What is Surveying

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- Surveying is the art of measuring - Makes use of the principles of land,
distances, angles and positions on topographic, & route surveying w/
or near the surface of the earth. modifications necessary by altered
- Surveying is an art of measuring
horizontal & vertical distances - is the practice of determining the
between objects. relative positions of points on or
beneath the surface of the earth by
- Determine the direction of lines, direct or indirect measurements of
establishing points by predetermined distance, direction & elevation.
angular linear measurement.
- Mine surveyors are responsible for
- Creates information for construction maintaining an accurate plan of the
maps, profiles, cross-sections, & mine as a whole and will update
diagrams. maps of the surface layout to
account for new buildings and other
TWO TYPES OF SURVEYING structures, as well as surveying the
- PLANE SURVEYING underground mine workings in order
- GEODETIC SURVEYING to keep a record of the mining
- Type of surveying in which the mean 4. CADASTRAL SURVEYING
surface of the Earth is considered as - Made for the purpose of locating
a plane, its spheroidal shape is property lines & improvement for the
neglected. use of extent, value, ownership, &
transfer of land.
- Type of surveying which takes into - is the discipline of land surveying
account the shape of the Earth. that relates to the definition or
Employs the principle of geodesy, re-establishment of land parcel
which is of high precision & extends boundaries.
over large areas
- involves interpreting and advising
OPERATIONS OF SURVEYING on: boundary locations. the status of
1. ROUTE SURVEYING land, and. the rights, restrictions and
- Highways, railroads, canals, interests in property.
transmission lines and pipelines.
- a survey for determining the route of - Frequently applied on laying out lots
a proposed pipeline, power line, for the construction of streets, water
cable, road or other linear facilities in supply system, & sewers.
order to acquire a right-of-way,
servitude or easement from the - an elaborate survey carried out in an
property owner being crossed. area administered by a municipal
corporation. It is conducted when
2. HYDROGRAPHIC SURVEYING extensive infrastructure
- Survey bodies of water for improvements are required in an
navigation, water supply, or sub area. This survey helps to draw
aqueous construction. maps to know boundaries and locate
public utilities.
- is an important civil engineering
service that determines the physical 6. PHOTOGRAMMETRIC SURVEYING
features of an underwater area. Like - The science of measurement by
topographic or land surveys, these means of photographs.
surveys use special equipment to
measure and define a body of water
to support marine construction.
- Photogrammetric survey is the
process that detects an object, a
construction or the surrounding
environment. The aim is to obtain a
three-dimensional model that will be
useful for determining shape and
extracting measurements, but above
all for the generation of a BIM

- Employs the use of surveying
methods & instruments in
construction works.

- (otherwise known as "staking",

"stake-out", "lay-out", "setting-out") is
to provide dimensional control for all
stages of construction work,
including the stake out of reference
points and markers that will guide
the construction of new structures
such as roads, rail, or buildings.
These markers are usually staked
out according to a suitable
coordinate system selected for the

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