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What is IPR

Intellectual property is the product of the human intellect including creativity concepts, inventions,
industrial models, trademarks, songs, literature, symbols, names, brands,....etc. Intellectual Property
Rights do not differ from other property rights. They allow their owner to completely benefit from his/her
product which was initially an idea that developed and crystallized. They also entitle him/her to prevent
others from using, dealing or tampering with his/her product without prior permission from him/her. He/she
can in fact legally sue them and force them to stop and compensate for any damages.
‫ما هي حقوق الملكية الفكرية‬
‫وز‬6‫الملكية الفكرية هي نتاج فكري انساني يشمل المفاهيم اإلبداعية واالختراعات والنماذج الصناعية والعالمات التجارية واألغاني والقطع األدبية والرم‬
‫تفادة‬66‫ك باالس‬66‫خص المال‬66‫ فهي تسمح للش‬،‫ ال تختلف حقوق الملكية الفكرية عن األنواع األخرى من حقوق الملكية‬.‫ وما إلى ذلك‬.... ‫واألسماء والماركات‬
‫ه أو العبث‬66‫ل ب‬66‫ه أو التعام‬66‫ وهي كذلك تؤهل المالك لمنع اآلخرين من استخدام المنتج الخاص ب‬.‫بشكل كامل من المنتج الذي يبدأ كفكرة ويتطور ويتبلور‬
.‫ ويحق للمالك أن يقاضيهم ويجبرهم على التوقف والتعويض عن أية اضرار‬.‫به من دون الحصول على إذن مسبق منه‬

History of IPR
IPR is not a new concept. It is believed that IPR initially started in North Italy during the Renaissance era.
In 1474, Venice issued a law regulating patents protection that granted an exclusive right for the owner.
The copyright dates back to 1440 A.D. when Johannes Gutenberg invented the printing press with
replaceable/moveable wooden or metal letters. Late in the 19th century, a number of countries felt the
necessity of laying down laws regulating IPR. Globally, two conventions constituting the basis for IPR
system worldwide had been signed; Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property (1883)
Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works (1886).
‫تاريخ حقوق الملكية الفكرية‬
‫د‬66‫ فق‬،1474 ‫ام‬66‫ة في ع‬66‫ر النهض‬66‫ا خالل عص‬66‫مال إيطالي‬66‫ ويعتقد أن حقوق الملكية الفكرية بدأت في ش‬،‫حقوق الملكية الفكرية ال يعد من المفاهيم الحديثة‬
.‫أصدرت مدينة البندقية قانونا ينظم عملية حماية براءات االختراع التي تضمن الحقوق الحصرية للمالك‬
‫ة‬6‫بية أو حديدي‬6‫والب خش‬6‫وي على ق‬6‫تي تحت‬6‫ة ال‬6‫ات الطباع‬6‫برج ماكين‬6‫انس جوتن‬6‫ترع جوه‬6‫ا اخ‬6‫ة حينم‬6‫ ميالدي‬1440 ‫ام‬6‫يرجع تاريخ حقوق الطبع إلى ع‬
‫دولي‬6‫توى ال‬66‫ على المس‬.‫ وفي نهاية القرن التاسع عشر استشعرت العديد من الدول أهمية وضع قوانين تنظم حقوق الملكية الفكرية‬.‫للحروف قابلة للتبديل‬
‫تم توقيع اتفاقيتين تنظمان التشريع األساسي لحقوق ا‬

Protection of Intellectual Property Rights

Protection of IPR allows the innovator, brand owner, patent holder and copyright holder to benefit from
his/her work, labor and investment, which does not mean monopoly of the intellect. Such rights are set
out in the International Declaration of Human Rights, which provides for the right to benefit from the
protection of the moral and physical interests resulting from the right holder’s work; literal or artistic

What is the Difference Between Forgery and Counterfeiting?

1. Forgery of a trademark means a complete transfer being identical from the unique brand or
transferring the main parts thereof making the forged brand greatly identical to the original one.
2. Counterfeiting a trademark means making a brand similar in total to the original one in a
manner that might mislead the public in connection with the source of goods that are marked
by the brand in question.

Intellectual property refers to creations of the mind: inventions, literary and artistic works, symbols,
names, pictures, models and industrial designs.
Intellectual property is divided into two categories:

 Industrial Property, which includes: inventions (patents), trademarks, industrial designs and
models and geographic indications of source.
 Copyright, which includes: literary and artistic works, namely novels, poems, plays, films,
musicals, cartoons, paintings, photographs, statues and architectural designs.

Related Rights is a term in copyright law, used to include the rights of performers in their performances,
the rights of producers of phonograms in their recordings and the rights of broadcasting organizations in
the radio and television programs they air.

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