder, and there are large files such as JavaSeis and ProMAX data sets that
store the binary trace data. ProMAX was designed from the early days to support two different
directories for storing these different kinds of files so that the performance could scale and be
optimized. The SeisSpace/ProMAX terminology for the two different file systems is called ‘primary’ and
‘secondary’ storage.

Primary storage is used to store all the small files such as flows, log files and meta data for data sets.
This file system is small in comparison to secondary and needs to be on a file system that is optimized
for small reads and writes and supports a large number of operations per second. This file system also
needs to be configured so that it does not get overwhelmed when a lot of jobs are running, so that
processors can continue working efficiently while the cluster is grinding through work.

Secondary storage is used to store the amplitude and header data and needs to be optimized for storing
larger files. Higher bandwidth is required, however slightly higher latency can be tolerated without
impacting performance. The file system storing secondary storage may get hammered when a lot of
large jobs are running, and may be running at a very high utilization rate for a long time.

For standalone or small installations, primary and secondary storage can be just two different
directories on the same physical disk. For large installations with 100’s or 1000’s of compute nodes,
significant design and testing of configurations is required to design a system that is able to manage the

There have been a number of benchmark flows designed and shared with hardware vendors so that
they can understand how the IO system within SeisSpace works and how to optimize their hardware to
get the best performance possible. The benchmark flows are available to any vendors or partners that
have an interest in tuning their hardware to run with SeisSpace.

Video Drivers
SeisSpace uses a number of DecisionSpace libraries for 2D and 3D visualization and requires an nVidia
graphics card, and an up to date driver. For the latest details on the specific cards and drivers supported,
please contact support.

Compute nodes can be run in a headless mode.

Release 5000.11.0.0 22 of 28 June 2020

SeisSpace™ Software Release Notes

International Trade Compliance

This application is manufactured or designed using U.S. origin technology and is therefore subject to the
export control laws of the United States. Any use or further disposition of such items is subject to U.S.
law. Exports from the United States and any re-export thereafter may require a formal export license
authorization from the government. If there are doubts about the requirements of the applicable law, it
is recommended that the buyer obtain qualified legal advice. These items cannot be used in the design,
production, use, or storage of chemical, biological, or nuclear weapons, or missiles of any kind.

The ECCN’s provided in Release Notes represent Landmark Graphics' opinion of the correct classification
for the product today (based on the original software and/or original hardware). Classifications are
subject to change. If you have any questions or need assistance please contact us at

Under the U.S. Export Administration Regulations (EAR), the U.S. Government assigns your organization
or client, as exporter/importer of record, responsibility for determining the correct authorization for the
item at the time of export/import. Restrictions may apply to shipments based on the products, the
customer, or the country of destination, and an export license may be required by the Department of
Commerce prior to shipment. The U.S. Bureau of Industry and Security provides a website to assist you
with determining the need for a license and with information regarding where to obtain help.

The URL is:

CCATS (Commodity Classification Automated Tracking System) - the tracking number assigned by the
U.S. Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) to products formally reviewed and classified by the
government. The CCATS provides information concerning export/re-export authorizations, available
exceptions, and conditions.

ECCN (Export Control Classification Number) -The ECCN is an alpha-numeric code, e.g., 3A001, that
describes a particular item or type of item, and shows the controls placed on that item. The CCL
(Commerce Control List) is divided into ten broad categories, and each category is further subdivided
into five product groups. The CCL is available on the EAR Website.

The ECCN Number, License Type, and the CCATS Numbers for this product are included in the table
below. Also included is the date the table was last updated.

The ECCN Number, License Type, and the CCATS Numbers for this product are included in the table

Release 5000.11.0.0 23 of 28 June 2020

SeisSpace™ Software Release Notes

Product/Component/R5000 ECCN License CCATS Last Date

Number Number Updated
DecisionSpace® software 5D002 ENC G054429 2/11/2008

Release 5000.11.0.0 24 of 28 June 2020

SeisSpace™ Software Release Notes

Contacting Landmark Customer Support

Landmark operates Technical Assistance Centers (TACs) in Malaysia, the United Kingdom, and the
United States. Customer Support provides technical assistance on Landmark software applications. The
website for Landmark is:

Requests for support can be made by:

 Landmark Customer Support Portal

See Submitting a Request for Technical Assistance below.

 Email Asia Pacific Latin America (Spanish) Latin America (Portuguese) Africa, Eurasia, Europe, Middle East, North America

 Telephone

See Technical Assistance Centers below.

Submitting a Request for Technical Assistance

To submit a request for technical assistance:

1. Open Landmark Customer Support Portal ( in a


2. Click Customer Support Portal under the Need Help heading? The Sign In page displays.

However, if you have previously signed in and the system has remembered your credentials, the
Customer Support page displays.

3. If the Sign In page is displaying, log in. The Welcome page displays.

4. Fill in the requested information.


o Details about your technical concern, including any error messages.

o Workflow steps where the problem occurred.

o Attachments of screen shots that capture the problem.

Release 5000.11.0.0 25 of 28 June 2020

SeisSpace™ Software Release Notes

5. Click Submit.

A support analyst in the nearest Technical Assistance Center will respond to your request.

Technical Assistance Centers

The hours of operation are:

8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., local time

Monday-Friday, excluding holidays

The phone numbers for the Technical Assistance Centers are:

 Asia Pacific, Malaysia


Toll Free +1-800-803-687 (Malaysia)

 Europe, Africa, Middle East, Eurasia, United Kingdom


 Latin America, USA

+1-713-839-3405 (Spanish, Portuguese, English)

 North America, USA

+1-713-839-2200 (Houston, TX, USA)

Toll Free +1-877-435-7542

For more information about contacting Customer Support, see:

Release 5000.11.0.0 26 of 28 June 2020

SeisSpace™ Software Release Notes

Copyright and Trademarks

© 2020 Halliburton
All Rights Reserved

This publication has been provided pursuant to an agreement containing restrictions on its use. The publication is also protected by Federal
copyright law. No part of this publication may be copied or distributed, transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retrieval system, or translated into
any human or computer language, in any form or by any means, electronic, magnetic, manual, or otherwise, or disclosed to third parties
without the express written permission of:
Halliburton | Landmark
3000 N. Sam Houston Parkway East, Houston, Texas 77032-3219, USA
P.O. Box 60087, Houston, Texas 77205-0087, USA
Phone: 281.871.4000

3D Drill View, 3D Drill View KM, 3D Surveillance, 3DFS, 3DView, Active Reservoir Surveillance, Adaptive Mesh Refining, ADC, Advanced Data
Transfer, Analysis Model Layering, ARIES, ARIES DecisionSuite, Asset Data Mining, Asset Decision Solutions, Asset Development Center, Asset
Development Centre, Asset Journal, Asset Performance, AssetConnect, AssetConnect Enterprise, AssetConnect Enterprise Express,
AssetConnect Expert, AssetDirector, AssetJournal, AssetLink, AssetLink Advisor, AssetLink Director, AssetLink Observer, AssetObserver,
AssetObserver Advisor, AssetOptimizer, AssetPlanner, AssetPredictor, AssetSolver, AssetSolver Online, AssetView, AssetView 2D, AssetView 3D,
Barrier Assurance Monitoring, BLITZPAK, Buckle, CartoSnap, CasingLife, CasingSeat, CasingWear, CDS Connect, CGMage Builder, Channel Trim,
Chronoframe, COMPASS, Contract Generation, Corporate Data Archiver, Corporate Data Store, Data Analyzer, DataManager, DataServer,
DataStar, DataVera, DBPlot, Decision Management System, DecisionSpace, DecisionSpace 3D Drill View, DecisionSpace 3D Drill View KM,
DecisionSpace AssetLink, DecisionSpace AssetPlanner, DecisionSpace AssetSolver, DecisionSpace Atomic Meshing, DecisionSpace Automated
Fault Interpretation, DecisionSpace Base Module, DecisionSpace Data Quality, DecisionSpace Desktop, DecisionSpace Dropsite, DecisionSpace
Fracture Productivity, DecisionSpace GIS Module, DecisionSpace GRC Module, DecisionSpace Reservoir, DecisionSuite, Deeper Knowledge.
Broader Understanding., DepthTeam, DepthTeam Explorer, DepthTeam Express, DepthTeam Extreme, DepthTeam Interpreter, Desktop
Navigator, DESKTOP-PVT, DESKTOP-VIP, DEX, Digital Field Solver, DIGITAL WELL PROGRAM, DIMS, Discovery, Discovery 3D, Discovery Asset,
Discovery Framebuilder, Discovery PowerStation, Discovery Suite, DMS, Drillability Suite, Drilling Desktop, DrillModel, DrillNET, Drill-to-the-
Earth-Model, Drillworks, Drillworks ConnectML, Drillworks Predict, DSS, Dynamic Frameworks to Fill, Dynamic Reservoir Management, Dynamic
Surveillance System, E&P Blueprint, EarthSearch, EDM, EDM AutoSync, EDT, eLandmark, Emergent Oilfield, Engineer’s Data Model, Engineer’s
Desktop, Engineer’s Link, ENGINEERING NOTES, eNotes, ESP, Event Similarity Prediction, Exploration Insights, ezFault, ezModel, ezSurface,
ezTracker, ezTracker2D, ezValidator, FastTrack, Field Scenario Planner, FieldPlan, FieldPlan Express, For Production, FrameBuilder, FZAP!,
GeoAtlas, GeoDataLoad, GeoGraphix, GeoGraphix Exploration System, Geologic Interpretation Component, Geometric Kernel, GeoProbe,
GeoProbe GF DataServer, GeoSmith, GES, GES97, GesFull, GESXplorer, GMAplus, GMI Imager, Grid3D, GRIDGENR, H. Clean, Handheld Field
Operator, HHFO, Holistic Field Development Planning, Horizon Generation, I2 Enterprise, iDIMS, iEnergy, InfiniteEarth, Infrastructure, iNotes,
Iso Core, IsoMap, iWellFile, KnowledgeSource, Landmark (as a service), Landmark (as software), Landmark Decision Center, Landmark Earth,
Landmark Field Appliance, LandNetX, Landscape, Large Model, Lattix, Limits, LithoTect, Live Drilling Advisor, LogEdit, LogM, LogPrep,
MagicDesk, Make Great Decisions, MathPack, MDS Connect, MIMIC, MIMIC+, Model Builder, Neftex, NETool, Nexus, Nexus View, Object MP,
OneCall, OpenBooks, OpenEarth, OpenJournal, OpenLink, OpenSGM, OpenVision, OpenWells, OpenWire, OpenWire Client, OpenWire
Production, OpenWire Server, OpenWorks, OpenWorks Development Kit, OpenWorks Well File, Operations Management Suite, OPT, Output-
Driven-Input, PAL, Parallel-VIP, Parametric Modeling, PEOffice, Permedia, PetrisWINDS, PetrisWINDS Enterprise, PetroBank, PetroBank
Explorer, PetroBank Master Data Store, PetroWorks, PetroWorks Asset, PetroWorks Pro, PetroWorks ULTRA, PlanITWell, PlayFinder, PlotView,
Point Gridding Plus, Pointing Dispatcher, PoreExplorer, PostStack, PostStack ESP, PostStack Family, Power Interpretation, PowerCalculator,
PowerExplorer, PowerExplorer Connect, PowerGrid, PowerHub, PowerModel, PowerView, PrecisionTarget, PressWorks, Prime, PRIZM,
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Quickwell, Quickwell+, Quiklog, QUIKRAY, QUIKSHOT, QUIKVSP, RAVE, RAYMAP+, Real Freedom, Real Time Asset Management Center, Real
Time Decision Center, Real Time Operations Center, Real Time Production Surveillance, Real Time Surveillance, Real-time View, Recall,
Reference Data Manager, Reservoir, Reservoir Framework Builder, RESev, ResMap, RTOC, SCAN, SeisCube, SeisMap, SeisMapX, Seismic Data
Check, SeisModel, SeisSpace, SeisVision, SeisWell, SeisWorks, SeisWorks 2D, SeisWorks 3D, SeisWorks PowerCalculator, SeisWorks
PowerJournal, SeisWorks PowerSection, SeisWorks PowerView, SeisXchange, Semblance Computation and Analysis, Sierra Family, SigmaView,
SimConnect, SimConvert, SimDataStudio, SimResults, SimResults+, SimResults+3D, SIVA+, SLAM, Smart Change, Smart Deploy, Smart Flow,
Smart Skills, Smart Start, Smart Sustain, Smart Transform, Smart Vision, SmartDigital, SmartFlow, smartSECTION, smartSTRAT, SourceExplorer,
Spatializer, SpecDecomp, StrataMap, StrataModel, StratAmp, StrataSim, StratWorks, StratWorks 3D, StreamCalc, StressCheck, STRUCT,
Structure Cube, Surf & Connect, SurfNet, SynTool, System Start for Servers, SystemStart, SystemStart for Clients, SystemStart for Servers,
SystemStart for Storage, Tanks & Tubes, TDQ, Team Workspace, TectonicExplorer, TERAS, T-Grid, TimeSlider, Total Drilling Performance,
TOW/cs, TOW/cs Revenue Interface, TracPlanner, TracPlanner Xpress, Trend Form Gridding, Trimmed Grid, Tubular Basic, Turbo Synthetics,
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All other trademarks, service marks, and product or service names are the trademarks or names of their respective owners.

Release 5000.11.0.0 27 of 28 June 2020

SeisSpace™ Software Release Notes

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Halliburton assumes no responsibility for any error that may appear in this manual. Some states or jurisdictions do not allow disclaimer of
expressed or implied warranties in certain transactions; therefore, this statement may not apply to you.

Third Party Licenses and Attributions

Halliburton acknowledges that certain third party code has been bundled with, or embedded in, its software. The licensors of this third party
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The programs and documentation may provide links to external web sites and access to content, products, and services from third parties.
Halliburton is not responsible for the availability of, or any content provided on, third party web sites. You bear all risks associated with the use
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with the third party, including delivery of products or services and warranty obligations related to purchased products or services. Halliburton is
not responsible for any loss or damage of any sort that you may incur from dealing with any third party.

Release 5000.11.0.0 28 of 28 June 2020

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