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“Don’t be afraid of being different, be afraid of being the same as everyone



In the name of Allah, the beneficent, praise and gratitude be to Allah

for giving the strength and guidance for the writer, so that this thesis can be

finished accordingly. The written of this thesis entitled “Analysis of

Students’ Motivation in online learning among the second grade students of

SMP Taman Dewasa Ibu Pawiayatan Yogyakarta”. This thesis is written to

fulfill one requirement to obtain the sarjana degree at department of English


During the writing this thesis, the researcher realizes that the she

received much assistance, suggestion and advice from the number person.

Without the suggestion, advice and assistance of this people, this thesis

would never have existed. Therefore, the researcher would also like to

express her appreciation and sincere thanks to them especially to the


1. A profound gratitude is directed to My beloved parents Kanisus Asli

and Kristina Aban who always give me support, advice, motivation,

help, goodness, care, and all of things that I need to finish my study.

2. Prof. Drs. H. Pardimin, M.Pd.,PhD. the rector of Universitas

Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa for his advice during her study at the


3. Adria Vitalya Gemilang, S.S., M.Hum. as chief of English education

study program of Universitas Sajanawiyata Tamansiswa

4. Istianul Hikmah, S. Hum, M.A. as academic supervisor

5. Anselmus Sudirman, S.Pd., M.Hum. and Th. Laksmi Widyarini,

S..Pd., M.Hum. as the first and second consultants, thanks so much

for their valuable, advice and great suggestion during the writing of

this thesis.

6. Thanks to the students of SMP Taman Dewasa Ibu Pawiyatan,

especially class VIII as respondent of the research.

7. Thanks to my lovely friends, Felix, Hendra, Yoflan, Altus, and Agung

Herkules, for everything that they given to the researcher’s life.

Thanks for all of your suggestion, affection and togetherness. The

researcher was really praise recognized them.

8. All of the people who have taken a part in finishing this thesis which

couldn’t be mentioned by the researcher one by one.

9. All the lectures in English Department for teaching precious

knowledge, sharing philosophy of life, and giving wonderful study


The researcher realizes that this thesis is still far from being perfect.

The researcher hopes that this thesis is useful for the researcher in particular

and reader in general.

Yogyakarta, January 19th 2024

The researcher,

Ferdinandus Setia Budi


STATEMENT OF AUTHENTICITY ..................................................... iii

APPROVAL SHEET ............................................................................... iv

RATIFICATION ...................................................................................... v

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ...................................................................... vii

TABLE OF CONTENTS ......................................................................... ix

ABSTRACT ............................................................................................. xi

ABSTRAK............................................................................................... xii

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION .............................................................. 1

A Background of the study ................................................................... 1

B Identification of the Problems ........................................................... 7

C Limitation of the Problems ............................................................... 8

D Formulation of the Problems ............................................................ 8

E Research Objectives ......................................................................... 8

F Research Benefits ............................................................................. 9

CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW ............................................... 10

A. Theoretical Foundation ................................................................... 10

B. Relevant Research .......................................................................... 34

C. Theoretical Framework .................................................................. 37

CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODS .............................................. 39

A Research Design ................................................................................ 39

B. Place and Research ........................................................................... 39

C. Source of Data .................................................................................. 40

D. Research Instrument ......................................................................... 40

E. Technique of Collecting Data ............................................................ 40

F. Data Analysis Techniques ................................................................. 42

CHAPTER IV FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION .................................... 44

A Research Findings .......................................................................... 44

B . Factors that Influence Students’ Motivation in Online Learning ... 49

CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION ............................ 54

A . Conclusion ................................................................................... 54

B. Suggestion ........................................................................................ 55

REFERENCE.......................................................................................... 56

APENDIX ................................................................................................ 60


Ferdinandus Setia Budi. 2017002090. Students’ Motivation in Online

Learning in junior high school. English Education Departement. Faculty of
Teacher Training and Education. Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa University
Yogyakarta, 2023
The purpose of this study is to analysis of motivation in online
learning among the second grade students of smp taman dewasa ibu
pawiyatan yogyakarta
The research method used in this research is qualitative
descriptive. The research used interview as a instrument to collect data. The
subject of the research were 3 students in SMP taman dewasa ibu pawiyatan
tamansiswa yogyakarta
Based on interviews, it can be found how to analyze learning
motivation through internal motivation, external motivation and social
motivation. However, there are factors that influance learning motivation,
such as the learning environment, learning media and support and hope.

Keyword: analysis, motivation, online learning


Ferdinandus setia budi 2017 motivasi siswa dalam pembelajaran

online pada smp. Program studi pendidikan bahasa inggris. Fakultas
keguruan dan ilmu pendidikan. Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa
Yogyakarta, 2023
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui analisis motivasi
dalam pembelajaran online pada siswa kelas VII SMP Taman Dewasa Ibu
Pawiyatan Yogyakarta.
Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah
deskriptif kualitatif. Penelitian ini menggunakan wawancara sebagai alat
pengumpulan data. Subjek penelitian ini adalah 3 orang siswa di SMP
Taman Dewasa Ibu Pawiyatan Tamansiswa Yogyakarta.
Berdasarkan hasil wawancara,dapat di ketahui cara menganalis
motivasi belajar melalui motovasi internal, motivasi eksternal, dan motivasi
sosial. Namun terdapat faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi motivasi belajar
seperti lingkungan belajar, media pembelajaran, dan dukungan dan harapan.

Kata kunci: analisis, motivasi, pembelajaran online



Chapter 1 presents the discussion of the background that

motivates the researcher to write the thesis; there are six primary

concerns presented in this chapter those are the background of the study,

identification of the problem, limitation of the problem, formulated of

the problem, objectives of the study and significance of the study..

A Background of the study

Motivation is an essential aspect of language learning. Being

motivated can help learners become successful learners because they

can set their ways to achieve their goals. It is believed that even the

most capable learners can only achieve long-term goals with

motivation. According to Ebata (2008, cited in Babaee, 2012),

motivation develops successful second language (L2) communicators

by making them confident. With confidence, learners will find it

easier to work towards their goals. Therefore, language learners must

remain motivated at all times.

The learning climate created by online learning also affects

students' learning motivation; if in offline learning, the teacher can

create a conducive classroom atmosphere to maintain student learning

motivation so that learning can be achieved because the classroom

climate significantly influences learning motivation. However, online

learning conditions make it difficult for teachers to control and

maintain the learning climate because it is limited in virtual space.


Online learning utilizes the internet and digital media

accompanied by accessibility, connectivity, flexibility in the delivery

of the material, and the ability to bring up various types of learning

interactions (Moore., et al., 2011). Online learning is becoming a trend

in the digital era with technological products and alternative learning

in various situations with all its benefits. Online learning is flexible,

allowing teachers and students to access all information and learning

materials easily without being constrained by time and space

constraints. Online learning with virtual learning provides direct

convenience in communicating, making material acceptance easier to

understand (Lestari, 2020).

Gikas and Grant (2013) argue that to conduct online learning,

it is necessary to have mobile device supporting tools such as internet

networks, mobile phones (HP)/smartphones, tablets, laptops and

adequate computers, which can be used to access information

anywhere and anytime. .

In the current state of the Covid-19 pandemic, every campus

applies online learning to all students without face-to-face or

commonly known as an online learning system (Firman, and Rahayu,


Online learning has resulted in both teachers and students

having to study from home online. This learning requires a network

connection or wifi that is connected to the media of a smartphone,

laptop, or computer. Distance learning that has been carried out on the

network/internet makes it easier for teachers and students to learn

from home to prevent the spread of covid-19. This prevention effort is

carried out by following social distancing where teachers teach from

home and students are forced to study from home. As a result of social

distancing, the learning system changes to online. Changes in the

learning system have a different impact on the quality of student

learning (Karwati, 2014).

In connection with the Ministry of Education and Culture's

instructions above, learning for students at the SMP Taman Dewasa

Ibu. Pawiyatan Tamansiswa Yogyakarta, was also conducted online

during the covid-19 pandemic. This is done to prevent the spread of

the Covid-19 virus. Online learning uses online learning media while

still paying attention to the quality of learning so that learning

outcomes can still be fulfilled. Learning media is a good

communication intermediary for teachers and students in providing

teaching materials according to learning outcomes in the semester

learning plan (RPS). With online learning media, it is hoped that

teachers can provide virtual materials and assignments that can guide

and direct students so that they can gain maximum understanding of

the material and learning assessment results. Various online learning

media have been used by teachers at the SMP Taman Dewasa Ibu

Pawiyatan Tamansiswa Yogyakarta, to support the implementation of

online learning, namely using Google Classroom application services,

Google meetings, Zoom, and so on.


One of the positive impacts of using online learning media is

that teachers and students become familiar with information

technology through digital media such as computers, laptops, and

smartphones. In addition, obstacles still arise in implementing online

learning during this pandemic. Some preparations must be made by

teachers and students in conducting online learning, including the

readiness of teachers and students to operate online learning media,

even though the operation of online learning media could be more

optimal. In addition, online learning media requires teachers to think

more creatively in learning activities to master technology and operate

online learning media and requires students to spend more to buy

internet credit than changes in students' previous study habits. So that,

during this pandemic, the role of the internet network in online

learning is very reliable for the smooth process of online learning.nce

easier to understand (Lestari, 2020).

Based on observations, it was found that the learning

motivation of junior high school students did experience a decline

during this pandemic situation. In addition, it was also found that

students were less active in conveying their thoughts, so that it could

lead to boring learning. In the online learning process at the SMP

Taman Dewasa Ibu Pawiyatan Tamansiswa Yogyakarta, students are

not only required to be active but also creative, because creativity in

learning can create new, not monotonous and interesting situations so

that students will be more involved in learning activities. With the


motivation to learn, students will be able to develop their own creative

power. With creativity and motivation, student learning outcomes can

increase. At this time online learning is strongly influenced by the

motivation and creativity of students at the elementary school level.

The motivation of students at the SMP Taman Dewasa Ibu Pawiyatan

Tamansiswa Yogyakarta is also still low, causing students to be lazy

to study, less enthusiastic and not creative. Teachers are also less

motivated students in learning so that learning tends to watch and

make students get bored quickly in receiving the learning

In a study conducted by Cahyani., et al (2020) it was found

that the learning motivation of students who took part in online

learning in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic situation decreased.

Sari., et al (2020) found that students' motivation to learn mathematics

is in the high category, this is because teachers play a role in

increasing student motivation through online learning media.

In this study examines information and research before as a

comparison material, by looking the strengths and weaknesses of the
research. There are a lot of studies have been done about students’

First, a study done by Ervi and Armelida (2019), about An

Analysis Of Students’ Motivation In Learning English After Given
Rewards At The Eight Grade Students’ Of SMPN 3 Rambah. The
reason for this exploration was to figure out the eight grades
motivaton in learning English after given rewards at the SMPN 3
Rambah. There were 2 instruments were utilized in gathering the
information. There are 2 instruments that is questionnaire and
interview. The result of the examination in the survey showed that

from 60 samples of the exploration, there were 57 students can be

arranged areas of strength for have in learning English after given
rewards and there were 3 students can be characterized have fair
motivation. The researcher found that the normal of students survey
score was 78,8 and it implies that their motivation moderately can be
arranged good classifications. Meanwhile, the difference with my
research lies in my analyzing are the types of motivation that
influence learning and the factors that influence student learning
motivation. this study discuss about the motivation of learning English
after given rewards, meanwhile my research will conduct the analysis
of motivation by using online learning.

Secondly, a study conducted by Sipayung et al (2020), entitled

An Analysis of Students Motivation in Online Learning Based on
Realistic Mathematical Comic Videos. The object of this study is
learning motivation the reason for this review to investigate the
learning motivation of these student. The subjects of this study were
7th grade student of SMP HKBP Lubuk Pakam for the 2020/2021
Scholarly Year. It applied web based learning helped by practical
science comic videos and investigating students motivation. This
study was done in Mathematic scope and based on comic videos,
however my research will only analyze the students’ motivation in
online learning and the population for this study is also different.

Thirdly, another study made by Nur, N. C., & Mustaji, M.

(2021). Analysis of Student Learning Motivation With Online
Learning During the Covid-19 Pandemic. This study is expected to
depict the impact of executing online learning during the Coronavirus
pandemic on students learning motivation. This examination is a
quantitative report including 254 respondents. The examination
instrument involved a survey as questions bundled through the google
structure connect to gauge students motivation towards the execution
of online learning. The investigation of examination results utilized
basic direct relapse testing outfitted with ordinariness tests and

linearity tests as essentials. In light of the aftereffects of information

examination, the relapse condition for understudy learning inspiration
towards online learning is Y = 16.911 + 0.573 X with t count of
10.574 and the coefficient of assurance R2 = 0.307. These outcomes
show that the execution of internet learning affects students learning
motivation. Thus, the differences are the period and method of the
research. This study was held during pandemic meanwhile my
research was held after pandemic, and this study used quantitative
method meanwhile my research used qualitative method.

Therefore, it is interesting to do this research in a different

population and different era and condition to investigate students

motivation in online learning nowadays.

B Identification of the Problems

Based on the background above, the problems are identified as


1. The learning motivation of junior high school students has indeed

decreased during the pandemic situation.

2. Students are less active in conveying their thoughts, so that it can

result in boring learning.

3. In the online learning process at the SMP Taman Dewasa Ibu

Pawiyatan Tamansiswa Yogyakarta, students are not only

required to be active but also creative, because creativity in

learning can create new, not monotonous and interesting

situations so that students will be more involved in learning


activities. With the motivation to learn, students will be able to

develop their own creative power.

4. The motivation of students in SMP Taman Dewasa Ibu Pawiyatan

Tamansiswa Yogyakarta is also still low, causing students to be

lazy to study, less enthusiastic and not creative.

5. Teachers less motivate students in learning so that learning tends

to watch and make students get bored quickly in receiving the


C Limitation of the Problems

This research only focuses analysis of students’ motivation in

online learning of SMP Taman Dewasa Ibu Pawiyatan Tamansiswa


D Formulation of the Problems

Based on the background of the problem above, the problems

in this study can be formulated, namely:

1. What are the types of students’motivation in online learning at

SMP Taman Dewasa Ibu Pawiyatan Tamansiswa Yogyakarta in

during Covid-19 Pandemic?

2. What are the factors that influence students’ motivation in online

learning at SMP Taman Dewasa Ibu Pawiyatan Tamansiswa

Yogyakarta in during Covid -19 Pandemic?

E Research Objectives

The objectives to be achieved in this research are to:


1. To find out the types of motivation of students’at SMP Taman

Dewasa Ibu Pawiyatan Tamansiswa Yogyakarta in online

learning during the Covid-19 pandemic

2. To find out the factor the influence of motivation of students at

SMP Taman Dewasa Ibu Pawiyatan Tamansiswa Yogyakarta in

online learning during the Covid-19 pandemic

F Research Benefits

a. For Teacher,

The results of the research can be used as a reference

for teachers in planning online learning by adjusting the level

of interest and motivation of students towards online


b. For Student

The results of this study for the students is to provide

motivation for online learning so that the students can

overcome problems related to online learning

C. For Further Researchers

The results of this study can be used as a reference for

further researchers to conduct research on the motivation of

teachers and students at the SMP Taman Dewasa Ibu

Pawiyatan Tamansiswa Yogyakarta, in online learning during

the Covid-19 pandemic.


Chapter 11 presents the discussion of the review content that

e e e e e e e e

clarifies the researcher’s writing the thesis, there are seven main
e e e e e e e e e e e e

point presented in this chapter, those are motivation, online learning,

e e e e e e e e

implementation of online learning, strategies to improve the quality

e e e e e e e e

of online learning, amplications and media that support online

e e e e

learning, relevant research, and theoretical framework.

e e e e e e e e

A. Theoretical Review

1. Motivation

a. Understanding Motivation e

The term motivation comes from the word motive

e e e e e

which can be interpreted as the power contained within the e e e e e e e e

individual, which causes the individual to act or do. Motive s e e e

cannot be observed directly, but can be interpreted in their e e e e e e e e e

behavior, in the form of stimulation, e ncouragement, or

e e e e e

power generation for the emergence of a certain behavior.

e e e e e e e e e e

Motive is the driving force in a person to perform certain e e e e e e

activities. Thus, motivation is an impulse contained in a e e e

person to try to make changes in behavior that are better in

e e e e e e e

meet ing their needs.e e e e e

According to Uno (2013: 3), he argues that motivation e e

is a hypothetical construct used to explain the desire, e e e e e e

direction of intensity, and constancy of goal-directed

e e e e


behavior. Motivation is a psychological process that can

e e

explain a person's behavior. Behavior is essentially an

e e e e e e

orientation towards one goal, in other words, a person's

e e e e

behavior is designed to achieve a goal.

e e e e e

Sardiman (2011: 75) argues that motivation can also e

be said to be a series of efforts to provide certain conditions,

e e e e e e e

so that someone wants and wants to do something. e e e

Ali and Asrori (2012: 183) Motivation can be defined e e e

as: (1) an impulse that arises in a person consciously or e e e

unconsciously to take an action with a specific purpose. (2) e e e

efforts that can cause a certain person or group of people to

e e e e e e

do something because they want to achieve what they want to

e e e e e e e

achieve. To gain deep knowledge about something, students

e e e e e e e e

need a lot of experience. From some of these definitions it

e e e e e e e e e e

can be concluded that motivation is an e ncouragement to

e e e e e

someone to do something positive in order to achieve a goal.

e e e e e e e

According to Mc Donald in Kompri (2016: 229)

motivation is a change in energy in a person's personality e e e e e

which is characterized by the emergence of affective e e e e e e e e e

(feelings) and reactions to achieve goals. Thus the emergence

e e e e e e e e e e

of motivation is marked by a change in energy in a person e e e e e

that can be realized or not. e e e

Sanjaya (2010: 250) that a motive is a set that can e e

make individuals perform certain activities to achieve goals.

e e e e e e

Thus, motivation is an impulse that can lead to certain e e e

behaviors that are directed to the achievement of a certain

e e e e e e e e e

goal. The behavior or actions shown by a person in an effort

e e e e

to achieve certain goals is very dependent on the motive he

e e e e e e e e e e


Learning motivation is important element in the

e e e e e

learning process, because without realizing it, learning

e e e e e e

motivation can affect e students' e active e and passive e

participation in the learning process in the classroom. This e e e e

condition can affect the results and learning achievement that e e e e e e e

will be obtained by students. e e e

Uno (2013:23). Learning motivation is an internal and e e

external encouragement for students who are learning to

e e e e e e e e

make changes in behavior in general with several indicators

e e e e e e e

or supporting elements. e e e

Suhana (2014: 24) learning motivation is a power e e

(power motivation), driving force (driving force), or a tool to

e e e

build a strong willingness and desire in students to learn e e e e e

actively, creatively, effectively, innovatively, and fun in the

e e e e e e e e

context of change. good behavior in cognitive, affective, and

e e e e e e

psychomotor aspects. e

Based on some of the definitions above, it can be

e e e e e e

concluded that learning motivation is an e ffort or effort to

e e e e

move or generate a person's mental strength to carry out

e e e e e e e

activities in order to achieve learning goals.

e e e e e

b. The Role and Function of Learning Motivation

e e e

Uno (2013: 27-29), the important role of learning e e e

motivation and learning, among others: e e

1) The role of learning motivation in determining learning

e e e e e e

e e e Motivation can play a role e in

strengthening learning if a child who is learning is faced

e e e e e

with a problem that determines the solution and can only e e e e e

be solved thanks to the help of things that have been

e e e e e e e

passed. e

2) The role of motivation in clarifying learning objectives.

e e e e e

The role of motivation in clarifying learning objectives is

e e e e e

closely related to the meaning of learning. Children will

e e e e e e e

be interested in learning something, if at least what is

e e e e e e e

learned can be known or enjoyed by the child.

e e e e e e

Motivation determines perseverance in learning. A e e e e e e e e

child who has been motivated to learn something tries to e e e e e e

study well and diligently in the hope of getting better results.

e e e e e e e e

Hamalik (2015: 108), mentions that the function of e e

motivation includes: e

1) Encouraging the emergence of behavior / an action.

e e e e e e e

2) Motivation functions as a directive, meaning that it leads e e e e

to actions to achieve the desired goals. e e e e e


3) Motivation functions as a driving force, meaning as a e e

driving force in learning activities. e e e

Aqid (2010: 50) states that “motivation functions as a e

driver, director, mover, and behavior.” Suhana (2014: 24)

e e e e

says the function of learning motivation is:

e e

1) Motivation is a means of driving the occurrence of e e e e

student learning behavior e e e

2) Motivation is a tool to influence student learning e e e e

achievement e e e

3) Motivation is a tool to provide directors with the e e e

achievement of learning objectives

e e e e e e

4) Motivation is a tool to build a more meaningful learning e e e

system e

b. Characteristics of People Who Have Learning Motivation

e e e e e

The characteristics of people who have motivation in

e e e e e

learning according to Sardiman (2015: 83), name ly:

e e

1) Diligent in facing tasks and can work continuously until


the job is finished.

e e

2) Tenacious and not easily discouraged in the face of

e e e e e

adversity. e

3) It is possible to have an interest in various problems. e e e e e

4) More often work independently. e e e e e

5) Get bored quickly with routine tasks.

e e e

6) If you are sure you can defend your opinion. e e e e


7) Will not give up something that has been believed. e e e e e e e

8) Often find and solve problems. e e e

In line with the above opinion, according to Uno e e e

(2013: 23) that the characteristics of people who have e e e e e

motivation to learn can be classified as follows: e e e

1) There is a desire and desire to succeed.

e e e e e e e e

2) There is encouragement and need in learning.

e e e e e e e e

3) The existence of hopes and ideals in the future.

e e e e e e e e

4) There is an appreciation in learning.

e e e e

5) There are interesting activities in learning.

e e e e e e e

6) The existence of a conducive learning environment,

e e e e e e e e

allowing a student to learn well e e e

7) The existence of a conducive learning environment,

e e e e e e e e

allowing a student to learn well. e e e

. d. Achievement Motivation Theory

e e e e

Achievement motivation theory was initially uttered

e e e e e e

by (Atkinson, 1957. This theory is based on the importance e e e e

of individuals’ experiences and their struggles to achieve a e e e e e e e e

good performance ( madrid, 2002) atkinsons theory which are

e e e e

the need for achievement or the motive for success, the

e e e e e e e e e e

probability that one the will be successful at the task and the e e e e e e

incentive value of success result in the tendency to approach

e e e e e e e e

an achivement-related goal (Graham and Wiener, 1996)

e e e e e e

So the Achievement Motivation Theory is theory that is

e e e e e e

related to individual hard work to achie ve something for

e e e e e

success. e

d. Types of Learning Motivation

e e

In the teaching and learning process in school

e e e e

motivation is one thing urgent, little or much at least the e e e e e

students have the motivation to learn because activities will

e e e e e e e

be successful if the child concerned has strong motivation.

e e e e e

Than, base on the explanation theory of motivation in this the

e e e e e

research only focus to Herzberg theory. According Herzberg

e e e e e e e

motivation is devided into two types:intrinsic motivation and e e e

extrinsic motivation. Be low is futher explanation related to

e e e e e e

both of these types of motivation. e e e

1) Intrinsic Motivation

Santrock stated that intrinsic motivation involve s e e

the internal motivation to do something because of

e e e e e

encouragement of desire or feeling from inside.

e e e e e e e e

According Gardner (1982) intrinsic motivation is e

perceived to be composed of three elements. These are

e e e e e e e e e e e e e

effort, desire, and attitude. People do certain activities

e e e e e e e e

because it gives them pleasure and develops a particular

e e e e e e e e

skill based on their internal desire. Thus a person might e e e e e e

be motivated by the enjoyme nt of the learning prosess

e e e e e e e e

itself or by desire to make themselves feel better

e e e e e e e e e e e

(Harmer. 2007 .P. 98). This me ans that intrinsic

e e

motivation is the willingness that often arised from e e e e

within a person in an effort to achieve the desired goals. e e e e e e e

When students have intrinsic motivation, the y will show

e e e e

their attitude in the clasroom like the want to learn

e e e e e e

English because they like and enjoy learning it.

e e e e e e e

After knowing some definitions of intrinsic

e e e

motivation then there are several factors that affect e e e e e e e

intrinsic including:

a) Self Desire e e e

In this view students believe they do something e e e e e e e

of its own accord, not of success or external rewards. e e e e

Internal motivation and intrinsic interest are closely

e e e e e

related, so that motivation arises because of need, as well

e e e e e e e e

as interest, so it is appropriate that interest is the

e e e e e e

principal motivational tool, the learning process will well e e e e

if accompanied by desires and interests. For example, e e e e e e e

students learn because of their own will and the results

e e e e e e e

will be better because they come from themselves.

e e e e e e e e e e

b) Satisfaction

Satisfaction is the feeling when someone e e e e e e gets the e e

result or achievement of an effort mode because based

e e e e e e e e e

on intrinsic motivation, namely motivation that come s e e

from within a person e without any external e e


encouragement, therefore a person will fell greater

e e e e e e e e e e

satisfaction with his achie vement. When you achieve e e e e e e

something, it is an added bonus for the work you have

e e e e

already completed. You don’t start out looking for

e e e

something specific in return, but with achievement

e e e e e e

comes the knowledge that you’re one the right tract.

e e e e e e e

Pleasure and satisfaction in doing an activity or task

e e

when you only focus on the result of what you do.

e e e

c) Challenges/ Compet ition e e e

Compet ition can be use as a motivation in

e e e

support students’ learning. Studies have shown that e e e e

individuals are more likely to select challe nges task e e e e e e e

when intrinsically motivated than when motivated to

e e e e

obtain an extrinsic reward. Compet ition should be used e e e e e

by any consideration e and should

be appropriately to the students emotion condition

e e e e e

because it may grow anger, jealous and other negative

e e e e e e e


d) Good Habits

Intrinsic motivation is more likely to help you e e e

develop and build good habits because it requires no

e e e e e e

justification to work on those habits. You don’t need to e e e

have a reason. So, it makes building habits much easier

e e e e e

to accomplish as you will se e by the following examples: e e e e e


a person is more likely to focus on a relevant task to

e e e e e

build a habit. Such as someone doesn’t want to waste e e e e

time doing things that are insignificant or things that

e e

won’t get you any closer to the and therefore, self- e e e e e e e

motivation will foster good habits. e

e) Awareness
e e e

Self- Awarenes is the process of identifying ou

e e e e e e

motivations, choices and personality and then realizing e e e e

the the influence of these the factors on our judgme nts,

e e e e e e e e

decisions and interactions with other. Self-awerences is

e e e e e e e

the basis of emotional intelligence, which is the ability to

e e e e e e

monitor feelings from time to time. e e e e

1) In self- awerences learning is knowing what you

e e e e e

feel at moment using it to guide your own decision

e e e e e

making. For example the desire to learn. The desire to e e e e e e e e e

learn means that there is an element or interest in

e e e e e e e e e

learning. This well get better results than something that

e e e e e e e

is without purpose. The desire to learn that arises from e e e e e e

within the child will produce better results. (sadirman. e e e e e


2) Extrinsic Motivatione

Harmer states that extrinsic motivation is the

e e e e

result of any number of outside factors, for example the

e e e e e e

need to an exam, the hope of financial reward or the

e e e e e e e

possibility of future travel. Furthermore, this type of e e e e e

motivation appears from outside and gives some e e e e

influences to a person like give incentives, social

e e e e e e e

pressure and punishment (Harmer.2017.p.98). According

e e e e

Gardner Extrinsic motivation: driven by external factors

e e e e e

factors such as parental pressure, the role of teacher, e e e e e e e

environment. Many sources of extrinsic motivation are

e e e e e

inaccessible to the influence of the teacher: for example,

e e e e e e e e e e

the desire of the students to please some other authority

e e e e e e e e e

figures such as parents, their wish to succeed in an

e e e e e

internal exam, or peer groups influences (gardner. 1982.

e e e e e e e


Seen e e from the e understanding e above, e

conclusions can be drawn that extrinsic motivation is in e e

influenced or stimulated from the outside individual.

e e e e e

Factors affecting extrinsic motivation among others: e e e

a) Praise e

When in the teaching and learning process

e e e e e

there are students who are successful and successful

e e e e e e e

in completing the assignment and the assignment is e e e e e

done well, then these students need to be given praise.

e e e e e e e e e e e

The praise given is a form of positive motivation and

e e e e

good motivation. Therefore, giving praise must be e e e e e

appropriate, because giving massage will foster a e e e e e


pleasant atmosphere and enhance student enthusiasms

e e e e e e e

for learning and raise self-esteem (Sadirmn.2012)

e e e e e e

b) Advice e

Advice is ordering or prohibiting some one e e e e

from doing something, which is balanced with e e

motivation or threat. For example, in the learning e e e e e

process there are students who have low motivation

e e e e e e

and are encouraged by giving advice so that child has

e e e e

even better motivation.

e e e e

c) Teacher, parents, environment

e e e e e

Teacher a factor in continue of a student’s

e e e e

motivation is the teacher. Teacher has an important e e e e e

role in teaching learning activity. The teacher is not

e e e e e e

only a person who transfer the knowledge to the e e e e e e

students, but also as a motivator who can motivate

e e

and support the students in learning activity e e e

Parents a part from culture of the world e e e

around students, their attitude to language leaning e e e e e

will be greatly affected by the influence of people

e e e e e e e e e

who are close to them. The attitude of parents and

e e e e e e

older siblings will crucial.


Environment outside any classroom there are

e e e e e e

attitudes to language learning and the English

e e e e e

language in particular. The learning of English is e e e e


important be considered in the societ y. In a school e e e e e

situation, the language learning is part of the e e e e

curriculum of thing status, the cultural images e e

associated with English are positive. e e e e

d) Reward e

Reward is one of motivation that can

e e

strength student behavior. Many from reward can

e e e e

give to the students to increase their achievement in

e e e e e e e e e

learning process. Such give verbally reward, score,

e e e e e e

prize and praise. At the classroom level, the teachers

e e e e e e e e

can increase students motivation to learn by using e e e e

reward sparingly.e

Rewards can also be said to be motivation,

e e e

but this is not always the case. Since a reward is for a e e e e

job it might not be attractive to someone who are not e e e e e

happy and have no talent for the job. e e e

e) Punishme nt
e e

Punishment is one of the factors to motive e e e e

students, it’s just that motivation will turn into


something negative if it’s not right. Therefore the

e e e e e e e

teacher must understand the principles in each

e e e e e e

punishment. e

Based on the explanation above, the researcher

e e e e e e e e

concluded that in the learning process motivation plays a

e e e e

very important or very important role. Motivation acts as a

e e e

driving force or as a driving force in students. Motivation in e e e

students is divided in two to, namely intrinsic motivation and

e e e

extrinsic. Intrinsic motivation is motivation that come s from

e e

within a person to do something, for example, to learn. A e e e e e

student learns without any coercion from anyone and studie s

e e e e e

passionately to achieve a goals. Meanwhile, extrinsic

e e e e e e

motivation is motivation that comes from outside the e e e

individual, namely due to external stimuli. For example, e e e e e e

students want to learn if there is gift or praise from others.

e e e e e e

c. Learning Motivation Indicator


According to Uno (2013: 186) the indicators of e

learning motivation can be classified as follows:

e e e

1) There is a desire and desire to succeed

e e e e e e e e

2) There is encouragement and need in learning

e e e e e e e e

3) There are hopes and aspirations for the future

e e e e e e

4) There is an appreciation in learning

e e e e

5) There are interesting activities in learning

e e e e e e e

6) The existence of a conducive learning environment,

e e e e e e e e

allowing a student to learn well. e e e

d. Factors Affecting Learning Motivation e e

The success of students' learning in the learning

e e e e e e

process is strongly influenced by the motivation that exists in

e e e e e

them. One of the indicators of learning quality is the high

e e e e e

motivation of the students. Students who have high learning e e e e e

motivation towards learning will be moved or moved to have e e e e e

the desire to do something that can get certain results or

e e e e e e e


According to Kompri (2016:232) learning motivation e

is a psychological aspect that is experiencing development, e e e e e e e

meaning that it is affected by physiological conditions and

e e e

psychological maturity of students. Some elements that e e e e e

influence motivation in learning are:

e e e e

1) The ideals and aspirations of students.

e e e

The ideals will strengthen students' motivation to

e e e e e

learn both intrinsic and extrinsic.

e e

2) Student Ability e

The desire of a child needs to be accompanied by

e e e e e e e

the ability and ability to achieve it.

e e e

3) Student Condition e

The condition of students which includes

e e e

physical and spiritual conditions. A student who is sick e

will interfere with attention in learning.

e e e e e

4) Students' Environmental Conditions.

e e e

The student environment can be in the form of

e e e e e e

the natural environment, residential environment, peer

e e e e e e e e e

association and social life. e


2. Online Learning

Online learning is the result of teaching delivered e e e e e e e e

electronically using computer-based media. The material is often

e e e e e e e e

accessed through a network, including websites, internet, internet

e e e e e e e e e

and so on. E-learning not only accesses information, but also e e e e

helps learners with specific outcomes achieve goals. In addition to

e e e e e e e

delivering teaching, e-learning can monitor the performance of

e e e e e e e e

learners and report on the progress of learners (Smaldino., et al,

e e e e e e e e

2011: 235).

According to Rusman (2012: 56) e-learning means e e e

learning by using electronic device assistance services. So in the

e e e e e e e e e

implementation of e-learning using computers or other electronic

e e e e e e e e

devices. e e

Meanwhile, according to Aqib (2013: 59) e-learning is a

e e e e

form of conventional learning as outlined in digital format e e e

through internet technology. Therefore, e-learning can be used in e e e e e e e e e e

distance education systems as well as conventional education

e e e e e e

systems.Sujarwo., et al (2020) stated that online is a media has

e e e e e

many designs in academic literature, including cyber media, e e e e e e

digital media, virtual media, e-media, network media, and new e e e e e e e

media. Online is a medium that has many names in academic

e e e e e

literature, including cyber media, digital media, virtual media, e-

e e e e e e e

media, network media, and new media.

e e e e e

Darojat., et al (2019) stated that online learning is a form e e e e

of distance e learning using communication facilities and

e e

information technology and is carried out through internet media.

e e e e e

Suciati (2017) defines online learning as open learning delivered e e e e e e e e e

via the internet to facilitate learning and knowledge development

e e e e e e e e e e

through meaningful interactions and learning activities.

e e e e

Online learning is a learning system that is not done face-

e e e e e e

to-face, but uses a platform that can help the teaching and
e e e e e

learning process that is carried out even though it is far away. The
e e e e e e

purpose of online learning is to provide quality learning services

e e e e e e e

in a massive and open network to reach more and wider interest in

e e e e e e e e

learning spaces (Sofyana and Abdul, 2019).

e e

Based on some of the definitions above, it can be

e e e e e e

concluded that online learning is a form of distance learning using

e e e e e

communication and information technology facilities and carried e e e

out through internet media. e e e

1. Implementation of Online Learning

Adhisuwignjo (2020: 4-7), as for the implementation of e e e

online learning through several stages, namely:

e e e e e e

a. Online Learning Preparation

e e e

1) Online Learning Preparation by Teachers e e e e e

At this stage the teacher prepares: e e e e e e


a) Prepare e e compatible e hardware e (Laptop,

Earphone/headset, Mobile) and software (web

e e e e e e e

browser, application to be used). e e e

b) Prepare internet connection in accordance with video

e e e e e e e

meet ing standards. e e

c) Prepare teaching materials in the form of soft files

e e e e e e

such as ppt, videos, documents, or other forms e e e

according to the planned meeting. e e e e

d) Understand the steps for using online learning media.

e e e e e e

2) Preparation of Online Learning by Students

e e e e

At this stage students prepare: e e e e

a) Prepare e e compatible e hardware e (laptop,

earphone/headset, handphone) and software (web

e e e e e e e

browser, application to be used). e e e

b) Prepare internet connection in accordance with video

e e e e e e e

meet ing standards. e e

c) Understand the steps for using online learning media.

e e e e e e

b. Implementation of Online Learning

e e e e

The implementation of the online learning process is a

e e e e e e e

series of planned and systematic activities carried out by

e e e e e e

teachers and students as follows:

e e e

1) Implementation of Online Learning by Teachers

e e e e e e

a) The teacher carries out learning according to the

e e e e e e

learning schedule.
e e e

b) Teachers can use virtual classes and/or video

e e e e e

conferencing according to their abilities. e e e e

c) The teacher ensures that students' attendance has

e e e e e e e e

entered the virtual class by taking a screenshot of the

e e e e e e e

student's attendance in the virtual class.

e e e e

d) The teacher starts the learning process according to

e e e e e e

the meet ing material that has been planned.

e e e e e e e

e) The process of interaction between teachers and

e e e e e e e e

students. e

f) The teacher submits student attendance and evidence

e e e e e e e e e

of learning to the school administration.

e e

2) Implementation of Online Learning by Students

e e e e e

a) Students follow the learning schedule according to

e e e e e

the learning schedulee e e e

b) Students e attend e lectures e e according to teacher

e e

instructions according to learning hours e

c) Students obey the rules of online learning

e e e e e e

d) Students can carry out two-way communication


during online lectures. e e e


2. Strategies to Improve the Quality of Online Learning

Strategies to improve the quality of online learning or

e e e e e e

commonly called e-learning must pay attention to various factors e e e e

that must be considered in its implementation. Fathoni et al e e e e e e

(2020) stated that: e

Effective online learning must consider various factors such

e e e e e e

as speed, student-teacher ratio, pedagogy, online teacher role,

e e e e e e e e e e

online student role, online communication synchronization, online

e e e e e

assessment role, and feedback sources. However, due to the

e e e e e e e e e e

current classroom design it is only a temporary solution for

e e e

emergency distance teaching.

e e e e e

Effective online learning must take into account various

e e e e e e

factors such as speed, student-teacher ratio, pedagogy, online e e e e e e e

teacher role, online student role, synchronization of online

e e e e e e e

communication, role of online assessment, and sources of e e e e e

feedback. However, due to the current classroom design, this is

e e e e e e e e

only a temporary solution for emergency distance teaching.

e e e e e e

Cooper (Yulia, 2020) clarifies five strategies to improve

e e e e e e

online learning, name ly: e e e

a. Interact with students online

e e e

Without classroom attendance, e e teachers e e must

establish virtual presence from the start and throughout the

e e e e e e

lesson to maintain a good learning environment. Thus,

e e e e

students and teachers will be visible and available. Teachers

e e e e e e e e

also welcome students into their new learning community as

e e e e e e

in any traditional classroom.

b. Create a supportive learning environment

e e e e e e

As online teachers, teachers have the opportunity to e e e e e e e

create a supportive environment for students. Encouraging

e e e e e e e

teacher and student involvement and interaction between

e e e e e e e e e

students is the best way to achieve this. The strategy is: First,
e e e e e e e

at the start of online learning, start by posting a personal

e e e e

introduction, encouraging students to introduce themselves to e e e e e e

the group. Second, create forums or open discussions where

e e e e e e e

students can post asking for help and helping each other,
e e e e e

developing peer-to-peer support. Third, form small groups,

e e e e e e

similar to traditional study groups, for mentoring that e

supports fellow students. This strategy will encourage e e e e e

students to work together as an active learning community,

e e e e e

which benefits all individuals involved. e e e

c. Using a Mix of Learning Tools for Better Engagement e e e e e e

The best online teachers use both synchronous and

e e e e e e

asynchronous methods, creating a mix of traditional learning e e e

styles with newer and more collaborative visual tools.

e e e e e

Working with mixed activities makes the content more e e e e e e


interesting and engaging, increasing student engagement with

e e e e e e e e

the teacher as well as with other students.

e e e e e e

d. Provide continuous feedback e e e

Feedback is a very important component of all

e e e e

effective learning including online. Feedback will help create

e e e e e e e e e e

a learning experience that is informative, engaging, and

e e e e e e e

motivating for students. Feedback should be continuous e e e e

throughout the learning process. Through constructive e e e e

feedback provided as soon as possible, students can clearly

e e e e e e

identify which behaviors or skills need improvement.

e e e e e e

Teachers can provide group feedback through collaborative

e e e e e e

exercises which also help promote peer involvement.

e e e e e e e e e

e. Make mobile e-learning content e e e e e

Mobile learning has a major advantage for students, e e e e

enabling them to access the latest course materials and

e e e e e e e

relevant content anywhere, anytime. With small chunks, all

e e e e e e

the information is available to digest quickly and easily.

e e e e

Students can work on learning materials at their own pace,

e e e e e

aiding performance and productivity. Ensure content can be e e e e e e

easily accessed via Smartphone, Laptop, Notebook and iPad

e e e e e

to maximize teaching methods. With this strategy, teachers e e e e e e

can feel more confident about their online teaching skills and
e e e e e e e

materials. e

3. Applications and Media that support Online Learning

Adhisuwignjo (2020: 17), applications and me dia that e

support online learning include: e e e

a. Google Classroom e

Google Classroom is a facility that

e replaces e e

conventional classes to be online which is provided free of

e e e e e e e

charge by Google. This facility can be accessed via Google

e e e e e e

Chrome. Google Classroom is used to create and manage e e e e e e

classes, assignments, grades and provide live feedback.

e e e e e e e

Students can monitor class materials and assignments, share

e e e e

material and interact in class or via email, send assignments

e e e e e

and get grades directly e e e

b. Jitsi

Jitsi is a fully encrypted and 100% open source video e e e e e

conferencing, can be used every day, free and does not

e e e e e e e e e

require an account.
e e

c. Zoom

Zoom is a free application for conducting online e e e

lectures whose use can be accessed from the zoom

e e e e e e e e

application itself. e

d. Google Meet e e e

Google Meet is an online meet ing facility provided

e e e e e e e

for free by Google. This facility can be accessed via Google

e e e e e e e

Chrome e

e. Whats app

Whats app can be used as a discussion forum in e e

online-basede e lectures. e e Online e lecturese e based on the e e

WhatsApp application for teachers can be done via a e e e e

smartphone or computer. The following can be described as a

e e e e e e

guide for teachers to conduct online lectures using the Whats

e e e e e e e

App application.

Adhisuwignjo (2020: 41), things that need to be e e e

prepared and considered before carrying out whatsapp-based

e e e e e e e

online learning are as follows:

e e e

1) For Teachers e e

a) Prepare a smartphone or computer that has the Whats

e e e e e

App application installed. e

b) Prepare learning materials, it can be in the form of

e e e e e e

PPT Slides, Videos, or materials that will be typed e e e e e

directly. e

c) SOPs or rules of the game or online learning contracts e e e e e

for students. e

d) Internet or Wifi data plan. e e

e) For the administration of the academic section, e e e e

teachers are recomme nded to save learning materials

e e e e e e e e e

and a recap of student attendance (soft files), and e e e e e

can also include a capture of the learning process e e e e e

carried out as evidence that online learning has been

e e e e e e e e

implemented. e e e

2) For Students e

a) Join the online class whatsapp group e e

b) Follow the SOP or the rules of the game or those that e e e e e e

have been set by the teacher.

e e e e e e e

c) Setting up an internet or Wifi data package.

e e e e

f. Google Form For Quiz/Test e e

Google Forms is one of the online applications e e e e

provided by Google. This application can be used for various

e e e e

purposes. One of them is to manage and provide online

e e e e e e

quizzes/tests. To use Google Forms, we must first have a

e e e e e e

Gmail account.

B. Relevant Research

Research on the motivation of teachers and students in online

e e e e e e e

learning during the Covid-19 pandemic or those that are still relevant
e e e e e e e

to it, has been carried out by previous researchers. This research can
e e e e e e e e e

be used as a reference for researchers to conduct discussions.

e e e e e e e e e

According to a study conducted by Ervi and Armelida (2019), e e e

entitled An Analysis Of Students’ Motivation In Learning English

e e e e e

After Given Rewards At The Eight Grade Students’ Of SMPN 3

e e e e e e e

Rambah. The finding of the outcome research showed, there are 57

e e e e e e e e e

students can be arranged areas of strength for have motivation in

e e e e e e

learning English after given rewards and 3 students can be grouped

e e e e e e e e

have fair motivation. It is be lieved that the type of giving praise and
e e e e e e e

rewards can increase students’ motivation in learning.

e e e e e

Moreover, Sipayung et al (2020) also had done a study about

e e e e

An Analysis of Students Motivation in Online Learning Based on e e e e

Realistic Mathematical Comic Videos.

e e e Based on the result, it e e e

indicates that students who were taught using realistic mathematics

e e e e e e

comic videos in online learning had a high average learning e e e e e e

motivation, as determined by the results of a learning motivation e e e e e e

questionnaire based on six indicators: responsibility, striving to excel,

e e e e e e

enjoying challenges, independence, fortitude, and resilience. This is a

e e e e e e e e e e e

motivational perspective that upholds endeavors to further develop e e e e e e e e

learning results, particularly in online learning. Thus, it shows that

e e e e

online learning could leverage students’ motivation.

e e e e e e

Furthermore, a study investigated by Nur and Mustaji (2021)

e e e e

about . Analysis of Student Learning Motivation With Online e e e

Learning During the Covid-19 Pandemic. The condition of the

e e e e e

Coronavirus pandemic which affects the training area requests e e e e e e

changes in learning completed in schools is by applying online or

e e e e e

distance learning far. Based on the result, and the outcomes got, it
e e e e e e e

tends to be presumed that online learning impacts students learning

e e e e e e e e

inspiration during the Coronavirus pandemic with a commitment of e e e

30.7%. Likewise, students are additionally motivated to advance by e e e e e e

learning online this with a correlation of 0.554. Therefore, it is

e e e e e e

interesting to see students motivation in online learning after

e e e e e e e e

pandemic era. e e

Therefore, from the relevant study above, it can be said that

e e e e e e e e

students’ motivation in learning E nglish can be increased even by

e e e e e e e e

using an online learning platform. Besides, it is no longer pandemic

e e e e e e

term, it is fascinating to find out further about students motivation in

e e e

online learning.
e e

C. Theoretical Framework

Motivation of learning is one of important element to successful

e e e e e e

learning process. Motivation has so many categories as below explanation.

e e e e e e


Type of learning motivation

e e Factors Influence
e e Students’

theory by Herzberg
e e e Motivation in Online Learning e e

The aspiration of students

e e

Student ability e

Internal e

Student condition e

e e

Student environmental condition

e e e


Online Learning
e e

Chapter 3 presents the discussion of the research method that

e e e e e e e e

the researcher plans to collect thesis data. The are five points
e e e e e e e e e

presented in this chapter, those are type of research, population and

e e e e e e e e e

research sample, data collection techniques, instrument quality test,

e e e e e e e e

and data analysis techniques. e e

A Research Design

This research design of this study has been conducted by using

e e e e e e

descriptive qualitative research. Krisyantoro said that, “qualitative

e e e e e e

research that aims to explain phenomena by collecting data as deep as

e e e e e e e e

possible”. Qualitave research emphasizes the depth of data obtained

e e e e e e e e e

by researches. The deeper and more detailed the data obtained, the
e e e e e e e e e e e e e

better the quality of this qualitative research. Descriptive research is

e e e e e e e e e e

research that is conducted to describe a variable, either one or more

e e e e e e e e e e

variables (independent) without making comparisons, or variables that

e e e e e

are connected to one other variable (Sugiyono, 2009). The research

e e e e e e e e e

belongs to descriptive qualitative design because to analyze students’

e e e e e e e e e

motivation in online learning. e e

B. Place and Research

1. Place of Research e e e

The setting of the study in SMP Taman Dewasa Ibu

e e e e

Pawiyatan Yogyakarta of se cond grade students in the academic e e e e e


year 2021/2022 it is located Jl. Tamansiswa No.31, Wirogunan,

e e

Kec. e Mergangsan,
e Kota Yogyakarta, Daerah
e Istimewah e

Yogyakata 55151.

2. Research Sample
e e e

This research subjects were the second grades students at

e e e e e e e e e

SMP Taman Dewasa Ibu Pawiyatan Yogyakarta there were 21 e e e e e

students. The researcher wanted to analyze students’ motivation

e e e e e e e e

in online learning. e e

C. Source of Data

The data sources in this study were the second grade student
e e e e e e e e

at SMP Taman Dewasa Ibu Pawiyatan Tamansiswa Yogyakarta, e

which consisted three students. e e e e

D. Research Instrument

In this research, the reseacher used questionnaire and

interview to collec the data. Data collection in this research can be

done in a variety of settings, sources, and various ways, (Sugiyono,

2017). The collection of data used of data used by researcher is

based one the technique or method.

E. Technique of Collecting Data

In this study, researcher were collected data with the methods as

e e e e e e e e e


1. Questionnaire

Questionnaire is the number or composed inquiry ought to

be replied or finished by respondent (Sujino:2003) the questionnaire


method used to find the response of students’ about students’

motivation in online learning. The researcher collected the data by

using written question sheet that composed of fifteen statements for

the respondents to answer. The reasons for the researcher use

questionnaire in this study because researcher can get a picture in

accordance with what happened through the answers of the

respondents and have an advantage in its use. And in each statements

has four alternative answer options which categorized as follows:

Strong Agree (SS), Agree (A), Disagree (D), Strong Disagree (SD)

There are various types questionnaires that can be used in

conducting a study. The Questionnaires that used by the researcher in

this study is an open and closed questionnaire. As mentioned by

Arykunto (2010:195)

2. Interview e e

Sugiyono (2008:231) states that an interview is a meet ing of e e e e e

two people to exchange information and ideas through responses,

e e e e e e e

resulting in communication and the construction of shared meaning

e e e e

about a particular topic.

There are various types of interviews, namely a. unstructured

e e e e e e e e

interview. In this type, the interviewer conducts an interview withhout

e e e e e e e e e

a systematic question plan, b. structured interview. Interviews carry

e e e e e e e

out interviews using previously prepared questions, c. semi-stuctured

e e e e e e e e

interview. Interviews use a series of questions developed to obtain

e e e e e e e e e e e

spesific information. Interviews are conducted to obtain additional

e e e e e

information in response to interesting or importand answers that e e e e e

emerge unexpectedly from the planned questions. In this case the

e e e e e e e e e e e

researcher used structured interviews. Interviews were conducted with

e e e e e e e e e e e e

2ad grade students at SMP Taman Dewasa Ibu Pawiyatan Yogyakarta.

e e e

This interview was conducted to analyze students’ online learning

e e e e e e e

motivation. The function of interviews in this research is to re-check e e e e e e e

the data and ensure that the observation data is truly valid. Based on
e e e e e e

the types above, researchers used semi-structured interviews.

e e e e e e e e e e e

Researchers will conduct interviews with respodents three students by

e e e e e e e e e e

receiving and asking questions in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere.

e e e e e e e e

When conducting interviews, researchers prepared a list of question as

e e e e e e e e e

a guide and acidental questions to analyze students’ online learning

e e e e e e e


F. Data Analysis Techniques

In analyzing the data, researcher used and theory of miles, e e e e e e e

Hubarman & Saldana (2014) suggesting that the activity in data e e

analysis consists of there procedures. Below the details of the theory e e e e e e e e e

are shown in the chart as follows;

e e

1. Data Reduction e

Data reduction is the process of selecting, focusing, simplifying,

e e e e e

and searching for themes and patterns and neglecting needed.

e e e e e e e e e

(Miles, Huberman & Saldana : 2014). In this step, the researcher

e e e e e e e

focused e

2. Data Display

The data display phase is done in the form of the a short

e e e e e

description using original text, which can also in the form of

e e e

graphs, matrices, and charts (Miles, Hubarman, & saldana 2014).

e e

In the second steps, the researcher will present the data by

e e e e e e e e e e

simplifying the data by using original text in the form of narrative

e e e e


3. Conclusion/Verification e

In the step of analyzing data is conclusion. The researcher

e e e e e e

concluded the main points from all the data that has been collected,
e e e e e e e

so that is will become clearly. The conclusion will be an answer the

e e e e e e e

formulation of problem in the beginning. e e e


This chapter deals with the result of the research which divided into
e e e e e e e e

two selections, they were research findings and discussion where the
e e e e e e e e e e

finding outline the result of the data analysis was taken by interview and
e e e e e e e

questionnaire presented the result of research findings.

e e e e e e e e e

A Research Findings

The finding of the researcher analysis of students’ motivation in

e e e e e e

online learning at second grade students of SMP Taman Dewasa Ibu

e e e e e e

Pawiyatan Yogyakarta. The kind of data were analysis by using e e e

qualitative analysis. The qualitative data were obtained from questionare

e e e e e e e e

and interview. All these data were taken from a class which consist 21
e e e e e e e


Table 4.1. Students’ Questionnaire

Question SD D A SA
I’d prefer to simply join 0 2 15 4
online learning. (0%) (9,5%) (71,5%) (19%)
I’m interested in using 2 7 12 0
online learning media to (9,5%) (33,3%) (57,1%) (0%)
improve my skills.
I get a positive thing from 3 7 10 1
online learning. (14,3%) (33,3%) (47,6%) (4,8%)
The use of online media 1 9 10 1
in learning is to (4,8%) (42,9%) (47,6%) (4,8%)
During the pandemic, I 3 4 12 2
enjoy participating in (14,3%) (19%) (57,1%) (9,5%)
online learning activities.
You can easily find 2 5 12 2
tutorials (examples )on (9,5%) (23,8%) (57,1%) (9,5%)
your smartphone.
The variety of media on 2 3 13 3


smartphones allowsme to (9,5%) (14,3%) (61,9%) (14,3%)

make more references
from a specific subject.
The teacher’s use of 2 5 14 0
learning media attracted (9,5%) (23,8%) (66,7%) (0%)
me to participate in online
During the COVID-19 2 12 7 0
pandemic, learning (9,5%) (57,1%) (33,3%) (0%)
through online media is
It’s very interesting to pay 2 8 11 0
attention to the techniques (9,5%) (31,8%) (52,4%) (0%)
described online.

Based on the table above, it shows that on the question I’d

prefer to simply join online learning, most answered agree, namely 15

(71.5%) the question 1’m interested in using online learning media to

improve my skills, most answered agree, namely 12 (57.1%), the question I

get a positive thing from online learning, most of them answered agree,

namely 10 (47.6%), the question the use of online media in learning is

interesting, most answered agreed, namely10 (47.6%), Most of the questions

during the pandemic, I enjoy participating in online learning activities

answered agree, namely 12 (57.1%) the question you can easily find tutorial

(examples) on your smartphones mostly answered agree, namely 12

(57,1%), the question The variety of media on smartphones allows me to

make more references from a specific subject mostly of them answered

agree, namely 13 (61.9%), the question The teacher’s use of learning media

attracted me to participate in online learning, most of them answered agree,

14 (66.7%) the question during the COVID-19 pandemic, learning through

online media is easy, most of them answered disagree, namely 12 (57.1%)


the question It’s very interesting to pay attention to the techniques described

online, most of the answered agree, namely 11 (52.4%).

1. Types of Students’ Motivation in Online Learning

Table 4.2 Types of Students’ Motivation in Online Learning

e e e e e

No Types of e Utterances e e Explanations


student e

1 Internal e -The way to devel op my study e e e - Make a reguler and
motivation motivation, make a regular and e e consistent and set a time to do
consistent study schedule for online e e e e assignment.
learning and set a time to do
e e e - Use of quite a variety of
assignment (student 1) e e media
- Increasing motivation for online e e - Watching videos, reading
learning in myself can be done
e e e e textbooks and participating in
through the use of quite a variet y of e e e e group work with friends.
media so that it is used as a learning
e e e

tool (student 2) e Internal motivation is the

- Ways to increase motivation in e e willingness that often arised
myself such as watching videos, e e from within a person in an
reading textbooks and participating
e e effort to achive the desired
in group work with friends (student e e goals. ( Harmer.2007)

2 External
e e Parent e Parents
motivation - Parents always help me to manage e e e e - Help to manage study time
study time including setting study e e and schedule and arranging
schedule and arranging rest time e e e e rest time.
(student 1) e - Overcoming online
- Parents always help me overcome e e e e e learning difficulties, provide
online learning difficulties they e e e e an understanding of learning
always provide an understanding of e e material and help with
learning of learning material and
e e e assignments.
help me do assignments (student 2)
e e e e - Providing comfortable
- My parents always support me in e e tables and chairs and ensuring
studying online such as providing e a stable internet connection.
comfortable tables and chairs and e e

ensuring a stable internet connection

e e e e e Taecher
so that I can focus on studying - Asking how the students
without interruption (student 3) e e are doing, asking about
activities outside of learning
Teacher e e hours and explain the previous
- Before starting the lesson the
e e e e e material.
teacher always talks to the students
e e e e - Participate in learning and
asking how the students are doing, e e e participate in discussion.
asking about activities outside of e e - Provide support and
learning hours and re-explaining the
e e e e guidance to students and
previous leaning material (student
e e e e provide counseling to students.
- The teacher invites students to e e e e e

activel y participate in learning by e e e


encouraging students to ask

e e External motivation is driven
questions, opinions, and participate
e e by external factors such as
in discussions so as to make online e e parental pressure, the role of
learning better (student 2)
e e e e teacher, environtment.
- Teacher provide support and e e e (Gardner.1982).
guidance to students and hold e e

meetings or counselling privately so

e e e e

students will be motivated to study e e e

online (student 3) e e

3. Social - From the learning environment e e e e - Students get support and

motivation and social interaction students get e e e appreciation from friends
support and appreciation from my e - Provides lots of access to
friends so that I can be motivated to
e e e learning resources anytime and
study online. (student 1) e e anywhere.
-The learning environment can give e e e e e - study with friends and
me greater access to learning
e e e e e support each other to increase
materials, I can access learning e e e our self-learning.
resources anytime and anywhere.
e e e e e ( Harmer.2017)
(student 2) e

- Through the learning environment e e e e

I study with my friends and we e e

support each other to increase our e e e e

self-learning. (student 3)
e e e

1. Internal Motivation

Learning motivation is a variable composed of two words, namely

e e e e

motivation and learning. Both have their own meaning, if you usually e e e e

talk about motivation cold with the word motivation, learning motivation e e

refers to all the driving forces that exist within students, so as to increase
e e e e e e e e

the intensity of learning activities, so that the goals expected by learning

e e e e e e e e e

objects can be achieved. In accordance with the interviews that the

e e e e e e e e e

researchers conducted with the three students. The first student stated that
e e e e e e e e e e e

the way to develop motivation to learn is by making a reguler study

e e e e e e

schedule and managing time for doing assignments. The second student
e e e e e e e

revealed that the use of media was quite diverse so that it was used as a
e e e e e e e e e e

learning tool. The third student revealed that increasing self-motivation

e e e e e e e e

includes watching videos, reading textbooks and taking part in group

e e e e

work with friends. e

2. External Motivation

External motivation is usually defined as the tendency to engage

e e e e e e e e e

in activities to obtain some kind of external reward. This award can be e e e e e e

tangible or psychological, money, and trophies are examples of this type

e e e e e e e

of real appreciation. Psychological forms of external motivation can

e e e e

include praise and public recognition. In accordance with the interview s

e e e e e e e

that the researchers conducted with the three students. The first student
e e e e e e e e e e e

revealed that parents always help in arranging study schedules and

e e e e e e e

arranging rest time as well as students’ opinions about external e e e e e e

motivation from teachers who always ask about learning material and e e e e

explain previous learning material again. The second student revealed

e e e e e e e e e e

that parents always help in overcoming online learning difficulties and

e e e e e e

provide and understanding of learning material and help with

e e e e e

assignments as well as external motivation for teacher who always invite

e e e e e e e

students to actively participate in learning. The third student revealed that

e e e e e e e e e

parents always support online learning, such as providing facilities such

e e e e

as comfortable chairs and tables for studying and ensuring a stable e e e e

internet connection as well as motivation from teachers to provide

e e e e e e e

support and guidance to students and provide counseling to students who e e e e e

need it. e e

3. Social Motivation

Social motivation means that students learn due to the e e e e e

encouragement to carry out the task, in this case the students’

e e e e e e e

involvement in the task stand out. Conducive social interaction and

e e e e e

education will increase motivation to learn. Students can develop well if

e e e e e e e e

their social interaction is good, as in educational activities students

e e e e e

cannot be separated from social interaction with all school me mbers,

e e e e e e

especially with peers or fellow students. The establishment of good peer

e e e e e e e e e e e

relationships in interaction is one of the things that can support students’

e e e e e

attitudes in behaving and learning. In accordance with the interviews that

e e e e e e e

the researchers conducted with the three students. The first student stated
e e e e e e e e e e e e

that the received support and appreciation from friends so he was

e e e e e e e

motivated to study online. The second student stated that the learning
e e e e e e e e

environment can provide access to learning materials and can access

e e e e e e e

learning resources anytime and anywhere. The third student revealed that
e e e e e e e e e e e

through a learning environment with friends they support each other to e e e e e e e

improve independent learning. e e e e e

B . Factors that Influence Students’ Motivation in Online Learning

Table4.3 factors that influence students’ motivation in online learning

e e e e e e

no Factors Utterances e e Explanations


influence of e e

students’ e

1. Learning e -factors that influence e e - Environment so that it does
e e students’ online learning e e e not increase students learning
in a less calm e concentration.
environment so that it
e e - The connection at home is
does not increase student
e e e e veri slow.
learning concentration
e e - Because too many people
(student 1) e make learning unfocused.
-The internet connection e e e e ( Harmer.2007)
at home is very slow so I e e

have difficulty accessing e e


learning materials and

e e

participating in online e

learning. (student 2)
e e

-In my opinion, because e e

there are too many

e e e

people in my house, it
e e e

makes me not focus on e e

doing online learning e e

(student 3) e

2. Learning
e - The inhibiting factors e - Students don’t have
media e that affect my learning e e handphone and borrow their
motivation, I didn’t have e parents’ handphone.
a handphone when I was e e - Internet connection that
studying I had to borrow often drops and not having
my parents’ handphone e e internet data.
(student 1) e - The teacher does not provide
- Technical obstaclese e lesson on using the aplication.
such as internet e e ( Harmer.2007)
connection that often e e

drops and not having

internet data will prevent
e e e e

me from participating in

online learning. (student e e e

- The teacher does not e e e e

provide lessons on using e e

the aplication so that we

e e

students do not e

understand how to use e e

it(student 3) e

3. Support and - The lack of teacher and e e e - The lack of teacher and
hope e student interaction in e e student interection in learning.
learning can reduce
e e e - The lack of support from
student motivation e parents so that students are not
because we need
e e e e e motivated to study online.
guidance by teacher e e e - There is no motivation in
(student 1) e students and there is a lack of
- lack of support from interaction between students in
parents so that students e e class.
are not motivated to
e e ( Gardner 1982)
study online because e e e

support from them is e

ver y important to us

(student 2) e

- there is no motivation e e

within me, which makes e e

me lazy about studying


and there is a lack of e e

interaction between
e e e e

students in class. e

(Student 3) e

1. Learning Environment

The learning environment can have a significant impact on the

e e e e e e

effectiveness of online learning, a good environment can increase

e e e e e e e e e e

concentration, productivity and understanding of the material and an

e e e e

environment that is adapted to online learning needs can help students

e e e e e e e e e

absorb information more effectively and undergo the learning process better. e e e e e e e e e e

In accordance with the interviews that the researchers with the three e e e e e e e e e e e

students. The first student revealed that the factors that influence students’
e e e e e e e e e e

online learning are in an uncomfortable environment so that learning

e e e e e e e

concentration is disturbed. The second student stated that internet

e e e e e e e e

connection at home was very slow making it difficult to access learning

e e e e e

materials and participate in online learning. The third student stated because
e e e e e e e e e

there were too many people at home, they couldn’t focus on online learning.
e e e e e e e e e e

2. Learning Media
e e

Learning media has a big influence on online learning media, good

e e e e e e e

learning media can increase the effectiveness of online learning. The

e e e e e e e e e e e e

appropriate use of learning media must consider all factors to achieve e e e e e e e

maximum learning results in an online environment. In accordance with the e e e e e e e

interviews that the researchers conducted with the there students. The first
e e e e e e e e e e e e

student revealed that the factors that inhibiting factors that influe nce
e e e e e e e

students’ learning motivation, many students do not have handphone so they

e e e e e e

have to borrow them from their parents. The second student stated that
e e e e e e e e

frequent internet connections and lack of internet data are barriers for
e e e e e e e e e

students to participate. The third student revealed that the teacher did not
e e e e e e e e e e

provide lessons on using the application so that students did not understand
e e e e e

how to use it. e

3. Support and Hope e

Support and hope greatly influence students’ online learning. Support e e e e e e e

from parents, teachers, and friends can provide motivation and self-
e e e e e e

confidance to students. They feel more motivated to study well when the y
e e e e e e e e e e

feel supported, so support and positive expectations can help improve

e e e e e e e e

student learning outcomes in and online learning environment. In

e e e e e e e

accordance with the interviews that the researchers conducted with the three
e e e e e e e e e e e e

students, the first student revealed that the lack of teacher and student
e e e e e e e e e e

interaction in learning could reduce student motivation. The second student

e e e e e e e e

revealed that there was a lack of support from parents so that students were
e e e e e e e e e

not motivated to study online because parental support was very important. e e e e e e

The third student expressed that there was no motivation within me, which
e e e e e e e e

made students lazy about studying and there was a lack of interaction
e e e e e

between students in class.

e e e e


This chapter presents conclusion and suggestion. The researcher e e e e e e e e

concludes the result of the research by presenting the summary of the

e e e e e e e e e e

research. In suggestion, he would like to propose some suggestions

e e e e e e e e

based on the research findings.

e e e e

A . Conclusion

1. Types of Students’ Motivation in Online Learning 1) making

e e e e

regular study schedules, 2) using varied learning media including

e e e e e e

videos, animations and others that attract students in learning and

e e e e

can support learning ,3) giving appreciation to students who e e e

excel, 4) participating in online discussions held by the teacher

e e e e e e e

2. The supporting factors that influence student motivation in online

e e e e e

learning are 1) parental support, 2) the use of technology is ver y

e e e e e e e

necessary in supporting learning. The inhibiting factors that

e e e e

influence student motivation in online learning are 1) poor

e e e e e e

internet connection, 2) not having a mobile phone, 3) lack of

e e e e e

motivation within myself, 4) lack of teacher and student e e e e

interaction in online learning, 5) lack of support from parents and

e e e e

people around to motivate me in studying online.

e e e e e


B. Suggestion

1. For SMP Taman Dewasa Ibu Pawiyatan Tamansiswa Yogyakarta e

The results of this study are expected to provide input for

e e e e e e e

the SMP Taman Dewasa Ibu Pawiyatan Tamansiswa Yogyakarta

e e

to improve services, learning facilities so that the online learning

e e e e e e e e

process can run well and the level of motivation of teachers and
e e e e e e e

students can also increase.

e e e

2. Teacher

This research is expected to provide input for teachers to

e e e e e e e e

be able to pay attention to the problems faced by their students in

e e e e e e e e

participating in online learning. e e

3. For Further Researchers

Further research can develop this research by comparing

e e e e e e e

the motivation of teachers and students between one major and

e e e e e e e e

another at SMP Taman Dewasa Ibu Pawiyatan Tamansiswa

e e


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Table 4.4 Types of Students’ Motivation in Online Learning

e e e e e

No Types of Utterances Explanations

1 Internal e -The way to develop my e e e Based on the result of the interviews it
e e e e e e

motivation study motivation, make a e can be concluded that the internal e e e e

regular and consistent

e e motivation of students can be through e e

study schedule for online e e e making a regular schedule and carrying e e e

learning and set a time to

e e e out assignments and through the use of e e e

do assignment (student 1) e e quite a variety of media which are used

e e e e e

- Increasing motivation for e as means for learning and reading e e e

online learning in myself e e e textbooks and participating in group


can be done through the e e e work with friends. e

use of quite a variet y of

e e e

media so that it is used as a

e e

learning tool (student 2)

e e

- Ways to increase e e

motivation in myself such e

as watching videos, e

reading textbooks and

e e

participating in group
work with friends (student e e


2 External
e e Parent e Based on the results of the interviews it
e e e e e e

motivation - Parents always help me e e e can be concluded that external e e e e

to manage study time e e motivation from students can be through e e

including setting study e encouragement from parents who

e e e e

schedule and arranging e e always arrange students to set study e e e

rest time (student 1)

e e e schedules and rest periods and parents
e e e e e

- Parents always help me e e e always provide an understanding of e e

overcome online learning

e e e e learning material, help with assignments
e e e e

difficulties they always e e and provide facilities such as tables and e e e

provide an understanding e e chairs for learning and ensure a table e e e e

of learning of learning e e internet connection.

e e e

material and help me do e e e The teacher’s role is also ver y important

e e e e e

assignments (student 2) e e in motivating students, among others, e e

- My parents always e what is done by the teacher always e e e e

support me in studying e asking news every time they start e e e e e

online such as providing e learning and re-explaining the previous

e e e e e

comfortable tables and e e material, the teacher also invites

e e e e e

chairs and ensuring a e students to actively participate in e e e

stable internet connection e e e e learning encouraging students to always

e e e

so that I can focus on ask questions and discuss with friend, e e

studying without the teacher also provides support and

e e e e

interruption (student 3) e e personal guidance and counselling to

e e e

students so that students are motivated e e e e

Teacher e e to study online. e

- Before starting the lesson e e e e

the teacher always talks to

e e e

the students asking how

e e

the students are doing,

e e e

asking about activities e


outside of learning hours e e

and re-explaining the e e e

previous leaning material

e e e

(student 1) e

- The teacher invites e e e e

students to activel y
e e

participate in learning by e e

encouraging students to
e e

ask questions, opinions, e

and participate in e

discussions so as to make e

online learning better e e e e

(student 2) e

- Teacher provide support

e e e

and guidance to students e e

and hold meetings or e e

counselling privatel y so e e

students will be motivated e e e

to study online (student 3) e e

3. Social - From the learning e e Based on the interview result, it can be

e e e e e e

motivation environment and social

e e concluded that social motivation from

interaction students get

e e e students can be through support and
e e

support and appreciation e appreciation from friends and from the

e e e

from my friends so that I e social environment can also provide

e e e

can be motivated to study e e access to learning resources anytime and

e e e e e

online. (student 1) e e anywhere, students also need support

e e e e e

-The learning environmente e e e and support from friends so that they e e

can give me greater access e e e e e can increase students’ learning

e e e e

to learning materials, I can

e e motivation.
access learning resources
e e e e

anytime and anywhere. e e e

(student 2) e

- Through the learning e e

environment I study with

e e

my friends and we support e e

each other to increase our

e e e e

self-learning. (student 3)
e e e

Table 4.5 factors that influence students’ motivation in online learning

no Factors Utterances e e Explanations


influence of e e

students’ e

1. Learning
e -factors that influence e e Based on the results of interviews with
e e e e e

e e students’ online learning e e e students, it can be concluded that the
e e e e

in a less calm e learning environment greatly influences

e e e e e e

environment so that it
e e online learning, students really need a
e e e e e e

does not increase student

e e e e calm environment and fast internet e e e e

learning concentration
e e connection, and create a calme e e

(student 1) e atmosphere so that online learning can e e e e

-the internet connection e e e e be carried out properly.

e e e

at home is very slow so I e e

have difficulty accessing e e

learning materials and

e e

participating in online e

learning. (student 2)
e e

-in my opinion, because e e

there are too many

e e e

people in my house, it
e e e

makes me not focus on e e

doing online learning e e

(student 3) e

2. Learning
e - The inhibiting factors e Based on the result of interviews with
e e e e e

media e that affect my learning e e students, several factors influence

e e e e e

motivation, I didn’t have e student motivation when studying

e e

a handphone when I was e e online, including most of the students do

e e e

studying I had to borrow not have handphone and borrow parents’ e e e

my parents’ handphone e e handphone, other obstacles such as not e e e

(student 1) e having internet data and a lack of e e

- Technical obstacles e e understanding of using application so


such as internet e e that students do not understand how to e e

connection that often e e use them. e e

drops and not having

internet data will prevent
e e e e

me from participating in

online learning. (student e e e

- The lack of notification e

about the use of the e e e

application so that
students do not e

understand its use e e

(student 3) e

3. Support and - the lack of teacher and e e e Based on the results of interviews with
e e e e e

hope e student interaction in e e students, it can be concluded that

e e e

learning can reduce

e e e support and hope for students is very e e e

student motivation e much needed, students do not get e e e e e

because we need
e e e e e support from teachers and parents so that e e e

guidance by teacher e e e students are not motivated to learn, from

e e e e

(student 1) e students there is a lack of motivation

e e e

- lack of support from within them so they are lazy to study.

e e e

parents so that students

e e

are not motivated to

e e

study online because e e e

support from them is e

ver y important to us

(student 2) e

- lack of motivation
within myself so as to e

make my learning lazy

e e

and of interaction e

bet ween students in

e e e e

class. (Student 3) e

Interview Questions
1. How can students develop motivation to learn online?
2. What are effective strategies for increasing student motivation in
online learning
3. What is the role and support of parents in increasing online learning
4. How do teachers motivate students in online learning?
5. What factors influence student motivation in online learning?
6. What is the role of the online learning environment and social
interaction in influencing students learning motivation?
7. Are technical challenges or access barriers a factor that influences
students’ learning motivation in online learning?
8. Can technology influence student motivation in online learning?
9. How do you maintain your motivation when studying continuously?

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