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Earth Observation

Applications and Challenges

Edited by

Remote Sensing Laboratory, Institute of Environment and
Sustainable Development, Banaras Hindu University, India


Remote Sensing Laboratory, Institute of Environment and
Sustainable Development, Banaras Hindu University, India

NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, California, United States

Professor of Hydroinformatics, Department of Civil Engineering,
University of Bristol, United Kingdom

Professor, Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Technology
(Banaras Hindu University), Varanasi, India
Radarweg 29, PO Box 211, 1000 AE Amsterdam, Netherlands
The Boulevard, Langford Lane, Kidlington, Oxford OX5 1GB, United Kingdom
50 Hampshire Street, 5th Floor, Cambridge, MA 02139, United States
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Contributors xiii
Foreword xix

SECTION 1 Basis of radar remote sensing 1

1. Introduction to RADAR remote sensing 3

Dileep Kumar Gupta, Shivendu Prashar, Sartajvir Singh, Prashant K. Srivastava and
Rajendra Prasad
1. Brief history of RADAR remote sensing 3
2. Optical versus RADAR remote sensing 4
3. Fundamentals of RADAR 6
4. Types of RADAR 11
5. Operational frequencies of RADAR 14
6. Backscatter mechanisms 16
7. Radar image characteristics 20
8. Application of microwave-based remote sensing 21
References 24

2. Microwave components and devices for RADAR systems 29

Vikram Kumar and Dileep Kumar Gupta
1. Introduction 29
2. Transmission line 30
3. Antennas 34
4. Microwave filters 37
5. Absorbers 38
6. Microwave sources 40
7. Mode converter 42
8. Network analyzer 44
9. Some other important microwave components 45
10. Summary 46
References 46

vi Contents

3. Theory of monostatic and bistatic radar systems 49

Suraj A. Yadav, Dileep Kumar Gupta, Rajendra Prasad, Jyoti Sharma and
Prashant K. Srivastava
1. Introduction 49
2. Bistatic and monostatic radar system configuration 50
3. Radar equation 51
4. Radar cross-section per unit area/scattering coefficient system and measurement
concepts 53
5. Measurement procedures 57
6. Procedure of bistatic specular scatterometer measurement and its calibration over
natural terrain 58
7. Summary 62
References 62

4. Review of microwave fundamentals and its applications 65

Shivendu Prashar, Umesh Kumar Tiwari and Sartajvir Singh
1. Introduction 65
2. Theory of radiative transfer 67
3. Electromagnetic interaction with discrete objects 70
4. Interaction with inhomogeneous media 76
5. Interaction with a smooth surface 77
6. Interaction with rough surfaces 80
7. Microwave interaction with natural surfaces 81
8. Summary 86
Funding 87
References 87

SECTION 2 Conventional methods for radar remote sensing 91

5. Comparative flood area analysis based on change detection and

binarization methods using Sentinel-1 synthetic aperture radar data 93
Bikash Ranjan Parida, Arvind Chandra Pandey, Sourav Kumar and
Gaurav Tripathi

1. Introduction 93
2. Study area 96
3. Materials and methods 97
4. Results 99
5. Discussion 101
6. Conclusions 104
Contents vii

Acknowledgments 105
References 105

6. Subsurface feature identification using L Band Synthetic Aperture

Radar (SAR) data over Jaisalmer, India 109
Monika, Himanshu Govil and Shashi Kumar
1. Introduction 109
2. Study area 110
3. Data used 112
4. Methodology 114
5. Result 117
6. Conclusion 119
Acknowledgments 120
Author contributions 120
References 120

7. Terrestrial water budget through radar remote sensing 123

J. Indu, Akhilesh S. Nair, Ankita Pradhan, Rohit Mangla, Sooraj Krishnan,
Kaushlendra Verma and Vinayak Huggannavar
1. Introduction 123
2. Precipitation from radar remote sensing 125
3. Soil moisture from radar remote sensing 129
4. Water levels from radar altimetry 138
5. Summary and conclusions 139
Acknowledgments 139
References 139
Further reading 148

8. Application of synthetic aperture radar remote sensing in forestry 149

Arjun G. Koppad, Syeda Sarfin and Anup Kumar Das
1. Introduction 149
2. Polarimetric matrix generation 156
3. Polarimetric speckle filtering 156
4. Orientation angle correction 156
5. Polarimetric decomposition 157
6. Terrain correction 159
7. Polarimetric classification 160
8. Summary and final remarks 172
References 173
Further reading 174
viii Contents

9. Classification of Radar data using Bayesian optimized two-dimensional

Convolutional Neural Network 175
Achala Shakya, Mantosh Biswas and Mahesh Pal
1. Introduction 175
2. Background 176
3. Dataset and ground data collection 179
4. Dataset preparation for classification 179
5. Methodology 181
6. Results and discussion 182
7. Conclusion 184
Acknowledgment 184
References 185

10. Modeling and simulation of synthetic aperture radar dataset for

retrieval of soil surface parameters 187
Sayyad Shafiyoddin and Ajit Kumar
1. Introduction 187
2. Study area and collection of field data 189
3. Collection and processing of satellite data 190
4. Soil moisture modeling 193
5. Results and discussion 196
6. Conclusion 199
References 200

11. Flood inundation mapping from synthetic aperture radar and optical
data using support vector machine: a case study from Kopili River basin
during Cyclone Amphan 203
Prasad Balasaheb Wale, Thota Sivasankar, Varun Narayan Mishra and Ratna Sanyal
1. Introduction 203
2. Study area 206
3. Material and methods 207
4. Result and discussion 210
5. Conclusion 216
References 216

12. Performance assessment of phased array type L-band Synthetic Aperture

Radar and Landsat-8 used in image classification 219
Swati Suman, Prashant K. Srivastava, George P. Petropoulos, Ram Avtar,
Rajendra Prasad, Sudhir Kumar Singh, S.K. Mustak, Ioannis N. Faraslis and
Dileep Kumar Gupta

1. Introduction 219
Contents ix

2. Datasets 221
3. Methodology 224
4. Results and discussion 229
5. Conclusions and future work 239
Acknowledgments 241
References 241

13. Evaluation of speckle filtering methods using polarimetric Sentinel-1A data 245
Varun Narayan Mishra and Thota Sivasankar
1. Introduction 245
2. Study site and data used 246
3. Methodology 248
4. Results and discussion 249
5. Conclusion 253
Acknowledgment 253
References 254

SECTION 3 Advanced methods for radar remote sensing 257

14. Emerging techniques of polarimetric interferometric synthetic aperture

radar for scattering-based characterization 259
Bhanu Prakash and Shashi Kumar
1. Introduction 259
2. Synthetic aperture radar polarimetry 261
3. Polarimetric decomposition 263
4. Polarization orientation angle 269
5. Probability distributions 270
6. Polarimetric synthetic aperture radar interferometry 271
7. Polarimetric synthetic aperture radar interferometry coherence-based decomposition 274
8. Polarimetric synthetic aperture radar interferometry decorrelation-based decomposition
model 277
Acknowledgment 284
References 284

15. Advanced method for radar remote sensing: circularly polarized

synthetic aperture radar 287
Josaphat Tetuko Sri Sumantyo
1. Introduction 287
2. Circularly polarized scattering for remote sensing 289
3. Specification of circular polarized synthetic aperture radar for microsatellite 295
x Contents

4. Radio-frequency system of circular polarized synthetic aperture radar 299

5. Flight test and images 303
6. Summary and future research 305
References 306

16. A processing chain for estimating crop biophysical parameters using

temporal Sentinel-1 synthetic aperture radar data in cloud computing
framework 309
Dipankar Mandal, Vineet Kumar, Juan M. Lopez-Sanchez, Y.S. Rao, Heather McNairn,
Avik Bhattacharya and Scott Mitchell

1. Introduction 309
2. Methodology 311
3. Results and discussion 316
4. Conclusion 322
Acknowledgments 322
Code availability 323
References 323

17. Fuzzy logic for the retrieval of kidney bean crop growth variables using
ground-based scatterometer measurements 327
Dileep Kumar Gupta, Rajendra Prasad, Pradeep Kumar and Prashant K. Srivastava
1. Introduction 327
2. Method and observations 329
3. Fuzzy inference system 331
4. Results and discussion 332
5. Conclusion 337
References 338

18. Monitoring tropical peatlands subsidence by time-series interferometric

synthetic aperture radar (InSAR) technique 341
Deha Agus Umarhadi, Ram Avtar, Pankaj Kumar, Ali P. Yunus,
Tonni Agustiono Kurniawan, Ali Kharrazi, Mamoru Ishikawa and Wirastuti Widyatmanti
1. Introduction 341
2. Interferometry synthetic aperture radar for tropical peatlands 342
3. Case study: Sintang, Indonesia 345
4. Summary 352
Acknowledgments 353
References 353
Contents xi

19. Toward a North American continental wetland map from space: wetland
classification using satellite imagery and machine learning algorithms
on Google Earth Engine 357
Masoud Mahdianpari, Brian Brisco, Bahram Salehi, Jean Granger,
Fariba Mohammadimanesh, Megan Lang and Souleymane Toure

1. Introduction 357
2. Wetland classification systems 359
3. Wetland field data 362
4. Remote sensing data 363
5. Cloud computing platforms and machine learning algorithms 365
6. Wetland classification results for Canada 366
7. Conclusion 369
References 369
Further reading 373

SECTION 4 Future challenges in radar remote sensing 375

20. Challenges in Radar remote sensing 377

Prashant K. Srivastava, Rajendra Prasad, Sumit Chaudhary Kumar, Suraj A. Yadav,
Jyoti Sharma, Swati Suman, Varsha Pandey, Rishabh Singh and
Dileep Kumar Gupta
1. Introduction 377
2. Conclusion 385
References 385

21. The study of Indian Space Research Organization’s Ku-band based

scatterometer satellite (SCATSAT-1) in agriculture: applications
and challenges 389
Ravneet Kaur, Reet Kamal Tiwari, Raman Maini, Sartajvir Singh and
Vishakha Sood
1. Introduction 389
2. Background of SCATSAT-1 391
3. Applications in agriculture 393
4. Summary and conclusions 398
Acknowledgments 400
Funding 400
References 400
xii Contents

22. Radar remote sensing of soil moisture: fundamentals, challenges & way-out 405
Hari Shanker Srivastava and Parul Patel
1. Introduction 405
2. Effect of target parameters on SAR sensitivity toward soil moisture 407
3. Addressing the effect of target parameters on SAR sensitivity toward soil moisture 410
4. Effect of the sensor parameters on SAR sensitivity toward soil moisture 416
5. To identify sensitive polarimetric parameters derived from fully and hybrid polarimetric
SAR for soil moisture 427
6. Addressing the various challenges involved in ground truth planning and ground
truth data collection for radar remote sensing of soil moisture 432
7. Addressing the challenges involved in development of a soil moisture retrieval
model using radar remote sensing 435
8. Addressing challenges involved in SAR data processing due to a huge data volume 440
9. Addressing the issue of interval and scale of a soil moisture map 441
10. Conclusion 443
References 444

Index 447

Ram Avtar
Graduate School of Environmental Science, Faculty of Environmental Earth Science, Hokkaido
University, Sapporo, Japan; Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability, United Nations
University (UNU-IAS), Shibuya City, Tokyo, Japan
Avik Bhattacharya
Microwave Remote Sensing Lab, Centre of Studies in Resources Engineering, Indian Institute of
Technology Bombay, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Mantosh Biswas
Computer Engineering Department, National Institute of Technology, Kurukshetra, Haryana,
Brian Brisco
The Canada Centre for Mapping and Earth Observation, Ottawa, ON, Canada
Sumit Chaudhary Kumar
Indian Institute of Remote Sensing, Dehradun, Uttarakhand, India
Anup Kumar Das
Space Application Centre, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India
Ioannis N. Faraslis
Department of Environmental Sciences, University of Thessaly, Thessaly, Greece
Himanshu Govil
Department of Applied Geology, National Institute of Technology, Raipur, Chhattisgarh, India
Jean Granger
C-CORE, St. John’s, NL, Canada
Dileep Kumar Gupta
Remote Sensing Laboratory, Institute of Environment and Sustainable Development, Banaras
Hindu University, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh, India; Department of Physics, Indian Institute of
Technology, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh, India
Vinayak Huggannavar
Department of Civil Engineering, Interdisciplinary Centre for Climate Studies, Indian Institute of
Technology Bombay, Powai, Maharashtra, India
J. Indu
Department of Civil Engineering, Interdisciplinary Centre for Climate Studies, Indian Institute of
Technology Bombay, Powai, Maharashtra, India
Mamoru Ishikawa
Graduate School of Environmental Science, Faculty of Environmental Earth Science, Hokkaido
University, Sapporo, Japan; Faculty of Environmental Earth Science, Hokkaido University,
Sapporo, Japan

xiv Contributors

Ravneet Kaur
Apex Institute of Technology, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Chandigarh
University, Gharuan, Punjab, India; Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Punjabi
University, Patiala, Punjab, India
Ali Kharrazi
Advanced Systems Analysis Group, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis,
Laxenburg, Austria; Euro-Mediterranean Center for Climate Change, Ca’ Foscari University of
Venice, Venice, Italy; Faculty of Global Studies, Akita International University, Akita, Japan
Arjun G. Koppad
Department of Natural Resource Management (NRM), College of Forestry, UAS Dharwad,
Karnataka, India
Sooraj Krishnan
Department of Civil Engineering, Interdisciplinary Centre for Climate Studies, Indian Institute of
Technology Bombay, Powai, Maharashtra, India
Ajit Kumar
Microwave and Imaging Spectroscopy Research Laboratory, Milliya Arts, Science, and
Management Science College, Beed, Maharashtra, India
Pankaj Kumar
Natural Resources and Ecosystem Services, Institute for Global Environmental Strategies,
Hayama, Kanagawa, Japan
Pradeep Kumar
School of Environmental Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India
Shashi Kumar
Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing Department, Indian Institute of Remote Sensing, Indian
Space Research Organisation, Dehradun, Uttarakhand, India
Sourav Kumar
Department of Geoinformatics, School of Natural Resource Management, Central University of
Jharkhand, Ranchi, Jharkhand, India
Vikram Kumar
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, National Institute of Technology,
Patna, Bihar, India
Vineet Kumar
Department of Water Resources, Delft University of Technology, Delft, the Netherlands
Tonni Agustiono Kurniawan
Faculty of Social Work, Health, and Nursing, Ravensburg-Weingarten University of Applied
Sciences, Weingarten, Germany; College of the Environment and Ecology, Xiamen University,
Xiamen, PR China
Megan Lang
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, National Wetlands Inventory, Falls Church, VA, United States
Juan M. Lopez-Sanchez
Institute for Computer Research, University of Alicante, Alicante, Spain
Contributors xv

Masoud Mahdianpari
C-CORE, St. John’s, NL, Canada; Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering,
Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. John’s, NL, Canada
Raman Maini
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Punjabi University, Patiala, Punjab, India
Dipankar Mandal
Microwave Remote Sensing Lab, Centre of Studies in Resources Engineering, Indian Institute of
Technology Bombay, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India; Department of Agronomy, Kansas State
University, Manhattan, KS, United States
Rohit Mangla
Department of Civil Engineering, Interdisciplinary Centre for Climate Studies, Indian Institute of
Technology Bombay, Powai, Maharashtra, India
Heather McNairn
Ottawa Research and Development Centre, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Ottawa, ON,
Varun Narayan Mishra
Centre for Climate Change and Water Research, Suresh Gyan Vihar University, Jaipur,
Rajasthan, India
Scott Mitchell
Geomatics and Landscape Ecology Laboratory, Carleton University, Ottawa, ON, Canada
Fariba Mohammadimanesh
C-CORE, St. John’s, NL, Canada
Department of Applied Geology, National Institute of Technology, Raipur, Chhattisgarh, India
S.K. Mustak
Department of Geography, Central University of Punjab, Bathinda, Punjab, India
Akhilesh S. Nair
Department of Civil Engineering, Interdisciplinary Centre for Climate Studies, Indian Institute of
Technology Bombay, Powai, Maharashtra, India
Mahesh Pal
Civil Engineering Department, National Institute of Technology, Kurukshetra, Haryana, India
Arvind Chandra Pandey
Department of Geoinformatics, School of Natural Resource Management, Central University of
Jharkhand, Ranchi, Jharkhand, India
Varsha Pandey
Remote Sensing Laboratory, Institute of Environment and Sustainable Development, Banaras
Hindu University, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh, India
Bikash Ranjan Parida
Department of Geoinformatics, School of Natural Resource Management, Central University of
Jharkhand, Ranchi, Jharkhand, India
xvi Contributors

Parul Patel
Space Applications Centre (SAC), ISRO, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India
George P. Petropoulos
Department of Geography, Harokopio University of Athens, Kallithea, Athens, Greece
Ankita Pradhan
Department of Civil Engineering, Interdisciplinary Centre for Climate Studies, Indian Institute of
Technology Bombay, Powai, Maharashtra, India
Bhanu Prakash
Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing Department, Indian Institute of Remote Sensing, Indian
Space Research Organisation, Dehradun, Uttarakhand, India
Rajendra Prasad
Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Technology, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi,
Uttar Pradesh, India
Shivendu Prashar
Chitkara University School of Engineering and Technology, Chitkara University, Solan,
Himachal Pradesh, India; Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology,
Ropar, Punjab, India; Central Scientific Instruments Organization, Chandigarh, India
Y.S. Rao
Microwave Remote Sensing Lab, Centre of Studies in Resources Engineering, Indian Institute of
Technology Bombay, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Bahram Salehi
Environmental Resources Engineering, College of Environmental Science and Forestry, State
University of New York, New York, NY, United States
Ratna Sanyal
Computer Science and Engineering Area, NIIT University, Neemrana, Rajasthan, India
Syeda Sarfin
NISAR Project, Department of NRM, College of Forestry, UAS Dharwad, Karnataka, India
Sayyad Shafiyoddin
Microwave and Imaging Spectroscopy Research Laboratory, Milliya Arts, Science, and
Management Science College, Beed, Maharashtra, India
Achala Shakya
Computer Engineering Department, National Institute of Technology, Kurukshetra, Haryana,
Hari Shanker Srivastava
Indian Institute of Remote Sensing (IIRS), Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO),
Dehradun, Uttarakhand, India
Jyoti Sharma
Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Technology, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi,
Uttar Pradesh, India
Contributors xvii

Sartajvir Singh
Chitkara University School of Engineering and Technology, Chitkara University, Solan,
Himachal Pradesh, India; Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology,
Ropar, Punjab, India
Sudhir Kumar Singh
KBCAOS, University of Allahabad, Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh, India
Rishabh Singh
Remote Sensing Laboratory, Institute of Environment and Sustainable Development, Banaras
Hindu University, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh, India
Thota Sivasankar
Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Area, NIIT University, Neemrana, Rajasthan, India
Vishakha Sood
Aiotronics Automation, Palampur, Himachal Pradesh, India
Josaphat Tetuko Sri Sumantyo
Center for Environmental Remote Sensing, Chiba University, Chiba, Japan; Fakultas Teknik,
Universitas Sebelas Maret, Solo, Indonesia
Prashant K. Srivastava
Remote Sensing Laboratory, Institute of Environment and Sustainable Development, Banaras
Hindu University, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh, India; Institute of Environment and Sustainable
Development, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh, India
Swati Suman
Remote Sensing Laboratory, Institute of Environment and Sustainable Development, Banaras
Hindu University, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh, India
Reet Kamal Tiwari
Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Ropar, Punjab, India
Umesh Kumar Tiwari
Central Scientific Instruments Organization, Solan, Chandigarh, India
Souleymane Toure
Environmental Resources Engineering, College of Environmental Science and Forestry, State
University of New York, New York, NY, United States
Gaurav Tripathi
Department of Geoinformatics, School of Natural Resource Management, Central University of
Jharkhand, Ranchi, Jharkhand, India
Deha Agus Umarhadi
Graduate School of Environmental Science, Faculty of Environmental Earth Science, Hokkaido
University, Sapporo, Japan
Kaushlendra Verma
Department of Civil Engineering, Interdisciplinary Centre for Climate Studies, Indian Institute of
Technology Bombay, Powai, Maharashtra, India
xviii Contributors

Prasad Balasaheb Wale

Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Area, NIIT University, Neemrana, Rajasthan, India
Wirastuti Widyatmanti
Department of Geographic Information Science, Faculty of Geography, Universitas Gadjah
Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Suraj A. Yadav
Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Technology, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi,
Uttar Pradesh, India
Ali P. Yunus
Department of Earth and Environmental Science, Indian Institute of Science Education and
Research Mohali, Mohali, India; Center for Climate Change Adaptation, National Institute for
Environmental Studies, Tsukuba, Japan

The microwave region of the electromagnetic spectrum has some special properties
for remote sensing. The wavelength range of microwave radiation is 1 m to 1 mm. Mi-
crowaves are able to penetrate clouds, dust, and rain to some extent. Remote sensing at
microwave frequencies gathers useful information about the earth’s atmosphere, land,
and oceans under almost all weather conditions at any time.
Electromagnetic radiation (EMR) generated by the sun is not required in radar
remote sensing. It generates its own EMR that is transmitted to the terrain. Radar remote
sensing is popular for earth observations in the scientific community using different types
of radar geometry such as monostatic, bistatic, and multistatic. Experimental investiga-
tions and their applications for backscattering (monostatic) measurements of the natural
terrain have been performed using synthetic aperture radar (SAR) onboard, ground-
based, airborne, and spaceborne platforms including RADARASAT, Advanced Land
Observing Satellite (ALOS) Phased Array type L-band Synthetic Aperture Radar
(PALSAR), ERS-1 and 2, ENVISAT, RISAT, Sentinel, and TERRASAR-X.
SAR data are useful for retrieving many geophysical parameters, ocean variables, and
meteorologic variables. Monostatic SAR imagery contains information only in backscat-
tered signals from the terrain. Bistatic and multistatic SAR systems are useful for gener-
ating three-dimensional images of the terrain. Information gathered by SAR from
different azimuthal and elevation angles is more valuable than only backscattered infor-
mation. Consequently, it is interesting to increase information about the different types
of radar geometry in radar remote sensing for potential applications.
Therefore, the primary aim of this book is to advance knowledge about the scientific
understanding, developments, and applications of radar remote sensing in different radar
geometries such as monostatic, bistatic, and multistatic. In essence, a book needs to be
compiled that is devoted to collecting developments in and rigorous applications of radar
remote sensing using different radar geometries and platforms at different scales including
local, regional, and global. Radar Remote Sensing: Application and Challenges includes broad
coverage for earth’s observation. By linking the entire system, this book is the first hand-
book promoting the synergistic and multidisciplinary activities in and challenges to the
earth’s observation using different types of radar geometry and platforms among scientists
and users who work in the field of radar remote sensing for the earth’s observation.
The book was made possible because of extensive and valuable contributions from
interdisciplinary experts from across the world in the field of radar remote sensing and
applications. The book is divided into four sections, in which Section I contains the basics
of radar remote sensing, Section II details conventional methods for radar remote sensing,

xx Foreword

Section III provides advanced methods for radar remote sensing, and Section IV provides
future challenges to radar remote sensing.
Chapter 1 provides a brief overview of microwave remote sensing and reviews its
different applications. Chapter 2 provides essential components of the microwave system
that are necessary to design a microwave radar measurement system. The second section
of the book contains chapters related to optical/infrared methods. Chapter 3 of this
section provides the details about different radar bands and configurations used for various
applications. Chapter 4 deals with basic phenomena and parameters related to wave prop-
agation and interactions with distinct media and objects.
Section II starts with Chapter 5, revealing the significance of comparing and analyzing
different polarizations for flood mapping and assessment. Chapter 6 provides techniques
for identifying subsurface features using SAR data. Chapter 7 discusses various radar
remote sensing techniques that aid in monitoring the terrestrial water budget elements
using the Integrated Multisatellite Retrievals product of Global Precipitation Measure-
ment constellation satellites. Chapter 8 of this section provides an overview of SAR
for forest monitoring using L-band frequency. In Chapter 9, the authors provide detailed
information about machine learning techniques for SAR image classification. In Chapter
10, the modeling and retrieval of soil surface parameters based on microwave remote
sensing are discussed using SAR datasets. In Chapter 11, the fusion of SAR data with
optical datasets is reviewed to study the flood situation in a Kopili river basin. Chapter
12 provides a detailed account of artificial intelligence techniques such as kernel-based
support vector machine and artificial neural networks for a classification and performance
assessment of Landsat-8 and ALOS-2 PALSAR, whereas Chapter 13 examines the
effectiveness of various filtering methods to suppress speckles in dual-polarization
Sentinel 1A SAR images.
Section III of the book starts with Chapter 14, which provides an overview of
different concepts and techniques related to target characterization using SAR remote
sensing. Chapter 15 explains the scattering characteristics of C-band circularly polarized
SAR. In Chapter 16, the cloud computing potentials of the Google Earth Engine are
demonstrated as a unified processing pipeline for water cloud model inversion. Chapter
17 explores the potential of backscattering and fuzzy logic algorithms to retrieve kidney
bean crop growth variables using ground-based multiangular, multitemporal, and dual-
polarized bistatic scatterometer data. Chapter 18 reviews studies that used traditional and
time-series InSAR techniques to map peat subsidence in the tropical region, whereas
Chapter 19 provides state-of-the-art satellite remote sensing for wetland classification.
Section IV starts with Chapter 20, which highlights various challenges involved in the
radar remote sensing of soil moisture. Chapter 21 provides a systematic review of the
applications, challenges, and future requirements of SCATSAT-1 over land-cover appli-
cations. This study is essential to understand vegetation dynamics with active microwave
Foreword xxi

sensors and explore the potential applications of SCATSAT-1 in emerging fields. The last
chapter deals with the challenges and future prospects of radar remote sensing.
We believe that this book may be read by people with a common interest in radar
remote sensing in ground-based scatterometers and SAR systems, airborne scatterometers
and SAR systems, and spaceborne scatterometers and SAR systems at different fre-
quencies and polarizations with monostatic, bistatic, and multistatic geometry. This
book is also useful for readers from other diverse backgrounds like earth and environ-
mental, meteorological sciences, etc.
Last but not the least, the editors are grateful to all contributing authors and anony-
mous reviewers for their time, talent, and energies and for adhering to a strict time line;
and to the staff at Academic Press, Elsevier, for their patience and support throughout.

Prashant K. Srivastava
Varanasi, India
Dileep Kumar Gupta
Varanasi, India
Tanvir Islam
Los Angeles, United States
Dawei Han
Bristol, United Kingdom
Rajendra Prasad
Varanasi, India
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Basis of radar remote sensing

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Introduction to RADAR remote sensing

Dileep Kumar Gupta1, 2, Shivendu Prashar3, 4, Sartajvir Singh3,
Prashant K. Srivastava1 and Rajendra Prasad2
Remote Sensing Laboratory, Institute of Environment and Sustainable Development, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi,
Uttar Pradesh, India; 2Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Technology, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, Uttar
Pradesh, India; 3Chitkara University School of Engineering and Technology, Chitkara University, Solan, Himachal Pradesh,
India; 4Central Scientific Instruments Organization, Chandigarh, India

1. Brief history of RADAR remote sensing

In the beginning of the 19th century, the development of remote sensing as a scientific
field was closely tied to developments in photography. Photographic cameras were used
for remote sensing purpose to record information in the visible and near-infrared fre-
quency spectrum. Daguerre is the first person, who has taken the first image of the
moon in the first month of the year 1839 using the daguerreotype technique (https://
www.aps.org/publications/apsnews/201301/physicshistory.cfm). After that, the director of
the Paris Observatory suggested the use of photography for topographic purposes. By
the end of the 18th century, photographic cameras were deployed above the earth’s sur-
face on kites and balloons to take oblique aerial photographs of the landscape. The first
airplane aerial photography was conducted in 1909. These aerial photographs taken by
airplanes had an important role in collecting information about the position and move-
ment of enemy troops during the World War I.
Seven years after proven of electromagnetic wave Heinrich Hertz experiment, Italian
scientist Guglielmo Marconi (1874e1937) transmitted radio waves over the Atlantic. This
event laid the foundation for current remote sensing and RADAR. Developments in the
field of RADAR arrived in World War II. Secretly, Britain, Germany, and the United
States were developing and implementing RADAR technology. In 1904, Christian Huls-
meyer developed a radio wave-based system to detect obstacles. In 1922, Marconi demon-
strated a similar technique to the American Institute of Electrical Engineers to know the
determine of a ship in poor weather conditions. With the continuous effort of researchers,
the well-established concept of the early RADAR system came about in the 1930s. The
Scottish scientist Robert Watson-Watt gets the credit for the development of real opera-
tional pulsed radar systems. He was in touch with Prof. E.V. Appleton, who had discov-
ered the reflection of radio signals from the ionized layer of the upper atmosphere in 1924.
Appleton found that the distance between the antenna and the Appleton layer (ionized
layer) could be estimated by measuring the time interval between the transmission and re-
turn of signals. Watson-Watt had used the same mechanism to locate a storm and provide
the direction and range of the storm. April 2, 1935, was a memorable day for Watson-Watt

Radar Remote Sensing © 2022 Elsevier Inc.

ISBN 978-0-12-823457-0, https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-823457-0.00018-5 All rights reserved. 3
4 Radar Remote Sensing

when he received a patent for his RADAR device. The device designed by Watson-Watt
was efficient for locating and ranging aircraft using pulses of microwaves instead of contin-
uous waves. He proposed the idea of developing a system to locate enemy planes and send
an alert to forces. Similarly, researchers in the US Naval Research Laboratory were
exploring pulsed RADAR to detect objects (Jensen, 2009).
On the other side of the Atlantic, the United Kingdom was concerned about the
increasing arial power of Nazi Germany in late 1930. It asked Watson-Watt to invent
a microwave system that could destroy aircraft. Such an idea had been proposed by
Serbian-American scientist Nikola Tesla in 1924. Tesla claimed that death rays invented
by him could stop an aircraft. Similarly, British scientists G.H. Matthews and T.F. Wall
applied for a patent on death rays but failed. In 1934, Tesla again proposed a system that
could hunt 10,000 planes from a distance of 250 miles. For this purpose, he proposed a
plan to construct the 12-power plant worth $2 million each in the United States to
generate 12 death rays. The cost was very high, so no one paid attention to his proposal.
The idea of death rays was also not supported by Watson-Watt.
However, he expressed his view about developing an early warning system to locate
aircraft even in a cloudy or nighttime scenario. Work done by Watson-Watt and core-
searchers resulted in the installation of a series of tall towers with transmitters and receivers
(Chain Home) in Britain during the World War II outbreak. This is why a major devel-
opment was seen in microwave remote sensing technology during World War II. RA-
DAR had become a major technological; weapon to locate enemy aircraft.
Correspondingly, in 1940, with the advancement in cavity magnetrons, the antenna
size was reduced and a wave of up to 10 cm with high power could easily be generated.
It helped to mount small antennas on aircraft to locate ships and enemy aircraft as air-to-
air RADAR. RADAR-like H2S had been developed, which aided navigation to and
from the target surface. With the end of World War II, the application of RADAR diver-
sified. Meteorologists tried to find applications for RADAR in the observation of
weather forecasting.

2. Optical versus RADAR remote sensing

Electromagnetic (EM) radiation is available with various frequency spectrums in the uni-
verse, from radio waves to gamma rays. Available EM radiation, which can easily travel
through the earth’s surface to space without distortion, is useful for earth remote sensing.
EM radiation used in remote sensing travels through some distance in the atmosphere
before reaching the earth’s surface. EM radiation is scattered and absorbed by gases
and particles present in the atmosphere. EM radiation is scattered when it interacts
with particles or large gas molecules present in the atmosphere. Thus, EM radiation is
redirected from its original path. EM radiation is strongly affected by atmospheric gases
such as molecular nitrogen and oxygen, as well as by other constituents including
Introduction to RADAR remote sensing 5

methane, hydrogen, helium, and nitrogen compounds. The strongest absorption occurs
at wavelengths shorter than 0.3 mm, mainly owing to ozone. The strength of the scat-
tering that takes place depends on several factors: the wavelength of the radiation, the
abundance of particles or gases, and the distance the radiation travels through the
The optical remote sensing system (Fig. 1.1) is composed of the sun, the targeted sur-
face, the atmosphere, and the sensor installed on the satellite (Kulkarni and Rege, 2020).
Light emitted from the sun interacts with the atmosphere before its interaction with the
targeted surface on the earth. Some part of this light energy reflects from the targeted ob-
ject surface and transmits back to the sensor. Here, the reflection is of two types: diffuse
and specular. Specular reflection is uncommon in remote sensing; however, it may be
found on water’s surface, for instance (Ulaby and Long, 2015). Diffuse reflection is
mostly found with natural surfaces. Often, the characterization of diffuse reflectance
is done through a bidirectional reflectance distribution function. Radar remote sensing
is also called active remote sensing (Singh et al., 2013).
Radar remote sensing provides a unique view for gathering information about the
earth’s environment from space, which cannot be achieved any other way (Fig. 1.2). Ra-
dar signals at higher wavelengths (greater than 1 cm) have the ability to penetrate clouds
and rain to some extent. In RADAR remote sensing, the RADAR antenna acts as a
source of energy in place of the sun, which is used in optical remote sensing. These qual-
ities of RADAR system allow earth observation independently in any time of the day and
under almost all weather conditions. The clouds are dense enough to obscure the ground
surface completely in optical imagery, but they have little effect on microwaves. Ice
clouds have almost little effect on microwave or EM radiation with wavelengths greater
than 1 cm. However, water clouds have less effect on microwaves and a significant effect
on EM radiation with wavelengths less than 2 cm. Rain has a greater effect on micro-
waves than clouds, but it is effective for wavelengths less than 4 cm. Otherwise, at greater
than 4 cm wavelength, rain also has a minimal effect.
Radar systems in remote sensing are coherent. Therefore, RADAR remote sensing
executes measurements within a resolution cell through interference (constructive and
destructive) amid signals scattered from separate targeted objects (Foster et al., 2011;
Tedesco and Jeyaratnam, 2016; Singh and Singh, 2020). The beam of radiation emitted
from RADAR in satellites illuminates the targeted surface; in turn, the target scatters the
radiation in multiple directions. A part of this scattered radiation returns to a small
RADAR antenna. Generally, emission and reception in this type of remote sensing
are done by the same antenna. Therefore, it is called monostatic. To take earth observa-
tions, the spaceborne and airborne implements an aperture synthesis technique called
synthetic aperture RADAR (SAR) (Rahman et al., 2010; Du et al., 2015). SAR uses
the Doppler effect, owing to which high spatial resolution images can be obtained
from earth observatory satellites.
6 Radar Remote Sensing

3. Fundamentals of RADAR
Radar detects an object by analyzing alterations in the transmitting frequency and time
duration. Primary RADAR consists of a frequency generator and a time control unit;
a modulator with a transmitter to produce a modulated pulse; an antenna to transmit
the pulse; a duplexer that helps bidirectional communications between the transmitter
and the receiver; another antenna to collect reflected pulses from the target; a receiver
to analyze this reflection; and some other units such as signal processing, data processing,
and a display unit. The processing unit is to process the received signal to detect the tar-
get’s location, relative velocity, and direction. The target location can be calculated with
the help of the travel time taken by the signal from the transmitter to the receiver. The
relative velocity of the target can be measured by analyzing changes in the carrier fre-
quency of the arrived signal. The direction or relative angle of the target can be deter-
mined by analyzing the reflected wave’s angle.

3.1 Radar block diagram and operation

The RADAR operation can be described using a block diagram, as shown in (Fig. 1.3).
The RADAR system has two sections: a transmitter and a receiver. Both sections have
their respective operations and consist of different units. The RADAR operation is
described next, along with the function of each unit.

3.1.1 Transmitter section

(a) Waveform generator: The transmitter section’s first component is a waveform gener-
ator used to generate a repetitive chain of pulses. Usually, a magnetron is used as
a microwave waveform generator for RADAR. A typical RADAR generates a
low power on the order of megawatts, a pulse width on the order of microseconds,
and a pulse frequency of 100 pulses per second for a target located at the 100 to 200-
nm range. This generated waveform travels through a transmission line and then is
radiated by the antenna into space.
(b) Transmitter: The generated waveform is then fed to the transmitter. The transmitter
can be a magnetron, a traveling wave tube, or a transistor amplifier according to the
required conditions. Usually, the magnetron is used as a transmitter for most
RADAR systems, but if high power is needed, amplifiers are used.
(c) Pulse modulator: A pulse modulator is used to build the synchronization of the wave-
form generator with the transmitter. The pulse modulator’s primary function is to
switch the power amplifier on and off according to the generated pulses.
(d) Duplexer: Usually, a single antenna is used for both the transmission and receiver of
RADAR signals. The receiver antenna needs a lot of protection from damage
because of the high power of the transmitter. Therefore, a duplexer is used to isolate
the transmitter and receiver section. Thus, a duplexer is used to provide signals to the
Introduction to RADAR remote sensing 7

Figure 1.1 Basic diagram of the optical remote sensing system.

transmitter and channel the reflected echo signals to the receiver instead of the trans-
mitter. The duplexer contains two gas-discharge devices: transmit-receive (TR) and
antitransmit-receive (ATR). The function of TR is to protect the receiver at the
time of transmission, and ATR directs echo signals toward the receiver at the
time of reception.

3.1.2 Receiver section

(a) Low-noise radio-frequency amplifier: The receiver of the RADAR must be of the super-
heterodyne type. This unit acts as the input stage or first stage of the receiver section;
the first stage should be a low-noise radio-frequency (RF) amplifier such as a low-
noise transistor or parametric amplifier. The primary function of this stage is to
generate an RF pulse that should be proportional to the echo of the transmitted signal.
(b) Mixer and local oscillator: It converts RF signals into the intermediate-frequency (IF)
pulse, and then these IF pulses are fed to the IF amplifier. Usually, the input stage
of the receiver section is an RF amplifier, but sometimes the mixer is also used as
the input stage instead of the RF amplifier. This leads to less sensitive functioning
of the receiver section because of the high noise figure.
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Naught might auayle my courage nor my force,
Nor strenght of men[239] which were (alas) to fewe:
The cruell folke assaulted so my horse:
That all my helpes in peeces they to hewe:
Our bloud distayned the grounde as drops of dewe,
Naught might preuayle to flye nor[240] yet to yeelde,
For whome they take they murder in the fielde.


They know no law of armes,[241] nor none will learne,

They make not warre (as other doe) a play:
The lord, the boy, the gallowglas, the kerne,
Yeelde or not yeelde, whome so they take they slay:
They saue no prisoners[242] for ransome nor for pay:
Theyr chiefest boote they counte theyr bodoh’s heade,

Theyr end of warre to see theyr enmy deade.[244]


Amongst these men or rather sauage beastes

I lost my life, by cruell murder slayne:
And therefore, Baldwine, note thou well my geastes,
And warne all princes rashnes to refrayne:
Bid them beware theyr enmies when they faine,[245]
Nor yet presume vnequally to striue:
Had I thus done, I had beene man aliue.[246]


But I dispised the naked Irish men,

And, for they flew, I feared them the lesse:
I thought one man enough to match with ten,
And through this carelesse vnaduisednes
I was destroyde, and all my men I gesse,[247]
At vnawares assaulted by our foen,
Which were in nombre forty to vs one.


See here the stay of fortunate estate,

The vayne assurance of this brittle life:[248]
For I but yong-proclaymed prince of late,
Right fortunate in children and in wife,[249]
Lost all at once by stroke of bloudy knife:
Whereby assurde let men themselues assure,
That welth and life are doubtfull to endure.

[After this tragedy was[251] ended, maister Ferrers sayde: seeing
it is best to place eche person in his order, Baldwine, take you the
chronicles and marke them as they come: for there are many worthy
to bee noted, though not treated[252] of. First the lord Murrey, a
Scotishman, who tooke his death’s wound through a stroke lent him
by the earle of Notyngham, whom hee chalenged at the tylt.[253] But
to omit him, and also the fatte pryor of Tiptre, pressed to death with
throng of people vpon London bridge at the queene’s entry,[254] I will
come to the duke of Glocester, the king’s vncle, a man mynding[255]
the common welth, and yet at length miserably made away. In whose
person if yee will gieue eare, yee shall heare what I thinke meete to
be saied.]
How Syr Thomas of Woodstocke Duke
of Glocester, vncle to King Richarde
the second, was vnlawfully murdered,
Anno 1397.[256]

Whose state stablisht is,[257] in seeming most sure,

And so far from daunger of fortune’s blastes,
As by the compasse of man’s coniecture,
No brasen piller may be fyxt more fast:
Yet wanting the stay of prudent forecast,
Whan froward fortune list for to frowne,
May in a moment turne vpside downe.


In proofe whereof, O Baldwine, take payne,

To hearken a while to[258] Thomas of Woodstocke,
Addrest in presence his fate to[259] complayne,
In the forlorne hope of[260] English flocke:
Extract by discent from the[261] royall stocke,
Sonne to king Edwarde, thirde of that name,
And second to none in glory and fame.


This noble father to mayntayne my state,

With Buckingham earledome did mee indowe,
Both nature and fortune to mee were greate,
Denying mee nothing[262] which they might allowe:
Theyr sundry graces in mee did so flowe,
As beauty, strength, high fauour and fame,
Who may of God more wish then the same?


Brothers wee were to the nombre of seauen,

I being the sixt, and yongest but one:
A more royall race was not vnder heauen,
More stout or more stately of stomacke and person,
Princes all peerelesse in eche condition:
Namely sir Edwarde, called the blacke prince,
When had England the like before, or euer since?[263]


But what of all this, any man to assure,

In state vncarefull of fortune’s variaunce?
Syth dayly and hourely wee see it in vre,
That where most cause is of affiaunce,
Euen there is founde most weake assurance:
Let none trust fortune, but follow reason:
For often wee see in trust is treason.


This prouerbe in proofe ouer true I tried,

Finding high treason in place of high trust,
And most fault of fayth[264] where I most affied,
Being, by them that should haue been iuste,
Trayterously entrapt, ere I could mistrust:
Ah wretched world what it is to trust thee?
Let them that will learne now hearken to mee.


After king Edwarde the thirde’s decease,

Succeeded my nephewe Richarde to raigne,
Who for his glory and honour’s encrease,
With princely wages did mee entertayne,
Against the Frenchmen to bee his chieftayne:
So passing the seas with royall puissaunce,
With God and S. George I inuaded Fraunce.


Wasting the countrey with sworde and with fire,

Ouerturning townes, high castles and towers,
Like Mars god of warre, enflamed with ire,
I forced the Frenchmen t’abandon theyr bowres:
Where euer wee matcht[265] I wanne at all howres,
In such wise visiting both city and village,
That alway my souldiers were laden with pillage.


With honour and triomph was my returne,

Was none more ioyous than yong king Richarde:
Who minding more highly my state to adorne,
With Glocester dukedome did mee rewarde:
And after in mariage I was prefarde,
To a daughter of Bohun, an earle honourable,
By whome I was of England high constable.


Thus hoysed so high on fortune’s wheele,[266]

As one on a stage attending a play,
Seeth not on which side the scaffolde doth reele,
Till timbre and poales and all fly away:
So fared it by mee: for day by day,
As honour encreased I looked still higher,
Not seeing the daunger of my fond desire.

For fortune’s floude thus running with[267] full streame,
And I a duke discended of great kinges,[268]
Constable of England, chiefe officer of[269] the realme,
Abused with desperaunce[270] in these vayne thinges,
I went without feete, and flewe without winges,
Presuming so farre vpon my high estate,
That dreade set apart, my prince I would mate.


For where as all[271] kinges haue counsayle of theyr

To whom they refer the rule of theyr land,
With certayne familiers in whome to reioyce,
For pleasure or profite, as the case shall stand,
I not bearing this, would needes take in hand,
Maugre his will, those persons to disgrace,
And such as I thought fit to settle[272] in theyr place.


But as an old booke sayeth, who so[274] will assay

Aboute the cat’s necke to hang on any[275] bell,
Had first neede to cut the cat’s clawes away,
Least if the cat bee curst, and[276] not tamed well,
She haply[277] with her nayles may clawe him to the fell:
So putting on[278] the bell about the cat’s necke,
By being to busy I caught a cruell checke.[279]


Reade well the sentence of the rat of renowne,[280]

Which Pierce the plowman describes in his dreame,[281]
And who so hath wit the sence to expowne,[282]
Shall finde that to bridell[283] the prince of a reame,
Is euen (as who sayth) to striue with the streame:
Note this all subiects, and construe it well,
And busie not your braines about[284] the cat’s bell.


But in that yee bee lieges learne to obay,[285]

Submitting your willes to your prince’s lawes:
It fitteth not a subiect to haue[286] his owne way,
Remember this prouerbe[287] of the cat’s clawes:
For princes like lions haue long and[288] large pawes
That reache at randon, and whome they once twitch,
They clawe to the bone before the skin itch.


But to my purpose, I being once bent,

Towardes the atchieuing of my attemptate,
Fower bould barons were of mine assent,
By oth and allyaunce fastly confederate:
First Henry of Derby, an earle of estate,
Richard of Arundell, and Thomas of Warwicke,
With Mowbray the[289] Marshall, a man most warlicke.


At Ratecote bridge assembled our bande,

The commons in clusters came to vs that day
To daunt Robert Veere, then duke of Irelande,
By whome king Richard was ruled alway:
Wee put him to flight, and brake his aray,
Then maugre the king, his leaue or assent,
By constable’s power wee calde a parliament.[290]

Where not in roabes, but with[291] baslardes bright,
Wee came [for] to parle of the publike weale,
Confirming our quarell with maine and [with] might,
With swordes and no wordes wee tried our appeale:
In steede of reason declaring our zeale,
And whome so wee knew with the king in [good] grace,
Wee plainely depriued of[292] power and [of] place.


Some with short processe were banisht the land,

Some executed with capytall paine,
Whereof who so list, the whole to vnderstand,[293]
In the parliament roll it appeareth plaine,
And furder how stoutly wee did the king straine,
The rule of his realme wholly to resygne,
To the order of those, whome wee did assigne.


But note the sequele of such presumption,

After wee had these miracles wrought,[294]
The king inflamed with indignation,
That to such bondage hee should bee brought,[295]
Suppressing the ire of his inwarde thought,
Studied naught else but how that hee might
Bee highly reuenged of this[296] high dispite.


Aggreeued was also this latter offence,

With former matter his ire to[297] renue:
For once at Windsore I brought to his presence,
The maior of London with all his retinue,
To aske a reckoning[298] of the realme’s reuenue:
And the souldiers of Brest by mee were[299] made
Their wages to claime[300] when the towne was solde.


These griefes remembred with all the remnaunt,

Hourded in his harte hate out of measure,[302]
Yet openly in shewe made hee no semblaunt,
By word or[303] by deede to beare displeasure:
But loue dayes dissembled doe neuer endure,[304]
And who so trusteth a foe reconcylde,
Is for the most part alwayes beguilde.


For as fyre ill quencht will vp at a starte,

And sores not well salued doe breake out of newe,
So hatred hidden in an irefull harte,
Where it hath had long season to brewe,
Upon euery occasion doth easely renewe:
Not failyng at last, if it bee not let,
To pay large vsury besides the due det.


Euen so it fared by this frendship fayned,

Outwardly sounde, and inwardly rotten:
For whan the kinge’s fauour in seeming was gayned,
All olde displeasures forgieuen and forgotten,
Euen than at a sodayn the shafte was shotten,
Which pearced my harte voyde of mistrust:
Alas, that a prince should bee so vniust.

For lying at Plashey my selfe to repose,
By reason of sickenesse which helde mee full sore:[305]
The king espying mee apart from those,
With whom I confedered in hand before,[306]
Thought it not meete to tract the time more,
But glad to take mee at such a vauntage,[307]
Came to salute mee with friendly visage.


Who hauing a band bound to his bent,

By colour of kindnesse to visite his eame,[308]
Tooke time to accomplishe his cruell entent:
And in a small vessell downe by the streame,
Conuey’d mee to Calais out of the realme,
Where without processe or dome of my peeres,
Not nature but murder abridged my yeeres.


This act was odious to God and to man,

Yet rygour to cloake in habit of reason,
By crafty compasse deuise they can,
Articles nine of right haynous treason:
But doome after death is sure out of season,
For who euer sawe so straunge a president,
As execution done before[309] iudgement.


Thus hate harboured in depth of minde

By sought occasion burst out of newe,
And cruelty abused the lawe of kinde,
When that the nephue the vncle slewe:
Alas, king Richard, sore maist thou rue,
Which by this fact preparedst the way,[310]
Of thy hard destiny to hasten the day.

For bloud axeth bloud as guerdon due,

And vengeaunce for vengeaunce is iust rewarde:
O righteous God, thy iudgementes are true,
For looke what measure wee other awarde,[311]
The same for vs agayne is preparde:
Take heede yee princes by examples past,
Bloud will haue bloud, eyther first or last.

G. F.[312]
[When maister Ferrers had ended his[313] fruitfull tragedy,
because no man was ready with any other, I, hauing perused the
story which came next, sayed: “Because you shall not say, my
maisters, but that I will somewhat doe my part, I will, vnder your
correction, declare the tragedy of Thomas Mowbrey, duke of
Northfolke,[314] the chiefe worker of the duke of Glocester’s
destruction: who to admonishe all counsailours to beware of
flattering princes, or falsely enuying or accusing their peregualles,
may lament his vices in maner following.”]
How the Lord Mowbrey, promoted by
King Richard the second, to the state
of a Duke,[315] was by him banished
the realme, the yeare of Christ, 1398,
and after died miserably in exile.

Though sorrowe and shame abash mee to rehearse

My lothsome life, and death of due deserued,
Yet that the paynes thereof may other pearce
To leaue the like, leaste they bee likewise[316] serued,
Ah Baldwine, marke, and se how that I swerued:[317]
Dissembling, enuy, and flattery, bane that bee
Of all their hostes, haue shewde their power on mee.


I blame not fortune, though shee did her parte,

And true it is shee can doe litle harme:
Shee guideth goodes, shee hampreth not the hart,
A minde well bent,[318] is safe from euery charme:
Vice, only vice, with her stout strengthlesse arme,
Doth cause the harte from good to ill encline,[319]
Which I, alas, doe finde to true by mine.


For where by birth I came of noble race,[320]

The Mowbrey’s heyre, a famous house and old,
Fortune I thanke, gaue mee so good a grace,[321]
That of my prince I had what so I would:
Yet neyther was to other greately hold,[322]
For I through[323] flattery abusde[324] his wanton youth,
And his fond trust augmented my vntruth.


Hee made mee first the earle of Notyngham,

And marshall of the realme,[325] in which estate
The peeres and people ioyntly to mee came,
With sore complaint against them, that of late
Made[326] officers, had brought the king in hate,
By making sale of justice, right and lawe,
And liuing naught, without all dread or awe.


I gaue them ayde these euills to redresse,

And went to London with an army strong,
And caused the king, agaynst his will oppresse
By cruell death, all such as led him wrong:
The lord chiefe justice suffered these among,
So did the steward of his household head,
The chauncellour scapte, for hee aforehand[327] fled.


These wicked men thus from the king remoued,

Who best vs pleased succeeded in their place:
For which both king and commons much vs loued,
But chiefly I with all stoode high in grace:
The king ensued my rede in euery case,
Whence selfe-loue bred: for glory maketh proude,
And pride aye looketh[328] alone to bee allowde.

Wherefore to th’end I might alone enioy
The king’s good will,[329] I made his lust my lawe:
And where of late I laboured to distroy
Such flattering folke, as thereto stoode in awe,
Now learned I among the rest to clawe:
For pride is such, if it bee kindely caught,
As stroyeth good, and stirreth vppe euery naught.


Pride pricketh men to[330] flatter for the pray,

T’oppresse and poll[331] for maintnaunce of the same,
To malice such as match vnethes it may:
And to bee briefe, pride doth the harte enflame,
To fyre what mischiefe any fraude may frame,
And euer[332] at length the euyls by it wrought
Confound the worker, and bring him vnto[333] nought.


Behold in mee due proofe of euery part:

For pride first forced mee my prince to flatter[334]
So much that whatsoeuer[335] pleased his harte
Were it neuer[336] so euill, I thought a lawfull matter,
Which causde the lordes afreshe agaynst him clatter:
Because hee had his holdes beyond sea solde,[337]
And seene his souldiers of theyr wages polde.


Though all these ils were done by mine[338] assent,[339]

Yet such was lucke that each man deemed no:
For see, the duke of Glocester for mee sent,[340]
With other lordes, whose hartes did bleede for woe,
To see the realme so fast to ruin goe:
In fault whereof, they sayd the two dukes were,
The one of Yorke, the other [of] Lancaster.


On whose remoue fro being about[341] the king

Wee all agreed, and sware a solemne oth,
And whilst the rest prouided for this thing,
I, flatterer I, to winne the prayse of troth,
Wretch that I was, brake fayth and promise both,
For I bewrayed to th’king[342] theyr whole intent,
For which vnwares they all were tane and shent.[343]


Thus was the warder of the common weale

The duke of Glocester giltlesse made away,
With other moe, more wretch I so to deale,
Who through vntruth theyr trust did ill betray:
Yet by this meanes obtayned I my pray,
Of king and dukes I found for this such fauour,
As made mee duke of Northfolke for my labour.


But see how pride and enuy ioyntly runne,

Because my prince did more than mee prefer,
Sir Henry Bolenbroke, the eldest sonne
Of Iohn of Gaunt, the duke of Lancaster,
Proud I, that would alone bee blasing starre,
Enuyde this duke[344] for naught saue that the shyne
Of his desertes did glister more than mine.


To th’end therefore his light should bee the lesse,

I sliely sought all shiftes to put him[345] out:
But as the poyze that would the palme tree presse[346]
Doth cause the bowes sprede larger rounde about,
So spite and enuy causeth glory sprout,
And aye the more the top is ouertrode,
The deeper doth the sound roote sprede abroade.


For when this Henry duke[347] of Hereforde sawe,

What spoyle the king made of the noble bloud,
And that without all justice, cause, or lawe:
To suffer him so hee thought not sure, nor good,
Wherefore to mee, twofaced in one hood,
As touching this, hee fully brake his minde,
As to his friend that should remedy finde.


But I, although I knewe my prince did ill,

So that my harte abhorred sore the same,
Yet mischiefe so through malice led my will,
To bring this duke[348] from honour vnto shame,
And toward my selfe, my soueraygne to enflame:
That I bewrayed his wordes vnto the king,
Not as a reade, but as a [most] haynous thing.


Thus where my duty bound mee to haue tolde

The prince his fault, and wil’d him to refrayne,
Through flattery loe, I did his ill vpholde,
Which turnde at length both him and mee to payne:
Woe, woe to kinges, whose counsaylours doe fayne,
Woe, woe to realmes, where such are put in trust
As leaue the lawe, to serue the prince’s lust.


And woe to him that by his flattering reede,

Mayntaynes[349] a prince in any kind of vice:
Woe worth him eke for enuy, pride, or meede,
That misreportes any[350] honest enterprise:
Because I beast in all these poynts was nice,
The plagues of all together on mee light,
And due for ill, doers doth acquite.


For when the duke[351] was charged with my plaint,

Hee flat denyde that any part was true,
And claymde by armes to aunswere his attaynt,
And I by vse that warlyke[352] feates well knewe,
To his desire incontinently drewe:
Wherewith the king did seeme right well content,
As one that past not much with whome it went.


At time and place apoynted wee appearde,

At all poynts armde to proue our quarells iust,
And when our friends on each part had vs chear’d,
And that the herolds bad vs doe our lust,
With speare in rest[353] wee tooke a course to iust:
But ere our horses had run halfe their way,
A shout was made, the king commaunded stay.


And for t’auoyde the sheeding of our bloud

With shame and death, which one must needes haue
The king through counsayle of the lordes thought good
To banishe both, which iudgement strayt was rad:
No maruayle then though both were wroth and sad,
But chiefly I, that was exilde for aye,
My enmy straungde but for a ten yeares day.[354]

The date expirde, whan by this doulfull[355] dome

I should depart to liue in banisht land,
On paine of death to England not to come,
I went my way: the king seasde in his hand
Myne offices, my honours, goods, and land,
To pay the due (as openly hee tolde)
Of mighty summes, which I had from him polde.


See, Baldwine, see, the salary of sinne,

Marke with what[356] meede vile vices are rewarded:
Through [pride and] enuy I lose both kith and kinne,
And for my flattering playnt so well regarded,
Exile and slaunder[357] are iustly[358] mee awarded:
My wife and heire lacke lands and lawfull right,
And me their lord made dame Dianae’s knight.


If these mishaps at home bee not enough,

Adioyne to them my sorowes in exile:
I went to Almayne first, a land right roughe,
In which I found such churlish folke and vile,
As made mee loeth my life ech other while:
There lo, I learned what [it] is to bee a gest
Abroade, and what to liue at home in rest.


For they esteeme no one man more than eche,

They vse as well the lackey as the lorde,
And like theyr maners churlishe in[359] theyr speeche,
Theyr lodging harde, theyr bourd to bee abhord:
Theyr pleited garments therewith[360] well accord,

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