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fr Centre/Index No: Signature. PS25/1 CHEMISTRY Paper 1 2% hours WAKISSHA Uganda Advanced Certificate of Education CHEMISTRY Paper I 2 hours 45 minutes Instructions to Candidates Attempt all questions in section A and any six questions from section B. «All. questions are to be answered in the spaces provided. * A Periodic Table with relevant atomic masses is supplied at the end of the paper. Mathematical tables (3 figures) and non-programmable silent scientific calculators may be used. © Illustrate your answers with equations where applicable. © Molar gas volume at s.t.p = 22.4 dm? For Examiner's Use Only rf 2]3 «[s |< 1 8) 9 10 ujn 13. | 14] 15 | 16 | 17 | Total LOTT TET EET TET ET (© WAKISSHA Turn Over SECTION A (46 MARKS) Attempt all questions in this section Calcium phosphate partially dissociates in water to form a saturated solution of concentration 3.531 x 1075 gdm™® at 25°C. (a) () © Write the; (i) equation for the partial dissociation of Caleium phosphate in water. (ii) expression for the solubility product, Ksp. (Ol mark) Calculate the solubility product, Ksp of calcium phosphate at 25°C. State its units, (2% marks) State how the Ksp value in (b) above is affected when Calcium nitrate is added to the saturated solution of calcium phosphate at 25°C. (4 mark) Name the reagent that can be used to distinguish between the following pairs of compounds. State what would be observed in each case when a member of each pair is separately treated with the reagent named. (a) COONa (02 marks) (aq) and CH,COONa(aq) Reagent Observations (© WAKISSHA 2 (b) (@) (>) (CH,)3C - OH and CH;COCH, (02 marks) Reagent Observations Write the formulae and state the chemical nature of oxides formed by Beryllium and Barium. ee (Ys marks Element Formulae of oxide(s) Chemical nature Beryllium [iam Write equation(s) for the reaction(s) between the oxide(s) of; (i) Beryllium with sodium hydroxide solution. (Ol mark) (ii) Barium with dilute mineral acids. (02 marks) ‘The physical states of chlorine, Bromine and Iodine at 298K and 760mmlHg are gas, liquid and solid respectively. (a) (b) State reasons why the physical states vary among the group VII elements. (01 mark) Write equation(s) for the reaction(s) that take place when: (i) excess Chlorine gas is bubbled into sodium thiosulphate solution (01 mark) Turn Over © WaKISSHA 3 (ii) Iodine is added to dilute potassium hydroxide solution and the resultant mixture warmed. (01 marks) (2) Complete the following equations for the nuclear reactions. @® $Co ——> 8mMn+ (mark) Gi) fHe+ NW —> H+ ... (mark) iii) 7380+ jn gest BEXe + 3gn (mark) (b) Identify the type of nuclear reaction that oceurs in; (ai) above. (Ys mark) (ii) aii) above. (4 mark) (©)__ A fossil was found to contain 0.125g of carbon-14 isotope after 22400 years. Caleulate the mass of carbon-14 in the living tissue given that the half-life of carbon-14 is 5600 years. (2% marks) An organic compound Q has a molecular formula, C2H,Cla (a) Write the structural formulae and IUPAC names of all possible isomers of Q. (02 marks) (b) Each isomer in (a) above was separately refluxed with concentrated sodium hydroxide solution and the resultant cold mixture tested with Brady's reagent. (i) State what would be observed in each case. (02 mark) (ii) Write equation(s) to show the reaction(s) that take place on reflux of each isomer with sodium hydroxide. (02 marks) OWAKISSHA 4 @) (b) (a) (b) Butane-1, 4-dioic acid is a weak acid. (i) Define the term weak acid. (Ol mark) Gi) Write an equation to show that butane-1, 4-dioic acid is weak. (01 mark) 1.18g of butane-I,4-dioic acid were dissolved in distilled water to make 200cm? of solution whose pH was 3.20. Calculate the acid ionization constant Ka for butane-1, 4-dioic acid and state its units. (04 marks) Complete the following equations and in each case, write a mechanism for the reaction. ( CH,CH,CH,OH —_KI/H3P 0, (02 marks) A Heat (ii) CH,COCH; _HCN/OH (2% marks) State one reason why HPO, cannot be replaced by conc. H,S0, in (a)(i) above (Ol mark) Turn Over © WAKISSHA 3 (a) Propanone reacts with Iodine in acidic medium according to the equation; CHsCOCH,(I) + I,(aq) —H*> CH,CocH,! + HT ‘The kinetics of the reaction was examined by measuring the colour intensity of the reaction mixture. () Sketch a graph to show how colour intensity varies with time. (01 mark) (ii) Give a reason for your answer in a(i) above. (01 mark) (>) Briefly outline one other method by which the rate of the reaction in (a) above can (02 marks) be measured. (c)__ The rate equation for the reaction is given by; Rate = k[{CH,COCHs) State the effect on the rate of reaction when; (concentration of Iodine is doubled while the concentration of propanone (% mark) remains constant. (i) temperature is increased. (mark) (iii) the concentrations of both Iodine and propanone are doubled. (01 mark) (© WAKISSHA SECTION B (54 MARKS) Attempt any six questions from this section. 10. (a) The partition coefficient of solute X between benzene and water at 25°C is 5.0. (State three conditions under which the partition coefficient remains valid at 25°C. (1% marks) (ii) Calculate the volume of benzene that extracts 80% of solute X from 50cm? of its aqueous solution at 25°C (2% marks) iii) State one method by which the percentage of solute X extracted in aii) above can be increased. (01 mark) (©) Ions of univalent metal M reaet with exc complex. aqueous ammonia to form a soluble M*(aq) + 2NH3(aq) ——> M(NH;)3(aq) Equal volumes of aqueous ammonia and 0.1M aqueous solution of M’ ions were shaken with 1000cm of chloroform. At equilibrium, the concentration of ammonia in the chloroform layer was 0.025 moldm'! 10cm? of the aqueous layer required 18.10cm? of 0.4M nitric acid for complete neutralization. Calculate the; (i) concentration of free ammonia in the aqueous layer. (2% marks) Turn Over (© WAKISSHA 7 I. (@) ) (©) (ii) partition coefficient of ammonia between water and chloroform. (1% marks) ‘A saturated compound R contains 38.710% carbon and 51.613% oxygen. ‘The density of R at stp is 2.7662g1"* (Calculate the empirical formula of R. (02 marks) Gi) Determine the molecular formula of R. (02 marks) R reacts with sodium metal to liberate hydrogen gas but gives no effervescence on addition of sodium carbonate solution. (i) Write the structural formula of R. (O1 mark) (ii) State the reason why R has a higher boiling point than propanol. (()1 mark) R combines with benzene -1, 4-dicarboxylic acid to form a polymer called Terylene. (i) State the type of polymerization that leads to the formation of Terylene. (Olmark) Gi) Write the structural formula of Terylene. (01 mark) © WAKISSHA 8 (iii) State any one use of Terylene. (Ol mark) 12. Chromium, Vanadium and [ron are transition elements which form compounds in variable oxidation states. f@) () © (@) Calculate the oxidation state of the transition element in each of the following chemical species. @) vO; (% mark) (i) K,Mno, (% mark) Gi) Fe(H,0)3 State any two other general properties of transition elements (01 mark) In acidic medium, VO3 react according to the half equation. VO; (aq) + 4H*(aq) +e ~———> VO"*(aq) + 2H,0(1) (i) State what would be observed when the acidified solution of VO¥ is warmed with zine dust. (O1 mark) (ii) Write an equation for the redox reaction that occurs in e(i) above (1% marks) State what would be observed and write an equation for the reaction when; (i) Sodium hydroxide solution is added to a solution containing Fe(H,0)3* ions Observation (% mark) Equation (01 mark) (ii) Hydrogen sulphide gas is bubbled into an aqueous solution of K2Mn0y (Ol mark) Observation Equation (1% mark) Turn Over (© WAKISSHA 9 13, (@ (b) © In the contact process, sulphurtrioxide is produced according to the reversible reaction; 280.(9) + 0219) == 2S03(g), AH < 0 (i) Write the expression for the equilibrium constant, Ke for the reaction. (Ys mark) (ii) When 1 mole of sulphurdioxide was mixed with 2 moles of oxygen in a 2 litre vessel and the reaction carried out at 200°C, 1.92 moles of oxygen remained in the equilibrium mixture. Calculate the value for the equilibrium constant, Ke. (2% marks) State the effect of each of the following changes on the yield of sulphurtrioxide, Give a reason for your answer. (increasing the temperature to 350°C. (01 mark) (ii) absorption of sulphurtrioxide by 98% sulphuric acid. (Ol mark) ‘The sulphur trioxide obtained is used to prepare sulphuric acid which acts as a solvent of freezing point 10°C. A solution containing 0.630g of nitric acid in 200g, of sulphuric acid freezes at 8.760°C. (i) Calculate the relative formula mass of nitric acid in sulphurie acid. (Cryoscopic constant of sulphuric acid is 6.2°C Kg" mol") (02 marks) © WAKISSHA 10 (ii) Explain your answer in c(i) above. (02 marks) (Theoretical R.F.M of nitric acid = 63.0) 14, (a) State how each of the following compounds can be prepared. (i) Lead (IV) oxide. (1% marks) i) Lead (IV) chloride. (1% marks) (b) Write equations for the reaction between; (Lead (IV) oxide and Manganese (I1) sulphate solution in the presence of hot concentrated nitric acid. (1% marks) (ii) Lead (IV) chloride and water (1% marks) (©) Potassium chromate (VI) solution was added to Lead (11) acetate solution followed by excess sodium hydroxide solution. (i) State what was observed. (01 mark) (ii) Write equation(s) for the reaction(s) that took place. (02 marks) 15. The hydration energies of Lithium ions, Rubidium ions and Sulphate ions are -505, -375 and -561 kJmol" respectively (a) What is meant by the term hydration energy? (01 mark) Turn Over © WAKISSHA u (b) (Compare the hydration energies of Lithium ions and Rubidium ions (01 mark) (ji) Explain your answer in b(i) above. (02 marks) (©) Calculate the enthalpy of solution of Rubidium sulphate given that the lattice energy of Rubidium sulphate is -1236 kJmol''. (3% marks) (@) State whether Rubidium sulphate is soluble in water or not, Give a reason for your answer. (1% marks) 16. Write equations to show how the following compounds can be synthesized. (a) 2hydroxyethanoie acid from ethanoic acid. (03 marks) (b+) HOXD)-S0H from or (3% marks) © WAKISSHA 2 (©) 2-methylpropan-2-ol from propanone. (2% marks) 17. The conductivity of solution X varies with concentration as shown in the table below. _ T Concentration (moldm?) | 0.01 0.04 0.09 | 0.16 | 0 25 | Conductivity Q-tem“* x 10-3 | 1.340 | 4.760 | 9.360 | 13.920 17.750 | (a) What is meant by the term electrolytic conductivity? (Ol mark) (b) Plot graph of molar conductivity against the square root of concentration. (03 marks) From your graph. (i) State whether X is a strong or weak electrolyte. Give a reason for your answer. (01 mark) (ii) Determine the molar conductivity of X at infinite dilution. (Y%emark) (©) Calculate the ratio of X to sodium chloride required to give a solution of molar conductivity 125.427 !cm?mol"!. (02 marks) (Molar conductivity of sodium chloride = 109.2~*cm?mol™*) (d) State one other factor that affects conductivity: (1% marks) Turn Over (© WAKISSHA B (© WAKISSHA 4 THE PERIODIC TABLE ataislejr]s a} | te 19 | 40 : s a{a|o9 |i = plc} nl|o]r [ne 198] 120| 140] 160| 19.0 |202 a3} tas fas | a7 | ae 27.0| 261| 31.0] 32:1 354] 400 a an a = a g a7 | 2} 29 | 30] | a a | 3s | 36 V | cr] mal re | Col Ni} Cal Za | Ga| Ge Se | Be | xr| 480] 479] 50.9| $3.0] 549] s58| sao] sx7| 63.5] 65.7 | 69.7| 726 | 749] 79.0] 79.9 | 83.5) ze 9 | 40 | ar | a2 | a | ae | as | a6 | a7 | as | as | 0] st sh9|s42| 00] $9] 900] tot | ton | tos] r08| 122115] 09 | 332 [128 x27] 13 | s7| || | 25] 26 [7 16 | | 50 | oe | oo | wo | a4 | as | 06 Go] Ba] ta] te] te] we | we | Os | te | re au] me | | Pb | | Po | At | Re 433 | 137 | 139] 178 ‘ys4 | 186 | 190 | 192] 195 197 | 204 | 204 | 207 209 | (209) @210)}222] | si] Fe | ma | Ac |(223)| (226) @27)| -L — s = alsjs|olale|slalelele}ale| | ta | Go| Pr | No'| rm | Sm | Sm | Bu | 1o | Dy | He | Er |tm| vb | Le 139] too tae | Yaa |cay 153 | 150] 13 | 285 | se | a6 | 67 | 109 | 979 | 75 9 | 99 | 91 | sa | a5 | 96 | 98 | 96 | 97 | as | 99 | 100) rot] 102 | 108 Ke| tu] Pe | 0 | 8p | Pu [Am] Co | ok | cr | fs | rm | My | no | bw 227) 232 | 231 | 238 | 237 1249] @4H|@47| en] 251 Jasojasniaso|as4) — 1 In 1 Indicates atomic number. H 2. inateates relative atomi indicates relative atomie mass. 104 END 1D WAKISSHA

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