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Groundwater for Sustainable Development 25 (2024) 101172

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Research paper

Physics-informed neural networks in groundwater flow modeling:

Advantages and future directions
Ahmed Shakir Ali Ali a, Farhad Jazaei a, b, *, T. Prabhakar Clement c, Brian Waldron a, b
Department of Civil Engineering, University of Memphis, Memphis, TN, USA
Center for Applied Earth Science and Engineering Research, University of Memphis, Memphis, TN, USA
Department of Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering, The University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL, USA


• PINN has the potential to become a rival

groundwater modeling as an AI
• PINN addressing conventional model
limitations will promote its industry
• PINN models can provide a solution at
any arbitrary and continuous point and
• PINN can deliver solutions without
starting computations at a specific time.
• PINN still needs to be improved to solve
complex groundwater flow problems.


Keywords: In recent years, there has been enormous development in soft computing, especially artificial intelligence (AI),
Artificial intelligence which has developed robust methods for solving complex engineering problems. Researchers in the field of water
Physics-informed neural network resources engineering have applied these AI methods to solve a variety of hydrological problems. Despite their
widespread use in the surface and atmospheric hydrology fields, groundwater hydrologists have not widely used
Groundwater modeling
AI methods in their routine field-scale modeling efforts. This is because AI models have been primarily
considered black box models that lack physical meaning. Furthermore, using AI models to generate the space-
time distribution of transient groundwater level variations is challenging and requires further flux balance
and mass transport analyses. More recently, a new type of physics-informed neural network (PINN) model has
been developed to address several limitations by integrating governing physics (groundwater flow equations)
into the AI tools. This study presents the systematic advantages of the PINN algorithm for solving groundwater
problems using a set of classic test problems. As discussed in detail in the article, these advantages and potentials
are associated with the meshless nature of PINN, its continuous time and space dimensions, its independence

* Corresponding author. Department of Civil Engineering, University of Memphis, Memphis, TN, USA.
E-mail address: (F. Jazaei).
Received 15 June 2023; Received in revised form 2 April 2024; Accepted 3 April 2024
Available online 12 April 2024
2352-801X/© 2024 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A.S.A. Ali et al. Groundwater for Sustainable Development 25 (2024) 101172

from time-stepping and incremental marching in space, and its efficiency in running time. However, despite
PINN’s promising attributes, it is important to acknowledge its nascent stage of development and the inherent
limitations of all neural network models, such as training challenges and hyperparameter selection. Thus,
collaborative efforts between groundwater modelers and computer scientists are imperative to explore and
exploit the full potential of PINN in tackling increasingly complex groundwater problems and nurturing PINN
into a dependable modeling tool in industry and academia.

1. Introduction techniques, such as finite difference and symbolic derivations, which

have been used in computational statistics and neural network sciences
Groundwater is a crucial water source, especially in areas with (Margossian, 2019). AD is a family of techniques analogous to back­
limited or unreliable surface water. However, it is essential to manage propagation that can efficiently calculate the derivatives of numerical
this valuable resource sustainably to ensure its availability in the long functions utilizing the chain-rule calculus (Baydin et al., 2018). The
run (Alakayleh et al., 2022; Muenratch and Nguyen, 2023; Sanga and reader is encouraged to review the cited sources for more detailed in­
Koli, 2023). Therefore, it has become imperative to comprehend formation about AD (e.g., Verma, 2000; Elliott, 2018; Baydin et al.,
groundwater flow dynamics and develop models that simulate the ef­ 2018; Margossian, 2019).
fects of both natural and human-induced stress on groundwater flow. PINN model is currently attracting attention for solving a variety of
This information is crucial for making informed decisions on ground­ PDEs in a variety of fields, such as fluid mechanics (Cai et al., 2021;
water development (Jazaei et al., 2018; Paul et al., 2022). Eivazi et al., 2022; Mahmoudabadbozchelou et al., 2022; Qiu et al.,
Simulating groundwater flow processes using standardized public- 2022), geosciences (Lu and Mei, 2022; Zheng et al., 2020; Shen et al.,
domain numerical codes that solve partial differential equations 2023), hydrology (Feng et al., 2023; Mahesh et al., 2022), and hy­
(PDEs) first emerged in the 1970s with various research codes developed draulics (Raynaud et al., 2022; Walter et al., 2022). PINN models have
by the US Geological Survey (USGS). These efforts eventually led to the also been used for solving some relatively small and simple problems,
development of well-known public domain USGS codes such as the such as steady-state saturated groundwater flow (Tartakovsky et al.,
modular finite-difference (FD) flow model (MODFLOW) (McDonald and 2018; Shadab et al., 2023), calibration of Richard’s Equation (Depina
Harbaugh, 1988; Mehl and Hill, 2013) and the finite element code et al., 2022), one and two-dimensional confined flow (Cuomo et al.,
SUTRA (Voss, 1984). During the same period, FEFLOW, another 2023), unconfined groundwater flow (Secci et al., 2024), and some
finite-element-based model, was also developed at the German Academy groundwater radial flow problems (Zhang et al., 2022).
of Sciences Berlin (Diersch, 1981, 2013) and became increasingly pop­ The objective of this effort is to present a methodical explanation of
ular in the mid-2000s. Various numerical discretization algorithms and a the PINN algorithm for solving groundwater flow equations and discuss
variety of matrix solvers, such as Preconditioned Conjugate-Gradient the advantages of PINN computational algorithms over conventional
(PCG) and Strongly Implicit Procedure (SIP), are employed in these groundwater models, such as MODFLOW. This article aims to elucidate
numerical models that solve the governing groundwater flow equations the various potentials that can make PINN a competitive AI-based
(Ashiq et al., 2020; Bailey et al., 2016; Sankar et al., 1982; Tiwari and alternative to traditional groundwater models. This article emphasizes
Vadhiyar, 2022). the importance of researchers focusing on aspects beyond the accuracy
Soft computing algorithms that utilize artificial intelligence (AI) are of PINN in solving partial differential equations already offered by
recent developments, and these algorithms have been used to solve conventional models (e.g., MODFLOW). The article provides a quanti­
problems in several areas, including hydraulics and hydrology problems tative exploration and discussion of PINN’s running time as an advan­
(Ali and Günal, 2021; Azizi et al., 2022; Manzoor et al., 2021). However, tage over traditional models and introduces additional potential benefits
the application of AI tools in the groundwater field has been limited to that merit further investigation in the future. To do that, this article uses
analyzing time series data for modeling fluctuations in groundwater PINN to solve four classic groundwater problems. These problems
heads at specific monitoring points and performing lumped analyses for illustrate the use of different types of forcing and boundary conditions,
the entire investigating areas for many years (Ao et al., 2021; Dey et al., including uniform and nonuniform recharge, instantaneously changing
2021; Manandhar et al., 2020; Roshni et al., 2022; Vadiati et al., 2022). head, fixed head, and no-flow boundary conditions. All the problems are
Despite several successful groundwater studies conducting lumped non-dimensionalized to ensure the results are applicable to both small
time-series analyses, these AI models are commonly criticized for and large-scale problems (Jazaei et al., 2014). The performance of the
requiring large amounts of high-resolution data to train the models and PINN was verified by comparing the results with MODLFOW 2005,
for the lack of physics. From groundwater modelers’ viewpoint, the most MODFLOW-6, and MATLAB-based FD results.
critical limitation of these AI models is the apparent lack of
physics-driven thinking in the approach employed by the numerical 2. Confined groundwater flow equation
models such as MODFLOW, SUTRA, and FEFLOW. Thus, AI has been a
bit of a challenge to become a catalyst for progress in the groundwater The one-dimensional confined groundwater equation can be written
field, especially among traditional numerical modelers. as (Jazaei et al., 2016):
However, recent developments in AI science could restructure the
use of AI tools in the groundwater field. A significant development is ∂φ′(x′, t′) ∂2 φ′(x′, t′)

− D′ − w′ = 0, x′ ∈ (0, L′), (1)
that the AI models can now directly integrate physics-driven partial ∂t ∂x′2
differential equations (PDEs) into their computations (Faroughi et al., where, φ′(x′, t′) [L] is the groundwater head at the position, x′ [L], and
2022; Raissi et al., 2017). The additional constraints provided by the
time, t′ [T]; D′ [L− 2 T − 1 ] is the diffusivity, w′ [LT− 1] is the sink/source
governing equations, boundary conditions (BCs), and initial conditions
(ICs) can substantially reduce the training data required for AI models. A term, and L′ [L] is the length domain. In this study, we limited the time
recently developed physics-informed neural network (PINN) model can domain to t ′ ∈ (0, SST), which SST refers to the moment at which the
solve PDEs successfully by integrating two algorithmic methods: deep flow effectively reaches the steady-state condition (Simpson et al., 2013;
learning and automatic differentiation (AD) (Raissi et al., 2017). AD, Jazaei et al., 2014, 2017).
also called algorithmic differentiation, is a new method of computing In this study, we non-dimensionalized Eq. (1) using the following
derivatives that has proved to be a powerful alternative to traditional dimensionless parameters (Jazaei et al., 2017):

A.S.A. Ali et al. Groundwater for Sustainable Development 25 (2024) 101172

x′ φ′(x′, t′) t′ D′
x = ′, φ(x, t) = , and t= , (2) f = |MSEPDE + MSEIC + MSEBC | (4)
L φ′ L′

where, MSEPDE , MSEIC , and MSEBC indicate the mean squared error of
where, φ(x, t) is the dimensionless groundwater head, at the dimen­
the solution at the internal space and time of PDE (i.e., x ∈ (0, 1) and
sionless position, x, and time, t, and φ′ is the characteristic value of a t > 0), IC, and BC, respectively. To calculate these terms for problems in
dependent variable. Combining Eqs. (1) and (2), the non-dimensional Fig. 1, the information provided by the governing equation, Eq. (3), IC,
form of Eq. (1) can be written as: and BC is used as:
∂φ(x, t) ∂2 φ(x, t) N ⃒ ⃒2
(3) 1 ∑ ⃒∂ φ 2 ⃒

− w = 0, x ∈ (0, 1),
MSEPDE = ⃒ ̂ (xi , ti ) − ∂ φ̂ (xi , ti )
− w⃒⃒ , (5)
N i=1 ⃒ ∂t ∂x 2

where, w = w′L′/D′φ′ (Jazaei et al., 2017). Eq. (3) was studied under four
classic initial (IC) and boundary (BC) conditions, as depicted in Fig. 1. 1 ∑N
MSEIC = ̂ (xi , 0)|2 , and
|φ(xi , 0) − φ (6)
All problems include a uniform IC produced by BCs. In Fig. 1(a), the N i=1
head at the BCs increases instantly without any recharge occurring. The
BCs in Fig. 1(b) are fixed, while a uniform recharge occurs throughout 1 ∑N

the system. The problem depicted in Fig. 1(c) has fixed BCs and a MSEBC = ̂ (0, ti )|2 + |φ(1, ti ) − φ
|φ(0, ti ) − φ ̂ (1, ti )|2 (7)
N i=1
non-uniformly (linearly) varying recharge. Fig. 1(d) includes fixed and
no-flow BCs, while uniform recharge occurs over the entire area. The where, xi ∈ (0, 1) , and ti > 0, φ ̂ denotes the solution predicted by the
dotted red line is representative of the general transient head distribu­ PINN in each iteration at collocation points until the value of f is less
tion under each condition. These problems were solved using a PINN than a threshold value, ε, (f→0), and φ denotes known IC and BCs. As
model and verified by the industrial-grade MODFLOW 2005 code. shown in Eqs. (5)–(7) and represented in Fig. 2, there are three types of
collocation points within the time-space domains of the solution — in­
3. Physics- informed neural network (PINN) model ternal PDE collocation points, (xi , ti ), where xi ∈ (0, 1) and ti > 0, IC
collocation points, (xi ,0), and BC collocation points, (0,ti ) and (1,ti ). The
The PINN model solves PDEs by combining deep neural networks subscript i denotes the ith collocation point. Fig. 2 schematically shows
with an AD algorithm (Faroughi et al., 2022; Raissi et al., 2019). The AD the randomly distributed collocation points within the transient space-
method is based on chain rules, as opposed to FD-based numerical de­ time domains, once the system is yet in transient condition before
rivatives used, e.g., in MODFLOW (Hou et al., 2022; Mao et al., 2020). effectively asymptote to steady-state condition at t ≈ 0.5 [ − ], that are
AD allows encoding a PDE, e.g., Eq. (3), within a deep learning network used to train the PINN model.
algorithm to find nonlinear relations between input parameters (e.g., x
PINN determines the derivative values of ∂ φ ̂ /∂t and ∂2 φ
̂ /∂x2 in Eq.
and t) and output quantities (e.g., the derivatives in Eq. (3)), by lowering
(3) through an AD approach (Baydin et al., 2018; Huang et al., 2021;
a loss function (e.g., Eq. (4)) (Meng et al., 2020). These processes are
Rall and Corliss, 1996) and aims to find the best spatial and temporal
illustrated in Fig. 3. Interested readers are referred to the cited refer­
distributions of φ
̂ (xi , ti ) at the collocation points by minimizing the loss
ences for a detailed description of the PINN method (Raissi et al., 2017,
function, f, (Eq. (4)).
In this study, the PINN model was used with a fully connected deep
The main advantage of PINN models is that, unlike other neural
neural network and the hyperbolic tangent (tanh) operation between its
network models, the loss function can be calculated independently of the
layers (Ding et al., 2018; Lau and Lim, 2018). The basis of the fully
exact training or collocation point values owing to the additional in­
connected deep neural network was explained broadly by (Goodfellow
formation provided by the PDE, BC, and IC conditions. The loss function
et al., 2016; Nabian et al., 2021). All PINN models used in this study
of the PINN includes three terms that can be written as,
employ eight hidden layers with 20 neurons in each layer. The learning

Fig. 1. Four groundwater problems solved by PINN and MODFLOW 2005 with different forcing conditions as, a) the head at the left and right BCs increases instantly
without any recharge occurring, b) BCs are fixed, while a uniform recharge occurs throughout the system, c) BCs are fixed and a non-uniformly (linearly) varying
recharge occurs, and d) left BC is fixed and the right BC is no-flux with uniform recharge term. Dotted red lines and solid arrows represent transient groundwater head
distribution and aquifer recharge, respectively.

A.S.A. Ali et al. Groundwater for Sustainable Development 25 (2024) 101172

Fig. 2. Illustration of three types of collocation points, including internal PDE, IC, and BC points, distributed randomly throughout the space and time domains of the
PINN model.

Fig. 3. General computational scheme of a PINN model that combines a deep learning algorithm with an automatic differentiation feature to solve Eq. (3), the
governing equation of 1D non-dimensional groundwater flow (Cai et al., 2021).

rate was set to 0.01, and the weights and biases of the neural networks 4. Results
were determined and updated utilizing the Adam Optimizer (Bock and
Weiβ, 2019; Kingma and Ba, 2014). This section compares PINN solutions of the four groundwater flow

Table 1
Summary of collocation points, epochs, and forcing conditions used in various test problems in Fig. 1.
Problem in Fig. 1 Randomly distributed Collocation Points Epochs Recharge Term, w IC (x, 0) BC1 φ(0, t) BC2

Internal PDE BC IC

(a) 10,000 600 100 20,000 0 0 0.2 φ(1, t) = 0.7

(b) 10,000 1700 850 17,000 1 0.5 0.5 φ(0, t) = 0.5
(c) 20,000 14,000 7000 15,000 w =x 0.5 0.5 φ(0, t) = 0.5
(d) 10,000 700 350 15,000 1 0 0 ( ∂φ
∂x |x=1

A.S.A. Ali et al. Groundwater for Sustainable Development 25 (2024) 101172

problems, shown in Fig. 1, with MODFLOW 2005 results. Table 1 sum­ Table 2
marizes the number of internal PDE, IC, and BC collocation points and Mean squared error between PINN and MODFLOW 2005 solutions for the four
epochs that control the number of passes of the entire dataset within test problems in Fig. 1.
each PINN for each problem (Brownlee, 2018). The governing equation Problem in Time, t MSE [− ] Problem in Time, t MSE [− ]
of all problems is Eq. (3), which has been solved by the different Fig. 1 [− ] Fig. 1 [− ]
recharge and BCs, as summarized in Table 1. These problems include (a) 0.07 1.68 × (c) 0.07 8.32 ×
uniform initial conditions and different forcing conditions, such as 10− 4 10− 8
uniform and nonuniform recharge with suddenly changing, fixed, or 0.15 3.15 × 0.15 5.58 ×
10− 6 10− 8
no-flow BCs.
0.50 3.47 × 0.50 1.20 ×
After training PINN models according to Table 1, both PINN and 10− 6 10− 8
MODFLOW 2005 were formulated to compute the solutions at 10,000 × (b) 0.07 2.19 × (d) 0.07 6.55 ×
10,000 uniformly distributed points within the non-dimensional space, 10− 7 10− 7
x ∈ [0, 1] and transient time domains, t ∈ [0, 0.5], before effectively 0.15 2.86 × 0.25 1.42 ×
10− 7 10− 6
reaching steady-state conditions. Fig. 4 illustrates the results at three 0.50 1.93 × 0.50 2.69 ×
different times: 0.07, 0.15, and 0.50, corresponding to the early, inter­ 10− 7 10− 6
mediate, and late (steady-state) stages of transition. Table 2 also com­
pares the solutions using mean squared error (MSE) values.

Fig. 4. Comparison of solutions performed by PINN and MODFLOW 2005 for four groundwater flow problems shown in Fig. 1 at various time steps (i.e., early,
intermediate, and late transition stages).

A.S.A. Ali et al. Groundwater for Sustainable Development 25 (2024) 101172

5. Discussion and future directions traditional time-methods such as the forward Euler and the Crank-
Nicolson schemes exhibit a notable escalation in computational costs
Scientists, engineers, and policymakers agree that recent AI advances (Zhang et al., 2022). The PINN models developed in this study were
have significantly impacted their respective fields. Hence, they all strive executed by MATLAB, which is known to be slower than Fortran and
to challenge AI’s ability to provide novel solutions to their problems by C++ compilers used by numerical modeling tools such as MODFLOW
pushing the boundaries of AI capabilities. In surface hydrology, AI tools (Andrews, 2012; Zhang, 1998). MATLAB is an interpreted language that
have been used to study several problems since the late 1970s, including executes a code line by line through an interpreter. In contrast, Fortran is
rainfall-runoff modeling, streamflow modeling, and water quality compiled, with the entire code translated into machine code before
modeling (Czyczula Rudjord et al., 2022; Talei, 2022). AI tools inspire execution, contributing to its faster performance (De Rose and Padua,
surface hydrologists to improve AI applications in their problems. In 1996).
contrast, groundwater hydrologists have not yet viewed AI as a prom­ In this study, we trained all four PINN models using MATLAB on a
ising method for solving problems related to flow and contaminant personal computer with an Intel Core i7-9750H CPU with 2.60 GHz and
transport issues. The main reason is that the black-box nature of AI a 64-bit Windows 11 operating system. We were able to train each model
models could not capture the groundwater flow physics. So far, the with fewer than five trials, and each try took less than 3.5 h. The speed of
application of AI in the groundwater field has been mostly limited to the developed PINN models was compared with MODFLOW 2005 and
time series analysis of groundwater head fluctuations at individual MODFLOW 6 using PCG Solver. Table 3 summarizes the computational
monitoring points (Bahmani and Ouarda, 2021; Momeneh and Nourani, performance data for all models that employed 10,000 spatial and
2022; Mozaffari et al., 2022; Rajaee et al., 2019; Vadiati et al., 2022). 10,000 time steps before the flow relaxes into a steady-state condition.
These scalar applications could not develop vector-based flux informa­ PINN models run by MATLAB Compiler produced transient solutions
tion, which is heavily relied upon by groundwater modelers in various slightly slower than MODFLOW 2005 executed in Fortran. However,
investigations. However, with the recent developments in the PINN MODFLOW 6 and the finite-difference model developed within MATLAB
model, a new window of opportunity has opened for using AI to solve were significantly slower. In the future, it should be possible to
groundwater flow PDEs with different initial and boundary conditions. dramatically improve the runtime of the PINN models by using Fortran
Table 4 presents a detailed comparison between the PINN and the or C++ codes instead of the MATLAB coding environment.
widely used MODFLOW model in groundwater science. By assessing The fifth advantage is that the PINN models are capable of providing
various criteria of both models, the table offers insights into PINN’s solutions at any particular time with a single calculation (like analytical
limitations, advantages over MODFLOW, and its unexplored potential, solutions), as opposed to MODFLOW models that require a series of
which is further elaborated upon below. calculations starting from the initial condition and marching forward in
Potential and advantages of PINN: There are six main reasons why time until reaching the desired time or location. With effective and
PINN models have the potential to advance significantly in the appropriate use of this capability of PINN models, it is possible to reduce
groundwater modeling field (Table 4). Firstly, PINN is not a mesh-based the runtime significantly. Moreover, this capability allows for focused
solver (Zhang et al., 2022). In contrast to mesh-based models, such as analysis on specific temporal and spatial domains as needed, stream­
MODFLOW and FEFLOW, which only provide solutions at specific nodes lining the modeling process and enhancing flexibility in addressing
(that depend on grid discretization) and at particular time points (that targeted scenarios.
rely on time step), PINN models can provide the solution at any arbitrary Finally, since AI tools are based on the principles of biological neu­
and continuous point and time (like analytical solutions). This charac­ rons, as pointed out by recent investigations, it has a fascinating
teristic can help better represent groundwater dynamics when evolutionary capability known as Curriculum Learning (Wang et al.,
high-resolution spatial and temporal information is required at specific 2021). AI was conceived as a model of the human brain. Therefore, it
spatio-temporal scales, such as in the simulation of surface-groundwater makes sense that the learning process can be patterned after how
interactions in hyporheic zones. However, it should be noted that the humans (babies) learn, from simple to complex problems (Soviany et al.,
accuracy of the PINN model in capturing the physics of groundwater 2022). This easy-to-hard training paradigm would allow the develop­
flow is contingent upon training it using an optimal number of collo­ ment of simple AI groundwater models and later improve (or grow)
cation points in both time and space domains. Typically, the complexity them to solve complex systems. Using this approach, an AI-based
of a problem, including factors such as initial conditions (e.g., nonuni­ groundwater model trained to solve simple problems has the potential
formity) and boundary conditions (e.g., time-varying), dictates the to be progressively re-trained to solve more complex problems.
suitable number of collocation points. Like other deep learning models, Challenges and limitations of PINN: Despite the promising attri­
this determination is made using iterative testing and refinement steps. butes of PINN, it is important to acknowledge its current limitations and
Thus, understanding the significance of each collocation point (i.e., in­ challenges, specifically compared with conventional packages such as
ternal PDE, IC, and BC collocation points) in solving the groundwater MODFLOW (Table 4). PINN models still suffer from the limitations
flow problem can enhance the allocation of computational resources, inherent in all neural network models. In neural networks, overfitting
potentially leading to improved efficiency in PINN models. This aspect and underfitting are common challenges, and PINN models are no
certainly warrants further investigation. exception. Additionally, PINN solutions must be tuned according to
The second advantage is that it is possible that PINN models might several hyperparameters (e.g., learning rate, number of layers, and
not have the instability or drying cell issues that conventional ground­ number of neurons per layer). A poorly chosen set of hyperparameters
water models have under certain conditions, such as a numerical layer can adversely affect the performance of the model. Furthermore, The
becoming thin or dry. Although the stability of PINN models in
groundwater problems has yet to be thoroughly investigated, the
Table 3
absence of timestps and incremental space constraints suggests that they
Comparing the PINN model runtime for four test problems with MODLFOW
could be free from conventional instability problems.
2005, MODFLOW-6, and MATLAB-based FD models.
The third advantage is that the PINN models have the potential to
Models Running time to solve the problem in Fig. 1 (seconds)
find solutions faster than numerical codes such as MODFLOW. Although
training PINN models may be more time-consuming than developing a (a) (b) (c) (d)
well-designed MODFLOW model, it is crucial to consider that once a PINN 163 192 189 173
PINN model is trained, forecasting simulations can be more computa­ MODFLOW 2005 133 139 141 141
tionally efficient. Differences become more apparent when high spatial MODFLOW 6 4030 4030 4015 3975
MATLAB FD 6747 6421 7210 6870
and temporal resolution is necessary. With increasing time iterations,

A.S.A. Ali et al. Groundwater for Sustainable Development 25 (2024) 101172

Table 4 CRediT authorship contribution statement

Comparative assessment of PINN and MODFLOW.
Criteria MODFLOW PINN Ahmed Shakir Ali Ali: Writing – review & editing, Writing – original
draft, Validation, Investigation, Formal analysis, Data curation. Farhad
Modeling Approach Finite Difference Artificial Neural
Network Jazaei: Writing – review & editing, Validation, Supervision, Resources,
Mesh-based or meshless Mesh-based Meshless Conceptualization. T. Prabhakar Clement: Writing – review & editing,
Marching in time/space Time-stepping/ Direct/Direct Supervision, Conceptualization. Brian Waldron: Writing – review &
incremental editing, Supervision, Conceptualization.
Input data dependency Low-high High
Incorporation of physics Yes Yes
Establishment in industry/academia High/High None/Low
The complexity of problems solved Simple to complex Simple Declaration of competing interest
Efficiency in model setup and Low to high High due to
preparation for running training
Running time Lower than PINN Higher than
The authors declare the following financial interests/personal re­
MODFLOW lationships which may be considered as potential competing interests:
Computational resource Low to high High Prabhakar Clement reports financial support was provided by National
Stability issues Low to high Unknown Science Foundation, United States.

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computationally demanding when dealing with large and intricate ar­
chitectures, such as those involving numerous layers and neurons. In Data will be made available on request.
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