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Year Journal title Authors Keywords Title Abstract

2024 Montenegrin Journal of Economics Vo D.H.; TrDCCE; MVAIC

Sectoral InThe role of creatin
2024 Quality - Access to Success Masmuddinand BPD inThe ImpactIntellectual capital (IC) is an intangible

2024 International Journal of Innovation Science Baig M.H.; FXinTech in Revealing tPurpose: This study aims to investigate
2024 Sustainability (Switzerland) Khalil W.I. firm perforSustainabilThis research is focused on knowledge
International Journal of Learning and
2024 Intellectual Capital Verónico empThe influenIntellectual capital (IC) is increasingly re
Journal of Financial Regulation and
2024 Compliance Khurana S.Corporate dDoes intellPurpose: This study aims to examine th
International Journal of Learning and
2024 Intellectual Capital Suciati R.; bibliometriAnalysis ofThis research uses bibliometric analysis
2023 Heliyon Faruq M.O.BangladeshDoes intellThis paper investigates the relationship

2023 International Journal of Emerging Markets Ting I.W.K.IntellectuaValue-added

Purpose: This study examines the effec

2023 Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Insights OgnjanovicCOVID-19; IHntellectuaPurpose: The study aims to assess the r
Journal of Financial Reporting and
2023 Accounting Akkas E.; AFinancial pThe impactPurpose: This paper aims to evaluate th
2023 Sustainability (Switzerland) Nguyen N.Temerging cThe ImpactThis paper evaluates the effect of intel
2023 Journal of the Knowledge Economy Gupta J.; RFinancial pImpact of IThe paper seeks to investigate the natu
2023 Risks Skhvedianicapital empThe ImpactThe manufacturing industry makes a si
International Journal of Learning and
2023 Intellectual Capital BhattacharjBangladesh. Does intellThe study tries to examine the impact
2023 Quantitative Finance and Economics Xu J.; HarisCOVID-19; Ahssessing iUsing quarterly data from 2019Q1 to 2
2023 Measuring Business Excellence Marzo G.; BIntellectualUncoveringPurpose: This paper aims to address em
International Journal of Learning and
2023 Intellectual Capital Marzo G. HCE; human capital
c in This paper analyses the perverse effect
2023 Global Business and Finance Review Nguyen N.TEmerging co
IntellectuaPurpose: This study contributes eviden
International Journal of Learning and
2023 Intellectual Capital Ugarelli L. emerging ma
The effect This study investigates the contribution
International Journal of Learning and
2023 Intellectual Capital Chen H.; R Chinese retIntellectuaThis study explores the impact of intell
2023 Sustainability (Switzerland) Barak M.; intellectuaInvestigati The study aims to investigate the impa
Journal of Infrastructure, Policy and
2023 Development Hsiung H.-Hfinancial p The impactIn light of the metaverse’s vast expansi
2023 Singapore Economic Review Asif J.; Ti IntellectuaINTELLECT Inconsistent results of the impacts of in
2023 SCMS Journal of Indian Management Rani M.; S Diversifica Impact of IThis study has investigated the modera
International Journal of Applied
2023 Management Science Naushad M.;
intangible IntellectuaThe advent of innovations and knowled
Applied Mathematics and Information
2023 Sciences Alrabei A. Earnings peNexus betwe
Purpose: The authors observe the effec
2023 Indian Journal of Finance Gupta K.; GA-VAIC; finEstimating The study examined the contribution o
International Journal of Learning and
2023 Intellectual Capital Awwad M.S.
assets util The impactThe purpose of this study is to investiga
International Journal of Learning and
2022 Intellectual Capital Agomor P.EdevelopingIntellectuaThis study examines the impact of inte
2022 Cogent Economics and Finance Do M.H.; Tfirm perforInvestigati We investigate the impact of intellectu
2022 Economies Prasojo P.; IFIB; Intel Cross-RegioThis paper uses the value-added intelle
International Journal of Learning and
2022 Intellectual Capital BhattacharjBangladeshIntellectu The current study, based on the listed
International Journal of Learning and
2022 Intellectual Capital Vale J.A.F.LFinancial pIntellectuaIn the current knowledge age, intellect
International Journal of Finance and
2021 Economics Nazir M.I.; financial s IntellectuaIt is no doubt that successful organizati
International Journal of Learning and
2022 Intellectual Capital Weqar F.; Financial pThe influenThis paper aimed to examine the effect
2021 Journal of Intellectual Capital Vrontis D.; Entrepreneu
IntellectuaPurpose: This paper explores knowledg

2021 Journal of Management and Governance Scafarto V.;Board of DiBoard strucBuilding on the argument that corpora
2021 Economies Moutinho V.Banking effA two-stagThis paper’s goal is twofold: It aims to a

International Journal of Human Capital and

2021 Information Technology Professionals Gupta K.; Dynamic Pan
Influence oIntellectual capital (IC) has gained reco
Journal of Economics, Finance and
2021 Administrative Science Acuña-Opaz
Added valuThe impacts
Purpose: The purpose of this paper is t

2020 International Journal of Ethics and Systems Shahwan T.Causality; The mediatiPurpose: This paper aims to investigate
International Journal of Applied Decision
2021 Sciences Sannino G.Banks; CapiThe impactThe purpose of this paper is to investig
2021 Journal of Tourism and Development Silva M.D.LHuman capit
IntellectuaAccording to the literature, intellectual
International Journal of Learning and
2021 Intellectual Capital Ulum I.; SoIC-Index; I IntellectuaThe objective of this study is to provide
2020 Journal of Asia Business Studies Tran N.P.; Corporate The nexus Purpose: This paper aims to examine th
International Journal of Learning and
2021 Intellectual Capital Majumder China;
S. FinaDeterminant
The main motive of this current study i

2020 Journal of Management and Governance Bassetti T. Capital shaA critical The measurement of intellectual capita
2021 Contaduria y Administracion Robiyanto R Corporate gThe effect The purpose of this study is to determi
International Journal of Managerial and
2021 Financial Accounting Limijaya A.Audit commi
IntellectuaThis study examines the role of corpora
2020 Measuring Business Excellence Weqar F.; Financial pExploring tPurpose: The purpose of this paper is t
International Journal of Learning and
2021 Intellectual Capital Ren C.; TinFinancial A value-adIntellectual capital (IC) has a strong link
2021 Journal of Governance and Regulation Yaseen H.; Financial pIntellectuaUsing the value added intellectual capi
2020 Journal of Competitiveness Xu J.; Liu F.Firm perforThe impactIntellectual capital (IC) is generally und
International Journal of Productivity and
2020 Performance Management Makhija H.;Accounting-An empiricPurpose: The paper aims to find out th
2020 Indian Journal of Finance Himanshu;Human capit IntellectuaThis paper aimed to study the intellect
2020 Journal of Intellectual Capital Ting I.W.K.Data enveloInterpretinPurpose: The question of whether inte
2020 Journal of Intellectual Capital Hsieh C.-H.;ControllingThe role o Purpose: Although intellectual capital (
2020 Agriculture (Switzerland) Xu X.L.; Ch Corporate sThe impactIn this paper, we expand the value-add

International Journal of Islamic and Middle

2020 Eastern Finance and Management Ousama A.A CEE; GCC cThe associaPurpose: The purpose of this study is to
2020 Asian Journal of Accounting Research Weqar F.; SCapital empNexus betwPurpose: The prime intention of this st
2020 Intangible Capital Costa V.; SiIntellectuaIntellectuaPurpose: The propose of this study is to
2020 Polish Journal of Sport and Tourism Perechuda finance; foIntellectuaIntroduction. Existing research on footb
2019 Journal of the Knowledge Economy Biscotti A. Disclosure;Does EquitThis study aims to investigate whether
International Journal of Learning and
2020 Intellectual Capital Weqar F.; Central pubIntellectuaThe purpose of this paper is to empiric
2020 Cogent Business and Management Tran N.P.; firm perfo Human capiHuman capital is considered the corner
International Journal of Engineering and
2019 Advanced Technology Saruchi S.ABanks’ mvaiEmpirical l With the eminence of the era of knowl
2019 Journal of Intellectual Capital BayraktarogFirm perforIntellectuaPurpose: The purpose of this paper is t
Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical
2020 and Control Systems Selvam M.;IntellectuaEfficiency This paper proposes to measure the effi
International Journal of Knowledge
2019 Management Lui T.T.S.; Business P Achieving This article explores whether organisati
International Journal of Banking,
2020 Accounting and Finance Onumah J.M
Africa; BanImpact of iVarious researchers have examined the
International Journal of Business and
2019 Society Mohammad
H pDoes intellThe aim of the paper is to explore the i
2019 Asian Economic and Financial Review Mohammad
H usePerformanceThis study examined the influence of in
International Journal of Learning and
2019 Intellectual Capital Kweh Q.L.;Firm perfo IntellectuaThis study analyses the association bet
2018 Journal of Intellectual Capital Ginesti G.; AccountingExploring tPurpose: The purpose of this paper is t
International Journal of Supply Chain
2019 Management Jummaini; B Aank systeThe relatioThis study aims to investigate the relati
2019 Energy, Sustainability and Society Xu X.-L.; Li Enterprise How to keep
Background: Intellectual capital can no
International Journal of Learning and
2019 Intellectual Capital Nawaz T. Financial pIntellectuaThe main contribution of this paper is t
2019 Opcion Ibrahim M.Added IntelIntellectuaThe purpose of this paper is to study th
2018 Journal of Intellectual Capital Tran D.B.; Banking secShould bank
Purpose: The purpose of this paper is t
International Journal of Learning and
2018 Intellectual Capital Singh R.D.;Human capitExamining Tt he purpose of present study is to anal
2017 Borsa Istanbul Review Ozkan N.; Financial pIntellectuaThe purpose of this study is to analyze
2018 Journal of Intellectual Capital Cenciarelli BankruptcyDoes intellPurpose: The purpose of this paper is t
Journal of Accounting in Emerging
2018 Economies Tiwari R.; Banks’ perform
IntellectuaPurpose: The purpose of this paper is t
2018 Indian Journal of Finance ThiagarajanIntellectuaThe impactPurpose: The purpose of this paper wa
2018 Banks and Bank Systems Umanto; Wi
Bank effici IntellectuaStudies related to intellectual capital, p
International Journal of Learning and
2018 Intellectual Capital Mohammed
Banks; FirmIntellectuaThe link between intellectual capital an
International Journal of Learning and
2017 Intellectual Capital Kamath G.BExport perfAn investigThe purpose of this paper is to empiric
Journal of Islamic Accounting and Business
2017 Research Nawaz T.; HFinancial pDeterminant Purpose: The purpose of this paper is t
2017 Contaduria y Administracion Villegas GoCompetitive Mexico's inCurrently knowledge is considered an e
2016 Journal of Intellectual Capital Iazzolino G.Corporate sValue creatPurpose – The purpose of this paper is
2017 Eurasian Business Review Shahveisi FCorporate Does owners The purpose of the this paper is to stud
International Journal of Learning and
2017 Intellectual Capital Ulum I.; K IndonesianModified vaThe purpose of this study is to examine
Journal of Multinational Financial
2016 Management Meles A.; PBanks perfoThe impactUsing a large sample of 5,749 commerc
2015 Global Business Review Ghosh S.K.;corporate Empirical VThe purpose of this study is to investiga

2016 Polish Journal of Management Studies Mrázková S. Company pe Impact of This paper discusses intellectual capita
2015 Accounting Research Journal Al-Musali M Board diverBoard diverPurpose: The purpose of this paper is t
2016 Advanced Science Letters Ismail K.N. Board of diOwnershipThis
s paper examines intellectual capita
2016 Management Decision Alhassan A.Africa; BanIntellectuaPurpose – The purpose of this paper is
2015 Asian Review of Accounting Kamardin H. Human capitProprietaryPurpose-The purpose of this paper is to
International Journal of Learning and
2016 Intellectual Capital Khajavi S.; Earnings quIntellectuaThe main purpose of this study is to inv
International Journal of Learning and
2014 Intellectual Capital Lee S.-P.; Corporate gIntellectuaThis study investigates the intellectual
2014 Journal of Intellectual Capital Morariu C.Intellectu IntellectuaPurpose – The purpose of this paper is
International Journal of Learning and
2015 Intellectual Capital Vishnu S.; HealthcarePerformance Measurement of intellectual capital effi
2015 Advanced Science Letters Warganegar HospitalityThe relatioThe objective of this study is to test the
2014 New Zealand Economic Papers Kehelwalatcorporate pIntellectuaThis paper examines the impact of inte
International Journal of Learning and
2015 Intellectual Capital Ousama A.A
Efficiency; IntellectuaThis paper measures the value added i
International Journal of Learning and
2015 Intellectual Capital Soriya S.; 9VAIC™; Ban
IntellectuaThe study aims to examine intellectual
International Journal of Accounting,
2015 Auditing and Performance Evaluation DimitropouEuropean fo IntellectuaThe scope of this study is to examine th
2013 Asian Social Science Mehri M.; UFirm perforIntellectuaIn this paper we examine the effect of
2014 Advances in Environmental Biology Bin Nasir HIntellectuaIntellectu Intellectual Capital (IC) is recognized as
2014 Measuring Business Excellence Iazzolino GAMADEUS Measuring
Bur Purpose: This study proposes a compar
Journal of Information and Knowledge
2013 Management Fourati H.; financial p IntellectuaThe purpose of this paper is to investig

2013 Middle East Journal of Scientific Research Wasim-ul-RIntellectuaIntellectuaThe main purpose of this study is to me
Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical
2014 Research Zhang X. Firm's perfThe impactThis article introduces the study of pub
2014 Measuring Business Excellence Celenza D.;Financial pIntellectuaPurpose: The aim of this paper is to inv
2013 Actual Problems of Economics Bontis N.; Banks; FinaIntellectuaInterest in research on measuring and
International Journal of Learning and
2013 Intellectual Capital Yalama A. Banking secThe relatioThe purpose of this study is to investiga
2013 Actual Problems of Economics Janošević SCorporate pAnalysis of The research empirically evaluates the
2014 Journal of Intellectual Capital Vishnu S.; IntellectuaIntellectuaPurpose: The purpose of this paper is t
2013 Journal of Intellectual Capital Iazzolino G.Financial Value added Purpose: The purpose of this paper is t
International Journal of Learning and
2014 Intellectual Capital Guerrini A.Financial pDoes intellThis article answers two key research q
International Journal of Learning and
2014 Intellectual Capital Amin M.; HCompany pe IntellectuaThe purpose of this paper is to investig
2012 Journal of Intellectual Capital Mondal A.;Banks; IndiIntellectuaPurpose: The purpose of this study is to
2012 European Journal of Social Sciences VenugopalFinancial pIntellectuaThe objective of this paper is to measu

2012 Asian Journal of Business and Accounting Basuki; Ku Extended VA

IntellectuaThe purpose of this research is to inves
Asian Academy of Management Journal of
2012 Accounting and Finance Al-Musalli Banks; GulfCorporate gThis paper examines the level of intelle
International Research Journal of Finance
2012 and Economics Rahman S.Financial pThe role ofThis paper empirically examines the ro
Journal of Information and Knowledge
2011 Management Chu S.K.W.;financial p An empiricaThis empirical study examines the intel
International Research Journal of Finance
2012 and Economics Ahuja B.R.;IntellectuaIntellectuaAn efficient utilization of intellectual ca
2009 European Research Studies Journal Sabolovic Business peBusiness p The central theme of the paper is the k
International Journal of Learning and
2007 Intellectual Capital Kujansivu PCalculated How do inveThis paper aims to determine how inve
2005 Management Research News Mavridis D.IntellectuaIntellectuaThe field for Intellectual Capital (IC) an
Main Idea/ Related Anteceden Conseque Research
Domain Theme/ Constructs ts nces Industry Design Method/T Geography
Outcome ool

Sectoral Intellectual
capital , MVAIC The domain of study in your research is sectoral intellectual capital. Specifically, your study focuses
tual capital (IC) is an intangible asset that is based on knowledge, information & innovation. It functions to improve firm performance and

e: This study aims to investigate the association of FinTech innovation (FinTechINN) and firm performance (FP) by considering the role of k
search is focused on knowledge-based performance drivers, which are often intertwined with intellectual capital (IC); specifically, the value

tual capital (IC) is increasingly regarded as a critical factor for the competitiveness of organisations. However, the influence of IC in sports

e: This study aims to examine the impact of intellectual capital (IC) on default risk in Indian companies listed on the National Stock Exchan

search uses bibliometric analysis on 1,183 Scopus publications to investigate the connection between intellectual capital and financial perf
per investigates the relationship between measures of intellectual capital efficiency and the performance of the listed banks in Bangladesh

e: This study examines the effect of value-added (VA) intellectual capital on business performance from the perspective of productive effic

e: The study aims to assess the relative impact of intellectual capital (IC) as opposed to tangible assets on profitability and employee perfo

e: This paper aims to evaluate the impact of intellectual capital in terms of human capital, structural capital and capital employed on the fi
per evaluates the effect of intellectual capital (IC) on firm financial performance in the service sector in an emerging country, Vietnam. Thi
per seeks to investigate the nature and intensity of the relationship between intellectual capital (IC) and financial performance using a com
nufacturing industry makes a significant contribution to Russia’s GDP and exports, but it faces problems that hinder its development. The

dy tries to examine the impact of intellectual capital (IC) efficiency on financial and market performance and financial stability of banks in
uarterly data from 2019Q1 to 2020Q3, this study aims to examine the impact of COVID-19 on intellectual capital (IC) performance of bank
e: This paper aims to address empirical analyses of the association of the VAIC and its components with firms’ market and financial perform

per analyses the perverse effects generated by the relationship between human capital efficiency (HCE) and structural capital efficiency (S
e: This study contributes evidence on the impact of IC and its components for emerging countries, the case of Vietnam. Design/methodolo

udy investigates the contribution of intangible assets to financial performance and market valuation in emerging economies, controlling fo

udy explores the impact of intellectual capital (IC) on Chinese retail public firms’ financial performance. This study chooses Chinese retail in
dy aims to investigate the impact of intellectual capital (I.C) on the sustainable financial performance (F.P) of private sector banks (PSBs) i

of the metaverse’s vast expansion, it’s a crucial intellectual platform that’s transforming the video game industry and spurring creative inn
stent results of the impacts of intellectual capital (IC) investments on firm performance have raised question regarding the pros and cons o
udy has investigated the moderating role of diversification to explore the impact of intellectual capital efficiency on the financial performan

vent of innovations and knowledge-based businesses has expanded the importance of Intellectual Capital (IC) in their performance. IC is co

e: The authors observe the effect of exploring the reality of Intellectual Capital (IC) and its impact on the financial performance of Jordania
dy examined the contribution of intellectual capital to companies’ overall performance. Also, a comparison between the effectiveness of t

rpose of this study is to investigate the impact of intellectual capital on the financial performance of Jordanian commercial banks and the m

udy examines the impact of intellectual capital (IC) on profitability and market value using a dataset of 20 listed firms in Ghana covering th
estigate the impact of intellectual capital (IC) on firm performance (FP). This study contributes to the literature on IC by extending the IC c
per uses the value-added intellectual coefficient (VAIC) to assess the performance of Islamic banks (IBs) by measuring return on assets (RO

rent study, based on the listed companies of Bangladesh, aims to frame the affinity between intellectual capital (IC) efficiency and differen

urrent knowledge age, intellectual capital (IC) is crucial to create competitive advantages for organisations, something that has been leadi

doubt that successful organizations tend to be those that persistently innovate, believing on new technologies and emphasizing on abilitie

per aimed to examine the effect of intellectual capital (IC) and its dimensions on the financial performance of Indian firms. The data of 88
e: This paper explores knowledge sharing (KS) and intellectual capital (IC) impacts on the success rate of equity crowdfunding (EC) campaig

g on the argument that corporate boards are responsible for the creation and leveraging of a firm’s intellectual capital (IC), this study emp
per’s goal is twofold: It aims to assess the performance of 58 Iberian banks and explore the relationship between such performance and th

tual capital (IC) has gained recognition in enhancing the firms' value and gain a competitive advantage in the developed world. The presen

e: The purpose of this paper is to analyse the direct impacts on financial performance and the added value of production in family busines

e: This paper aims to investigate the impact of intellectual capital (IC) as a mediator variable on the association between corporate govern

rpose of this paper is to investigate the impact of intellectual capital (IC) efficiency on the financial performance of Italian banks within and
ing to the literature, intellectual capital is a critical element of value creation in organizational performance that is capable of contributing

ective of this study is to provide empirical evidence of the impact of intellectual capital performance (ICP) on companies' financial perform
e: This paper aims to examine the relationship between corporate governance and intellectual capital in the context of Vietnam. In this pa

in motive of this current study is to measure the efficiency of intellectual capital along with its components by using modified value-added

asurement of intellectual capital (IC) constitutes a major challenge in managing intangible resources. Among the various models proposed
rpose of this study is to determine whether corporate governance (CG) and intellectual capital (IC) has an effect on the financial performan

udy examines the role of corporate governance (CG) to moderate the relationship between intellectual capital (IC) and firm performance (F
e: The purpose of this paper is to inspect the effect of intellectual capital (IC) on the financial performance (FP) of Indian banks. Design/me

tual capital (IC) has a strong linkage to knowledge management thus influencing financial performance. Using resource-based view theory
he value added intellectual capital (VAIC) this study aims to investigate the impact of intellectual capital (IC) on the performance of Jordan
tual capital (IC) is generally understood as an important driver of firm competitiveness improvement and value generation in the knowled
e: The paper aims to find out the information content of performance measures from accounting and value-based measures that best exp
per aimed to study the intellectual capital performance of public sector banks of India for the time period from 1998 - 2017 using the VAIC
e: The question of whether intellectual capital (IC) is beneficial to firm performance is debatable because of the diverse effects of IC and it
e: Although intellectual capital (IC) has been proven to be value-added for companies, the drivers of IC performance remain an under-rese
paper, we expand the value-added intellectual coefficient (VAIC) model by constructing a comprehensive financial capital (FC) component.

e: The purpose of this study is to empirically investigate the impact of intellectual capital (IC) on the financial performance of Islamic banks
e: The prime intention of this study is to examine the influence of intellectual capital (IC) on the financial performance of Indian companie
e: The propose of this study is to determine the influence of Intellectual Capital (IC) and its components’ impact on Portuguese tourism or
ction. Existing research on football economics mostly focuses on some key performance indicators' influence on the profitability of clubs.
udy aims to investigate whether, and to what extent, investors’ community differently perceives corporate intellectual capital (IC) manage

rpose of this paper is to empirically examine the effect of intellectual capital on the financial performance of the central public sector ente
capital is considered the cornerstone of any progress in economic growth and development for any country. Vietnam and other emerging

he eminence of the era of knowledge-based economies, the concept of intellectual capital (IC) is of vital importance for organisations to su
e: The purpose of this paper is to propose an extended and modified value-added (VA) intellectual coefficient (VAIC) model, which include

per proposes to measure the efficiency of intellectual capital performance of public sector banks and private sectors banks in India, using

ticle explores whether organisations that have received the Most Admired Knowledge Enterprises (MAKE) award boast better business per

s researchers have examined the relationship between intellectual capital (IC) and performance of banks. Yet, only few studies have exami

m of the paper is to explore the impact of intellectual capital on financial performance of firms in construction, finance and plantation usin
udy examined the influence of intellectual capital on Malaysian financial firms from two perspectives, performance of intellectual capital a

udy analyses the association between intellectual capital (IC) and firm performance and the differential impact of IC on firm performance b
e: The purpose of this paper is to analyse the impact of intellectual capital (IC) on the reputation and performance of Italian companies. De

udy aims to investigate the relationship between Islamic performance index involving Profit Sharing Ratio (PSR), Zakat Performance Ratio (
ound: Intellectual capital can not only help companies to obtain sustainable competitive advantage, but also serve as a key factor in corpo

in contribution of this paper is to report on the impact of intellectual capital (IC) on financial performance of Islamic banks operating in th
rpose of this paper is to study the relationship between intellectual capital (IC) and credit risk of Sub-Saharan African (SSA) banks and also
e: The purpose of this paper is to examine the causal effect of intellectual capital (IC) performance on financial performance at Thai listed

rpose of present study is to analyse the relative importance of intellectual capital (IC) components in financial performance measures, i.e.,
rpose of this study is to analyze the relationship between the intellectual capital performance and financial performance of 44 banks oper
e: The purpose of this paper is to explore whether intellectual capital affects the probability that a particular firm will default. The authors

e: The purpose of this paper is to explore and explain the linkage between intellectual capital (IC) efficiency of banks and their performanc
e: The purpose of this paper was to study and discover the financial health of a company by measuring the relationship between the intell
related to intellectual capital, particularly in banking sector, are basically focused on the relationship between intellectual capital perform

k between intellectual capital and firm performance showed mixed results that attracted the attention of researchers worldwide. As one o

rpose of this paper is to empirically investigate the impact of intellectual capital (IC) efficiency on the financial and export performance of

e: The purpose of this paper is to empirically examine the effect of intangible resources, i.e. intellectual capital (IC) on financial performan
tly knowledge is considered an essential resource to contribute to the creation and generation of competitive advantage in organizations.
e – The purpose of this paper is to place the value creation process within sustainable growth strategies. Building on Drucker (1968, 1999a
rpose of the this paper is to study the relationship between types of ownership on intellectual capital performance (ICP) and its componen

rpose of this study is to examine the influences of intellectual capital performance - measured with modified value added intellectual coeffi

large sample of 5,749 commercial banks, covering over 40,000 observations over the time window 2005–2012, we find that efficiency in t
rpose of this study is to investigate empirically the validity of the basic propositions of value added intellectual coefficient (VAIC) and exten

per discusses intellectual capital as one of the key determinants of companies’ competitiveness and its future development. The purpose
e: The purpose of this paper is to investigate if the effectiveness of board meetings moderates the relationship between board diversity (in
per examines intellectual capital (IC) performance of Malaysian companies using Pulic’s Value Added Intellectual Coefficient (VAIC) as a m
e – The purpose of this paper is to examine the effect of intellectual capital on bank productivity in an emerging market in Africa. Design/m
e-The purpose of this paper is to examine the relationship between intellectual capital (IC) performance (value-added intellectual coefficie

in purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship among intellectual capital (IC) and its components and earnings quality for non-fi

udy investigates the intellectual capital on agricultural firms' performance listed on the Malaysian Stock Exchange during 2003-2009. It is a
e – The purpose of this paper is to identify the intellectual capital (IC) performance of the Romanian companies, to empirically examine th

rement of intellectual capital efficiency and its impact on the financial performance of companies is a commonly researched domain. A sig
ective of this study is to test the relationship between intellectual capital (IC) and the profitability. IC is an intangible asset that has been a
per examines the impact of intellectual capital (IC) on the corporate performance of banking firms listed on the New York Stock Exchange

per measures the value added intellectual coefficient (VAIC™) for corporate efficiency performance of the Islamic banking sector in Malay

dy aims to examine intellectual capital efficiency and its association with the financial performance in Indian banks. The time period selec

ope of this study is to examine the impact of intellectual capital on the profitability of European listed football clubs which are characterise
paper we examine the effect of the aggregate measure of intellectual capital and its component (human capital efficiency, structural capit
tual Capital (IC) is recognized as a key strategic asset for organizational performance in the competitive organizations. In this study, the pe
e: This study proposes a comparison between Value Added Intellectual Coefficient (VAIC) and one of the most important performance eva

rpose of this paper is to investigate the role of intellectual capital investment in improving the firm's market value, stakeholders' value and

in purpose of this study is to measure the intellectual capital performance of insurance sector for the period 2006-2010 using both Value

ticle introduces the study of public pharmaceutical companies between 2010 to 2012 to conclude the relationship between intellectual cap
e: The aim of this paper is to investigate the relationship between corporate performance and Value Added Intellectual Coefficient (VAICT
t in research on measuring and analyzing intellectual capital (IC) and determining its impact on corporate performance is growing. This pap

rpose of this study is to investigate empirically the relationship between investment in intellectual capital and the performance of Turkish
earch empirically evaluates the effects of intellectual capital (IC) and its key components (human and structural capital) on financial perfo
e: The purpose of this paper is to study the relationship between intellectual capital (IC) and performance of pharmaceutical firms in India
e: The purpose of this paper is to study, mainly from the point of view of methodological accounting principles, the value added intellectu

ticle answers two key research questions, namely, if and how a firm's IC efficiency directly affects current and future financial performance

rpose of this paper is to investigate the association between the IC of firms and their financial performance. This paper uses the Pulic fram
e: The purpose of this study is to investigate empirically the relationship between intellectual capital and financial performance of 65 India
ective of this paper is to measure/estimate and analyse the relationship between Intellectual capital and financial performance. This Pape

rpose of this research is to investigate empirically the impact of value added physical and intellectual capital (IC) efficiency on a company's

per examines the level of intellectual capital (IC) performance of listed banks in Arab Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries using VAIC

per empirically examines the role of intellectual capital (IC) in determining market value and financial performance of organizations by tak

mpirical study examines the intellectual capital (IC) performance of Hong Kong companies and its association with business performance. D

cient utilization of intellectual capital would be important to the success of any business organization operating in a competitive environm
ntral theme of the paper is the knowledge potential issues in a context of transformation for selected CEE country. The choice of this them

per aims to determine how investments in Intellectual Capital (IC) are transformed into profits. It is assumed that IC investments first incre
d for Intellectual Capital (IC) and the related philosophy of Knowledge Management (KM) has arisen recently to an interesting research ob
Phenomen Anteceden Conseque Moderator
Type Note 1 Note 2 Note 3 Note 4 on ts nces s/

cally, your study focuses on measuring the sectoral intellectual capital index based on the modified Value-Added Intellectual Coefficient (M
ve firm performance and competitive advantage, and VAIC is a method used to measure IC performance. Therefore, this study aimed to d

considering the role of knowledge assets (KA) as a causal mechanism underlying the FinTechINN – FP association. Design/methodology/a
IC); specifically, the value-added intellectual coefficient (VAIC) and its profound influence on labor productivity (LP), with the pivotal inpu

influence of IC in sports organisations is still underexplored. This paper aims to identify the IC components that are more relevant to t

he National Stock Exchange. Design/methodology/approach: This study applies panel data regression analysis to derive a relationship betw

capital and financial performance. The study highlights the Journal of Intellectual Capital as the primary source of articles. Notably, artic
isted banks in Bangladesh. We have collected data from the listed bank's published annual reports for seven years (2015–2021). We have

pective of productive efficiency, which is derived from its main contributors, namely, profitability and marketability efficiencies in two stage

bility and employee performance in hotels in Serbia before and during the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. Design/method

apital employed on the financial performance of Islamic and conventional banks in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries. Design/m
ng country, Vietnam. This research is dissimilar from earlier ones for the following reasons: (i) this is the first study of IC’s impact on
performance using a comparative framework of the VAIC™ and e-VAIC™ models. Using panel data of listed Indian pharmaceutical compan
der its development. The aim of this study is to estimate the relationship between intellectual capital and performance indicators of Russia

ncial stability of banks in Bangladesh through the lens of resource-based view (RBV) and knowledge-based view (KBV). This study measure
(IC) performance of banks operating in China and Pakistan. Based on the data of 34 Chinese and 41 Pakistani banks, this study applies the
rket and financial performance, demonstrating that the ill definition of variables and constructs is responsible for a non-linearity conceale

tural capital efficiency (SCE) that lies at the core of the VAIC. First, the VAIC is positive even for negative values of HCE and negative for
tnam. Design/methodology/approach: The research measures the value-added intellectual coefficient and applies the two-step system GM

economies, controlling for specific features of the latter. The authors developed a multi-level model using the value-added intellectual coe

chooses Chinese retail industry quoted on the Shanghai and Shenzhen Stock Exchanges as the sample, covering the period from 2011 to 2
ate sector banks (PSBs) in India. Data were gathered from 17 banks between 2010 and 2021 using Prowessiq (CMIE) and their annual finan

and spurring creative innovation and technological advancement. Considering the distinctive niche that Taiwan occupies within the realm
rding the pros and cons of IC investments. However, analyzing the relationship between IC and firm performance from a nonlinear perspe
n the financial performance of Indian commercial banking firms. The study has used the financial data of 44 public and private sector bank

heir performance. IC is considered as an assortment of intangible assets. Small- and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), usually characterised by

performance of Jordanian industrial firms in Amman Stock Exchange. This empirical research explores the effect of intellectual capital on
een the effectiveness of the adjusted value-added intellectual coefficient (A-VAIC) and the modified value-added intellectual coefficient (M

mmercial banks and the mediating role of competitive advantage. The value-added intellectual coefficient (VAIC™) model was used to me

ms in Ghana covering the period 2008 to 2017. The value added intellectual coefficient (VAIC™) measures IC performance (with human ca
n IC by extending the IC components and exploring the moderating effect of intellectual property right (IPR) reform on the IC–FP associatio
uring return on assets (ROA) and income from financing Islamic banks (IFIB). The model tests the relationship between intellectual capital (

IC) efficiency and different dimensions of business performance - financial, market, and economic. This study measured IC efficiency by ad

thing that has been leading to studies about its impact on the financial performance of organisations of different sectors of activity. Howe

nd emphasizing on abilities and knowledge of their employees. Knowledge has become one of the most imperative intangible assets of fina

ian firms. The data of 88 Indian firms engaged in tea packaging, selling, and distribution for six years from 2013 to 2018 were extracted. Va
owdfunding (EC) campaigns in the Italian market, which represents a new model for financing entrepreneurial initiatives. Design/methodo

pital (IC), this study empirically examines the relation between boardroom characteristics—namely board size, director independence, lea
such performance and the banks’ Intellectual Capital (IC) efficiency during a post-crisis period. As long as the authors are aware, there is

eloped world. The present study examines the impact of IC on firms' financial performance. The study takes 48 companies for the time pe

duction in family businesses, considering the efficiency of intellectual capital as determining variables. Design/methodology/approach: A c

etween corporate governance (CG) practices and firm performance. This study also examines bi-causality linkages between these variables

f Italian banks within and after the non-performing loans (NPLs) crisis. The VAIC approach is employed to measure IC efficiency. Several fix
s capable of contributing to sustainable and higher financial income. The objective of this paper is to identify the added value and effici

mpanies' financial performance. The study employs three measures of ICP (VAIC, MVAIC, and IC-Index) and six different proxies for financi
ext of Vietnam. In this paper, corporate governance is proxied by various characteristics, including board size, a number of independent m

ing modified value-added intellectual coefficient (MVAIC) and to find its impact on the market as well as financial performance of firms in

various models proposed in prior literature, the value added intellectual coefficient (VAIC) is used by many studies to measure IC. Assumin
n the financial performance and firm value of socially responsible firms. The samples of this study were firms listed in the SRI (Socially Re

) and firm performance (FP). The sample used in this study is of 348 Indonesian listed companies, excluding the financial sector, from 2014
Indian banks. Design/methodology/approach: The study uses the data of 58 Indian banks, namely, 20 nationalised banks, 17 private India

ource-based view theory, this paper aims to explore the relationships between intellectual capital and financial performance based on the
e performance of Jordanian banks listed in the Amman Stock Exchange (ASE) during the years 2005-2018. Two empirical models were des
eneration in the knowledge economy. The manufacturing industry, the backbone of the South Korean economy, is coming under increasin
d measures that best explain the total shareholder return. Design/ methodology/ approach: To achieve this aim, static and dynamic panel
998 - 2017 using the VAIC model. The findings suggested that intellectual capital performance of public sector banks of India had a mixed
iverse effects of IC and its components on firm performance. Building on the concept of pay–performance relation, this study aims to prov
nce remain an under-researched area. From the perspective of corporate governance, the purpose of this paper is to examine how control
l capital (FC) component. Human capital efficiency is subdivided into executive (EHCE) and nonexecutive human capital efficiency (NHCE).

ormance of Islamic banks operating in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries. Design/methodology/approach: The study measures
ance of Indian companies listed on Standard and Poor Bombay Stock Exchange Sensitive Index (BSE SENSEX). Design/methodology/approa
n Portuguese tourism organizations’ business performance through Return on the assets (ROA). This work evaluates and compared the in
the profitability of clubs. This assumption is a bit misleading in the context of football business models which deliver various benefits othe
ctual capital (IC) management behaviours compared with non-financial IC disclosure policies. The hypotheses are tested by employing the

central public sector enterprises (CPSEs) operating in India and also to analyse the contribution made by each component of intellectual c
tnam and other emerging markets are no exception. One effect of human capital efficiency on firm performance is considered in various e

ce for organisations to survive in these vigorous environments. As one of the knowledge intensive sectors, there is no exception to banking
IC) model, which includes intellectual capital (IC) components which were missing in the original VAIC approach. The proposed model has

ors banks in India, using the Modified Value Added Intellectual Coefficient (Ihyaul Ulum, 2017). The data were drawn from 20 biggest mar

boast better business performance relative to those that have not received or participated in the award. This quantitative study is based o

y few studies have examined the nexus between IC and bank efficiency especially in Africa. Using the VAIC™ model of Pulic (2000) [and its

ance and plantation using value-added intellectual coefficient (VAIC) model. The empirical data were drawn from a panel consisting of 108
e of intellectual capital and impact of intellectual capital on financial performance. The data used were collected from the audited annual

IC on firm performance between firms with and without government ownership. Data on the top 200 companies listed on the Malaysian S
e of Italian companies. Design/methodology/approach: The paper exploits a unique data set of 452 non-listed companies that obtained a r

akat Performance Ratio (ZPR), Equitable Distribution Ratio (EDR), Islamic revenues vs Non-Islamic revenues and the efficiency of intellectu
e as a key factor in corporate performance improvement and value creation. For knowledge-intensive and technology-intensive renewable

mic banks operating in the UK. Two distinct measures, return on average assets (ROAA) and return on average equity (ROAE) are used to m
can (SSA) banks and also test the modified models of Value Added Intellectual Coefficient (VAIC™). The results show no relationship betwe
rformance at Thai listed banks. Design/methodology/approach: Data are collected from 16 listed banks in Thailand for the period 1997–20

formance measures, i.e., productivity, profitability and market valuation respectively. For this purpose, banking informational technology,
rmance of 44 banks operating in Turkey between 2005 and 2014. The intellectual capital performance of banks is measured through the va
will default. The authors also test whether including intellectual capital performance in bankruptcy prediction models improves their pred

nks and their performance. Design/methodology/approach: In total, 39 public and private banks listed in Bombay Stock Exchange from 19
onship between the intellectual capital (IC) components with the traditional measures of organizational performance - financial, economic,
tellectual capital performance and bank performance. In contrast to previous studies, this study analyzes the intellectual capital pe

hers worldwide. As one of the under-researched geographical locations, Ethiopia's private commercial banks deserve the attention from th

d export performance of firms in India. This study uses data of 165 export firms listed on National Stock Exchange (NSE) for a six-year perio

) on financial performance of 64 Islamic financial institutions (IFIs) operating in 18 different countries for the period 2007-2011, while co
antage in organizations. The human factor as an intangible resource of a company has become a main value generator, and even though b
on Drucker (1968, 1999a, b), Pulic (2000, 2004, 2008) and other papers by the same authors (Iazzolino and Laise, 2013) the specific aim of
e (ICP) and its components in the companies listed in Tehran Stock Exchange. The results show that there is a significant positive relations

e added intellectual coefficient (MVAIC) - to four traditional financial performances: return on assets, return on equity, market to book val

we find that efficiency in the use of intellectual capital (IC) positively affects the financial performance of US banks. In addition, the resul
efficient (VAIC) and extend VAIC models in Indian knowledge-based sector. Using panel data relating to 62 firms from two Indian knowle

velopment. The purpose of this research is to identify the performance of intellectual capital measured by Value Added Intellectual Coeffic
etween board diversity (in terms of educational level and nationality) and intellectual capital (IC) performance. Design/methodology/appro
Coefficient (VAIC) as a measure of IC performance. In addition, it examines if ownership structure and board characteristics are associa
market in Africa. Design/methodology/approach – The Malmquist productivity index (MPI) is employed to estimate productivity growth of
dded intellectual coefficient (VAIC)) and company characteristics with IC disclosure (ICD) in Malaysian listed companies. Design/methodolo

arnings quality for non-financial companies listed on the Tehran Stock Exchange (TSE). Moreover, we examined the role of financial perfor

during 2003-2009. It is also our intent to explore whether firm size and corporate governance characteristics, in the form of control variab
o empirically examine the association between IC performance and traditional corporate performance and to analyse the relative importa

esearched domain. A significant section of researchers have used the Value Added Intellectual Coefficient (VAIC™) model - an accounting
ble asset that has been acknowledged by various researchers to be the most important asset of a firm and its roles are to shape and inte
ew York Stock Exchange from 2000 to 2011 as an attempt to rectify observed modeling issues in the extant IC performance models. It also

banking sector in Malaysia. In addition, the paper examines the relationship between IC efficiency and financial performance. The paper u

ks. The time period selected for the study spans from 2005-2006 to 2012-2013. OLS, fixed effect and random effect was used to investigate

bs which are characterised as a human intensive industry. Selecting a sample from nine European countries over the period 2005-2010, th
fficiency, structural capital efficiency and capital employed efficiency) on firm performance (market valuation, profitability, productivity) f
tions. In this study, the performance of those companies will be measured and compared using both the intellectual capital and corporate
portant performance evaluation methods, the Economic Value Added (EVA), starting from a re-interpretation of the VAIC. Design/method

e, stakeholders' value and financial performance. Using data drawn from 21 listed companies in Tunisia Stock Exchange, we conducted two

6-2010 using both Value Added (VA) and Value Added Intellectual Coefficient (VAIC™) model and observe intellectual capital performance

p between intellectual capital and firm performance, through Value Added to Invested Capital (VAIC) method of evaluating intellectual cap
ectual Coefficient (VAICTM) on the one hand, and the relationship between the variations in market value and the variations in VAIC on th
mance is growing. This paper explores the impact of IC, measured using the value added intellectual coefficient (VAIC), on the corporate pe

performance of Turkish banking sector both in short and long period from 1995 to 2006. The intellectual capital performance of quoted b
apital) on financial performance. In order to investigate the present situation regarding IC in Serbia, we observed 100 Serbian companies t
maceutical firms in India. The secondary objective is to propose and test modified models of Value Added Intellectual Coefficient (VAIC™)
he value added intellectual coefficient (VAIC), introduced by Pulic as a measure of intellectual capital efficiency (ICE). More specifically, t

ure financial performance. The analysis includes 218 publicly listed Italian companies and their annual reports from 2008 to 2010. In line w

paper uses the Pulic framework, has a Middle-East focus and draws on data from 146 publicly listed companies on the TSE. It is an empiric
l performance of 65 Indian banks for a period of ten years from 1999 to 2008. Design/methodology/approach: Reserve Bank of India's dat
l performance. This Paper uses Value Added Intellectual Coefficient - VAIC™ developed by Ante Pulic to measure the Value creation efficie

efficiency on a company's financial performance. This research uses Nazari and Herremans (2007) Extended Value Added Intellectual Coeffi

CC) countries using VAIC methodology and investigates the hypothesised impact of several corporate governance variables, bank specific c

e of organizations by taking a sample of 100 UK firms listed on the London Stock Exchange (LSE) from three industries-banking, automobil

business performance. Data were collected from constituent companies of the Hang Seng Index listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange (

a competitive environment, but it is even more crucial for accomplishing success in banking. Banking is a service industry and a bank's mo
y. The choice of this theme is motivated by the importance of increasing divergence among net substantive value and market value of ente

IC investments first increase the value of IC and the efficiency of using IC, which are then expected to lead to higher productivity and fi
n interesting research object worldwide. Researchers round the globe presented interesting realistic contributions to the “intellectual” ma
DOI Index KeywDocument Author ful PublicationOpen AcceSource EID

dded Intellectual Coefficient (MVAIC)

model. The study examines the
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Volume Issue Page start Page end Page countCited by Art. No. Link

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36 64 74 10 122
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48 3 313 333 20 7

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8 9 SPEC. ISS 459 465 6 0
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33 1 119 132 13 7

5 2 41 68 27 13

8 SUPPL. 115 135 20 41

89 46 77 31 43

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