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ridge IGCSE First Language English Ree rate ces bb thedrematicnature of his death: fahtu scream, whired and fel amazing strength; sovong, wrenched These words and phrases ae strong suggest of oweruness ar panthey add sound fects and lent rmoverentto the description othe vet ard mae ce ha Rasputin ua ordnany honan beg The scene is Set at midnight, in dim light. : ae bake «© Hours sipped by This creates suspense because something shoul have happened immediately sited ith on insone dread This shows how much the conspirators eared ther ci. a blok blacks People donthavebackeyes, andthe epatiionstessesthe natal and ev tie 4 héremevolondobiteaton: The peso wadkateal ace of put, een akerdeath conveysther hatred of him and what he represented, : re «sill cold ond - dead: Ths phrase builds up by degrees tothe climax of his finaly being dea, reinforced bythe dash, z ieee 1. & Hisbackground and positon at coun: Gregory Rasputin was bor to lowly parents in Siberia on 10th January, 1869, Having become a wandeting ‘monk, n 1905 he insinuated himself into the Tsar's houschold asa mystic wh could help ther naemophiliac son and provide emotional support. When war broke outin 194, he and the Tsaina jointly governed the Stat, injuciciously and coruply, while Nicholas was away, and betrayed Russia ints war with Germany. bis character and behaviour: He charmed and deceived many people nto believing him tobe pious, though he relished his evil nature Histreachery, greed and taste for uuury made Prince Felictussoupoy and some others despise him and plot his demise. (¢ Thecircumstances and causes of his death Poisoned cakes and wine had no effect on Rasputin, so he was then shatin the back although believed tobe dead, he suddenly recovered and ran into the courtyard, where he was shot again. He wasted up, taken to the river and pushed through the ce. When the body was found three dayslaterit was dsceweted that despite everything, the actual cause of death was drowning, D Writing devices 1 (Example answer) {8 The vocabulary choices are mainly simple and moncsyilabic, bordering on slang and cliché, such as bad thing, good, great, nce frends, they make the writer seem honest, riendly, unpretentious - and the teenager that she is, The sentence structures are mainly compound, with somesimple sentences and rnon-sentences, but very few complex ones. This adds o the sense othe leter being uncontived and straightforward sharing f experience and emotion rather than a considered and edited argument, The Use ofan ellipsis and unfinished sentence in the fourth paragraph strongly suggests the unplanned nature ofthe letter, Humour contributes tothe overall casual impression, a in her satirical mockery of take off our choins. However, the use of double and triple structures and rhetoric, antithesis and repetition for effet reveal thatitis deliberately witten to be persuasive. In the context, her lively expression refutes the claims of her ‘mother's detractors, proving that she is far from being the repressed and timid person they would expect herto be. "Camvidge University Press 2018 Unit 7 Answers 195 Cambridge IGCSE First Language English FO Ree tre ee colloqualisms (Well thats funny becouse. Oh welt doesn't matter, Here's why, Aton rote. ‘exaggeration (thousand times) sentences beginning with And, But or So, use of dashes, ‘The formal language Is embedded in and disguised by colloquial expression to mitigate the eect of formality. The final section of the letter isthe most formal part, as it build upto its climax of vindicating her ‘mother, and the singe line final paragraph sa device to ensure the message of exoneration and gratitude stands outcleal, € _Themixure of repsters elects the paradoxical nature of the letter: itis addressed to a family member, yetis intended or publication to an international audience. tis touchingly intimate and personal but onttibutesa serious argument on the subject of chld-earng, which sof universal relevance because ofthe global reaction to her mothers published memoir. The micure aso reflects that the writer isan 18-year-old onthe border between childhood and adulthood, | | | «d_ wasn tea pory wasnt easy tunnel vor abit to focus on only one limited objectve/ ew (0110 percent: giving move than the usual limit/maximum possible € Theuseof direct speech helps convay the close relationship between daughter and mother - even includingher pet name of Saso and makes a point fr er argument that her mother was actually gentle ‘and understanding. It offers variety by incluing the lvely teenage voice of her fiends 2 a Purpose and audience: desire to exonerate het mother among the readership ofthe newspaper, wo know ‘ofthe reputation of her mother and may have been citical of her to express public gratitude to her mother, ‘toreassure other students being made to work hard by their parents thattis worth it Letter form: paradoxically both a personal form and yet published in an international newspaper; in ths «ase, both formal and informal eresson can be use the fst person form leads readers to expect sincerity/genuine feeling Tiger Mom's 8 metaphorical name fora ere, authoritarian and uncomproinising parent who puts Pressure on ther chidto achieve success. This 's what the word calls hee mother. The writer also usesit as an affectionate term -sheis.a tiger cub, The write addresses her mother as"Tiger Mom thoughout because it shows the letters a public document refuting the attacks that have been made on her mother. Calingher mather would not have any distinct resonance or make clear what the issues. The effect ofthe eter convinces us that she didnot suffer asa child because of the examples of memories ‘she gves, the humour she uses, and because she conveys how proud she is of what she has achieved. The quotations make it authentic and moving 196. Unit 7 Answers

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