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Peer Reviewed

High-Resolution Mapping with Unmanned

Aerial Systems
Grenville Barnes and Walter Volkmann
ABSTRACT: The fusion and miniaturization of spatial technologies such as GPS and the emergence of
affordable platforms to carry these technologies has opened up new opportunities for high-resolution
mapping. In this paper we discuss the results of pilot tests carried out in Albania at the end of 2013 through
an Innovation Grant from the Europe and Central Asia (ECA) division of the World Bank. Our objective
was to design and test a methodology based on an unmanned aerial system (UAS) for producing high-
resolution orthophotos that could be used for urban planning, infrastructure routing, and environmental
monitoring and as a basis for improving existing cadastral data. We outline the methodology in terms of:
(a) prefield preparation and mobilization; (b) field work (including premarking, geodetic and ground
control, and flying); (c) postfield processing (Multiview Stereopsis, production of orthophotos and 3D
models, quality control and assessment).

KEYWORDS: UAV, UAS work flow, orthophoto, cadastral map

Introduction Several publications have dealt with the potential

application of UASs. Everaerts (2009) lists numer-

“U nmanned aerial systems” (UASs),

“unmanned aerial vehicles”
(UAVs), and “drones” are regu-
larly making news headlines as sales of small
UASs increase. Unfortunately, these three terms
ous application areas including archeology,
agriculture and monitoring of fires and traffic.
Other applications include property appraisal
(Cunningham et al. 2011), and modeling of build-
ings to develop a 3D cadastre (Jazayeri et al. 2013).
are often conflated and confused with large mili- In a number of cases, UASs have been field tested
tary drones. The UAS we discuss in this paper but on a very limited area or on just one or two
have nothing to do with warfare and are a frac- buildings (Manyoky et al. 2011; Baiocchi, Dominici
tion of the size and weight. Small UASs should and Mormile 2013; Neitzel and Klonowski 2011).
therefore not be confused with military drones or The test described in this paper covered a large
even classified as a similar technology. We believe, enough area for us to assess the feasibility of
however, that this technology represents another using this technology for land adjudication and
technological leap much like we experienced with regularization of property rights. We collaborated
GPS in the late 1980s. By providing current, high- with the private sector in Albania and involved
resolution imagery, UASs have the capability to local inhabitants and administrators as much as
create accurate, large scale 3D models of the land- possible. We also presented the results of our
scape that can be used to measure and map land tests to a group of technical employees of the land
features in a fraction of the time of conventional registry office (IRPO) and to a broader group of
approaches. The potential application of UASs for government decision makers in Albania.
mapping is vast, including delineating cadastral In this paper we briefly describe the compo-
boundaries, monitoring the construction of roads nents of a UAS, focusing on vertical take-off and
or buildings, urban planning, upgrading informal landing (VTOL) vehicles. We outline the work
settlements, precision agriculture, environmental flow of a typical UAS-based mapping job, includ-
monitoring, asset management, and many other ing initial testing of the UAS on a control site.
activities that rely on high-resolution geospatial data. Finally, we describe and analyze pilot tests carried
out in Albania in December 2013.
Grenville Barnes, University of Florida, PO Box 110565,
Gainesville, FL 32611. Tel: 352-392-4998. E-mail: <gbarnes@ UAS Components>. Walter Volkmann, Micro Aerial Projects, 4509 N.W.
23rd Ave., Suite 8, Gainesville, FL 32606. E-mail: <walter@ In broad terms UASs consist of the vehicle (UAV)>. carrying navigation and sensing devices (e.g.,

Surveying and Land Information Science, Vol. 74, No. 1, 2015, pp. 5-13
camera), a laptop computer which is used for flight Project Preparation
planning and for monitoring the performance of
the UAV, and a remote control (RC) transmitter The boundary of the mapping area should be
which can be used to manually control the UAV defined [Google Earth (GE) can be used to do
and monitor the telemetry and battery status. this] prior to any other planning and a decision
made on required resolution, typically expressed
in terms of ground sampling distance (GSD). Once
Unmanned Aerial Vehicles these have been specified several other preparatory
steps should be taken, as summarized below:
UAVs can be divided into two general categories—
copters (known as VTOL) and fixed wing vehicles. Field Testing
VTOL vehicles are designed as multirotor copters It is crucial that the entire UAS be tested and
with 3, 4 (“quadcopter”), 6 (“hexacopter”), or evaluated prior to embarking on a project. In
8 propellers (“octocopter”). We used a quadcopter our case we set out some 50 control points at an
for the pilot tests described here and almost all of easily accessible site and accurately surveyed
our experience has been with these types of UAVs. these with a dual frequency global navigation sat-
Fixed wing UAVs are designed and fly much ellite system (GNSS). This resulted in coordinates
like conventional aircraft. Unlike VTOLs, they determined to within an accuracy of 1-2 cm. This
require a significant area to take-off and land and control site was then flown, imagery acquired at
must maintain forward motion to stay in the air. different flying heights, and resulting data pro-
VTOL vehicles, as the name implies, can take off cessed using Multiview Stereopsis (MvS) software
vertically and therefore require very little space (in our case we used Photoscan from Agisoft). A
for take-off and landing and have the ability to small number of the control points were used as
hover if necessary. VTOLs are therefore preferable ground control for the processing and the remain-
for smaller areas where high-resolution imagery is ing points served as check points to evaluate the
required. Fixed wing UAVs are more productive spatial quality of the resulting orthophotos.
over larger areas, although the imagery will gener-
ally be at a lower resolution because of the higher
Regulatory Limitations
speeds required to stay aloft as well as the restric-
The regulatory requirements should be researched
tions on camera shutter speeds and continuous
before any decisions are made on the equipment
exposure rates. When selecting a UAV it is impor-
and operational approach for the project. The reg-
tant to consider whether coverage of a whole area
ulatory requirements may depend on the take-off
is needed at the same time, or whether mapping
weight of the UAV. In Germany, for example,
incrementally on an as-needs basis is better. The
UAVs heavier than 25 kg are prohibited, but
advantage of the latter approach is that it pro-
general authorization can be obtained to fly
duces more current spatial data which can be an
UAVs with take-off weights of less than 5 kg. In
issue in rapidly developing areas, such as informal
other countries, like the U.S., the federal govern-
settlements in developing countries.
ment through the FAA has taken a heavy-handed
regulatory stance by prohibiting all commercial
UAS flights until such time as they establish regu-
UAS Mapping Methodology lations. In 2008, the FAA issued guidelines enti-
tled “Interim Operational Approval Guidance”
The sequence of tasks involved in UASs mapping (FAA 2008) which outlined the process for apply-
is summarized in Figure 1 and described more ing for a Certificate of Authorization (COA).
fully in the following sections. This authorization is only available to public enti-
ties. Generally, model airplanes are
restricted to flying below 400 ft,
more than 3 miles from an airport,
and away from highly populated
areas (FAA 2014). The FAA is sup-
posed to finalize regulations for the
operation of UASs in the U.S. by the
end of 2015.
However, a judge with the National
Figure 1. UAS mapping procedure. Transportation Safety Board ruled

6 Surveying and Land Information Science

that the FAA had over-reached its authority in also used to identify a take-off and landing area
fining a UAS user $10,000 for flying over the which is open and centrally located. With VTOL
University of Virginia campus. The judge stated UAVs this area does not have to be larger than
that the FAA only had an advisory not a regula- about 10 square meters.
tory capacity over model airplanes. The FAA has
appealed this decision, but at the time of writing
this appeal had not been processed. Flight Planning
Flight planning is determined by several factors
Transportation Considerations which may vary from one application to the next.
If the project is in another country, import/export These are: (1) the desired ground resolution
restrictions and customs and duty arrangements expressed in terms of GSD [the ground footprint
should be investigated as part of project prepara- of one image pixel (p)]; (2) the focal length ( f ),
tion. Equipment manufactured outside of the mil- sensor dimensions and resolution of the camera;
itary for strictly nonmilitary purposes generally (3) the flying height (H ) calculated as GSD ( f/p);

has fewer restrictions. When traveling on com- and (4) the required forward and lateral overlap.
mercial airlines it is much more convenient to In our pilot tests at Albania, we used a 20 Mega-
use a UAV that can be fitted into carry-on lug- pixel camera with a 16 mm focal length and a
gage. Larger UAVs require prior shipping by air- 23.5 15.6 mm sensor with a pixel size of 4.8 mm.

freight, which increases the logistical complexity Flying at a height of 75 m above the ground gave
and the risk of delays in customs. Very strict us a GSD of 18 mm in the agricultural test area.
packaging and shipping specifications apply to In the urban test area, we flew 50 m above the
lithium-polymer (LiPo) batteries which should be rooftops using the same camera giving us GSDs
transported as carry-on luggage in a fire-proof case. varying from 13 mm on the rooftops to 20 mm at
ground level.
Flight planning was done with Mission Planner,
Reconnaissance an open source software package (which can be
Even though GE provides a good initial view of downloaded at
the project area, an on-site reconnaissance is ?did=82). Flight plans can be edited through
essential to identify dangerous obstructions such either a graphical or tabular interface (see
as cell towers, power lines, or other objects not Figure 2). Flight plans can be rendered in GE
visible on the GE imagery. The reconnaissance is to verify intended waypoint coordinates and to

Figure 2. Mission planner interface showing flight lines (yellow) for one flight.

Vol. 74, No. 1 7

identify potentially dangerous obstacles. Flight station are activated and the flight plan uploaded
plans are automatically referenced to the WGS84 to the UAV flight controller.
datum, the same spatial reference frame used by It is good practice to use the manual mode for
UAVs for navigation. the first take-off to test for radio interference and
good communication between the RC transmit-
ter and the UAV. Manual control over the UAV
Ground Control after take-off depends on this communication.
With VTOL UAVs this is done by hovering about
Ground control can be eliminated or drastically
2 m above the ground to check for stability and
minimized if the UAV has a dual frequency GNSS
the early detection of site-specific conditions
receiver on board so that precise camera exposure
that may affect the safety and completion of the
positions (CEPs) are determined for each photo-
planned flights.
graph. These positions can be determined by
The UAV may be launched in a manual or auto-
recording the time of the exposure and sub-
matic mode. If done in automatic mode, there
sequently interpolating the exposure position
should be a clear path between the take-off point
between the two corresponding adjacent points
and the first way point in the flight plan. Once it
on the flight trajectory. This produces an accuracy
is switched over to automatic mode the UAV
equivalent to that of real time kinematic (RTK)
should be observed at all times and the operator
surveying (10 mm  1 ppm), assuming (1) appro-
should be ready to override the automatic mode
priate compensation of the offset vector between
if necessary. Where this is not possible, the prog-
GNSS antenna phase center and optical center of
ress and flight telemetry of the UAV should be
the camera, and (2) resolution of the integer
closely monitored on the RC transmitter and the
ambiguity in the GNSS solution of the flight tra-
base station computer (see Figure 3). It is partic-
jectory. CEP accuracy depends on flight stability
ularly important to monitor the power levels of
and measurement frequency of the GNSS system.
the UAV flight batteries and to look out for other
Faster and erratic ground speeds require higher
air traffic. Because batteries will only power small
recording frequencies. This accuracy can be
UAVs for 10-15 min, larger projects will generally
improved by reducing and stabilizing the airspeed
require several individual flights. In Figure 3
and increasing the recording frequency of the
below, the take-off site (home) is located on top
GNSS receiver.
of a 6-storey building some distance away from
If CEPs cannot be fixed, ground control points
the flight lines of the first flight. The UAV will
(GCPs) that can be positively identified in the
automatically fly to the start point (1) and then
aerial images need to be premarked and sur-
follow the designated flight lines for that particu-
veyed. Ideally, they should be premarked imme-
lar flight. Once it has completed those flight lines
diately before flying by placing targets that are
(at point 10 on Figure 3), it will automatically
evenly distributed across the project area. The
return to the home site, or a location close to
shape, size and color should be carefully selected
home from which it can be landed in a manual
so that they are easily and distinctly visible. In our
mode. A manual landing is safer where there are
case we used white cardboard discs that were
obstructions around the landing site.
approximately 6 inches in diameter. Existing nat-
Immediately after landing the UAV motors and
ural or artificial features on the landscape can
electronics should be inspected to detect any
also be used provided they can be clearly identi-
signs of overheating. The aerial images should
fied in the aerial photographs. In most cases
also be inspected for quality after the first flight
GCPs are surveyed in the official coordinate sys-
and any required adjustments made to the cam-
tem using dual frequency differential GNSS to an
era settings before further flights.
accuracy of 2 cm or better.
If the aerial images are geo-referenced directly
with an on-board GNSS receiver, the CEPs can be
checked by plotting them on GE or in a GIS.
Acquire Aerial Imagery
Before take-off it is a good idea to mentally
rehearse the planned flight routine and to iden-
Image Processing
tify possible landing sites should a manually exe- Flights that are designed with generous (e.g.,
cuted emergency landing be necessary during 80 percent forward and 70 percent lateral) over-
the flight. Just prior to take-off the connections laps generate a large number of overlapping pho-
between the UAV, the RC transmitter, and base tographs (see Figure 4) amounting to large

8 Surveying and Land Information Science

Figure 3. Base station computer display of the telemetry (Komuna Farke, Albania).

Figure 4. Overlapping UAS photos of Fushe Milot (Albania).

datasets (each photograph varies from 4 to 5 mega- network (TIN), and texture atlas as shown below
bytes in size). In Albania, for example, to cover in Figure 5.
an area of approximately 24 hectares (58 acres) Once the original images are uploaded, the
in size at a flying height of 75 m required processing software reads the basic camera geom-
492 overlapping aerial photos amounting to etry (focal length and sensor dimensions) from
2.3 gigabytes of data storage space. Because of the EXIF header of the image files and performs
this huge volume of data, the image processing a photo alignment. This produces relative camera
is usually the most time-consuming part of the exposure coordinates, a camera calibration for
UAS work flow. each and every image as well as a sparse point
Because nonmetric cameras are not geometri- cloud. For low accuracy requirements this may be
cally stable (a basic requirement for classic photo- all that is required to build a model if the final
grammetric mapping), the imagery is processed product does not have to be referenced to some
using a combination of classical photogrammetry spatial reference frame. However, the process of
and MvS. Photoscan, a Russian program by determining the CEPs is significantly accelerated
Agisoft that employs the MvS algorithm, follows if approximate positions are introduced into
a fairly simple work flow which includes: the photo alignment procedure. Typically, these
importing aerial imagery, photo alignment, approximate positions are obtained from the
introducing ground control (if necessary), build- stand-alone navigation GPS receiver mounted on
ing models of the terrain in the form of sparse board the UAV. However, if the product is to be
and dense point clouds, triangulated irregular accurately geo-referenced to a defined coordinate

Vol. 74, No. 1 9

After this step, the sparse point cloud
is retransformed for optimum posi-
tioning in the coordinate system of
the GCPs and the camera positions
are adjusted accordingly.
The software uses the optimized
sparse point cloud and improved
camera positions to generate a dense
point cloud of the project area (see
Figure 6). This usually takes the lon-
gest time of all the processing steps.
From this point it is relatively sim-
ple, although time consuming, to
generate a surface model in the form
of a TIN as well as a texture atlas that is
Figure 5. Typical workflow of multiview stereopsis (MvS). used to create a true color orthophoto
(see Figure 7).
system (e.g., WGS84/UTM), then GCPs need to
be used.
Pilot Tests in Albania
For accurate geo-referencing, the absolute
coordinates of GCPs should be measured to an In December 2013, with the help of funding from
accuracy equivalent to the GSD of the imagery. an ECA Innovation Grant within the World Bank
GCPs are measured quite simply by identifying (Kelm et al. 2013), we were able to test the use
each GCP target in every photo on which it of UASs for mapping and modeling in three pre-
appears and centering a flag on each of those selected areas in Albania:
locations (this is the only manual task in the  An agricultural area (called Fushe Milot) com-
entire process). With forward and lateral overlaps prising approximately 24 hectares located on
of 80 percent and 70 percent, a single GCP can the coastal plain about 40 km from the capital
appear on as many as 10-16 different photos. city of Tirana. This was selected because it is
These measurements are used to compute linear the proposed site of a new urban water supply
transformation parameters to transform the model scheme and it has recently been subject to
from an arbitrary local system to the spatial refer- expropriation to allow for the construction of
ence framework of the GCPs. The software does a new highway.
an error analysis and displays the results enabling  A dense high-rise urban area (Komuna Farke)
the user to identify and eliminate any blunders. located on the southern fringe of Tirana covering

Figure 6. Dense point cloud of Fushe Milot (Albania).

10 Surveying and Land Information Science

Figure 7. Orthophoto of Fushe Milot (Albania).

approximately 65 hectares. This site was chosen it easy for landholders and their family members
to test the performance of the UAS in high to identify their parcel boundaries. The resulting
density urban environments. parcel boundaries for a section of the coverage
 A strip of the Elbasan national highway (800 m area are shown in Figure 8 below.
long) approximately 10 km from Tirana that Although Albania is fortunate enough to have
had been partially constructed. This was selected reasonably high-resolution (GSD = 20 cm) ortho-
to investigate the application of UAS for moni- photos for that area, these are based on photogra-
toring and managing linear features such as phy taken in 2007 and a number of changes have
roads, powerlines or pipelines. taken place since that time. This can be clearly seen
A flying height of 75 m above the ground was in the comparison of a small portion of our UAS-
used for Fushe Milot and the Elbasan Highway, derived orthophoto with the same area in the 2007
while at the Komuna Farke site we flew at a height orthophoto (see Figure 9).
of 50 m above the tops of the buildings. In all, We tested the spatial quality of the UAS-derived
we flew a total of 21 flights covering a distance of orthophoto by exporting it into ArcGIS and mea-
about 40 km and acquiring some 4200 aerial photo- suring the coordinates of all GCPs. Since we only
graphs with a ground resolution of approximately used 9 out of the 52 GCPs for geo-referencing
2 cm. the imagery, the remaining control points can
We were able to produce DEMs, orthophotos be regarded as independent checks on the
and 3D models for each of these areas. In the orthophoto. Table 1 below summarizes the com-
case of the agricultural area of Fushe Milot we parison of the resulting coordinates with those
returned to the area a week after we flew the that we measured using kinematic GPS (regarded
photography for that area and conducted a rapid as known).
boundary adjudication of approximately 29 par- While these statistics are reasonably good and
cels. The high resolution of the current spatial consistent with other tests (Eisenbeiss et al. 2013),
data shown in the orthophoto (see Figure 7) made we are concerned about a handful of GCPs

Vol. 74, No. 1 11

Figure 8. Property boundaries identified using high-resolution orthophoto.

Figure 9. Portion of UAS-derived orthophoto (left) compared with 2007 orthophoto (right).

(meters) GCPs in Model Independent GCPs

Mean Linear Error (XY) 0.056 0.061
Mean Z Error 0.009 0.012
CEP50* 0.051 0.057
* Circular error probable at 50 percent confidence level.
Table 1. Error analysis of GCPs.

which had positional errors between 10 and We are currently conducting additional analyses
14 cm. Other studies have managed to achieve of these data to identify possible sources of
“precisions” of 2-3 cm in the horizontal and 4- error and to improve the 3D modeling of com-
10 cm in the vertical (Devriendt 2014, p. 23). plex landscapes.

12 Surveying and Land Information Science

Conclusions Cunningham, K., G. Walker, E. Stahlke, and R. Wilson.
2011. Cadastral audit and assessments using unmanned
aerial systems. In: Proceedings of ISPRS and UAV-g,
Our pilot tests in Albania confirmed that UASs
Zurich, Switzerland. [http://www.teamconsulting
offer a radically new approach for acquiring and .cc/images/uav-geomatics.pdf].
producing high-resolution maps and 3D models Devriendt, L. 2014. Low-speed and low-altitude UAS. GIM
of the landscape. However, we do not see it as a International 1(28). [http://www.gim-international
good option for mapping large areas of land like .com/issues/articles/id2061-Lowspeed_and_Lowaltitude_
whole counties or states. It is best deployed over UAS.html].
small areas where high resolution and current Eisenbeiss, H., M. Sauerbier, and Ch. Wildi. 2013. Presen-
spatial data are required. tation at UAV-g Conference. Rostock, Germany: Rostock
The advent of UASs essentially personalizes University. [
mapping, enabling individuals or small enter- UAV-g_2013_%20Eisenbeiss_Web.pdf].
prises to acquire mapping capacities which can Everaerts, J. 2009. Unconventional platforms
(Unmanned Aircraft Systems) for remote sensing.
deliver current spatial data at unprecedented res-
Research report no. 56, European Spatial Data
olutions. It also promises order of magnitude Research. pp. 57–102.
savings over conventional mapping approaches FAA. 2008. Interim operational approval guidance
in terms of both time and cost. Interestingly, 08-01. Unmanned Aircraft Systems Operations in the
Rijsdijk et al. (2013) came to the opposite conclu- U.S. National Airspace System, FAA. [http://www
sion that “costs are too high at the moment, com-
pared to traditional methods.” We believe the service_units/systemops/aaim/organizations/uas/
difference lies in what kind of UAV is used and coa/faq/media/uas_guidance08-01.pdf].
especially on how the workflow from image acqui- ————. 2014. Fact Sheet - Unmanned Aircraft Systems
sition to analysis and consumption of the geo- (UAS). [
spatial products is structured. Initially, only large, story.cfm?newsId=14153].
Jazayeri, I., A. Rajabifard, and M. Kalantari. 2013. A
expensive UAVs were available for mapping work.
geometric and semantic evaluation of 3D data
But over the past 2–3 years the cost and size of sourcing methods for land and property information.
UAVs has dropped significantly, partly due to the Land Use Policy 36: 219-30.
strong open source and do-it-yourself culture Kelm, K., G. Adlington, and R. Tonchovska. 2013. Multi-
(see that has arisen in purpose spatial data capture. ECA region 2013 innovation
this sector. UAVs, such as the one used in our grant proposal. Washington, D.C.: World Bank.
Albanian tests, are now available at unit costs that Manyoky, M., P. Theiler, D. Steudler, and H.
are lower than conventional total station or GNSS Eisenbeiss. 2011. Unmanned aerial vehicle in cadas-
rover prices. The real cost savings are in the tral applications. In: Proceedings of ISPRS and UAV-g,
increased efficiencies, the incremental approach Zurich, Switzerland. [
to map production and the associated shortening uav_g/proceedings/manyoky].
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Vol. 74, No. 1 13

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