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ADM NO: K15885

I hereby declare that this report is my original work carried out at Sony sugar company under the
department of agriculture.
Name: …………………………………………………….
Reg: ……………………………………………………
Sign: ___________________ Date: _______________________


This report has been submitted with my approval as the Industrial based Supervisor.

Name: …………………………………………………………………………..

Sign: Date:

I wish to dedicate this report to my parent and friends for their financial and moral support
during my entire attachment period.

I would like to give thanks to Kaiboi Technical Training Institute and sony sugar company for
giving an opportunity to put my theoretical framework into actual practical performance in the
field of electrical engineering.
My heartfelt gratitude to my industrial attachment based supervisor for your assistance and
guidance during attachment period. I really gained a lot of experience in the field of agriculture.

Table of Contents

CHAPTER ONE..............................................................................................................................................1
1.0 INTRODUCTION.....................................................................................................................................1
1.1 Historical Background of sony sugar......................................................................................................1
1.2 Vision.....................................................................................................................................................1
1.3 Mission..................................................................................................................................................1
1.4 Core objectives......................................................................................................................................1
1.6 Location.................................................................................................................................................2
1.7 Attachment Duration.............................................................................................................................2
1.8. Functions of agricultural department...................................................................................................2
1.9 Organization structure...........................................................................................................................3
1.10 Departmental roles..............................................................................................................................4
1. HR DEPARTMENT....................................................................................................................4
2. FINANCE DEPARTMENT........................................................................................................4
3. ICT DEPARTMENT...................................................................................................................5
4. PRODUCTION DEPARTMENT...................................................................................................5
5. DISTRIBUTION AND LOGISTICS DEPARTMENT...................................................................5
6. QUALITY ASSURANCE DEPARTMENT....................................................................................5
7. MECHANICAL DEPARTMENT...................................................................................................5
CHAPTER TWO.............................................................................................................................................6
2.0 Attachment Experiences........................................................................................................................6
2.1 General Activities Undertaken...............................................................................................................6
2.2 Specific Activities Undertaken...............................................................................................................6
2.3. Analysis of Learnt Knowledge and Applied Skills..................................................................................6
2.4 A Profile of Skills and Competencies Gained.........................................................................................6
2.5 Observation and Critique.......................................................................................................................7
2.6 Strategy for Utilization of Contacts Established During Attachment.....................................................7
CHAPTER THREE..........................................................................................................................................8
3.0 Objectives of industrial attachment.......................................................................................................8
3.1 Challenges.............................................................................................................................................8

3.2 Personal expectations............................................................................................................................9
3.3 Comp any policies..................................................................................................................................9
Training procedure..............................................................................................................................9
Disciplinary procedures.......................................................................................................................9
Harassment and sexual offences procedure.........................................................................................9
Grievance handling procedure.............................................................................................................9
Performance management procedure.................................................................................................10
Health and safety procedures.............................................................................................................10
CHAPTER FOUR..........................................................................................................................................11
4.1 Summary.............................................................................................................................................11
4.2 Findings...............................................................................................................................................11
4.3 Recommendations...............................................................................................................................11
4.4 Suggested improvements....................................................................................................................11
4.5 Conclusion...........................................................................................................................................12

The attachment program is meant to equip the students with professional skills and experience in
their field of study. The three months of industrial attachment at the ministry of agriculture was
meant to equip me with agricultural skills and professional values


This report gives a summary of all the information about Sony Sugar and industrial attachment
activities carried out. The report also highlights the professional skills acquired, experience
gained, the challenges and recommendations to the agricultural department.

1.1 Historical Background of sony sugar

South Nyanza Sugar Company (Sony sugar) was founded in 1976 near Awendo in Nyanza
Province, Kenya. The factory was commissioned in 1980 with a design capacity of 60 000 ts/y.
Performance (only 16 660 ts in 1985) and financial results did not match expectations, and the
contract with the initial managers was terminated in 1986. Following preparation of an Action
Plan for rehabilitation, Booker Tate were invited to provide interim management services in
1986, replaced a year later by a full on-going management agreement. Cane for Sonysugar is
sourced from a nucleus estate supported by contracted and non-contracted outgrowers. In 1986 it
was evident that the main constraint on sugar production was cane availability so, as a first step,
cane supply had to be imported. The company, having raised the necessary finance, encouraged
the farmers to replant cane on their better land. Old debts were cleared and payments for cane
were brought up to date and paid promptly. With this major improvement the outgrowers
responded positively to the changed circumstances.
Equipment was provided for land preparation, cultivation and cane transport and with prompt for
cane payment, harvesting and transport operations became more reliable.

1.2 Vision
To be a leading world-class manufacturer of preferred sugar and associated products

1.3 Mission
Sustainable production of Sugarcane, manufacture and market of quality sugar and associated
products for the delight of Customers.

1.4 Core objectives

We do what we do with Integrity, Sustainability, Professionalism, Intrapreneurship, Customer
First, Safety and Timeliness.

1.5 Contact address
P.o Box 107-40405,
Sirare, Awendo

1.6 Location
Sony sugar company is located along Kisumu-Webuye road under geographical code
3GXM+898, Sare

1.7 Attachment Duration

I was attached at Sony sugar company. My attachment commenced on 2nd may 2023 to 2nd
august 2023. During the attachment period I learnt that Sony sugar company has its own quality
statement, objectives and service delivery charter that guide, monitor and govern her in the
regulation of its mandate and duties to the institution and the public around it.

1.8. Functions of agricultural department

The main functions or core activities of the host organization are:-
1. Fostering teamwork, innovation, networking, tolerance, and a culture of peace.
2. Embracing excellence, transparency & accountability.
3. Practicing professionalism, meritocracy, equality, integrity and social justice.
4. Maintaining self-respect, discipline, responsibility, institutional loyalty, national patriotism &
international competitiveness.
5. Continual improvement of services in order to remain competitive and relevant

1.9 Organization structure

1.10 Departmental roles


Administrative roles
 Hire and terminate employees, data processing and insurance.
 Coordinates operation of all departments and promotes teamwork among employees.
 Coordinate procurement process.
 Conveys factory meetings.
 Responsible for administration and public relation.
 Custodian of all charter deeds and other documents of factory.
 Maintain staff records.

 Updating attendance, payment of attendance personnel and workout payment calculation.
 Updating NSSF, NHIF, History cards, transfer and retirement of employees.

Welfare department
 Solve disputes that arise within the company.
 Does counselling.
 Ensure every employee has proper housing.

 They ensure there is security within the company premises.


 Data processing
 Preparing monthly financial and management reports.
 Handling petty cash and record all cash into cash form.
 To ensure maintenance of proper books of accounts.
 Monitoring financial expenditure trends and projection for the monthly, quarterly reports
and ensuring cash flow are not disrupted.
 Extracting and providing cash liquidity analysis.

 Place order, receive and issue materials.

 Prepare stock records.

It mainly deals with computer processing of data and installation of computer programs .It also
helps in advancement to new technology.

The production department deals with all operations in the factory .It does chemicals requisition
and dosage used in process chain .It also deals with on-line analysis.


This is the department that supervises and coordinates procurement and distribution in
warehousing operation.


The quality assurance checks off oil servicing of the compressors and does tea testing before the
final products are released.

The role of mechanical section is to supervise and coordinate engineering processes and also
maintaining artisans.


2.0 Attachment Experiences

My attachment period was very educative and gave me to gain more skills and experience in the
field of agriculture.

2.1 General Activities Undertaken

1. Maintenance farm tools.
2. Maintenance and repair of company farm machines.
3. Registration of farmers
4. Farm visits and daily routine check up
5. Education farmers on use of modern farm equipment

2.2 Specific Activities Undertaken

1. Registration and confirmation of farmers Sacco’s
2. Delivering of government subsidy to farmers
3. Receiving farmers complaints and remarks
4. Farm ploughing
5. Monitoring the progress of farmers produce

2.3. Analysis of Learnt Knowledge and Applied Skills

During my attachment period at sony sugar company, I gained agricultural professional skills
and technical knowledge through the agricultural section. Agricultural skills which are integrated
with the estate maintenance system to enhance efficiency in maintenance of agricultural
Agricultural maintenance is not only a smooth power supply activity but it starts from
requisition of machinery and equipment to fueling them so as to facilitate movement of
machines and as well as smooth running of institution programs and projects in order for them
to be able to provide better services to their institution and the public.

2.4 A Profile of Skills and Competencies Gained

The experience I gained at the institution helped me to boost my morale, to gain self-esteem and
to be confident in my job and how to deal with agricultural problems
Other skills gained were;

 Leadership skills.

 Working under pressure.
 Communication and colleagues relation skills.
 Teamwork skills.
 Analytical skills.

2.5 Observation and Critique

 Observations

Agricultural employees are well organized and they enjoy their work. The management should
look for ways in which the employees can be rewarded to maintain the spirit of service to the
I observed that the agricultural employees of the company are hardworking and they perform
their duties diligently.
Majority of the company employees are polite and diplomatic.

 Critiques.

There are senior employees who believed that attachés were not competent enough to carry out
certain tasks so that they would not allow me to carry out some duties as they did.
Inadequate resources
There was lack of adequate knowledge to carry out certain tasks that required higher level of
Attaches are not given at least an allowance for their upkeep.

2.6 Strategy for Utilization of Contacts Established During Attachment

I would consult various agricultural officers I met for professional advice on general agriculture
so as to improve my skills and knowledge in the field of agriculture
For instances whereby I would like to open my own farm, I would contact various individuals
that working at the company for advice on requirement
I would occasionally contact my supervisor for professional advice in case of challenges
encountered while working because he has more experience.


3.0 Objectives of industrial attachment

The purpose of the industrial training is to expose students to real work of learning and
environmental experience at the same time to gain knowledge through hands on observation and
job execution from the industrial training the students will also develop skills in work ethics,
communication, management and others. Moreover this practical training program allows
students to relate theoretical knowledge with its application in manufacturing industry.
The objectives of the industrial training are:
 To provide students the opportunity to test their interest in a particular career before
permanent commitments are made.
 To develop skills in the application of theory to practical work situations.
 To develop skills and techniques directly applicable to their careers.
 To expose students to heal work environment experience gain knowledge in writing
report in technical works.
 To build a good communication skills with group of workers and learn to learn proper
behavior of cooperate life in industrial field.

3.1 Challenges
Ideally, getting a good attachment should be the end of your problems for the time being. I am
not very enthusiastic to be the one to burst the bubble but it’s actually the beginning of new set
of tribulations. Attachment challenges do hit hard because it’s the first time for me to be here in
this environment and not very familiar with the work –life issues.
Though you could be lucky enough to get a smooth run through, they are slight chances that you
will escape each of the attachment challenges faced by attaché.
For me sincerely I did not encounter too many challenges may be some as listed below:
i. Time management self-management
ii. Hesitant to ask questions
iii. Overwhelmed with work.

3.2 Personal expectations.
On joining sony sugar company these were my expectations that would be achieved at the end of
three months.
 To be able to learn and relate the theoretical knowledge in practical work environment.
 To be able to apply the human relations skills learned in class while relating with the
employees in place of work.
 To be actively involved in problem solving and effectively communicate with others in
place of work.
 To learn how recruitment, selection and placement is done in Human Resource
 To improve my knowledge in computer.
 To know the filing system of keeping the records

3.3 Comp any policies

The organization has a number of procedures to guide in the running of the company. Some of
them may include:

Training procedure
This policy defines the methods and responsibilities for effective training and development of
staff for the benefit of the individual and the organization. This includes the induction process I
underwent on arrival to the plant. This therefore helped me know what to do, how and when so
as to avoid any accidents in the workplace.

Disciplinary procedures.
The disciplinary procedure at JFK-TEX is meant to ensure that all employees who act divergent
to the employment contract and company policies are informed of their unlawful activity and
face the appropriate consequences. The steps often include an oral warning/ written warning
and termination if they fail to change. Summary dismissal is also applicable for gross

Harassment and sexual offences procedure.

Finlay has put up this policy which applies to all the employees, their dependants, contractors,
visitors and all other persons residing within the premises. It defines the methods and
responsibilities for providing an environment where all may pursue their duties, activities and
work in an atmosphere free of any harassment, sexual abuse, threats, verbal, physical or
psychological mistreatment both at the workplace and within the company residential areas.

Grievance handling procedure.

As much as JFK is concerned with providing a conducive environment for its employees, issues
such as discrimination or even sexual harassment are bound to arise. This procedure therefore
outlines the specific methods and responsibilities to fairly and timely address complaints and
grievances that will satisfy both the employee and the employer.

Performance management procedure.
This policy defines the methods and responsibilities for measuring and assessing performance to
achieve objectives and goals which is performed annually.

Health and safety procedures.

Health and safety policies are put in place to ensure that the products of JFK are produced
ethically and more so to ensure that the employees of the organization are protected against any
hazards that they may stumble upon at the workplace. The organization ensures that all
Employees have protective gears such as dust coats, earplugs, safety shoes, helmets, gloves,
overalls, gas masks and caps.


4.1 Summary
My Attachment at the sony sugar was generally very enjoyable since I have achieved a lot. The
experience has helped me to be creative, innovative and dedicated through the knowledge and
skills I was able to gain.
The company staffs are indeed friendly and always welcoming to visitors visiting the institution.
The work was well done to the best of my knowledge. I was privileged to know the various
offices of the company, where they are situated and what they deal with while working with the
agricultural section.
I was able to gain a lot from my trainer and am planning to make use of knowledge and skills
that I leant from my work section and the county as a whole.
Serving at the company has been my pleasure and the opportunity I was given gave me joy and
so I was always happy serving them.

4.2 Findings
1. The company still uses analog methods of registering farmers
2. There is insufficient funds allocation to the department of agriculture
3. Few employees
4. Use of expensive methods of farming

4.3 Recommendations
a. All the departments need one another for the smooth running and carrying out their
activities effectively.
b. Organization should put in place various activities to improve employee morale and spirit
towards work thus contributing positively to performance.
c. Each department should provide opportunities for learners to apply the principle
techniques in real life and the opportunity for problem solving.
d. Training of the employees and education opportunities are necessary for them to carry
out new and various tasks.

4.4 Suggested improvements

Some of the strategies to be put in place include;
I. Developing effective communication systems between management and other
employees and between department functions.
II. Effective training and development opportunities for all staff to improve skills and
develop flexibility of roles, ensure top priority is given to development of leadership
skills for key personnel.

III. Ensuring that the organization’s human resource needs in the next five years are met both
in terms of numbers and categories of employees.

4.5 Conclusion
In conclusion, am highly indebted to have been given a chance to work as an attaché at Sony
Sugar Company Limited. My attachment was successful due to good relationship between me
and the company employees. The agricultural section of the company department has instilled
me with all competencies, skills and values that are relevant in my field of study.

1. Sony Sugar Company journals
2. Kaiboi technical institute notes
3. Online article


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