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Fem etee sLe Sa ee aol informal: rmetaphor/auotation sings ond arows) fashionable expression (But or ea, feeble, so theorial question (ho says, mhat does teal, mot true, guess, pretty much dom own thing mean); double structures (You fet triple Contractions (ou ve, Daddy, Funny how}iicioms structures (They dont.) (cracking up, busted, throw itback in my face); colloqualisms (Wel that’s funny because...Oh well it doesn't mater, Here's why, At any rat.) ‘exaggeration (a thousond times); sentences beginning with And, But or So; useof dashes formal in and disguised by colloquial expression to mitigate the effect of hemos formal pat, as itbuild up tots climax ol vindicating her rica devce to ensure the message of exoneration and gratitude ‘The formal language is embedded formality. Te inal section ofthe letters rather, and the singe line inal paragyap stands out cleat ture oftheletter itis addressed toa family member, rience. tis touchingly intimate and personal but ichis of universal relevance because tthe writers an €Themature of registers reflects the paradoxical nat yetis intended for publication toanintecnational a ontbutes a serous argument onthe subject of child-rearing, whi Stene global reaction toher mother’s published mero. The misture also reflects tha 18-year-old on the border between childhood and adulthood. 1d wasno tea pory: wasn'teesy tunnel vision: ail to focus on only one imited objective/viow | ‘at LO perent going more than the usual imit/maximum possible “The use of direct speech hes convey the close relationship between daughter and mother - even | Trading het petrame o Sas0~ and makes @ point fr her argument that her mother was actualy gene) snderstancing, offers variety by including the lively teenage voices of her friends. purpose and audience desire to exonerate het mother mong the readership ofthe newspaper who know fthe reputation of her mother and may have been tical of herto express public gratitude to her mother foreassure other students being made to work hard by their parents that itis worth it. bb Letter form: paradoxically both personal form and yet published in an intemational newspaper: nhs ‘ase, bot formal and informal expression canbe used; the st person frm leads readers to expect sincentygenuine feeling “Tiger Moris metaphorical name fora ferce, authoritarian and uncompromising parent who puts pressure on their child to achieve success. Thisis what the word calls her mother. The write also uses anaffectionateterm~sheisa tiger cub nas 4 Thewrter addresses her mother as Tiger Mom’ throughout because it shows the letters a public document refuting the attacks that have been made on her mother. Calling her mother would not hav® any distinct resonance or make clear what the sues. fe Theeffectofthe letter convinces us tha she didnot sufle as achild because ofthe examples of memos She Bie, the humour she ues, and because she conveys haw proud sheis of what she has achews."™°

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