Marine Hydrodynamics

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021 – Marine Hydrodynamics

Lecture 6

c 2001 MIT - Department of Ocean Engineering, All rights reserved.

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13.021 - Marine Hydrodynamics

Lecture 6

2.2 Similarity Parameters (from governing equations)

Non-dimensionalize and normalize basic equations by scaling:

Identify characteristic scales for the problem

* *
velocity U v = U v∗
* *
length L x = Lx∗
time T t = T t∗
pressure po - pv p = (po − pv )p∗
All ()* quantities are dimensionless and normalized (i.e. O(1)), e.g. ∂∂x∗
= O(1).
Apply to governing equations: (also internal constitution, boundary conditions)
• Continuity (incompressible flow):

U ∗ *∗ *∗
∇ · v = 0, ∇∗ · v = 0
∇·v =
• Navier-Stokes:

∂ v ¡* ¢*
+ v · ∇ v = − ∇p + υ∇2 v − g ĵ

∂t ρ

U 2 ³*∗ ´
U ∂v ∗ *∗ po − pv ∗ ∗ υU ∗2 *∗
+ v · ∇ v = − ∇ p + 2 ∇ v − g ĵ
T ∂t∗ L ρL L
divide through by L
(order of magnitude of the convective inertia term)

g µ * ¶∗ f
L ∂v ¡¡* ¢ *¢∗ p^
o − pv ∗ gν ¡ 2 *¢∗ gL
+ v ·∇ v =− (∇p) + ∇ v − ĵ
U T ∂t ρU 2 UL U2

Since all ()* terms are O(1), the coefficients ( ^ ) measure the relative importance of each term (as
compared to the convective inertia term):
L Eulerian inertia ∂∂tv
• = S = Strouhal number ∼
UT convective inertia (*v ·∇)*v
L ∂v
is a measure of transient behavior. For example e.g. if T >> U
,S << 1, ignore ∂t
−→ assume
po −pv
• 1
ρU 2
= σ = cavitation number (measures likelihood of cavitation)

If σ >> 1, no cavitation. Alternatively, when cavitation is not a concern p = po p∗ .

po pressure force
• = Eu = Euler number ∼ .
ρU 2 inertia force

• UL
= Re = Reynold’s number ∼ inertia force
ν viscous force
If Re >> 1, ignore viscosity.
• U2
= √UgL = Fr = Froude number ∼ inertia force
gL gravity force
* *∗
* *∗
– Kinematic boundary conditions: v = U b −→ v = U b
– Dynamic boundary conditions:
µ ¶X
1 1
p = pa + ∆p where ∆p = +
R1 R2
P µ ¶
∗ ∗ 1 1
p = pa + +
(po − pv ) L R1∗ R2∗
2 /ρ
where =
(po − pv ) L σ U 2L

• U 2L
P = We = Weber number ∼ inertial forces
/ρ surface tension forces
note: L >> Ro usually

Alternatively, using physical arguments: forces acting on a fluid particle

³ ´
1. inertial forces ∼ mass × acceleration ∼ (ρL3 ) L
= ρU 2 L2

∂u ¡ U¢ 2
2. viscous forces ∼ µ × area ∼ µ L (L ) = µU L
shear stress

3. gravitational forces ∼ mass × gravity ∼ (ρL3 )g

4. pressure forces ∼ (po − pv )L2

For similar streamlines, particles must be acted on by forces whose resultant is in the same direction at
geosimilar points. Therefore, forces must be in the same ratios:

inertia ρU 2 L2 UL
∼ = = Re
viscous µU L υ
µ ¶1/2 µ ¶1/2
inertia ρU 2 L2 U
∼ =√ = Fr
gravity ρgL3 gL
µ 1 ¶−1
inertia (po − pv )L2 po − pv
∼ 1 2 2
= 1 2 =σ
pressure 2
ρU L 2

Importance of Various Parameters

• Govern flow similitude of different systems.

• Provide guidance and approximate the complex physical problem.


g U


L Po − Pv U 2L U UL
S= , σ = 1 2 , We = P , Fr = √ , Re =
UT 2
ρU gL ν

Force coefficient on the foil:

F ¡ ¢
CF = 1 = CF S, σ −1 , We−1 , Fr , Re−1
ρU 2 L2

1. S = L/U T , change S with σ, We , Fr , Re fixed.

CF transient


S-1 = UT / L

Exact position of the cut

depends on the problem and
the quantities of interest.

For S << 1, assume steady-state: ∂t =0
For S >> 1, unsteady effect is dominant. For example:
L ≈ 10m
⇒ T ≈ 1 seconds gives S ≈ 1, ∴ assume steady state since S << 1
U ≈ 10m/s

So, for steady-state problem: ¡ ¢
CF = CF σ −1 , We−1 , Fr , Re−1
Po −Pv
2. σ = 1
ρU 2
(fixed Re , Fr and We ).

Pv : vapor pressure
Po ≤ State of fluid changes from liquid to gas ← CAVITATION
Pv :
Mechanism: Po < Pv → Fluids cannot withstand tensions, the state
of fluids changes.

Consequence: (1) Unsteady → Vibration of the structures, which may

lead to fatigue
(2) Unstable → Sudden cavity collapses → huge force
acting on the structure surface → surface erosion.


cavitation No cavitation

σinception σ

For σ << 1, there is cavitation, and for σ >> 1, there is no cavitation. For example:


 p0 ≈ 105 N/m2

 pv ≈ 2 × 103 n/m2
ρ ≈ 103 kg/m3 ⇒ σ = 2. To have cavitation we need large U or po ∼ pv

 L ≈ 100m

U ≈ 10m/s

Note: pv is the pressure at which the water boils.

For steady non-cavitation flow ( σ >> 1)

¡ ¢
CF = CF We−1 , Fr , Re−1
U 2L
3. W = Σ (fixed Re and Fr ). For example, if U = 1m/s, = 0.07N /m(water-air 20o C), ρ=103 kg/m3
and L = 100 m, we end up with We ≈ 108 . If we want We ≈ 1, we need L ≈ 10−4 m. Then, for
L >> 10−4 m, We → ∞ and We−1 → 0, so neglect surface tension effect.

For steady, non-cavitation, non-surface tension effect,

¡ ¢
CF = CF Fr , Re−1

4. Fr = √U , which measures the effect of gravity.


For problems without dynamic boundary conditions (i.e. if free surface is absent) or if the free-
surface is far away or not displaced, gravity effects are irrelevant and Fr is not important → F ∗ =
CF (Re−1 )

In general CF = CF (Fr , Re−1 ) = C1 (Fr ) + = C2 (Re−1 ) ← Froude’s Hypothesis
Dynamic similarity requires:

(Re )1 = (Re )2 ,
(Fr )1 = (Fr )2 .

For two geometrically similar systems → U1 = U2 , L1 = L2 for the same ν and g.

5. Re = U L/ν.

For steady, no σ, no We , no gravity effects, CF = CF (Re−1 )

CF Sphere


Laminar (Re)cr Turbulent Re


Re << 1, Stokes flow (creeping flow)

Re < (Re )cr , Laminar flow
Re > (Re )cr , Turbulent flow
Re → ∞, Ideal flow

For example:

 U = 10m/s
L = 10m ⇒ Re = 108 or Re−1 = 10−8
 −6 2
ν = 10 m /sec

For steady, no σ, no We , no gravity effect and ideal fluid:

CF = CF (0, 0, 0, 0, 0) = constant = 0

→D’Alembert’s Paradox: No drag force on moving body.

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